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  英语六级作文学历歧视真题及译文 1

  Snow floated down, sprinkled on the earth. Fuzzy throughout the world. What a beautiful little snowflake! As sacred to give people gifts on here on earth. Warm everyone's heart. And like the noble white swan, jitter white wings, landed on earth. Light snow flowers larger, dense, sprinkled on the flowers, trees, issued a "rustling" sound, like a beautiful, beautiful song in the snow.

  Light snow flower more the more thick, like the countless white petals fall down and fly in the earth. Later, under the snow, the greater the light snow flower in the air you pull me pull, you hug me, I hold you tight, how close! The whole world into a white, very beautiful. As snow, gently stroking the earth, glowing through the every corner of the earth, the earth on the silver plating. This charming snowflakes, like white castle danced in the air. And as they have shed the petals, flying. The goose feather snow, warm everyone's winter, warm everyone's heart, make this better world is becoming more perfect...

  英语六级作文学历歧视真题及译文 2

  The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of our dreams/objectives. Definitely, no once can deny the importance of it. Our dreams/goals/ideals/objectives will prevent us from quitting easily especially when we are in great trouble. They will lead us to the destination we are eager to reach, bring out the best in us and stimulate us to remain firm in our faith. To further illustrate the importance of dreams/objectives, I would like to take Helen Keller as a case in point: how could she, a disabled woman who was born blind and deaf, finally be a world-renowned writer who wrote If I Had Three Days to See without her dreams to overcome physical limitations.

  Accordingly, at no time should we underestimate the power of dreams/objectives. furthermore, we must set up proper goals before we start to do anything and stick to it whatever difficulties we meet 。 One of the most dangerous forms of human error is forgetting what one is trying to achieve. Paul Nitze once said.

  英语六级作文学历歧视真题及译文 3

  Nowadays, digital media has permeated almost every aspect of our daily life. It is changing the way that individuals, especially young people, learn, play, socialize, and participate in the society.

  As a result, the function of digital media has turned into a major topic for the public. Some people pay tribute to its positive role as very convenient news sources, being available almost anywhere and anytime. While some people condemn the negative influence it has brought on privacy, morality, and independent thinking, which some people used to have and enjoy. And still others have been fighting between the merits and demerits of digital media for a final conclusion.

  In my view, digital media is good for us students as it introduces a new way of learning which encourages more interaction and participation rather than rote learning. Besides, digital media makes it easier to produce and share things.

  英语六级作文学历歧视真题及译文 4

  My Favourite detective

  In the world of detective novels, Sherlock Holmes is undoubtedly the most famous one. But for me, the greatest detective in novels is Hercule Poirot, a little Belgian who always uses his little grey cells to find the truth.

  I really appreciate him for various reasons, such as his having an insight into other people's psychology, his understanding on hunman nature and his being merciful. But most improtant thing is that he looks more like a real human being, compared with Holmes or other legend detectives. He has such a funny appearance, an egg-shaped head and exaggerated moustache . He enjoys delicious cuisine and focuses on his own dressing. He is always humor and likes to mock himself. he prefers to stay with young peole for being attracted by their vigor and energy. And there are still so many lovely features of him I can list.

  Anyway, I like him and appreciate him. I always get touched by the philosophy of life in his storys. Hercule Poirot is indeed my favourite detective.

  英语六级作文学历歧视真题及译文 5

  Everyone has a lot of dreams. Some people want to be rich dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight. Others want to be famous dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame.

  I have a lot of dreams too. When I was a young girl I dreamed of becoming a scientist like Hua Imogen in future. However I knew very well that I could not succeed without painstaking efforts. So I studied hard in the middle school and college in order to attain my goal. After graduating from college I found a job as a teacher. Although I was very busy with teaching I never gave up my goal.

  I read a lot of books to get more knowledge. I made experiments to practise and ap*** what I had learnt from the books. Sometimes I was so dee*** indulged in my research that I forgot my meals and time. Now I have made great progress. Several of my research papers have been published. The methods proposed in my papers have been proven to be valuable for the solution of some problems. I am very happy. The ladder of becoming a scientist is still far ahead but I have climbed the first rung anyway.




  英语六级写作真题及作文 1

  There is an old saying goes like this :“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.” It’s the experience of our forefathers, however, it is correct in many cases even today. It implies the great significance of working hard at the present instead of putting things off till tomorrow.

  This argument can be proved by the following facts. First and foremost,only if we make the full use of the present can we grasp the opportunities that we fail to predict, as it is said that chance favors the prepared mind. Additionally, today is under our control while tomorrow is always unpredictable and uncontrollable. We need to set a goal for tomorrow and put it into action today.For example, if you want to win the first prize in an English contest, what you can do is to take advantage of every “today” to practice to ensure a victory.

  Judging from the evidence offered, we might safely draw the conclusion that it is very essential for us to seize the day and be prepared all the time for tomorrow.

  英语六级写作真题及作文 2

  Nowadays, digital media has permeated almost every aspect of our daily life. It is changing the way that

  individuals, especially young people, learn, play, socialize, and participate in the society.

  As a result, the function of digital media has turned into a major topic for the public. Some people pay tribute to its positive role as very convenient news sources, being available almost anywhere and anytime. While some people condemn the negative influence it has brought on privacy, morality, and independent thinking, which some people used to have and enjoy. And still others have been fighting between the merits and demerits of digital media for a final conclusion.

  In my view, digital media is good for us students as it introduces a new way of learning which encourages more interaction and participation rather than rote learning. Besides, digital media makes it easier to produce and share things.

  英语六级写作真题及作文 3

  the smile that bubbles from the heart that loves its fellow men,will drive away the clouds of gloom and coa the sun again.

  its full of worth and goodness, too, with manly kindness blent;its worth a million dollars, and it doesnt cost a cent.

  there is no room for sadness when we see a cheery smile;it always has the same good look; its never out of style;it nerves us on to try again when failure makes us blue;the dimples of encouragement are good for me and you.

  it pays the highest interest ― for it is merely lent;its worth a million dollars, and it doesnt cost a cent.

  a smile comes very easy ― you can wrinkle up with cheer,a hundred times before you can squeeze out a salty tear;it ripples out, moreover, to the heartstrings that will tugand always leaves an echo that is very like a hug.

  so, smile away! folks understand what by a smile is meant;its worth a million dollars, and it doesnt cost a cent.

  英语六级写作真题及作文 4

  temptation is a force usually attracting people to do immoral(不道德的)things. no one escapes its spell.many people have failed because they have become slaves to temptation. money is a typical tool of temptation. some youngsters go astray(迷路) beyond cure because of various kinds of temptation. shot by the bullets coated(上胶的) by "sugar", some officials are unable to etricate (使摆脱)from abusing their power for personal gain. we have learned that some people betrayed their country because they have been bribed(行贿)by their enemies. although their duty was to serve their country, the vast amount of money offered by the enemies made their palms itchy. they couldn’t resist the temptation to become rich at once instead of struggling for a lifetime to earn only a little. at last they did some bad things, damaging the interests of their country.however, the character of a man is, as a rule, determined in his childhood. at that time, his parents, as well as his teachers, must inform them of the dagger of temptation.

  英语六级写作真题及作文 5

  the computer is widely used in all fields of society. today, wherever you go, you will find computers being used. for eample, computers are used in universities, large corporations, and small offices, etc. it has even entered the homes of ordinary people. as it is able to store and process a large amount of information, the computer bring about great convenience and high efficiency to people of all walks of life.

  computers can help people in different ways. for eample, computer help scientists in ***yzing data and doing comple calculation. for another eample, computers are made use of by engineers in designing a plane, or a spaceship. besides, computers may also play a great role in helping children with their lesson. whatever you are doing, you many find computer a useful aid.

  however, the computer must be designed and instructed by man. what is more, it is true that computers can make decisions, but they need detailed instructions and programs prepared by humans to operate. therefore, the computer can never replace the human brain.

  英语六级写作真题及作文 6

  i found half of the day to visit a flower show and had my long hair cut. coming out of the show, i walked along until i came to a park bench. i sat down to allow myself some leisure for the first time since i started learning french two months before.

  then a book lying in the grass nearby caught my eye. i picked it up. it was a french book in ecellent binding①. as i turned the pages quickly, a young couple came up to ask if i had seen a book in german. wrongly understanding my epression on my face, the young man, who seemed well-educated, added that it was a book in literature.

  i held out the book and eplained it was a french book on education. the man was so troubled by what i said that he took it away from my hand in a hurry.as they turned to go away, i heard the man speaking: “what do you epect? a guy② with long hair and in bell-bottom trousers③ cant tell german from french.”

  the girl nodded in agreement, but i was wondering if she would ever find out what was going on.

  英语六级写作真题及作文 7

  Like most people, I welcome the advent of the market economy. Nevertheless, it must be admitted that, along with the benefits of the market economy, have come problems. In my opinion, the biggest problem is the large number of fake and shoddy goods, which are found all over the country and do great harm to society.

  Fake and shoddy goods are harmful on two levels. Some people think that the quickest way to make profits is by selling poor-quality commodities, and this undermines the nation s economy. At the same time, some fake and shoddy goods are bad for people s health. This makes consumers distrust the sellers and the free market in general.

  In view of the seriousness of this problem, it is essential that laws and regulations be worked out to ban the manufacture and circulation of fake and shoddy goods. At the same time, consumers should be educated to identify sub-standard commodities. With proper laws and an alert public, it will only be a matter of time before fake and shoddy goods become things

  英语六级写作真题及作文 8

  There is a famous saying that the best preparation for tomorrow is to do good work today. Simple as the saying is, it informs us that one doesn’t need to worry about the future if he can seize the moment.

  It is generally believed that taking immediate action is of great importance. Doing good work today enables people to achieve their great goals step by step. Assume a college student who is indulged in his wishful thinking of passing the CET-6 exam with a high score without any efforts and hardwork,and he will be devastated to accept the reality when he fails. The same thing may be said of some grown-ups who aspire to gain fame and fortune but never bother to put their splendid plans into practice immediately.

  Therefore, by some means or other we must take action to pursue our goals. It is necessary for us to aim high but our behaviors should also deserve our dreams. We are supposed to put our efforts into every single day and never look down upon those little tasks. Only in this way can we fulfill our dreams.

  英语六级写作真题及作文 9

  Decline in Morals In modern society, the decline in morals is becoming more and more severe. For example, there have been a few cases in which a senior woman pretended to have fallen over and then blackmailed the person who tried to help her. There was also another case where a little girl was hit by a car and no passers-by gave her a hand.

  To solve this problem, we need first to find out the reasons. For one, the fast pace of modern society is driving people apart from each other, thus people are losing the patience to care for others. For another, with technology developing, its much easier for people to know what is happening in the world today. In order to draw peoples attention, some media would lay stress on negative news and overemphasize the negative effects.

  To reestablish social morals, we must work together. People should learn to care for the others, while the media should treat negative news more properly.

  英语六级写作真题及作文 10

  Happiness is them most precious thing in life. Without it, a man will feel that his ill fate has taken charge of (支配) him and the world is utterly(完全地) dark and dreadful(可怕的). On that account,his body grows weaker, his work slackens(变松弛), and above all, he thinks he would rather die than live. ”How to be happy, then?” you may ask. Now, this is the very puzzle that we are going to solve.

  First, do things in accordance with your conscience(良心); that is, do to others, as you would have other do to you.

  Secondly, pay more attention to your health, which is the root of success, for a sound constitution(体质) enables you to succeed.

  Thirdly, worry and sorrow are of no use at all! in case you meet with some hard situation, you must try to overcome it without any hesitation(犹豫. Willpower(意志力) is essential(不可缺的) to happiness.

  And the last, but not the least, adopt(采取) an optimistic attitude toward life, for the world is still in making and you can have a share in it . In this way, true happiness can be obtained.



  大学英语六级作文真题长城 1

  Since I was small, I have heard about the Great Wall, it is very long, a lot of people come to Beijingto watch it. In China, there is an old saying“One who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a hero”. As it is so famous, I want to the site when I have a chance. I see many pictures about the Great Wall on the books, I also watch it through TV. Every time I see it, I feel so eager to reach there. My father traveled there once, he took many pictures, this is the first time I feel so close to the site. I must work hard, so I can have money to go to there.


  大学英语六级作文真题长城 2

  Three days ago we decided to visit the Great Wall.

  Today we met at the bus stop early in the morning. When we were on the bus, we saw a lot of new buildings and new shops.Beijing was taller than before, I thought.

  It took us about two hours to get to the Great Wall. When the Great Wall appeared in front of us, we couldn' , t help thinking how wonderful it is! I wondered how the people in the past built it without modem machines. It is said you can see it from the space.I was proud of it.

  After coming home I made up my mind to study harder than before. When I grow up, I will work hard to make our country more beautiful and stronger.


  花了两个小时左右,我们到达了长城。 当长城出现在我们面前时,我们不禁想到,它可太伟大了。我真不知道,过去的人们在没有现代化机器的时候是怎么把长城建起来的。据说从太空中都能看见我们国家的长城呢。我为此感到自豪。


  大学英语六级作文真题长城 3

  My name is Xiaoming and I like traveling very much. Last summar, I went to the Great Wall with my family.

  It was fine that day. We went there by bus early in the morning. When we got there, there were many other visitors there. when my family and I went onto the Great Wall, we saw beautiful scenery(风景). We all were amazed(惊讶的) by how beautiful it was. We took quite a few photos there.

  We had a good time there. The time flew by, and soon we had to go back. I was tired after traveling, but I really enjoyed visiting the Great Wall!





  大学英语六级作文真题长城 4

  The Great Wall is one of the "world heritage" in our country, it is like a dragon hovering in the northern Chinese vast land. The epitome of the ancient Chinese working people sweat and wisdom, is the symbol of ancient Chinese civilization. It now, however, is to smile, is suffering from the wreck and destruction of people, has lost its past glory and majesty.

  As more and more tourists to visit the Great Wall, brought obvious damage to the Great Wall, for example: such as white plastic bags, water bottles, peel, confetti trash everywhere, seriously damaged the health of the Great Wall. Tourists also graffito of the scribble on the wall, make the wall stretched, destroyed the beauty of the Great Wall. Local villagers are horse-refraining pits and on the path to the Great Wall the erection of the ladder, secretly run to collect fees, I'm ashamed of their behavior. Worse is that some real estate developers for their own interests, regardless of other people's discouraging, built a lot of buildings around the Great Wall, excavators rumbling, forklift truck is still in back and forth, very busy, do not hesitate to destroy the scenery around the Great Wall, accelerate the destruction of the natural landscape around the Great Wall...

  Standing on the Great Wall, holding the stone on the wall, ear seems to sounded the horn, the ancient war eyes seemed to show verve magnificent scenes in wartime. Great Wall through countless the baptism of war and the years vicissitudes of life, still stand tall in front of us. It with grand and spectacular attracts numerous tourists to visit. It is a symbol of our ancient working people's wisdom. So, we need to protect the Great Wall. As long as the tourists throw less trash, the Great Wall will be more beautiful. Therefore, I want to tell you: please protect our ancient Great Wall! Let us join hands to start from the us, start from now and make a civilized tourists.

  I believe that as long as you are my efforts, the ancient Grreat Wall will always magnificent stands on this vast land of China.





  大学英语六级作文真题长城 5

  The Great Wall of China is a Chinese fortification built from the 5th century BC until the beginning of the 17th century, in order to protect the various dynasties from raids by Hunnic, Mongol, Turkic, and other nomadic tribes coming from areas in modern-day Mongolia and Manchuria. Several walls, also referred to as the Great Wall of China, were built since the 5th century BC, the most famous being the one built between 220 BC and 200 BC by the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang; this wall was located much further north than the current wall built during the Ming Dynasty, and little of it remains.

  The Great Wall of China was originally a project of Qin dynasty designed to keep out the nomadic Xiongnu invaders from the north. Some of the wall was built during the Qin, but most of it that we see today was constructed during the Ming dynasty.

  The Great Wall is the world's longest man-made structure, stretching over a formidable 6,352 km (3,948 miles), from Shanhai Pass on the Bohai Sea in the east, at the limit between "China proper" and Manchuria (Northeast China), to Lop Nur in the southeastern portion of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region . Along most of its arc, it roughly delineates the border between North China and Inner Mongolia.See List of largest buildings in the world.



  英语六级作文真题 1

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying “Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.” You can cite one example or two to illustrate your point of view. You should write at least 150 but no more than 200 words.


  Practice is the Key to Knowledge

  Nowadays almost every person has a clear notion about the importance of knowledge, with which we can make great difference to our world. However, the contribution of practice should also be awarded.

  Practice is considered significant because it can turn abstract ideas into tangible results. Only through practice can we truly develop our own understanding about the essence of the new knowledge, or else the treasure of knowledge would still be words printed on papers. Moreover, the vilification of new theories requires us to focus more on the practical side, which helps people to learn better compared with the mechanical way of reading and memorizing. In addition, practice makes people acquire information in an active way, thus more innovative thoughts are likely to be generated in the process and then applied to make our future life more exciting.

  As far as I am concerned, practice is essential for people to understand, to review and to optimize the information we receive. It is practice that produces enjoyable life and makes knowledge truly valuable.

  英语六级作文真题 2

  To solve problem, to taste happiness

  “What is happiness?” is a cliché topic. Everyone has a different definition to the true meaning of happiness. For Franklin Roosevelt, “happiness is not the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.” For Elbert Einstein, “if you want to live in a happy life, tie it to the goal, not the people or the things.” Although the two great men grant different definitions to happiness, there is something in common, that is, happiness derives from the capacity to solve problems. I believe that this is true.

  There is no denying that life is full of problems. Let’s take environmental pollution for example. Pollution poses a great threat to our existence. Fortunately, this public hazard has drawn our greatly attention and many effective measures are being taking to solve it. In fact, now the public are benefiting more and more from pollution prevention and control. We can enjoy clear air, health food and beautiful scenes again. Isn’t this happiness?

  All in all, indeed, equipped with the ability to cope with problems should suppose to be happiness. In other worlds, in the middle of problems lies happiness.

  英语六级作文真题 3

  Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a shortessay on the use of robots. Try toimagine what will happen whenrobots take the place of human beings in industryas well aspeople’s daily lives. You are required to write at least 150wordsbut no more than 200 words.




  It is held bysome people that knowledge is power,especially scientific and technologicalknowledge. Science andtechnology are the motive power of the socialdevelopment, whichconstitute a primary productive force. The use of robots istheproduce of development of science and technology.

  People’s viewson the use of robots vary from person toperson. Some hold that human life cannotcontinue without the use ofrobots. For many years, human society has developedwith the use ofscience and technology. So the lifewith the use of robots we areliving now is more efficient than thatof our fore fathers. They go on to pointout that the use of robotshas brought about many changes in people's life. Forexample,through the use of robots can improve the work efficiency andavoiddangerous events happening in our life in that we can requirerobots to do someworks with danger instead of humanbeings.

  Science andtechnology of robots are the crystallization ofhuman wisdom. It brought aglorious past to humanity, also willbring bright future to mankind.

  英语六级作文真题 4

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a shortessay on E-learning, try toimagine what will happen when more andmore people study on-line instead ofgoing to school. You shouldwrite at least 150 words but no more than 200words.

  第一段: 写出现状.

  第二段: 分析在线学*未来的图景并简单解释原因

  第三段: 分析未来及自己的应对之策

  Currently, an increasing numberofpeople begin to use Internet to take courses and acquire knowledge.Onlinelearning is booming all around the world. It is providingmany options withlearners in terms of time, locations, subjects andcosts.

  Online learning greatlypromoteslearners' studying efficiency and teachers' productivity.As a result, updatedknowledge will reach those students in isolatedareas at a higher speed, whichcan make many of them keep pace withthe time. Additionally, students candecide their learning locationand time much more freely. Notably, because transportationandaccommodation will not trouble E-learners, learning cost will belargelylowered. These advantages might decrease the number ofpeople who routinelyattend schoollearning.

  From my point of view, personalinteractionbetween teachers and students in schools isirreplaceable. It is a good ideathat we combine E-learning andattending school together. Learning is not asimple multiple-choicequestion but an important issue that needs your tryingandinvolvement.

  英语六级作文真题 5

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying “If you cannot do great things,do small things in a great way.” You can cite one example or two to illustrate your point of view. You should write at least 150 but no more than 200 words.


  There is no doubt that many people want to be great and successful, but only a few can climb to the top and be admired by the world. However, it doesn’t mean that most of us are losers. Actually everyone can achieve high by doing small things in a great way.

  We have to admit that there are something that we cannot accomplish right now, but it isn’t the excuse for us to stop trying. Being great needs time and patience, so only when all small accomplishments add up can many impossibilities gradually turn to possibilities. At least, one won’t regret for not making effort to achieve the goal. For example, one may doesn’t have the resources or training on how to be a world-class musician, but by constant practice of every short piece of music, he can still bring happiness, comfort and inspiration to his family members and friends, then this person is great in the eyes of the audiences.

  Therefore, never cease the pace on the road to our dreams. As long as we stick to our goal and be serious to whatever related to it, we can be considered as great.


——优秀英语六级作文及翻译 (菁华5篇)


  At present, many people take it for granted that fresh water will never be used up because we can find it not only from the rain, but also in the rivers, lakes and wells. Consequently, it is not necessary for us to worry about global shortage of fresh water.

  In fact, the situation has become so serious that everyone should be aware of it and take immediate actions. With the world population increasing rapidly year after year, water resources are being consumed at an appalling speed. What's more, with the development of science and technology, modern industry needs much more water than before. Thirdly, pollution is also a worrying problem—water in rivers and wells becomes undrinkable because of industrial wastes.

  We should take urgent measures to protect fresh water resources. The government should increase the efficiency of water usage by such methods as water recycling and purification of sea water. The people, on the other hand, should form the habit of cherishing every drop of water. Last but not least, pollution must be effectively controlled, if we ever want to improve the quality of life.





  Some people believe that children should be allowed to stay at home and play until they are six or seven years old. Others believe that it is important for young children to go to school as soon as possible. What do you think are the advantages of attending school from a young age?

  In many places today, children start primary school at around the age of six or seven. However, because it is more likely now that both parents work, there is little opportunity for children to stay in their own home up to that age. Instead, they will probably go to a nursery school when they are much younger.

  While some people think this may be damaging to a child’s development, or to a child’s relationship with his or her parents, in fact there are many advantages to having school experience at a young age.

  Firstly, a child will learn to interact with a lot of different people and some children learn to communicate very early because of this. They are generally more confident and independent than children who stay at home with their parents and who are not used to strangers or new situations. Such children find their first day at school at the age of six very frightening and this may have a negative effect on how they learn.

  Another advantage of going to school at an early age is that children develop faster socially. They make friends and learn how to get on with other children of a similar age. This is often not possible at home because they are the only child, or because their brothers or sisters are older or younger.

  So overall, I believe that , attending school from a young age is good for most children. They still spend plenty of time at home with their parents, so they can benefit from both environments.








  I imagine a lot about lives in the future.

  I think two words can summarize my imagination. The first word is fast. In the future we will have more quickly transportation means. Now matter how far we go it takes only a short time. With the development of science and technology we can travel to the moon Mars or somewhere outer space. People may can live in other planets. The second word is convenient. Because of the fast development of our society many work can be done by com*rs or even robots. Lots of things are fully automated.

  Humans just need to give some simple instructions to complete complecated tasks.





  Our English teacher is a middle-aged woman. She has taught English for more than twenty years. She works very hard and has been a model teacher for many years.

  She is kind to us. but she is rather strict with us. She always encourages us to speak and read more English. She often tells us that "practice makes perfect."

  She is very good at teaching and tries hard to make every lesson lively and interesting. She often gives us slide shows, teaches us English songs and helps us to put on short English plays.

  She loves us and is always ready to help us. In fact, she is not only our good teacher but also our good friend. We all respect and love her.






  Astronomers can tell just how hot the surface of the moon gets.The side of the moon toward the sun gets two degrees hotter than boiling water.The night side reaches 243 degrees below zero.

  In an eclipse,the earth's shadow falls on the moon.Then the moon's temperature may drop 300 degrees in a very short time.

  A temperature change like this cannot happen on the earth.Why does it happen on the moon?Astronomers think that the surface of the moon is dust.On the earth,rocks store heat from the sun.When the sun goes down,the rocks stay warm.But the dust of the moon cannot store heat.So when the moon gets dark k,the heat escapes quickly.The moon gets very cold.





——历年英语六级作文 (菁华5篇)


  In recent years,there are more and more people who have participated in the test for national civil servants.Millions of students choose civil servant as their most ideal occupation after graduation.And among them,the high-educated,like masters and doctors,take quite a large percentage.The craze in civil servant test has attracted widespread attention.

  The following reasons can account for this kind of craze.Above all,nowadays college students facegreat employment pressure.Civil servant,as one of the most stable professions in today’s China,becomes their preferable choice.Moreover,in recent years,the welfare and salary of civil servants have been improved greatly,which undoubtedly attracts many people.Besides,the high social position of civil servants is an important factor drawing many people to take part in the civil servant test.

  In my opinion,this craze in civil servant test will continue in the following years.However,from the long run,it doesn’t do good to the development of the nation.If most high quality talents gather in the government departments,it might lead to a waste of resources.Therefore,both the individuals and the government should have a more objective recognition of the civil servant test craze.


  Online course,as a new teaching method based on com*r and Internet,allows teachers to give classes from a distance away.It is becoming more than popular in colleges and universities,and acts as an effective complement to traditional teaching.

  However,opinions on it differ from teachers to students.Generally,teachers support it for two reasons: Firstly,online course can be conducted at home or office and this offers great convenience to teachers.Secondly,online course releases teachers from repeating the same contents since the video or audio material can be played time and again.

  However,many students have opposite standpoints: In the first place,with online course,they lack face-to-face communications with teachers and their confusion cannot be solved instantly.In addition,the com*r system cannot be guaranteed to work stably all the time.What’s more,they do not have 100 percent confidence in their self-discipline without teachers being around to supervise.

  Personally,with the college students growing up,if the traditional teaching method and the modern ones like on-line course can be combined together,more fruitful education is sure to be realized.


  We can see a teacher and a student in the cartoon above.When the teacher asks the student to answer a question written on the blackboard,the student wants to seek tech support rather than work it out by himself.The picture aims to tell us the problem that young students are highly dependent on high technology,overlooking the importance of independent thinking.

  A large number of people point out that technology has played an irreplaceable part in learning process,while many others are against it.Those in favor of high technology believe we have benefited a lot from the convenience brought by Information Technology.For instance,our work efficiency has improved because com*rs can do complex calculations faster and more accurately than men.Also,the Internet has made it much easier to get access to information than before.However,many people claim that over-dependence on technology has done more harm than good.

  As one of youngsters,I think as long as we can take advantages of hi-tech reasonably,our learning process will be highly beneficial.At the same time,keep it in mind that independent thinking comes first,while tech support just offers assistance.Only in this way,can we benefit most from our learning process.


  According to the picture,an employer turns down a job applicant,for his degree is less advanced than the other applicants,even though he has a good resume.Actually,what’s behind the cartoon is the tendency that employers focus on academic performance when hiring.

  No one dis*s that a college or higher degree opens doors.Despite that,as far as I’m concerned,academic degree should not be the primary criteria in selecting talents.First of all,academic degrees only represent the applicants’ proficiency in their school work,and cannot demonstrate their personality or other abilities.For instance,the responsibility of a human resources manager is to deal with people,and thus it requires advanced people skill which is by no means shown in the diploma.Second,emphasis on degrees may stall the development of the company.They will lose real talents if they judge people only by their educational background,while it is often the case that college drop-outs like Bill Gates,Michael Dell,Steve Jobs,etc.,run wildly successful enterprises.

  Therefore,instead of running after applicants with higher degrees,companies should become more concerned about what it takes to do the job and what a college education actually provides.


  Nowadays,college students are required to take part in some social practice,such as being an assistant in companies,or doing surveys,especially during the holidays.Social practice is gradually becoming more essential for China’s higher education.However,social practice has both advantages and disadvantages for college students.

  On the one hand,it provides students more opportunities to contact with the real world off-campus;Besides,it helps students to grasp some practical skills,especially communication skills,which is an essential supplement to on-campus study; Moreover,social practice can widen students’ vision.On the other hand,the negative effects can not be neglected: students’ major task is learning knowledge,while curiosity about off-campus world may distract them; Sometimes social practice is even treated unseriously and becomes a waste of time;Furthermore,the students may be faced with dangers unexpectedly.

  Despite the potential negative effects of social practice,I strongly support social practice for college students,since as a whole,the benefits overwhelm the likely harm.Two heads are better than one,if students,schools,and the society join hands together,social practice can be carried out more effectively and better armed students for the society can be expected.



  英语六级历年作文 1

  Western festivals are very popular in China,which has aroused great concern among the people around us.Nowadays,many Chinese people,especially youngsters,are paying as much attention to some western festivals as our Spring Festival,that is to say,more and more Chinese like to celebrate western festivals.Taking a look around,you can find too numerous examples to mention individually,and the best one may be Christmas Eve celebrated on December 24th.In addition,other western festivals,like April Fool’s Day and Valentine’s Day,are very popular among the Chinese,especially young people.

  There are many different factors deciding this phenomenon.Above all,we can clearly see that more and more young age groups are exposed to western culture and festivals through learning English.What’s more,some western festivals provide relaxing and comfortable atmospheres,which attract a large number of Chinese youngsters.Besides,many businessmen view foreign festivals a golden opportunity to make money,who desperately try to boost the atmosphere of foreign festivals.It is far beyond any reasonable doubt that these western festivals now have much wider appeal among the Chinese people.

  英语六级历年作文 2

  From the day the first digital product was given birth,unbelievable changes have happened in our life.

  A few years ago,when we read,prints on the paper are the only media which carries meaning.When we listen to music,we have to buymagnetic tapes or CDs which record the sound.

  However,nowadys,our life is a totally different picture.We read books all the same,but many of them are e-books which is more convenient and more cheap.As to music,with a matchbox-sized mp3 player,we can download whatever we likefromthe boundless music files on theinternet.These are only the most insignificant examples how digital products have benefit us.Thanks to indigital products,the variety and quantity of information we can obtain is unprecedented.In everyday work,study and many other aspects,digital products have played a more and more important life in our life.

  However,on the other hand,digital products also cause many negative effects to our lives.As lifebecome more and more convenient,most peoplebecome more and more indifferent.

  They close their doors and never go out as soon as they get homefromwork.If they live alone,they will kill their time bysurfing online.They dont have any connections even with their closest neighbors,who seem no differentfrompeople they meet everyday in the street.

  For students,they spendmuch more time than before on listening to the music orplaying computer games.These phenomena are no good to our universities,nor to our society.On the whole,it is high time that we recognized the positive effects and also the negative ones of digital products,and used them in the right way.

  英语六级历年作文 3

  ever since early the last century,electricity hasbecome an essential part of our modern life.our industrial and agricultural production depends on it to run various kinds of machines.the modernwonder computers work on electricity too.it provides light,heat and power for us.if we want to watch tv or films or to listen to the radios we also need it.nobody can deny that the development of our civilization depends on electricity.

  if there were no electric power,our modern world would be in trouble.for one thing all the wheels would stop because the motors that power the machines would fail.for another,many,if not all,of our industries would cease production.all the world transport system,in addition,would be felt on the world’s communication systems.thus our modern world would be impossible without electricity.

  英语六级历年作文 4

  This is a simple but thought-provoking drawing.As we can see in it,a meeting seems to be going on,with several staff members sitting around a table and a laptop in front of each of them.A leader-like man stands there,complaining: “We have lots of information technology.We just don’t have much useful information.”

  Simple as the picture is,the message it conveys is profound.Evidently it is meant to reveal the fact that there is too much junkinformation online.(举例论证)Taking a look around,we can also find examples too many to enumerate.The best illustration that I can recall here and now isthe fact that whenever you search for the cure for a disease or a scenic spot to visit,you are flooded by advertisements,many of which are even cheating.(分析影响)Actually,the problem hasbecome so widespread that it has severely affectedpeople’slife andhindered the development of society.

  Of course,we should not give up eating for fear of being choked.Admittedly,information technology has greatly facilitated our life and work.The best policy,as I see it,is to maximize its advantages and eliminate its unhealthy influence.For one thing,it is imperative that pertinent laws and regulations be worked out and rigidly enforced topunish those spreading cheatingads online.For another,the searching enginewebsites should make a point of reducing junk information.Only with these measures taken can we expect the solution of the problem.

  英语六级历年作文 5

  It is widely accept that the digital age has already arrived,such as mobile phone,Mp3,Mp4,digital camera,digital computer and so on.They make our life convenient and colourful.

  But at the same time many people maintain that just for these stuffs our lifebecome more and more monotonous,and people lack face toface communication.Everything has two sides.

  The advantages of the digital products are obvious to some people.For one thing,in terms of convenient,the increasing popularity of using these has helped us save a lot of time.For another,due to the rising of digital age,it makes our life colourful.We often see all sorts of people bring different kinds of products of digital age to go sightseeing and travelling.

  However,there are still quite a few people who strongly oppose these fashionable digital things.Reality mobile phones,in some extent,make friends lack face toface communication,and the famlies spendless and less time together,which cause generation gap and indifference to the person around us.Personally,I side with the former opinion.It is a wonderful feeling and a great way to make our life much more colour and conveiment.As long as the society is developed,there follows a great nummber of digital products.
