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  描写秋天的雨英语作文 1

  Autumn rain, it took a golden, walked the pace of light, quietly, quietly, while you did not pay attention, the opening of the door to the autumn.

  Autumn rain, there is a box of colorful pigments. You see it to the green to the pine, green pine leaves like a fine needle, seam ah seam ah, took away the summer heat. It gave the golden field to the fields, the fields like the golden ocean, turned ah, turned the autumn bumper harvest. Yellow is to the ginkgo tree, ginkgo tree like a yellow butterfly in the wind dancing. Orange red is to the orange, persimmon you squeeze me touch, scrambling to people to pick it! Chrysanthemum fairy to get the color is more, purple, pale yellow, white ... ..., beautiful chrysanthemum nodded in the rain The

  Autumn rain, hidden in a very sweet smell. Grapefruit fragrant, sweet sugarcane, as well as pineapple, persimmon. A lot of sweet smell, are hidden in the drizzle it! Children's feet, often caught by that fragrance.

  Autumn rain, blowing a small trumpet of gold, it tells you that the winter is coming soon, the little ants pick up rice when the grain, a small sparrow title to the branches of the house, the snake to tighten the hole, ready to sleep , They are preparing for the winter.

  Autumn rain, bring the earth is a grain bumper song, bring the children is a mouth-watering song.

  描写秋天的雨英语作文 2

  Autumn is a golden season and a bumper season. Autumn, the crops are all mature, and everywhere is a Huang Cancan, people can not help but want to sing a song, sing the joy of harvest.

  However, in recent days, the weather was cold, not cloudy, is the downpour, it is cool and warm, the hearts can not help but add a bit sad.

  Today 's rain is really big, like a row of soybeans from heaven. This rain is also very anxious, low-lying place instantly become a Wang Yang. Occasional vehicles through, from time to time will provoke a blossoming flowers. The pedestrians on the road were hugging by the umbrella; the vehicle horned the horn from time to time, fearing the pedestrian. People standing high to see this scene, all feel like a boat like a boat in the river in general.

  The rain is too fast to go, and the sky is sunny for a while.

  I opened the window, fresh air from the nose, even the trees next to the road feel more than just the spirit. Autumn rain, although brought the slightest chill, but also people memorable.

  描写秋天的雨英语作文 3

  What is the rain in the autumn? It is not like a thunder in spring, it is not as heavy rain as the summer, it is not as rain and snow as winter. Then what is it in the end it? Let us go together to reveal the mysterious veil of autumn it!

  Autumn is softer. Autumn hit in the face, Rou Si, a cool feeling can not help but arises spontaneously. After the rain, the air fresh, you will never bother it.

  The rainbow rhythm, the rhythm of the raindrops beat in the filthy car cover, playing a wonderful symphony, a rain, the car turned to spotless, like a new one. Raindrops hit the window glass, the window glass immediately become clear and bright, "vocal" accompanied by "water painting", beautiful. Irritable time, take a look, cool, and trouble immediately thrown into the clouds. Field, raindrops came to the top of the tent, sit on the "slide" jump down, the dust are taken away.

  Autumn is air conditioning. Under a few rain, the temperature immediately down, the air is not so hot. Rain, the temperature immediately cool down, if not rain, the summer tail seems to have refused to go the same.

  Autumn is stamps, postal cool, small animals who have to save food, and autumn harvest winter, in order to avoid winter cold and cold forced to be frozen.

  Autumn is a magnifying glass, it is useful for people to enlarge things, people are eyeful harvest scene.

  描写秋天的雨英语作文 4

  The sky and float the numerous rain, that autumn rain as despise, into the slightest strands of softman yarn, giving a wet hazy. I do not have an umbrella, carrying a bag alone on the way home. With a trace of cool wind gently comb my hair, gentle rain from the sky, falling in my skirt. I can not hear the cicadas, but also can not hear the chirp of the birds, the leaves are no longer green and fresh, everything seems lightly quiet, autumn is too close.

  I close my eyes and feel the beauty of the rain, that every ray of rain, all contain memories. Think of Seneville's "whispers of autumn", that romantic melody, melodious piano, so I fell in love with the piano, embarked on the piano road, but also fell in love with the fall of the subtle.

  Childhood, I love to see the autumn rain. Sitting at the window, looking at all the rain, in innocent and flawless childhood, thinking, such as the sky, boundless. That rainy days, mixed with the fragrance of the soil, in the eyes accompanied by the fairy tale of color, accompanied by the mood of good or bad, become the best thing in my heart.

  I also like to rain, not so much rain, in fact, more is to enjoy the rain That autumn rain, eloquent, falling in the skirt, falling in the palm, giving a cool. Everything in the distance, as if a picture presented in front of the eyes, hazy. Childhood often and companions in the rain to play, wearing a pink rain boots, chase each other play, quickly turn the extra umbrella, the water sprinkled to the partners. Everything is so carefree, romantic and lovely, neither lament, no melancholy, enjoy the gift of autumn, that immature childlike so far is unforgettable.

  Everyone's life experience is different, autumn, different people have different feelings. Autumn is so peaceful and mature - it is neither as charming as spring rain, nor as violent as summer rain, but not as cold and biting as winter snow.

  Autumn rain is so beautiful, although it is as rain as rain, but because the background is golden autumn, it is more deep and more mature.

  Autumn rain, washed the dust, but washed away the memories of the heart.

  描写秋天的雨英语作文 5

  Autumn rain, like a box of colorful pigments.

  Look, it gives red to persimmon, red persimmon, like a light lantern, according to ah, according to the beautiful autumn. It gives the sun to the sunflower, yellow sunflower like a sun, according to ah, according to the autumn of the sweet smell. Golden yellow is to the rice, see, the golden rice like the earth covered with a golden carpet. Red apple you squeeze me, fight people to pick it! Sweet-scented osmanthus fairy to get more color, orange, pale yellow, golden ... ... beautiful sweet-scented osmanthus in the rain often nodded.

  The rain of the rain blows up the golden horn, and he tells everyone that winter is coming soon. The wild goose flew to the south, the snake in the stepping holes, ready to sleep comfortable sleep, small ants get bread slag, rubbish ... ... when the grain, maple, elm leaves floating at the foot of the mother The They have to prepare for the winter.

  Autumn is a world that makes me feel happy, and the kids let us enjoy the joy of autumn.



——描写秋天的雨作文 (菁华5篇)








  再过几天, 就到霜降了, 天气越来越凉了。今天早起, 天很阴,快到中午的时候, 下起雨来,就显得更冷了。

  我想起最*才学的一篇课文《秋天的雨》,忽然产生了去雨中体验一下的冲动。 于是,我叫上妈妈, 穿上厚衣服,一起到楼下的花园里。

  一走出楼门, 我们立刻体会到了秋雨的清凉。小风吹到脸上,已经让人感到明显的寒意了。秋天的雨,雨点不大,可是下的很密, 静静的, 发出沙沙的声音。相比夏天雨的电闪雷鸣和气势磅礴,秋雨显得太安静了。花园里除了我和妈妈, 没有其他的人 ,于是就显得更加冷清了。

  我们打着伞慢慢地走在花园中, 看到花园中果树的叶子基本掉光了, 露出了一串串火红的果实,在秋雨的冲刷中,显得更加的鲜亮。如果走*点仔细去看, 会发现果实上挂着小小的露珠,像晶莹剔透的珍珠, 非常可爱!

  继续走, 我们还看了正在变黄的银杏树。它们的'叶子是从边缘开始变色的,于是叶子就像是被黄色水彩笔勾了边的小扇子,在雨中低垂着,美丽而安静。

  再往前走,我们还看到了挺拔的松树,静静的在雨里站着。 像针一样的叶子穿着三五个小水珠,依然油绿茂盛,一点也不惧怕秋雨的寒冷。

  秋天的雨,虽然让人感到一丝寒意, 但我依然分外喜欢。因为它和春雨、夏雨一样,会使北京更加干净、美丽。特别的, 秋天的雨还带给我们缤纷的色彩和宁静的天空。





















  描写雨的英语作文 1

  Last night, the rain of my hometown nourished my nightmare. Xiao Xiao Chunyu, there was no sound, which reminded the thousands of trees and flowers, gornes that there were wild. In the dream, I hold the oil paper umbrella, stand in the long-long and lonely alleys, singing with light rain: Sha sand sand, Sha sand sand ... The rain is like a silk, like a fallen leaves, like a needle, like a line Long, a silky floating, there is no purpose, on the ground, on the ground, washed the thick dust, and pure melancholy. The rain of hometown is a beautiful fairy tale. It comforts every child. The rain is the most beautiful song. Its warmth music language vibrates every person's heart; The hometown rain is a pair of warm hands, and he is softly stroking you, so that you are not in your heart. And I am in the rain, a touch of scenery, and the body is stained. what! I really want to put this soft rain in the photo frame or combination in the manuscript, then quietly stuffed into the postkore - together with my beating heart, send it to the distance to solve my thoughts. The hometown rain! Softly, he is lingering, blowing lightly flying in the evening wind, forming a harmonious movement, a very rhythmic and extremely monotonous movement, sometimes soothing. Time and fine ... as if I am also in the hometown of the small alley, a girl who is griever, a dream is general, the wind is general, the cloud is generally drifting, the rain, last night nourished last night One night dream ...

  描写雨的英语作文 2

  The practice of cool breeze blowing, the slightest winter rain into a misty veil, looking up, the rain gently toward my cheek. Although the window is not a new green, but the faint dark yellow with the wind and rain figure tilted.

  Suspected winter also magic, blue sky is also floating on a layer of vast gray. Fog the same rain falling in the piece of yellow leaves on the rain, the rain on the leaves rippling ... ... rain gradually big up, can still be gentle. At this time, the fine rain gently jump between heaven and earth, "tick - tick" to heaven and earth. Hand in the rain across a beautiful arc, but suddenly found a few flowers in the winter blooming lavender flowers: lavender petals surrounded by golden flowers, some petals were destroyed by the rain, still appears Tingting jade Stand. I have some points in the end is the spring rain or winter rain, but what is the relationship between it? No one felt cold biting, it felt very refreshing.

  Rain is still under the rain, the slightest rain fly down, moisten the world thing. Reverie with the wind and rain drift, leaves caught in the rain, from my head slowly passing. Rain and gradually, gradually, small. Like a kindly grandmother, gently stroked my face, with infinite fantasy. The rain is like a naughty little brother, in my head sprinkled with thin sugar, but also kept saying: "eat, eat it!" I helplessly shrugged.

  The rain is getting smaller and smaller, the horizon actually appeared in the golden sun, the rain gradually faded. The rain has a beautiful landscape, not a rainbow, but the sun! Rain is still under the rain from a layer of rain into a few rain Everything is clear and bright. The rain is no longer lightly bouncing, as if already tired, but not yet do, seize the time to play about, look at the winter scenery. The rain little by little to converge their own, only to see the distant Jisi naughty rain is still nostalgia, a long time do not want to reach the ground.

  描写雨的英语作文 3

  Wearing winter clothes, bathing winter rain, with a strange feeling can not tell. Although the falling rain bead mixed with the cold wind gives a feeling of cold, but it rushed to the earth a happy new year bath, to meet the New Year's ing. But also reflects the atmosphere of the winter.

  Walking on the road, and the raindrops hit the crack on the crack, so I remembered the summer wearing a raincoat umbrella scene. Suddenly look back, everything as old The swaying of the wind swiftly reminds me that it is winter! All the creatures of the earth are beginning to hibernate. The rain in the winter is like a pearl sprinkled on the earth, and the careful observation of the dense raindrops will make you dazzled and dizzying.

  Look up and wait and see you will find the rain racing scrambling to fall from the top down, and some quietly lying in the grass, like a crystal clear and shiny shining light; some directly falling on the tree, like a Precious stones to help it dressed beautifully to meet the ing of the New Year; some fall into the thirsty river and lake, for their quench their thirst, like a mother to feed their own son, so timely. Suddenly, blowing waves of wind, feeling waves of cold but the heart is so sweet, because we immediately have to New Year friends.

  The rain has been under, it seems to let people review the winter atmosphere. After the rain the earth is more like bathing New Year's weather, the air is more clean fresh, clean up the dust, but also sober people impetuous heart.

  描写雨的英语作文 4

  Autumn rain, like a box of colorful pigments.

  Look, it gives red to persimmon, red persimmon, like a light lantern, according to ah, according to the beautiful autumn. It gives the sun to the sunflower, yellow sunflower like a sun, according to ah, according to the autumn of the sweet smell. Golden yellow is to the rice, see, the golden rice like the earth covered with a golden carpet. Red apple you squeeze me, fight people to pick it! Sweet-scented osmanthus fairy to get more color, orange, pale yellow, golden ... ... beautiful sweet-scented osmanthus in the rain often nodded.

  The rain of the rain blows up the golden horn, and he tells everyone that winter is coming soon. The wild goose flew to the south, the snake in the stepping holes, ready to sleep comfortable sleep, small ants get bread slag, rubbish ... ... when the grain, maple, elm leaves floating at the foot of the mother The They have to prepare for the winter.

  Autumn is a world that makes me feel happy, and the kids let us enjoy the joy of autumn.

  描写雨的英语作文 5

  Beginning this summer, even here the next several days of rain, the sun's anger at once extinguished, and the weather has become very cool that people are feeling refreshed.When it rains, foam has been of coffee, sitting in his study playing online games, but can not help, but be attracted to the rain outside. Rain on the leaves, issued dull sound; rain hit the road, splashes of white foam; rain hit the racks, the issue sounds sweet tinkle.Lie in the window sill and see rain, dense rain such as pearl curtains, hammer down from the sky, grab a hand, her lack of playfully escape, leaving only a trace of cool in the palm of the hand.After the rain, my friends and barefoot, to play in the water puddles in the area. Walk through the rain, my little feet very comfortable, I splash a small partner, and made each other who are wet, and we really enjoyed ourselves.Rain, you give us a cool, but also brought me happiness.



——描写秋天的英语作文 (菁华9篇)


  Hot summer girl just left, gentle autumn girl walked on the footsteps of light, quietly came to earth.

  The autumn girl dressed in a golden dress. She came softly on the grass. Although the autumn girl's footsteps light, for fear of moving the grass sweet dream. However, the autumn girl left, the grass is not as tender as spring, nor as quiet as the summer, but showing a faint yellow goose.

  Where did the autumn girl go? Oh! It was the original to the big tree, and it was like a piece of golden sea. Autumn leaves swept, leaves have fallen, some like butterflies dancing, and some like the Yellow Eagle wings fly, and some like the actors in the ballet. The ground is full of leaves, would like to put a layer of thick carpet.

  The orchard of the harvest scene. Look, the apple that is covered with branches, head down, blush, how shy little girl! There is that piece of mature pomegranate red face, grinned, as if to tell jokes? The Look at the distant hawthorn, red like a round of flames of the flames, the people's heart to burn up.

  Walking in the country on the road, full of mature crops. In front of a golden corn, golden grain broke the coat of corn cobs.

  Autumn girl quietly quietly to the big map on the brilliant colors, to the hard-working people to bring the joy of harvest!


  Autumn like a magical brush, night effort, put the blue waves rippling forest dyed golden.

  Boarded the hills, down the view, eyes are a golden, if carefully observed, they see the golden folder with a piece of red, a piece of green. Red is like agate, green like emerald. As well as the level of the mountain as the mirror of the pond, reflecting the immediate beauty, exceptionally nice.

  Down the mountain, the original street vendors selling watermelon stalls disappeared, instead of them are fragrant and crisp big apple and that cracked mouth, broken shells out of the red pomegranate, how to love it! As the saying goes: "a autumn rain a cold, ten autumn rain to wear cotton." Thriller the autumn in the slightest trace of coolness. Look, the pedestrians on the road inadvertently put on a thick sweater, put on a jacket, and some also put on a down jacket it.

  In the cropland, the golden corn is like a golden hammer, and there is a piece of sorghum, a red ear, like a shy little girl, with a shiny head shaking, swaying in the breeze, The wind was rustling, and the field was playing a song of nature.

  Orchard, bright red persimmon like a small lantern, tall hanging in the branches, branches look about to be broken look, there is a string of purple grapes, hanging crystal dew, like crystal in the sun The light shining under the colorful light. I was infected with this golden autumn, intoxicated.

  I love this harvest, golden autumn.


  Autumn to the days of high clouds, cool breeze, orchard fruitful, faction of the harvest scene.

  Look in the orchard that only a huge apple covered with branches, bending the branches, like hide and seek children exposed smile. I eat one, sweet and fragrant, really delicious. I looked at the scene, eating this apple, can not help but "poem" a: "tree apple orchard and large, red color like a child face; gently smell the smell of spicy, eat mouth sweet Jinjin!

  The north of the apple forest is the vineyard. "Crystal" grape crystal translucent, like a crystal carved out like. "Red Earth" grape red with purple, like a string of red pearls hanging in the tree. And that "beauty refers to" grapes, the skin is very thin, like a touch on the broken like.

  There is a large pomegranate tree on the west side of the vineyard. This is just a pomegranate like a "smiling" small doll, as if to say: "My belly big and big, which filled with small baby; everyone together to taste, teeth sweet out light. I could not stand the temptation of it, picked a, cut open the skin, took out into the mouth of a bite, red juice has been sweet to the heart, refreshing.

  After tasting the pomegranate, we came to the persimmon garden. Persimmon flat, orange, like a small lantern.

  The fruitful dressing up the beautiful orchard, it is indulge in pleasures without stop. This charming school of autumn, even look at a glance, also called you enchanted.


  It is autumn.The sky is clem and cloudless.The summer heat is gone.The autumn wind brings us cool.The grains have been harvested,the rice,wheat and corn..


  At times the autumn rain keeps falling silandy on the trees and flowers and the ground.It washes everything clean.


  What a beautiful painting!Autumn is the season for harvest no pains,no gains.I must study hard so that I can have a big harvest in all my subjects.



  Autumn really beautiful autumn girl wearing a golden dress, sitting uncle breeze of the car came to the Xia Gonggong side, it said: "Xia Gonggong you tired, I'll take your class!"

  At this time, there is a row of geese in the sky is about to fly to the south of the winter! Dayan leader led his team members for a while arranged in a "person" word, while arranged in a "one" word, while lined up a "big". They fly and say, "Dear Southern friends, we come back to see you!"

  In the field, the red sorghum is like a burning torch. A piece of field covered with mature rice, a tree of rice together to become a golden "ocean". The wind blowing, as if in front of rolling the golden waves.

  Orchard, Apple smiled red face; Huang Chengcheng pear, like a yellow bells; ripe persimmon in the tree you squeeze me touch, scrambling to let people pick it!

  Maple forest, maple leaves are more beautiful than those who dance, the wind blowing them began to dancing, jump out of the joy of autumn!

  Autumn is really beautiful, I like this golden, lovely season!


  Autumn with a golden, walked the pace of light quietly came to earth.

  Lawn on the maple on the floating a few slices of yellow with red leaves, like many birds in the fly, ah! The original is the autumn leaves to a long wings.

  A group of geese fly south, they were made into a "person" word, for a while and made a "one" word. The aunt of the trees on the slope of the maple aunt and aunt Liu Shu took off the green blouse; pine grandpa but still wearing a green blouse; chrysanthemum sister is open to the wind; the ground a small move a piece of West, not as lush as spring, not like summer Green. To look at the city slope of the children are wearing plush clothing.

  Orchard, fruitful, Begonia fruit shake it with a small round face, smiled at you nod; red Yan Yan seems to squeeze the fat doll together, unplug the green leaves, laughter to look out ... ...

  Wangcheng slope of the foot of the mountain is a golden field, rice yellow, like a layer of golden carpet, peasant uncle wiped sweat, thinking: a year of labor and harvest!


  Hear the voice of wind. Ah! Autumn is finally here!

  Garden, chrysanthemum competing opened! There are white the light yellow of ... .... Colorful chrysanthemums flourish in light wind, as if greeting them with people! Sweet-scented osmanthus trees out of the light yellow flowers. A wind blowing, a fresh wind into the nose, ah, really incense!

  Orchards, the apple red, like little brothers face. Aunts and uncles are tiptoe with apple picking. Thunk! A ripe apple from the tree fell down. Persimmon tree, hanging on a persimmon tree, far from looking like a red lantern! Grapes on a channeling channeling a , as one finally purple beads, purple was black, people really want a bite it.

  Fields, the endless golden rice, just like the earth covered with a layer of gold to the carpet. Farmers are busy on the busy man under, while cutting rice, while rice into basket. Face expression of joy and happiness.

  Autumn is a season of charming scenery, it is a harvest season. Ah! The fall, you really beautiful you!







  It is autumn.The sky is clem and cloudless.The summer heat is gone.The autumn wind brings us cool.The grains have been harvested,the rice,wheat and corn..


  At times the autumn rain keeps falling silandy on the trees and flowers and the ground.It washes everything clean.


  What a beautiful painting!Autumn is the season for harvest no pains,no gains.I must study hard so that I can have a big harvest in all my subjects.



  Fall is the third season of a year .There are three months in fall :July ,August and september .

  The weather in fall is cool ,Sometimes it’s windy .I can wear my jackets and jeans .

  I often fly kites and go hiking with my good friends.

  And there are many fruits in fall ,Just like :apples ,bananas ,oranges… And the Mid Autuain Festival is in fall ,too .

  So I like fall very much .


——描写秋天的英语作文 (菁华6篇)


  Autumn like a magical brush, night effort, put the blue waves rippling forest dyed golden.

  Boarded the hills, down the view, eyes are a golden, if carefully observed, they see the golden folder with a piece of red, a piece of green. Red is like agate, green like emerald. As well as the level of the mountain as the mirror of the pond, reflecting the immediate beauty, exceptionally nice.

  Down the mountain, the original street vendors selling watermelon stalls disappeared, instead of them are fragrant and crisp big apple and that cracked mouth, broken shells out of the red pomegranate, how to love it! As the saying goes: "a autumn rain a cold, ten autumn rain to wear cotton." Thriller the autumn in the slightest trace of coolness. Look, the pedestrians on the road inadvertently put on a thick sweater, put on a jacket, and some also put on a down jacket it.

  In the cropland, the golden corn is like a golden hammer, and there is a piece of sorghum, a red ear, like a shy little girl, with a shiny head shaking, swaying in the breeze, The wind was rustling, and the field was playing a song of nature.

  Orchard, bright red persimmon like a small lantern, tall hanging in the branches, branches look about to be broken look, there is a string of purple grapes, hanging crystal dew, like crystal in the sun The light shining under the colorful light. I was infected with this golden autumn, intoxicated.

  I love this harvest, golden autumn.



  Autumn has arrived, and the campus has become so beautiful. Chrysanthemums have been blooming. They are sprinkled with fragrance like natural perfume. The perfume is sprinkled all over the campus.


  The grapes are ripe, and the purple pearls are rolling out. It's really lovely. Maple leaves are dancing in the wind, some are "butterfly dancing", some are "heel dancing" It's amazing!


  Happy is the school's "gardener", they look at their harvest very happy!


  Autumn is such a beautiful scenery! I love autumn, more beautiful campus


  Hot summer quietly away, cool autumn is coming to us.

  That day, I was reading the extracurricular book at home, and when I had to breathe fresh air, a little drop of water fell on my little nose. I opened my eyes and looked, "Yeah, there was a drizzle.

  Rain and thin and long, stroking in my face, gently kissed me. The flowers on the balcony looked up and sat down against the rain, and it touched the flowers, and it touched the grass, the trees, and the things of nature.

  The rain is getting bigger and bigger, like all the things on the earth, calling more friends to be friends with them. Because the rain is big, we have put on a raincoat and hold up the umbrella I looked from the balcony, like a colorful little rain is moving, very interesting.

  I put my hand out of the window, the raindrops "snapped" fell in my hand, and I heard the raindrops hit the window, the roof, the green leaves ... ... played a wonderful music.

  Afternoon, the rain stopped. On the ground, houses, flowers and trees are washed a comfortable bath, flowers and trees are playing the twelfth spirit. The air has become more fresh, so refreshing.

  After the autumn, our surroundings have become better. I like this fresh environment, prefer to make it fresh autumn.


  Autumn is the third season in the year It lasts from September to November When the autumn comes, the leaves begin to turn yellow and then fall The weather becomes cool It makes people feel comfortable

  Autumn is the third season in the year. It lasts from September to November. When the autumn comes, the leaves begin to turn yellow and then fall. The weather becomes cool. It makes people feel comfortable. So many people like autumn and enjoy this season. Besides, autumn is a season of harvest. The crops turn to rip. Farmers are busy with the harvest. And they begin to prepare for the winter and the New Year.



  Autumn has arrived, and the campus has become so beautiful. Chrysanthemums have been blooming. They are sprinkled with fragrance like natural perfume. The perfume is sprinkled all over the campus.


  The grapes are ripe, and the purple pearls are rolling out. Its really lovely. Maple leaves are dancing in the wind, some are "butterfly dancing", some are "heel dancing" Its amazing!


  Happy is the schools "gardener", they look at their harvest very happy!


  Autumn is such a beautiful scenery! I love autumn, more beautiful campus


  Autumn dusk, floating patches of dead leaves. Piece of the falling yellow leaves are always people feel sad and depressed.

  Fu Guo Dang Qi autumn slightly leisurely in my mind the layers of memories! Looked forward to, read the. Like an elegant lilies, bursts of fragrance exudes. I know that you want to feel like your taste. Acacia 1000 speech, did not say tears into beads! Autumn is always reminiscent of the lot. Every autumn since ancient times, sad lonely and Liao, I made autumn Sheng-chun Chao! Who suddenly forget that this is a poem. Yes ah, every autumn since ancient times, sad lonely Liao! True that I do not want to have the kind of broad reach of the harbor - "I made the spring towards autumn wins." Maybe I am a sentimental person bar!

  Hands on trouser pocket inside, it is so leisurely walk, thoughts fly with. Flew to the clouds, look at Kazamaki云舒, flew to the beach, listening to waves from ebb tide. This is thousands of miles of the Autumn clouds thousands of miles, panoramic view. Is Zaibu Dong Toryu is PASSING! Akin to finding away, the tears look for flowers, the world is to make autumn, full Hitomi bleak. I look forward to gently, but you draw down quietly! I waited quietly, but you drifting away in the tree branches!
