• 会计专业英文求职信 (菁华5篇)

  • 英文求职信
  • respected company leaders:


      i was about to nanning vocational and technical college graduate students in an accounting profession. from the "nanning information port" the newspapers and magazines, it was learned that your company would hire accounting positions. i am your companys development has been very concerned, and accounting have great interest in this work is very happy to develop your company do something modest. i am honored to have the opportunity to you brought to my personal data.

      in the two years of university life, i have a good grasp of professional knowledge, learning of cost accounting, management accounting, financial management, com*rized accounting, auditing, science and other professional courses. i seriously study, specialized courses average performance of 80 points or more, ideological and moral good moral character issued by the college has received outstanding awards, in-school period, i made the ministry of education examination center two certification com*r certification, english b level qualified certificate, accounting certificate. photographic association, served as deputy secretary-general post. i grid bright, passionate work, get teachers and students alike.

      i can skilled use of office software on the com*r has a certain degree of operational capability, a skilled five-stroke input method. two years in my spare time in the off-campus part-time. and through the work of learning responsibility to make me feel important. life of the wind and rain so i have a hard-working spirit. honesty and trustworthiness is my character. because i know that accounting treatment is not careless sort of, not to cook the books. serious and responsible in their duties.


  • 英文求职信 (菁华6篇)

  • 英文求职信
  • Dear Sir/Madam:


      Thank you very much for taking the time to read my letter of application.

      I am a graduate of the XX Hotel University management professional students. During the period of school, I seriously study the professional knowledge, and many times to get a scholarship. In the school and class activities in a variety of accumulated some experience, so that they have a good physical and psychological quality, and have a good communication and adaptability. Strive to master basic skills, in the study on the basis of professional knowledge, obtained through examination of Putonghua Level 2, com*r level, hotel management division certificate.

      In school, I seize every opportunity to exercise their various aspects of the ability, so that they are needed in the modern society with the innovative spirit of compound talent development. Strive to learn professional knowledge at the same time, I like reading some books about science and social practice to continuously enhance their scientific and cultural knowledge from books, to improve their training content, pay attention to the cultivation of their solid knowledge and skills, etiquette training ability, for future work to lay a good foundation. No matter is to the individual or the hotel will create a proper value, I not only rely on their own things to do a career, and also down to earth from every detail to start, use industrious hands achievement tomorrow I dream.


  • 秘书英文求职信 (菁华6篇)

  • 英文求职信
  • Respect yourpany leadership:

      How do you do!

      My name is ××, 29, is ×× university ×× college enterprise management professional graduates.

      Yourpany is the famous Chinese and foreign joint venture, chairman of the board to use its fruits, I traveled already a long time. When I saw yourpanys recruitment notice , the more inspired confidence in my application, I am eager to serve yourpany, chairman of the board of directors for effectiveness.

      I during her study at school, pay attention to ideological and moral cultivation, strict demands on themselves, and positive to participate in social practice, the academic record outstanding, 3 times get excellent student scholarship. I studied the system of enterprise management, industrial management, business management, tourism management, marketing management, market research, the secretary study, marketing, public relations practice, document processing and other disciplines, familiar with this article writing, deal with the official document knowledge. Learning a*r operation technology, can adapt to the modern office work need.


  • 毕业生英文求职信 (菁华6篇)

  • 英文求职信
  •   respect yourpany leadership:

      how do you do! first of all thank you for taking the time to see my letter of application.

      i am industrial technical school graduates of the class of XX. i love die the professional and its input for the high energy and enthusiasm.

      in the three years of technical school life, i work hard, and strive to up, study hard foundation and professional knowledge, after school time positive to broaden their knowledge, and take an active part in school in various sports activities. as was about to step out of the school, to social jijiaosheng, i full of passion and confidence to meet all of this.

      in todays society need high quality talents, so i always pay attention to own improve, and build a reasonable knowledge structure. in the mold and numerical control (nc) has a profound theoretical foundation, and mechanical drawing, mechanical process, tolerance fit, machinery manufacturing, professional mathematics, mechanical processing,*r graphics and so on various aspects have certain base.


  • 英文求职信 (菁华9篇)

  • 英文求职信
  •   问:不知道查阅简历对象的'性别和职位,能用DEAR HR一笔带过吗?

      答:如果对收信人的性别、姓名、职务或其他资料掌握不多的话,用一句“Dearsir or madam”最合适。





  • 秘书英文求职信 (菁华9篇)

  • 英文求职信
  • Respect yourpany leadership:

      How do you do!

      My name is ××, 29, is ×× university ×× college enterprise management professional graduates.

      Yourpany is the famous Chinese and foreign joint venture, chairman of the board to use its fruits, I traveled already a long time. When I saw yourpanys recruitment notice , the more inspired confidence in my application, I am eager to serve yourpany, chairman of the board of directors for effectiveness.

      I during her study at school, pay attention to ideological and moral cultivation, strict demands on themselves, and positive to participate in social practice, the academic record outstanding, 3 times get excellent student scholarship. I studied the system of enterprise management, industrial management, business management, tourism management, marketing management, market research, the secretary study, marketing, public relations practice, document processing and other disciplines, familiar with this article writing, deal with the official document knowledge. Learning a*r operation technology, can adapt to the modern office work need.


  • 毕业生英文求职信 (菁华9篇)

  • 英文求职信
  •   dear leaders:


      i am a graduate of the upcoming beijing XX vocational and technical college com*r information of students, the school is the com*r professionals.

      four years in school, i study hard, the outstanding, had been awarded scholarships. mentorship in the strict lessons and individual efforts, i have a solid foundation of knowledge. in terms of software, systems have c language, data structure, power builder, database theory, assembly language, software engineering and object-oriented, such as delphi and vc have a certain understanding of windows programming. i also had extra-curricular learning vb, vf programming and web page production. has been prepared by an independent professional database management system. in terms of hardware, through its participation in single-chip design, assembly of the radio, network planning and management projects and the formation of such practice, i have a com*r and the working principle of the principle of com*r network technology.

      i am warm, cheerful, love to travel and tourism have each time i learn a lot of things into a lot of friends. many have done before the part-time, including time at home is also looking for part-time jobs, these are the valuable experience of my work, anything from a work experience do not know any of the children, gradually become mature. hope to be able to engage in the career i love, i will do my best to do a good job.


  • 应届毕业生英文求职信 (菁华9篇)

  • 英文求职信
  •   (一)英语求职信的定义:求职信是根据已知某单位发布的用人信息向用人单位申请职务、工作时发出的一种申请信。求职信的运用相当普遍,是一种常用的应用文。




      3、语言简洁,清楚明白 :为了保证对方能够读完全文,求职信应言简意赅,不写与主题无关的内容,少用冷僻字,行文要流畅、自然。


  • 英文求职信 (菁华15篇)

  • 英文求职信
  •  敬启者:






  • 应届毕业生英文求职信 (菁华9篇)

  • 英文求职信
  •   (一)英语求职信的定义:求职信是根据已知某单位发布的用人信息向用人单位申请职务、工作时发出的一种申请信。求职信的运用相当普遍,是一种常用的应用文。




      3、语言简洁,清楚明白 :为了保证对方能够读完全文,求职信应言简意赅,不写与主题无关的内容,少用冷僻字,行文要流畅、自然。


  • 毕业生英文求职信 (菁华12篇)

  • 英文求职信
  • 尊敬的领导:


      我是xx国际旅行社出境部操作中心的员工, 做出境旅游三年多,曾经做过韩国部,欧美部的外省市销售经理,也做过团队机位的.预定op,对航空公司的预定与操作有一定的了解。与上海,江苏,浙江,安徽等各大社都有良好的合作关系,与新航,马航,菲律宾航空,韩亚等航空公司也有着长期愉快的合作。比较熟悉整个旅*业的动向,对团队机位销售有一定的了解。

      本人毕业于**高等专科学校英文导游系 (现属**师范大学旅游系)英文四级,听说能力良好。上海户籍,性格活泼开朗,对待工作认真仔细,有计划,能吃苦耐劳,拒绝马虎草率; “鬼点子”多,善于学*和接受新鲜的事物,并融入其中工作努力,积极进取,喜欢富有挑战性的工作状态,有良好的开拓精神,比较喜欢销售类以及旅行社操作方面的工作。


