节约用水作文 (菁华6篇)

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节约用水作文 (菁华6篇)扩展阅读

节约用水作文 (菁华6篇)(扩展1)

——节约用水的作文 (菁华6篇)



































节约用水作文 (菁华6篇)(扩展2)

——节约用水英语作文 (菁华6篇)


  Water is one of the best drinks people have. People need water. Plants need water. Animals need water. What if there is no water? Animals will appear listless; Plants will wither; The last drop of human tears will be the last drop. Please save water.

  Has such a story: in a remote place, there lived a family, there lived an old man in his fifties, his family's only water only three or four miles from home the mountain there is a small pool. So he was very economical with water, and he drove three or four kilometres from his home in the morning to fetch water. It was eight or nine o 'clock in the morning, and one morning he was cooking, washing his face and flushing the toilet with just a spoon of water. At noon it was less than half a barrel of water; In the evening he takes a bath in the morning sun. This is his water for the day, just two buckets of water.

  In our home, there are also a lot of water-saving cases: in the morning, my father and mother, after washing their faces, will save the water, we can use it to flush the toilet after the toilet; The flower's soil is dry and can be watered with it; The floor is dirty, we can mop the floor. After breakfast, because our water pipe is broken, it always leaks, so my mother often takes the bucket and picks up the dripping water. Every night after we go home always bucket full filled with water, the water we don't put it down, but pour it in a clean bucket, at the time of water sup*, we always use the water.

  Return true have so a day, at the time of the evening, I carry bag walking on the way home, the bridge outside the school, a conduit blowout, the rescue team is trying to repair the water pipes, because this matter, schools all around the village water sup*, and also including the area I live in. As soon as he entered the gate of the high hope new fan, a water sup* car was "floating and sprinkling" toward the center of the community. The water was so bad that everyone had to queue for water. Luckily, we had a spare water to use.

  Now, humans are thirsty for water. What about the future? Our earth mother is thirsty? What did she drink? Please save water, start with the drip of our side! If man does not save water now, and does not protect water, then the last drop we see will be our tears. Please cherish the source of life! Leave the pure water to the children! Don't let your children live in a world of water!


  Day, beat on the sun, just I quickly ran into the bathroom and returning from the outside to take a cold bath, however, open the tap, water is drop by drop, drop down, I feel suspicious: there are a lot of water in the morning? At that moment, the cousin walked in, clapped her hands and said: "cousin, you see, here is like the rain, I did a good job!" After hearing her words, I was furious. "you don't have any water to waste water like this. Do you know water is important?" I raise my hand, ready to beat her, she said in a grievance: "you said, there is too much water, there is no need to cherish." My hand did not fall on her, but it fell, and I suddenly remembered that there was a day...

  That day, my cousin and I go to farm work, on the way home after a drainage bibcock, my cousin and I open the faucet, wash your hands after his cousin tried their nursing) tighten the tap, and I also constantly used tap off "tears", cousin looked, said to me: "cousin, do you think you used the tap, haven't tight!" I replied, "it's no big deal, just a few drops of water!" She added: "but you see the words" save water "on this wall, are you suggesting that we should save water?" I smiled and said, "there is so much water in the world anyway. Besides, it doesn't matter if we two don't save water." My cousin nodded her head, and she also learned to me and washed her hands again. Unlike before, she didn't screw the faucet and let the water flow...

  Cousin cry pulled me back to reality, I squatted down to rush and said to her: "I'm sorry, is my fault, I taught the wrong you, indeed we should save water, the vast sea by water droplets together, and the sky desert because of the disappearance of the underwater, drop by drop of water is to rely on our savings, we should try to save water, and supervision of others, let us from now on to save with water!" The cousin nodded with a smile. She ran back to the room immediately, took out paper and crayons, on a piece of paper to write a big "save water" four word, and then stick to the faucet, looked at her, I smiled happily, because of my mistake, the cousin of errors, and because of my correction, make cousin also correct her mistake. So I must do anything to prevent others from making another mistake because of my mistakes.

  Indeed, to save water is very important, maybe you will also have the same idea with me before - water is not important, I solemnly tell you now, the water is very important, imagine a faucet drip a drop of water every second, so how much water a day? When we are in the waste water, we should also consider, to the places where extremely drought, the people there live a life of how, water on where and how important, if we are hard to find a way out in the desert, the sun is scorching sunshine illuminate the earth, and in such an environment, maybe we think: if I hadn't throw away those not drink tea, not throw away the water that doesn't work, so now I can drink clean water! Think of the world where there is no water, the grass dies, the flowers die, and the earth will be lifeless and full of corpses, and the earth will disappear. If we don't start from around things, if we don't cherish water resources, if we are in the waste water without restraint, so it will be the fact that we will no longer exist, maybe someone will say: "this too exaggeration! It's impossible! But it is possible, if not from now, it will be too late to regret.

  Therefore, we must start from now, save every drop of water, don't let our tears become the last drop of water on the earth.


  Now, there is a serious shortage of water on earth. I have seen on TV that more than 50 million people have been affected by the severe drought in the southwest of our country. More than 400,000 hectares of good farmland have not been collected, and more than 20 million people are faced with the dilemma of drinking water without water... As the children of mother earth, of course we must. To this end, the whole family has set off a hot water conservation campaign. I went to the Internet to collect information, and saw a variety of ways to save water.

  Well, just do it. It is a pity that the washing rice washed by my mother is washed away immediately, because it can wash vegetables and effectively remove pesticide residues from vegetables. Second, water the flowers, also can be used to find rice water.

  During this activity, my family prepared a large bucket of waste water to save resources and use toilet flushing. My home also has a jar of goldfish, I have raised the water of the goldfish to water flowers, said to be able to promote the growth of flowers and trees, grow better.

  Next, I turned my eyes to the flush toilet in the bathroom, and I found a cheap and convenient way to reduce the amount of water used for flushing toilets. I first went to the garage of scrap to pick and choose the right size of the bottle, and then like a hold of the arrow, two step three rushed to the bathroom, turned the tap, water like a transparent, lively and lovely elf, scrambling to jump in a bottle, filled up for a while. I carefully unscrewed the lid, went to the toilet, and with great effort, I opened the back of the toilet and put the bottle in it, and the bottle sank like a stone. In this way, the toilet water saver is installed.

  After this activity, my family's hand-washing water, became a trickle. When my family shower, like rain in the voice, then listen to it, bathing like dry cleaning. There was always a washing machine coming out of the house, and now mom is washing it by hand. Originally, love to play water's cousin, always to waste water body, the floor, a mess, and now, this phenomenon is gone, she often run went west, also not chanting in mouth: "is there about the water in the kitchen? Did the water in the toilet have anything to do with it? And often supervise people to do a good job of saving water. She had become a little man.

  The water-saving activity has been carried out for a month, and our water consumption is less than half that of last month. It not only saves half of the water cost, but also benefits the environment, enjoys a low-carbon life, and is a low-carbon person. Seeing that water conservation has achieved such a good effect, the whole family agreed that water saving should be carried out to the end and become a habit of daily life.

  We know that water droplets can become streams, streams can become rivers, rivers can become sea. Similarly, each of our savings will come together and become a big act of environmental protection.


  Water is the source of life. But it is like the air, in the quiet to give you nutrition and moisten, speaking of our home water saving life, that is energy saving low carbon and environmental protection, mother, grandma, each has the clever way.

  First of all, my mother, she is a reporter, she is also an environmental volunteer. Although she is busy with her work, once she starts to do housework, the water saving strength is really admirable. Take the laundry, for instance, our lingerie, mom has always been rubbing with the hand wash, wash clothes of water used to wash again stepping foot towel, tide clothes were collected in a bucket of water, wash the shoes, mop the floor; Cotton-padded clothes, jackets, such as clothes, she in the washing machine wash your hair back, depending on the degree of clean clothes, wash immediately interrupted, or after the examination, reoccupy hand rub, after dehydration, hand the tide in qing dynasty, mother said to start the washing machine clean tide time, at least 20 kilograms of tap water, while the mother hand tide, three-quarters of water-saving, wash clothes to water saving 30 kg. One week, one month, one year, only change the laundry method can save more than ten tons of tap water. In addition to saving water, the mother said, manual laundry can also save electricity, reduce wear and tear, exercise, hand-rubbed clothes and mother's taste.

  She also Shared her laundry experience with her aunt, aunt and even her friends and colleagues. As for the way to travel, my mother is also a low carbon, often a "11" bus; Walking on the road, the community, seeing that there are watermarks there, immediately worried about the possibility of leaking water pipes, quickly dialed the phone to the water company, and had to wait until the maintenance class arrived before she would leave...

  Besides, my grandmother, she has contracted most of the household chores, cooking, cleaning, and busy every day. Wash the dishes, for example, use first basin of water to clean the bowl of relatively clean, to clean the greasy heavier dishes, simple processing (and sometimes use a napkin to greasy) wash bowl tub of water used to wash the pot; As to wash the dishes, my grandma always picking clean first, Chinese cabbage, kale, such as clean, clean, green vegetables such as spinach, again or cleaning the fish, meat, these water, grandma also have good use, give her the baby flowers in the yard for a ball. On the way out, grandma will check the water taps in place, which faucet, or the toilet water leak, grandma immediately urged dad to repair in place. She also filled the water bottle with tap water and put it in the tank of the toilet bowl to save water...

  Under the influence of the mother, grandmother, I of course is also a small fan of "water saving", school faucet in the toilet, there is always a classmate doesn't close tightly, every time I move in and out of the toilet, have repeatedly see, as for the faucet in the class, I always have nothing to see, just worry about the little careless didn't matter.

  I see on a statistical material, a faucet doesn't close tightly, a month May 1 to 6 cubic meters of water drain off, a leaky toilet, a month flow 3 to 25 cubic meters of water, if the country each family of implement, shower implement transform into water saving products, water 4 every month. 900 million tons, a water-saving washing machine can save 714 kunming lakes a year! What a surprise!

  Save water life, start from the small things around us, start from now, and gradually raise public awareness of water conservation, protect water resources, do not let the last drop of water become our tears!


  Water is very important in our life.We drink it every day and use it to cook and wash things.We can not live without water.But how can we save water?

  There are several ways to save water.Firstly,take shorter showers and don’t leave the tap running when we don’t need to use water.Secondly,Try to reuse water .It’s the most important way for us to save water.At last,We should not pollute water so that we willl have fresh water for years and years.

  If we do not save water,the last drop of water will be a teardrop.To protect water is to protect our life.

  .Some people think there's much water on the earth.In fact,there is only a little water for us to use now.If we don't save it,it will surely be used out some day.

  Then what should we do?

  First,when we finish washing the clothes,we can use the water to clean the floor.Second,if we see the dripping tap,we ought to fix the tap as soon as possible.Third,we can have a shower instead of a bath because having a bath can waste a lot of water.

  In these ways,we can save not only huge amounts of water but also ourselves


  As we all know water is very important. We should try to save it. First, when we finish washing the clothes or dishes, we can use the water to clean the floor. Second, If we see the dripping tap, we must fix the tap as soon as possible. Third, we can have a shower instead of a bath because having a bath can waste a lot of water.

节约用水作文 (菁华6篇)(扩展3)

——节约用水作文 (菁华10篇)
















  据资料显示,地球上能够被人类直接利用的淡水资源,仅占地球的白分之零点三.地球上绝大多数的地区都严重缺水,许多树木.村庄和田地别沙漠吞食,沙漠面积在逐渐扩大.淡水资源的减少,严重地影响了人类的经济建设,也威胁着人类的生存。节约用水,保护水资源已经引起了全人类的高度重视。构建一个水源丰富.山青水秀的美丽家园是我们的愿望. 然而,在我们的生活中,浪费水资源的现象相当严重。从我们调查的资料表明,在我们现实生活中,在我们的周围,浪费水资源的情况十分惊人。

  先说一说我们学校,我们曾经留意过,教学楼的自来水龙头有时水龙头坏了,水哗哗地流个不停。有的水龙头常常是一滴一滴的水往外滴,这些不知浪费了多少水的情形,很多家庭表面上看是很节约用水,实际上是在浪费水资源。有的家庭厨房和卫生间的水龙头的水一天到晚都在一滴一滴往水缸和储水桶里面滴,然而水缸和储水桶的水却在不停地往外流入下水道。有的家庭将一些完全还可以利用的水,像淘菜和洗脸的水一盆一盆的直接入下水道,看看这些被浪费的'水,如果一年到头一滴一滴的往外滴水的话,就会滴下大约 吨的水。可想而知,每年别滴掉的水,在我们生活中被浪费的水真是无法计算,如果要认真地计算其结果一定会让惊讶得目瞪口 ! 在我们浪费水的同时,也在污染着我们的水源 一些城镇将生活污染水和工业废水直接排入江河,有的将垃圾和死了的牲畜直接抛入河流中,让河水不能给人类提供方便了。






































节约用水作文 (菁华6篇)(扩展4)

——节约用水作文 (菁华10篇)





























































节约用水作文 (菁华6篇)(扩展5)

——节约用水的小学优秀作文 (菁华6篇)








  他便丛记事本上撕了一张纸,在上面认认真真地写了八个字:《关紧龙头 节约用水,》然后跑回餐厅,在饭桌上捡了几粒饭粒儿把纸条贴在了水龙头上方,便放心地走出卫生间。是呀!我们都应该做个像小明一样的有心人。爱护环境,热爱我们的祖*亲。如今全球水污染、土地荒漠化越来越严重,人类的生存受到了严重的威协。























节约用水作文 (菁华6篇)(扩展6)

——节约用水英语作文 (菁华6篇)


  Water is one of the best drinks people have. People need water. Plants need water. Animals need water. What if there is no water? Animals will appear listless; Plants will wither; The last drop of human tears will be the last drop. Please save water.

  Has such a story: in a remote place, there lived a family, there lived an old man in his fifties, his family's only water only three or four miles from home the mountain there is a small pool. So he was very economical with water, and he drove three or four kilometres from his home in the morning to fetch water. It was eight or nine o 'clock in the morning, and one morning he was cooking, washing his face and flushing the toilet with just a spoon of water. At noon it was less than half a barrel of water; In the evening he takes a bath in the morning sun. This is his water for the day, just two buckets of water.

  In our home, there are also a lot of water-saving cases: in the morning, my father and mother, after washing their faces, will save the water, we can use it to flush the toilet after the toilet; The flower's soil is dry and can be watered with it; The floor is dirty, we can mop the floor. After breakfast, because our water pipe is broken, it always leaks, so my mother often takes the bucket and picks up the dripping water. Every night after we go home always bucket full filled with water, the water we don't put it down, but pour it in a clean bucket, at the time of water sup*, we always use the water.

  Return true have so a day, at the time of the evening, I carry bag walking on the way home, the bridge outside the school, a conduit blowout, the rescue team is trying to repair the water pipes, because this matter, schools all around the village water sup*, and also including the area I live in. As soon as he entered the gate of the high hope new fan, a water sup* car was "floating and sprinkling" toward the center of the community. The water was so bad that everyone had to queue for water. Luckily, we had a spare water to use.

  Now, humans are thirsty for water. What about the future? Our earth mother is thirsty? What did she drink? Please save water, start with the drip of our side! If man does not save water now, and does not protect water, then the last drop we see will be our tears. Please cherish the source of life! Leave the pure water to the children! Don't let your children live in a world of water!


  Day, beat on the sun, just I quickly ran into the bathroom and returning from the outside to take a cold bath, however, open the tap, water is drop by drop, drop down, I feel suspicious: there are a lot of water in the morning? At that moment, the cousin walked in, clapped her hands and said: "cousin, you see, here is like the rain, I did a good job!" After hearing her words, I was furious. "you don't have any water to waste water like this. Do you know water is important?" I raise my hand, ready to beat her, she said in a grievance: "you said, there is too much water, there is no need to cherish." My hand did not fall on her, but it fell, and I suddenly remembered that there was a day...

  That day, my cousin and I go to farm work, on the way home after a drainage bibcock, my cousin and I open the faucet, wash your hands after his cousin tried their nursing) tighten the tap, and I also constantly used tap off "tears", cousin looked, said to me: "cousin, do you think you used the tap, haven't tight!" I replied, "it's no big deal, just a few drops of water!" She added: "but you see the words" save water "on this wall, are you suggesting that we should save water?" I smiled and said, "there is so much water in the world anyway. Besides, it doesn't matter if we two don't save water." My cousin nodded her head, and she also learned to me and washed her hands again. Unlike before, she didn't screw the faucet and let the water flow...

  Cousin cry pulled me back to reality, I squatted down to rush and said to her: "I'm sorry, is my fault, I taught the wrong you, indeed we should save water, the vast sea by water droplets together, and the sky desert because of the disappearance of the underwater, drop by drop of water is to rely on our savings, we should try to save water, and supervision of others, let us from now on to save with water!" The cousin nodded with a smile. She ran back to the room immediately, took out paper and crayons, on a piece of paper to write a big "save water" four word, and then stick to the faucet, looked at her, I smiled happily, because of my mistake, the cousin of errors, and because of my correction, make cousin also correct her mistake. So I must do anything to prevent others from making another mistake because of my mistakes.

  Indeed, to save water is very important, maybe you will also have the same idea with me before - water is not important, I solemnly tell you now, the water is very important, imagine a faucet drip a drop of water every second, so how much water a day? When we are in the waste water, we should also consider, to the places where extremely drought, the people there live a life of how, water on where and how important, if we are hard to find a way out in the desert, the sun is scorching sunshine illuminate the earth, and in such an environment, maybe we think: if I hadn't throw away those not drink tea, not throw away the water that doesn't work, so now I can drink clean water! Think of the world where there is no water, the grass dies, the flowers die, and the earth will be lifeless and full of corpses, and the earth will disappear. If we don't start from around things, if we don't cherish water resources, if we are in the waste water without restraint, so it will be the fact that we will no longer exist, maybe someone will say: "this too exaggeration! It's impossible! But it is possible, if not from now, it will be too late to regret.

  Therefore, we must start from now, save every drop of water, don't let our tears become the last drop of water on the earth.


  Now, there is a serious shortage of water on earth. I have seen on TV that more than 50 million people have been affected by the severe drought in the southwest of our country. More than 400,000 hectares of good farmland have not been collected, and more than 20 million people are faced with the dilemma of drinking water without water... As the children of mother earth, of course we must. To this end, the whole family has set off a hot water conservation campaign. I went to the Internet to collect information, and saw a variety of ways to save water.

  Well, just do it. It is a pity that the washing rice washed by my mother is washed away immediately, because it can wash vegetables and effectively remove pesticide residues from vegetables. Second, water the flowers, also can be used to find rice water.

  During this activity, my family prepared a large bucket of waste water to save resources and use toilet flushing. My home also has a jar of goldfish, I have raised the water of the goldfish to water flowers, said to be able to promote the growth of flowers and trees, grow better.

  Next, I turned my eyes to the flush toilet in the bathroom, and I found a cheap and convenient way to reduce the amount of water used for flushing toilets. I first went to the garage of scrap to pick and choose the right size of the bottle, and then like a hold of the arrow, two step three rushed to the bathroom, turned the tap, water like a transparent, lively and lovely elf, scrambling to jump in a bottle, filled up for a while. I carefully unscrewed the lid, went to the toilet, and with great effort, I opened the back of the toilet and put the bottle in it, and the bottle sank like a stone. In this way, the toilet water saver is installed.

  After this activity, my family's hand-washing water, became a trickle. When my family shower, like rain in the voice, then listen to it, bathing like dry cleaning. There was always a washing machine coming out of the house, and now mom is washing it by hand. Originally, love to play water's cousin, always to waste water body, the floor, a mess, and now, this phenomenon is gone, she often run went west, also not chanting in mouth: "is there about the water in the kitchen? Did the water in the toilet have anything to do with it? And often supervise people to do a good job of saving water. She had become a little man.

  The water-saving activity has been carried out for a month, and our water consumption is less than half that of last month. It not only saves half of the water cost, but also benefits the environment, enjoys a low-carbon life, and is a low-carbon person. Seeing that water conservation has achieved such a good effect, the whole family agreed that water saving should be carried out to the end and become a habit of daily life.

  We know that water droplets can become streams, streams can become rivers, rivers can become sea. Similarly, each of our savings will come together and become a big act of environmental protection.


  Water is the source of life. But it is like the air, in the quiet to give you nutrition and moisten, speaking of our home water saving life, that is energy saving low carbon and environmental protection, mother, grandma, each has the clever way.

  First of all, my mother, she is a reporter, she is also an environmental volunteer. Although she is busy with her work, once she starts to do housework, the water saving strength is really admirable. Take the laundry, for instance, our lingerie, mom has always been rubbing with the hand wash, wash clothes of water used to wash again stepping foot towel, tide clothes were collected in a bucket of water, wash the shoes, mop the floor; Cotton-padded clothes, jackets, such as clothes, she in the washing machine wash your hair back, depending on the degree of clean clothes, wash immediately interrupted, or after the examination, reoccupy hand rub, after dehydration, hand the tide in qing dynasty, mother said to start the washing machine clean tide time, at least 20 kilograms of tap water, while the mother hand tide, three-quarters of water-saving, wash clothes to water saving 30 kg. One week, one month, one year, only change the laundry method can save more than ten tons of tap water. In addition to saving water, the mother said, manual laundry can also save electricity, reduce wear and tear, exercise, hand-rubbed clothes and mother's taste.

  She also Shared her laundry experience with her aunt, aunt and even her friends and colleagues. As for the way to travel, my mother is also a low carbon, often a "11" bus; Walking on the road, the community, seeing that there are watermarks there, immediately worried about the possibility of leaking water pipes, quickly dialed the phone to the water company, and had to wait until the maintenance class arrived before she would leave...

  Besides, my grandmother, she has contracted most of the household chores, cooking, cleaning, and busy every day. Wash the dishes, for example, use first basin of water to clean the bowl of relatively clean, to clean the greasy heavier dishes, simple processing (and sometimes use a napkin to greasy) wash bowl tub of water used to wash the pot; As to wash the dishes, my grandma always picking clean first, Chinese cabbage, kale, such as clean, clean, green vegetables such as spinach, again or cleaning the fish, meat, these water, grandma also have good use, give her the baby flowers in the yard for a ball. On the way out, grandma will check the water taps in place, which faucet, or the toilet water leak, grandma immediately urged dad to repair in place. She also filled the water bottle with tap water and put it in the tank of the toilet bowl to save water...

  Under the influence of the mother, grandmother, I of course is also a small fan of "water saving", school faucet in the toilet, there is always a classmate doesn't close tightly, every time I move in and out of the toilet, have repeatedly see, as for the faucet in the class, I always have nothing to see, just worry about the little careless didn't matter.

  I see on a statistical material, a faucet doesn't close tightly, a month May 1 to 6 cubic meters of water drain off, a leaky toilet, a month flow 3 to 25 cubic meters of water, if the country each family of implement, shower implement transform into water saving products, water 4 every month. 900 million tons, a water-saving washing machine can save 714 kunming lakes a year! What a surprise!

  Save water life, start from the small things around us, start from now, and gradually raise public awareness of water conservation, protect water resources, do not let the last drop of water become our tears!


  Water is very important in our life.We drink it every day and use it to cook and wash things.We can not live without water.But how can we save water?

  There are several ways to save water.Firstly,take shorter showers and don’t leave the tap running when we don’t need to use water.Secondly,Try to reuse water .It’s the most important way for us to save water.At last,We should not pollute water so that we willl have fresh water for years and years.

  If we do not save water,the last drop of water will be a teardrop.To protect water is to protect our life.

  .Some people think there's much water on the earth.In fact,there is only a little water for us to use now.If we don't save it,it will surely be used out some day.

  Then what should we do?

  First,when we finish washing the clothes,we can use the water to clean the floor.Second,if we see the dripping tap,we ought to fix the tap as soon as possible.Third,we can have a shower instead of a bath because having a bath can waste a lot of water.

  In these ways,we can save not only huge amounts of water but also ourselves


  As we all know water is very important. We should try to save it. First, when we finish washing the clothes or dishes, we can use the water to clean the floor. Second, If we see the dripping tap, we must fix the tap as soon as possible. Third, we can have a shower instead of a bath because having a bath can waste a lot of water.
