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  Beauty的英语优秀作文 1

  In your life,have you ever complained about life,about other people,and how bad everyone around you feels? In fact,life is full of beauty,all kinds of beauty,material beauty,the beauty of the scenery,the beauty of the soul,too many to count.But why do we always complain about life? Can‘t you see or touch it? No,it’s not.It‘s because we don’t feel with our heart.As Rodin said,“Life is not lack of beauty,but lack of eyes to find beauty.” Indeed,as long as we have beauty in our hearts,to experience with our hearts,with curious eyes to see the world,then you will find a lot of beauty.

  Walking into the campus,the classroom loud and clear,students are sitting upright in their seats,eyes focused on the textbook,meticulous to learn new knowledge; The teacher on the platform to explain attentively,the voice of knowledge,the spirit of selfless dedication,is not like a beautiful music? This is beauty.

  On the road,cars come and go,flying a lot of dust and garbage.At this time,a figure carrying a big broom,carrying garbage bags,waving their arms in the road.On the face and head of the “city beautician”,big drops of sweat fell down and burst into small silver flowers on the road.Isn‘t this broom like a paintbrush that paints beautiful pictures? This is beauty!

  In class,a classmate nosebleed,all of a sudden the eyes of the students are concerned about him,some also secretly to give him a napkin.A class,the students swarmed,some give him a napkin,some end to the trash can,some take hot water.In an instant,the table was filled with napkins,like a hill.The student was moved to tears.Some of the “little doctors” in the class gave him patient advice on how to deal with the situation.“Keep your head up.” “Hold your nose.” “No,no,raise your right hand higher,yes.” Such a sentence warms my heart.A class passed,two classes passed,the students have been paying attention to the students with nosebleeds,no regrets,but also kept asking about his situation.After school,I heard a girl gently asked him: “Are you ok?” Isn’t that a beauty? This is another kind of beauty,the beauty of the soul,the most precious,the most pure beauty.

  Everything in the world has its two sides.We should not only see its negative side,but more often we should see its beautiful side and realize its secret.Although the meteor is dangerous,but it is so beautiful at the moment of falling.Though the life of the match is short,its shining light brings hope to many people.Although chalk ash is harmful to health,then it silent dedication spirit is selfless; Although the plum blossom is small,but its strong but let a person be awestruck; Although the weed is annoying,its strong vitality is beautiful; Even the turbulent triangle of death is beautiful,beautiful in the struggle to evolve for creatures.Even the vast desert is beautiful,it is the tenacious and the United States of life...

  Students,please remember,there is no perfect thing in the world,but there is a myriad of beauty,large or small,waiting for us to find.Please don‘t complain,let us use the beautiful eyes together,to find the beautiful tomorrow.

  Beauty的英语优秀作文 2

  It has been admitted that beautiful outlook can bring people a lot of attention,the beautiful person always win the chances to be successful.But what is the standard of a beauty,different times have different standard.In our parents’ generation,it was believed that a girl should be a little fatter,because it meant that she lived the better life,while the thin girl would be thought to be lacking of happiness.In today,the standard of beauty has changed,the most important standard of a beauty is to be thin,the thinner,the better.When we look at the commercial ads,all of the models are skinny,with the beautiful dress,they look so gorgeous.When I see my friends work so hard to lose weight,I feel worried about them.They don’t have to do it,the beauty’s standard will change any time.We should stay the way we are.

  人们承认美丽的外表能给人们带来很多的吸引力,长得好看的人总是能赢得成功的机会。但是美丽的标准是什么呢,不同的时间有不同的标准。在我们父母那一代, 人们认为女孩子应该胖点,因为那意味着她过得好,然而瘦的女孩就会被认为缺少幸福。在今天,美丽的标准已经改变了,美丽的最重要标准就是瘦,越瘦越好。当 我们看商业广告的时候,所有的模特都是很瘦的,加上华丽的服饰,他们看起来真美。看到我的朋友们那么努

  Beauty的英语优秀作文 3

  it is believed in common that beauty eists everywhere on the campus as long as you have an eye for it.some people hold that natural scenes,especially at dawn,are the most beautiful on the campus while others believe that it is in the afternoon when the playgrounds are flooded with students taking part in my opinion,the best scene on the campus is during the rush hour when thousands of students rush towards the canteen.

  at precisely the same time as the bell rings,some students dash from the chairs,rushing to the canteen.they set the prelude to the most attractive scene of the whole day.

  within a few minutes,all the classrooms become empty and everyone starts their journey for lunch,on foot or by gives people the impression that lunch is the most important thing in the world.most of the students move at the same speed,with the eception of several ecellent cyclists.they shuttle smoothly in the crowds just like fish swimming freely in the sea.

  on the way to the canteen,everyone looks anious.but once inside,a look of pride and triumph takes over.sometimes,it bubbles up in my mind that the rush hour hustle and bustle is the epitome of the intense competition in real life.if you want to realize your epectations,you must be armed with skills and knowledge,use time and resources efficiently and the most importantly,have a healthy body.

  Beauty的英语优秀作文 4

  It is believed in mon that beauty exists everywhere on the campus as long as you have an eye for it.Some people hold that natural scenes,especially at dawn,are the most beautiful on the campus while others believe that it is in the afternoon when the playgrounds are flooded with students taking part in sports.In my opinion,the best scene on the campus is during the rush hour when thousands of students rush towards the canteen.

  At precisely the same time as the bell rings,some students dash from the chairs,rushing to the canteen.They set the prelude to the most attractive scene of the whole day.

  Within a few minutes,all the classrooms bee empty and everyone starts their journey for lunch,on foot or by bike.It gives people the impression that lunch is the most important thing in the world.Most of the students move at the same speed,with the exception of several excellent cyclists.They shuttle smoothly in the crowds just like fish swimming freely in the sea.

  On the way to the canteen,everyone looks anxious.But once inside,a look of pride and triumph takes over.Sometimes,it bubbles up in my mind that the rush hour hustle and bustle is the epitome of the intense petition in real life.If you want to realize your expectations,you must be armed with skills and knowledge,use time and resources efficiently and the most importantly,have a healthy body.

  Beauty的英语优秀作文 5

  Spring is coming.A warm breeze swept past me,as if in a bath,and as if enjoying.There are always a few birds on the branch,giggling.To the sunny,with green like buds.Looked to the distant trees,thousand branches are stacked Picui can be beautiful scene! But since I came to the city,I have never seen this scene,never smelled the fresh grass smell.It's always here all the year round.Every day,all those tall buildings and cars on the road are coming up.Fortunately,the wind is unconstrained,and its true qualities remain.

  The sky is clear and the sun is shining.Spring girl tan all eyes narrowed to the.The new leaves are green,the field mist of smoke,like her clothes.With the pace of her spring,the green grass speared out,almost to the top of the foot to stand out.Leave the spring breeze merrily,spring breeze and then she appeared,such as fine hairs,and down from heaven.Her arrival made people very happy.Spring rain like million lines,the earth close grained suture,hit the ground,splashes a blossoming beautiful splash.Timing wheel.Autumn is over.Winter is over.The spirit of spring so readily.Swarms of bees and butterflies to dance,birds began to sing,miscellaneous flowers wrap in the treetops.Chlorine fluoride of the south,and now has been loaded with a strong vitality of the hair.

  Climb a terraced fields,the shuttle in the golden yellow rape flowers.Almost all kinds of rape in the ground,looking round,a large,large,full of golden.The terrace is layered,the golden yellow flowers of rape is naturally layered.Occasionally,a couple of moths fly in the sky above the rape flowers,dancing in the wind.Although there is no butterfly but also riotous with colour,very pretty and charming figure,bring a lot of fun for the flowers.Because the flowers are very dense,my head is on the edge of a lot of cauliflower petals,the bag also touched upon the cauliflower powder,white,reminds me of Hua Xianzi in the legend,I suddenly felt a lot of light footsteps......

  There is a breeze,naturally there is "rushing" of the water,as the saying goes,"cool breeze flowing water" well.Walk in the face of the mountain stream from top to bottom,from time to time by splashed water.Well! The water splash is crystal clear,and there is a trace of coolness on it.But it still feels comfortable! I lay down and tried to wash my face with a clear spring.But I stopped,and I saw a green leaf floating in the water.A few naughty little fish,I do not know what is shy,or what,hidden under the leaves,play with it.More interestingly,there are several ant leaves,presumably from climbing a tree to the leaves! He sat on the leaves,danced,carried leaves,and went with the tide.In the face of the scene,my sleeves,silent and soundless ground to walk,do not take away a drop of water,I don't want to wake up the silent beauty of spring mountain.



——Beauty的英语优秀作文 (菁华6篇)


  For a moment,I felt my whole body was full of pain,suffering,suddenly looked up,only to find that the original beauty is not far away.

  People often complain in life,life is full of pain everywhere.Yes,pain is everywhere.Being sick is painful because you feel sick.Walking is painful because you feel the pain in your feet.Sometimes,you can even breathe a kind of pain,because you feel the cruelty of the real world...Of course,some pain we can feel,and some pain we may even be numb to.

  However,have you ever thought about the success of the flower,people only wonder at its current bright,but I do not know when its bud soaked sweat.Some people say that Buddhism has become a religion with great influence on the world because it advocates “suffering”.The suffering now is to alleviate the suffering in the future.Some people say that Because Sima Qian endured the pain,he wrote “the final song of the historian,the Lisao without rhyme”.More people say,the sun always after the wind and rain,do not experience the wind and rain how to see the rainbow? Man’s life is more meaningful only after he has tasted the pain.Through the wind and rain of the sky,there will be a beautiful rainbow; The life that has been through the bitterest sweet is the complete life.Destiny can break its wings,but it can‘t take the sky!“ I believe that you will become more confident and strong after going through pain.

  In fact,pain for people,is an intangible spiritual wealth.As long as life is not destroyed,the greater the pain,the greater the latent creation.If you suffer,you gain valuable life experience; You are miserable,so you will appreciate your present life more.Everyone yearned for ”beauty“,but have you ever thought that true beauty is earned by your own efforts,and this effort will bring a lot of pain? Therefore,in a sense,only pain can breed beauty.

  The clam gave birth to a beautiful pearl because it was not afraid of pain,the eagle flew to the blue sky because it was not afraid of pain,and the butterfly broke the cocoon because it was not afraid of pain.Napoleon had a lot of wealth,but still he said,I have had no happiness in my life; Helen Keller is blind,but she said,I feel the world is really beautiful...Without pain,happiness would not last.Without pain,life would lose its luster; Without pain,life is meaningless.Without pain,beauty would be no more.Therefore,pain seems to be the magic medicine of life,is the most real meaning of life.

  Pain is like a paper tiger in front of beauty,beauty is often hidden in the invisibility cloak of pain.When you fear it,it seems to become more fierce,so that you can never enter the door of beauty; When you face it bravely,it will fall and the beautiful door will be opened for you.

  Life is like a sail,pain is the force of the sail,the stronger the wind,the faster the ship of fate.So,please don’t be afraid of pain,brave to taste the taste of pain,with temporary pain for eternal beauty!


  The arrival of the winter mean flowers can’t show her beauty to us,green grass can not be straightened.Alive and kicking animal also lost his excitement,only quietly in the hole.A few leaves on the branches of the very few,difficult to stand in the branches.The cold wind blowing branches,li long leaves can’t hold.Finally,it does not care to leave the branch.

  Today’s sky is not yesterday’s gloomy.Soon the sky filled with snow.A white snowflake like a lovely little spirit,from the sky calmly jumped down.Them by twos and threes together,dance,dancing,how leisurely comfortable ah! See the beautiful scene,I can not help but run outside hand,small so as to catch the flawless white snow.I see this scene to: the delicate six snowflake from who’s skilled? And who put their flying in the sky? Ah,snow,has been under a non-stop,as if to tell people: she most want to come to the world,on earth leave white marks.The snow like spring flowers as beautiful as summer,flying like butterflies,like autumn leaves as chic.Don’t underestimate the snow Oh,she also quietly for the winter dress: the house dressed as an ice house,the clear lake dress up into a big mirror.

  Winter is beautiful! A snow company,and can see the naughty cute child.I like winter,I am looking forward to the coming of the next winter,do you? Do you like it?


  it is believed in common that beauty eists everywhere on the campus as long as you have an eye for it.some people hold that natural scenes,especially at dawn,are the most beautiful on the campus while others believe that it is in the afternoon when the playgrounds are flooded with students taking part in my opinion,the best scene on the campus is during the rush hour when thousands of students rush towards the canteen.

  at precisely the same time as the bell rings,some students dash from the chairs,rushing to the canteen.they set the prelude to the most attractive scene of the whole day.

  within a few minutes,all the classrooms become empty and everyone starts their journey for lunch,on foot or by gives people the impression that lunch is the most important thing in the world.most of the students move at the same speed,with the eception of several ecellent cyclists.they shuttle smoothly in the crowds just like fish swimming freely in the sea.

  on the way to the canteen,everyone looks anious.but once inside,a look of pride and triumph takes over.sometimes,it bubbles up in my mind that the rush hour hustle and bustle is the epitome of the intense competition in real life.if you want to realize your epectations,you must be armed with skills and knowledge,use time and resources efficiently and the most importantly,have a healthy body.


  Our class have a be courteous and accessible math teacher,Her name is Lin Shaohui,She is elegant,the ornamental and the combined plain properties,Since it is on course to make everyone burst into laughter,So I think she is the most beautiful teacher.

  Because her inner beauty,Treat students were also very sincere,So I like the class is mathematics teacher.Do you like this beautiful culture to the students in good faith as a math teacher?I hope you will like her.


  In your life,have you ever complained about life,about other people,and how bad everyone around you feels? In fact,life is full of beauty,all kinds of beauty,material beauty,the beauty of the scenery,the beauty of the soul,too many to count.But why do we always complain about life? Can‘t you see or touch it? No,it’s not.It‘s because we don’t feel with our heart.As Rodin said,“Life is not lack of beauty,but lack of eyes to find beauty.” Indeed,as long as we have beauty in our hearts,to experience with our hearts,with curious eyes to see the world,then you will find a lot of beauty.

  Walking into the campus,the classroom loud and clear,students are sitting upright in their seats,eyes focused on the textbook,meticulous to learn new knowledge; The teacher on the platform to explain attentively,the voice of knowledge,the spirit of selfless dedication,is not like a beautiful music? This is beauty.

  On the road,cars come and go,flying a lot of dust and garbage.At this time,a figure carrying a big broom,carrying garbage bags,waving their arms in the road.On the face and head of the “city beautician”,big drops of sweat fell down and burst into small silver flowers on the road.Isn‘t this broom like a paintbrush that paints beautiful pictures? This is beauty!

  In class,a classmate nosebleed,all of a sudden the eyes of the students are concerned about him,some also secretly to give him a napkin.A class,the students swarmed,some give him a napkin,some end to the trash can,some take hot water.In an instant,the table was filled with napkins,like a hill.The student was moved to tears.Some of the “little doctors” in the class gave him patient advice on how to deal with the situation.“Keep your head up.” “Hold your nose.” “No,no,raise your right hand higher,yes.” Such a sentence warms my heart.A class passed,two classes passed,the students have been paying attention to the students with nosebleeds,no regrets,but also kept asking about his situation.After school,I heard a girl gently asked him: “Are you ok?” Isn’t that a beauty? This is another kind of beauty,the beauty of the soul,the most precious,the most pure beauty.

  Everything in the world has its two sides.We should not only see its negative side,but more often we should see its beautiful side and realize its secret.Although the meteor is dangerous,but it is so beautiful at the moment of falling.Though the life of the match is short,its shining light brings hope to many people.Although chalk ash is harmful to health,then it silent dedication spirit is selfless; Although the plum blossom is small,but its strong but let a person be awestruck; Although the weed is annoying,its strong vitality is beautiful; Even the turbulent triangle of death is beautiful,beautiful in the struggle to evolve for creatures.Even the vast desert is beautiful,it is the tenacious and the United States of life...

  Students,please remember,there is no perfect thing in the world,but there is a myriad of beauty,large or small,waiting for us to find.Please don‘t complain,let us use the beautiful eyes together,to find the beautiful tomorrow.


  The beauty economy is a special kind of media economics which is based on beauty as a medium.This is a product of human technological progress and economic development.

  On television,we often see the advertisement in which the protagonist has a perfect body and looks beautiful.We often say that the image spokesperson.In order to make the product well-known and enhance its credibility,advertiser like to invite famous star as the spokesman of the product.Of course,there are also many forms of the beauty economy.For example,football baby is the combination of football and beauty.Dream Car with beauty give birth to car mode and so on.

  The beauty economy is a win-win economy.In this progress,the beauty is not the direct consumed goods,but the media of the spread of the beauty.It inspire the re-shape themselves enthusiasm of many women who are not the natural beauty.As a result,making the rapid development of the cosmetics industry and aesthetic and plastic industry.At the same time,the beauty has also brought negative impact.Looks pretty are easier to get a job.Social injustice that results from appearance of discrimination is expanding further.Too much emphasis on appearance also distort the value of life of some people that some behavior has touched the bottom line of the legal and moral.Overall,the development of the beauty economy in China is not yet ripe.This requires the joint efforts of government departments,economic experts,business enterprises,as well as the various intermediary companies what regulate market behavior and improve the variety of operating systems,so that the "beauty economy" develop healthy and orderly.


——Beauty的英语优秀作文 (菁华5篇)


  The arrival of the winter mean flowers can’t show her beauty to us,green grass can not be straightened.Alive and kicking animal also lost his excitement,only quietly in the hole.A few leaves on the branches of the very few,difficult to stand in the branches.The cold wind blowing branches,li long leaves can’t hold.Finally,it does not care to leave the branch.

  Today’s sky is not yesterday’s gloomy.Soon the sky filled with snow.A white snowflake like a lovely little spirit,from the sky calmly jumped down.Them by twos and threes together,dance,dancing,how leisurely comfortable ah! See the beautiful scene,I can not help but run outside hand,small so as to catch the flawless white snow.I see this scene to: the delicate six snowflake from who’s skilled? And who put their flying in the sky? Ah,snow,has been under a non-stop,as if to tell people: she most want to come to the world,on earth leave white marks.The snow like spring flowers as beautiful as summer,flying like butterflies,like autumn leaves as chic.Don’t underestimate the snow Oh,she also quietly for the winter dress: the house dressed as an ice house,the clear lake dress up into a big mirror.

  Winter is beautiful! A snow company,and can see the naughty cute child.I like winter,I am looking forward to the coming of the next winter,do you? Do you like it?



  At the weekend I went to the fields to see the beauty.I looked at the wheat,how beautiful the wheat! SuiEr is full,one is hard work.That is the golden spike.


  In this warm season,many of the trees are full of bright flowers; we all refused to give ground,red,yellow,white,purple,all sorts of flowers like a beautiful large flower.Many butterflies and bees have smelled the scent of the flowers,and they all flew in and out of the air.


  In the woods,many of the birds to fly in the freedom of joy,happy,they sing the song beautiful clear,spring winds of the river,the river suddenly was a sweet,sweet laughter shook,looking ahead,a group of naughty children with willow hat! They are happy to play.


  Ah,Tano Mami! Let us feel the beauty of nature.


  It has been admitted that beautiful outlook can bring people a lot of attention,the beautiful person always win the chances to be successful.But what is the standard of a beauty,different times have different standard.In our parents’ generation,it was believed that a girl should be a little fatter,because it meant that she lived the better life,while the thin girl would be thought to be lacking of happiness.In today,the standard of beauty has changed,the most important standard of a beauty is to be thin,the thinner,the better.When we look at the commercial ads,all of the models are skinny,with the beautiful dress,they look so gorgeous.When I see my friends work so hard to lose weight,I feel worried about them.They don’t have to do it,the beauty’s standard will change any time.We should stay the way we are.

  人们承认美丽的外表能给人们带来很多的吸引力,长得好看的人总是能赢得成功的机会。但是美丽的标准是什么呢,不同的时间有不同的标准。在我们父母那一代, 人们认为女孩子应该胖点,因为那意味着她过得好,然而瘦的女孩就会被认为缺少幸福。在今天,美丽的标准已经改变了,美丽的最重要标准就是瘦,越瘦越好。当 我们看商业广告的时候,所有的模特都是很瘦的,加上华丽的服饰,他们看起来真美。看到我的朋友们那么努


  as we know,the enivironment is very important for our human protect the environment is to save ourselves.

  but because of men’s activities,many environmental problems have been caused.i think the most serious problem must be water pollution.our planet is almost covered by water,men can’t live without is an important source that men depend on to live on.if the water you drink is being polluted,can you image what the result will be.there’s no doubt that we may die because the lack of protecting water is the most important thing we must do.

  first,government should take more action to solve this problem,holding meetings to educate people and let them know the situation for the moment.second,we must throw away our bad habits,such as wasting water.even a drop of water we must make full use of it.for eample,we can use the water for washing vegetables to water trees and flowers.finally,we must limit ourselves and not throw rubbish to the river or the lake nearby.if we do that,not only will the water be polluted,but also the fish is going to die.

  in a word,water is our order to make our social life and our world more and more beautiful,to make a good living environment for ourselves,please please protect the water.


  It is believed in mon that beauty exists everywhere on the campus as long as you have an eye for it.Some people hold that natural scenes,especially at dawn,are the most beautiful on the campus while others believe that it is in the afternoon when the playgrounds are flooded with students taking part in sports.In my opinion,the best scene on the campus is during the rush hour when thousands of students rush towards the canteen.

  At precisely the same time as the bell rings,some students dash from the chairs,rushing to the canteen.They set the prelude to the most attractive scene of the whole day.

  Within a few minutes,all the classrooms bee empty and everyone starts their journey for lunch,on foot or by bike.It gives people the impression that lunch is the most important thing in the world.Most of the students move at the same speed,with the exception of several excellent cyclists.They shuttle smoothly in the crowds just like fish swimming freely in the sea.

  On the way to the canteen,everyone looks anxious.But once inside,a look of pride and triumph takes over.Sometimes,it bubbles up in my mind that the rush hour hustle and bustle is the epitome of the intense petition in real life.If you want to realize your expectations,you must be armed with skills and knowledge,use time and resources efficiently and the most importantly,have a healthy body.


——Beauty英语作文 (菁华3篇)


  One of the most successful,influential and beloved women in American history,Eleanor Roosevelt once said that she had one regret:she wished she had been prettier.Who hasn’t felt the same way?We are all too aware of our physical imperfections.

  To overcome them,we spend billions upon billions of dollars every year on cosmetics,diet products, fashion, and plastic surgery.Why do we care so much about how we look?Because it *.Because beauty is powerful.Because even when we learn to value people mostly for being kind and wise and funny,we are still moved by beauty.No matter how much we argue against it or pretend to be immune,beauty exerts its power over us.

  There is sim* no escape.Aristotle said,“Beauty is a greater recommendation than any letter of introduction.”It’s not fair, but it’s true.We sim* treat beautiful people better than we do others.Attach a photograph of a beautiful author to an essay,and people will think that is more creative and more intelligently writtenthan exactly the same essay accompanied by the photo of a homely author.

  Our sensitivity to physical beauty is not something we can control at will.We are born with it.Experiments conducted by psychologist Judith J. Langlois showed that even small infants prefer to look at attractive faces.Before they have met a single supermodel,before they have watched a single TV show,before they have opened up a single fashion magazine,they are drawn to the same faces which *s have judged to be attractive.There are more important things in life than beauty.But as Etcoff says,“We have to understand beauty, or we will always be enslaved by it.”If you aim to be wise and kind and funny,it doesn’t mean that you can’t also try your best to look beautiful.There’s no reason to feel guilty about being moved by beauty’s power.It moves us all.


  Beauty is everywhere in life. Beauty in the colorful nature, people and the nature harmonious beauty, have a family warm sweet beauty, the love in the society to help us...

  Beauty is everywhere in life. One year, my family and I came to Beijing to visit. We boarded the Great Wall, I saw a few thousand years ago qin shi huang led soldiers and working people to build the Great Wall of scenarios. If no qin shi huang, how do we see this magnificent feat? On the Great Wall, I saw the Chinese great rivers, also saw the bright future of China. This beautiful scenery make my family all linger!

  Beauty is everywhere in life. On one occasion, my sister took me to chessboard hill, when looking down on the top of the mountain, so high! When you see the big board when I was very surprised, so big pieces, and the bigger board. I touched the stone carving, so delicate, so beautiful. The ancients is so smart! Unexpectedly know the exquisite carving art, also know playing chess. The beauty to perfection.

  Beauty is everywhere in life. When the New Year, the family sat in front of a table with, set up a family reunion dinner with. The family together on the couch watching the Spring Festival gala. The warmth of family happy together, not is the sweetness of life simple didn’t?

  Beauty is everywhere in life. Beauty in the colorful nature, people and the nature harmonious beauty, have a family warm sweet beauty, the love in the society to help us... Beauty is everywhere in life, let us make this beauty in the life around you forever!


  The arrival of the winter mean flowers can’t show her beauty to us, green grass can not be straightened. Alive and kicking animal also lost his excitement, only quietly in the hole. A few leaves on the branches of the very few, difficult to stand in the branches. The cold wind blowing branches, li long leaves can’t hold. Finally, it does not care to leave the branch.

  Today’s sky is not yesterday’s gloomy. Soon the sky filled with snow. A white snowflake like a lovely little spirit, from the sky calmly jumped down. Them by twos and threes together, dance, dancing, how leisurely comfortable ah! See the beautiful scene, I can not help but run outside hand, small so as to catch the flawless white snow. I see this scene to: the delicate six snowflake from who’s skilled? And who put their flying in the sky? Ah, snow, has been under a non-stop, as if to tell people: she most want to come to the world, on earth leave white marks. The snow like spring flowers as beautiful as summer, flying like butterflies, like autumn leaves as chic. Don’t underestimate the snow Oh, she also quietly for the winter dress: the house dressed as an ice house, the clear lake dress up into a big mirror.

  Winter is beautiful! A snow company, and can see the naughty cute child. I like winter, I am looking forward to the coming of the next winter, do you? Do you like it?



  广告的英语作文 1

  Welcome to Jack’s Clothes Store! We have nice clothes at a very good price. Do you like sweaters? We have green sweaters for only ¥55. Blue sweaters are on sale for only ¥45. White sweaters are only ¥50. We have trousers in black and purple for only ¥35.For girls, we have skirts in all colors for only ¥35. For boys,we have hats in black and brown for only ¥15.Come to Jack’s clothes store and see for yourself.

  广告的英语作文 2

  Have an English class, the teacher let us write the words in your exercise book. I searched all the book bag, also didn't find the exercise books, at the moment, Sun Hui extending the hand of friendship, said: "what are you looking for?" "I exercise books I can't find it." I said. Sun Hui quickly gave me a new English exercise books.

  Another time, we are playing on the playground to touch people, I accidentally hurt his legs in a large, Sun Hui to take me to the infirmary.

  A gym class, I accidentally pushed her, her arm hurt, I wanted to, she would scold me, I said she won't listen. But Sun Hui said: "I'm okay, just hurts a little, you don't have to worry about."

  I have a understanding others, ready to help others, only care about others, regardless of their friends, I'm so happy.

  广告的英语作文 3

  "Advertising" or "advertisement" comes from Latin “advertere”, which means an approach to arouse public attention to something and induce a certain direction. Traditional definitions of advertising include a series of elements that distinguish the field from others. Each innovation in communication has been used for advertising, and in some way, each has changed advertising, which in turn has changed the set of elements used in its definition. However, there are or should be some essential elements that determine whether an activity is advertising, that is to say, the essential meaning is largely identical but with minor differences. In short, advertising is the non-personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media. And we can learn the functions of advertising from the definition above which are listed as follows:1)information function; 2)demand creation function; 3)persuasive function; 4)get attention function; 5)goodwill establishment function.


  广告的英语作文 4

  On the way of life, my friend grows up with me, giving me warm heart and satisfying dreams. I thought of the friend who had come with me, a feeling of warmth and warmth.

  In the season of flying red dragonflies, I live in the countryside. The bell is my best friend, a short, gentle girl. It was there, I and she walked hand in hand into the field, she picked flowers ed on my clothes, as for me, I do only lei, let her for the little princess in the fairy tale. Summer night, if you have two little girls, every time sitting in the courtyard low stools, chin propped up, listening to grandma telling me the story of the sky, listen to the little worm "hissing" sound, the number of the stars, in the breeze gently brushed, sleepily into dreamland, it must be the bell son and I. Early autumn, I and wild in the bell son together to catch the grasshopper, green worm with a wrap, the grass is buried in a red-hot stove ash, check it later, red. Ha! Ha! Delicious!

  广告的英语作文 5

  I have a friend, her name is xu yi qiye, she combs her neat ear hair, with big eyes, like two bright black pearl inlaid in the round face, showing a pair of clever. Have a small nose under the eyes, nose and a small cherry mouth below, often up some funny sentences.

  Her most like to look at the books, reading every time you will see the point of sleepless nights. On one occasion, I class time for her to play, lost in found that she was reading a book, I called her a few consecutive, she didn't respond. So I walked to the front of her, she remained unmoved. I cannot bear to disturb her, only to find other students to play.





  道德英语的作文 1

  Social morality is an important part of our life that reflects the degree of civilization of our country.

  Generally speaking, social morality contains many aspects. For example, civility, which requires people behave in a being manner and be friendly to others. Be ready to help others telling us that give a hand to those who need help. When we help others, we can get gratification as well. Just as the old saying goes, “Roses given, fragrance in hand.” Besides, respecting the old and cherishing the young, protecting the environment, observing law and discipline are also included in social morality.

  Observe social morality is the basic requirement to a man of being moral, which has positive effects that keep our society stable and harmonious. As a member of our society, we should keep these disciplines and requirements in mind, so that act as a moral people.

  道德英语的作文 2

  To witness immoral behavior in public, one need only visit the Beijing subway. I still remember the first time I took the Beijing subway. It was an early morning. I was in a hurry to go to school. When I was trying to get a ticket, I found a lot of people waiting in front of me, but nobody was in the line.

  Immoral behaviors in public initiate a series of problems. One of the most serious ones is that it may exert a negative impact on our sense of social responsibility. We will keep ignoring other people’s rights and feelings, and in turn, we too will be disrespected some day.

  The reform of this phenomenon is certainly not easy. With an eye on practical implementation and cost effectiveness , I propose that society make it clear in every way that people who fail to respect the common good will be seriously punished. Stricter policies for this should be made to correct this phenomenon as soon as possible.

  We all expect “A World without Thieves". Everyone shares the huge responsibility of demonstrating his or her justice at the proper time. Personal responsibility is vital to build a harmonious socialist society.

  道德英语的作文 3

  The morals are a stone, knocks fire of the hope; The morals are the fire, lamp of the ignition hope; The morals are a lamp, illuminates road of the life; The morals are a road, guides the people to move toward the bright magnificence! The morals regarding a person, have the greatest importance, if the human does not stress the morals, not to be called the civilization, to see somebody in danger and do nothing, everybody considers, what appearance can this humanity's livelihood Earth be, mistrusts each other, the full mouth vulgar language, to destroy the state property at will, did not respect the elders saying of the care for the young, did this all who want to see? Is glad helps the human, draws close to our student most common morals. Some magazine company the quality which most appreciates to the student has carried on the investigation: “is glad helps the human” to arrange at first. Lei Feng, has been sung by the people more than 30 years, because he is always glad helps the human, the good deed has made a train, brings along the old and the young, to give money generously, gives opportune help, becomes the model which deserves. The fall cloud, a body remnant will firm good girl, delicate qu has composed song of Qu the Zhuren with oneself, causes these “the orphaned sail far shade” the people “directly link up the cloud sail Jinan sea” again.

  Xu Hu, on Shanghai most receives the common people who welcome, several years like one day visits to help people overcome their difficulties, is glad helps the moral excellence which the person this Chinese nation spread to sing crimson, displays incisively ……No wonder Mr. Conde once said: “in this world, only has the different thing to shock our mind dee***; first, we on bright starry sky; first, our innermost feelings lofty morals.” But in replies another investigation “you when how runs into others to bump into terrible business to treat”, some people actually make “gets out of the way quietly” the choice. Indeed, “quietly gets out of the way” the choice has saved the temporary trouble, “the matter does not close oneself after all, hangs up high”, but you simultaneously actually have departed from the social morals criterion.

  In the beautiful West Lake lakeside, will bury Yue Fei, a Qiu Jin synonym place fortunately, once had performed a grieved tragedy: A child falls into the lake, in lives with in the whirlpool which dies struggles, the observer several hundreds, actually do not have one rescues, some people proposed unexpectedly “bid 100 only then rescued” the idea, the child in the people numbly stops struggling, transmitted young boy's tragedy to perform finally black, pitiful, hateful, lamentable!

  Stretches out your hand, causes a life Soviet sufficiently: Anchors your foot, causes a moral reproduction sufficiently.

  道德英语的作文 4

  Problems have happened to everyone. For example, the problem of mathematics can not be written, the writing can not be written, and so on. The problem I have to say today is very different, because it is a moral problem.

  It happened yesterday when school was over. It is a day of heavy, heavy rain, water everywhere, as if God was angry. As the bell rang, I walked out of the school with my classmates. In order to buy some materials needed in science, we went to the next stationery store to buy materials. Out of the shop door, I suddenly saw a rain on the ground has not yet soaked five yuan. I picked it up and looked closely at it. It was five yuan. I think: with a person to buy a lollipop, or ask around people have not lost money? I was trapped by this moral dilemma. After some ideological struggle, I still think we should ask the people around there Diuqian, I was about to ask, the stationery store aunt came out, said: "this five yuan is the old man walking ahead of time to pay off, just go ahead, look, should be able to catch up with." Finally, the aunt added a sentence: "must run to be able to catch up with Oh!"

  After listening to my aunt, my classmates and I ran forward immediately. Finally, we saw two old uncles in the service corridor. I came up and asked one of them, and the five yuan was indeed his lost. I handed over the five yuan in my hand and gave it back to him. I said goodbye and went home.

  After returning home, although my clothes were wet, I felt very happy. Because of good faith and credit, it was worth a lot of money. And because honesty is the passport of life, and honesty has enabled me to win in this contest.

  道德英语的作文 5

  Nowadays there are still many behaviors against public morality, such as spitting or littering in public, cutting in line. One of the main reasons for these is that some people lack personal manners and public consciousness. In addition , weak implementation of the administration measures contribute a lot to these uncivilized behaviors.

  Indeed , these small things in many people's eyes have brought great bad effects . Above all , these immoral behaviors disturb social orders and disrupt social stability. Moreover , one's violating public morals not only invades others' benefits but also does harm to himself. For example, if most people buy pirated products, those original producers might lose the enthusiasm to continue their producing.

  Taking the above-mentioned into consideration, I think, it is high time that we took effective measures to improve public morals . On one hand, we must use education to enhance their moral consciousness . On the other hand, the government should improve the administration system and ensure the efficient implementation of administration measures . In a word, the improvement of public morals depends on all of us.



  时间的英语作文 1

  Time is the most valuable for people, because you can never own it again after it goes. When I was little child, my parents always told me that I should treasure my time. However, I seldom trusted in them because I thought that I just a little kid and I have plenty of time. But after I went to middle school, I changed my view. I spend all the day in school, having classes, and after class, I have to spend some time in study. That is to say, I do not have much time to play. Therefore, I realize that time is valuable and I should make a good plan for my life, so that I can live a rich life.


  时间的英语作文 2

  we often hear the saying"Time is money."But I think time is much more precious than money.Because If we lost time, we can't find it.But We can try to woke harder to get more money.No matter whatever you do ,you can not get lost time back.

  "Time flies.time and tides wait for no men".You can see how important time is.Lunxun had said"I spent the time on my work while others are havig coffee."We must make good use of our time,especially for our students,we shouldn't waste time in playing games and the like.

  时间的英语作文 3

  I always think there is not enough time. For example, I have just taken a three-day holiday. But when I look back, I just feel that it’s only one day. There goes a proverb, “Time is money”. Now I want to say, time is more precious than money, because when money is spent, we can earn some more again. However, when time is gone or lost, never will it return.


  Time goes without being noticed. The time for our study and work is usually limited. So I think we must make full use of our time. But it’s a pity that I am always not aware of the importance of time until it’s too late.


  So I think, I should get into the good habit of saving time because wasting time is equal to wasting one’s life. Do not put off what can be done today till tomorrow!


  时间的英语作文 4

  Time flies like an arrow before we realize it .It is known that nothing is more precious than time. The good old proverb "time is money" reminds us that time is valuable. When time goes by, it will never return. However, it is a pity that some people don't make full use of their time .They spend a lot of time in sleeping, chatting, playing computer games or other unmeaning ***. . They don't realize that wasting time is actually equal to killing themselves. They always regret not having made great achievements. One of the reasons may be they do not make good use of time. Therefore, in order to be successful, they should first get into the habit of being on time. It’s a sign of cherishing time. Don't put off what can be done today until tomorrow. Being lazy will eventually lead to failure. Don't wait, because you don't know how long it will take when you put off your plan.


  The more we are aware of the significance of this famous saying, the more benefits we will get in study or job.


  时间的英语作文 5








  抢劫的英语作文 1

  When you hear the word "robbery", you must feel strange and familiar. It's not strange to say it's strange. I can often see this word in the newspaper. I'm familiar with it, but I'm not familiar with it. Almost none of our classmates have encountered such a thing. But this happened to my cousin. If you don't believe it, just listen to me!

  One day at noon, sunny, Linxi road occasionally to meet one or two people, and at this time, my mother witnessed a robbery: cousin dressed in elegant clothes, is carrying a red bag, anxious and helpless waiting for the rickshaw. At this time, aunt Biao happened to find a rickshaw. When the rickshaw was turning around, suddenly, a young man was driving a motorcycle quickly to brush with aunt Biao and snatched aunt Biao's bag by the way. After the robbery, the young man ran away on his motorcycle. What about Aunt Biao? It was like everything seemed to be in a dream. It took several seconds to recall. But it was too late to catch up, so my aunt had to give up.

  I think: my aunt's dress is too beautiful. As soon as people see it, they know it's the boss's wife. No wonder she wants to grab it. In the future, we must pay more attention to such people, train more excellent and conscientious police, remove "eyesore" and make Cixi a "safe town".

  抢劫的英语作文 2

  Today, as soon as I came to the classroom, there were many people talking about something. I went to have a look and they said: he Qiqi, they were robbed of money. He Qiqi said, "what should I do? The man said, "I want 30 yuan today.". Then we were about to cry. We comforted her. Finally, Li qinzhe came. We were like a wind blowing to Li qinzhe's side. Some said, "Li qinzhe, someone asked us for money.".

  Li qinzhe said, "I'll go and tell Mr. Zhang.". We should stop him from saying to Mr. Zhang. Soon Mr. Zhang knew that he went to class 2, grade 6. Soon the man was told, his parents were informed, the headmaster was called, and he was taken to the education department for a long time. We also went to see a good play. In our hearts, we were very happy and cruel.

  Finally, we were told by Mr. Zhang: "you didn't treat Mr. Zhang as a friend. You should treat me as a friend, too! If you have any suggestions, please raise them! You should tell me anything.

  In this way, the big brother who robbed money was offered and transferred to another school. My classmates and I are very, very happy because no one will rob us any more.

  抢劫的英语作文 3

  Today is Christmas Eve. I told Chen Yi'an that I would go to her house to play this evening. However, I was late because I angered my mother at dinner.

  When my mother and I got to Chen Yi'an's house by taxi, Chen Yi'an immediately took me to find Santa Claus and said to me, "why do you come now? The gifts are almost robbed by others." Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that the community where Chen Yi'an lives held a gift snatching activity. The security guard played Santa Claus, and the owners of the community wanted to snatch the gifts from Santa Claus. Before I arrived, Chen Yi'an had already grabbed a fluorescent stick and a doll.

  As soon as we entered the door, we saw a "Santa Claus", but he was "poor" and had nothing left. However, the owners went to grab the clothes of "Santa Claus" one after another and tore his clothes to pieces. Because it's too late, we can't find Santa Claus. Chen Yi'an said to me, "eh? Where's your mother?" "I don't know. Maybe we dumped her." I answered carelessly. All of a sudden, my eyes lit up and I said to Chen Yi'an, "ah! Do you think that's Santa Claus?" "yes, yes, that's him!" but we were so happy that we ran over to have a look. We didn't know if we were scared. Usually those educated owners for their children, all fly to chase Santa Claus. We knew that we were not the opponents of those adults, so we watched the excitement. I joked with Chen Yi'an: "Chen Yi'an, do you think this Christmas is the most feared holiday for security guards in your community?"

  Late at night, the community is also gradually quiet down. My mother and I said goodbye to Chen Yian. Speaking of today, there is nothing but a hat from a security guard. It's just a shot in the arm!

  抢劫的英语作文 4

  This summer vacation, mom and dad took me to the northeast, we climb the Old Black Mountain in the Five Dalian Pool, met a "highway robbery" squirrel.

  When I saw a yellow striped squirrel, I thought it was a squirrel. I didn't know it was a chipmunk until my trip to the Northeast. The squirrel is much bigger than the chipmunk, the body is black gray, white chest, pointy ears with long hair, hairy tail and body length.

  It was mom who first spotted it, and we all approached it quietly, afraid to scare it away. I was surprised that the squirrels here were so unafraid of people that they came towards us. It squatted in front of us and we looked at it and it looked at us. Gradually some people found it, we around more people up, it has not escaped the meaning.

  At this time, someone opened the bag, the squirrel saw, immediately ran to the man waiting for the man, the man was very happy to take out a mobile phone close to the squirrel took a few photos. The squirrel didn't look back and ran to the other man with the bag and waited. At this time, we suddenly realized that this is a "waylay" squirrel, it is waiting here to collect "toll". Understanding its purpose, people began to bring out food. An uncle handed in a cookie, it bit up the cookie, with two front PAWS and sent to the mouth, but did not eat, but ran to the hillside. It sniffed here, there probing, finally found a suitable position on the slope, dig a small pit, "rob" to hide the cookies in. After hiding the cookie, it came back to us, waiting to be handed in. In this way, one hand it a nut, another hand it a bread, in a short time, it got a pile of "toll". Interestingly, it hid the toll money in at least six or seven different potholes.

  It's a great insight to walk thousands of miles. Not only did I learn the difference between a chipmunk and a squirrel, but I got to see this funny thing. To recall today, or happy!

  抢劫的英语作文 5

  On yesterday afternoon,Mrs He left home to go shopping.Halfway down the stairs,she found her way blocked by two men,who were armed with knives and threatened her.They said they would stab her if she made a noise.Then,they forced her to take them to her flat and open the door.

  In the flat opposite,a woman heard the noise outside.When she looked out through the window,she discovered that her neighbour was threatened by someone.She immediately called the police station.In answer to the call,a patrol police car arrived at the scene of the crime quickly.Three policemen went inside the flat,others guarded outside the building to prevent anyone from escaping.

  The two criminals were arrested.They were taken to the police station with their wrists handcuffed.There they would be questioned and probably charged with robbery.
