初中生英语自我介绍小报 (菁华3篇)

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  Good morning ! teacher , im very glad to be a member of the new class,MY name is xxx,i like play basketball and tennis in my free time ,

  also Engliah is my favorite.I usually go to English corner on the weekend ,but i know my English is not good enough,I will study hard in the

  high school, I think if i study hard i will have a good progress, thats all .thank you!


  Hello, everyone! My name is xxx .My Chinese name is xxx. I am very glad to join you in this class. I just graduated from senior high school.

  I like Britain very much, so if I could study in Britain one day, I would be very happy. But my English is not very good now.

  So Id like to improve my English in this class. And very glad to see our teacher Mrxxx/Mrsxxx . Thank you.


  hello,everyone. my name x and im 15-year-old .i am verpleased to be admitted to the xicheng foreign language school.

  my favourite subject ichinese and english. mhobbiblown flute and reading. there ialso a vergood orchestra here. the school orchestra and thiwill allow me to learn a lot of knowledge in thithree years. i want to studwell. to give our parentand ourselvea satisfactoranswer at thiholiday.

  i took part in the training of the orchestra. participated in the torch relatask. i will learn a lot and i hope that i can learn more knowledge at thisecondarschool.

初中生英语自我介绍小报 (菁华3篇)扩展阅读

初中生英语自我介绍小报 (菁华3篇)(扩展1)

——初中生英语自我介绍小报 (菁华3篇)


  My name is Lin and Im from China. Right now, Im a student. I study very hard every day.

  I like going to school because Im eager to learn. I enjoy learning English. Its my favorite class. I like to make friends and I get along with everyone.

  This is the introduction I give whenever I meet new people. It tells people a little bit about me and about what I like to do.


  I am a 12 years old boy. Smart and handsome. I am proud of myself. Because I can get perfect scores in Chinese, Maths and English. It is not good enough.

  I am also proud of being an elder brother. That is a Friday evening, my baby brother was crying all the time. My parents were both cooking for dinner. I said to my mum, let me look after this little thing. My mum said, "Are you sure you can?" "Yes ,believe me I can." I answered. Then mum went to the kitchen. I went towards my baby brother." Oh baby, dont cry.

  I will sing a song for you…" I carried him and sing songs for him. After a while, he was asleep. I was so tired. My parents were happy and praised me a good boy. This is my first time to look after my baby brother and I feel proud of myself.


  Hello, everyone! My name is xxx .My Chinese name is xxx. I am very glad to join you in this class. I just graduated from senior high school.

  I like Britain very much, so if I could study in Britain one day, I would be very happy. But my English is not very good now.

  So Id like to improve my English in this class. And very glad to see our teacher Mrxxx/Mrsxxx . Thank you.

初中生英语自我介绍小报 (菁华3篇)(扩展2)

——初中生新生自我介绍 (菁华3篇)




  优美婉转的琴声,活泼可爱的安琪儿天使,这就是我的名字——xxx. 我今年xxx岁,是xx市34中七年级(二)班的一名学生。我的性格也和我的名字一样,既如天使般天真活泼,又似委婉的琴声般内向文静,就像相辅相成的太极协和图。



  当然我最热爱的、也是我投入最大精力的还是我的学*。我坚信“宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来”,只有付出一份耕耘,才可能有一份收获。我对自己有一个要求,要坚持刻苦学*,而从不痛苦地学*。在老师们的辛勤培养和自己的'努力下,目前我已经完全适应了中学学*生活,各门功课也取得了优异成绩,原因就在于我把学*始终当作一种快乐。我知道今后学*的路还很长,学*的任务也会更加艰巨,我不会因此骄傲的,而会更加努力,争取取得更好的成绩。 很高兴大家能认识我,谢谢。








初中生英语自我介绍小报 (菁华3篇)(扩展3)

——初中生简单自我介绍 (菁华3篇)


  我叫**,今年十三岁,刚上初二。 我个子中等,1,66,再班里排第十个,长脸短鼻子,手大脚也大,一双眼睛不大也不小,眼珠子特别有神,一张大嘴巴特别能说,只要一说起来,说上一个小时也没问题,个子不高不矮,身体不胖不瘦。总的来说还是比较帅的。




  我的缺点就是不会打篮球,也不知到是怎么一回事,就是不喜欢,而且, 我上课还总走神,不注意听讲。所以,老师叫我后,我还满有信心的站起来,百分之八十都是对的,害的老师又气又笑。 这就是我,只要一见到我,我总是笑,我会热情的和你打招呼,来吧!





  我的缺点就是爱掉哭。呵,你可别笑,这也是我的爱好哩!宠物死了,哭!受欺负了,哭!考试不好,哭!看书看到感人处,鼻子一酸,又落下两排金豆豆。不过,我不觉得难为情。我很喜欢一句话当笑则笑,当哭则哭,无须掩饰。 坦荡荡的。




  小女孩一位,现年十三岁,并非大家闺秀,其貌不扬, 生于广西柳州市。祖籍浙江(为金庸之老乡),却从未涉足此地。四岁上,随父进京,进入地科院幼儿园。人生地不熟,受小朋友之欺侮,常含泪缩于墙角,渐将爱动爱闹之*改掉,胆小慎微,直至现今。记得当时住于一小院,母亲教之读幼儿书报,增长见闻,并*钢琴,后受益匪浅。




初中生英语自我介绍小报 (菁华3篇)(扩展4)

——初中生英语自我介绍 (菁华5篇)


  My Future Will Be Bright

  I have a belief deep down within my heart that my future will be bright.

  My future will be bright with all my loving families. Whether time find us far apart or it keeps us close together, ()they are always standing by my side.

  My future will be bright with all the close and caring friends of mine. Whenever I am sad and down, I know they would hold my hands and warm my heart.

  My future will be bright with the belief in brighter days. Life doesn’t always play by rules, and we must face the fact that there are days that things could be better. But I have a belief which see me through the dark times.

  I have a belief that joys once lost can always be found.

  I have a belief that there is rainbows after every storm.

  I have a belief that in the long run, my efforts will give back as much as I give, without a doubt.

  This belief gives me hope that is as certain as sun when the world seems to be wearing a frown.

  It is a steady and joyful light in my life.

  It is a blessing I continue to count on through the years.

  It is a light that will shine in me until the end of time.

  It is a treasure a million times more valuable than the ones some people spend a lifetime trying to find.

  Now, m dear friends, carry the sun inside you, and reach out for the dreams that guide you where you want to go. You have what it takes to make your path of succe.You have the courage and strength to see things through. You have the smile that will guide you to the beautiful tomorrows.

  So, with so much to be thank for, I believe that my future will be bright, and I believe that our future will be bright!


  hello,everyone. My name is giffer and Im 12-year-old .I am Very pleased to be admitted to the __icheng Foreign Language School. My favourite subject is Chinese and English. My hobby is blown flute and reading. There is also a very good Orchestra here. The school orchestra and this will allow me to learn a lot of knowledge in this three years.

  I want to study well. To give our parents and ourselves a satisfactory answer at this holiday. I took part in the training of the orchestra. Participated in the torch relay Task. I will Learn a lot and I hope that I can learn more knowledge at this secondary school.


  My name is xx. With a clear and crisp crying sound, broke the peace of the morning on October 10, 20xx, 34 points "on time" at seven o 'clock I came to this colorful world, like angels landing beside my dear mom and dad.

  At that time, my parents said that I was the best present given to them by god. But now, when I was mischievous, capricious and disobedient, they said that I was a "collection of debt" to their debt collection. Alas! I don't understand what the s say.

  My favorite things to do with "three". These three things is the "play", "play" or "play". Therefore, the s always said I play too much, but they don't just wish I had a happy childhood? "Play" is the happiest thing for me. Oh, I don't understand!

  My favorite person is my sister, tongtong, she is a little fat, I always call her "little fat", but my mother won't let me call her, saying that my aunt will not be happy.

  But I like to call her because she is chubby and cute. Every Friday, she would come to the kindergarten with her grandmother to pick me up from school, and I would proudly introduce my sister to my ctes. I liked her very much, but every time I used a warm hug to express her affection for her, she could not support her, she fell on the floor, and then she kept crying and crying.

  Yes, don't look at my appearance of quiet, crazy, more than a boy.


  Hello every one, First let me introduce myself. My name is xxx, xx years old. i am from xxx,a beautiful city in henan province. it is famous as the "capital of xxx" and enjoy yhe honer that l xxx peony is the best in the world. xxx played a very important role in chinese history. so it has a profound cultural background and many great heritagesites have been well reverved. such as longmen grotto, one of the three grottoes in china ang white horse temple, being regarded as the cradle of chnese buddhism.xxx peony is world-famous. every year, many tourists travel to xxx to see the beauty of peony .the people in my hometown are friendly, they welcome the travellers from all over the world.i like my hometown very much. I am very glad to be here for this interview. I graduated from xxx College in July,xxx and major in finance. Then, I was a teacher in abc, When I was a senior school student, I am interested in thought and began to read a certain classic work of Marxism, especially I finished reading “the florilegium of xxx”. From then on, I have dabbled in more and more theoretical works and accumulated great interests in theory study, especially in Marxism.I have a dream, a dream of my study. I wish devote my whole life and energy into the development of the Marxism. If I have the opportunity to study in abc University, I’ll dabble in as much as document about the specialty as possible. If it is possible, I want to get the primary accomplishment in my major, at least, a stable basis.Personally, for today’s China, the first task to the development of Marxism is a process of construction. That’s to say, we should understand Marxism mostly from the aspect of construction and development of social society. Only when our socialistic country has a more rapid and balance development than the capitalistic, we can enhance the attractiveness and persuasion of Marxism eventually. Thank you !


  I am a hot tempered little girl, very small, but my heart is a "small *", I pay attention to my own dress, I will also take care of myself.

  I am a little girl who loves independence. I always hope that there is no * life in my life. I can arrange freely and play freely. I am not a "little emperor" or a "great princess" in this family. I live very well in this ordinary family. Sometimes I will pay more or less for *s. My parents are also good to me.

  My mother said I was a water faucet that was often leaking. Mother every time just to tell me wrong, I feel that my mother hurt my self-esteem, will drop tears. Dad knew that I had a little noise about what I did wrong, and I would tear down, because I was a very proud girl.

  Because I did not like to drink milk when I was a child, and I don't like to eat vegetables, so I'm not very tall now. I often do not grow tall for myself, and every time I quietly hide in the quilt and cry, I don't know what to do. I think in my mind all day: I hope I can be high in junior high school, which is my only wish.

  My advantages are magnanimous and friendly to my friends. I was in primary school and two friends "blood", we are three sisters, is inseparable, now every day go home together.

  My weakness is to be too careless. In one of the math tests, I accidentally wrote down a decimal point, and the number of names in the class fell more than twenty. It's amazing that I'm doing my best to get rid of this shortcoming now.

  This is me, a little girl longing for it!

初中生英语自我介绍小报 (菁华3篇)(扩展5)





  Hello, everyone.

  I can tell you about me! I am a happy girl. My name is Nina, I am 12 years old this year. My hobbies are singing and dancing. I usually play basketball on Saturday. I want to grow up to be a doctor .

  I didn’t like playing video games, but I like reading some books .I ride bike to school .I go to school from Monday to Friday. I am a good student in my school .Because I so like study .I am good kid too, Do you know? I usually do homework, help my family. My cook food is tasty .I like cat my favorite season is fall. I like warm and sunny. I so like red. This is me! What about you?


  Hello,everyone! Nice to meet you ! My name is,I am fifteen years old . I am in class 197, school. As you see, I am a boy(haha),I am not so tall and not so strong.But I like very sport,for eample,I like playing bing-bong ball、basketball、football and so on. Not only I like sport,but also I like learning, like math、physics.I like reading .I want to be a Scientists. Thank you.










  My name is XXX and from China. Now, I am a student. I study hard every day. I like going to school because I am eager to learn. I like learning English. This is my favorite class. I like making friends. I get on well with everyone. This is my self introduction every time I meet new friends. It can tell people something about me and what I like to do.



  Hello, everyone. My English name is Sisi .I am a middle school student.

  My favorite animals are dolphins and rabbits. I think dolphins are smart and friendly, and rabbits are cute and a little bit quiet. Do you like koalas? They are one of Australian’s native animals. Well, to tell you the truth, I don't like them very well, because I think they are ugly.

  I like reading books! What an interesting thing it is! From books, I can read so many good stories, For example, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, this story is imaginary and powerful.

  I like spring, and I think spring is the most beautiful season in the year. It’s a warm time. The winter is good, too. We can play snow and make snowman.


  My name is Li Lei. My English name is Tom.

  I'm a Chinese boy. I'm eleven years old.

  I am tall and fat. I like playing football.

  My home is at 23 Tianjin Road. My home telephone number is 5237829.

  I am in No. 5 Primary School. I'm in Class 4, Grade 6.

  I'm in Row 3. I like dogs. I have a white dog. Its name is Carl.

  Mr. Wang is my English teacher. I like English very much.


  Hello,everyone! Nice to meet you ! My name is xxx,I am fifteen years old . I am in class 197,xx school. As you see, I am a boy(haha),I am not so tall and not so I like very sport,for example,I like playing bing-bong ball、basketball、football and so on. Not only I like sport,but also I like learning, like math、physics.I like reading .I want to be a Scientists. Thank you.


  My Chinese name is Peng Wanjun and English name is Alice. I'm a girl in my 12 years old. I like singing and acting. Besides, I like doing sports. Table tennis is my favorite sport. I have a brother and a sister. They are middle school students. I study in Xing Gong Primary School. I'm in Class Two Grade Four. I have three best friends. They are Huang Yue, Xia Yu and Wang Tongtong. We have many things in common. Do you like me?


  Hello, everyone! My name is xxx .My Chinese name is xxx. I am very glad to join you in this class. I just graduated from senior high school.

  I like Britain very much, so if I could study in Britain one day, I would be very happy. But my English is not very good now.

  So I'd like to improve my English in this class. And very glad to see our teacher Mrxxx/Mrsxxx . Thank you.


  Hello, everyone. I can tell you about me! I am a happy girl. My name is Nina, I am 12 years old this year. My hobbies are singing and dancing. I usually play basketball on Saturday. I want to grow up to be a doctor .

  I didn’t like playing video games, but I like reading some books .I ride bike to school .I go to school from Monday to Friday. I am a good student in my school .Because I so like study .I am good kid too, Do you know? I usually do homework, help my family. My cook food is tasty .I like cat my favorite season is fall. I like warm and sunny. I so like red. This is me! What about you?


  Hello, everyone. Now allow me to make an introduction. My name is XXX. I'm 14 years old. My birthday is October 11th. My favorite book is twilight. I really like reading books about vampires. My hobby is singing. Some people say I'm a good singer. My favorite singer is Justin Bieber. I think he is a great singer. I like to sing his songs. Besides singing, I also like shopping. If I have time, I will go shopping with my friends. My English is very good. If you have any questions, you can ask me, and I will try my best to help you. We can always be best friends. thank you!



  Hello,everyone! Nice to meet you ! My name is xxx,I am fifteen years old . I am in class 197,xx school. As you see, I am a boy(haha),I am not so tall and not so strong.But I like very sport,for example,I like playing bing-bong ball、basketball、football and so on. Not only I like sport,but also I like learning, like math、physics.I like reading .I want to be a Scientists. Thank you.

初中生英语自我介绍小报 (菁华3篇)(扩展6)





  I am a lively and cheerful girl, my name is Chen Shuo, read the name, some people may think I am a boy, in fact, I am a character more outgoing girl. Because my dad is Chen, and I'm a master, so the whole family wants me to be a master like my father.

  I have shiny black hair, and I love to comb a horse's tail. I have an oval face, like a small egg, on that oval face, with big, big eyes, black eyes in my eyes, like a black grape. My nose was high and my mouth was red. I never stopped talking. I really liked the face my mother gave me. I am twelve years old this year, is the only child in the family, is also home to the father, mother, a pearl in the palm "usually my pet.

  My study in the class, although not one of the best, but it is small celebrity, my popularity is also very good, more than half of the class are my good friends, and there are my "intimate friends"". I not only have many friends, but also have many hobbies, such as: painting, playing computer, swimming, playing the piano, reading books....... I like reading books best. When I was young, my father bought me a lot of literacy manuals, often for me to read some story books, it can be said that my childhood was spent in the sea. As I grew older, there were more and more books in my family. Now my family is like a small library, full of books, and my own books are so numerous that there are two cabinets. Although I usually always savings to buy books, but was generous, as long as I love practical book, and not very expensive, I'll buy it immediately. Sometimes I meet a good book, and because the price is too expensive to buy, I will certainly toss and turn a few times to be willing to, so every time I enter the bookstore, have to watch for half a day. Golgi once said, "books are the ladder of human progress."". And I firmly believe that good books can accompany me all my life. I often miss other things because of reading books, so my father and mother often enlighten me and say, "reading should be learned and suitable."". So sometimes I also very troublesome, after much deliberation, I decided, after must learn to exercise restraint, restraint and restraint!

  This is me, a little girl who loves reading.


  Hello everyone:

  My name is Cuican,a22-year-old handsome boy from Honghu,Hubei ’s my great honor to be here(Northwestern Polytechnical University)to participate in the summer camp.I am majored in mechanical engineering and automation in Taiyuan University of Technology.

  I have learntseveral professional basic courses,such as Design of Machinery,Theory of Machines and Mechanisms,Foundationmajor,of thus Machine leading to my Manufacturing professional Technology,through which I get a knowledge of my impressed me most this semester is the design of speed reducer.I applied almost what I have learnt to this Course ed with confidence,I attach great importance to self-discipline,to put my study and life in my spare time,making friends is my constant persuit.I hope I can express myself to the fullest and bring my joy to others.I’m right here,trying to be the very person you need.


  Hello everybody, I'm XXX. I am a lively and lovely girl/boy.

  I like sports very much,such as badminton. I usually play badminton with my classmates together after class.

  Playing badminton is not only physical exercise, and harvest friendship.We can get more joy in it.

  I love studying,too.English is my favourite subject.Because I have a dream,a great dream. It is to study abroad.

  Now I work hard for my dream to learn English well. I also like other subjects. I feel that learning is a pleasure,isn't it?

  In short, I am a love life, love of learning.This is a true self.








  Hello,everyone! Nice to meet you ! My name is xxx,I am fifteen years old . I am in class 197,xx school. As you see, I am a boy(haha),I am not so tall and not so strong.But I like very sport,for example,I like playing bing-bong ball、basketball、football and so on. Not only I like sport,but also I like learning, like math、physics.I like reading .I want to be a Scientists. Thank you.


  Good morning, my respected teachers and dear classmates. My name is XXX, and I'm 17 years old. I graduated from XXX middle school, which is one of the best middle schools in my city. Its campus is as beautiful as ours. My favorite subject is mathematics, because it is a complex subject, which makes many students crazy. But I am a student who likes challenges. When I solve a math problem, I can feel a great sense of achievement. In addition, I like all kinds of extracurricular activities, because they can bring me a rich and colorful life. In my opinion, learning is only a part of our life, so we should not be bound by it. Most importantly, I'm glad to be your classmate. I hope we can study and play together.



  Hello, Everybody!

I am very glad to stand here to give you my introduction. I am from Liangbing Middle School. I am studying in Class 1,Grade 7. I love my hometown Liangbing because it’s a very beautiful town.

  I have many hobbies, such as reading books, listening to music, surfing the Internet and traveling. But listening to music is my favorite. I like pop music best. My idol are Jay. I am a lively girl. I like making friends and chatting with them. I can play the Chinese Kungfu. I passed all ten levels when I was in Grade 5.However, because of the busy study, I don’t have any free time to practise it. What a pity!I am good at Math and English and I like English better. In my opinion, it’s very easy and fun to learn and use English and this contest is a great chance for me to learn English from others. My saying is god help those who help themselves and I will never give up during my course of learning.

  Now, after listening to my introduction, do you know me well?

  That’s all. Thank you!


  My name is x_.And I'm 13 years old.My hobbies are singing,dancing and

  drawing pictures.And I'm a sanguine person.My favourite stars are Shu Chang and JJ Lam.I like playing computer game and reading classic in the rest.I'm studying at _iao Shi Zhong _in school.

  My name is Liu yang. I`m a thirteen-year-old boy. I`m a student of Class Four, Grade Seven in the No.3 middle school from Luo yang . My study is well. I`m tall and strong.

  I`m a diligent boy. I study hard at all my lessons. My dream is to be a knowledgeable man. I know it`s very hard. The way is very long. But I will try my best to do it well. And I belive myself. I have many hobies. They are reading, running, swimming, playing, basketball, climbing and playing table tennis. Everyday I all need some time to reading. On Saturdays I play basketball or play table tennis with my friends.

  In my free time, sometimes I help my mother with housework or do what I want to do. I have a colorful life!


  hello,everyone. my name x and i'm 15-year-old .i am verpleased to be admitted to the xicheng foreign language school.

  my favourite subject ichinese and english. mhobbiblown flute and reading. there ialso a vergood orchestra here. the school orchestra and thiwill allow me to learn a lot of knowledge in thithree years. i want to studwell. to give our parentand ourselvea satisfactoranswer at thiholiday.

  i took part in the training of the orchestra. participated in the torch relatask. i will learn a lot and i hope that i can learn more knowledge at thisecondarschool.


  I have spent fifteen years in my life. So, this is my ninth year to study. By the way, my name is WengJingru. My father thought hard about my name. He consulted the dictionary two times to find how to name me. Of course, this name is very good and I like it very much.

  Sometimes I think I am a little strange. Because I often think the world isn’t full of happiness. And I want to be different from others. I hate superficial people. But always I am very out-going and kind to others. I can’t say ‘no’ to others. So I don’t know how to refuse.

  I can’t see I am a pretty girl, but I am not an ugly person, either. I am very general. I can’t say too much about my appearance.

  In this term, I make a little progress in my study. In my life, I have my parents’ love, and many, many people’s love. I am happy. I achieved so much, and I also lost so much.

  My star sign is Aquarius. It represents kindness and wisdom. But I don’t think I am such a clever person. Maybe I am modest. Aquarius has many friends. It also says that some people think I am strange because I hate to be like others. I try to do everything differently.

  I like yellow the most. Yellow is the color of the sun, it can remind me of a warm, sunny day. Yellow is also the color of wisdom. And I like it because it is one of the colors that are vivid.

  Of course, most students have problems in their study. I don’t know how to make progress. I think I should work harder. That is the only way.

  I like reading very much. My favorite writer is GuoJingming. And now I am reading a book called ‘Gone with Wind’. I keep reading half an hour every day.

  I like English and Chinese best. I want to establish an English club. I want everyone to speak English in the daily life.

  All above are my real things. I hope everyone will like me.


  name is Lin and I'm from China. Right now, I'm a student. My I study very hard every day. I like going to school because I'm eager to learn. I enjoy learning English. It's my favorite class. I like to make friends and I get along with everyone. This is the introduction I give whenever I meet new people. It tells people a little bit about me and about what I like to do. 我的名字是林,我来自中国。我现在是学生。我每天都很用功念书。

  我喜欢上学, 因为我渴望学*。



  我喜欢交朋友,而且我和每个人都处得很好。这就是我每次认识新的 人时,所作的自我介绍。它可以告诉别人一点关于我的事,还有我喜 欢做什么。 2、My name is Li Haiqing. I am a local person who is 21years old. I am from chongqing and I am of the opinion that my hometown is a beautiful city. 我的名字叫李海清。我是一个当地的人是 21years 老了。我来自重庆 和我的看法是,我的家乡是一个美丽的城市。 Moreover, I would like to say something about my family. I have my mother ,my father,and my elder sisther,they love me very much,I know my parents have so much hops and dreams for me。So I must study well. 此外,我想说我家庭的一些事。我有我的.母亲,我的父亲,我的哥哥 sisther,他们都很爱我,我知道我的父母有如此多的蛇麻草和梦想,所以 我必须好好学*。I have the confidence because I have such ability! I am kind-hearted, patient, outgoing and creative. I am a hard working student especially do the thing I am interested in. I will try my best to resolve any problem no matter how difficult it is. I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning. 我有信心,因为我有这样的能力!我是善良、有耐心、外向和创造性。 我是一个勤奋的学生尤其是做这件事我很感兴趣。

  我将尽我所能去解 决任何问题,无论它有多么困难。我始终相信,你将很容易落后,除非他 继续学*。In spare time, I like reading books, surfing on the Internet, listening to music like, classic, or light music, because they can make me feel relaxed. Nobody could keep on working efficiently, therefore proper amusement is a must. In addition, I insist on do some physical training such as running, and horizontal bar as well. By doing this, I can always stay healthy. 在业余时间,我喜欢看书,上网,听音乐,喜欢音乐,古典,或轻,因为它们 能使我感觉轻松。没有人能保持工作效率高,因此适当的娱乐是必须 的。此外,我坚持做一些体育锻炼,比如跑步、和单杠等。这样做的话, 我能够始终保持健康。 That’s all. Thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity! 这就是全部。谢谢你给我这个宝贵的机会! 3、Hi, my name is XXX, I 19 years old this year, I'm from x, I love of reading and the Internet, I am a outgoing person, like making friends. In this university, I will actively participate in various activities to enrich my university life, I will also constantly exercise oneself, let oneself become more mature. 4、Hi, My name is Dawn, I'm from the beautiful ancient city of Kaifeng. As you can see, I am a very casual girl, and a lot of people here, like 18-year-old, I love a lot, I love guitar, love to sing love dancing, very fond of English, I am very love to watch "Prison Break", like the actor micheal clever wit. I like making friends, and hope you will be able to and I have become good friends, I think I will, and you get along with.


  Good morning,everyone! It’s a great honor for me to introduce myself to all of you. My name is xxx and I’m fifteen years old. I e from Dalian city which is a beautiful and attracting place. Wish you can visit there and I believe that you will be impressed. English and movie are my favorites which can help me learn and relax. I like making friends,especially the ones who share mon interests with me. And I think we can have much to share and talk. I hope to make progress with my friends. Thank you.


  hello, everyone, it's my honor to stand here introducing myself.

  大家好, 很高兴有机会在这里介绍我自己。

  My name is , from Class 2, Grade six, Primary School.


  I'm doing well in my study, besides I'm the monitor of my class and I get on well with my classmates.


  Hello, everybody! I am glad to stand here and introduce myself. I am XXX and my English name is XXX. I am eleven years old. My birthday is on Christmas Day. I am a student of Grade 6, Class 1 of Ruhe New District Primary School.

  I like to play violin, reading, swimming, skiing and surfing the internet....I have a lot of hobbies! The color I like best is silver.

  My favorite food is hamburger. When I grow up, I want to be a writer because a writer can write many books which are useful to people (I dont know if this is correct or not). Thank you very much for listening to me. Thank you once again!


  My name am Li Rong , is a Class One Grade Si_ student of Hongshan elementary school. I like dancing,performing, managing, and singing!

  The hobbies are much more. I have written a good character, obtains teacher's performance frequently. From the first grade, I has been being various branches group leader. I had obtained many certificates,and have published many articles. Hoped that my performance can make you to satisfy! Hoped that my name can keep in your heart!


  I am a 12 years old boy. Smart and handsome. I am proud of myself. Because I can get perfect scores in Chinese, Maths and English. It is not good enough. I am also proud of being an elder brother. That is a Friday evening, my baby brother was crying all the time.

  My parents were both cooking for dinner. I said to my mum, let me look after this little thing. My mum said, "Are you sure you can?" "Yes ,believe me I can." I answered. Then mum went to the kitchen. I went towards my baby brother." Oh baby, don't cry. I will sing a song for you…" I carried him and sing songs for him. After a while, he was asleep. I was so tired. My parents were happy and praised me a good boy. This is my first time to look after my baby brother and I feel proud of myself

初中生英语自我介绍小报 (菁华3篇)(扩展7)


  初中生英语自我介绍小报 1

  My Chinese name is Peng Wanjun and English name is Alice. I'm a girl in my 12 years old. I like singing and acting. Besides, I like doing sports. Table tennis is my favorite sport. I have a brother and a sister. They are middle school students.

  I study in -ing Gong Primary School. I'm in Class Two Grade Four. I have three best friends. They are Huang Yue, -ia Yu and Wang Tongtong. We have many things in common. Do you like me?

  初中生英语自我介绍小报 2

  Hello, everyone. I can tell you about me! I am a happy girl. My name is Nina, I am 12 years old this year. My hobbies are singing and dancing. I usually play basketball on Saturday. I want to grow up to be a doctor .

  I didn’t like playing video games, but I like reading some books .I ride bike to school .I go to school from Monday to Friday. I am a good student in my school .Because I so like study .I am good kid too, Do you know? I usually do homework, help my family. My cook food is tasty .I like cat my favorite season is fall. I like warm and sunny. I so like red. This is me! What about you?

  初中生英语自我介绍小报 3

  hello,everyone. my name x and im 15-year-old .i am verpleased to be admitted to the xicheng foreign language school.

  my favourite subject ichinese and english. mhobbiblown flute and reading. there ialso a vergood orchestra here. the school orchestra and thiwill allow me to learn a lot of knowledge in thithree years. i want to studwell. to give our parentand ourselvea satisfactoranswer at thiholiday.

  i took part in the training of the orchestra. participated in the torch relatask. i will learn a lot and i hope that i can learn more knowledge at thisecondarschool.

  初中生英语自我介绍小报 4

  Hi, my name is ---. I'm -- years old, a middle school student apparently. I love music very much although I'm not very good at singing. I've been playing guzheng, an ancient traditional instrument for a long time and now I'm in level 10, which means a really high level among the ***s. Apart from that, I also like to reading and writing.

  They both give me a lot of fun and build my unique personality as well as my goal and dream. I like Wangfei very much. She could be my favorite singer.... Personally, I've been considering I have a really complicated personality BECause sometimes don't really like to study, sometimes..... However, I'm very positive and look forwards to my future BECause I'm the one who will realize my goal.

  初中生英语自我介绍小报 5

  Hello, everyone! My name is xxx .My Chinese name is xxx. I am very glad to join you in this class. I just graduated from senior high school.

  I like Britain very much, so if I could study in Britain one day, I would be very happy. But my English is not very good now.

  So Id like to improve my English in this class. And very glad to see our teacher Mrxxx/Mrsxxx . Thank you.
