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  目标的重要性英语作文 1

  Every student has his goal of study.Some have a great one but some small.To some degree,a goal determines your success in the future.

  People who have a great goal can probably acquire a big success in his future,while the people who have a small goal may gain asmall one.Meanwhile,the time we set our goals is another important factor.

  The earlier we have our goals,the more easily we can reach them.Therefore,it's of great importance to set a great goal when we are very young.

  Hower,having a goal doesn't mean we can succeed in no time.We still have a long way to go.The next step we should take is to put our goals into action.

  Maybe we meet with manydifficulties,we mustn't stop or give up.

  We should keep on going,struggling against all kinds of trouble or problems until our goals are hit!!

  Fellow students,let'go and hit our goals!

  目标的重要性英语作文 2


  It's time flies. In a blink of an eye, a happy winter vacation has passed again. The new term has begun. In this new semester, I have a new goal for my study and life. Want to know my new goal? Let me tell you!


  In this new semester, I will listen to every class more carefully and finish every assignment assigned by the teachers. We should actively raise our hands to speak in the Chinese class, read more extracurricular books and extract more words and sentences to improve our writing level after class; in the math class, we should not do small actions, ask the teacher if we don't understand, and carefully do every problem; English is not my strong point, I should carefully understand every word in the English class, understand every lesson, and repeat every word after class Every lesson; draw every picture in art class; PE class is my weakness. I need to do more sports and do every sport well in PE class.


  I will continue to get along well with my classmates and help each other so that all the students in my class will become my good friends. Do everything well for the class, actively participate in all kinds of activities organized by the school, and strive for further development of morality, intelligence and physical integrity.


  I hope I can do it, and I believe I can do it. This is my new goal for the new term.

  目标的重要性英语作文 3

  For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Goal Setting Is Important by commenting on John Ruskin’s famous remark, “Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.”

  You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

  目标的重要性英语作文 4

  There are three kinds of goals: short-term, medium-term and long-term goals.

  short-term goals are those that usually deal with current activities, which we can ap*** on a daily basis. such goals can be achieved in a week or less, or two weeks, or possibly months. it should be remembered that just as a building is no stronger than its foundation, our short-term goals cannot amount to very much without the achievement of solid short-term goals. Upon pleting our short-term goals, we should date the occasion and then add new short-term goals that will build on the foundation of the short-term goals.

  They might deal with just one term of school or the entire school year, or they could even extend for several years. Any time you move a step at a time, you should never allow yourself to bee discouraged or overwhelmed. As you plete each step, you will enforce the belief in your ability to grow and succeed. and as your list of pletion dates grow, your motivation and desire will increase.

  Long-term goals may be related to our dreams of the future. they might cover five years or more. Life is not a static thing. we should never allow a long-term goal to limit us or our course of action.

  目标的重要性英语作文 5

  There is no denying that setting a goal is very important. We find that successful people are always those having and achieving their goals. They set goals, short-term or long-run, to help realize their visions.

  Why is goal-setting important? By setting goals you are taking control of the tempo of your life. It is having a map to guide you to where you want to head for. With a clear direction, and with certain plans, you will straightly get what you want. On the contrary, without a goal ,you will live a wandering life. You do not know where to go, what you want and why you are listless. Then your life becomes dull and meaningles just like the dead water in a muddy lake.

  From my point of view, goals are not difficult to set and realize. First, you should make clear what you really want, which constitutes your goals. Then you make detailed palans and follow the through, as many winners do.



——目标的重要性作文 (菁华6篇)


























  如果爱迪生当时仅仅只是有发明电灯泡的想法自己而没有亲身去实践、去体验,我想。他是不可能成功的。NIKE的标语:just do it!。的确,有时候成功里我们很*,我们要学会去开启这扇门,而开启这扇门的钥匙,则是我们的行动。















  目标的重要性作文 1








  目标的重要性作文 2








  目标的重要性作文 3





  目标的重要性作文 4




  目标的重要性作文 5




  目标的重要性作文 6







  目标的重要性作文 7





  目标的重要性作文 8







  目标的重要性作文 9






  目标的重要性作文 10






——描写水的重要性英语作文 (菁华5篇)


  As we all know, plants and animals need water. So do the people's life and production, t,ife couldn't go on without water.

  With the rapid development of agriculture and industry, more and more water is needed. Therefore, water is becoming scarce in many places. What's more, a lot of rivers and lakes are beginning polluted by the waste watcr from factories. Fish can't live in them any longer. At the same time, thc waste water does great harm to people's health.

  In order to make rivers and lakes clean and prevent water from being polluted,we must do something to stop all sorts of pollution.





  Water is one of the most important things in life.the Water has no colour,no shapes,no taste and no smell.Water is every where.It's in the ocean,in the sea,in the river and in the late.Water is useful.We use water to cook rice.We use water to take showers.We use water to put out fires,and so on.Water brangs us happiness,too.We can swim in the late andsea inthesummer 。

  Water is so important.Nothing can live without it.We should keep our water clean and protect our earth.




  The world is not only hungry,but also is short of thewater.

  This may sound strange for 70% of the surfaceof the use is covered by water.But 97% of this is seawater or soft water.Man can only use the other 3%fresh water that country rivers,lakes and from otherground and we can't ever use all of that becausesome of them are the iceberges and glaciers. What'sworse, some of the fresh water has been polluted.Ourneed of water is increasing rapidly day by day. So we should take the measures to solve theproblem.


  he world is not only hungry,but also is short of thewater.This may sound strange for 70% of the surfaceof the use is covered by water.But 97% of this is seawater or soft water.Man can only use the other 3%fresh water that country rivers,lakes and from otherground and we can't ever use all of that becausesome of them are the iceberges and glaciers. What'sworse, some of the fresh water has been polluted.Ourneed of water is increasing rapidly day by day. So we should take the measures to solve theproblem.


  Water is one of the most important things in life.the Water has no colour,no shapes,no taste and no smell.Water is every where.It's in the ocean,in the sea,in the river and in the late.Water is useful.We use water to cook rice.We use water to take showers.We use water to put out fires,and so on.Water brangs us happiness,too.We can swim in the late andsea inthesummer 。

  Water is so important.Nothing can live without it.

  We should keep our water clean and protect our earth.


——保护海洋的重要性英语作文 (菁华5篇)


  Marine lives in fish and all kinds of chemical substances,is very important for human.But many people like throwgarbage into the sea,the sea will pollution.Cause fishdeath,water depletion.We should keep our environment,to protect the beautiful sea.


  The boundless sea gives people the expectation, the beauty, the warm maternal love.

  The sea is like a poem.Like a picture, the meaning is rich;Like a symphony, the vast...It is always calm, like a mirror;Now and then the rage, the surge of rage, can overturn the boat that sailed.In my mind, the sea is the blue world and the cradle of life.There are so many free and free lives.The sea is so mysterious, so charming!

  Now the sea has changed.The water is no longer clear, it's cloudy, it's dirty.The water washed up on the sand, leaving no more of a bouncing fish, but a pile of trash, and a lot of shrill little shrimps.Why is that?It's all because of us.While enjoying the beauty of the sea, someone threw the stinky rubbish into the sea.There are also people living on the coast who make toilet discharge pipes to the bottom of the sea.Even worse, the waste water from the factory poured into the sea, and the water became a strange color.Lead to give birth to a lot of lack of brain ` low IQ baby, our next generation - the eyes bright ` voice immature ` gorge through red face the next generation will never see the beautiful blue sea.

  Some people have done an experiment, he compared a basin of water to the sea, and drop a drop of ink into the "sea".At once, the ink spread slowly, shallower and disappeared, and the "sea water" was almost as clean as before.If the ink keeps dripping, "the color of the water will get darker and darker, and then it will turn into a basin of black water.The world's six billion people produce a lot of waste water and industrial pollution every day, just as the ink has been pouring into the pristine waters of the sea, and the sea is now a pool of sewage.

  For the sake of our human health, to see the beautiful and charming blue ocean for our children and grandchildren.Let us act immediately, love the sea as we love life, and love the common blue home of mankind.


  Sea pollution is becoming an increasing problem for our planet and we have a responsibility to reduce sea pollution.

  I need to describe the problem. Our ship currently dumps all its rubbish into the sea.It's easy to result in huge endanger. First of all, Non-organic substances such as plastic bags kill fish and whales. Because fish get trapped and whales cannot digest them. Secondly some rubbish is inherently toxic.

  I can suggest some solutions. First and foremost we can create a better system of disposing of rubbish for instance. We ought to store rubbish. Next, we are supposed to make ships environmentally and friendly. A case in point is that we should stop providing plastic bags.

  We must act now before it is too late!


  Marine biological environment is a complex system including sea water, sea water, soluble matter and suspended matter, seabed sediments and marine organisms. The rich biological resources, mineral resources, chemical resources and power resources in the sea are indispensable human resources treasure houses, which are closely related to the survival and development of mankind.

  At present, the main objective of marine conservation is to protect marine biological resources so that they can not be exhausted for sustainable use by mankind. In particular, priority should be given to the conservation of marine animals that are valuable and endangered. According to the UN investigation, due to overfishing, mangrove accidental killing of non target to allow the killing of marine organisms, the coastal engineering construction, deforestation, pollution of the marine environment in general, at least 25 of the world's most valuable fisheries resources consumed, whales, sea turtles, manatees and many other marine animal faces the danger of extinction. It is expected that with the expansion of marine development, it is possible to cause more damage to marine biological resources.

  Marine protection task should first stop on the marine biological resources excessive use, secondly to protect the marine biological habitat or habitat, especially their migration, spawning, feeding, avoid Huahai coastline, beaches, estuaries, coral reefs, to prevent heavy metals, pesticides, oil, organic produce and eutrophication. Nutrients such as marine pollution. Maintain the ability of regeneration of marine biological resources and the natural purification ability of the sea water, maintain the marine ecological balance, and ensure the sustainable development and utilization of the marine.


  Boundless sea to look forward to, give people the beauty, give a person warm motherly love.

  The sea is like a poem; it jumps; like a picture, rich in meaning; and like a symphony, vast and mighty...... It is like a mirror; sometimes calm, sometimes filled with rage, overwhelming, to sail the boat overturned. In my mind, the sea is blue world, is also the cradle of life. Pregnant with many free and small life. The sea is so mysterious, so charming!

  Now the sea has changed. The sea is no longer clear, it becomes muddy and dirty. Washed up on the beach, left is no longer alive and kicking the fish shrimp, instead of the piles of rubbish, but also mixed with a lot of dead fish shrimp, stinking. Why is that? It's all because of us. When people admire the beauty of the seaside, they throw the foul rubbish into the sea. There are also people living on the beach, the toilet drain pipe to the bottom of the sea. What's worse is that the factory waste water flows into the sea in large stocks, and the sea is dyed in a strange color. Led to the birth of a lot of lack of brains, low IQ infants, our next generation - bright eyes [voice tender], the face of the next generation of red, will never see the beautiful blue sea.

  Someone once did an experiment. He compared a basin of water to the ocean, and dropped a drop of ink into the sea. Immediately, the ink slowly spread out, became shallow and disappeared. The sea water was almost as clean as ever. If the ink kept dropping, the color of the sea would be deeper and darker, and eventually it would become a basin of black water. 6 billion people on the earth produce large quantities of living waste water and industrial pollution every day. Like ink, it has been injected into the clear sea water. It has become a polluted lake.

  To the health of our human beings, to see the beautiful blue sea for our children and grandchildren. Let us act now, love the ocean as much as we love life, and love the common blue home of mankind.


——制定目标的重要性作文 (菁华3篇)



















  树立目标的重要性作文 1











  树立目标的重要性作文 2
























  树立目标的重要性作文 3

















  树立目标的重要性作文 4






  树立目标的重要性作文 5












  早餐的重要性英语作文 1

  Indeed, rather than sugar-laden goods like pastries and Pop-Tarts, more than half of the registry's participants reported eating fruit for breakfast. Other popular foods included eggs, cold cereal or granola. These healthy morning meals aren't anything out of the ordinary: No fancy recipes or expensive juices appeared in the findings. Check out more of the study's conclusions in the infographic below. Perhaps it's time to give your morning meal a makeover.事实上,超过半数参与调查的人早餐吃蔬菜,而不是糖分过多的糕点和馅饼。他们早餐还经常选择的食物包括鸡蛋、冷燕麦粥或格兰诺拉燕麦卷。这些健康的早餐并不是奇珍异馐,并不是花哨的食谱或高档果汁。看看下面表格中反映的研究成果吧,是时候应该让你的早餐来个更新换代了。

  早餐的重要性英语作文 2

  recently i have made an investigation among 100 students of senior.one in our school.about 45 precent students go to school without breakfast. while 35 percent students do not treat breakfast seriously.only 20 percent students have enough breakfast with nutrition every morning.

  some students who study late into the night choose to miss breakfast so that they can have a few extra minutes in bed. others are given money to buy their breakfast on the way to school because their parents are too busy to prepare it for them. in addition, a few school girls want to stay silm and often go to school without breakfast.

  in fact breakfast is very important. it can make you have good member, and good judgement, and make you in good heip. so every student should start their day with a regular breakfast.

  早餐的重要性英语作文 3

  A recent study shows that nearly 50 percent of the school "kids in Beijing do not have breakfast. They tend to feel sleepy all day and have bad memories, so it is hard for them to get high marks in all kinds of test.

  Some students who study late into the night choose to miss breakfast so that they can have a few extra minutes in bed. Others are given money to buy their breakfast on the way to school because their parents are too busy to prepare it for them. In addition, a few schoolgirls want to stay slim and often go to school without breakfast.

  早餐的重要性英语作文 4

  breakfast is important. but not all the students have realized its important. here’s the result of our survey. about 55 percent of the students have breakfast regularly every day. they keep healthy and look active. 25 percent of them just have junk food instead. they don’t have a balanced diet. (it is bad for their health.) 20 percent (of the students) go to school without breakfast. as a result, these students often fell hungry in class and can’t listen to teachers carefully. what’s worse, they get ill easily.

  it’s important (for us) to have breakfast and we should also have the right kinds of food for breakfast.


  早餐的重要性英语作文 5

  The instant the bell indicating the endof the last class rang, out of theclassroompoured all students but oneUnlikemy peers, I was in no hurry tomake a run for the school canteen, to rush through lunch and to return to the classroomfor homework. I arrived at the canteenwhen amassive queue had formed.Waitingformy turn patiently, I smelled the aroma ofthe appetizing food. Greasy as some dishesmight be, thewide range of food preparedby the schoolwas superior in nutritional val-ue to that found elsewhere.

  The typical schedule of a highschooleris extraordinarily hectic and thus lunch breakis a rare timewhen overworked students canwind down and enjoy the pleasure providedby the flavorful food. Imake it a point topampermy taste buds by savoring every littlebit of taste in food.What I usually like todo over lunch is have amindless conversa-tionwith a couple of studentswho have alsolearnt to smell the roses along the bonebreaking journey through high school. Werounded off our lunch with a dessert, re-freshed and satisfied Come to think of it, it is not the foodbutmy attitude towards life that affordsmepleasure and empowersme in facing up tovarious challenges.(219words)



  赞美的重要性英语作文 1

  If you ask me:Is praise important?I will give you a positive answer:Yes

  Praise is the act that people make positive statement about other person.It will bring people more happy and health.

  Children need praise very much.Their good performance will earn praiseand thenthey will study harder.Because praise will increase their self-confidence.

  In daily lifewe should use praise more.People will afftected by your praise and do a better job.After allnobody likes criticism.Sodon’t mean about your praise.It can bring you good relationship.





  赞美的重要性英语作文 2

  In addition to themselves,our favorite is mother,make our healthy growth in the sun's mother,she quietly to pay,but nothing back.Because she is my mom,"who grass-inch heart,reported in the apartments".Describe our dear mother is the most appropriate nevertheless,she gave us infinite love,she is just offer silently,we laughed,she felt for her best return is.

  A mother's love is great,mom,thank you,has been so good to me,you are always's very hard on me,but I know,you that is for my good sake,mom,you are working hard,mom,I love you.

  赞美的重要性英语作文 3

  Life needs positive energy. A person’s life is a road with lots of difficulties and various negative emotions. Everyone will have the desperate time. Positive energy can help us go through this period of time.

  For example I am sad about the exam yesterday. But an optimistic classmate encourages me to think in a good way and comfort me. I can recover soon. But if she also is as pessimistic as me I won’t have recovered so quickly. Maybe I will be sad for a long time. There are many similar things happening in our life.

  To live a better life we need positive energy.




  赞美的重要性英语作文 4

  Everyone wants to be appreciated and praised by others for what they do and what they say. For instance children want to be praised by their parents. Students want to be praised by their teachers. Employees want to be praised by their employers. It seems that praise is like sunlight to us we can't flower and grow without it. But it is a pity that while most of us are only too ready to blow the cold wind of harsh criticism on others we are somehow reluctant to give people around us the warm sunshine of praise.

  For example most mothers are always not satisfied with the progress their children made at school Most teachers always drown their studentscompositions in critical red ink instead of commenting favorably on them. Most employersarealways criticalabout what their employees have done instead of giving encouragement to them. produces may be great. So let's be alert to the small excellence around us and comment on them. We will not only bring joy into other people's lives but also very often add happiness to our own.


  赞美的重要性英语作文 5

  My hometown ——Yongchuan

  Hacve you ever been to Yongchuan? Yongchuan is my hometown. It’s one of the most beautiful cities in China. It’s in the west of Chongqing. It’s famous for the tea and the bamboo.

  The weather is neither too hot nor too cold. It’ s a good place to visit. Every year there are many tourists from all over our country coming here for vacation. Some go sightseeing, some go shopping while others go enjoying the delicious tea and food.My hometown has all kinds of fruits. When summer and autumn comes, many businessmen drive here to buy them.

  These years Yongchuan has changed a lot. It is becoming more and more beautiful. It has become an important business center. It is becoming an international big city.

  My hometown is very beautiful, the people are kind and friendly. Welcome to Yongchuan!



  描写水的重要性英语作文 1

  The world is not only hungry,but also is short of thewater.This may sound strange for 70% of the surfaceof the use is covered by water.But 97% of this is seawater or soft water.Man can only use the other 3%fresh water that country rivers,lakes and from otherground and we can't ever use all of that becausesome of them are the iceberges and glaciers. What'sworse, some of the fresh water has been polluted.Ourneed of water is increasing rapidly day by day. So we should take the measures to solve theproblem.


  描写水的重要性英语作文 2

  he world is not only hungry,but also is short of thewater.This may sound strange for 70% of the surfaceof the use is covered by water.But 97% of this is seawater or soft water.Man can only use the other 3%fresh water that country rivers,lakes and from otherground and we can't ever use all of that becausesome of them are the iceberges and glaciers. What'sworse, some of the fresh water has been polluted.Ourneed of water is increasing rapidly day by day. So we should take the measures to solve theproblem.

  描写水的重要性英语作文 3

  We live in a world which is surrounded by the water, we need to take in water every day, without water, no one can live for a longtime. Some people even die of lacking water, so water is very important. We should not waste water, we can use it in recycle. Wealso need to drink more water, so we can keep healthy.


  描写水的重要性英语作文 4

  The world is not only hungry,but also is short of thewater.

  This may sound strange for 70% of the surfaceof the use is covered by water.But 97% of this is seawater or soft water.Man can only use the other 3%fresh water that country rivers,lakes and from otherground and we can't ever use all of that becausesome of them are the iceberges and glaciers. What'sworse, some of the fresh water has been polluted.Ourneed of water is increasing rapidly day by day. So we should take the measures to solve theproblem.

  描写水的重要性英语作文 5

  Water is the basis of life. Animals and plants need water. So do we.


  Without food, we can live for a week, but we can't live for three days without water.


  Water also plays an important part in our daily life, because we have to clean our teeth, wash our faces and take a shower every day.


  In addition, water is needed in cooking as well.


  Even though our earth is rich in water resource, there are still many places lack of water, because of the water pollution.


  It's a great pity that few people have realized the importance of water protection.


  If we continue to pollute the water, we will have no water to drink and die of thirst.


  So we must cherish the water resource.

