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  以love为题的英语作文 1

  suppose you have everything;a good job,good health,good reputation,good relationships and lot of money to spend.but still there is something missing from your life.guess what?the love.it is not something which you should ignore.life without love is just like body without soul.love gives meaning to life as without love life is meaningless.lucky is the person who gets love and keeps the flames of love burning for ever.it is not a matter of days or months.love is for life and life is for love.

  short term love encounters are not helpful at all.be sincere with your body and soul.indulge in serious life long loving relationship and live a healthy,happy and joyful life.it is easy to fell in love but difficult to keep the flames of love burning.before indulging in serious long term love relationships be sure that the person you love is also sincere with you.a selfish person can make your life miserable.if this is the case with you then try to get rid of that person as soon as possible.

  most people do not give importance to their love life as they give importance to their professional life.in most cases,people sacrifice their love life at the cost of their profession.this is a bad choice which ruins the whole life.a sensible balance between the two is necessary in order to enjoy life in its entirety.do not deprive yourself of the love you need.people part their ways after living together for years and years.though this looks strange but is the obvious result of ignoring the genuine complaints and grievances of the other.sometimes a sincere apology,gentle touch,or a friendly kiss is enough to put your love life on track.however,when deep differences develop between the two then professional consultation is necessary.do everything to bring back love to your life,if it is lost.

  in order to make the journey of life more exciting and enjoyable,you need a loving and caring person with whom you can share your values,dreams,fantasies,joys and jokes.in difficult times of anxiety,sorrow,distress or loss of near and dear ones this person should stand firm besides you and console you in every possible manner.love your life and love the person who is in your life.keep the flames of love burning to live a great,great love life.

  discuss this article with your loved one and carefully listen what he/she says.this can give you a clue of his/her inner sentiments and the depth of love for you.also avail this opportunity to renew your love life with a new passion and commitment.

  以love为题的英语作文 2

  Love is everywhere.We have love from our parents and friends,which makes us become stronger.Without love,we can’t survive long,or we will just like the walking dead.So many great people have owed their success to the love from families,but the love for nature always forgotten by the public.


  Love from families and friends are praised in so many works.Like the great poets,they wrote so many famous works to give applause to the people who support them all the time.In the movies and TV shows,family love and friendship occupy most themes.They show the great power of human being.With love,we can conquer all the difficulties.


  But love for nature is not often mentioned by the public.We love the beautiful scenery and the lovely animals,so we have the desire to protect the environment,for the purpose of keeping clean scenery and make sure the animals won’t disappear.Animals and human being are part of nature.We live and die together.


  Love is not just around families and friends,but we also need to care for nature.


  以love为题的英语作文 3

  The person I love most is my grandfather.My grandfather also has a good heart.

  From him I can learn the endurance self-disciplinecouragepaticipation and positive attitude.In my childhoodhe always walks with me.Our usual walk was to the park near our house.He went to work on timeand despite nasty weather.He almost never missed a dayand would make it to the office even if others could not.I love him but I’ve never said”love”to him for my shame.I hope he knows that how I admire himhow I love him.

  I think of him when I am envious of another’s good fortune when I complain about trifleswhen I want to help other people.I love my grandfather most.




  以love为题的英语作文 4

  If it is a small fish,then the mother is the river,I am in your arms unfettered life,happy growth;if I am a bird,then the mother is a tree,I am in the leafy trees,you for me shelter;If I were a grass,then the mother is the land,I will greedily suck your milk,you give me more nutrition,but ask for nothing in return.

  I can‘t forget the windy night when I was five,you washed my feet,I walked past you,accidentally stepped on the side of the kettle,hot water all over my feet.Suddenly I felt a terrible pain.“there was a loud noise all over the room,and the tears kept falling down.Mother Meng ran stood up,hurriedly took me from the kettle side,put me on the chair,hands holding my feet,side blow my feet with mouth,eager to say: ”How?“?Does it hurt?”The mouth still kept saying:“You see on your foot,bulged blisters! I said if you don’t do anything wrong for a day,you won‘t feel like it.Mother heard me crying louder and louder,said sternly: ”Stop!“!

  Don’t cry!”I stopped crying at once and began to SOB quietly.“From now on,you have to be careful of everything,you know?”Mother said gently.‘Hmmm -- HMMM -- Harvard,I sniffled.Mother said and put medicine on my feet.After a while,my mother looked at the bubble is not good to put me carefully on the bed,said:“Qingqing,put on clothes we go to the hospital! ”After a while,to the hospital,the doctor on my feet coated with medicine,bandage,and then said to me:“Be careful later! ”I sobbed:“I know! ”

  My mother carefully carried me home.Home,the dark sky there are many stars in the flash,the evening wind dried tears,slowly I fell asleep in my mother‘s arms.

  Mother,your love is endless,your love I have no words to return,but your kindness I will use engraved in my heart,forever,forever,I want to say the words buried in my heart:“Mother,I love you! ”

  以love为题的英语作文 5

  The outbreak of SARS caused a great panic all over the world.People at first felt bewildered,and then worried,and finally utterly helpless,because SARS viruses spread so rapidly and were so highly infectious that scientists had not yet time to detect the origin of the disease,let alone to produce a cure and therapy for it.Thousands of SARS cases were reported to have developed in around 26 countries and still more cases were under suspicion.Pessimists thought that it was God's punishment to human beings and human beings could hardly look forward to a narrow escape.

  In China,the situation was especially serious in April and May.Every day people listened with great ten,on to the radio broadcast which reported the increasing number of SARS victims and probableeases ,initially found in,a few provinces and major:cities and soon in more areas.Just as people found themselves ini a tremendous.epidemic turmoil,the CPC Committee and the Central.Government timely issued a series of rigorous measures with governments at all levels immediately responding to the call,such as setting aside massive funds,setting in operation tracing,monitoring and registering mechanisms,pasteurizing public surrounding environments,examining fever symptoms,keeping vigilant watch on hard-hit areas.However,of all the measures,the most dynamic,and emergent was designating SARS specific hospitals and assembling doctors and nurses.

  Armed with face masks and wrapped in thick white gowns,the warriors in white worked around the clock,risking their own lives and leaving behind their families and children.For months,they were confined with the patients to the isolated island.Quite a number of them got infected and many died.Those who recovered soon went back to their posts.They said that in the name of Nightingale,they would burn themselves to light others.Their heroic deeds and selfless devotion moved people to tears and inspired them to bravely fight against the god of plague.People called them Angela in White and the Most Beloved of the Era Who were building an Ark Of Love,sailing fearlessly on the rough sea to the harbour of safety.

  Now,with SARS gradually fading away,people have become more conseious of the importance of health and civilization,and above all,love and unity.SARS is always there,and people have no full idea what other evils there are in Pandora's Box.However,if people always love each other and al-

  ways unite as one,there will be no evit that they cannot conquer.



——以love为题的英语作文 (菁华6篇)


  Love is the most beautiful language in the world.We can wipe our tears away when we cry.It can bring happiness to us when we feel lonely.It can even give us confidence when we have problems.I often listen to some pop songs,and most of them are about love.The singers sing these songs loudly.I think that’s very real.They express their feelings directly.It shows that they love.

  The happiness of loving and being loved is very wonderful.Let’s try to love each other so that the world will be full of love.




  Directions: For this part,you are asked to write a composition on the topic: Dating Is Popular with College Students.You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 大学生对校园恋爱并不陌生;对此方方面面态度不一;谈谈你的观点 Dating can be more meaningful

  At present,dating is popular with college students.They are dated some because really fall in love with each other,and some for a face,some because of lonely,and what will they do when they are dating?The answer is that they usually do something romantic while dating.

  In addition,most lover almost follow like a shadow every day,they eat together,have a class together,to go to the movies together.Every time in the evening,they always spend most time to chat on the phone until midnight.In final,they abandoned studies.

  I think we shouldn't fall in love like this.college is an

  important period to exercise and improve ourselves,we can not abandon the learning and growth because of dating.of course,I

  am not against dating in college campus.I just think that we cannot just do those romantic things while dating,we can do something more meaningful such as study,discuss the issue and go to social practice together,encourage each other,and grow up together.It not only can appreciate each other more,but also have a good memory.

  All in all,we cann't just do something romantic while dating,we can do something more meaningful!


  As an example of the power of love,we should remember how the Chinese people of all nationalities respond to the call to help the victims of natural disasters every year.Although their incomes are still low by international standards,people all over the country do not hesitate to donate whatever they can ― be it money or goods ― to help their needy fellow citizens.Moreover,they do this with no thought of gain for themselves.

  In my opinion,the best way to show love is to help people who are more unfortunate than we are.We should always be ready to give a helping hand to those who are in trouble,no matter whether they are family members or complete strangers.In this way,we can help to make the world a better place,for the darker the shadows of sorrow become,the more brightly the lamp of love shines.




  Individuals live with many factors,such as money,social status and love.Money is the basis of existing in modern society.Social status can help you win admiration.However,love is the only thing to bring us hope and happiness,which is more important than anything else in our life.On the one hand,for an individual,love means the driving force of living.On the other hand,love as a strong bond between people makes our world harmonious and warm.

  Now that love is such a big deal,what is true love?I remembered I saw a word about true love somewhere really made sense,which said LOVE IS A BREAKING OF SELF-CENTEREDNESS.Thinking about it,considering more for others and being willing to devote may be the only way to judge whether it’s true love or not.When we fall in love with someone or something,we are far from selflessness.It seems much better to be a giver than to be a receiver.For example,in a family,parents are always unilateral protectors and helpers till their kids get the ability to love than give it in return.There needs more sharing and respect equally between lovers or friends.A person who is selfish won’t get happiness from love because he doesn’t understand the truth of it.

  When we meet true love,positive affection will led to the growth of our minds and spirits.In another word,we will become strong enough and never give up fighting due to starting serving those we love.So that we can say,true love not only brightens our life,but also makes people invincible.


  Love is everywhere.We have love from our parents and friends,which makes us become stronger.Without love,we can’t survive long,or we will just like the walking dead.So many great people have owed their success to the love from families,but the love for nature always forgotten by the public.


  Love from families and friends are praised in so many works.Like the great poets,they wrote so many famous works to give applause to the people who support them all the time.In the movies and TV shows,family love and friendship occupy most themes.They show the great power of human being.With love,we can conquer all the difficulties.


  But love for nature is not often mentioned by the public.We love the beautiful scenery and the lovely animals,so we have the desire to protect the environment,for the purpose of keeping clean scenery and make sure the animals won’t disappear.Animals and human being are part of nature.We live and die together.


  Love is not just around families and friends,but we also need to care for nature.



  At the extreme end of the world,there is something unsurpassed.What is it?That is love;at the extreme end of the world,there is a warm spring.What is that?

  That is love;at the extreme end of the world,there is a never-ending feast.What is it?That‘s love...What is love?Love is to give you a warm cup of tea when you are cold.Love is to hold you tight.Love is to kiss you on the cheek.Love is to take care of you.Love is to hold you up,love is kissing you...love,what else?As we all know,part of Sichuan has entered the reconstruction work,what makes them so quickly unharmed?It’s love.What made them go back to their normal lives so quickly?It‘s love.It’s because of love that there are little heroes.

  For example,the Patriotic Hero who sang the national anthem in the ruins,the salute doll lying on the stretcher,the nine-year-old boy Lin Hao who carried the corn for his father,the beautiful girl who gave us the sweet smile,the coke boy who was rescued and asked for a frozen soda...That‘s the power of love,the love that allows them to do this.Yes,love is magic;Yes,Love Is Eternal;yes,love is Great.In the world,there is something you can never surpass,it can surpass life,it can evacuate the atmosphere,he can take you to the great,selfless world.That’s love.Perhaps mention what kind of love,you will think of maternal love,father love,because you think only maternal love,father love is selfless,great.But I‘m telling you,you’re wrong.There is a lot of unselfish love,and a lot of great love.It‘s up to you to find out for yourselves.Of course,I’ve been looking for...

  Ah! Love! When will I fully appreciate your truth?

  Ah! Love! When am I gonNA get through to everybody?

  There‘s something in this world you’ll never be able to top.What is it?That‘s love!


——以love为题的英语作文 (菁华5篇)


  In the beginning,love is always sweet.As time is slipping away,boredom,be used to,abandonment,loneliness,despair and cold smile will come gradually.

  Once being eager to stay with someone forever,later,we would felicitateourselves on leaving him/her.During those transient days,we thought we loved him/her dee*.Then,we got to know it is not love but a lie by which we comfortourselves.



  Nowadays,love among college students has become increasingly common.The campus romance has sparked a heated discussion on whether the students should devote their time and energy to love or to learning.

  The majority of college teachers hold that the students should give up love and concentrate on learning,because campus love is time-consuming and tears them away from their academic studies.If a student ever falls into love,he will undoubtedly neglect his study and lag behind his classmates academically.Therefore,the university authorities should restore the traditional regulations against love during the students’school years.On the contrary,the majority of students believe that it is natural for young people to fall into love on campus because they meet every day and their everyday meeting produces romantic passion towards each other.They insist that campus love is quite natural and that most of them can properly cope with their love and learning.

  Personally,I am not quite in favor of the students being engaged in campus love.Anyhow,the students’main task at college is to learn knowledge and expertise.But I have no strong words against campus love.Here’s an advice to my fellow students.Don’t indulge yourself too dee* in love,or you will get it in the way of your study.


  Directions: For this part,you are asked to write a composition on the topic: Dating Is Popular with College Students.You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 大学生对校园恋爱并不陌生;对此方方面面态度不一;谈谈你的观点 Dating can be more meaningful

  At present,dating is popular with college students.They are dated some because really fall in love with each other,and some for a face,some because of lonely,and what will they do when they are dating?The answer is that they usually do something romantic while dating.

  In addition,most lover almost follow like a shadow every day,they eat together,have a class together,to go to the movies together.Every time in the evening,they always spend most time to chat on the phone until midnight.In final,they abandoned studies.

  I think we shouldn't fall in love like this.college is an

  important period to exercise and improve ourselves,we can not abandon the learning and growth because of dating.of course,I

  am not against dating in college campus.I just think that we cannot just do those romantic things while dating,we can do something more meaningful such as study,discuss the issue and go to social practice together,encourage each other,and grow up together.It not only can appreciate each other more,but also have a good memory.

  All in all,we cann't just do something romantic while dating,we can do something more meaningful!


  suppose you have everything;a good job,good health,good reputation,good relationships and lot of money to spend.but still there is something missing from your life.guess what?the love.it is not something which you should ignore.life without love is just like body without soul.love gives meaning to life as without love life is meaningless.lucky is the person who gets love and keeps the flames of love burning for ever.it is not a matter of days or months.love is for life and life is for love.

  short term love encounters are not helpful at all.be sincere with your body and soul.indulge in serious life long loving relationship and live a healthy,happy and joyful life.it is easy to fell in love but difficult to keep the flames of love burning.before indulging in serious long term love relationships be sure that the person you love is also sincere with you.a selfish person can make your life miserable.if this is the case with you then try to get rid of that person as soon as possible.

  most people do not give importance to their love life as they give importance to their professional life.in most cases,people sacrifice their love life at the cost of their profession.this is a bad choice which ruins the whole life.a sensible balance between the two is necessary in order to enjoy life in its entirety.do not deprive yourself of the love you need.people part their ways after living together for years and years.though this looks strange but is the obvious result of ignoring the genuine complaints and grievances of the other.sometimes a sincere apology,gentle touch,or a friendly kiss is enough to put your love life on track.however,when deep differences develop between the two then professional consultation is necessary.do everything to bring back love to your life,if it is lost.

  in order to make the journey of life more exciting and enjoyable,you need a loving and caring person with whom you can share your values,dreams,fantasies,joys and jokes.in difficult times of anxiety,sorrow,distress or loss of near and dear ones this person should stand firm besides you and console you in every possible manner.love your life and love the person who is in your life.keep the flames of love burning to live a great,great love life.

  discuss this article with your loved one and carefully listen what he/she says.this can give you a clue of his/her inner sentiments and the depth of love for you.also avail this opportunity to renew your love life with a new passion and commitment.


  At the extreme end of the world,there is something unsurpassed.What is it?That is love;at the extreme end of the world,there is a warm spring.What is that?

  That is love;at the extreme end of the world,there is a never-ending feast.What is it?That‘s love...What is love?Love is to give you a warm cup of tea when you are cold.Love is to hold you tight.Love is to kiss you on the cheek.Love is to take care of you.Love is to hold you up,love is kissing you...love,what else?As we all know,part of Sichuan has entered the reconstruction work,what makes them so quickly unharmed?It’s love.What made them go back to their normal lives so quickly?It‘s love.It’s because of love that there are little heroes.

  For example,the Patriotic Hero who sang the national anthem in the ruins,the salute doll lying on the stretcher,the nine-year-old boy Lin Hao who carried the corn for his father,the beautiful girl who gave us the sweet smile,the coke boy who was rescued and asked for a frozen soda...That‘s the power of love,the love that allows them to do this.Yes,love is magic;Yes,Love Is Eternal;yes,love is Great.In the world,there is something you can never surpass,it can surpass life,it can evacuate the atmosphere,he can take you to the great,selfless world.That’s love.Perhaps mention what kind of love,you will think of maternal love,father love,because you think only maternal love,father love is selfless,great.But I‘m telling you,you’re wrong.There is a lot of unselfish love,and a lot of great love.It‘s up to you to find out for yourselves.Of course,I’ve been looking for...

  Ah! Love! When will I fully appreciate your truth?

  Ah! Love! When am I gonNA get through to everybody?

  There‘s something in this world you’ll never be able to top.What is it?That‘s love!


——以 I love my hometown为题的英语作文 (菁华5篇)

以 I love my hometown为题的英语作文1

  My hometown is a small village located in the mountains.It is surrounded by lush hills and woods with a brook running through it.This is where children often frolic.The buildings in the village are old in appearance but peaceful.In the middle is a square,where there is a big tree,under which the elderly often meet drinking tea or chatting.Everyone looks satisfied and happy,which is also true of other villagers.I love my lometown,and I hope it may be as beautiful as ever.

以 I love my hometown为题的英语作文2

  I love to eat pears, especially love to eat hometown - Zeng Duo Shengzi Li. Although I can't really call the name of this pear now. My hometown is in the mountainous area, and the pears is the specialty of hometown. The lunar calendar, the pear tree bloomed. The snow-white pear is sent to our hometown, and the hometown is dressed up and beautiful. If you come to our hometown at this time, you may think that we are snowing here. Yes, the mountains are in the mountains, they have not been blooming with long leaves, the whole hill, the whole village is covered in the bloom, so that people are lingering, just like to come to the human wonderland. About the lunar calendar, slowly growing the leaves on the pear tree. At this time, the flowers got a fruit. Slowly, the pears are getting bigger and bigger, first make the bird eggs are as large as the eggs are so big, then later, grow more than the goose eggs, the color of the peel is also turned from the original dark green Light green. The maturity period of the pear is in the end of the lunar calendar. The mature pears are big, the peel blue is yellow, and the light is slippery, cut the pear, the skin, the flesh is white and tender, the seeds are dark, and the people are smeared. In the hot sky, picking up a pear from the tree, biting a bite, sweet pear juice is full, giving people a burst of coolness. That taste is definitely better than Xinjiang's pear, Shandong's pear! Subsequently, people are busy picking pears, putting their pears, and then traveling to all over the world, there is a lot of income! Adults often cut a few pears, pick it up, know, this is a good medicine for treating gastrointestinal diseases! I love my hometown of pears, I love my hometown!

以 I love my hometown为题的英语作文3

  My hometown is Suining, there are many scenic places, and the rhinoceros is one of them.The rhinoceros in the evening is even more beautiful.The rhinoceros in the evening has a light colorful landscape, and some are like a cute little star flashed. The big light is shining. If you have been watching it, you will have to take your eyesCan't; there are some colorful ornamental lights ... there are many different lights.The streets on the street came to the water, and the whole street became a human ocean, the world of the car.

  The lights on the street, the shiny lantern brings out a tall and gorgeous building outline.The hills of the rhino bank, the people in the hills, the beautiful, people have the beauty of the lake, some old people are playing Tai Chi, jumping square dance ... The water of the Lijiang River is deep and clear, you can see the small fish of the river.Water is so blue, that's like it, blue is like a sky, quietly like a big mirror.Suining's rhinoceros lamp is beautiful, the street is beautiful, the people are beautiful, the water is more beautiful, you have time to take a look!

以 I love my hometown为题的英语作文4

  My hometown has a famous Heilongan, surrounded by a continuous small island.

  The four seasons of the year are blue water, and her sweet water nurtures the people of the county. It brings endless fun to the people of the hometown. The spring girl has been walking with a beautiful dance, and the pink willow green, the lake is blooming, and there is a moving piece, and a group of birds are rotated on the lake, as if it is held. Grand dance. The sister of Liu Tao took out the green branches and washing hands on the river, and the lake was reflected in the lake. The tender green grass hand handle, together to weave a green carpet; in the lake, a red squid jumped out of the water, came with a 360 degree rotation, and it was straight to wear the body, as if it was jumping Longmen. What is fascinating! In the hot summer, Heilongt became a good place for tourists, and tourists sat on the boat.

  The small islands around the green trees were drawn, and they went to the hot, taking cool, watching them happy high Calling in the mountains, I can't help but have a heart, marking the boat, go to the paradise of the mountains and water. In September, the Black Dragon Beach is more beautiful, it is attractive, the golden sun, the calm lake flashes the scene of autumn cu, the color of the chrysanthemum has a lot: purple, snow, light yellow, all kinds The chrysanthemum is colorful, the gesture is different, and people are fascinated, a wind blowing, yellow leaves are flying, as if the yellow butterfly falls in the flowers, people feel the same. In winter, lakes and mountains, Jinxiu Mountain River, He Dragon Beach became our natural playground. Tourists have fun, sing, and be happy! The water of Heilongo, you nurtured the people of the hometown, bringing infinite fun to the people of the hometown; I love you! Hometown's Heilongt Reservoir!

以 I love my hometown为题的英语作文5

  My hometown in the melon Le town Shatian Village five groups, where the four seasons are very beautiful, especially in the spring。

  Spring is a green world, a fragrant world. Flowers, new trees, this is the characteristics of our spring here. You carefully clawed a piece of hay, you can see the tip of the same small green buds, tender, small, very cute! That is the grass. Suddenly blowing a warm and gentle wind, fresh and pleasant, is her, the traces of the winter run away, to the earth replaced the new clothes. Spring breeze blowing thousands of willow branches. You see that little wicker, tender, yellow, can not help but think of me Hezhangzhang "Yong Liu": "Jade into a tree high, thousands of hanging green silk sash. I do not know who cut out the spring scissors!"

  Spring so beautiful, that other season is certainly beautiful, free you come to us to do a guest, we always welcome you!






  以Success为题的英语作文 1

  What is success? This is an old topic. However,However, everyone’s understanding of success is quite different. Some people think that having money, house, car, a woman is successful. Some people think that success is doing something that you want to do. Some even deny the existence of success, he thinks this world is not successful, only the endless pursuit.So I want to make a new definition of success: Success is something that people are very eager to do good things gained a sense of satisfaction and excitement. Therefore, we do things, no matter big and small, as long as you want to do, and through your efforts made, and you happy, then you succeeded. Do not look too far successful, they should not be too easy to see success, success requires your effort. Those who believe that successful people do not exist, in fact, continue to define new goals, they will from what they have done to get happy, they succeeded.

  以Success为题的英语作文 2

  Is your definition of success a fatal mistake?


  For some, success is defined in terms of the dollar amount on a paycheck. For others, it's the title on their business card. Others may define success in terms of the accolades and awards they have won.


  But the problem with how people define success these days is that when they're forced to change it, they can't. Look at the businessmen who have committed *** because they have lost fortunes. Consider the workers who are fired and then go back to work, armed with a gun.


  Extreme cases, sure. Not everyone considers killing themselves or others when their livelihood is threatened. But it does point out that maybe we need to revisit our own definition of success.


  Start by completing this definition: "Success to me is…"


  After you complete this sentence, then review it and determine if you're on the path to achieving that success. If you were to lose your job or money tomorrow, would your definition of success still be valid? Or, would you consider yourself a failure?


  I remember a job where I worked long, stressful hours and often labored for a boss who had mood swings like a freaking roller coaster. It made for a tense situation, to say the least. One day I was talking to a co-worker and the exhaustion was overwhelming. I felt so dissatisfied, frustrated and even angry. Then it hit me: If I died that day, I didn't want the only thing on my tombstone to be "Always met her deadlines."


  Ugh, I remember thinking. I wanted my life to account for more than that. It wasn't until months later that I started making some real changes in my life, changes that I know made me much better able to balance my life and devote time and effort to more than my job.


  Right now, times are tough and some of us are beginning to panic. But I think it's a golden opportunity to really think about what is important in your life, and weed out the things that don't really matter.


  You are the one who must define what success is to you. One thing I know for sure: You are more than a job title, you are worth more than a number on a paycheck and you are more than an award to hang on your wall. Is the destination you have in mind worth the road you must travel? Only you can answer that.


  以Success为题的英语作文 3

  Success means different things for different people. Some may equate it with money, some with work and still some with ohter. For me, it means fulfilling ones dreams. Whatever your dreams are, you have a goal there and then focus all your attention on it. Dreams bring you hope and happiness. May be you cry, sweat, complain or even curse, but the joy of harvesting makes you forget all the pains and troubles you have gone through.

  So an old proverb says that the sweetest fruit is one that has undergone the bitterest ordeal.There are several keys to success. First, your goal must be practical and practicable. If you set your goal too high, maybe that you will never attain it. Next, you have to make a plan of doing it. Since the dream is quite tough, you need to be hard, Even if you meet with some difficulties, just take them in your stride. You can always tell yourself that there is nothing about. With this will and determination, success is sure to wait for you at the end of the tunnel!

  以Success为题的英语作文 4

  The motivation to succeed comes from the burning desire to achieve a purpose. Napoleon Hill wrote, "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve."

  A young man asked Socrates the secret to success. Socrates told the young man to meet him near the river the next morning. They met. Socrates asked the young man to walk with him toward the river. When the water got up to their neck, Socrates took the young man by surprise and ducked him into the water.

  The boy struggled to get out but Socrates was strong and kept him there until the boy started turning blue. Socrates pulled his head out of the water and the first thing the young man did was to gasp and take a deep breath of air.

  Socrates asked, "What did you want the most when you were there?" The boy replied, "Air." Socrates said, "That is the secret to success. When you want success as badly as you wanted the air, then you will get it.There is no other secret."

  A burning desire is the starting point of all accomplishment. Just like a small fire cannot give much heat, a weak desire cannot produce great results.

  以Success为题的英语作文 5

  Some people regard opportunity as the most important part of their life. It's the way to success. So when they see their friends succeed, they will complain that they are not lucky enough to have the opportunity. But other people think that opportunity is sheer luck, with their hard work, knowledge and skill, opportunity will be waiting for them everywhere.Although the attitudes towards opportunity are different, opportunity is important indeed, and no one should neglect.

  It can make a person successful. We should grasp every valuable opportunity and make good use of it, otherwise nothing can be left with us but regret and disappointment.But I think it is not opportunity itself that decides a person's success or failure. It is fair to every person, I think. To grasp the opportunity, we need knowledge, skill and experience.

  In a word, opportunity is important but not decisive.

  以Success为题的英语作文 6

  Li An is Chinese very famous male movie director, he is also winning reputation all around the world. Li An’s great success catches people’s attention on his past life of what has made him today. Though his career is extremely successful, Li An is very humble, he owns his success to his family.


  Before Li An gains success, his life was hard, he had to rely on his wife. In his early life, Li An studied in a art school, he majored in movie, but it was so hard to have someone give him a movie to shoot, especially he is nobody. After graduation, he kept making some research on the movies, hoping to make some satisfying scripts. The situation had last six years, still no one asked him to shoot movie, he thought of giving up many times, he found another job to make a living. When his wife found these, she was very angry and told him he must make a good movie, all the difficulties deserved to be come through.


  Then the rest of the story is known to us, people start to get to know Li An for his movie, the first movie he made is successful and wining many awards. Since then, he keeps moving so fast, he starts to gain fame in America, and then winning the highest fame―the best director of Oscar. This is so crazy, Li An’s legend is still going on, he won the Oscar director once again! All his success, according to him, thanks to the support of his family.


  以Success为题的英语作文 7

  As we all known, the man who wants to be success should have a good disposition. As the saying goes, “disposition decide to everything.” I remember a famous motto: there are no two identical people in the world, but the success people are similar in many ways. Exactly, good disposition is the foundation of success. From my point of view, I deemed it success should also rely on these factors: diligent, confident, humor. It can help us to open the door of success.

  There is no denying that diligent is the first step to the success. As the proverb says, no pains, no gains. Absolutely, guess that a person without diligent, how can he get achievements. Many successful people have become famous in the world by their diligent. Therefore we should take diligence as a good habit rather than lazy at every time.

  Edison said “confident is the mother of the success. There is no doubt that confidence is important to our daily life .If someone without confident, he will never succeed in the end of his life. If someone trusted himself, he would gained more chance to succeed. How could you get other’s trust if you didn't trust yourself?

  In addition, humor plays an important role in our life. It’s obvious that a sense of humor can bring happiness to others and get involved to a group easily. Just like my friend who is an energetic and lovely boy. The boss and staff like him very much. Boss thinks highly of him in the

  company. Sometimes, we should learn to how express humorously. A sense of humor can create unexpected result.

  From what has been mention above, a good disposition is an important factor to our success. Therefore, how to develop a good disposition is essential.

  以Success为题的英语作文 8

  A person's success and glory behind, not only has the struggle, there is sweat, more importantly -- stick. 'Adhere to the' two word is easy to say, hard to sit up.

  Adhere to, often depends on a person's perseverance, a personal dedication to the dream. I admire successful people, I admire their stamina.On the road to learning, we should also adhere to? Knowledge will be your playmate. When you feel lonely, successful concert ringing for you, believe me, insisted on equal to success, as long as we persist, everyone will be successful. The stick is street, pulling us towards success; insist on is the sun, give us warmth and care; insist on is a boat, carrying us to reach the other side of hope; persistence is the key, will enable us to open the door to success. Now, I no longer admire those who succeed, I know, success, I can do it. Even on the road to success, there are ups and downs, thorns, I will not be afraid, because I know, the sunshine after the rain, hold on, past. Insist on often behind the is success, adhere to equal to success!。

  以Success为题的英语作文 9

  When we talk about those famous people, we all like to know how they succeed. Meanwhile we all admire their personal special virtues which lead them to triumph. And it is obvious that many successful people have some personality characteristics in common. As far as I concerned, I deem that persistence, prudence, confidence and courage are the most important.

  Firstly, I think persistence should come first before the other three personality characters. As we all know that a person cannot always successfully reach his aim at his first try, there are many barriers waiting for him. Therefore the person will fail many times before he gets his victory. If he doesn't persist in trying again and again and make a breakthrough, thus he will stay still, no progress. He may not move forward or even regress. A person without the personal character of persistence can’t finally succeed in getting his goal.

  Secondly, a man who wants to be successful should also own the characteristic of prudence. The inventor of the electric bulb gives a good example for explaining that. It is said that the inventor tried to use thousands kinds of metal to make electric bulb filament in order to find the most suitable metal which can let the lamp light longer and brighter. I suppose that without the very prudential work, the inventor could not triumph in the end. A self- made man should do his jobs with prudence, sometimes even should be careful doing a very trivial thing. Like when those scientists or mathematicians are dealing with a complex matter, if they make a small mistake, the efforts which they made before will be in vain. Accordingly, cautiousness is necessary.

  In addition, the self- made men all are self-confident and courageous. As the saying goes, “fortune never helps the man whose courage has failed.” Supposed that a soldier loses his confidence and gallantry to fight when he is in the field of the battle, I am sure that he does not have the fortune to survive successfully. Therefore people who want to achieve their goals in their work all should be self-confident and courageous.

  In a word, my view regarding those famous people’s success is that they persist in working hard, do their jobs with prudence, are confident in themselves and have courage to overcome any kinds of difficulties; it is the reason that they can make themselves into a celebrity and admired by others.

  以Success为题的英语作文 10

  What is the key to success in the end I think the answer may be not unique,Different people have different thoughts.

  Everyone wishes to be successful in life.It is widely believed that some people are born lucky and successful, because they possess high intelligence. But this is not true. High intelligence is not equal to success. Success lies in not only the intelligence factors but also the non-intelligence factors.

  In my opinion, opportunity is a part of success. Many great people found great things by chance. It is true some successes unexpected can be won help don’t because of and come findings.but Opportunities often.An opportunity just brings a promise but never realizes it on its own.Hardworking, which is an useful way to success. It is necessary for us.Hardworking, which is means we will try our best to do the things.

  Therefore, I think success is brought about both by innate intelligence factors and by non-intelligence factors.



  以父爱为题的英语作文 1

  I have a picture, picture of a family was having dinner. have a kind mother, naughty brother, have a beautiful sister, have a lovely sister, however, another, his seat in time and space. empty, let a person feel that is not a sweet home.


  My home, is an empty seat. seems it is always empty, since the childhood. i have often in it with vision. but, perhaps that day is far away, far cannot predict, is not acceptable.


  Let you to accept a walking dead dad, will you? let you to accommodate a dad often don't go home, will you? let you love a often indiscriminate dad, will you? but don't want to, who would not want to, this is fate. i really want to change that.


  I want to change, change into my home really.


  Waiting for you every day, i want to go home. help you said a cup, and chat with you. but, it's not possible, because you have too much too much entertainment, you never wanted to "entertainment" with your family! i'd like to go on saturday, sunday and we share happy family. could not, however, because of your career. is to accompany you to eat dinner we are all very impatient, at that time, you really make me very chilling, cold to make me lose hope for you.


  以父爱为题的英语作文 2

  People say that father’s love likes a mountain: heavy and silent. It’s heavy because he puts all his love to us and it’s silent because he does not know how to express. Faced his love, we accept it silently without saying a word to show our appreciation.


  以父爱为题的英语作文 3

  My father has small eyes,Wear a pair of glasses,looking more gently,the daddy‘s hair are not many, he said the intelligent head does not grow hair,daddy does the management, but daddy usually ever not talk bureaucratically to others, therefore his personal connection is specially good,is the same as me.daddy speaks always extremely temperately,never say hit the person,curse at people are also few,calculated scolded people not to be big, although sometimes also can be angry for a longtime,but just only about one day,could no surpass in one day-long.

  He usually educate me that the person must to be honestly,friendly to other,and working diligently.This is my father, I love him forever.




  以父爱为题的英语作文 4

  People say that father’s love likes a mountain: heavy and silent. It’s heavy because he puts all his love to us and it’s silent because he does not know how to express. Faced his love, we accept it silently without saying a word to show our appreciation.

  Before I was going to senior school, my father had never said a word to show his love to me, so that I thought he did not love me very much and sometimes I was upset about it. However, when I left home for senior school, he called me frequently and just asked me some simple questions like: how’s your study and life? When do you come home? or something like that.

  Gradually, I realize that he misses me although he would never say it out. So this is father’s love, not so obvious but definitely deep.

  以父爱为题的英语作文 5

  Motherly love by its very nature is unconditional. Mother loves the newborn infant because it is her child, not because the child has fulfilled any specific condition, or lived up to any specific expectation.Unconditional love corresponds in one of 'the deepest longings, not only of the child, but of every human being; on the other hand, to be loved because of one's merit, because one deserves it, always leaves doubt: maybe I did not please the person whom I want to love me, maybe this or that--there is always a fear that love could disappear. Furthermore, "deserved" love easily leaves a bitter feeling that one is not loved for oneself, that one is loved only because one pleases, that one is, in the last ***ysis, not loved at all but used.

  No wonder that we all cling to the longing for motherly love, as children and also as adults. The relationship to father is quite different. Mother is thehome we come from, she is nature, soil, the ocean; father does not represent any such natural home. He has little connection with the child in the first years of his life, and his importance for the child in this early period cannot be compared with that of mother.

  But while father does not represent thenatural world, he represents the other pole of human existence; the world of thought, of man-made things, of law and order, of discipline, of travel and adventure. Father is the one who teaches the child, who shows him the road into the world. Fatherly love is conditional love. Its principle is "1 love you because you fulfill my expectations, because you do your duty, because you are like me." In conditional fatherly love we find, as with unconditional motherly love, a negative and a positive aspect. The negative aspect is the very fact that fatherly love has to be deserved, that it can be lost if one does not do what is expected. The positive side is equally important.



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