初二英语优秀作文 (菁华5篇)

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  Recently, it has been reported that a girl got her feet stuck in the sewer,because she kept her attention on the smart phone. When she realized her feetwere stuck, she tried hard to get rid of it, but she failed. With the help ofpoliceman, she was set free. It sounds a little ridiculous, but when we look atthe people around, we can find that the new technology distracts their attentionfrom face to face communication. People like to talk on the Internet, then theyignore the things in reality life. No matter what they are doing, waiting forthe bus or sitting at the table with their friends, smart phones are always attheir hands. It seems that smart phone has controlled their lives. Life isbeautiful if we can see it, or we will miss the amazing moment.

  Don’t let thetechnology controls your life.


  The movie Harry Portter is favored by the people all around the world andthe novels are read by fans. Though the movie has ended, the three mainprotagonists are remembered all the time. Emma Watson is one of the mainprotagonists. She plays the role very well and she never gives up her study,which sets the great example to the young people. After the end of the movie,Emma goes to the top university, though she continues her acting career, shestill focuses on her study. When she graduates, she works on promoting theequality between men and women. She becomes the spokesman of feminism and shegives the inspiring speech He For Her. Everybody gives high praise to this girl.

  She’s grown up and becomes a strong woman. Her speech is supported by thepublic.


  If we want to keep our bodies healthy, we must have a good habit. We should get up and go to bed early and sleep at least eight hours every day. Do more exercise, such as walking, swimming, playing balls and so on. We should also eat healthy food——more fruit and vegetables and less meat. If you don’t feel well, you’d better see a doctor at once. And we should wash our hands before meals and drink enough boiled water every day. It’s necessary for our health.

  We should not throw litter about, keep long fingernails and smoke etc. It’s also very important.


  如果我们想保持我们的身体健康,我们必须有一个良好的*惯。我们应该起床,早早上床睡觉,每天至少八小时。多做运动,如散步,游泳,玩球等。我们还应该吃健康食品 - 水果和蔬菜,少吃肉类。如果你觉得不舒服,你最好去看医生。我们应该饭前洗手,每天喝足够的白开水。因此有必要为我们的健康。



  It is nothing new that many students go to take after-school classes now, but in my opinion, it’s just a waste of time and money. When I was in primary school, my parents sent me to different kinds of these classes, too. But later I realized I didn’t want to do that anymore. I began to spend more time on reading, doing sports and taking social activities. However, I didn’t fall behind any others in study.

  If I have time, I will play basketball with my friends. It’s a wise way to stay in good health. I really enjoy it. Through playing basketball, I know how to cooperate with others, and I make a lot of friends, too.


  Teenager’s Opinion About Moral

  With the development of Internet, people can get to know the instant news and see what happens around the world. We hear about the bad news about teenager’s wrong behavior now and then, the biggest is about a teenager insulted a girl and got arrested.

  The whole world is watching the case, because the teenager is born in a rich family. Teenager has been criticized for their lack of moral consciousness, before the case, not a lot of people realize teenager’s moral problem.

初二英语优秀作文 (菁华5篇)扩展阅读

初二英语优秀作文 (菁华5篇)(扩展1)

——初二优秀英语作文 (菁华3篇)


  If we want to keep our bodies healthy, we must have a good habit. We should get up and go to bed early and sleep at least eight hours every day. Do more exercise, such as walking, swimming, playing balls and so on. We should also eat healthy food——more fruit and vegetables and less meat. If you don’t feel well, you’d better see a doctor at once. And we should wash our hands before meals and drink enough boiled water every day. It’s necessary for our health.

  We should not throw litter about, keep long fingernails and smoke etc. It’s also very important.


  As a middle school student, I learn many subjects, I study so hard every day.

  When I get home, I will do my homework and then go over the book. But when holiday comes, I feel a little confused, because I don’t want to study and do something new.

  Then I don’t know what to do, my mind get blank. I decide to develop my interest.

  Some day, I happened to see a tennis match and I couldn’t stop watching, then I fell in love with tennis.

  So I started to learn playing tennis, I felt so happy. Now tennis is my favorite sport, I find a way to relax myself.


  My childhood was happy with my mother’s love 。In my young heart, my mother was strong and healthy and never got sick. She took me to the primary school and home every day. No matter when it’s rainy or windy.

  But one day, after we got home from school, my mother went into the bedroom and stayed in bed. I didn’t know what had happened.

  Isat beside her , my mother said to me , it doesn’t matter , mum only has a headache 。 I will be all right after a while. Although mother said so, I found tears in her eyes because of pain, at that time I knew *s also got ill and cried. I decided I would take care of my mother from then on.

初二英语优秀作文 (菁华5篇)(扩展2)


  初二英语作文优秀 1

  My deskmate is a girl, her name is Xiao Xue. She has long hair, her pony tail often whips my face when she turns around, but I don’t mind. She likes to wear the white dresses, they make her clean and innocent, which she is. She is very interested in painting, she also won an award in the Painting competition in the city. She is nice to everyone, all the classmates like her very much.


  初二英语作文优秀 2

  Under the world’s watching, Rio Olympic Games finally came to its opening ceremony. Before, a lot of problems had been exposed and many people wondered if Rio could finish the task and present the world a wonderful opening ceremony. The answer was definitely positive. Though the budget was very limited, the government showed the world a green Olympic Games. It is the trees that make our home safe and healthy, while today a lot of people have forgot it and they pollute and destroy the environment. How can we survive in the future.

  The opening ceremony gave the answer that was to plant trees and protect our environment. Rio Olympic Games showed a great theme and it is creative. The government do not let people down, instead they surprise the world and remind people of the importance of green.

  初二英语作文优秀 3

  Before I was five years old, my parents gave me what I wanted, but as I became bigger, they changed their attitude towards me. My parents no longer satisfy me with all I want. When I want to buy a new dress, my mother won’t buy for me directly, she asks me to do something to exchange for it. Such as doing the housework or making progress in the study. What’s more, when I meet the difficulties, my parents won’t solve them for me immediately, instead, they will leave me to think about them and help me to solve them. What my parents do to me is right, it is my road to grow up.

  初二英语作文优秀 4

  As we knowgood health is more important than wealth.Food gives us energyso we must have enough food to keep healthy. we should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meatand we also must have right kinds of food. A cup of milk a day can help make us healthy as well. Different foods help us in different waysif we eat too little or too muchor if we choose the wrong foodwe may e sickso we must have meals three times every day on timetoo. It’s necessary for us to have healthy eating habits.

  初二英语作文优秀 5

  My online friend Amy will come to visit me, I plan to have a day out with her at South Hill . I am going to climb the hill with her, on the top of the hill, we can enjoy ourselves, we can sing songs together, we also can have a picnic and hide and seek. At last , we will take some photos for this activities. and I will put them on my home page to remember this day.

  we will start our trip at 8:30 this Sunday, let’s meet at the gate of South Hill. I really hope you will come to join us, if you come , we’ll have a better time.

初二英语优秀作文 (菁华5篇)(扩展3)

——初二英语作文 (菁华6篇)












  A seven day long holiday has flown away. Mourning my happy hours during the vacation, I've been looking forward to winter holidays. People around me seemed to have enjoyed the vacation, too. Then, is it fair that people have the same amount of holidays regardless of their occupations?

  Nevertheless, divergent views emerge on the matter in question. Some people are of the opinion that laborers should have the same length of holiday. They hold the view that people are born equal and should be treated equally. The same amount of leisure time may eliminate the unfairness among people who might be upset psychologically if otherwise.

  At first sight, it may seem to be an attractive idea, but it doesn't bear much ***ysis.

  To begin with, people do different kinds of jobs featuring different labor intensity and so the time needed to refresh their physical condition varies. For example, blue collar workers may work longer hours before they get tired physically, while white collar workers such as doctors and teachers are more mentally stressed. Unable to work continuously as long as those physical labor workers, white collars need more time to pull through the mental weariness than physical tiredness.

  All in all, people in different jobs assume different responsibilities and have different degrees of pressure.

  Secondly, different tasks and duties are required for different professions, resulting in the variety of holiday periods for people in different walks of life.

  Some employees cannot have their legal holidays and even have to work overtime, such as policemen, construction workers and people in the service line.Those professions just can't be interrupted for a mornent;other wise the society will be in a mess. Even for some people in the same occupation, they cannot have the same holidays entitled to them due to many factors out of human control, such as special assignments, and health conditions etc, then not to say people in different fields.

  Suppose we, as teachers do, all have three months' holiday in a year.

  Then factories have to employ considerably more workers because some of them are enjoying happy holiday.That's obviously against the principles of doing business at lower cost and efficiency.

  If we have only three days off in a year, then all the people in our country will be working day after day. No one can squeeze time to visit those tourist resorts leisurely. It goes without saying that the tourist trade and catering industry thus cannot develop rapidly and healthily


  Nowadays television plays such an important role in pepople's life that watching TV has become part of people's life in many families. Is TV a blessing or a curse? Obviously, television, like anything else, has more than one face.

  As is known to us, television presents a vivid and colorful world for people. Through TV, people can learn what is happening across the world and are better informed of the latest development in science and technology. TV broadens people's scope of knowledge. In this sense,TV is a blessing. However, television can also be harmful. The rays sent out from TV screen are harmful to people. Furthermore, attacted by their favourite programmes, many people tend to watch TV too often or for a long time. And as aresult, their studies, and work may be neglected. Especially, ifchildren stay up too late at night watching TV, they will feel sleepy in class the next day, and thus they will fall behind in their studies.


  I get up at seven o’clock in the morning every day. After I brush my teeth and wash face, I eat my breakfast. My mother makes the breakfast for me. I go to school at 7:30am, and come back from school at 6 pm. Before I go to bed I will do some homework. I usually go to sleep at 10 pm. On the weekend, I will go to play football with my friends, in the summer we like to go swimming. These are my daily life.



  As we knowgood health is more important than wealth.Food gives us energyso we must have enough food to keep healthy.

  we should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meatand we also must have right kinds of food.

  A cup of milk a day can help make us healthy as well.

  Different foods help us in different waysif we eat too little or too muchor if we choose the wrong foodwe may become sickso we must have meals three times every day on timetoo.

  It’s necessary for us to have healthy eating habits.







  Everyone has his favorite food.I think eating healthy food is important for you .

  someone likes fast food. I think it`s bad for you.You should eat a lot of vegetable and drink some milk.It`s good fou you health.

  Someone is a vegetarian.

  They eat vegetable and fruit every day they think it`s good for health but I think it`s also fine to eat some meat or fish .

  People who eat a balanced diet should be healthier than those who only eat biscuits and hamburgersshouldn`t they?I prefer to only eat healthy foodand I think I`m a vegetarian.






初二英语优秀作文 (菁华5篇)(扩展4)

——优秀初二作文 (菁华5篇)













  “看我翻江倒海。”我的两只手在空直达了一圈,就像《武林别传》中的郭芙蓉那样,一掌就把mm拍在了,妈妈的怀里,“诶呀,你轻点儿。”“ 晓得了,我缓着劲儿呢。”只听mm高声的笑了几下。“你姐姐都把你拍倒了,你还笑,我们也打她。”

  妈妈抱着mm,嘴里说着“看咱们小沐的佛山无影脚, 嘿哈。” 妈妈抱着mm,用她的小脚丫在我的身上踹了几脚,“妈呀,这咋还自带音效呢”我假装躺在了床上“诶呀,我倒下了,我输了。”妈妈拉着mm的手做着成功的手势。






















初二英语优秀作文 (菁华5篇)(扩展5)

——初二的优秀作文 (菁华5篇)










































初二英语优秀作文 (菁华5篇)(扩展6)

——初二英语日记 (菁华5篇)



  今天又要抽背课文了。今天背的'是Unit6 Holidays,MissGu首先进行“海选”:“背得的上来!一人背一句,背不出来的淘汰!坐在下面的不许出声音!”不到一分钟,讲台前就站满了选手,他们气势如虹,踌躇满志,过关在望。




  My winter vacation

  The winter vacation is coming. I’m going to do what I want to do.

  First, I’m going to have a good rest and relax. I will read some good books. Reading books is useful because it can help me get more knowledge. It can open up my eyes to the world. Next, I’m going to spend more time talking with my parents. I will also try my best to help them do some housework. Then, I’m going to take part in social activities (社会活动)so that I can know more people.

  What do you think of my vacation? I hope you will have a happy winter vacation.


  The visit to the Great Wall

  My name is Xiaoming and I like traveling very much. Last summar, I went to the Great Wall with my family.

  It was fine that day. We went there by bus early in the morning. When we got there, there were many other visitors there. When my family and I went onto the Great Wall, we saw beautiful scenery(风景). We all were amazed(惊讶的) by how beautiful it was. We took quite a few photos there.

  We had a good time there. The time flew by, and soon we had to go back. I was tired after traveling, but I really enjoyed visiting the Great Wall!


  This morning, my father took me to school by bike. I sat at the back of the bike, eating a banana. After I ate it up, I threw the skin onto the street randomly.


  No sooner had I done this than I realized that I had done something bad to our environment. And maybe someone would step on it and tumble over. I must pick it up. Thinking of these, I asked father to stop. I jumped off the bike and ran back to pick up the banana skin and threw it into a roadside dustbin. Seeing this, father praised me and I felt very happy.


  In future I will protect the surroundings more consciously and think more about others.



  June 23rd Sunday Sunny


  It was a fine day today and the sun was bright. I visited Beijing Zoo with my classmate, He Song. The animals were so interesting that all the people loved them. When a bear asked for some food by waving its ann, a visitor threw something to it. At once I went up to him and said without thinking,'Don't do that. It's bad for it. If you really love them, take good care of them.' His face turned red and answered he wouldn't do that again.


初二英语优秀作文 (菁华5篇)(扩展7)


  初二英语优秀作文 1

  Every Chinese knows the importance of the college entrance examination, sothe high school students always can feel the stress from that exam, especiallywhen that day is nearby. Some students will not do as well as usual because ofheavy stress. It is necessary to adjust their mood well before the exam. Theyshould not give too much pressure to themselves, instead of having usual heart.Then they can do in working order. To reach this goal, they can spare time to dosome sports or just go running and keep telling themselves that the exam can’tdecide their future, so they try their best would be OK and no one will blamethem.

  The purpose is make them feel relax, as the status of relax is the beststate for achieving good marks in the exam. It is helpful.

  初二英语优秀作文 2

  During the summer holidays, the programme “Super Girls” is people’s favourite. People would lock the “Hu Nan” TV as soon as possible on Friday evening. These super girls have different characters and each of them has different charms, so both the young and the old like them very much. They both sing and dance very well. One of them –Li Yuchun is my idol. The disport said, “Li Yuchun was born for the stage,” because she has different charm and a very cool face with a tall figure which absorbed almost everyone. I think in the future, she will be another Jay. She will be even more famous than Jay. As soon as her disc comes out I will be the first to buy it. I will support you all the time–my super girl–my corn.

  初二英语优秀作文 3

  Last Sunday morning, my friend and I went to visit the Beijing Zoo. We went by bike.

  It took us about half an hour to get there. When we got there, it was already crowded with people. There were a lot of foreign visitors, too. It is said that the Beijing Zoo is the largest in Asia and one of the largest in the world. There are hundreds of different kinds of animals. It world take a whole day to see all the animals there. So we decided to see some of the most interesting ones. We saw the elephants first and then the monkeys. Finally we went to see our favourite “friends”–the giant pandas.

  We were delighted to see them waving to us. We really had a wonderful time in the zoo.

  初二英语优秀作文 4

  The movie Harry Portter is favored by the people all around the world andthe novels are read by fans. Though the movie has ended, the three mainprotagonists are remembered all the time. Emma Watson is one of the mainprotagonists. She plays the role very well and she never gives up her study,which sets the great example to the young people. After the end of the movie,Emma goes to the top university, though she continues her acting career, shestill focuses on her study. When she graduates, she works on promoting theequality between men and women. She becomes the spokesman of feminism and shegives the inspiring speech He For Her. Everybody gives high praise to this girl.

  She’s grown up and becomes a strong woman. Her speech is supported by thepublic.

  初二英语优秀作文 5

  If we want to keep our bodies healthy, we must have a good habit. We should get up and go to bed early and sleep at least eight hours every day. Do more exercise, such as walking, swimming, playing balls and so on. We should also eat healthy food——more fruit and vegetables and less meat. If you don’t feel well, you’d better see a doctor at once. And we should wash our hands before meals and drink enough boiled water every day. It’s necessary for our health.

  We should not throw litter about, keep long fingernails and smoke etc. It’s also very important.


  如果我们想保持我们的身体健康,我们必须有一个良好的*惯。我们应该起床,早早上床睡觉,每天至少八小时。多做运动,如散步,游泳,玩球等。我们还应该吃健康食品 - 水果和蔬菜,少吃肉类。如果你觉得不舒服,你最好去看医生。我们应该饭前洗手,每天喝足够的白开水。因此有必要为我们的健康。


  初二英语优秀作文 6

  The star in the sky were twinkling.Some were crowded,and others were separate.

  Then I found the stars were not the same color.There were many colors,white,gray,light

  blue,orange,and so on.It was really beautiful.At that time,the sky was like blue damask decorated by millions of bright diamonds.

  Looking up the sky,I saw the moon.It was like a naughty child.

  Sometimes it hid in the clouds and sometimes it got out of the clouds.It seemsed to play"hide and

  seek"with us.The stars around the moon,however,were as girls,hiding themselves in the clouds.

  Oh,what a beautiful sky!

  初二英语优秀作文 7

  In our daily life, water has many useful ways. We can use water to wash our faces and brush our teeth. Farmers water plants with it, while firemen use it to put out fire. And the cooks cook food, wash the bowls and plates with it. If there were no water, people, plants and animals would die, and the earth would become a dry well.

  If we don ''t want this kind of thing to happen, we must save water from We can begin with doing small things. For example, after we wash clothes, we can use the used water to clean the rooms, windows or floors. Finally we can wash the restroom with it. When we don''t use water, we must turn off the tap tightly. If everyone can save water, the environment will be better and better.

  初二英语优秀作文 8

  It’s reported that school students in Korea will use e-books from 2011. What good news this is! E-books have many advantages.

  Most importantly, they are good for the environment, since they can save lots of paper and trees. Besides, they are very convenient. To get a paper book, one has to spend a lot of time searching for it in a bookshop. But we can find e-books very quickly on the computer.

  In short, e-books can help us enjoy our life more.

  初二英语优秀作文 9

  I have many hobbies, such as playing computer games, reading comics, going shopping. I also like playing pingpong very much.

  I have a friend. His name is Nick. He is crazy about playing pingpong, too. If we have free time, we often play pingpong together. One summer holiday, he took me to a sports centre. Then we played pingpong together, but he always lost. He was very angry. He said to me, "I will beat you in a month.""OK. We will have a match at that time."After a month, when I talked to him about it, he answered,"I forgot the thing! I don't want to have a match with you.

  " I was very surprised and angry and said,"Oh, you're a forgetful boy!”

  初二英语优秀作文 10

  In my mind, everyone shall have his own dream. I think that having a dream means that we have an idea, and then we will do all the things to achieve the target. As long as we have a goal to be realized, we won’t be blind at least.

  My dream is to become a successful stateman, helping those people who need help with their rights.

  Of course, to be a good stateman is very difficult, but I will do whatever I can do to keep everyone satisfied. That's my dream.

  Now everything I do is close to my dream. I feel life is fill with hope and is colorful, and I have enough confidence to realize my dream.

初二英语优秀作文 (菁华5篇)(扩展8)

——初二优秀英语作文:My younger brother实用5份

  初二优秀英语作文:My younger brother 1

  I have a brother.He is very smart,he often says,"i'm an adult." The words he said always make us happy.He tells me that he wanted to grow up quickly very much,and he also asks me how he can achieve his dream.I just smile and smile.he likes play computer games with me .Although i am stronger than him,he can beat me.I like my brother very much.I hope he can be happy forever.


  初二优秀英语作文:My younger brother 2


  Children, do you have anyone you like? I have one. He is mischievous and clever, more lovely, and sometimes makes people laugh and cry! Do you know who he is? Yes, he is my brother. Now let me introduce my brother!


  My brother is tall and handsome. Fat face, like a big apple. The eyes are black, like two black beads. The mouth is small, like a cherry. The hair is black and black. It looks like a dark cloud from afar.


  My brother is very naughty. One day, my brother hid my book. I couldn't find it anywhere. I asked my brother, "did you see my sister's book?" My brother just smiled. I thought to myself: this naughty man must have been hidden. So I followed my brother to his room. My book was not in his room. He just came to the room to get his car.


  I followed my brother to the toilet again. My book was not in the toilet. My brother just went to the toilet. I followed my brother to the study again, when I saw my book on the shelf. Then I cried out, "my book." At this time, my brother was scared by my cry and clapped his chest, which was really annoying and funny. Then the younger brother knew that he was out of the picture, and he just laughed at me. You look at me, both of us. I look at you. This is a little naughty bag.


  This is my brother. Although he is naughty sometimes, I still love him very much.

  初二优秀英语作文:My younger brother 3

  There are are four people in my family,my father,my mother,my brother and I.my brother is two years older than me,I sometimes hate him and sometimes like him.My brother will take away my things without asking me,then I hate him,but he will protect me when I am teased by others,then I love him so much.My brother is good guy.

  初二优秀英语作文:My younger brother 4


  My brother is a lively and lovely man. He is only five months old now.


  He likes to laugh very much. I move him and he laughs. He often cried, too. She cried without anyone around him. He can turn, climb, sit or walk. You say he's not cute? I really want him to grow up quickly, because I can play games with him and climb mountains together. By the way, she didn't say what she looked like. He has a lovely double chin. He looks like me. It's like meeting him to see me. He loves to eat. He wants what others eat.


  I grew up day by day as a child. Mom is really not easy. I must be filial to mom and dad when I grow up.

  初二优秀英语作文:My younger brother 5

  My brother is really naughty and doesnt write my homework all day. My brothers two most naughty things are: one day when I was doing my homework, my brother suddenly put a watermelon skin under my chair, and I stepped on it and fell down with a blue nose and a swollen face. The second thing is that when I was walking, he suddenly punched me, and I was scared by him, which made my leg still hurt. What a naughty brother!


初二英语优秀作文 (菁华5篇)(扩展9)


  感谢妈妈的英语作文初二优秀作文 1

  My mother is the most beautiful in my eyes.She is not tall,plunge into a ponytail.Her little mouth,the nose is not high not low,eyes in the dark,dark,bright,seems to be god.

  My mother's temper very urgent.If I have the wrong,my mother got angry.On one occasion,my math oral one fault,mother was severely criticized me.Another time,I play with my brother,don't be careful the younger brother cry,mother also criticized me,also let me apologize to him.Mom is very concerned about me.The last time I was ill that day,while I was sleeping in the evening,mother also get up to me to take medicine,temperature.I want to use my good grades to repay my mother.Mother is a hard life,work all day and night.At home doing the housework,kindergarten to teach children,goes to school themselves.It's busy and busy not to come.But learning is not for me to relax,to give every day I check my homework and signature.Mother doesn't like pets,also do not watching TV.Whenever you have a second reading,every other week,will take me to the library once.Mother likes to eat fish,I said she is a little cat; Mother likes to chew bones,I said she is a little black dog; Mother likes to eat pork,I said she is a little tiger.

  Mother not picky about food,I want to learn from her.I think mom is very good.I like it very much,mom.

  感谢妈妈的英语作文初二优秀作文 2

  My mother has a pair of big eyes,red lips,long hair,black and shiny.My mother loves me and is happy to help others.

  Once,I was playing with my partner,playing with eagles and chickens.Just when we had a good time,I accidentally fell and gave a little blood.This is my mother rushed over and carried me to the hospital.The doctor said I was ok,so my mother let go.

  Another time,my mother's colleagues went home with a lot of things in their arms.When my mother saw her,she helped her aunt with a few things."Thank you," said the aunt

  I like my mother.

  感谢妈妈的英语作文初二优秀作文 3

  The man I respect most is my mother,my favorite person is my mother,is the mother gave me life,taught me to be the truth,my mother gave me selfless love,let me grow.

  My mother has long,thick hair and a round face.My mother's face is like a red apple.The crooked eyebrows,bright eyes,red lips,medium height,very slim,my mother is about thirty years old and wears a pair of gold glasses.My mother is very beautiful,she is gentle,she is generous,she is caring and careful,she has what good things give me first.

  One day,my mother and I at the gore silk on the way home saw a grandpa in selling small fish,I hurriedly ran over and saw the ground with a variety of aquarium,fish tank are: the parrot fish,guppy,golden dragon fish,fish,etc.I said,"mom,let's buy some small fish." The mother said,"well,how many can I buy?" I say: "buy six fish!" We bought six guppies,carefully and happily,carrying the little fish home.

  Mother brush the fish tank clean,then I will gently put little fish in the fish tank,little fish into the fish tank,is happy to swim in the water,the mother said: "after that let you to raise a few small fish!" I said,"ha,ha! I know this is my mother's patience and love for the little animal,and I know it will be useful to the society in the future.

  Mother brought me a wonderful life,I have good good study,day day up and thanked my mother's support,there is only a mother good,have mama of children like a treasure.

  感谢妈妈的英语作文初二优秀作文 4

  My mother's name is nancy.She has long hair,two big eyes My mother likes sports and shopping.Her favourite sports are football and yoga.

  And her favourite food is ice cream.She also likes dogs and cats.

  My mother is a high school techer,she works very hard and does very well in the school.

  My mother also concerns my study.She always helps me study and play the piano.

  She is very glad when I make progress.

  My mother loves me very much.And I love my mother too!

  感谢妈妈的英语作文初二优秀作文 5

  My mother is a hard-working mother.At home,mother sweeps,mops and washes dishes.

  My mother is a responsible mother.She is very strict with me.When I write,I am required to be horizontal and vertical.If I can't write well,I will be fined ten,and if I can't write well,I will be fined twenty.

  My mother is a loving mother.When there was an earthquake in Sichuan,my mother not only donated more than 500 yuan,but also encouraged me to donate my pocket money.I love my good mother.
