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  春天的英语小作文 1

  Winter was gone,spring comes.I love spring best,because it's very beautiful.In spring,the weather is aways sunny and rainy,it's not cold and not hot,it's warmer and warmer.The flowers begin to open and the trees begin to turn green.The birds are singing in the sky,they are happy.The animals will go out to play.Many people like to go out and enjoy the sunshine.I like wearing my sweater and jeans, I like to fly kites,plant trees and see the beautiful flowers. Spring is colorful,I think it's a wonderful season. What's your favourite season?Please tell me.


  春天的英语小作文 2

  Be in the place that a Chun Nuanhua opens.

  The brook is shedding water livelily in a flock of group small fish, still have swan, southern the bird that come back group not show one‘s feelings. Firn stealthily melt. Birdie twitters ceaseless, seem to saying: “New bud new bud grows quickly, willow mom good do up one’s hair “ spring came really.

  Mom tells me the The whole year‘s work depends on a good start in spring, should cherish spring.

  春天的英语小作文 3

  pring is the first season of a year.There are there months in spring :March ,April and May ,The weather is becoming warmer and warmer in spring.Sometimes It rains a lot.Everything has started to change in spring.Look,the trees are turning green.The birds are singing happily in the trees.The flowers are showing their smiles to us.Spring is also my favourite season.Because I can wear my beautiful shirts .I can plant trees and go camping.I can enjoy myself in the beautiful spring.Of course ,I like the Spring Festival ,too.In a word,Spring is a very beautiful season.I like spring very much.

  春天的英语小作文 4

  Spring has come, in every corner of the earth were full of spring.

  Campus, full of the glad Lu like. Willow willow out of the thin, top decorated clean the yellowish leaves; grass aroma with a drilling mud out in bunches, A host, nice green flowers are also stretched, played a yawn, unearthed a small head; children all took off their heavy winter clothes, put on another bright light both spring; the birds flew out from the house, singing sweet songs, tell us: Spring is coming!

  春天的英语小作文 5

  There are four seasons in a year. The spring, summer, autumn and winter. I think spring is the most beautiful season.

  In the spring, the flowers are blossoming, the grass is green and the birds start to sing. The temperature in the spring is not too cold or too hot. We can go on an excursion during the spring. We can fly kites and enjoy the sunshine.

  I think spring is the best season ever!



——描写春天的英语小短文 (菁华3篇)


  now the weather is being warmer and warmer. I like spring best, because it is full of energy as well as activity. Many beautiful flowers are ing into bloom. Hyacinth is famous for its rich fragrance which also has many kinds of colours, such as white, light pink, light purple, red and so on.


  Today,look at the blue sky,hear the grass growing beneath your feet,inhale the scent of spring,let the fruits of the earth linger on your tongue,reach out and embrace those you love.Ask Spirit to awaken your awareness to the sacredness of your sensory perceptions.


  What a miracle it is.No matter how long the winter,how hard the frost or how deep the snow,Nature triumphs.No season is awaited so eagerly or welcomed so warmly as spring…Each year I am astonished by the wealth of flowers the season gives us:the subtlety of the wild primroses and violets,the rich palette of crocus in the parks,tall soldier tulips and proud trumpeting daffodils and narcissi.


  Picture this:The air and the earth interpenetrated in the warm gusts of spring; the soil was full of sunlight,and the sunlight full of red dust.The air one breathed was saturated with earthy smells,and the grass under foot had a reflection of blue sky in it.


  Every spring is the only spring,a perpetual astonishment.



  Today,look at the blue sky,hear the grass growing beneath your feet,inhale the scent of spring,let the fruits of the earth linger on your tongue,reach out and embrace those you love.Ask Spirit to awaken your awareness to the sacredness of your sensory perceptions.


  What a miracle it is.No matter how long the winter,how hard the frost or how deep the snow,Nature triumphs.No season is awaited so eagerly or welcomed so warmly as spring…Each year I am astonished by the wealth of flowers the season gives us:the subtlety of the wild primroses and violets,the rich palette of crocus in the parks,tall soldier tulips and proud trumpeting daffodils and narcissi.


  Picture this:The air and the earth interpenetrated in the warm gusts of spring; the soil was full of sunlight,and the sunlight full of red dust.The air one breathed was saturated with earthy smells,and the grass under foot had a reflection of blue sky in it.


  Every spring is the only spring,a perpetual astonishment.




  春天小作文 1









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  春天小作文 6

  在一年四季中,我最不喜欢的季节是春天。春天是流行感冒的隐行杀手,一会儿冷一会儿热,让人防不胜防[注: 防:防备;胜:尽。形容防备不过来。]。你刚换下厚厚的棉衣,穿上漂亮的毛衣时,突然一股寒流袭来,春寒料峭[注: 料峭:微寒。形容初春的寒冷。],让你流鼻涕,让你打喷嚏,让你发烧,让你头痛。每年春天,我的扁桃体都要发一次炎,化一次脓,非要到医院里去打几天吊针,病才会完全好。


  春天是个胸无大志的懒汉。吹着懒懒的风,下着懒懒的雨,滋养着懒懒的磕睡虫。磕睡虫满天飞,遍地爬,爬进人们的耳朵里,飞进人们的鼻孔里,于是人们哈欠连天。打哈欠像流行感冒能传染,这个打了那个打,办公室,教室里,商场里,哈欠打成一片[注: 形容感情融洽,成为一体。],人们不想做事,只想睡觉。

  春天是个喜新厌旧[注: 喜欢新的,厌弃旧的。多指爱情不专一。]的薄情郎。他只要绿叶,容不下那些已经坚守了整整一个严冬的老叶,他要老叶让位于蓬勃生长的芽苞。在人们满眼的新绿中,老叶悄悄地落在地上,任人践踏……

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  美丽的春天的英语作文 1

  Spring, how many people praise you, how many people love you, how wonderful you are!

  Early in the morning, just under the drizzle, the air is so fresh. I went to the countryside with my friends to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

  Along the way, we talked and laughed, and the warm spring breeze accompanied us to the west along the field. The grass beside the road is tender and green. It is filled with gaps and roots, like green clouds, quietly reporting the arrival of spring to people. The distant mountains have awakened from their slumber, and the stream by the road flows gently and sweetly. Birds fly over our heads and sing a harmonious song. They have just come from the south to participate in this Spring Festival.

  In the steep mountains. Green leaves and bright wild flowers set off each other. They are very beautiful!

  We followed the mossy path to the top of the mountain. From the top of the mountain, you can see the beautiful scenery of the world: in the distance, a ridge, green seedlings are nodding to us, a large area like a green carpet for the earth; nearby, the fruit trees on the hillside are full of flowers, red like fire, white like snow, pink like Xia, the earth is like wearing a colorful Xia suit. At the foot of the mountain, there is a winding river, clear and quiet, like a long snake winding around. It connects my heart, the green wavelet, has been flowing in my heart, flowing

  Spring is the plan of the year. Spring is beautiful and full of life. Friends, please come into spring! You will feel the beauty of spring!







  美丽的春天的英语作文 2

  Spring girl carrying a basket of flowers, wearing a colorful dress, quietly came to the world. Spring is like a magician. It gives the sun the power to shine. Spring is like a small alarm clock, it awakens the sleeping grass and flowers, and makes the nature full of vitality.

  A lot of wild flowers in spring, woke up and saw them stretch, waved, like to welcome the arrival of spring. The flowers vie with each other and are open, red, yellow, white and pink...... All kinds of land disguised as colorful, although not expensive flowers, but also brought laughter to the earth.

  The spring wind is warm, such as mother's hand and stroked my hair silk; spring rain is sweet, like mother's caress my young heart; the spring sunshine is warm, like a mother's love let me grow up.

  The spring rain is as precious as oil without stop underground, it fell on a small tree, like a tree covered with a layer of beautiful veil; it floating in the water, like many insects in peristalsis; it flew into the fields, pouring the water to the crops. It moistens all things in the world, nourishing the grass, nourishing the crops......

  Spring is a beautiful season. Let's explore the beauty of nature!






  美丽的春天的英语作文 3

  The trees outside the window are green again. When spring comes, I can't help thinking of my hometown Guangdong.

  Spring in the south is very beautiful. Around the Spring Festival every year, there will be drizzle. Close look, like a small silver needle, like a root of cattle hair. From a distance, it looks like a layer of misty mist and a light white smoke Smoke through the sun, forming a beautiful "sun rain.".

  The spring wind blows the Buddha, and the buds of the grass come out from the ground one by one, weaving into a piece of green grass blanket. "The sun rain" is still under, under several days, or so thin, dense, constantly floating down, as if it will never end. The rain drops on the tender grass, like beautiful pearls, shine in the sun. Many naughty children are flapping in the water barefoot, splashing all over the water, their clothes are wet, they are still playing in the water

  There are many well-known and unknown flowers in the beautiful south, which are blooming indoors and outdoors. It is no wonder that some people call the south of the motherland "the land of flowers", and Guangzhou, the gateway of the south, as "the flower city".

  South - a big garden full of life. I like the spring in the south.






  美丽的春天的英语作文 4

  The spring, the village road, the road on both sides of the trees, flowers flourish to open, the flowers like snow white, the flowers as red as fire, the sun red cross Ying, very beautiful. The stream rushing forward, with a stream of grass and wildflowers dotted, make the stream more clear, more beautiful!


  美丽的春天的英语作文 5

  Step on the spring breeze all the way, laugh all the way, watch the peach blossom and willow green, walk all over the green mountains and waters.

  Go find spring. To find the spring in the lively Woyang Avenue. Willow girl just woke up and was arranging her messy hair; grass finally escaped the cold winter and looked at the colorful world from the ground; peach blossom was dee*** attracted by the scenery and smiled brilliantly.

  Go and enjoy spring. Enjoy spring in the countryside. Countless jasmine flowers are in full bloom, how brilliant they are. Looking from afar, it is like a golden ocean, dazzling, beautiful and spectacular! The little swallow has played in the south. Hearing this scene, they moved north one after another. On the branches and under the eaves, they built nests and made music for this flower sea.

  Go to find spring. In nature, grass grows, trees sprout, flowers bloom, ice melts and birds contend. These are spring.

  Into the spring! Breathing fresh air, looking up at the blue sky, enjoying the gorgeous flowers, and feeling the touch of spring wind, this is absolutely a kind of enjoyment, an unparalleled enjoyment.

  Spring light, how could it be so full, so romantic, he put the spiritual power contained in a winter.









  圣诞的英语小作文 1

  It was one of the last days before Christmas, and the as sistants in the large store had their hands full serving eager Christmas shoppers.

  At one counter an old lady was choosing gloves red ones for her daugher in law, light blue ones for her niece, pink ones for her grand daughter, green ones for her sister and by the time she had found what she wanted, the counter was covered with pairs of all colors and sizes.

  When the salesgirl had finally written out the bill and was about to turn to the next customer with a tired voice. Thank you very much, madam, the old lady suddenly cried out.

  Oh, I almost forgot――Anything else, madam? said the girl, Yes, began the old lady.

  Id like to buy another pair, but I m not quite sure about what exactly I should cloose. I wonder if you could help me. Certainly, madam, was the girls re***. The old lady then went on to explain that what she was looking for was a pair of gloves for a girl of her age.

  She was not at ail sure what color to choose, and the design was a problem too.The tired girl did her best to help the old lady make up her mind, showing her ail kinds of gloves.At last the chosen pair of gloves were wrapped up and paid for as well, and as the girlwas about to turn to the next customer, the old lady handed her a little parcel and said.

  These now, dear, these are for you and thank you for being so patient. I do hope you have a merry Christmas!

  圣诞的英语小作文 2

  Christmas Day-December 25-which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, the founder of the Christian religion, is the biggest and best-loved holiday in the United States.

  According to the Bible, the holy book of Christians, God decided to allow his only son, Jesus Christ, to be born to a human mother and live on earth so that people could understand God better and learn to love God and each other more. "Christmas"- meaning "celebration of Christ "- honors the time when Jesus was born to a young Jewish woman Mary.

  Mary was engaged to be married to Joseph, a carpenter, but before they came together, she was found to be with child. Because Joseph, her husband, was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly. But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins."

  Although the exact date of the birth of Jesus nearly 2,000 years ago is not known, the calendar on the supposed date divides all time into B.C. (Before Christ )and A.D. ( a Latin phrase, Anno Domini, "in the year of our Lord.")For the first 300 years, Jesus’ birthday was celebrated on different dates. Finally, in the year 354, church leaders chose December 25 as his birthday.

  圣诞的英语小作文 3

  Christmas is a time for miracles.It is also a time when the dull things of daily life and the forecast of human hature gives way to a spiritual awakening.Allow me to share with you one truly wonder of Christmas.

  Our miracle story comes from an incident that occurred in Flanders, Belgium, at the dawn of World War I. On December 24th ,1914, German and English troops faced each other from the relative safety of their ditches across which no man’s land lying between them. Suddenly, the silence was broken, not by gunfire, but by the strains of Silent Night arising from the German position. It wasn’t long before the English troops responded with a Yuletide hymn of their own. Then an amazing sight surprised the eyes of the English soldiers. A German soldier holding a small tree arranged with lighted candles began to walk across the land toward the English lines. This miraculous scene occasioned the declaration of a truce followed by English and German troops greeting one another, exchanging small gifts and singing songs of Christmas. Word of this incredible phenomenon reached the High Command of both sides.

  On Christmas Day, both armies moved from their positions to engage in the killing of war at other battlefields. However, on Christmas Eve 1914 on a field in Flanders, there was Peace on Earth.

  Christmas is a truly amazing phenomenon. The day and season perpetuate a miraculous, historical event as an annual presence that challenges an often rough, cruel, and egotistical creature ― the human being ― to become open and amenable to their Creator’s vision. The great miracle of Christmas continues in the performance of humane acts, moral honesty, and in the spiritual awareness of millioons struggling to lead a life of grace.

  圣诞的英语小作文 4

  Christmas day is becoming more and more fire over the years, the annual Christmas Eve, the streets are the smell of Christmas, Im not very interested in, hough for Christmas but also be infected by this lively breath.

  It doesnt, the teacher in charge will be things like stickers, Christmas CARDS to our hand, lets decorate the classroom. After class, we are all busy to decorate. Chun-chieh liu is tall, standing on the table will Santa Claus stickers posted on the glass window, looked at the smiling face of Santa Claus, we are also happy. People will write Christmas CARDS in his hand desire to hang in the class of the converted into a Christmas tree, but my wish is to: family happiness.

  The classroom is decorated, waiting for the arrival of Christmas, good looking forward to.

  圣诞的英语小作文 5

  i was triage nurse that day and had just been out to the waiting room to clean up. since there were no patients waiting to be seen at the time, i came back to the nurses station for a cup of hot cider from the crockpot someone had brought in for christmas. just then an admitting clerk came back and told me i had five patients waiting to be evaluated.

  i whined, "five, how did i get five; i was just out there and no one was in the waiting room."

  "well, there are five signed in." so i went straight out and called the first name. five bodies showed up at my triage desk, a pale petite woman and four small children in somewhat rumpled clothing.

  "are you all sick?" i asked suspiciously.

  "yes," she said weakly, and lowered her head.

  "okay," i replied, unconvinced, "whos first?" one by one they sat down, and i asked the usual preliminary questions. when it came to descriptions of their presenting problems, things got a little vague.

  two of the children had headaches, but the headaches werent accompanied by the normal body language of holding the head or trying to keep it still or squinting or grimacing. two children had earaches, but only one could tell me which ear was affected. the mother complained of a cough, but seemed to work to produce it.

  something was wrong with the picture. our hospital policy, however, was not to turn away any patient, so we would see them.

  when i explained to the mother that it might be a little while before a doctor saw her because, even though the waiting room was empty, ambulances had brought in several, more critical patients, in the back, she responded, "take your time, its warm in here." she turned and, with a smile, guided her brood into the waiting room.

  on a hunch (call it nursing judgment), i checked the chart after the admitting clerk had finished registering the family. no address - they were homeless. the waiting room was warm.



  英语作文:我最喜欢的季节春天 1

  Connect don't know when to step into our world, winter elder sister also don't know what time out of our world, their arrival and departure, make the world a big change.

  The earth, and the voice gave it a green quilted jacket, and see the grass out in succession, shake your body, stretch, bleary-eyed looked at the new world, connect back to the earth with colorful patterns, biltong flowers e out from the earth, one, two, one, two do morning exercises. Red, yellow, purple, colorful, full, as long as the endless woven brocades, as bright as sky glow, as gorgeous as high altitude of the rainbow.

  Banks of the river, connect to give it a few soldiers, to the growth of the willow hits the ground, swinging its beautiful long hair, long hair on the small bud out slowly, watching the new world, that the green color, bright, shining our eyes, seems to have a new life on every leaf in fibrillation. With strength of roots, branches, holding a bud, insist teeth.

  Streams, connect to give it a cheerful melody, drumming ding-ding, can listen, a stream of throat singing loudly, and streams on the bottom, you can see the bottom of gravel, the sand and underwater called sweet songs on the rhythm of a standard. , here is very steep, as to the mountain streams, sometimes wide, sometimes narrow, sometimes slow, sometimes nasty, creek is sometimes transform tone.

  Spring is beautiful, is a vibrant, flowers, what a season of a year the four seasons can be parable to the full of spring?

  英语作文:我最喜欢的季节春天 2

  Day by day in the winter is past, the spring is going to come back to our arms.

  So desperately, children's long-awaited spring has come, the beautiful spring is here, spring is coming, happy spring is coming!

  I think spring is the most beautiful picture of nature. Look, the warmth of the sun shine on the earth, and how comfortable ah. "The grass brother" had a good stretch, slowly climb from the ground up, can't wait to see the world outside. "Sister" flowers a then a, in the spring rain and sunshine moist test out the small head, there is a beautiful flower skirt, is really gorgeous. "Big brother" took off his heavy coat, put on the light of spring, to the children smile. Birds standing on the branch to meet the arrival of the voice.

  Ice and snow melt... Ding dong! Ding dong! Stream "tried" crisp voice, singing the song of spring, a group of ducks came to the river, swam up happily in the water. "Filar silk filar silk!" Spring rain unknowingly came to your window, you ask a good? Shout! Shout! Merry explosion in soil, looking forward to an early break out. Little willow soft curved waist, jumped up belong to spring dance. Look, white pear, pink peach blossom is also coming to us with a smile, as if to say, spring is beautiful, nature is beautiful. The children can't wait to tell them, quick to take us to go spring outing, spring has been singing.

  I like the beautiful spring!

  英语作文:我最喜欢的季节春天 3

  I like the spring trees, the breeze gently caressed its long slender arms, it seems to wake up the branches of the new bud. The little trees that have been baptized in the winter have been growing like a match. In the barren land, the delicate grass followed the footsteps of the spring girls. The little green shoots of the sharp pointed are the breath of innocence. Like a new green coat for the earth.

  I like flowers, spring is a season of flowers and flowers, and the flowers always smile more brightly than the sun. You see, the garden is white as snow, pink and flowery peach blossom and the spring flowers of the trumpet are open to the flowers, the hillside clusters of colorful little wild flowers are lovely.

  I also like the spring sunshine, the soft sunshine through the thin clouds of silk wisps in my body, giving a quiet and quiet, and a comfortable warmth.

  I like the wind of spring, because it is unique, it has no winter wind like that, nor is it as dry as the wind in summer, the wind in spring is gentle and gentle. The warm spring breeze heralds a new beginning, it rushes the flowers, blows the grass green, sweeps my cheeks, and seems to have the scent of a flower.

  I also like the rain of spring, the little raindrops of the fall to the ground, the people walking in the rain seem to smell that pure breath.

  英语作文:我最喜欢的季节春天 4

  My favorite season — — unwittingly, the winter doll a jump out of the spring girl with a light step to come.

  Spring girl trotted all the way to the field. She saw that the flowers and grass were not fooled by the winter dolls. They could not rush to their heads. But they were anxious. They took out the warm little trumpet &ldquo, and &rdquo. The flowers were all dressed in colorful skirts, the grass sprouts, ready to start a new stage of growth.

  Spring girl walked with a hurried pace came to the park, the arrival of spring girl, the river on the ice melts, the small fish in the water happily swim, wearing a light green spring willow, facing the spring breeze swaying, combing with its beautiful long hair … …

  The arrival of spring girls also added a lot of interesting activities to us. Spring outing with our classmates can not only increase the friendship between our classmates, but also play the places we haven't played before. It's the best of both worlds. There is an annual sports meeting in spring, which can increase the physical exercise of the students. On weekends, you can have a picnic with your family and friends. Imagine that you and your family are sitting on the grass, surrounded by colorful flowers and delicious lunches. How wonderful!

  In the early morning, when we wake up and listen to the singing of birds, when we do gymnastics, a spring breeze will be kissing you again, and then we will humming a small area again. What a pleasant thing it is!

  A spring, the recovery of all things, the joys of spring, vibrant season, spring scenery is really amazing, I love spring!

  英语作文:我最喜欢的季节春天 5

  I love spring, spring has a fragrant and pleasant fragrance, it is every year to come, because it let us put the heavy jacket off, because it makes the trees wake up; because it makes the earth wearing bright, green and beautiful clothes.

  In my childhood, I lived in a small village where spring air is fresh, flowers and grass are flourishing, colorful, trees are flourishing, and leaves of trees are beginning to come out.

  My family is all in the spring. My mother knitted sweaters, my father planted fields, my grandfather planted vegetables, grandma cooked, and sometimes it made warm and warm. I sometimes help you.

  My favorite season is spring, because spring brings us happiness.



  英语春天作文300字 1


  In spring, I see everything is full of life. There are flowers, grass, trees and swallows flying back from the south. The land of spring has turned into a myriad of colors. Bees also gather honey in the flowers. By this time, the fields and the earth have become the scene of spring flowers. I really like the spring season.

  英语春天作文300字 2

  It's already February. Spring is coming. But where is spring? I raise my head and look at the sky. It's still gray. I come to the garden. There is no bud at all. The trees there are not coming into leaf. Then I come to the lakeside. Ice on the lake surface has been melt already. There are many ducks swimming in the distance. Branches of the willows beside the lake are turning GREen. I jumped with joy. This is spring. I found it!

  英语春天作文300字 3

  In spring the weather is sunny and warm,sometimes it is rainy and windy.We can go hiking, fly kites and plant trees.

  In summer the weather is sunny and hot.I can swim in the sea.I can eat ice-cream.

  In fall the weather is windy and cool,We can have a picnic on the mountains.Ican sweep the road and eat fruits.

  In winter the weather is snowy, sometimes it is sunny and rainy,I can make a snowman,and skate.

  MY favourite season is spring because it is beautiful and warm.

  英语春天作文300字 4


  In spring, I see everything is full of life. There are flowers, grass, trees and swallows flying back from the south. The land of spring has turned into a myriad of colors. Bees also gather honey in the flowers. By this time, the fields and the earth have become the scene of spring flowers. I really like the spring season.

  英语春天作文300字 5

  Spring sister came to the city and saw the children singing happily! Jump! Heartily enjoying the joy of spring. Spring sister came to school, we gave Lang Lang's reading sound to her.

  Ah! Spring, like a colorful painting, but also like a lively and lovely, wearing new clothes doll.

  Along the flowering land, the spring breeze whistling, spring footsteps along the cheerful melody drift, I like the spring season.



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