妈妈生日的英文作文 (菁华3篇)

首页 / 作文 / | 2022-11-11 00:00:00 作文,英文,妈妈


  Today is my mothers birthday. My father and I wanted to give her surprising birthday presents.

  In the morning we went to the shop and bought a big cake. Then we went to the market and bought some food that mother liked very much. After getting home, we began to prepare our presents. Father went into the kitchen to prepare a big meal while I went into my room to make a birthday card. I drew three rabbits biggest one was eating grass while the other two were playing happily under a big tree.

  To tell you the truth, it was my family because all of us were born in the year of rabbit.It was almost 12 oclock. The delicious food on the table made my mouth water. Everything was ready. We seated ourselves at the table, waiting for my mother. When we heardthe sound of opening the door, we hid behind the door and cheered, "Happy Birthday!" as soon as mother came in.Mother was seated at the table and I showed her my present. She looked at it and smiled. "Have a taste of the delicious food. It was made by Father himself."I said. Mother looked at my father and me, picking up her chopsticks.

  How happy we were!


  March 19th Saturday Rainy

  Today is mothers birthday, but I didnt know what to by for her. A watch was a good present, but it was too expensive for me to buy. Flowers were not so expensive, but they would die soon. A birthday cake was too sweet and mother didnt like it.

  Then father thought a good idea. He said, "Why dont we make a wonderful dinner for her? That will show our love for her!" Oh, that was good. Love is the most expensive present in the world.

  I will never forget the smile on mothers face when we were having supper together.


  My Mother's BirthdayMy mother's birthday is on June 3.To thank her for her love for us,we are going to have a birthday party at home to celebrate it.All my family will be at the party.My father is going to buy a big cake with fruit and beautiful clothes for my mother.My grandparents also buy a birthday present for my mother.l am going to make a birthday card for her and I will write"Happy birthday to you"on it.I'm sure my mother will have a happy birthday and feel the love from us.


  我妈妈的生日我妈妈的生日是在6月3日。为了感谢她对我们的爱,我们打算在家举办一次生日聚会,庆祝妈妈的生日。我们全部家庭成员都将参加这次聚会。我爸爸打算给我妈妈买一个水果蛋糕,还有漂亮的衣服。我的爷爷奶奶也给我妈妈头了礼物。我打算给她制作 张生日贺卡,上面写着“祝您生日快乐"。我相信我妈妈将会度过一个快乐的生日,感受到我们大家的爱。

妈妈生日的英文作文 (菁华3篇)扩展阅读

妈妈生日的英文作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展1)

——我的妈妈生日作文 (菁华3篇)



















妈妈生日的英文作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展2)

——我的妈妈英文作文 (菁华3篇)


  I have a charming humorous mother. Because of this, my disposition is also very open and bright, who was called mother to I that many humorous cells.

  My mother has 1.68 meters, Xiu's long stature, because has lived me, the belly is a little big. Sometimes daddy laughs at her, her actually spot is not angry. She said: “looks like a lesser panda to be the same. It is not very good!”. Sometimes my mother from the useless a wee bit cosmetics, also has used me “Johnson the baby Run skin dew”, I asked her, she always said: “you looked that mother the skin is good, because I am the small treasure!”. My mother like this, what is more laughable is 3 years ago ....... That day, I am riding the baby carriage and mother go to the garden to take a walk. Suddenly, mother remembers some people to be called her to chat. Therefore, mother delivered immediately me goes home, to mount the car to go. As soon as that movement swings a pendulum, nimble freely. Listens to mother saying that that day on the avenue people face her to look, looked while smiles. Made that mother is very embarrassed. Once, in family's window blind clasp has fallen several, could not pull open. Daddy likes himself making, within result one day has not fixed, therefore is angry very much. Mother wants to tease daddy to smile, therefore hides after the window blind “squeek”, pulls open the window blind, smiles is going forward one step, recommends a wooden staff to treat as “the microphone” conveniently, sang, after singing in good voice and with feeling sings, she wields begins saying:“goodbye, my faithful singer fans!”I and daddy “bu puff” have smiled, more smiled is happier, smiles “ha ......Ha ha!”. How to do, daddy also smiled? Originally a mother's song, pulled open unexpectedly the window blind. Therefore, daddy smiles is starting to install the window blind hook. Hey! Mother you are really good. You are we “the pistachio nut”, forever happy “pistachio nut” a forever happy mother! Mother, I loves you.








  Mum is fourty years old and acts as an ordinary office worker in a company. She is my first teacher in my life and also is one of my best freinds. When I was young,Mum always stayed beside me and taught me how to walk and how to say "Hello" to others. Step by step, I could walk without anyones help and speak fluently.Mum is kindly and quite easy to get on well with her. I can not forget those nightgs when Mum sat next to my bed and read stories to me. It is the stories that made me understand how to be a good people .

  Mum has many hobbies. She likes watching TV while weaving cloth, also she is interested in climbing mountains. Frequently all my family will have a rest on a hill at weekends. She loves sportsso that she stayed at home all days for the 20xx Olympic Games.In my memory, grape is her favourite fruit. She often told us that grape is full of nutrition.

  There are too much I want to say,but I think the best way to show my love to Mum is love her forever!


  I have a charming humorous mother. Because of this, my disposition is also very open and bright, who was called mother to I that many humorous cells.

  My mother has 1.68 meters, Xius long stature, because has lived me, the belly is a little big. Sometimes daddy laughs at her, her actually spot is not angry. She said: “looks like a lesser panda to be the same. It is not very good!”. Sometimes my mother from the useless a wee bit cosmetics, also has used me “Johnson the baby Run skin dew”, I asked her, she always said: “you looked that mother the skin is good, because I am the small treasure!”. My mother like this, what is more laughable is 3 years ago ....... That day, I am riding the baby carriage and mother go to the garden to take a walk. Suddenly, mother remembers some people to be called her to chat. Therefore, mother delivered immediately me goes home, to mount the car to go. As soon as that movement swings a pendulum, nimble freely. Listens to mother saying that that day on the avenue people face her to look, looked while smiles. Made that mother is very embarrassed. Once, in familys window blind clasp has fallen several, could not pull open. Daddy likes himself making, within result one day has not fixed, therefore is angry very much. Mother wants to tease daddy to smile, therefore hides after the window blind “squeek”, pulls open the window blind, smiles is going forward one step, recommends a wooden staff to treat as “the microphone” conveniently, sang, after singing in good voice and with feeling sings, she wields begins saying:“goodbye, my faithful singer fans!”I and daddy “bu puff” have smiled, more smiled is happier, smiles “ha ......Ha ha!”. How to do, daddy also smiled? Originally a mothers song, pulled open unexpectedly the window blind. Therefore, daddy smiles is starting to install the window blind hook. Hey! Mother you are really good. You are we “the pistachio nut”, forever happy “pistachio nut” a forever happy mother! Mother, I loves you.







妈妈生日的英文作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展3)


  给妈妈过生日的英文作文 1

  Several days are my mother's birthdays, I want to buy the share birthday present to her, but, I do not have the money. Therefore I had thought means make money buy the gift again to mother, therefore I very early get out of bed delivers the newspaper, being on vacation from school period I to sort tattered in the morning. Very happy can buy one for mother to depend on the gift which completely my ability makes money buys. Hopes mother happy birthday!

  给妈妈过生日的英文作文 2

  March 19th Saturday Rainy

  Today is mothers birthday, but I didnt know what to by for her. A watch was a good present, but it was too expensive for me to buy. Flowers were not so expensive, but they would die soon. A birthday cake was too sweet and mother didnt like it.

  Then father thought a good idea. He said, "why dont we make a wonderful dinner for her? That will show our love for her!" Oh, that was good. Love is the most expensive present in the world.

  I will never forget the smile on mothers face when we were having supper together.

  给妈妈过生日的英文作文 3

  Today is my mother s birthday. My father and I wanted to give her surprising birthday presents.

  In the morning we went to the shop and bought a big cake. Then we went to the market and bought some food that mother liked very much. After getting home, we began to prepare our presents. Father went into the kitchen to prepare a big meal while I went into my room to make a birthday card. I drew three rabbits biggest one was eating grass while the other two were playing happily under a big tree. To tell you the truth, it was my family because all of us were born in the year of rabbit.

  It was almost 12 o clock. The delicious food on the table made my mouth water. Everything was ready. We seated ourselves at the table, waiting for my mother. When we heardthe sound of opening the door, we hid behind the door and cheered, Happy Birthday! as soon as mother came in.

  Mother was seated at the table and I showed her my present. She looked at it and smiled. Have a taste of the delicious food. It was made by Father himself. I said. Mother looked at my father and me, picking up her chopsticks.

  How happy we were!

  给妈妈过生日的英文作文 4

  Next Monday would be my mother 's birthday ,I want to give her a big surprise .

  First ,I am going to buy her a present,a pink dress we have seen last week ,My mother like it very much and It suit my mother , but it 's too dear ,My mother didn't take it at last .Althought I can't affort it now ,I will try my best to earn money .next I am going to cook a big delicious dinner for her .I konw what food she like the best .

  At last ,send my best wishes to mum "Happy birthday ,Mother !""I love you forever "!

  给妈妈过生日的英文作文 5

  my mother’s birthday is in winter. its february 25th.our family was happy. my brother and i went to birthday cake store and bought a big birthday cake for her. my aunt gave flowers to her. she’s very happy. at night we all went to a five stars restaurant. the food was very good. after dinner we gave the cake to mother. she’s very happy. we said “happy birthday” to my mother.

  i love my mother.

妈妈生日的英文作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展4)

——《妈妈的生日》教案 (菁华3篇)
















































































  1.老师把给妈妈过生日的事情编成了一首儿歌,题目就叫《妈妈过生日》。 2.教师朗诵儿歌《妈妈过生日》,幼儿集体跟念。













妈妈生日的英文作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展5)

——妈妈的生日作文 (菁华10篇)






















  我有个计划:从现在开始,我要把零花钱存起来,等妈妈生日的时候,给她买一份神秘的礼物。买什么礼物合适呢?我打算买一盒护手霜,因为妈妈的手每天要干很多活,双手皮肤变得非常粗糙,看着 令我心痛,我想保护好妈妈灵巧的双手。我还想亲手为妈妈做一个卡片,在卡片上写上:妈妈,祝您生日快乐!您辛苦啦!我永远爱您!











  晚上,妈妈从北京很晚才回来,早把自己过生日的事忘到了九霄云外。一回家就依在沙发上。站在一旁的我还有爸爸,看着疲劳的妈妈心里很心疼,我连忙端上一杯茶给妈妈:“妈妈,快喝点茶吧!”妈妈见了,无力地笑了笑说:“好女儿,妈妈累了,只想着歇会儿。”是啊,长时间的旅途劳累让妈妈没有时间和我们有时间和我们说家常,共度好时光,我默默的走了出去,用我和零用钱给妈妈买了一个小小蛋糕。回到家,爸爸也默默的在那做他的那手好菜,不一会儿就是一桌,我把蛋糕往桌上一放,妈妈这才想起今天是她的生日,激动地说:“好!女儿真好!好!” 长时间没见到自己的孩子,孩子又是那么的懂事,妈妈哭了。她的眼睛里含着泪花,却笑吟吟地说:“真是妈妈的乖女儿,妈妈就盼你早一点长大呢!终于看到你长大了!”


























妈妈生日的英文作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展6)


  妈妈英文作文 1

  Today is mothers birthday, but I didnt know what to by for her. A watch was a good present, but it was too expensive for me to buy. Flowers were not so expensive, but they would die soon. A birthday cake was too sweet and mother didnt like it.

  Then father thought a good idea. He said, "Why dont we make a wonderful dinner for her? That will show our love for her!" Oh, that was good. Love is the most expensive present in the world.

  I will never forget the smile on mothers face when we were having supper together.

  妈妈英文作文 2


  My mother is a hard-working mother. At home, mother sweeps, mops and washes dishes.


  My mother is a responsible mother. She is very strict with me. When I write, I am required to be horizontal and vertical. If I can't write well, I will be fined ten, and if I can't write well, I will be fined twenty.


  My mother is a loving mother. When there was an earthquake in Sichuan, my mother not only donated more than 500 yuan, but also encouraged me to donate my pocket money. I love my good mother.

  妈妈英文作文 3

  The world is big, I do not know what reason we have in the vast sea of people to become mother and child, so that I become a community of life with him, sharing joy, glory and sadness.

  My mother is my favorite family, because when I was born from the body is not very good, since then he began to take care of me in every possible way, care for me, no matter how busy he will put aside everything to care about me, afraid of me hungry I am afraid that I am bullying, but also afraid I do not study well in the future test can not get a good school, can not find a good wife, earn money ... ... mother often said I was a lock, tight Locked him, let him lose his freedom, can not do what he wanted to do, but he also reluctant to put down because I was his glory, his hope and his sweetest burden.

  My mother is my teacher, for a not on the custody class for me, I think my happiness is more than ten times more than others, although I am good to read books do not concentrate, love to watch TV, play computer, homework writing But ... ... but my mother is still very patient to remind me urging me, my mother often said that I was sent to the enemy undercover destruction, the purpose is to him long white hair.

  My mother is my friend, when I am bored, my mother can accompany me like a friend to play, and I chat, listen to me tell the campus interesting, he will teach me collecting stamps, teach me to collect coins, shells, and even stones, Also let me fall in love with classical music, and accompanied me everywhere to play, eat all kinds of food, just because I was his best playmate, he said no I accompany life dull.

  My mother is my super steward, a small self-repair my toys, large paint to paint the whole house, laundry gardening, repair electrical, change the faucet are hard to beat her, cooking is very much at home, for me he was Versatile, omnipotent superman!

  No matter what kind of role my mother is holding today, I know he is love me, I cherish every minute and every moment of his coexistence, so I want to tell you loudly: my life is the most grateful is Mother, no mother no now me, in the future I am no matter where, do work, I will be filial piety, and do a dignified and useful people, so that I am proud of me, forever.

  妈妈英文作文 4

  I am Very Grateful to My Mom

  Now,Ill graduate from middle school.I am very grateful to my mom because she has done much for me.I think words cant show my thanks to her.

  My mom is an excellent teacher and we are in the same school.She works hardand often goes back home very late.I remembered that once I was very worried about a quite hard problem from my homework.She helped me in time though she was too tired at night,and I was so thankful at that time.So my eyes were filled with tears.

  I would never forget it.From my mom,I got not only help but also the deep love.Thank you,my dear mom.

  妈妈英文作文 5


  My mother's name is Fu Mei.She has black hair and eyes.She is very beautiful.She is short and charming.She is wearing a beautiful skirt.She is not like a person in her thirties at all.


  My mother works in the sanitation office.She is a toll collector.She collects money in all units.She is very busy and sweaty every day.She never feels tired.She is willing to help others,so everyone likes her and the leader often praises her.After going home,regardless of the tiredness,I also tutored my homework,cooking and laundry,fast and good.


  I love my able mother.

  妈妈英文作文 6

  Today is mothers birthday. I give mother bought a nice big cake, and sing a song for her, wish her a happy birthday.

  In the evening, grandpa grandma, aunt and mother some friends also came to congratulate. Mother ate a hearty dinner, please thanks.

  Today, its so nice to mum. I am also very happy.

  妈妈英文作文 7

  Looking for Mum

  e day Li Ming caught a little bird. He tied it with a piece of thread and played with it happily. At that time, he saw a little girl crying by the roadside. A policeman saw her, came over and asked her why she was crying and where her house is. When he learned that girl had got lost and she was then looking for her mother, he decided to lead the girl to be back home. Seeing this Li Ming thought the little bird also had its mother and he should set the little bird free so that it could be with its mother again. Then Li Ming untied the thread and returned the little bird to the blue sky.



  妈妈英文作文 8



























  妈妈英文作文 9

  My mom is like every usual mothers,who has to work hard to earn money for live.She always gets up much earlier than me and cooks for me.Although her work is hard and tired,she always cooks delicious dinner before I get home from school.In the evening,she likes communicate with me,we often talk about someting amuzing around me,which make me happy and make us like friends.I love my mom dep*** in my heart!

  妈妈英文作文 10


  My mother is a hard-working mother. At home, mother sweeps, mops and washes dishes.


  My mother is a responsible mother. She is very strict with me. When I write, I am required to be horizontal and vertical. If I can't write well, I will be fined ten, and if I can't write well, I will be fined twenty.


  My mother is a loving mother. When there was an earthquake in Sichuan, my mother not only donated more than 500 yuan, but also encouraged me to donate my pocket money. I love my good mother.

  妈妈英文作文 11

  My mom is 38 years old mow,she has a pair of pitch-black eyes and hair. She doesnt look very beautiful and tender,but her nose looks nice and shes a little bit fat.When I take a good look at her,I can see her winkle which was appeared by concerning about me. Besides,there has already accrued some white hair.I suppose it is.Maybe my mom is just a normal person in others eyes ,but in my heart,she is a great mom.

  妈妈英文作文 12


  Mom is good at everything, just nagging. No matter how big or how small it is, it's endless.


  In the morning, when my parents drove me to school, my mother said in the car, "listen to the class, and actively raise your hands to speak..." I interrupted impatiently, "I see.".


  That day, the school organized a spring outing. I got up very early. I had brought everything I wanted to bring. But my mother still said, "is the bread on? Did you bring the handkerchief? Have you brought the fruit? " It's just endless. I have come out of the door, my mother is still nagging: "be careful of the car on the road, listen to the teacher's words, don't make trouble with your classmates..." I go far, but I don't know what my mother is still nagging about.


  Once, I went to the school auditorium to participate in the performance. My mother was going to come to the school to watch the performance like the parents of other students. However, the unit informed her to go on a business trip. I think it's better to avoid wasting time every day listening to her endless nagging.


  Although I always have many excuses to comfort myself in my heart, I find that my classmates' moms are as nagging as my moms. I look at the look of their mothers' nagging faces, and I can laugh all of a sudden.


  Who knows that night after the performance, I suddenly fell ill. Although it was a small problem, it burned me into a daze. The doctor said it doesn't matter. It's just a cold. Although there are teachers and students to take good care of, but I think there are still shortcomings. Sleeping in bed, I think of my mother's nagging voice, I think her voice suddenly becomes very kind. Oh, if only my mother could come and nag me a few words!


  This annoying nagging, but let me realize my mother's heart, as if her nagging is my love.

  妈妈英文作文 13

  Looking for Mum

  e day Li Ming caught a little bird. He tied it with a piece of thread and played with it happily. At that time, he saw a little girl crying by the roadside. A policeman saw her, came over and asked her why she was crying and where her house is. When he learned that girl had got lost and she was then looking for her mother, he decided to lead the girl to be back home. Seeing this Li Ming thought the little bird also had its mother and he should set the little bird free so that it could be with its mother again. Then Li Ming untied the thread and returned the little bird to the blue sky.



  妈妈英文作文 14

  I have a great mother.She cares much about me in my life and study.In the morning,she gets up early to make breakfast for me.When I was little,she prepared my schoolbag.But now,she tells me to do it by myself.Because she thinks I have been old enough to do it.Besides,she always checks my homework.When I finish my homework,she checks it and points out the mistakes.She is very careful and helps me a lot.I love my mother.


  妈妈英文作文 15

  My mother is a senior high school English teacher.Under standably,she wanted her daughter to pick up English early to give her an edge to later study,which I did not understand at the age of eight.I was so obsessed with fun and games that I hated to stay peacefully with all those strange phonetic symbols and odd words.I wondered what pleasure Mother seemed to have found in teaching me A,B,C.Wasn't teaching at school tire some enough for her?I went on strike,refusing to spell a single word no matter how tender or severe Mother tried to be with me.For the first time in my life,Mother beat me,imprinting on my mind.The physical pain was gone long,long ago.But I have finally e to understand how it pained my mother to beat me for my obstinacy and disobedience,and I ache at her pain.

  妈妈英文作文 16



  My mom is strict with me very much. She makes me study almost all the time. When I get high marks in the exam, she awards me. But when I get low marks, she beats me. She only knows, "spare the rod and spoil the child." But I do know the importance of study. To always punish me that way can do no good, mom. It can only kill my interests in studying. Can you understand, mom?

  I have a good mother.Her name is Yu Bihua.

  She has short and black hair.Her eyes are big,round and black.Her mouth is small,and she likes talking so much.She is not so tall.She often wears a brown coat,black trousers and black shoes.She is 37years old,but she looks young.

  My mother works in a hospital and she is a nurse.She is very busy.Every morning,she gets up early.Then she goes to work on foot.Her work begins at 7:30.She has lunch at 12:30.After lunch,she has a short rest and then goes to work again.At 6:00 p.m. She comes back home.In the evening,she often watches TV,then goes to bed.

  My mother is an ordinary,hard-working woman,but I'm proud of her.

  妈妈英文作文 17

  My mother’s name is nancy. She has long hair, two big eyes My mother likes sports and shopping. Her favourite sports are football and yoga. And her favourite food is ice cream. She also likes dogs and cats.

  My mother is a high school techer, she works very hard and does very well in the school.

  My mother also concerns my study. She always helps me study and play the piano. She is very glad when I make progress.

  My mother loves me very much. And I love my mother too!





  妈妈英文作文 18

  My mother is a teacher of primary school. She teaches in countryside, and there are only several teachers in her school. Therefore, except for math, she also teaches Chinese and music. My mother is a good teacher and she is popular among her students. She cares every student in her class, both in study and life. Her class seems to be relaxed and lively, but students can learn a lot from her. To some extend, she is strict to her students. When they make mistakes in study, she would point it out directly and tells the student correct it by himself or herself firstly. If they can’t, my mother helps them at last. Besides the study, my mother is a good teacher in life. She focuses on healthy growth of her students. So she always cares about their life. No matter what happens to them, she is ready to listen and help.


  妈妈英文作文 19

  I have a good mother, she looks not very beautiful, but she is very love me!

  Mother gave me to learn the piano, drawing, calligraphy, etc... She let me know a lot of knowledge.

  Every day after school, I go home to do my homework first, my homework began to eat, mom right after the meal to check my homework, have the wrong place, mother will help me to correct, after the correction, I started to practice, mother every day so hard to guide me.

  Mother also I bought a lot of books, let me see for a while before going to bed, sleepy when mom put music and English audio tape to me. Every morning my mother give me two yuan to eat breakfast, and then send me to school. Mom to let me grow more, gave me to buy calcium tablet. I love my mother!

  妈妈英文作文 20

  My mother is a teacher of primary school. She teaches in countryside, and there are only several teachers in her school. Therefore, except for math, she also teaches Chinese and music. My mother is a good teacher and she is popular among her students. She cares every student in her class, both in study and life. Her class seems to be relaxed and lively, but students can learn a lot from her. To some extend, she is strict to her students. When they make mistakes in study, she would point it out directly and tells the student correct it by himself or herself firstly. If they can’t, my mother helps them at last. Besides the study, my mother is a good teacher in life. She focuses on healthy growth of her students. So she always cares about their life. No matter what happens to them, she is ready to listen and help.


妈妈生日的英文作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展7)


  我的生日英文作文 1

  Today is my birthday .Mum buy a kake for me ,i say:"Thank you very much, Mum!" Dad buy a tory car .Suddenly,i see a card on the table,i open it .Wow it is my brother for me. On the evening,We together sing "Happy birthday to you".Today,i am very happy.

  我的生日英文作文 2

  Today is sunday---My Birthday.

  Mather cooks many food for us , fish , meat , eggs and a big cake .Grandmother and Grandfather buy new bag for me , Mother and father give the new books to me .

  We are very happy , I like my birthday party very much.

  我的生日英文作文 3

  My birthday is on the 23rd of Sep.I had a birthday party.

  My last birtyday,I was very excited.All my family had a birthday party for me.Suddenly,the doorbell was ringing.My grandma said:"Tracy,open the door,please."I opened the door.Oh,they're my aunt and cousin.They gave me a book and said:"Tracy,happy birthday to you.Do you like the present?"I said:"Of course.Thank you.Welcome to my birthday party,sit down,please."

  My mother put the cake on the table and said:"Tracy,the party begins.Come here."I went into the dining-room.They sang the song:"Happy birtyday to you."to me.My cousin said:"The cake looks very good,let's eat it."Then we ate the cake together.It was nice.

  My birthday party is very exciting,we spent a good time!

  我的生日英文作文 4

  My birthday is on July 15th. I usually on my summer holiday at that time. So I often have a brithday party with my friends. We sing songs, play games, eat birthday cakes. Then we usually go to the park. We go boating and climb the moutains. Of course well have a good time.

  我的生日英文作文 5

  My birthday is in July. I am very happy on my birthday, because I can eat my favorite food and get many gifts from my parents and friends. Last year, I had my birthday party as usual. I was very excited in the morning. My father went to buy me a big birthday cake. My mother cleaned all the rooms and cooked delicious food. I invited all my friends to my party. We played funny games, and they sang a birthday song and lighted the candles. I made a wish and blew all the candles. Then we ate the birthday cake together. I opened the gifts from my parents and friends. I had a really wonderful birthday party.
