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  高考英语作文高级词汇 1

  School rules and regulations(学校规章制度),obey(遵守), observe(遵守), keep/observe discipline(遵守纪律), behave well(表现良好),be neatly dressed(穿戴整洁), respect one’s teachers and parents(尊敬师长), be on time(准时), keep the environment clean(保持环境干净), civilized(文明的) break the rules(违反规章制度), discipline(纪律), spit(吐痰), throw rubbish everywhere(乱扔垃圾), cheat in the exam(考试作弊), get in line (插队), fight with sb.(与…打架), punish sb. for (因…处罚某人)等。The students are told not to break any of the rules of the school. 学校要求学生不要违反任何规章制度。The students are expected to … 学校期望学生…。It must be made clear that the students should … 必须明确的一点是,学生应该…。 … is of no good to a friendly and harmonious society. …对创建友好和谐的社会是毫无益处的。It is honorable to obey the principles and rules of our school.遵守学校的规章制度是光荣的。It is worthy of praise to ... …是值得表扬的`。It is shameful to … …是可耻的。What we should do is that … 我们应该做的事情是…

  高考英语作文高级词汇 2

  Spare time(业余时间), favorite(最喜欢的), Interest(兴趣), hobby(爱好), appetite(嗜好),taste(口味), read novels(也小说), play football/basketball(打足球/篮球), surf the internet(上网), chat online(在线聊天), play games(玩游戏), collect stamps(集邮), make e-friends(交网友), climb mountains(爬山), watch TV(看电视), enjoy popular music(喜欢流行音乐),be interested in(对…感兴趣), develop an interest in(在…方面发展兴趣), be fond of(喜欢…),be keen on(喜欢…), have love for(喜爱…), have a taste in(对…有兴趣) 等。

  高考英语作文高级词汇 3

  Pollute(污染),Waste is scattering here and there.(到处撒满了废弃物),protect the environment(保护环境) ,send out smoke and poisonous gases into the air(散发出烟和有毒气体),cut down trees(砍伐树木), pour waste water into the rivers(把废水注入河流),It is a shame to throw rubbish around. (乱扔垃圾是可耻的),form good habits to protect the surroundings(养成良好的*惯来保护环境), take active measures to protect rare animals(采取积极措施保护稀有动物), take good care of our forests(关心我们的森林),plant more trees to improve the environment (多植来改善环境),The terrible pollution have done great harm to us as well as to the surroundings. (可怕的污染已经给我们自己还有我们的环境带来了很大的危害。)

  高考英语作文高级词汇 4

  Physical and mental condition(身体与精神状态), strong(强壮的), un/healthy(不健康/健康的), overweight/fat(肥胖的), thin(瘦的), near/short-sighted(*视的), mentally unhealthy(精神不健全的), normal(正常的), abnormal(不正常的), energetic(精力旺盛的), unhealthy eating habit(不健康的饮食*惯), eat much junk food (吃太多的垃圾食品)等,Stay/keep healthy/fit(保持健康), build up one’s body/ improve one’s' health(强身健体), enough sleep(充足的睡眠), take regular exercise(进行有规律的运动), roper diet(合理的饮食), good living habits(良好的生活*惯), lose weight(减肥), remove heavy burdens(减轻负担), be good for/do good to(对…有益处), nutrition(营养), go on diet(节食), form a … eating habit(养成一个…的饮食*惯) Breathe in as much fresh air等。

  高考英语作文高级词汇 5

  get to know sb.(认识某人), know sb. really well(熟知某人), make friends with sb.(和某人交朋友), a strong personality (一个很强???个性), personal ***(隐私), friendship(友谊), friendly(友好的), a close friend(一个亲密的朋友), trust each other (相互信任), precious(珍贵的), worthy(有价值的), understanding(通情达理的), share …with sb.(与…分享…), be loyal to(对…忠诚), keep in touch with sb. (与…保持联系), keep company with sb.(和…结交), stay best friends with sb. (和…保持很好的友谊)等。在描述此话题时常用的句型有:

  1. Friends give us … 朋友给予我们…。

  2. A good friend is someone you can … 一位好朋友就是一个我们能够…的人。

  3. The first time I met …, he was … 当我第一次遇到…的时候,他…。

  4. Friendship plays an important part in … 友谊在…中扮演一个重要角色。

  5. You can … to be a good friend. 你可以…来成为别人的好朋友。

  6. We can turn to ... when we feel down. 当我们心情糟糕时,可以求助于…。

  7. … makes a good friend. …成就好朋友。

  8. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真知。

  9. ... is one of the things people value most in a friend.… 是人们在朋友身上最重视的。

  10. … have a friend of … years with sb. … 与… 有着…年的友情。



——大学英语高级词汇 50句菁华

1、consume v. 消耗,耗尽

2、slide v. 滑动,滑落 n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片

3、transmit v. 传播,播送;传递

4、suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的

5、brake n. 刹车,制动器 v. 刹住(车)

6、extreme a. 极度的,极端的 n. 极端,过分

7、academic a. 学术的;高等院校的;研究院的

8、battery n. 电池(组)

9、petroleum n. 石油

10、tedious a. 乏味道,单调的,

11、optics n. (单、复数同形)光学

12、expel v. 驱逐,开除,赶出

13、expand v. 扩大,扩张;展开,膨胀

14、individual a. 个别的,单独的 n. 个人,个体

15、the Antarctic Ocean 南冰洋

16、religious a. 宗教的

17、radiation n. 放射物,辐射

18、issue n. 问题,争论点;发行,(报刊)一期

19、capture vt. 俘虏,捕获

20、exploit v. 剥削;利用,开采

21、remote a. 遥远的,偏僻的

22、identify vt. 认出,鉴定

23、identify n. 身份;个性,特性

24、coarse a. 粗的,粗糙的,粗劣的

25、agency n. 代理商,经销商

26、global a. 全球的;总的

27、portable a. 手提式的

28、devise vt. 发明,策划,想出

29、necessity n. 必需品;必要性

30、pursue vt. 追逐;追求;从事,进行

31、deserve vt. 应受,应得,值得

32、spot n. 地点;斑点 vt. 认出,发现;玷污

33、region n. 地区;范围;幅度

34、register v./n.登记,注册

35、stable a. 稳定的

36、variable a. 易变的,可变的

37、mainland n. 大陆

38、cliff n. 悬崖,峭壁

39、community n. 社区,社会

40、mixture n. 混合,混合物

41、substance n. 物质;实质

42、vocabulary n. 词汇(量);词汇表

43、yield vi. (to)屈服于;让出,放弃 n. 产量

44、strategy n. 战略,策略

45、赞扬 extol(stronger than praise)、compliment(polite and politic 代替praise

46、刻苦的 assiduous(someone who is assiduous works hard or does things very thoroughly 代替hard-working

47、艰巨的 arduous (if something is arduous、it is difficult and tiring、and involves a lot of efforts) 代替difficult

48、袭击 assault (physically attack someone)、assail (attack violently) 代替attack

49、热情 zeal (a great enthusiasm)、fervency (sincere and enthusiasm) 代替enthusiasm

50、非常小的 minuscule(very small)、minute 代替small



  高考英语高频词汇 1

  1、accelerate vt. 加速,促进

  2、absolute a. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的

  3、liberal a. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的

  4、transport vt. 运输,运送 n. 运输,运输工具

  5、mild a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的

  6、tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的

  7、nuisance n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物)

  8、insignificant a. 无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的

  9、export n. 出口(物) v. 出口,输出

  10、import n. 进口(物) v. 进口,输入

  11、impose vt. 把...加强(on);采用,利用

  12、religion n. 宗教,宗教信仰

  13、burst vi./n. 突然发生,爆裂

  14、dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of)

  15、blast n. 爆炸;气流 vi. 炸,炸掉

  16、consume v. 消耗,耗尽

  17、split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂 a.裂开的

  18、spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃

  19、spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出

  20、extinct a. 绝灭的,熄灭的

  21、slide v. 滑动,滑落 n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片

  22、bacteria n. 细菌

  23、breed n. 种,品种 v. 繁殖,产仔

  24、budget n. 预算 v. 编预算,作安排

  25、candidate n. 候选人

  26、campus n. 校园

  27、transform v. 转变,变革;变换

  28、transmit v. 传播,播送;传递

  29、transplant v. 移植

  30、shift v. 转移;转动;转变

  31、vary v. 变化,改变;使多样化

  32、vanish vi. 消灭,不见

  33、swallow v. 吞下,咽下 n. 燕子

  34、suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心

  35、suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的

  36、boundary n. 分界线,边界

  37、catalog n. 目录(册) v. 编目

  38、vague a. 模糊的,不明确的

  39、vain n. 徒劳,白费

  40、extraordinary a. 不*常的,特别的,非凡的

  41、agent n. 代理人,代理商;动因,原因

  42、alcohol n. 含酒精的饮料,酒精

  43、appeal n./vi. 呼吁,恳求

  44、appreciate vt. 重视,赏识,欣赏

  45、approve v. 赞成,同意,批准

  46、stimulate vt. 刺激,激励

  47、acquire vt. 取得,获得;学到

  48、accomplish vt .完成,到达;实行

  49、network n. 网状物;广播网,电视网;网络

  50、tide n. 潮汐;潮流

  51、wander vi. 漫游,闲逛

  52、wax n. 蜡

  53、weave v. 织,编

  54、preserve v. 保护,保存,保持,维持

  55、abuse v. 滥用,虐待;谩骂

  56、academic a. 学术的;高等院校的;研究院的

  57、academy n. (高等)专科院校;学会

  58、battery n. 电池(组)

  59、barrier n. 障碍;棚栏

  60、cargo n. (船、飞机等装载的)货物

  61、career n. 生涯,职业

  62、vessel n. 船舶;容器,器皿;血管

  63、vertical a. 垂直的

  64、obscure a. 阴暗,模糊

  65、extent n. 程度,范围,大小,限度

  66、external a. 外部的,外表的,外面的

  67、petrol n. 汽油

  68、petroleum n. 石油

  69、delay vt./n. 推迟,延误,耽搁

  70、decay vi. 腐烂,腐朽

  71、decent a. 像样的,体面的

  72、route n. 路;路线;航线

  73、ruin v. 毁坏,破坏 n. 毁灭,[pl.]废墟

  74、sake n. 缘故,理由

  75、satellite n. 卫星

  76、temple n. 庙宇

  77、tedious a. 乏味道,单调的,

  78、tend vi.易于,趋向

  79、tendency n.趋向,趋势

  80、ultimate a. 极端的,最大的,最终的 n. 极端

  81、adopt v. 收养;采用;采纳

  82、adapt vi. 适应,适合;改编,改写 vt. 使适应

  83、bachelor n. 学士,学士学位;单身汉

  84、casual a. 偶然的,碰巧的;临时的;非正式的

  85、trap n. 陷阱,圈套 v. 设陷阱捕捉

  86、vacant a. 空的,未占用的

  87、vacuum n. 真空,真空吸尘器

  88、oral a. 口头的,口述的,口的

  89、optics n. (单、复数同形)光学

  90、organ n. 器官,风琴

  91、distinguish vt. 区分,辨别

  92、distress n. 痛苦,悲伤 vt. 使痛苦

  93、facility n. [pl.] 设备,设施;便利,方便

  94、faculty n.能力,技能;系,学科/院;全体教员

  95、mixture n. 混合,混合物

  96、mood n. 心情,情绪;语气

  97、moral a. 道德上的,有道德的

  98、prominent a. 突出的

  99、substance n. 物质;实质

  100、substantial a. 可观的;牢固的;实质的

  101、prompt vt. 促使 a. 敏捷的,及时的

  102、12 vivid a. 生动的

  103、waist n. 腰,腰部

  104、weld v./n. 焊接

  105、yawn vi. 打哈欠

  106、yield vi. (to)屈服于;让出,放弃 n. 产量

  107、zone n. 地区,区域

  108、strategy n. 战略,策略

  109、strategic a. 战略(上)的,关键的

  110、tense a. 紧张的 v. 拉紧 n. 时态

  111、tension n. 紧张(状态),张力

  112、avenue n. 林荫道,大街

  113、available a. 现成可用的;可得到的

  114、comparable a. (with,to)可比较的,类似的

  115、comparative a. 比较的,相对的

  116、dash vi. 猛冲,飞奔

  117、data n. 数据,资料

  118、dive vi. 跳水,潜水

  119、diverse a. 不同的,多种多样的

  120、entitle vt. 给...权利,给...资格

  121、disturb vt. 打搅,妨碍

  122、infer v. 推论,推断

  123、integrate v.(使)成为一体,(使)合并

  124、moist a. 潮湿

  125、moisture n. 潮湿

  126、promote vt. 促进;提升

  127、region n. 地区;范围;幅度

  128、register v./n.登记,注册

  129、stable a. 稳定的

  130、sophisticated a. 老于世故的,老练的;很复杂的

  131、splendid a. 极好的,壮丽的,辉煌的

  132、cancel vt. 取消,废除

  133、variable a. 易变的,可变的

  134、prospect n. 前景,前途;景象

  135、prosperity n.兴旺,繁荣

  136、aspect n. 方面;朝向;面貌

  137、cope vi. (with)(成功地)应付,处理

  138、core n. 果心,核心

  139、maintain vt. 维持,保持;坚持,主张

  140、mainland n. 大陆

  141、discipline n. 纪律;惩罚;学科

  142、domestic a. 本国的,国内的;家用的;家庭的

  143、constant a. 不变的,恒定的 n. 常数

  144、cliff n. 悬崖,峭壁

  145、authority n. 权威;当局

  146、audio a. 听觉

  147、attitude n. 态度

  148、community n. 社区,社会

  149、commit vt.犯(错误,罪行等),干(坏事等)

  150、comment n./vt. 评论

  151、bother v. 打搅,麻烦

  152、interfere v. 干涉,干扰,妨碍

  153、internal a. 内部的,国内的

  154、beforehand ad. 预先,事先

  155、racial a. 人种的种族的

  156、radiation n. 放射物,辐射

  157、radical a.根本的;激进的

  158、range n. 幅度,范围 v. (在某范围内)变动

  159、wonder n. 惊奇,奇迹 v. 想知道,对...感到疑惑

  160、isolate vt. 使隔离,使孤立

  161、issue n. 问题,争论点;发行,(报刊)一期

  162、hollow a. 空的,中空的,空虚道

  163、hook n. 钩 vt. 钩住

  164、adequate a. 适当地;足够

  165、adhere vi. 粘附,附着;遵守,坚持

  166、ban vt. 取缔,禁止

  167、capture vt. 俘虏,捕获

  168、valid a. 有效的,有根据的;正当的

  169、valley n. 山谷,峡谷

  170、consistent a. 坚固定;一致的,始终如一的

  171、continuous a. 继续的,连续(不断)的

  172、continual a. 不断地,频繁的

  173、explode v. 爆炸;爆发;激增

  174、exploit v. 剥削;利用,开采

  175、explore v. 勘探

  176、explosion n. 爆炸;爆发;激增

  177、explosive a. 爆炸的;极易引起争论的

  178、remote a. 遥远的,偏僻的

  179、removal n. 除去,消除

  180、render vt. 使得,致使









































  高考英语高频词汇 2










































  give out①分发 ②用尽

  go over①复* ②仔细考虑

  hang up①挂起 ②挂断(电话)

  hold on①等一等 ②别挂电话 ③紧紧抓住 ④坚持

  keep up坚持,继续

  leave out①省去 ②遗漏

  live up to①符合 ②履行(诺言)

  live with①与……住在一起 ②容忍

  look for寻找

  look into调查

  look through快速查看,浏览

  look up查找,查阅

  look up from从……抬起头

  look up to尊敬,钦佩

  make the best of充分利用

  make up①编造 ②组成,构成 ③化妆

  make up for弥补,补偿

  pay back偿还

  pay for①支付 ②为……付出代价

  pay off①还清债务 ②取得成功

  pick up①拾起 ②搭载 ③获得 ④学会

  put away把……收起来

  put down①记下,写下 ②放下

  put in①安装 ②把……写进

  put up①张贴 ②在某地投宿 ③举起 ④建造

  put up with容忍,忍受

  rule out排除

  run away from逃避,回避

  run out (of)用完,耗尽

  see to①照顾 ②处理

  set about着手做

  set aside①把……搁到一边 ②留出,省出(钱或时间) ③驳回 ④暂不考虑

  set off①出发,动身 ②使爆炸 ③引起(突然行动)

  set out①出发 ②开始着手

  speed up(使)加快速度

  take apart拆开,拆卸

  take on①呈现 ②开始雇用

  take over接任,接管

  take up①开始从事 ②占据 ③采纳

  turn down①关小,调低 ②拒绝

  turn out①结果是,证明是 ②出*,参加

  turn over①把……翻过来 ②翻阅

  wear out磨损,穿破

  work out①制订出 ②锻炼 ③弄懂 ④计算出


  高考英语高频词汇 3

  1. distinguish vt. 区分,辨别

  2. distress n. 痛苦,悲伤 vt. 使痛苦

  3. facility n. [pl.] 设备,设施;便利,方便

  4. faculty n.能力,技能;系,学科/院;全体教员

  5. mixture n. 混合,混合物

  6. mood n. 心情,情绪;语气

  7. moral a. 道德上的,有道德的

  8. prominent a. 突出的`

  9. substance n. 物质;实质

  10. substantial a. 可观的;牢固的;实质的

  11. prompt vt. 促使 a. 敏捷的,及时的

  12 vivid a. 生动的

  13. waist n. 腰,腰部

  14. weld v./n. 焊接

  15. yawn vi. 打哈欠

  16. yield vi. (to)屈服于;让出,放弃 n. 产量

  17. zone n. 地区,区域

  18. strategy n. 战略,策略

  19. strategic a. 战略(上)的,关键的

  20. tense a. 紧张的 v. 拉紧 n. 时态

  21. tension n. 紧张(状态),张力

  22. avenue n. 林荫道,大街

  23. available a. 现成可用的;可得到的

  24. comparable a. (with,to)可比较的,类似的

  25. comparative a. 比较的,相对的

  26. dash vi. 猛冲,飞奔

  27. data n. 数据,资料

  28. dive vi. 跳水,潜水

  29. diverse a. 不同的,多种多样的

  30. entitle vt. 给...权利,给...资格

  31.disturb vt. 打搅,妨碍

  32. infer v. 推论,推断

  33. integrate v.(使)成为一体,(使)合并

  34. moist a. 潮湿

  35. moisture n. 潮湿

  36. promote vt. 促进;提升

  37. region n. 地区;范围;幅度

  38. register v./n.登记,注册

  39. stable a. 稳定的

  40. sophisticated a. 老于世故的,老练的;很复杂的

  41. splendid a. 极好的,壮丽的,辉煌的

  42. cancel vt. 取消,废除

  43. variable a. 易变的,可变的

  44. prospect n. 前景,前途;景象

  45. prosperity n.兴旺,繁荣

  46. aspect n. 方面;朝向;面貌

  47. cope vi. (with)(成功地)应付,处理

  48. core n. 果心,核心

  49. maintain vt. 维持,保持;坚持,主张

  50. mainland n. 大陆

  51. discipline n. 纪律;惩罚;学科

  52. domestic a. 本国的,国内的;家用的;家庭的

  53. constant a. 不变的,恒定的 n. 常数

  54. cliff n. 悬崖,峭壁

  55. authority n. 权威;当局

  56. audio a. 听觉

  57. attitude n. 态度

  58. community n. 社区,社会

  59. commit vt.犯(错误,罪行等),干(坏事等)

  60. comment n./vt. 评论

  高考英语高频词汇 4

  121. bother v. 打搅,麻烦

  122. interfere v. 干涉,干扰,妨碍

  123. internal a. 内部的,国内的

  124. beforehand ad. 预先,事先

  125. racial a. 人种的种族的

  126. radiation n. 放射物,辐射

  127. radical a.根本的;激进的

  128. range n. 幅度,范围 v. (在某范围内)变动

  129. wonder n. 惊奇,奇迹 v. 想知道,对...感到疑惑

  130. isolate vt. 使隔离,使孤立

  131. issue n. 问题,争论点;发行,(报刊)一期

  132. hollow a. 空的,中空的,空虚道

  133. hook n. 钩 vt. 钩住

  134. adequate a. 适当地;足够

  135. adhere vi. 粘附,附着;遵守,坚持

  136. ban vt. 取缔,禁止

  137. capture vt. 俘虏,捕获

  138. valid a. 有效的,有根据的;正当的

  139. valley n. 山谷,峡谷

  140. consistent a. 坚固定;一致的,始终如一的

  141. continuous a. 继续的,连续(不断)的

  142. continual a. 不断地,频繁的

  143. explode v. 爆炸;爆发;激增

  144. exploit v. 剥削;利用,开采

  145. explore v. 勘探

  146. explosion n. 爆炸;爆发;激增

  147. explosive a. 爆炸的;极易引起争论的

  148. remote a. 遥远的,偏僻的

  149. removal n. 除去,消除

  150. render vt. 使得,致使

  高考英语高频词汇 5

  91. excess n. 过分,过量,过剩

  92. expel v. 驱逐,开除,赶出

  93. expend v. 消费

  94. expenditure n. 支出,消费;经费

  95. expense n. 开销,费用

  96. expensive a. 花钱多的;价格高贵的

  97. private a. 私人的,个人的

  98. individual a. 个别的,单独的 n. 个人,个体

  99. personal a. 个人的,私人的;亲自的

  100. personnel n. [总称]人员,员工;人事部门

  101. the Pacific Ocean 太*洋

  102. the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋

  103. the Arctic Ocean 北冰洋

  104. the Antarctic Ocean 南冰洋

  105. grant vt. 授予,同意,准予

  106. grand a. 宏伟大,壮丽的,重大的

  107. invade v. 侵入,侵略,侵袭

  108. acid n. 酸,酸性物质 a. 酸的;尖刻的

  109. acknowledge v. 承认;致谢

  110. balcony n. 阳台

  111. calculate vt. 计算,核算

  112. calendar n. 日历,月历

  113. optimistic a. 乐观

  114. optional a. 可以任选的`,非强制的

  115. outstanding a. 杰出的,突出的,显著的

  116. religious a. 宗教的

  117. victim n. 牺牲品,受害者

  118. video n. 电视,视频 a. 电视的,录像的

  119. videotape n. 录像磁带 v. 把...录在录像带上

  120. offend v. 冒犯,触犯



  高级英语中的高级替换词汇 1

  不知道大家的作文开头是不是这样:With the development of ...,XX becomes more and more important.毕竟是经典句型啊。但是,也不得不承认一个事实,这个句型略俗,尤其"important"有点扎眼!

  替换词NO.1 vital

  eg:Support from those closest to you is vital in these trying times.


  替换词NO.2 crucial

  eg:Talent, hard work and sheer tenacity are all crucial to career success.


  替换词NO.3 prominent

  eg:Political trials were being used to keep prominent activists out of circulation.


  替换词NO.4 cardinal

  eg:Respect for life is a cardinal principle of English law。


  高级英语中的高级替换词汇 2


  替换词NO.1 excellent

  eg:Large overseas-based trusts are an excellent each way bet.


  替换词NO.2 outstanding

  eg:His citation says he showed outstanding and exemplary courage.


  替换词NO.3 extraordinary

  eg:She was a woman with extraordinary vibrancy and extraordinary knowledge.


  替换NO.4 remarkable

  eg:He has displayed remarkable courage in his efforts to reform the party.


  高级英语中的高级替换词汇 3

  说到“勇敢的”,"brave"一词出镜率较高,甚至有些电影名字也用"brave"形容勇敢的,如"brave heart"《勇敢的心》,而迪斯尼直接用"brave"《勇敢传说》为一部动画电影命名。不过,你也有其他的选择。

  替换词NO.1 courageous

  eg:It was a courageous decision, and one that everybody admired.


  替换词NO.2 bold

  eg:He believes that students should be encouraged to experiment with bold ideas.


  替换词NO.3 fearless

  eg:Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. -- Young people are fearless.

  高级英语中的高级替换词汇 4


  替换词NO.1 solely

  eg:Remember, happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely upon what you think.--Dale Carnegie


  替换词NO.2 unique

  eg:Kauffman was a woman of unique talent and determination.


  替换词NO.3 merely

  eg:This merely strengthens our resolve to win the league.


  高级英语中的高级替换词汇 5


  替换词NO.1 ample

  eg:There'll be ample opportunity to relax, swim and soak up some sun.


  替换词NO.2 plentiful

  eg:Best buys of the week are carrots, which are plentiful and cheap.

  本星期买胡萝卜最合算, 因为货源充足,价格低廉.

  替换词NO.3 generous

  eg:No one is expecting a very generous pay increase this year。



——大学英语高级词汇 50句菁华

1、consume v. 消耗,耗尽

2、slide v. 滑动,滑落 n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片

3、transmit v. 传播,播送;传递

4、suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的

5、brake n. 刹车,制动器 v. 刹住(车)

6、extreme a. 极度的,极端的 n. 极端,过分

7、academic a. 学术的;高等院校的;研究院的

8、battery n. 电池(组)

9、petroleum n. 石油

10、tedious a. 乏味道,单调的,

11、optics n. (单、复数同形)光学

12、expel v. 驱逐,开除,赶出

13、expand v. 扩大,扩张;展开,膨胀

14、individual a. 个别的,单独的 n. 个人,个体

15、the Antarctic Ocean 南冰洋

16、religious a. 宗教的

17、radiation n. 放射物,辐射

18、issue n. 问题,争论点;发行,(报刊)一期

19、capture vt. 俘虏,捕获

20、exploit v. 剥削;利用,开采

21、remote a. 遥远的,偏僻的

22、identify vt. 认出,鉴定

23、identify n. 身份;个性,特性

24、coarse a. 粗的,粗糙的,粗劣的

25、agency n. 代理商,经销商

26、global a. 全球的;总的

27、portable a. 手提式的

28、devise vt. 发明,策划,想出

29、necessity n. 必需品;必要性

30、pursue vt. 追逐;追求;从事,进行

31、deserve vt. 应受,应得,值得

32、spot n. 地点;斑点 vt. 认出,发现;玷污

33、region n. 地区;范围;幅度

34、register v./n.登记,注册

35、stable a. 稳定的

36、variable a. 易变的,可变的

37、mainland n. 大陆

38、cliff n. 悬崖,峭壁

39、community n. 社区,社会

40、mixture n. 混合,混合物

41、substance n. 物质;实质

42、vocabulary n. 词汇(量);词汇表

43、yield vi. (to)屈服于;让出,放弃 n. 产量

44、strategy n. 战略,策略

45、赞扬 extol(stronger than praise)、compliment(polite and politic 代替praise

46、刻苦的 assiduous(someone who is assiduous works hard or does things very thoroughly 代替hard-working

47、艰巨的 arduous (if something is arduous、it is difficult and tiring、and involves a lot of efforts) 代替difficult

48、袭击 assault (physically attack someone)、assail (attack violently) 代替attack

49、热情 zeal (a great enthusiasm)、fervency (sincere and enthusiasm) 代替enthusiasm

50、非常小的 minuscule(very small)、minute 代替small


——大学英语高级词汇 60句菁华

1、spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃

2、bacteria n. 细菌

3、budget n. 预算 v. 编预算,作安排

4、campus n. 校园

5、vanish vi. 消灭,不见

6、suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的

7、tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的

8、insignificant a. 无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的

9、vain n. 徒劳,白费

10、extreme a. 极度的,极端的 n. 极端,过分

11、stimulate vt. 刺激,激励

12、weave v. 织,编

13、preserve v. 保护,保存,保持,维持

14、obscure a. 阴暗,模糊

15、petroleum n. 石油

16、tedious a. 乏味道,单调的,

17、tend vi.易于,趋向

18、adapt vi. 适应,适合;改编,改写 vt. 使适应

19、casual a. 偶然的,碰巧的;临时的;非正式的

20、vacuum n. 真空,真空吸尘器

21、expansion n. 扩大,扩充;发展,膨胀

22、individual a. 个别的,单独的 n. 个人,个体

23、the Pacific Ocean 太*洋

24、the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋

25、the Antarctic Ocean 南冰洋

26、grant vt. 授予,同意,准予

27、grand a. 宏伟大,壮丽的,重大的

28、acknowledge v. 承认;致谢

29、calendar n. 日历,月历

30、victim n. 牺牲品,受害者

31、offend v. 冒犯,触犯

32、bother v. 打搅,麻烦

33、hollow a. 空的,中空的,空虚道

34、continual a. 不断地,频繁的

35、exploit v. 剥削;利用,开采

36、explosive a. 爆炸的;极易引起争论的

37、identify vt. 认出,鉴定

38、coarse a. 粗的,粗糙的,粗劣的

39、coil n. 线圈 v. 卷,盘绕

40、emotion n. 情感,感情

41、emotional a. 感情的,情绪(上)的

42、awful a. 极坏的,威严的,可怕的

43、naval a. 海军的

44、navigation n. 航行

45、substitute n. 代用品 vt. 代替

46、professional a. 职业的,专门的

47、security n. 安全,保障

48、automatic a. 自动的

49、compete vi. 竞争,比赛

50、integrate v. (into, with) (使)成为一体,(使)合并

51、moist a. 潮湿

52、moisture n. 潮湿

53、cope vi. (with)(成功地)应付,处理

54、audio a. 听觉

55、faculty n. 能力,技能;系,学科,学院;全体教员

56、version n. 版本,译本;说法

57、weld v. /n. 焊接

58、yawn vi. 打哈欠

59、strategic a. 战略(上)的,关键的

60、扩大 magnify(magnify means make something larger than it really is) 代替enlarge



  高考英语作文素材 1

  A survey made in Australia shows (现象) that many teenagers lack one hour’s sleep (原因) due to organized activities and homework, (结果)which results in such serious problems as slow progress in study, weight problem, depression, illness and so on.

  高考英语作文素材 2

  6.And gladly would learn , and gladly teach 。( Chaucer , Britishpoet)勤于学*的'人才能乐意施教。(英国诗人, 乔叟)

  7.Better be unborn than untaught , for ignorance is the root of misfortune.(Plato , Ancient Greek philosopher)与其不受教育,不如不生,因为无知是不幸的根源。(古希腊哲学家柏拉图)

  高考英语作文素材 3




  January 1st is considered as the New Year's Day.most companies,shops,school,and government offices are closed during that time.People prepare for New Year's Dayfrom late December.Firt,people spend a few days to clean their houses completely.Some families then put up some new painting from November to be sent in January.

  The New Year's meal is also prepared from the end of ecember.During the New Year's Day,people usually do not cook and relax at home. On New Year's Eve,it is common to have a bag dinner with family members or friends at home or in hotels and hear bells which informs us of the coming New Year.New Year's Day is one of important days for many people in the word during the year.

  Most people spend the New Year'sDay in hotels.On New Year's Day,people fiest greet each other. Some people wear new coats and visit temples to pray for happiness and health theoughout the New Year.Children are busy with getting the gifts from their parents and relatives.



  高考英语作文素材 4

  Nowadays, more and more people are in favor of travelling during vacation. [表明观点] To be frank, I can’t agree more with it. [说明理由] There are several factors contributing to my point. In the first place, journeys can widen our knowledge of geography, customs, cultures and lifestyles of different places and countries and enrich our experiences. In the second place, it is a good way to relax ourselves in my opinion. Furthermore, we can develop better relationship with our friends or family. [得出结论] Therefore, it goes without saying that we can benefit a lot from travelling.

  高考英语作文素材 5

  1. it iwell-known to uthat knowledge playan important role in our life.


  2. nowadays,the problem of the air pollution habeen brought into focus.


  3. nowadays,the internet habeen playing an important role in our everydalife. it habrought a lot of benefitbut haalso brought some problems.


  4. with the development of our society,more and more people believe that knowledge iverimportant.


  5. a lot of people think that knowledge ivernecessary.


  6. peopleopinionabout the internet are different. some think that it can bring a lot of benefits. however, otherthink that it dose harm to our health.


  7. everything hatwo sideand the internet inot an exception ,it haboth advantage and disadvantage.


  8. human beingare facing a big problem ,the air pollution ,which ibecoming more and more serious.


  9. on the contrary,there are some people think it not useful.




  春节的高考英语作文 1

  Our family is no exception. I picked up a pair of Spring Festival couplets, sticky glue neatly affixed to the door. Dad and will "fu" character (on the door. Sister is busy in the house, she first picked up a few red lanterns, hanging in the room; Stick a bunch of little lights on the wall again. Small lights flashing, like seed of the little stars are blinking.

  After eating dinner, I went out with fireworks, sister and brother. Brother opened the lighters, lit the fuse. Listen to "pa", and a fire dragon into the sky, a beautiful "chrysanthemum" open. They are colorful, red, yellow, A green, green; A blue, and purple. Multicolored fireworks dancing like measures, such as golden light scattered, a split, such as the peacock... Is really beautiful. At this time, the elder sister took up a big fireworks, flat on the ground, lit with lighter. "Bang", it is to fly to the blue sky. It from time to time is like a delicate and charming red peony, such as a beautiful big huang ju, sometimes like a lovely violet.

  春节的高考英语作文 2

  Home this Spring Festival I went back to my father and mother and grandma together, just to my grandmas only listen to the sound of "pa, pa, pa" the sound of firecrackers, entered the house after I said to my grandmother grandma, why should put much more noisy firecrackers? "then my grandmother told me that setting off firecrackers is a custom, said master for visitors, oh, originally the small set off firecrackers also has knowledge greatly, I dont the sighs. Then, and I know a lot from my grandmother mouth, such as; One or month, every family to kill pig, zi ba, bean curd, rice cakes, catch production... special purchases

  You know, every New Years day a few days ago, families are in cleaning, affix Spring Festival couplets, until, on the morning of the lunar New Year, must be up early to make dumplings, dumplings will to put as COINS into the dumplings, said in the New Year prosperous, making a fortune.

  Over the years, the second day, people with zi ba, pig, etc to happy New Year. Happy New Year to be back in 15 commonly, because is the fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival every family point candles, sometimes the lion dance and so on.

  春节的高考英语作文 3

  In the New Year, my friends are changed into the new clothes take off the old clothes. In people look forward to every day, New Years day finally came, people began to busy. Buy fireworks small stall out doing business; Buy confectionery out doing business; Buy everyone couplet is out of business. We took to the streets to purchase them, a seething streets.

  That night, whether there will be a few families put fireworks lit into heaven; Sometimes there are several naughty kids do not help, holding a small firecrackers, threw it into the ground, and of the earth in pain bi BiBao peel. Families to turn on the lights, and some people are watching TV, some family reunion dinner again; I with mom and dad said jokes, stories, watch TV, I immediately to mind a poem: firecrackers in New Years eve, the spring breeze gifts into the toso. Always find Tong Tong, brought new peach in old character.

  春节的高考英语作文 4

  The Spring Festival of 20xx finally arrived, the sun shining on the earth, a scene of jubilation, people came to the streets, the original broad avenue crowded with water.

  People come to the shopping mall, it is really a sea of people, many people bought large and small gifts, to visit relatives. It was very cold in the park, but everyone braved the cold and took the children to the park.

  This is a rare holiday for our children. We can play, eat, and do what we want. This day, it is like the "free festival" of our children.

  Happy life is to thank our ancestors, if we do not have them, we will not have today this happy holiday, in this happy time, we also cannot forget to learn.

  春节的高考英语作文 5

  The circulation in the bones of the familiar atmosphere, the long dusty passion in a world of ice and snow were brought out: the origin of long history, there is always a red warm; indelible imprint in total an auspicious mark; a happy old yellow in the history of the total you are Chinese inside mark on Kyushu a noble faith, Chinese enthusiasm created you, the earth is no longer a prolonged ancient history of the wind, you never stay in the people of faith, the essence of the spring festival.

  At the beginning of the first month, it was a happy Japanese son. I used to be the most late person, but today I contend for the first, because I want to smell the smell of the scent of the firecracker. Lighting firecrackers in peoples hands, really loud, splash, as if every blessing to thousands of households, the bursts of firecrackers sound continuously, crackling, lively and extraordinary after dinner, I invited some friends to play in the street lighting firecrackers, opened in the beautiful flower, beautiful the bag containing the pocket money to their parents, very pleased. Todays birds come out too, and maybe they are happy in their hearts, too.

  When firecrackers crackling sounds, I will think of happy things, people beside the hand block ear, laughter; when the fireworks onto the sky, fly to the day when people are from the near standstill, enjoying the beautiful fireworks just burst open; when the wind like a rocket Zuantianhou "sound into the sky, fly to the moon, give our greetings to Change three, we will ask: you recently? Like us happiness? Whenever lanterns rise, it took away my wish together, drifting into the distance, to help me to realize my dream.

  Finally, on the eve of the new years Eve, both mom and dad came back. We had a new years dinner. I dont know why, I eat this meal very well, maybe because of the reason for the new year. After dinner, our whole family went downstairs to set off firecrackers. I took out my dad put firecrackers, lit it, in a burst of crackling sound of firecrackers, we go home. When I went upstairs, I turned on the TV and watched the Spring Festival Gala!

  At twelve oclock in the evening, the atmosphere of the party reached a climax, and the sound of firecrackers was sounded outside the door. Our whole family came to the yard downstairs to see the excitement. There are many people in the yard, and all the adults and children are playing with firecrackers. The crackling sound of firecrackers, shook my sister and I had to cover their ears. A bunch of fireworks into the sky and exploded, riotous with colour, spread out, is really a riot of colours, very good-looking. There were laughter and laughter everywhere in the yard. I laugh and jump with a group of children, and the palm of my hand is red and I dont know.
