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  以Friendship为主题的英语作文 1

  There is a book, the book has a harmony, a kind, have a sweet... ... The book is called "friendship". Friendship is a shining beacon in my life, life in the friendship you are like a drop of water into the sea, there is no friendship is equal to lost the sun life without a colour. In my life, there is a friendship makes me unforgettable, I remember.

  Remember the third grade, I had a strange skin, nose, face is full of big bag. I went to school with some of erythromycin, came into the classroom, some students immediately shout loudly: "get out of my face! Don't infect me!" Some students even in a low voice say: "disgusting!" Listen to these words, I am very sad, did not dare to look up, only secretly tears behind my back. Just never speak XiaoWei seemed unconscious of my unhappy, came over and whispered in my ear and said: "don't listen to them, it doesn't matter, go! Let's go out to play!" I suddenly one leng, "the leng wear stem? Let's go!" Then she took my rushed to the playground, we play shadow soon appeared in the shade on the field.

  Although this is a few words of ordinary words, but moved me dee***. When I was sick, many students are abandon me in the class, but she is active to seek me to play, I am very happy. My skin quickly, but the few words that I was dee*** moved by the words but make me unforgettable!

  Now picture a few years ago often emerge in my mind, at that time, my mood is individual students as "thunder storm", while XiaoWei words like the rainbow after the rain the beautiful luster. I and her friendship is higher than heaven and earth, but want to make their friendship messenger, let do the witness of friendship will never die flowers, let our friends for a long time.





  以Friendship为主题的英语作文 2

  Friendship is a kind of human relations. It is a human instinct to make friends.When in trouble, we

  need friends to offer us help, support and encouragement. With success achieved, we also need friends to share our joys.

  Friendship is also one of the greatest pleasures that we can enjoy. It implies loyalty, cordiality, sympathy, affection,and readiness to help. No man can make the most of his life without carefully and conscientiously striving to win the right kind of friends as he goes along.

  Knowing how valuable friendship is, we should be very careful in making friends. Real friends are those who have good character, superior ability and kindness of heart. Real friends can share all our sorrows and double all our joys.While making friends, we should take care to select those who have such fine qualities. Then we should treat our friends with courtesy, be careful not to interfere ueasonably with them,and not to ridicule their proceedings. We should forgive their failures and do our best to help them. In short, when we have established friendship, we ought to cherish and treasure it by means of words a

  nd deeds. Only thus, can we develop real friendship and keep the sacred lamp of friendship burning all our life.

  以Friendship为主题的英语作文 3

  Friendship is a term used to describe cooperative and supportive behaviours between two or more humans. There are different kinds of friendships.

  In an interpersonal interaction, friendship is a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem, and affection. Friends will welcome each other's company and exhibit loyalty towards each other, of ten to the point of respect. Their tastes will usually be similar and may converge, and they will share enjoyable activities.

  A group of friends consists of two or more people who are in a mutually pleasing relationship expressing a sentiment of camaraderie and mutual trust. There are varying degrees of closeness between friends. Thus, some people choose to differentiate and categorize friendships based on this sentiment.

  Friendship will engage in mutually helping behaviours, such as exchange of advice and the sharing of hardship. A friend is someone who may often demonstrate reciprocating and reflective behaviours. Often time, friendship is nothing more than the trust. Value that is found in friendships is often the result of a friend demonstrating on a consistent basis.

  I enjoy making friends and being friendly!

  以Friendship为主题的英语作文 4

  Everyone has good friends. Do you have the friends who always forgive you even you hurt his hurt? I think few people can answer “Yes” immediately. It has been 4 years since the friendship between Nana and I broken up. I miss her very much. Sometimes the closer we are, the deeper the hurt is.

  Nana has ever been my best friend. we studied in the same elementary school,middle high school and senior school. we played together in our elementary school all the time. She was a sensitive girl and she was often angry with me for some littlethings. Every times I apologized to her, or we would be stuck in a cold war. As long as I said “sorry” to her, she would forgive me and we played together happily again. Time always flies quickly and nothing goes well forever. our friendship came to an end in our Grade 1 in senior school. All things began with my mP4. There wassomething wrong with my mP4 when I lent it to Nana. That’s my favorite thing, so I was so sad and angry that blamed her carelessness with some rude words. we had a bitter quarrel and finally our friendship has gone. She didn’t forgive me even though I apologized for my rude words. maybe she though I considered the machine more important than her.

  A few years later, I learned that friendship is not taking but giving. many other friends told me if she were a true friend, she would have paid more attention on my sadness rather than anger, and she could have forgiven me easily. But I know now, we should cherish our friends just like we expect they do to us. Remember and be care about that” The closer we are, the deeper the hurt is”.

  以Friendship为主题的英语作文 5

  Everyone needs friendship. No one can sail the ocean of life single handed. We need help from, and also give help to, others. In the modern age, people attach more importance to relations and connections. A man of charisma has many friends. His power lies in his ability to give.

  The term, friend, covers a wide range of raeanings. It can be a nodding acquaintance, a comrade, a confident, a partner, a playmate, a brother, an intimate etc.As life is full of strife and conflict, we need friends to support and help as out of difficulties. Our frinods give us warnings against danger. True friends share not only joy but, more often than not, they share sorrow.

  With friendship, life is happy and harmonious. Without friendship, life is hostile and unfortunate. I have friends in the rank and file. Some are rich and in power. Some are low and common. Some are like myself, working as a teacher, reading and writing and content with the simple life we have. To many of my friends, I know what to treasure, what to tolerate and what to share, I will never forget my old friends and keep making new friends. I will not he cold and indifferent to the poor friends and will show concern for them, even if it is only a comforting word.




  以青春为主题的英语作文 1

  In the long river of life, youth will certainly be a season that people will always miss. She is green, enthusiastic, positive and vigorous.

  In the youth season, there will be a turning point in life, that is, employment. I believe that this is the harvest of any youth season. From the ivory tower to society, we enter all kinds of posts, including sales, service, management and technology. Every youth who embarks on work has an enviable dazzling luster in his eyes and face. That is youth, No early nine to five is also as energetic, very tired and repetitive, and also as high spirited. At this time, youth is an tireless song.

  Years and months are like songs. Maybe before long, some youth will be tired, tired and negative. Maybe before long, some youth will turn away, leave, rest and think, but there are always many. They will find fun in work, find happiness in repetition, and learn from repetition. Youth is short, there is no preview and training, Maybe some wise sayings are not respected here, because there is always a trace of disdain in her eyes. Maybe some experience can not be extended here, because she is sharpening her hands and thinking of innovative ways.

  Praise this youth! It is this unruly and powerful passion that makes her live a wonderful and non mediocre life. Sing for her youth! It's not normal for her to jump.

  She is young, so work in passion and live in happiness. Let's dance together! Let passion shine in the work and let the color of youth fly in the long river of years.

  以青春为主题的英语作文 2

  Youth is a sailing ship. It is the sea that gives it strength and makes it move forward; Youth is a piece of falling leaves. It is the wind that embraces it that makes it dance in the air; Youth is a galaxy of stars. It is the dark night sky that sets off its brilliance.

  Youth is a wonderful and indispensable part of our life. Only by working hard, youth can live up to its promise. Only by working hard, youth can be more brilliant. If you try to find youth, youth will also find you. You can live up to your youth, and youth can live up to you. Only by sprinkling the seeds of hard work can you grow rich fruits. Cherish your youth and feel the dew in the morning, the wind in the evening and the shining of the stars.

  To live up to our youth is like when a big stone blocks our way forward. Don't be afraid and don't kick with your feet. That will only hurt yourself. We should move it away and help ourselves and others. On the road of our youth growth, we should study well and never live up to the blood and sweat of our parents, the teachings of our teachers and the expectations of our classmates.

  Youth is a dusty umbrella in the corner when it rains cats and dogs. When you forget to take it or can't open it, you can only accept the flirtation of rain. Therefore, youth is what you intend to do, you must do it, you can't forget it, and you have to stick to it in order to succeed. Just as you said in the final exam of this semester that you want to test the top 3 of the class, I hope you don't just want to, No one has a smooth journey. There are always some bumps on the road of youth, but as long as you stick to it, even if you walk very slowly, you are close to success, but success will not go far. Speed up the pace, we can catch up with it, and you will find that youth is waving to us.

  Youth is the effort to live up to expectations, the sweat shed, the fruit harvested, and the joy of learning a math problem. Flowers are not only in full bloom in spring, rivers are not only flowing to the sea. As long as you love, mountains and seas can be flat and live up to your youth. Then try hard. Don't leave regrets for your youth. Ignorant childhood youth is also a wonderful fragment when you recall it.

  Let's act together, live up to our youth and move towards a better tomorrow. Let's sit on the ship of youth and roam in the dazzling space. Come on! Young people on the road of youth.

  以青春为主题的英语作文 3

  In the twinkling of an eye, youth has gone through restlessness and uneasiness, but my handwritten youth is like an unsolvable geometric problem. Its N-order equation always drags its tail, and the end of verification is always less than the answer. Indeed, in the twinkling of an eye, it seems that the youth I should struggle most is gone, leaving me with smoke like confusion.

  The color of youth is cold and hot, bitter and sweet. However, I always think it is a beautiful lighthouse. It is wandering in the ignorance and regret of years. It reads the book I grew up and blows the pain of exile with the wind of the season.

  Aninchoftimeisaninchofgoldbutyoucan'tbuythatinchoftimewithaninchofgold If youth is over and time is over, it will never come back. I wasted it in my youth, Zhu Ziqing said in his article "hurry": "the past days were like light smoke, dispersed by the breeze, like mist, evaporated and melted by the early sun; what traces did I leave? Why did I leave traces like gossamer? What did I do in my more than 4000 days?" Recalling those past days, I regret a little. Yes, what traces do I leave in the past days? Is it joy or sadness, success or failure?

  If time can go back, I want to study hard in my youth. I want to shout, "normal students" I can do it, but when I think about myself now, it's "normal students" who say to me, "you can't." In fact, I am a little unwilling, but it seems that I can't find courage and motivation. It seems that I was really kicked out.

  In fact, in this youth period, there are too many troubles and sadness. Although it makes me grow up, it extinguishes and suppresses our wanton personality. Youth is a dream, which makes us dream in reality, but it also makes us understand cruelty and regret. Its trivial steps are a little saying don't stop, so please let us grasp our youth, just like the sea swallow through the clouds, fighting all winds and rain; Just like the tall and straight pine, like frost and proud snow, it leaves some hairspring on the trace of its youth.

  以青春为主题的英语作文 4

  Really appreciate the beauty of the west lake. The beauty of nature is the most real beauty, there is no man-made beauty. Nature is amazing, could produce such a beautiful place, it's so incredible! "Looking at him with a smile on his face, I seem to see a boy, a passion for the life, love of life. Soon, the ship is in port, we have stepped onto the shore. I asked him: "Lin jie, why do you can at any time to keep a happy heart?" He smiled to me and said: "in fact, I also had to give up. But then, I inadvertently found a piece of" flowers ". At that time, I feel that nature is so beautiful, our life is so beautiful, I swear that no matter what will happen in the future, I must be positive in the face of life."

  After hearing his words, I suddenly felt a warm current touches the softest place in my heart. This is I this life the most encouraging words to hear. At this point, the leaves of screen under the golden sunlight, shining the world is filled with "love"... This love of life is "the brilliant youth" Lin jie's performance! I believe in the later days, he will bring the spirit of never give up, use own practical action to compose his own youth "bright"! People often say that "god closes a door for you, will open a window for you". Lin jie birth may be inferior to others, but his pursuit of dreams, the love of life, to the spirit of youth, is ordinary people can't do it. His life is full of gratitude, full of perseverance, full of enthusiasm. I think it's his attitude towards youth, to the life is now we lack of the teenagers. He USES his own action in the "forge ahead, constantly striving to become the" lei feng's spirit. He used his action let us see a young interpretation of life - "dream, love and spirit". He made a model for us.

  His attitude towards youth like a stone, knock out the fire of love; His attitude towards youth like a fire, lit the lamp of hope; His attitude towards youth like a lamp, lit up the spirit of the road!

  以青春为主题的英语作文 5

  "Youth years, we are not self-heed; the years of youth, the career of youth; the years of youth, only because of the burning dreams in this chest." At very small, someone asked me: "Child, what is your ideal?" I said that I am so happy: "Be a great scientist." After a few years, someone asked me: "Big boy, what is your dream?" I said to the person: "For the family, for myself, I want to make a big money for my business." Later, someone asked me this question, I thought about it, "as long as I can support my family, I can have a meal to eat." I thought about it when I mentioned the same problem. It is inevitable. Youth, I have not understood three-year-old children who are habging to often hang a few words in the mouth - ideals, dreams, and ambition. If the ideal is to the future of a better future: Dream is the forwarding of a beautiful future life; the ambition is a firm pursuit of good future. So, I feel on the future or feel that I can only be: worry, sacred, fear. Youth year, I realized that this loneliness is lonely, and I taste this virtual. Looking for the footprint left by youth, looking for a seal of youth years. I have always thought that I would like yourself to youth, until it is like a white cloud on the blue sky. But because your appearance has changed my many mistakes. If the darkness of the night will pass, then you are the dawn before the dawn, awaken my dinner. If green is a symbol of hope, then you are green messengers, the angel of hope. Give me the value of life. If you give me a smile, then I am cold and low, I feel very comfortable.



  以冬至为主题的英语作文 1

  On December 22, 20xx, the day is the Winter Solstice, it is an important day in China, it becomes a tradition. More than 2500years ago, Chinese people had detected this day by measuring the sun. What is special on the day? The answer is that the daytime lasts the shortest while the night lasts the longest of the year.

  It means the new round of the solar term, the Winter Solstice is the earliest. As an old tradition, people treat that day a grand day, they celebrate it. In the north, most people eat dumplings, while in the south, people have rice dumpling and boiled dumpling. Though people celebrate in a different way, they share the same happiness, family get together and have a big dinner. Winter Solstice gives family a chance to get reunion, the young come home to have a chat with parents and promote their communication.

  以冬至为主题的英语作文 2

  Today is the winter solstice, which happens to be Sunday. In the morning, grandma and I had dumplings. My sister and I had delicious food. Our little ears wont freeze. Adults say that after eating dumplings, our ears wont freeze.

  It is said on TV that the winter solstice is the day with the longest night and the shortest day. Grandma said that the winter solstice is also a battle for winter. If the weather is sunny, it proves that the winter has been fought over. If it is cloudy, there may be no good weather in this winter. In the evening, my mother told me that the origin of the winter solstice is a fairy tale about the creation of women and children.

  I didnt expect so many stories about the winter solstice.

  以冬至为主题的英语作文 3

  On December 22, 2013, the day is the Winter Solstice, it is an important day in China, it becomes a tradition. More than 2500years ago, Chinese people had detected this day by measuring the sun. What is special on the day? The answer is that the daytime lasts the shortest while the night lasts the longest of the year. It means the new round of the solar term, the Winter Solstice is the earliest.

  As an old tradition, people treat that day a grand day, they celebrate it. In the north, most people eat dumplings, while in the south, people have rice dumpling and boiled dumpling. Though people celebrate in a different way, they share the same happiness, family get together and have a big dinner. Winter Solstice gives family a chance to get reunion, the young come home to have a chat with parents and promote their communication.

  以冬至为主题的英语作文 4

  Winter solstice is a traditional Chinese holiday, the day also started preparing our family.

  December 21, this is a special day, it has a winter festival festival, and the end of the world of fear, but fear of fear, holiday or want, according to our customs, in this area, the winter solstice festival to eat the delicious round on the winter solstice, a listen to mom said to eat round, I am pleased to jump three feet high, who called me is the winter solstice round loyal fans, love for winter solstice round consistently, and a large number of fantasy in my mind, in a flash, brain and my little heart was full of joy.

  Mother carefully the rice noodles, out of the refrigerator, pour in a large pot, add half a spoonful of water, washed their hard rub, after a few minutes later, when the soft and sticky dough in the hands of the mother that creations was born, big, white, no trace of the end of the world of darkness; Bright, wet, seem to herald the peace of the world. "Rabbits, shrimp, pig tail, dont pickled cucumbers, pickle beef round, please ma meters below pickled cucumbers." I shouted for which a neighbor I dont know, today the winter solstice festival the important festivals. My mother and I made a lot of cartoon circle on the winter solstice, carefully cooked.

  Fire pot, a roast of thick heat teng on the sky, I was idly watching book, only heard mother cried out "to eat" I like a head of looking for food in the wild boar, breaking into the kitchen, but stupefied, sick to my little cartoon winter solstice circle "lie" in the dish, I caught a, well, very nice!

  From the winter solstice this holiday I feel a lot of Chinese traditional essence.

  以冬至为主题的英语作文 5

  Today, my mother took me to Grandpas house to eat dumplings. I asked my mother, "why go to Grandpas house to eat dumplings, not on Sunday? Mother said: "today is the winter solstice, which is a very important solar term in the Chinese lunar calendar and a traditional festival of the Chinese nation. "I asked my mother curiously," then why eat dumplings? "Mom said with a smile," if you dont eat dumplings at the winter solstice, your ears will freeze. "

  I quickly said: "then hurry to eat it! "My mother couldnt close her mouth and told me that it was just a folk custom and wouldnt freeze her ears. Good dumplings! My stomach is bursting. Did you have dumplings today?



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——以环保为主题的英语作文 (菁华3篇)


  Green environmental protection

  Green is the nature, vibrant, green represents hope health and life. So how cruel life island we destroy it?

  Now, the green grass, tall, lush trees, red flowers, blue sky, they are no longer easily appear, instead the skeletons of dusty grass, solitary tree, dying flowers, a grey sky, the foul air.

  If so, can produce great harm to our health.

  To protect the environment, we should start from the minor matter, starts from me, in order to let the fresh air, I go to school, school to walk, or riding a bicycle. To use less plastic bags, you can use environmental protection bag, in order to make the environment clean, I put the garbage classification, don't throw rubbish everywhere. In order to protect the water, I save water, in order to protect the trees, I don't use one-off chopsticks, save paper, more trees, a variety of flowers and trees deforestation. Although I a person's strength will not cause much, but I believe, if everyone together to protect the environment, will make our air pure and fresh and many, many make the environment clean, let the water clear and many, many beautiful trees.

  Green environmental protection, low carbon life, actually is not far from us, as long as we can contribute the environmental protection, in the near future, our earth will glow luster。








  I often and her neighbor's little brother to play in the creek, on one occasion, I rode my bicycle with my little brother to play in the stream, the water on the bottom, flowers and plants is also long very abundance, shell was superb in the streams, there are yellow, with green, with yellow, how also countless count, my little brother and I often in a water fight here.

  But when I was six years old, I rode my bike again and took my little brother to the stream, and I saw a big change in my hometown stream: the stream was black and smelly. The shell is invisible; The little fish are dead, floating on the water; There are some rubbish floating on the water. My little brother and I were shocked when we saw the scene.

  I decided in the spring of each year, I am back home my father and mother kind of some trees, and the hometown of the children launched "raise a potted flower, plant a tree, cherish every piece of grass, don't litter" and make our mom and dad "put convenience bag, took the vegetable basket" initiative.

  Although, we are doing is just some trivial things, but I believe that as long as we all have the responsibility of protecting the environment, then we will see a clean and beautiful world!


  As is vividly depicted from the above picture,it seems to be astonishing and thought-provoking on second thoughts. The most eye-catching feature in the picture that impresses me profoundly is that incredibly even the pet dog wears a mask to prevent the terrible smog and haze. As a matter of fact, recent years has witness target=_blank class=infotextkey>witnessed a severe air-pollutionphenomenon triggered by automobile gas emission and industrial exhaust, which will definitely bedisastrous to individualsurvival and personal development.


  It goes without saying that the problem of hazy weather should be attached great importance to by the government and the consequences should be taken into profound consideration. To account for the above-mentioned air-pollution phenomenon, a couple of severe reasons should be pointed out. On the one hand , the severely polluted air industrial wastes have been pumped into the air, the lakes and rivers and an increasing number of automobiles crowd into the streets and produce the gas emission. On the other hand, the widespread use of plastic bags and coal burning as well as the nationwide construction dust have been pumped into the air from time to time.


  As a matter of fact, the smog and haze not only does harm to the lungs and noses but alsogives rise to horrible traffic accidents. In addition, no issue is as harmful as theenvironmental deterioration, which will be a potential threat to the survival of human beings that we are unwilling to see. Just according to a recent survey made by one Morning News, more than 40 percent of Chinese cities are suffering from the hazy weather per year.




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  以国庆为主题的作文 1





  姐姐抱着弟弟和我一去冲进了音乐喷泉里。这一次可没有上一次幸运了。我们才照完相,最外层的水柱就哗啦啦的往我们姐妹三人的头上淋。喷泉好像在和我们做对似的,我们越想出去,喷泉就越大,就连里面的几层水柱也渐渐地大了起来。我们无法出去了……这时,旁边很多的游人都在看我们的 “笑话”呢!




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  以动物园为主题的英语作文 1

  Anima is are our friends. Although some of them are very dangerous. But I think we should help them.

  Animals are important for every people. No one can live without animals. So, we should do someting for them.

  We can't kill them too many, we should keep the balanced nature. Don't damage any animals.

  And if you have a pet, than, please feed it well.

  Animals are friendly to us, if we are friendly to them. Animals will be our friends forever.

  以动物园为主题的英语作文 2

  Do you think the zoo is a really intererting place? I think so. The zoo is the most interesting place that I have ever seen in my whole life.

  I like the zoo. It is like a garden which exhibits various kinds of animals birds and insects. It is indeed a good idea to pay a visit to the zoo during school holidays. The more you look at the animals the happier you will become. Among all the animals the monkeys are the funniest. That's my opinion. Do you agree.

  以动物园为主题的英语作文 3

  Today was Sunday. My parents were free, too. I got up at 7'oclock, because my families planed to go to the zoo. After the breakfast, I took the camera and went to the station together with my parents. It was already 9'oclock when we arrived at the zoo. There were so many monkeys, tigers, lions, wolves and other animals in the zoo. We took many photos in the zoo with the animals. I will show these photos in my class after they were printed. The time passed so fast, we left the zoo at 1'oclock PM. I was so happy today.

  Now I feel very tired and I will go to bed early tonight.

  以动物园为主题的英语作文 4

  Here is a small zoo. I like the tiger, although they are very ugly, but very imposing. Also has the national treasure panda, they are a little shy, does not dare to look at us. Who are those? they are elephants, you look at they to be huge, also has a point to be the interesting. I do not like the lion, they compare the tiger clown, is also unimposing.

  This is the small zoo.

  以动物园为主题的英语作文 5

  Among all the animalsI like rabbit very much.

  When I was a little girlkeep a rabbit by myselfit was very lovely with a pair of long earsand two red round eyesthe hair of it was white.After school I fed it everydayit liked vegetables and carrots.so when I gave them to itthe rabbit always jumpped happilylooked at me by its red eyesseemed to tell me it was very hungry.So I love the rabbit !



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