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  介绍小狗的英语作文 1

  I’m a dog lover, because dogs are tame, friendly and easy to communicate with. I have kept one in my house, whose name is Chocolate. She is covered with brown curly hair and looks like a Teddy Bear. Now we have been living together for two years, so I’m very familiar with her characteristics. When she is hungry, she often barks loudly. At that time, I begin to realize that it’s time to feed her. She is keen on beef and fish. Sometimes, she also eats some rice.


  Every day when I come home, she always jumps up to me happily, with her tail moving. She seems to be my best friend. As time goes by, the relationship between us becomes closer and closer. Therefore, I think her as an important member in my family. I really have the pleasure of her company.


  介绍小狗的英语作文 2

  Puppy vigilance is unusual, it has a special sensitive nose, can smell three miles away the breath, eat food, it is always lower the head to smell. It also has a pair of ears, whenever hear the sound of the special, its ears will stand up and listened attentively outside action! Thus, people keep it to see gate, it is human loyal friend.

  The puppy has a wide and big mouth, mouth a row of white and sharp teeth, it can be a a big mouse bite dead!

  The dog has a vigorous limbs, it ran very fast, one minute can run 2, 3 miles!

  The puppy eyes aren't very good, can only see about a mile away. So, why can it certain things? It is mainly rely on its nose.

  The puppy claws are sharp, need not long time, it can dig a big round pit.

  The puppy was born, the hair is brown, but it will no longer be when I grew up brown, and turned to dark yellow.

  The dog's character is very gentle. If you are good to it, it will use the top of the head of your legs, as if in pettish to you; But if you are a stranger came to the home of the it, it will still be "bark" barked, even will jump on you bite you you.

  Summer arrived, a hot day, we often can see dogs always sticking out their tongues, not dog perspire? The reason is very simple, that is because the dog's long sweat pore on the tongue.

  The dog really deserves to be loved by people, this is it acquired at the cost of their real ability.










  介绍小狗的英语作文 3

  I have a lovely dog. Its name is YoYo. I like it very much. It has two big ears, two big and bright eyes. Its hair is brown.

  It has come to my home for a year. It has become a part of my family. It has its own house, but it likes to sleep under my bed, play in my house. I like talking to it, because it's a friend worth of trusting.

  I would like to share my happy things with it. When I am sad, talking to it makes me feel good. I am happy to have such a lovely friend.

  介绍小狗的英语作文 4

  I’m a dog lover, because dogs are tame, friendly and easy to communicate with. I have kept one in my house, whose name is Chocolate. She is covered with brown curly hair and looks like a Teddy Bear. Now we have been living together for two years, so I’m very familiar with her characteristics. When she is hungry, she often barks loudly. At that time, I begin to realize that it’s time to feed her. She is keen on beef and fish. Sometimes, she also eats some rice.


  Every day when I come home, she always jumps up to me happily, with her tail moving. She seems to be my best friend. As time goes by, the relationship between us becomes closer and closer. Therefore, I think her as an important member in my family. I really have the pleasure of her company.


  介绍小狗的英语作文 5

  The previous year's summer vacation, the old aunt's puppy - tiger child production suitcase puppy, my dog's composition. I went to the old aunt to the most beautiful little dog, foster care in the grandmother's home.

  I gave the puppy a nice name, called "Pippi". Arrived at my house, a see I went to the sofa, do not let me touch it. I asked my grandmother, "grandmother, Pippi how to see me run away?" Grandma said: "Pippi so small, very afraid, it thinks you constitute a threat to it, so see you run." Do not believe in evil, since then, every time I eat, I have their own meal to it a little, put it in the mouth, at first it is not grateful, but also barking a few times, as if to catch me like The I had to crept to the side, secretly watching it in the distance to eat. It first probe out of the brain to see, to determine no danger, then quickly ran to the food side, with relish to eat up.

  After a few days, Pippi gradually not afraid of me, whenever I give it when feeding, will be kind to run up to eat. I squatting next to see, it is not afraid, after dinner with pink tongue licking my hand, Pippi can finally accept me!

  A few weeks later, I should go back to the city. At this time, Pippi has the city of my intimate friends. When I was leaving, Pippi bite my trousers and let me go, with my eyes pray for me: little master, you often come back to see me!

  Now, I often go back to my grandmother, Pippi will always come up, around me jump and jump it! I realized a truth: there will be paid to pay, people and animals can also be friends.




  写小狗的英语作文 1

  The most faithful friend is the dog. It is the kind of water Lingling eyes, is so like; there is only tracking thousands of miles of the nose and that people drowsy roar with the seamless, but also gives unlimited sense of security; but the dog the most powerful Place than it is the teeth, the saying goes, "once bitten by a snake, ten years afraid of the rope." The dog is also the case, the bad guys are a bite to make him ten years afraid of the dog.

  We had a puppy with no sharp teeth and no terrible roar. There is a pair of like the eyes, in the moonlight glittering, like a gem. And my dog's nose is also a special spirit, as long as I have a eat, it will immediately run over, and pull the pants and touch the foot. Mouth still barking, as if to say: "the owner, give me to eat well."

  Our puppy has a different skill, that is, when it is very alert when you sleep, and as long as you want to hurt it, it woke up immediately. For example, the last time, grandfather and grandmother are out to work, the village children are not at home. I am so bored at home, so I want to play with my puppy. But it fell asleep, and I touched it on it, it was so soft and so comfortable. Suddenly it suddenly woke up to rocket-like speed jumped far, has been barking on me, then a look is me, the mood and some gentle, ran to my feet touch my feet.

  Do you know what is the most special of the puppy? That is the most human nature. Every time I go to school, the dog is always like a fart like me And I will keep it with you.

  Our family's puppy is so pleasing. The dog is the most faithful friend. I and my puppy have built a bridge of the strongest friendship.

  写小狗的英语作文 2

  The previous year's summer vacation, the old aunt's puppy - tiger child production suitcase puppy, my dog's composition. I went to the old aunt to the most beautiful little dog, foster care in the grandmother's home.

  I gave the puppy a nice name, called "Pippi". Arrived at my house, a see I went to the sofa, do not let me touch it. I asked my grandmother, "grandmother, Pippi how to see me run away?" Grandma said: "Pippi so small, very afraid, it thinks you constitute a threat to it, so see you run." Do not believe in evil, since then, every time I eat, I have their own meal to it a little, put it in the mouth, at first it is not grateful, but also barking a few times, as if to catch me like The I had to crept to the side, secretly watching it in the distance to eat. It first probe out of the brain to see, to determine no danger, then quickly ran to the food side, with relish to eat up.

  After a few days, Pippi gradually not afraid of me, whenever I give it when feeding, will be kind to run up to eat. I squatting next to see, it is not afraid, after dinner with pink tongue licking my hand, Pippi can finally accept me!

  A few weeks later, I should go back to the city. At this time, Pippi has the city of my intimate friends. When I was leaving, Pippi bite my trousers and let me go, with my eyes pray for me: little master, you often come back to see me!

  Now, I often go back to my grandmother, Pippi will always come up, around me jump and jump it! I realized a truth: there will be paid to pay, people and animals can also be friends.

  写小狗的英语作文 3

  The previous year's summer vacation, the old aunt's puppy - tiger child production suitcase puppy, my dog's position. I went to the old aunt to the most beautiful little dog, foster care in the grandmother's home.

  I gave the puppy a nice name, called "Pippi". Arrived at my house, a see I went to the sofa, do not let me touch it. I asked my grandmother, "grandmother, Pippi how to see me run away?" Grandma said: "Pippi so small, very afraid, it thinks you constitute a threat to it, so see you run." Do not believe in evil, since then, every time I eat, I have their own meal to it a little, put it in the mouth, at first it is not grateful, but also barking a few times, as if to catch me like The I had to crept to the side, secretly watching it in the distance to eat. It first probe out of the brain to see, to determine no danger, then quickly ran to the food side, with relish to eat up.

  After a few days, Pippi gradually not afraid of me, whenever I give it when feeding, will be kind to run up to eat. I squatting next to see, it is not afraid, after dinner with pink tongue licking my hand, Pippi can finally accept me!

  A few weeks later, I should go back to the city. At this time, Pippi has the city of my intimate friends. When I was leaving, Pippi bite my trousers and let me go, with my eyes pray for me: little master, you often e back to see me!

  Now, I often go back to my grandmother, Pippi will always e up, around me jump and jump it! I realized a truth: there will be paid to pay, people and animals can also be friends.

  写小狗的英语作文 4

  I have a lovely puppy, it is all yellow hair, with a black nose, I gave it a bell, it came to you you must think it cute, want to hug it

  I remember once I finished my homework and then review. Review the task is completed, you can easily relaxed, so I put the glass ball to play, playing with vigorously, I put the glass ball to jump elsewhere, I began to find, below the table, the sofa below ... ... half a day did not find. I was in a hurry, the dog called out: "Wang"! I went to the puppy, see the dog in front of a glass ball, I think this must be found in the dog. I'm so glad to touch it like a satin-like fur. Puppy really sensible.

  There is a school home, see my puppy, wanted to make a joke with it. I went to the kitchen and took a chicken from the table, and went to the puppy, the puppy saw the chicken on my hand, jumped over to me and wanted to eat the chicken on my hand. I put my hand up a little, the dog did not grab, to come back again. The dog squat down a little, and then resorted to the strength of the body jumping toward the chicken here, I have a handle up a little, it is already late, it has snatched away the chicken, in the side with reluctantly willing to chicken. The puppy is so naive and cute.

  I love my dog, it's my good partner.

  写小狗的英语作文 5

  Summer vacation, I went to an uncle home guest, a door I found a puppy. Puppy was born two months, eyes bright, small mouth, plush, very cute.

  I put the dog on a long distance to the remote control car, and then start the remote control car, remote control car began to run, the dog began to fear, his mouth issued a "woo, woo ... ..." sound, from the remote control car Jumped down, ran away. I know that the dog is not suited to the remote control car, and the remote control car is too fast. I will hold the dog to the remote control car, slowly start the remote control car, the dog began to lie in the remote control car motionless, eyes straight ahead, with the extension of time, the dog slowly adapt to the current speed, slow Slow up, eyes look right to see, the tail also worship worship up. At this time, I will speed up the remote control car, and remote control car turned around, the puppy and fear, head buried in the cab, after a while, the dog felt safe, and then stuck his head , Gradually stood up, but also with the tongue licking remote control car, with claws tapping remote control car.

  Then I followed the puppy to race, let the puppy roll in the yard, with the meat tease dog jump, turn around. We have a lot of fun.

  写小狗的英语作文 6

  Grandpa 's friend sent us a puppy, we named it Peas.

  Doudou is a small dog, came to my house only two months old, it's gray gray hair, is the kind of typical dog, it is a lot of food, never picky eat, eat everything, looks very fast.

  Peas' s character is strange, it is always nocturne night, hidden in the nest during the day refused to come out, unless it is urine, only quietly out of the nest, after the death and then hide in the nest. Drink water, eat people do not let people see, always carrying people. Grandpa said that the dog is a return to the ancestral phenomenon, is the character of the wolf. Peas never wagged to anyone, even if it is fed every day to his grandfather, up to just stretch his tongue.

  In order to cultivate the feelings of peas and people, grandfather every night when walking, always pull it out from the nest, and then tied with a rope.

  It went with us for a walk. At first it always refused to go, dignitaries dragged away, slowly, one to two, Peas quickly understand the benefits of walking, and then, each time a walk, it is like a normal dog as happy, Once on the grass, it is also excited to roll.

  Do not know the kind of butterflies that day and night out of the character can not change, but my heart still think it is a very cute puppy, I like it.

  写小狗的英语作文 7

  My dog returned love for my cruelty.(以德报怨).

  Several years ago, my brother brought a small, thin and dirty dog back. It looked ugly and I didn't like it. My brother gave him the name "Jackie". Although he soon became the pet in the family, I felt indifferent about him. Unlike my brother, I never played with him, nor fed him. Instead, I shouted at him when I was scolded by Mother. He used to squat beside me when I was doing homework, but whenever I couldn't work out some problems, I would kick him away. This lasted for about two years. When I became a senior high school student, I often came back home very late in the evening. Jackie, who had grown stronger and bigger, became a necessary and good companion to me. He always waited for me somewhere on my way back home, and ran to me quickly at my calling"Jackie".

  He walked beside me like a faithful guard. I was moved by his generous love, and was ashamed of my cruel behavior towards him.

  写小狗的英语作文 8

  I have a dog, it is lovely, it is called Mimi. Every time I go home from school, Mimi always cruising around me, I will go to the kitchen to get a piece of meat to it, it lay on the floor to eat. My legs and then jump to bark "Wang "called, so I picked up Mimi, it is the opportunity to lick my hand, making me laugh.


  写小狗的英语作文 9


  I have a little dog at home. It's lovely. I call it strawberry.


  Every day when I go to school, strawberry will show me the way in front of me. If I meet a corner, it will stop and wait for me until it takes me to the school gate. When I get home, I will reward him with a piece of meat or bone, and he will wag his tail at me, which is lovely.

  写小狗的英语作文 10

  When I was young, I had a lovely dog, it has a white hair; a pair of big black eyes seemed especially clever; down from his ears on both sides; the black nose in the white face, very conspicuous; pink small mouth is like a lipstick on the tail; like a flower blooming flowers. A man who walks with a swing like a gentleman with great grace, and I affectionately call him "Beibei"".

  "Beibei" is a very conscientious security guard in our family". Don't look at it usually lying on the sofa, lazy, fun, but as long as the door has a ring, it will suddenly raised his head and ears, all eyes staring at the door. If it is a visitor who knows it, he will greet it warmly, his tail wagging; if he has never met a stranger, he will raise his throat and shout at the man, as if to frighten others.

  My family lives on the five floor, every time I go home from school, footsteps on the third ring, playing the "babe" will stop immediately, ran to the door and waited; when I went to the door, it will be exciting scratching at the door, and will go back to his family to open the door for me; when I entered the house. It will happily came at me and hugged my legs, the affectionate interest don't mention it.

  "Beibei" is so lovely that he brings laughter and laughter for our family!



  描写小狗的英语作文 1

  Not long ago, my family came a "gentleman", it was covered with plush, much like marshmallow, so sometimes I called it marshmallow, did not think it, it is our new members, a puppy, Its name is called white, its long ears to cover half of the face, eyes round yo, like two black pearls. White happy time, always thrown the tail, making mistakes, always sandwiched tail under the table or under the bed, afraid of others to fight it.

  Eat when the white is always the small head buried in the iron wrist, arching iron wrist straight circle. It is very greedy, like a goldfish, will only eat, do not know full, once, it eat too much, the whole stomach bulging, like a frog, had to obediently lying on the ground a move can not move. When we were not at home, it made a mess of the house and torn the paper at home. It shoes to other places or bite the shoes. Once, it took my sandals out to the door, causing me everywhere could not find.

  White like to go with people, my father and mother called it with stooge. It also likes others to touch it, others touch it when it obediently lying on the ground to touch.

  I like my family's puppy because it's funny and it brings a lot of laughter to our house.

  描写小狗的英语作文 2

  Today, my mother took me to a friend to see him keep a puppy. It's a small face on a long pair of slippery black eyes, wearing a black and bright black "sweater", the body is only a small rabbit-like size, jumping, very cute!

  After dinner, I am happy to play with the puppy. We have to play awkward, it suddenly after the legs stumbled up, scared me a big jump. Thought: "Even I will not stand upright, it is easy to upside down, really not simple!" Just when I was surprised, just listen to "brush" to it a bit of joy. "Wow thiophene it will be inverted pee, or the first time I see it!" I exclaimed! Suddenly feel the body is not right, touched his pants, how is the wet? It is the urine it is scattered in my pants On the. I can be angry, and shouted: "This time you see you small, do not understand the matter on the spare you, if the next time, do not blame me regardless of polite!" I saw the dog put his legs, Gone, really arrogant!

  For a while to go, I really could not bear it!

  描写小狗的英语作文 3

  My dog is very cute. Body hair is light yellow, it has small ears, and eyes twinkle like black stones. Its very thin. Foreleg short, long hind feet and ran ran fast, wind.

  Its living habits, is lying down to sleep, like to eat dog food, more like bone or meat, I tease it, holding the dog food for very high, it suddenly jumped up and just eat here. He eat very cute, it exhaled eat, eat with relish, it was lying bed lazy, looks very sleepy. In the evening, however, it becomes very spirit, eyes also will shine.

  He like cat likes to play with thread, he when I write my homework on my side. Darling. And I watch TV together, it will look very ecstasy. When I was playing on the computer, it is very curious staring at the computer, while wang wang cried, as if to say: I want to play too!

  It also likes to play football. It will roll the ball with its claws as he ran.

  I sometimes lose a fly basin to make it to pick up and then back it with my mouth.

  I like the dog, because it is very cute. Can also know from it the knowledge of the animals, so my dog, I like it very much.







  描写小狗的英语作文 4

  My dog is very gentle cute. It had a white, fluffy long hair. It is a long, fleshy face, a pair of black eyes, look down on a sensitive nose. Further down is a greedy little mouth, raised his hand when it is hungry, staring at you, revealing a pitiful, give you a sense of Lianxiangxiyu.

  This is my dog.




  描写小狗的英语作文 5

  Today, my mother took me to a friend to see him keep a puppy. It's a small face on a long pair of slippery black eyes, wearing a black and bright black "sweater", the body is only a small rabbit-like size, jumping, very cute!

  After dinner, I am happy to play with the puppy. We have to play awkward, it suddenly after the legs stumbled up, scared me a big jump. Thought: "Even I will not stand upright, it is easy to upside down, really not simple!" Just when I was surprised, just listen to "brush" to it a bit of joy. "Wow thiophene it will be inverted pee, or the first time I see it!" I exclaimed! Suddenly feel the body is not right, touched his pants, how is the wet? It is the urine it is scattered in my pants On the. I can be angry, and shouted: "This time you see you small, do not understand the matter on the spare you, if the next time, do not blame me regardless of polite!" I saw the dog put his legs, Gone, really arrogant!

  For a while to go, I really could not bear it!




  介绍泰山的英语作文 1

  Mom and dad and I went to climb mount tai, upward from the mountain, mount tai is really high, we climbed a few steps, take a rest, to climb, trees, grass and flowers on the mountains around, left on the cliffs and touching poem, we enjoy the scenery, mountain climbing, the side of the road there are many for people to take interest place, some people turn crutches, some hold the taishan stone beside, my father and I climb all the way, climbed to the top mount tai radio hotel to live down, and the mountain air is very humid, by late afternoon, the mountain fog filled, what all can't see, just like in the fairy land. Beautiful Mount Tai.

  介绍泰山的英语作文 2

  Taishan Mountain is located in the middle of ShanDong Province and it ranks the first of the five great mountains in China.No matter who acted as the emperor of the past dynasties,he would pay religious homage to Taishan Mountain as the first major event.And Taishan Mountain has been witnessed chinese old civilization.Besides,there are a lot of sight spots in Taishan Mountain,such as sea of clouds,sunrise and so on.So it's worth paying a visit to Taishan Mountain.

  介绍泰山的英语作文 3

  During the May Day holiday,my parents and l climbed Mount Tai.We were lucky that the weather was fine that day and we were able to see the sunrise.

  At 4:30 in the morning,we were already on the top,waiting for the sun to rise.At last the sun sprang out,and the sky in the east became red.Later,the sun was hidden behind a piece of cloud.When it appeared again,the sun changed from red to bright red,then to golden.

  At that time,the whole mountain was in the golden sunlight.There were many people who were all excited.

  What a magnificent sight it was!l will never forget the moment.

  I had a wonderful holiday.

  介绍泰山的英语作文 4

  Taishan Mountain, a typical representative of the Chinese famous traditional mountains, is a mountain with a long history and a special historic status. In 1982, Taishan Mountain was up into the list of State key scenic spots and was formally listed in the directory of World Natural and Cultural Heritage in 1987. It becomes a precious heritage of human being.

  Taishan Mountain locates in the east of North China Plain and the middle of Shandong province erecting from the Shandong hills. It is prominent around other hills. The prominent peak, Yuhuang peak, is 1545 meters high and locates in east 117.6 degree, north 36.16 degree. The south of Taishan Mountain is higher than the north. Its south foot of mountain begins from Tai'an city and its north foot of mountain stops in Jinan City, the distance between which is 60kms. In Taishan Mountain, the transportation is convenient with the Jinghu railway passing by in the west. In its north is Jinan city, which has another name of "spring city". The distance between Taishan Mountain and Qubu is 70kms. Many roads and railways such as Taifei, Taixin, Taining, and Taiji meet in Tai'an city, which just locates in the south of Taishan Mountain.

  As a mountainous scenic spot, Taishan Mountain has high values in term of aesthetics and science, especially the aesthetic value, which is the foundation for Taishan Mountain becoming a famous mountain in the history and the world natural and cultural heritage today. For thousands of years, during the process of studying on Taishan Mountain in terms of adoration, taste, religion and science, the people has created extremely abundant and valued Taishan scenic culture. Moreover, in the Taishan scenic culture, the natural scene plays the key role with the literacy scene assisting.

  介绍泰山的英语作文 5

  On October 1, our family went to climb Mount Tai, climb and climb, very tired! Dad encouraged me to say: "climb for a while", we will rest, I said: "good". I started climbing again, and after an hour... Another hour passed... I finally climbed to the gate of the sky, but the gate is not the top. Dad said: "go, let's climb to the top," I said: "tired, don't climb, don't climb. Only Dad climbed to the top. I saw the most beautiful scenery. As for me, no persistence, no gain. From this matter I know only pay, can be successful!


——介绍小狗的作文 (菁华6篇)
































  作文课上,黑板前刘老师讲得热火朝天,同学们听的津津有味时,突然传来了一阵像婴儿一样的狗叫声,那声音有点奶声奶气,咿咿呀呀的。 咦!那是什么呀?哦!我猛地反应过来,原来是我带来的,要给作文班王毓浩的小狗狗在叫。我的心情一下子紧张起来,我怕刘老师批评我,我就抱起了小狗,用手 捂住了它的小嘴,可是不懂事的小狗狗还是一个劲的.叫。此时的狗叫声,同学们的笑声交织在了一起。让我的脸红一阵白一阵。刘老师也笑了。让我站起来把事情的 经过说清楚。没想到,刘老师听了我的说明,竟然改变了教学内容,让我们现场即兴作文。我们异口同声——好!都趴在桌子上奋笔疾书起着......



  在写作的过程中,不断有同学围拢过来,课堂上充满了好奇。一时间我的小狗狗成了大明星。同学们看着它,小狗狗也天真可爱的看着大家,好像在说“你们 是我的大朋友,我就是你们的小朋友,我们大家都是朋友哦”。不过从今天起王毓浩就是小狗狗的新主人了。王毓浩也非常喜欢它,一手抚摸着狗狗,一手写着作 文。那举动能萌翻很多人。



——介绍小狗作文300字 (菁华5篇)










  中午,我正在吃 烤鸡,我把这些骨头全都给了圆圆吃,只见它津津有味的吃了起来,后来,骨头都被它吃光了,可它还想吃,我就对它说:“没了,没了。”它似乎听懂了我的意思,就走了。





















  春节*俗介绍英语作文 1

  The Spring Couplet, also called “couplet” and “a pair of antithetical phrases”, is a special form of literature in China. The Spring Couplet is composed of two antithetical sentences on both sides of the door and a horizontal scroll bearing an inscriiption, usually an auspicious phrase, above the gate. The sentence pasting on the right side of the door is called the first line of the couplet and the one on the left the second line. On the eve of the Spring Festival, every household will paste on doors a spring couplet written on red paper to give a happy and prosperous atmosphere of the Festival. In the past, the Chinese usually wrote their own spring couplet with a brush or asked others to do for them, while nowadays, it is common for people to buy the printed spring couplet in the market.

  Set off firecrackers

  The firecracker is a unique product in China. In ancient China, the sound of burning bamboo tubes was used to scare away wild animals and evil spirits. With the invention of the gunpowder, “firecracker” is also called “鞭炮biānpào” (“炮” in Chinese means gun) and used to foster a joyful atmosphere. The first thing every Chinese household does is to set off firecrackers and fireworks, which are meant to bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new. In the past few years, such an activity was completely or partially forbidden in big cities including Beijing due to fire and personal casualty caused by burning firecrackers. However, some Chinese thought that a Spring Festival without firecrackers was not lively enough and they burned firecrackers by stealth. So in recent years, the ban was canceled again. This shows that burning firecrackers is a very important activity during the Spring Festival.

  Sweeping the dust

  “Dust” is homophonic with “chen”(尘)in Chinese, which means old and past. In this way, “sweeping the dust” before the Spring Festival means a thorough cleaning of houses to sweep away bad luck in the past year. This custom shows a good wish of putting away old things to welcome a new life. In a word, just before the Spring Festival comes, every household will give a thorough cleaning to bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new.

  春节*俗介绍英语作文 2

  Chinese Spring Festival celebrating the end of winter and the warmth of spring. It began in the last day of the lunar year, end in the 15th day of lunar New Year, also is the Lantern Festival.

  During the Spring Festival, people use red lantern and Spring Festival couplets decorate a house, put on all kinds of colored clothes, often visit friends and relatives or together eat dumplings, fish, meat and other delicious food.

  The children are looking forward to receiving red envelope money, and together they play each other the fireworks, with happy. Street with dragon and lion dance and some other carnival activities, CCTV will held the grand Spring Festival gala.

  春节*俗介绍英语作文 3

  Far and away the most important holiday in China is Spring Festival,also known as the Chinese New Year.To the Chinese people it is as important as Christmas to people in the West.the dates for this annual celebration are determined by the lunar calendar rather than the GREgorian calendar,so the timing of the holiday varies from late January to early February.

  To the ordinary Chinese,the festival actually begins on the eve of the lunar New Year's Day and ends on the fifth day of the first month of the lunar calendar.But the 15th of the first month,which normally is called the Lantern Festival,means the official end of the Spring Festival in many parts of the country.

  春节*俗介绍英语作文 4

  Its origin is ancient, but many believe the word Nian, which means year , was the name of a beast that preyed on people on the eve of a new year.In one legend, the beast, Nian, had the power to swallow up all the people in a village in one big bite. Village people were very scared of Nian.One day, an old man came to the villagers' rescue, offering to subdue Nian. The old man asked Nian,I know you can swallow people, but can you swallow other beasts of prey instead of people who are by no means your worthy opponents? Nian accepted the old man's challenge and swallowed the beasts that had harassed the villagers and their farm animals for years.At the end of the legend, the old man disappeared riding off on Nian. In this legend, the old man turned out to be an immortal god.In the end, Nian is gone and the other beasts of prey are scared into hiding in the forests. The villagers can once again enjoy their peaceful life.The legend goes on to say before the old man left, he told the villagers to put red paper decorations on their windows and doors at each year's end in order to keep Nian away. It is believed Nian is afraid of the color red.The tradition of observing the conquest of Nian is carried on from generation to generation. The term Guo Nian , which means Survive the Nian became Celebrate the Year and the word guo in Chinese means both pass over and observe .The custom of putting up red paper and lighting firecrackers to scare away Nian continues today.

  春节*俗介绍英语作文 5

  The spring Festival is coming soon!The festivel is considereded the most important one for Chinese people.It is on the first day of lunar year.It is also the day of reunion among family members.During these days,people would say"happy new year!or wish you make fortune!to each other.They would also visit their relatives and friends.Children would be given"red packets".Children would have more to eat and play than usual.Playing firecrackers is also apopular game for children.春节见闻英语作文



  元旦节的介绍英语作文 1

  Today is New Years day, the weather is sunny, my heart very happy, because our family came to visit hongshan forest zoo.

  First, we visited the panda, the panda panda eat bamboo while on the grass in the sunshine, I think they are so cute! And then we went to the tiger pavilion, attraction, there are around outside the fence to see the tiger! There are white tiger and the east-northern tiger, they sometimes in repose, some is constantly moving, and fall asleep! My favorite is the white tiger - tower, it is a symbiotic 27 tigers only, and all survived, so called "hero" tiger ". But it is very timid, and see so many people lie prone on the ground move.

  Later, we went to see the naughty monkey, breathtaking ball screen film, play space speed, rotating flying chair, etc.

  Today is really happy!

  元旦节的介绍英语作文 2

  It's the New Year's Day today. I got up very early! I heard the bird singing in the trees. After breakfast, my mum, my father and I went to the local park. Everything was beautiful there.

  We saw many boats in the lake. Later on, we went to my grandfather's home. There are many trees and some flowers.

  At seven o'clock, we went home. It's a happy day today.

  元旦节的介绍英语作文 3

  New years Day is the first day of the year. "New Years Day" this name is said, since one of the legendary Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns - zhuanxu.

  He took the first month of the lunar calendar as the yuan, and the first was the same. "Yuan" contains the first and the beginning, "Dan" is a red day from the ground began to rise. "Yuan" and "Dan" and together, is to have people to flourish to meet the new year.

  On this day, our country city and countryside, are decorated, with festive costumes, many units suspended "banner to celebrate New Years Day" to celebrate the new year.

  元旦节的介绍英语作文 4

  New Year's Day party started, and Ning-Ling and Zhou Zhengyang come for a very boring speech. Finally, the first on the program began. Programs are more, I can not describe each of the following I will highlight a number of given me a deep impression on the program bar.

  Zhou Zhengyang walked classroom center, said with a smile: Here, there are requests I Zhengrong, Hu Yi-dong, Wang BenBen, DONG Bing-sing for our speech that we are very familiar pop songs - Pungent . Thunderous applause, students They are excited, and some even knock on the table when the drum. They are four you push me, I pull you will come up. Four lined type, a man sang a has begun. Days, they are too timid, and even dare to sing Jay Chou's song, not to mention classes and Wang Jia Lao teachers are at the scene, how they dare to sing? ! Hu Yi-dong made a start gun, he did not sing loud noise, but the first one to eat crab people need courage; the second is king Ben Ben, he changed the past of the fierce, turned into a very m applauded. Because they have the head, back, and Zan Wu Ching-hui brazenly sang on Jolin Tsai's Thirty-Six Stratagems of love.

  There is also a program is performing sketches Gong contingent. She speaks of the vivid, very funny, and she mimics the voice of an old township 8, really, as it is the opposite! Her performance won the rounds of applause and laughter, I really worthy of a female comedy king!

  Time off really fast, turned away for New Year's Day party is over. I'm sorry, but am glad to primary and secondary school age the last New Year's Day party is the most significant.

  元旦节的介绍英语作文 5

  Today is the first day of the New Year, the morning of fresh air andsunshine, mother took me to feel the New Year's day outside the atmosphere.

  Street vehicle comings and goings, flowing very lively, mother took me tothe supermarket to buy things, supermarket bustling, originally people rush tobuy New Year gift! My mother said he wanted to buy a toy, I say: "I is the bigkid don't car these toys, it would save some money to buy school things," then Iwill take some learning supplies and a cake billet to do our own cake tocelebrate New Year's day.

  On the way back to my grandma's I saw many shops, supermarkets in glasswritten on New Year's day wishes everybody happy, return to my grandma's I tookthe cake billet and brother in above the text is made.

  Less than half an hour a nifty bright homemade cake will appear in thepresent, this is really a happy New Year!



  关于介绍学校的英语作文300字 1

  Our school is very beatiful place.There is a playground in the school.I like playing on the playground.Our building is on the left.My classroom is on the second floor.It also has the computer classroom,music classroom and library.

  I like my school very much.

  关于介绍学校的英语作文300字 2

  School are students second home.Every stuent loves their school.I like my school very much.My school is very great.Lt is the best school.

  My school taught mang excellet students.Five years agomy school is simple and crude.There is only few students in our school.

  Nowour shool is beauiful.There are more than 5 thousand students.Equipement is very abundant.We can surf the Internet now.I love my school.Myschool welcomes you.

  关于介绍学校的英语作文300字 3

  University, where many senior students yearn for. College life, every high school student is dreaming of something to experience. At least I was at that time. But, to tell you the truth, University is just a beautiful imagination for me at that time, but how on earth is it? I think I have a certain understanding of him now.

  The sky is just bright, you can see the campus people read foreign language in the shade, the kind of attentive, let pedestrians lightly steps, for fear of disturbing them. Find a seat to sit down, took out the textbook, a day of college life began.

  The road pedestrian gradually more, broke the quiet campus, nearly time for class, and students chatting game last night, walking to the classroom. The classroom was soon lost to the teacher's lecture to the wonderful thoughts, follow the teacher in the dust, the old professor face was youth brilliance.

  Afternoon after school time is the most unforgettable, this is their own can be allocated time, can go to the Internet, dating, dinner, and so on, but also various activities organized by the time, from the sports hall came the sound of applause, a group of students playing football on the football field, there are a few small girls shouting refueling.

  I have been in College for two years without knowing it. In recent two years, there are all kinds of ups and downs. Anyway, we are growing up day by day, moving forward step by step towards our dreams.

  In the end, I can also say: my college life is really wonderful.

  关于介绍学校的英语作文300字 4

  My school is near a small lake. It is very beautiful. I like my school very much. We have a high teaching building and it is big and clean. Our classroom is on the fifth floor. The computer rooms are on the third floor. We have computer classes there. We have a biglibrary on the second floor. There are many books in it. I like reading books there. We also have music room and art rooms in the building.

  There is a big playground behind the teaching building. After class, we often play basketball there.The teachers in my school are very kind. The students are very polite and smart. I am happy in my school.

  关于介绍学校的英语作文300字 5

  My school is very e are many colorful flowers in the garden and there are many trees on the saids of road.

  there are also many teachers and whole of them are very friendly and the students are very all want to get the good grades.

  the air in my school is very fresh and the school is very we have enough room to play together.

  I love myschool,and I will enjoy the time in school until I finish the study!



  介绍西湖英语作文 1

  On the night before the first two days of school,my mother and I came to the broken bridge with excitement. We crossed the broken bridge to the white embankment,and the autumn wind was blowing gently. The willow trees on both sides were flying,and there was a hand rowing boat near the shore. My mother asked me,"do you want to go boating?" I said,"think!" I was so excited by listening to my mother that we went up and went boating.

  The master does not stop rowing,lights flashing,we look around,there are red,blue,green and other colors of light like stars shining,reflected in the lake,the surrounding mountains around us,and then to a distant look,a hazy,look at West Lake,a wave very quiet. On the surface,it seems very difficult to draw a boat,to the side,as if the ship went fast,swim very light,I sit in the middle of the boat,the boat slowly when the row to the middle of West Lake,I feel like in the picture,I touch the water,cool,good happy! Unwittingly,we leaned on the shore,up the shore,the music fountain ahead,and go forward to see the music fountain.

  Beautiful and nice music fountain,fountain and good-looking,follow the music rhythm non-stop eruption,like a bunch of girls dancing in the water; sometimes like a flower as the flowers open in early puberty; sometimes like many ribbon dancing in the water; sometimes like many seagulls flying wings; and like fishing net,staggered; sometimes like waves,non-stop swing to the left and right sides,sometimes spray is very high,like a water column,I once again surprise intoxicated.

  After that,we walked slowly along West Lake for a long time. The banks of West Lake were extremely cool,and there were curved bridges. They walked around the bridge and looked around. They felt like a poem,like a picture,looking for a chair to sit down. It's so cool. Happy,it's a paradise on earth!

  介绍西湖英语作文 2

  Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang Province。 is famous for many places of interest。 The West Lake is the best among them。 It is one of the most beautiful lakes in China, even in the world。 Everyone will fall in love with it as soon as they get here。

  If you come here in spring, the trees turn green, and the grass comes out。 There are all kinds of flowers on both sides of Sudi and Baidi。 And you will feel happy when y ou go boating on the lake。 In face, the lake has different beauties in different sesons, Now it is known to people all over the world。




  介绍西湖英语作文 3

  Xihu,is a poem,a natural drawing,a beautiful moving story,no matter is many years lives in here person but in a hurry the traveler,the unparalleled beautiful scene falls all for this day under. Spring March,the grass long hawk flies. Suzhou dialect two dikes,peach Liu Jiaan. Nearby two is wave Lian yan,a pleasure boat spot,the distant place is Shan Sekong the Mongolia,the dried indigo vat froth contains the green jade. This time walks in the dike,you will be exclaimed in surprise by at present scenery,will turn one's thoughts toward a loved one elated,suspected whether oneself did enter the paradise.

  but Xihu's beautiful scene not only spring is in sole possession,in the summer day meets the day lotus blue lotus,in the autumn night soaks the moonlight three deep pools,after the winter snow,the sparse shade horizontal slanting hungmuy tea,has in that smoke Liu Longsha hawk to cry,drizzle hazy tower------When regardless of you do come,can understand the unusual elegant demeanor

  介绍西湖英语作文 4

  Hangzhou,the capital of Zhejiang Province. is famous for many places of interest. The West Lake is the best among them. It is one of the most beautiful lakes in China,even in the world. Everyone will fall in love with it as soon as they get here.

  If you come here in spring,the trees turn green,and the grass comes out. There are all kinds of flowers on both sides of Sudi and Baidi. And you will feel happy when y ou go boating on the lake. In face,the lake has different beauties in different sesons,Now it is known to people all over the world.

  介绍西湖英语作文 5

  People say,"after all,in West Lake in June,the scenery was not the same as four." We are riding in a car to see the scenery of West Lake.

  I saw Yuli stately peony,enjoy the graceful daffodils. Never seen silhouetted against the lotus leaves next day. As the saying goes "the silt but don't dye,Zhuo Qing Lian without demon from silt but not contaminated,wash in water and not demon. I stood alone on the shore,while enjoying the charming flowers,while greedily sucking the aromatic gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind. The lotus is silhouetted against the green lotus leaf,really "next days hachisuba infinite Bi,lotus lotus fragrance" known,is even more fragrance. The high and clean erect is there,and people can see it far and far,but they can't easily play with it.

  I think chrysanthemum is a hermit in the flower; the peony is the rich in the flowers; the lotus is the gentleman among the flowers.

  West Lake is not only lotus beauty,but also the beauty of the lake.

  The center of the lake is sandwiched with a wide path. I walk on the path to appreciate the beauty of West Lake. I lie on the bridge,see that West Lake is not the level as a mirror,such as God,West Lake is like a mirror,you can see the river sand. The lake is so quiet that the waves are not rolling. We are getting farther away from the lotus. When you look back,the feelings come out of your eyes! What a beautiful thing! I can't help but silently think in my heart.

  At that moment,the mirror was broken by who was broken. Microwave together with the proliferation of the road,a circle and a circle of ripples. I used to hear that West Lake is very beautiful. Oh! Seeing is believing,see this time,really feel the beauty of this.

  "It is always appropriate to make West Lake better than the West. "The strange poets have compared West Lake to Xishi,which was as beautiful as Xishi!

  The beauty of West Lake,you can not have the say in two words or three.
