城市绿化英语作文 (菁华3篇)

首页 / 英语作文 / | 2022-11-09 00:00:00 英语作文


  Blue sky white clouds, clear pledge ", when heard the words of the lyrics, the situation here is as in the word can describe the same. Nowhere to escape the sun pledge according to the heat. Alas - once the leafy village are now built a small house. In this new era, in a little bit of modern human, and the earth began to a little bit of become scarred, become overwhelmed.

  According to research, the green coverage rate reached 30%, the carcinogenic substances in the air can fell by 58%, carbon dioxide at least by 90%, but now don't say those big cities, is even we this small country is doomed.

  When summer arrives, sorching summer, cement road tan as hot as the red coals in the kitchen. Not a piece of green plays for us to talk, everyone stay at home, alone the cool, from a distance is very bleak.

  Plants also is life, people are enjoying provide rich resources, it gives us life bring us countless convenience at the same time, should learn to be grateful. I can conveniently, for example: plant to filter and absorb the dust in the air is good, it is understood that the atmosphere through the forest, can reduce the amount of dust, 32% fly ash quantity reduced by 30%!

  Dear classmates, greening can bring us a lot of good life, why don't we take action? Let us join hands and according to the requirements of the ecological civilization, cherish the nature, protect the environment, we will be more beautiful tomorrow!


  Green, tree and grass planting. Growing these plants containing chlorophyll, is of great help to improve air quality.

  First of all, the green plants can be in the sun for photosynthesis, absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Studies show that plant growth and each 1 ton, can produce 5 tons of oxygen. Per hectare woods can absorb one ton of carbon dioxide every day, 0.735 tons of oxygen; The grass can absorb every day 0.9 tonnes of carbon dioxide per hectare, produce 0.6 tons of oxygen. Adequate and clean oxygen can keep human body and mind health.

  Second, trees on earth every day can send out 170 million tons of terpenes substances into the atmosphere, the aromatic substance has incomparable sterilization ability and excitation.

  Then, the green is good for the dust in the air, dust filtration and absorption, and dust into the air dispersion can stop work. According to the determination, the atmosphere through the forest, can reduce dust amount 32% - 32%, fly ash quantity reduced by 30%.

  Do you know? The negative oxygen ion in forest can reach 10-1 million. Negative oxygen ion can adjust the excitement and inhibition of the nervous system, improve the function of the cerebral cortex. Medical experts to simulate forest magic effect, negative oxygen ion into ward. The results found that when the environment is negative oxygen ions and the proportion of oxygen ions control at 9:1, for asthma, burns, ulcers, the treatment of trauma patients can promote role

  In addition, greening and absorb the noise, reduce water loss and soil erosion, etc. Your a power to go into our country's green enterprise, the green idea slowly tell it to you will reap the benefits.


  White pollution persists

  WE'VE been hearing and talking about it for a fairly long time: curbing what has bee known as “white" pollution. But still we are using the white polystyrene (PS) foam food containers and other disposable plastic products, which largely make up this form of littering.

  Miandianwang, a well-known local fast-food chain, is still handing out takeout food in these PS foam containers, even though they should been phased out before December 31, 2000, under a Central Government decree. One of the waiters said in its outlet on Hongli Road on Monday that they are going to switch to environmentally friendly containers “some time in the future".

  However, the Miandianwang outlet in Sam's Club, which is affiliated with Wal-Mart, is offering take-out food in light brown containers which are biodegradable. Liang, a clerk with Sam's Club, told Shenzhen Daily yesterday that the club required the Miandianwang outlet to do so in its contract.

  According to Liang, all the departments in the club switched to biodegradable containers during the Spring Festival holiday.

  Zhao Hua, with the energy division of the Shenzhen Municipal Economic Development Bureau, one of the five municipal government departments involved in the curbing of white pollution in the city, said on Monday that large panies and retailers like Wal-Mart and Vanguard have responded to the decree by switching to biodegradable containers. But she admitted that is just the tip of the iceberg in the seemingly endless war on white pollution in the city.

  Zhao's bureau has met with four other relevant departments on several occasions. What they produced is not a feasible solution but an echo or rewording of the Central Government decree, according to Luo Wei from Shenzhen Municipal Legal Affairs Bureau, who is responsible for reviewing this “echo". The ”echo" has now been passed on to the municipal government which is expected to announce it formally in the near future. But Luo said she's not sure if this rewording can play a significant role in eliminating white pollution in the city. “We don't lack laws, regulations or decrees. The real concern is the effective enforcement of these laws or regulations," said Luo.

  Zhao Hua admitted that cities like Shanghai and other coastal cities which are sensitive about their image as tourist destinations are doing a better job in this regard. “Shanghai is said to have produced a very detailed handbook on how to carry out the curbing work and Hainan has even banned disposable foam slippers in hotels," Zhao said.

  Liu Guanqing, president of Shenzhen Xunbao Investment Development Co Ltd, a local manufacturer of biodegradable food containers was very eager to hear the municipal government's decision on the matter. “Since early this year, I've seen orders fly in. I'll expand production once the government announces its stance on the issue."

城市绿化英语作文 (菁华3篇)扩展阅读

城市绿化英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展1)

——广东省城市绿化条例 (菁华3篇)


  第五条 城市绿化规划,由市、县人民*组织城市绿化行政主管部门和城市规划行政主管部门编制,并纳入城市总体规划。




  第六条 城市绿化规划应当坚持改善城市生态环境与丰富城市景观相结合的原则,利用、保护城市的自然和人文资源,合理设置公共绿地、单位附属绿地、居住区绿地、防护绿地、生产绿地和风景林地。

  第七条 城市绿化规划建设指标应当达到如下标准:城市建成区绿化覆盖率不得低于百分之三十五,绿地率不得低于百分之三十,人均公共绿地面积不得低于八*方米。


  第八条 建设工程项目必须安排配套绿化用地,绿化用地面积占建设工程项目用地面积的比例,应当符合下列规定:








  第九条 新建、改建的城市道路、铁路沿线两侧、江河*等绿地规划建设应当符合下列规定:





  第十条 城市公共绿地、居住区绿地、单位附属绿地的建设,应当以植物造景为主,适当配置园林建筑和园林小品。城市公园建设用地指标,应当符合国家行业标准,公园绿化用地面积应当占总用地面积的百分之七十以上,游览、休憩、服务性的建筑面积不得超过总用地面积的百分之五。


  第十一条 城市生产绿地应当适应城市园林绿化建设的需要,其用地面积不得低于城市建成区面积的百分之二。

  第十二条 城市绿化的规划和设计,应当委托具有城市园林绿化规划和设计相应资质的单位承担。

  第十三条 城市公园、风景林地、防护绿地、生产绿地和铁路沿线两侧、江河*、水库周围等城市绿地的修建性详细规划和工程设计,由所在地市、县人民*城市绿化行政主管部门审批。


  第十四条 省人民*确定的古典名园,其恢复、保护规划和工程设计,由地级以上市人民*城市绿化行政主管部门审核,报省人民*建设行政主管部门批准。


  第十五条 城市绿化规划、城市各类绿地的修建性详细规划和工程设计方案应当符合国家有关技术标准和规范,报市城市绿化行政主管部门审核后,有关部门方可办理报建手续。


  第十六条 城市规划行政主管部门应当会同城市绿化行政主管部门依照规定的配套绿化标准审批建设工程项目。

  第十七条 城市绿化建设按下列规定分工负责:






  第十八条 城市绿化建设应当兼顾管线安全使用和树木的正常生长,与地上地下各种管线及其他设施保持国家规范标准规定的安全间距。

  第十九条 城市绿化工程的施工,应当委托具有相应城市园林绿化资质的施工单位承担。绿化工程竣工后,经综合验收合格,方可交付使用。

  第二十条 改建、扩建工程项目的配套绿化用地达不到本条例第八条规定标准的,经城市绿化行政主管部门审核,报城市人民*批准,由建设单位承担补偿责任,按照所缺少的绿化用地面积交纳绿化补偿费。绿化补偿费由城市绿化行政主管部门收取,交*门统一管理,并按规划专项用于易地绿化建设。

  第二十一条 城市新建、改建、扩建工程和开发住宅区项目的配套绿化建设资金,应在工程项目建设投资中统一安排,其比例应占工程项目土建投资的百分之一至百分之五。

  第二十二条 建设工程项目的配套绿化工程,必须与主体工程同时设计、同时施工,并与建设工程同时验收交付使用。


  第三十四条 违反本条例规定的行为,由省人民*建设行政主管部门和市、县人民*城市绿化行政主管部门(或综合执法部门)依照本条例规定,给予处罚。

  第三十五条 有下列行为之一的.,责令停止侵害、恢复原状,并对责任单位和责任人处以罚款;造成损失的,由责任单位和责任人承担赔偿责任;应当给予治安管理处罚的,由*机关给予处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:









  第三十六条 违反本条例第十二条、第十九条规定进行无证设计和施工的,责令停止设计和施工,并分别对项目建设单位、设计单位和施工单位处以五千元以上一万元以下罚款。

  第三十七条 违反本条例第二十五条规定,擅自占用城市绿地的,责令限期退出,恢复绿化,并按照每*方米处以三百元以上六百元以下罚款。违反本条第四款规定,损坏相关设施、不缴纳恢复绿化补偿费的,责令限期缴纳和赔偿;超过占用期限的,责令限期归还,并按照所占面积处以绿地占用费的二倍罚款。

  第三十八条 未经批准或未按照批准的绿化规划(设计)方案施工的,责令停工,限期改正;造成经济损失的,由责任单位负责赔偿,并由责任单位或其上级主管部门对直接责任人予以行政处分。

  第三十九条 违反本条例第二十六条第二款规定,擅自在城市绿地内开设经营服务点的,责令限期迁出或拆除、赔偿损失,并处以一千元以上五千元以下罚款。


  第四十条 超越、滥用本条例规定的权限进行审批的,由其上一级行政主管部门责令撤销批准文件,对直接责任人给予行政处分。

  第四十一条 各级城市绿化行政主管部门和绿化管理单位的工作人员滥用职权,玩忽职守,徇私舞弊的,由其所在单位或者上级主管机关给予行政处分;造成损失的,应予赔偿;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

  第四十二条 当事人对行政处罚不服的,可以依法申请复议。当事人也可以直接向人民法院起诉。逾期不申请复议或者不向人民法院起诉又不履行处罚决定的,由作出处罚的行政机关申请人民法院强制执行。


  第五条 城市绿化规划,由市、县人民*组织城市绿化行政主管部门和城市规划行政主管部门编制,并纳入城市总体规划。




  第六条 城市绿化规划应当坚持改善城市生态环境与丰富城市景观相结合的原则,利用、保护城市的自然和人文资源,合理设置公共绿地、单位附属绿地、居住区绿地、防护绿地、生产绿地和风景林地。

  第七条 城市绿化规划建设指标应当达到如下标准:城市建成区绿化覆盖率不得低于百分之三十五,绿地率不得低于百分之三十,人均公共绿地面积不得低于八*方米。


  第八条 建设工程项目必须安排配套绿化用地,绿化用地面积占建设工程项目用地面积的比例,应当符合下列规定:








  第九条 新建、改建的城市道路、铁路沿线两侧、江河*等绿地规划建设应当符合下列规定:





  第十条 城市公共绿地、居住区绿地、单位附属绿地的建设,应当以植物造景为主,适当配置园林建筑和园林小品。城市公园建设用地指标,应当符合国家行业标准,公园绿化用地面积应当占总用地面积的百分之七十以上,游览、休憩、服务性的建筑面积不得超过总用地面积的百分之五。


  第十一条 城市生产绿地应当适应城市园林绿化建设的需要,其用地面积不得低于城市建成区面积的百分之二。

  第十二条 城市绿化的规划和设计,应当委托具有城市园林绿化规划和设计相应资质的单位承担。

  第十三条 城市公园、风景林地、防护绿地、生产绿地和铁路沿线两侧、江河*、水库周围等城市绿地的修建性详细规划和工程设计,由所在地市、县人民*城市绿化行政主管部门审批。


  第十四条 省人民*确定的古典名园,其恢复、保护规划和工程设计,由地级以上市人民*城市绿化行政主管部门审核,报省人民*建设行政主管部门批准。


  第十五条 城市绿化规划、城市各类绿地的修建性详细规划和工程设计方案应当符合国家有关技术标准和规范,报市城市绿化行政主管部门审核后,有关部门方可办理报建手续。


  第十六条 城市规划行政主管部门应当会同城市绿化行政主管部门依照规定的配套绿化标准审批建设工程项目。

  第十七条 城市绿化建设按下列规定分工负责:






  第十八条 城市绿化建设应当兼顾管线安全使用和树木的正常生长,与地上地下各种管线及其他设施保持国家规范标准规定的安全间距。

  第十九条 城市绿化工程的施工,应当委托具有相应城市园林绿化资质的施工单位承担。绿化工程竣工后,经综合验收合格,方可交付使用。

  第二十条 改建、扩建工程项目的'配套绿化用地达不到本条例第八条规定标准的,经城市绿化行政主管部门审核,报城市人民*批准,由建设单位承担补偿责任,按照所缺少的绿化用地面积交纳绿化补偿费。绿化补偿费由城市绿化行政主管部门收取,交*门统一管理,并按规划专项用于易地绿化建设。

  第二十一条 城市新建、改建、扩建工程和开发住宅区项目的配套绿化建设资金,应在工程项目建设投资中统一安排,其比例应占工程项目土建投资的百分之一至百分之五。

  第二十二条 建设工程项目的配套绿化工程,必须与主体工程同时设计、同时施工,并与建设工程同时验收交付使用。

城市绿化英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展2)











  2.绿化租金为每月(不含鲜花) _________元;鲜花费用按照实际插花盆数计算,每盆为_________元。

  3.甲方按(注:□内打√)□月度(当月付清)□季度(季度首月付清)付款, 以支票或现金的付款方式在收到乙方发票后付款(先付后租)。



















城市绿化英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展3)


  城市绿化英语作文 1

  Our Chinese nation since ancient times there is the traditional virtue of the tree "love tree"; The afforestation can reduce the air pollution, beautify the environment, purify air, safeguard people's physical and mental health; Afforestation can reduce the noise, the protection of the ecological balance, provide the ideal for people study, work, entertainment and life; Forests have loyal friends of human beings.

  But you know? Amount of deforestation in China is the world's first; Long-term deforestation destroyed trees, and the resulting soil erosion, flood disaster, every year to the state and the people's cause huge economic losses.

  Again from our side to have a look, popular people use wood furniture, trees into people's family. In the hotel, disposable chopsticks, one-time toothpicks, we see; In spring everything begins to grow this is, to some of our classmates in the trample on flowers and plants, the school in the lawn, not found with deep footprints; In some places have also go into bare trail. Protect forest resources, take good care of our environment, in fact is so near to us.

  The classmates! We are masters of the 21st century, afforestation, environmental protection, greening the motherland let us start from oneself, starts from now. I firmly believe that as long as everyone sacrificed a little love, our campus will be more beautiful, our city will be more beautiful! Our country also will be more bright tomorrow!

  城市绿化英语作文 2

  Nowadays, motorcycles are popular around us. They have become an important means of transport in Chinese cities. Compared with the bike and the car, the motorcycle has its own advantages. First, it is quite flexible. When there is a traffic jam, it can go through the cars that are held up in the street. Besides, it doesnt consume much petrol. Most important of all, it can carry another person at the back. But every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. To begin with, its very complicated to get qualified fur riding a motorcycle. Youll have to go through a series of procedures to get a riding license. Furthermore, the maintenance is expensive. Worst of all, it costs a big sum of money to pay fur the license plate, especially in big cities.

  In conclusion, it has both favorable and unfavorable aspects. However, if the authorities concerned simplify the procedures and reduce the cost of the license plate, the motorcycle will be accepted by more people.

  城市绿化英语作文 3

  With the development of economy, more and more tall buildings are being built in large and medium-sized cities across the country. In urbanization, however, one thing should not be neglected---environmental protection. It is unscientific to judge a city’s modernization level by the number of high buildings. Recently, a new concept “environmental image” has come into being and become an important criterion with which to evaluate a city.

  The concept stresses that a modern city must have efficient environmental promotion. It must have a proper proportion of green land, clean water and fresh air. To add more greenery to a city, I would like to make the following proposals:

  1. We should popularize “vertical greenery” technique, that is, to plant more green-leaved plants like Boston ivy in densely-located buildings. The roof space of buildings should be used fully to plant flowers, fruits and grasses.

  2. Certain room should be reserved for green belts, green patches in the building of new residential districts and the reconstruction of urban areas

  3. Measures should be taken to strengthen people’s awareness of greenery. People should, for example, be encouraged to plant “wedding trees” and “birthday trees”.

  城市绿化英语作文 4

  From the given chart, we are happy to see that there has been a continuous increase in the average public green land area, It was 2.96 square meters per capita in 1998, and 5 years later it rose to 9.16 square meters per capita.It’s really an amazing change and of great significance. Today Shanghai is known as a “Garden City”.

  As a citizen of Shanghai, I’m very proud of the achievements that Shanghai government has made in getting a better environment. And I believe everyone in Shanghai will be encouraged to make more efforts so that in the future our city will become a perfect place to live in. Moreover, more and more tourists will be attracted to visit Shanghai, which is like a big garden. In this case, the tourism of Shanghai will surely be improved. Besides making more money, we can also let more foreigners appreciate the beauty of our city.

  After years of efforts, the first process of Shanghai’s environmental improvement project has come to an end. However, a new chapter of Shanghai’s environment project has just begun. And I do believe that Shanghai will become more and more beautiful.

  城市绿化英语作文 5

  On the earth, whether people or animals, no matter how much you if you want to survive, you must absorb a large number of oxygen, emit large amounts of carbon dioxide at the same time. But the earth is originally stored oxygen is limited, and there are not many, so oxygen should run out in N years ago, oxygen and from where to now? That is about to rely on the green plants.

  Green plants can be in the sun for photosynthesis, absorb carbon dioxide to produce oxygen. Research shows that: each plants grow a ton, can produce five tons of oxygen. Absorb one ton of carbon dioxide per hectare of forest land every day, 0.735 tons of oxygen; Grass absorbs 0.9 tonnes of carbon dioxide per day per hectare, produce 0.6 tons of oxygen. So do not have oxygen on earth, as long as there is green in the city can also have the fresh air.

  Now, to the rising global temperatures are melting glaciers, frequent floods. Especially in large cities, co2 accumulation is more, the temperature is higher, but if more green belts? , according to the determination of summer temperature of asphalt pavement for 49 degrees Celsius, concrete road surface soil as 46 degrees Celsius, the shade under the road surface to 32 degrees Celsius, the shade under the woods to 28 degrees Celsius. Archaism cloud: Lin deep heat. More green belts can reduce the temperature, heat of heatstroke, prevent pavement thermal expansion, damage to the road.

  And big cities noise, dust, green belts and can absorb a lot of dust, purify air, reduce noise, to prevent a variety of disease, create a good living environment.

  Green benefits more, not just more generally, for their own, in order to the future of the planet, so why not?







城市绿化英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展4)

——乡村与城市作文 (菁华3篇)



















  在世俗的喧嚣中,只有繁华,在纷扰之中,没有朴素。 才当人累了,厌倦了虚伪与做作的生活时,请你去乡村看看。哪里有春暖花开的屋子,有那些朴素的人,有永久的“阳光”。














城市绿化英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展5)

——保护城市环境英语作文 (菁华5篇)


  In the last century, the level of human science and technology soared, and the quality of life became higher and higher, and the world was silent in the joy of rapid development. It is not until this century that the incessant scourge of human development is a wake-up call, and the word "environmental protection" is being more and more specific...

  The lessons of history are painful, and he dee* affects every one of us, such as SARS in 2003, the snow in 2008, the earthquake... Both give us the lesson of blood and tell us the importance of environmental protection. Of course, the nightmare is not over, and this year the swine flu epidemic is raging around the world, and the catastrophe seems to be getting closer. The arctic ice sheet is still melting, the hole in the ozone layer is growing... Scientists have calculated that the Pacific island of tuvalu is about to disappear in 50 years. If humanity does not pay attention to the earth, the big cities in the east of our country will bee "the Venice of the east", and the only people who will greet us will perish.

  So what is green? Some say it is the responsibility of the state, others say it is a national problem. This is true, but is there no personal problem? I said -- yes!

  Earth to serve each and every one of us, every one of us on the earth are all have a responsibility, too much if we owe human nature, and don't want to return, the domineering creditor will no one earth, all living creatures on the earth will suffer.

  So, whether it's you I should have done that he "environmental protection", "environmental protection" is not difficult, as long as can do everything for the sake of the earth to protect the resources around, always about the earth in mind.

  As middle school students, we should start from the school of "environmental protection", don't open my tired when the sun is shining lamp, don't let the tap water to pour into the sewer, don't let the junk've picked home! On the other hand, we have to urge parents and families to drive less, ride bikes and exercise more and be "green" volunteers.

  The country has the duty to do, the people have the problem of this treatment, the individual has no duty to do, we ask ourselves: do you do the green? Have you put "green" in your mind?


  When I came home from school today, I saw a garbage can with lots of rubbish outside. The dustbin is sim* a decoration.

  I hurried home and called my mother to sweep the garbage. We cleaned the garbage can in a minute. The next day, the third day, and the fourth day, we did the same. A week later, we found that there was significantly less garbage lying around. My mother said to me, "we'll do it for a few more days and there won't be any rubbish left around." "Is it? I asked. "Sure," said mom. I said, "let's get on with it."

  For two weeks we had no break. Until one day we suddenly found that there was no rubbish left around the dustbin.

  I have learned a truth through this matter, do you understand?


  Environmental problems are as big as not for individual country or individual people to address. In other word, we have reached the stage that environmental problems be solved for international view. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  In recent years, many nations have bee more aware of the environmental issues each nation faces, such as air and water pollution. The question is, are the environmental issues a national problem or an international problem? It is my belief that the environmental issues have grown to the point of being an international problem needing international cooperation to resolve.

  Because of the differences in environmental policies, resources and technology, international cooperation could provide quicker results and have a greater impact on bringing resolution to environmental problems for nations of differing environmental policies and of lesser resources and technology. By pooling international resources and technology to address the environmental problems, the disadvantaged nations are provided the assistance needed. Otherwise their environmental conditions deteriorate ultimately affecting the resources and environment of the world as a whole.

  One of the difficulities to an international resolution to environmental issues is the difference in individual nations view and policies toward environmental protection. In order for international cooperation to occur and succeed, the nations of the world must submit themselved to international standards and supervision by an international mission elected by the participating nations of the world. All members must agree to abide by the standards established.

  The environmental issues facing each country are not unrelated to the well being of the rest of the world. The impact is long term and international in scope. Without international cooperation and agreement to address such environmental issues as glacial melting at the South Pole, depletion of the ozone layer, water pollution, air polution, etc., the environmental conditions of the world will deteriorate to the detriment of every nation, not just those that ignore or lack the resources and technology to resolve their individual environmental problems.

  As part of the same planet, it is the responsibility of each individual and nation to protect the global environment. Only international cooperation will provide the timely solutions and the effectiveness needed to stop the deteriorating global environment.


  It was getting dark. I watched TV and saw people cutting down trees in the green woods. I can't calm down after a long time. At night, I sleep in bed and think, earth is our why do we want to destroy? Thinking of me falling asleep.

  I suddenly came to a beautiful world, surrounded by green oil, fresh air, very comfortable. I rested under the tree, and suddenly a loud noise came from the trees. There were some birds talking, and they were saying, "there is a group of people cutting down our trees. The other bird said, "why do people cut down trees? Trees are important to human beings. If man had not had a tree, he would not have been able to survive, and if it had not been for the tree world, there would have been no air. An old tree said, "yes! We would not have survived without us. I listened and felt ashamed of what we had done. Suddenly a loud noise came from the trees. It was man who was cutting down the trees. I took the initiative to say to him and her, "please don't cut down the trees. The trees are our friends." He (she) really listened to me and didn't cut down the trees. As soon as I said this, an old tree said to me, "you are a good man, little friend. I owe you my life. I thank you so much." "You're welcome." I said.

  In a twinkling, I suddenly became the queen of a country. I pay much attention to the environmental protection of the country. People say my country is "paradise" because my country is a clean, beautiful country. For a variety of reasons, I was leaving the country for a few days. A few days later, when I returned to the country, I became a "garbage" country. I regretted it. I sent people to every corner of the country to clean up. The "garbage" country has become a "paradise" country.

  "Get up, sluggard, get up! I woke up. I was dreaming. I know the importance of protecting the environment. I will protect the environment to make the earth more beautiful.


  When I came home from school today, I saw a garbage can with lots of rubbish outside. The dustbin is sim* a decoration.

  I hurried home and called my mother to sweep the garbage. We cleaned the garbage can in a minute. The next day, the third day, and the fourth day, we did the same. A week later, we found that there was significantly less garbage lying around. My mother said to me, "we'll do it for a few more days and there won't be any rubbish left around." "Is it? I asked. "Sure," said mom. I said, "let's get on with it."

  For two weeks we had no break. Until one day we suddenly found that there was no rubbish left around the dustbin.

  I have learned a truth through this matter, do you understand?

城市绿化英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展6)


  城市生活英语作文 1

  living in a city has both advantages and disadvantages. it is often easier to find work. there are always many choices of public transport. besides, there are a lot of interesting things to do and places to see. you can eat in good restaurants, visit museums, go to cinemas and go to parks whenever you want to relax. however, living in a city is often very expensive. you must find a well-paid job, otherwise, you will not be able to afford the things you will do. what's more, the city is always crowded, noisy and dirty.

  it is very difficult to find a good place where people can enjoy peace and fresh air as in the countryside.

  城市生活英语作文 2

  Nowadays, more and more people in the city want to live in the country. And many people in the country want to live in the city. It is an interesting fancy thing for our society.

  Let us think the reason of this phenomenon.

  In the city, almost people think that the pace of the city become more and more quickly. The city is developing, and it also brings some new problems. People have much tension for the society. They have to work hard for living in the city and making themselves alive. Every day, they work hard. And also their hearts are very tired. The country is a good place for them to relax their body and their heart. In the country they will do the thing which they like doing, such as drawing the rural sight. Nowadays, in the city, there are more and more crimes. They do not give people security. Every day, people live in the fear. And the quality of living will fall. Now many people feel that many people are cold to each other. It also makes our heart to tire. So people in the city want to have a rural life.

  But the persons in the country think that there are many opportunity in the city. And there are good education, good service, good medical treatment in the city. They can nor appear in the country. So the persons in the country want to have a urban life not only for themselves but also for their children and grandchildren. They think if they stay in the city, their future will be full of shinning.

  I think I have my urban life until I will be old. In the city, there are much challenge for me. I want to accept them.

  城市生活英语作文 3

  Green benefits more, it is much, this is the layman, but it how? What good?

  On the earth, whether people or animals, no matter how much you if you want to survive, you must absorb a large number of oxygen, emit large amounts of carbon dioxide at the same time. But the earth is originally stored oxygen is limited, and there are not many, so oxygen should run out in N years ago, oxygen and from where to now? That is about to rely on the green plants.

  Green plants can be in the sun for photosynthesis, absorb carbon dioxide to produce oxygen. Research shows that: each plants grow a ton, can produce five tons of oxygen. Absorb one ton of carbon dioxide per hectare of forest land every day, 0.735 tons of oxygen; Grass absorbs 0.9 tonnes of carbon dioxide per day per hectare, produce 0.6 tons of oxygen. So do not have oxygen on earth, as long as there is green in the city can also have the fresh air.

  城市生活英语作文 4

  living in a city has both advantages and disadvantages. it is often easier to find work. there are always many choices of public transport. besides, there are a lot of interesting things to do and places to see. you can eat in good restaurants, visit museums, go to cinemas and go to parks whenever you want to relax.

  however, living in a city is often very expensive. you must find a well-paid job, otherwise, you will not be able to afford the things you will do. what's more, the city is always crowded, noisy and dirty. it is very difficult to find a good place where people can enjoy peace and fresh air as in the countryside.

  城市生活英语作文 5

  Living in a city has both advantages and disadvantages. It is often easier to find work.

  There are always many choices of public transport. Besides, there are a lot of interesting things to do and places to see. You can eat in good restaurants, visit museums, go to cinemas and go to parks whenever you want to relax. However, living in a city is often very expensive. You must find a well-paid job, otherwise, you will not be able to afford the things you will do.

  Whats more, the city is always crowded, noisy and dirty. It is very difficult to find a good place where people can enjoy peace and fresh air as in the countryside.
