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  大学英语b级作文 1

  The first time I entered the campus as a freshman, I was dee*** attracted by her cultural atmosphere and historical connotation. Fudan is a graceful lady who is accustomed to serenity but meanwhile each action of hers outpours her innermost tern perament.

  Apparently it is worth every effort to probe into her world for the sake of both physical and mental enrichment. Her humanistic spirit inspires me to care for everything around, even the most trivial one.

  On the other hand, catching up with the times, Fudan is modern and smart. You see, the many age-old buildings here are actually great libraries and labs. Scientific and technological developrnent is easily smelt in the air,because she never lags behind the world.

  Our university has first-level equipment and the most experienced teachers as well as the best students.

  My campus activities are rich and colorful.I consider it to be a honor that I've got a chance to study here and I sincerely hope that we can live wonderful lives in our campus!

  大学英语b级作文 2

  Nowadays, micro blog has become a prevalent shared platform used by youth and old who can use mobile phone flexible. Why does it become so popular?

  First of all, it is convenient. Whenever and wherever you are, with your phone or other appliance which is online available, you can share a sentence or a section to your fans. They can read and comment it immediately. In my opinion, it’s the most important function that is different from the traditional blog. Micro blog is more easy to use. Secondly, it will remind you more and more people whom you may be familiar with, so that you fans circle can be larger and larger. What’s more, with more and more famous person join in micro blog, you can catch much news in this platform, including political, economic, cultural and stars’ news. There are also some jokes that you can read them to relax in your spare time.

  In a word, micro blog is a platform that helps people get in touch with others more conveniently and frequently. In such a busy era, it’s no doubt to be a good choice for people to know what happen around us.

  大学英语b级作文 3

  When talking about the topic which is more important, ability or good looks,different people have different opinions.

  In those eld man's eyes,they thought ability is more important than good looks.The old saying goes,good looks cann't full one's hunger.Whatever you do,you must have the ability in it,whenever in the past or today.

  However,nowadays,many people believe that good looks take advantages than ability in the reality.Without good looks,many enterprise doesn't accept.

  But in my opinion,my view is more tend to the former opion.After all,most people believe in that do not to value a person with its appearance.Although you own a perfect looks,you have no ability and talents,you are nothing.

  Not everything is perfect!Ability can be improve !And also with the development of science,looks can be good looks also!Thus,on the current point of view,also ability is more important than good looks!

  大学英语b级作文 4

  New life begins! I've been expecting this moment for a long time.Finally,I become a college student .

  All good things must come to an end ! I am now apart from my family members and many good friends.I am awared that I will have to do everything on my own .

  Being responsible is the exact thing that I am supposed to think about! I'm now dealing something responsibly with my new rommates.I enjoy being together with them,they just like my good friends in high school,being kind and thoughtful !

  My college is a place for a new beginning ,I'm sure I'm taking a new life ,everything here is full of challenge,quite different from things in high school,teachers are not going to tell you exactly what you are going to do ,you will have to make your own decisions.

  So far,I'm geting along so well with people aroud me ,college provides me with chances and challenge,I'm going to make a difference to my life!And I have every confidence on myself.I will still have to move on......

  大学英语b级作文 5

  Discovery is not such a big and noble word that only experts and scientists are entitled to use. In fact, every one of us makes discoveries as we grow. For example, a baby will find out how he can play with his toy car after he has tried several times. We will discover how to ride a bike skillfully after practicing again and again.

  Often a discovery brings great joy to the person who makes it. You will certainly be delighted when you find the thing you have been looking for. You will be extremely happy when you one day realize that you have learned and mastered a skill or method which was almost too difficult for you at the beginning.

  Sometimes, however, discovery means regret or even pain. You witt feet great regret when you find that you have hurt one of your friends or one of your family members. You will surelybe disappointed when you discover that you failed in the examination for which you have prepared for a tong time. Joy or sorrow as it may bring, discovery is an integral part of our life.

  大学英语b级作文 6

  My Dream Future I decided to be a middle teacher after college. There are many reasons contribute to this decision. Firstly, when I was a little girl, I have been dreaming of being a teacher. It seemed so fascinate to me and I hope I can make my dream come true. And, I like so much to be with middle school students. Most of the students at that age are full of youthful spirity and I am sure their passion would pass to me. I will retain all the zest of adolescence. The most important reason is that our country needs plenty of teachers. So far, teaching is considered a tough and low-income job in China. However, if we have not enough teachers, our future will lack of excellent scientist, managers, businessmen, soldiers and even goood workers and farmers. How can our country to be strong and wealthy?I wish my country to be a better one. I am ready to be a teacher and hope all the persons with lofty ideals may dedicate themselves to this meaningful career. I hope my dream future will come ture!.

  大学英语b级作文 7

  Natural Disasters

  in the past hundred years, there have heen frequent natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, mud-rock flows, seismic sea waves, earthquakes, windstorms and the stretching of new deserts. the disasters have killed millions upon millions of people, destroyed countless homes, and wiped out numerous pieces of fertile land.

  now more and more people become aware that those disasters have much to do with what we have done to the earth. we have cut down too many trees in the forests,we have badly polluted the environment, we have shocked our own home-planet time and again with tremendously powerful eplosions of nuclear bombs. as a result, climates have become abnormal, rainwater rushes down hillsides angrily, and the underground energy goes up to revenge itself on us.

  the earth is our only home-planet. it is urgent for us to stop damaging it, and to do our best to protect it and make it a lovely place suitable to live in, for we have nowhere to go and survive ecept where we are now.

  大学英语b级作文 8

  Sharing bike can be seen in every corner of the street, which is very popular by the public. The foreigners speak highly of sharing bike, because they can ride the bikes to look around the city and the expense is very cheap. As people enjoy the convenience of these bikes, the problem comes. We can see that many bikes have been broken and some are even put in the main road, which brings trouble to the public. Of course when the media reported the phenomenon, everybody condemned the negative behavior. Sharing bikes are public property, all the people have the responsibility to protect them, so after using them, we should just find a right place to lock them. The small act can present a person’s nature, so don’t let yourself be the rude one.


  大学英语b级作文 9

  Chinese New Year is coming and my family is very busy. It is because Chinese New Year is very special and important. We must prepare many special things to get ready for this festival. Chinese New Year Chinese New Year is coming and my family is very busy. It is because Chinese New Year is very special and important. We must prepare many special things to get ready for this festival. First, will make a big New Year meal. Second, we will make "Good-luck wishes.” Third, we will set off firecrackers. New Year meal is delicious and we think that eating some will bring us good luck. A long time ago, Chinese people believed red color could bring our good luck too. And we set off firecrackers could frighten ghosts away. Chinese New Year is very popular between students. Because we can have a long happy holiday.


  大学英语b级作文 10

  Punctuality means observing regular or appointed time.A man who gets up at six o'clock every morning is punctual.A man who promises to call on a friend at five o'clock in the afternoon and actually does so at that hour is also punctual.

  The unpunctual man,on the other hand,never does what he has to do at the proper time.He is always complaining that he finds no time to answer letters,to return calls, or to keep appointments promptly.

  Undoubtedly,unpunctuality is harmful.

  Getting up five minutes later than usual may upset the plan of the day.Calling on a friend five minutes later than the appointed time may cause unexpected trouble to both sides.Failure to be punctual is a sign of disrespect towards others.If a person is invited to a dinner but arrives later than expected,he keeps all the other guests and the host waiting for him alone.This is great impoliteness.Moreover,habitual unpunctuality leads to indolence and even failure in life.



——全国大学英语b级词汇 40句菁华

1、forth ad.向前,往外

2、global a.全球的;总的

3、Greek a.希腊(人)的n.希腊语;希腊人

4、glow n.光亮;脸红;激情vi.灼热;(脸)红;洋溢

5、fame n.声誉,名声

6、expense n.花费;⑷.]开支

7、everyday a.每天的,日常的

8、European a.欧洲的 n 欧洲人

9、enclose vt.围住;把…装人信封

10、emphasize/-ise vt 强调

11、essential a.必不可少的;本质的 n.[常pl.]要素;必需品

12、gas n.气体;煤气;汽油;毒气vt.用毒 气毒;(op)给(汽车)加油

13、entry n.参赛的人(或物);进人;人口 处;登记

14、economy n.经济;节约

15、at last最终,终于

16、little by little逐渐地

17、every now and then有时,时时,偶尔

18、a great/good many 0f许多,大量

19、just now刚才,一会儿以前

20、other than不同于

21、every other每隔一个地

22、and so on/forth等等


24、abide by坚持;遵守

25、as though好像

26、固定搭配:scrape by/throug 勉强通过;scrape together/up费力地获得

27、scratch v.抓,搔,扒;刮擦,刻画;n.抓,搔,刮;抓痕,划痕

28、screen n.屏幕,银幕;屏风,帘,纱窗;vt.掩藏,遮蔽;放映,播放;审查,甄别

29、固定搭配:screen against(from)遮护某物以免受;庇护(某人)使免受……

30、seal n.封铅,封条;印,图章;海豹;vt.封

31、add up to合计,总计

32、break away(from)脱离,逃跑

33、fall in with符合,与…一致

34、go before居前

35、pull on穿,戴

36、pull together齐心协力

37、put aCrOSS解释清楚,说明

38、put away放好,收好;储存

39、put down记下,放下;镇压,*定

40、put in驶进


——大学英语三级b作文 (菁华3篇)


  Travel is beneficial to us in at least three ways. First, by traveling we can enjoy the beautiful scenery in different places. We will see with our own eyes many places read of in books, and visit some famous cities and scenic spots.

  Second, we will meet people with different interests and see strange and different things when we travel. We can get ideas of the conditions and customs of other people, taste different foods and local flavours if we like. In this way, we can understand how differently other people live.

  Third, travel will not only help us to gain knowledge of geography and history and other knowledge, which will arouse our deep love for our motherland, but also will help us keep healthy and make u s less narrow-minded . Travel does benefit us both mentally and physically .

  With all these advantages of travel, it is no wonder that travel has now become more popularthan ever in China.


  In China, most people believe that boys should be raised in the poor way while the girls should be in the rich way. The poor way means to let the kids do things by their own and their parents won't be satisfied them all the time. So the rich way means to take care of the kids carefully and pay attention to them. No matter which way the parents carry on, I think it is not the suitable way to raise a kid. Whether the kid is a boy or a girl, they need to be nursed both in the rich and poor ways. It is the parents' duty to take care of their kids, so they should be patient and kind. But when the children make mistakes, parents should not spoiled them. Kids must be educated and corrected their wrong action. Only in this way the kids can be taught well.



  The issue of media violence just doesn't go away. Debate over its impact on the occurrence of violent crimes has been fuelled by the sniper shooting spree in American and high school shootings there and elsewhere. Personally, I don't deem it necessary for the government to regulate the media violence, or possible to decrease the violent crimes by doing so.

  Media violence is the least to be blamed when it comes to the violent crimes. On the contrary, it even plays an educational role. Take critically acclaimed Saving Private Ryan for example, no one will deny the frequent and graphic violence in the movie reminds us that the portrayal violent behavior can serve artistic and moral purposes.What's more, it makes lives easier for us. Fear and rage are what we inevitiably feel deep inside and what can depress us when oppressed. Media violence makes it possible for us to give vent to such feelings vicarously through the stories of others.

  What, you may ask, sparks violent crimes? Where we should focus our attention on to reduce the violent crimes?

  Though media violence is available to all, some absorb the messages with inmmunity whereas others are more vulnerable to them. How they make sense of it depends on their respective personal social experiences.Young, poor, discriminated, rebellious, and not infrequently, minorities, are the traditional images of criminals of violent crimes. Those who have simillar personal ecperiences are prone to take it for granted as what their life should be.

  What sparks the violent crimes is not what people see a film or TV programes, but what really happens to them. The gorernment is supposed to focus its attention more on the well-being of the average, rather than on media vialence.



  大学英语三级b作文 1

  Different people have different hobbies. Hobbies are activities in which one participates for amusement. A hobbys can be anything, such as listening to music, playing various musical instruments, reading books, collecting stamps, going for sports and so on. It mainly depends on one’s interest and character.

  There is no doubt that hobbies have a great influence on people’s life and society. Good hobbies can benefit people in many ways. They are both helpful to people’s growth and development, either physically or spiritually. On the other hand, bad hobbies are harmful to people. For example. Excessive drinking and smoking not only affect study and work but also hurt one’s mind and body.

  大学英语三级b作文 2

  Today, when the couples get married, they care about whether they need to live with parents. Most couples can’t reach agreement when they come to this issue. It seems that old people need to live with their children to seek for better care. But the fact is not, old people generally do not want live with the young people.


  On the one hand, old people know exactly the gap between the young generation and their generation. The lifestyle will be very different. They get up early and wake up timely, while the young people like to stay up and they tend to make up sleep on weekends. If they live together, the timetable will be interrupted by each other and both can’t live happily.


  On the other hand, it is easy to have argument if people stay together for a long time, no matter how nice they are at the beginning. The new couple will have their problem, while if the old people interfere, then things will be miserable. So it is better to stay off the argument.


  Now most parents choose to live not far away from their children, because staying the small distance brings benefit to both sides.


  大学英语三级b作文 3

  Youth is a precious gift and a golden time in our life. When we are young , we are strong and healthy. It is the time for us to prepare ourselves to become responsible citizens.

  Youth comes only once in a lifetime, therefore, it is important that we should not waste those years in idleness and bad living. This is also the time when our memories are best. We are able to learn more during this time than when we become older. During our younger years, we have the enthusiasm to set high goals for ourselves. We also try to overcome obstacles which are placed in our way.

  If we realize how precious youth is, we will be fulfilled when we are young as well as when we are older. If we waste our youth, we will spend the rest of our lives wishing we could be young again.

  大学英语三级b作文 4

  I always wanted to raise a pet, but my mother refused because I even couldn’t look after myself well. But recently, my mother changed her attitude, she bought me a lovely cat as my birthday gift. I was very happy and promised to keep it well. Since raising this lovely creature, I became patient. When I bathed her, she struggled and tried to run away, then I had to grab it back. The most important thing was to feed food on time and clean the place that the cat lived. Sometimes I felt so dirty to do it, but I had made my promise and couldn’t break my words. I learned a lot from raising a pet. I started to consider my mother’s feelings when I became naughty. I needed to make some changes and be a better girl.

  大学英语三级b作文 5

  Everything seems fresh to me when I entered the college.

  My college life is entirely different from the the life in high school.College life is an important stage in my life.

  The campus looked very large and there were so many buildings. I was very excited and curious when the first class began. I have a great number of new schoolmates who came from different parts of the country. In the library, there were so many books and several bright reading-rooms. I was determined to study hard.

  I lived at the dormitory, not at home, as did in high school. The great difference, I feel, is that at college I should study all by myself.

  It is in college that I began to live and study by myself, even plan further for myself. Meanwhile, in college I will change and become matured and fully grown up, both physically and mentally

  True friends


——大学英语b级短语词汇 40句菁华

1、feel like doing: 想要做 …

2、in return: 作为…的回报

3、take place: 发生

4、take in: 吸收, 接受

5、take off: 取, 脱下

6、take on: 雇用, 从事; 占据

7、take to: 爱, 嗜好, 沉迷于

8、take sb、up on: 接受某人 (邀请挑战等)

9、take… into account: 考虑,思考

10、take pride in:以……为荣

11、take a position: 持……立场

12、in one's attempt to: 力图, 试图

13、make in: 进入; 干涉

14、make an effort to do: 努力去做

15、make decisions towards sth、: 针对……做出

16、make a name for/as: 出名

17、cut in: 插嘴

18、burst into laughter: 突然笑起来

19、tell sb (not) to do sth: 叫某人去(不要)做某事

20、have sth done: 某事被做

21、get over: 克服困难

22、get across: 使通过, 使人了解

23、get away from: (使)摆脱, (使)离开

24、get on:上车; 穿上; 过日子

25、get over: 越过;克服; 忍受;复原, 痊愈

26、by oneself 单独地,独自地

27、even if/though 即使,虽然

28、for good 永久地

29、from time to time 有时,不时

30、head on 迎面地,正面的'

31、in case of 假如,防备

32、in a way 在某种程度上

33、in accordance with 与…一致,按照

34、in addition 另外,加之

35、in addition to 除…之外(还)

36、in all 总共,合计

37、in any case 无论如何

38、in brief 简单地说

39、in charge of 负责,总管

40、in debt 欠债,欠情



  大学英语角活动策划 1




















  大学英语角活动策划 2


  1、 活动目的:




  2、 活动地点:惠迪培训学校

  3、 组织人员:








  3)、说说将要做的事(Sentence patterns: be going to do; want to do)










  1、 英语学*交流会




  大学英语角活动策划 3


  1、 活动目的:




  2、 活动地点:惠迪培训学校

  3、 组织人员:








  3)、说说将要做的`事(Sentence patterns: be going to do; want to do)










  1、 英语学*交流会




  大学英语角活动策划 4














  3.说说将要做的事(Sentence patterns: be going to do; want to do)















  大学英语角活动策划 5




















  大学英语角活动策划 6


















  大学英语角活动策划 7
























  Topic:We Can Learn English Well

  A:Why We study English?

  B:How Can We Learn English Well?











  大学英语角活动策划 8












  化学与材料科学院学*部 公共管理学院学*部





  3.由承办学院各自负责设计、制作小张宣传单(A4纸)各6张。小张宣传单的内容包括:本期英语角主题、时间(3月26日晚7点)、地点(B区共青团广场)、主办单位(校学生会学*部)、承办单位(化材、公管学*部)。周一前将传单完成,并将电子版发至校学*部负责人 邮箱中(E-mail: )。确定无误后打樱


  5.承办单位须在周二中午之前将大张宣传海报制作完毕,并联系校学*部相关负责人( ),由校学*部提供展板和胶纸,共同将其张贴到展板上(两块展板均放于B7楼管处),贴完后由校学*部两名男生将展板搬到B区广场和千叶园食堂门口进行宣传。在展板展出期间大家要注意保护展板,上下课期间若见展板被风吹倒应主动扶起。



  8.由 学院准备一套音响设备,十米左右的插排和英文歌曲。在































  1.横幅 3-4元

  2.小张宣传单复印费 元

  3.气球一袋 1元

  4.绑气球与绑台灯线 4元

  5.公共电 3元

  6.游戏奖品 3元

  总计 元

  大学英语角活动策划 9














  1、Guess the words(猜单词): 教师事先准备好单词,一个学生用英语描述,其他人猜。

  2、English Words Solitaire(单词接龙)。

  3、Tongue Twister(绕口令)。

  4、Learn English Slang(学谚语)。

  5、Learn to sing English songs(学英文歌)。

  6、Reciting Competition(朗诵比赛)。



  9、Free Talk(自由交流)。











  第四周:余洪莉、熊艳 第五周:(月考)

  第六周:熊辉、 张智 (以后依次排序)



  2. 参加英语角的同学要有一个专门的笔记本记录在英语角所学到的一些小知识,以便对自己的英语学*有帮助。

  3. 严禁说脏话,严禁打架斗殴等不良行为的出现,严格遵守英语角纪律。

  4. 严禁乱扔垃圾,保持英语角场地环境卫生。

  5. 每位参加英语角的同学找一位固定的学*伙伴,以便随时随地练*英语口语。

  大学英语角活动策划 10




  主持人:谢旭薇 胡志鸿 记录:童榕,


  1.话剧——关于嫦娥奔月新编 演出人员:暂定(需要排练)















  道具孔明灯已经订购 共25个







  爱好英语作文400字 1

Dear Tom,

  I would like to introduce my hobbies to you .

  I like dancing very much.I always dance with my firends when I have nothing to do. Dance can help me keep fit and it is helpful for us to be happy.

  Sometimes I dance one two hours with my friends. Though I feels very tired after dacing ,I am very heppy .

  What is your hobby ?

  I hope to receive your earliest re***.







  爱好英语作文400字 2

  I grew particularly fond of music, I like to sing, I like shells guzheng, music brings me into my own paradise. I sometimes shells edge edge sing, I am intoxicated. I let the summer under a tree singing, cicada is also singing in the trees, we sing together, sometimes I play guzheng, it seemed to follow my tunes to sing, I am very happy to know this is a bosom friend. I unknowingly on obsession on the music, obsessed with a guzheng. I also take part in various performances, I performed very well, my dream is that I can become a great musician, the music I listen to all shells.

  爱好英语作文400字 3

  Different people have different hobbies. For example,someone likes reading, someone likes swimming and someone likes collecting and so on.

  I used to read books because by reading books I could learn many funny things. But now I don't like it just because I need a change.Traveling is my favorite hobby now. By traveling I can visit many different places of interest and learn a lot about people, places and history.It's very interesting.

  I love traveling.I have great fun in traveling.

  What is your hobby?Let's share together!

  爱好英语作文400字 4

  There are a great many hobbies to choose from. Some people enjoy collecting coins or stamps, others choose to spend their time on sports or music.

  I have many hobbies, but playing basketball is my favorite one. At weekends, we always build a team to play basketball against another one in our neighbourhood. The competitions brought us so much fun.

  I think playing basketball is a good way to build up one's body and relax oneself. But I will always remember that it's unwise to spend too much time playing.




  爱好英语作文400字 5

  Hobbies are activities from which one can benefit a lot. In my spare time, I like painting, singing, raising flowers and cycling. My hobbies help me relax after periods of hard work. Moreover, I can make many friends who share the same hobbies with me. My hobbies make me maintain a mental and physical balance. As you can see, hobbies can be relaxing, challenging, interesting, enjoyable or educational. So everyone should have one or two hobbies, then the life is meaningful and amused.


  爱好英语作文400字 6

  I am Cendy. I am in Nanhai Experimental Primary School. I am in Class 9, Grade 4. I am tall and thin. I live in Dali. I have many good friends. I often play with them.

  I have many hobbies, riding a bike, drawing pictures and reading books. But I like to read books the best. Because of reading books is good for my study. I also like riding bikes. Because of it does a lot of good to my body.

  What’s your hobby? Can you tell me?





  爱好英语作文400字 7

  Since I was young, I like reading books. When I was a child, father bought me countless books, as soon as I have free time I indulge in the beautiful statements, rich imagination.

  Once I was sitting on the couch watching "Grimm's fairy tales", unconsciously fell asleep. Had a dream, the dream is full of happy ending of the prince and the princess, the hero beat the triumph of the wicked

  Suddenly mom woke me up, I just know that it was a dream. It seems that I in the dream, everything look so clear, seemed to hear the cries of people and Shouting, and warm

  Clapping my mother's words awakened me: "don't daydream, come and dine/" I smelled a sweet, that is really a dream ah.

  爱好英语作文400字 8

  Hobbies are activities from which one can benefit a lot. In my spare time, I like painting, singing, raising flowers and cycling. My hobbies help me relax after periods of hard work. Moreover, I can make many friends who share the same hobbies with me. My hobbies make me maintain a mental and physical balance. As you can see, hobbies can be relaxing, challenging, interesting, enjoyable or educational. So everyone should have one or two hobbies, then the life is meaningful and amused.


  爱好英语作文400字 9

  Hobbies are activities from which one can benefit a lot. In my spare time, I like painting, singing, raising flowers and cycling. My hobbies help me relax after periods of hard work. Moreover, I can make many friends who share the same hobbies with me. My hobbies make me maintain a mental and physical balance. As you can see, hobbies can be relaxing, challenging, interesting, enjoyable or educational. So everyone should have one or two hobbies, then the life is meaningful and amused.


  爱好英语作文400字 10

  My hobby

  My hobby is lisetening to music.

  I like listening to music best.Because listening to music makes me relaxed.When I am tired,I will listen some quiet music,that makes me fall asleep very quickly.My favorite music is the music that has good lyrics.Good lyrics can also make me learn Chinese or English well.

  I love listening to music.I will keep this hobby forever.







  过年的英语作文 1

  Many children think Chinese New Year red envelopes, relatives is the most happy, but I don't think so, I think Chinese New Year the most fun is free, have fun.

  During the festival, many relatives and friends of children with mom and dad, and I are different. Every New Year's day, mom and dad to drop around, I'll stay at home doing things they want to do.

  Want to see the animation, I turn on the TV, channel by I choose, show with me to pick, that kind of strength, not to mention how happy! Unlike at ordinary times, someone will rob remote controller with me, also forced me to see the columns you don't like. Want to read, I took the book and eat melon seeds, while watching, want to see how many pages, I have the final say. Unlike at ordinary times, reading a book on, content, number of pages, I can not say a word. Want to play basketball, I took a ball, to find a have a stadium casually, want to how to play just how to play. Play tired, exercise training on the machines. Unlike usual, play ball, still have to ask for instructions, if do well, probably by, on the other hand, is a reprimand.

  The fun of the Chinese New Year is really too much. For me, the day of the lunar New Year, I am the well-connected sun wukong, heaven let me! Not happy just strange!





  过年的英语作文 2

  Early in the morning, I was awakened by a crackling sound of firecrackers, and woke up to find that the adults were busy making dumplings. I will give them a New Year's greetings and wish them a happy New Year and good health. They gave me lucky money and hope my healthy and happy growth. Then the whole family sat together and ate the reunion dinner.

  Grandma wrapped a coin in one of the dumplings and said, "whoever eats this coin will have good luck next year." During the meal, I always had butterflies in my stomach, thinking, "who will have the blessing?" Eating and eating, I suddenly felt the tooth was rubbed, spit out a look, it was the coin. I cried out with joy. "Qi qi must have good luck next year," she said. I felt as sweet as honey in my mother's words. After dinner, grandpa took me to visit relatives, and grandpa said, "you should pass on this good luck to make everyone happy."

  What a happy Spring Festival!

  过年的英语作文 3

  After the new year, the Spring Festival I was looking forward to finally arrived.

  Early in the morning I shouted happily: the New Year New Year!! I feel very happy, swiftly ran downstairs to the grandparents pay New Year's call. I wish them a happy New Year!

  The evening, grandma prepared a sumptuous dinner table: Braised pork in brown sauce and fragrant and delicious sausage Braised Pork wuhua...... Oh, and I love to eat dumplings! One family dinner, we lifted the cup, bless each other.

  After eating, I played with my brother. Brother lit fireworks, a whoosh, into the sky, blooming in the sky a riotous with colour light, red, yellow and green...... The beautiful fireworks show the new year's night sky and also show us the happy and joyful.

  On this day, I had fun and enjoyed myself, and I had a happy year of thirty.

  过年的英语作文 4

  Spring Festival is a excellent day for every Chinese,especially for children.During the festival,relatives go to visit each other and give presents to each other.Then it's the happy moment for children,children are given some lucky money.

  But i'm not a child any longer.I want to make the festival a little bit different. I plan to have a different day.I'm going to sell some toys in the flower market.I will ask my friends to join me.If i earn some money,i'll buy some presents to my parents.Well,it's my turn to give back to my parents for their love.

  过年的英语作文 5

  Falling on the first day of the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar, the Spring Festival is in fact the Chinese New Year. Before it, people usually give their house a thorough cleaning and do a lot of shopping.

  On the New Year’s Eve, people come home and the whole family have a big dinner together. On the New Year’s Day and the few days to follow, people often visit their relatives and friends to give one another their best wishes for the new year.

  Throughout this festival period firecrackers can be heard everywhere. This festival is the most important festival for the Chinese.

  过年的英语作文 6

  "The new year, the New Year!" Guess what the sound is? By the way, this is the children's cheers.

  I and my mom and dad finished the dumplings around the table and waited to see the Spring Festival Gala. At eight o'clock, we looked at it heart and soul. All of a sudden, there was a little money on the TV. The first man to step on the stage, I know who it is. I rubbed my eyes and looked at it carefully. Ah, it was Xiao Shenyang! At the moment, Zhao Benshan found Xiao Shenyang's pants in a trouser leg! My laughter. With his humorous language, I can't keep my mouth shut. Even the belly is itching. Look at mom and dad. They all show their white teeth.

  This is unforgettable, I hope to be able to come to the next year's Spring Festival. I hope you can see a lot of fun next time. I really like Chinese New year!

  过年的英语作文 7

  Spring Festival is a holiday for everyone, especially our children. On the Spring Festival, every day, every word on the Spring Festival is filled with people's happy mood.

  Every time I celebrate Spring Festival, I get up first. Because I want to smell that pungent firecracker. Firecrackers have been fired, leaving a pungent smell of firecrackers, and if the remaining firecrackers are very thick, it will make people feel like they are in a fairyland.

  The sound of firecrackers used to be no fun. After breakfast, let's play for a while.

  After breakfast, find some friends to go out to play, pocket with the pocket money that parents give, don't mention how happy.

  It was the happiest thing for our children.

  This is my day of the Spring Festival, also tell me about your Spring Festival!

  过年的英语作文 8

  The Spring Festival is our children's favorite. Have new clothes, new pants, can also be good to play. Year in the evening.

  Dad put eight thor in the doorway, "rumble" a roar, frighten I hid in the house; Dad put long firecrackers again, he points out, quickly rushed into the room after "or" deafening, even the mother's voice can not hear you clearly, we also covering her ears. I asked my mother: "why want to set off firecrackers during Chinese New Year?" Mother smile happily of say: "hope in the New Year is better."

  We began to eat, is "a toast"! After eating, my mother took a piece of cloth spread on the ground, let my brother and I together to father mother kowtow. I give mom and dad each kowtow, mom and dad give me 200 dollars in total, the elder brother also like me! I'm 2) filthy rich! I played a lot of firecrackers outside. 5 god whip can be fun! If Zhang Changshu behind me, I took five whip, god Zhang Changshu follow me run, like a "village" bride ah! Brother to put a missile, that sounds like a thunderstorm "MAO MAO MAO!" The most interesting is the rockets. Rockets have a total of 32 "missile", released can emit colourful gun, very good-looking! As well as scud, it is very similar to the rockets, but thick issued "pia zhi zhi zhi!" It's a good-looking.

  过年的英语作文 9

  Spring Festival is a traditional festival of Chinese nation, and it is also a custom festival in China. Every time, people will set off fireworks and firecrackers and paste couplets, which can be lively. People say the Spring Festival has a history, do you want to know? If you want to know, please look down!

  It is said that in the long, long ago, there was a devil want to kill people, take the world, people are intelligent, found the devil afraid of the red color, so they each set a day before he came to the devil, in this day, people will hang red lanterns, labeled red couplets, FangGong cannon. So December 30 was designated as the Spring Festival. This origin is only a legend, actually people hang those red lanterns, paste red couplets, firecracker, and so on to celebrate the Spring Festival.

  过年的英语作文 10

  Many children think Chinese New Year red envelopes, relatives is the most happy, but I don't think so, I think Chinese New Year the most fun is free, have fun.

  During the festival, many relatives and friends of children with mom and dad, and I are different. Every New Year's day, mom and dad to drop around, I'll stay at home doing things they want to do.

  Want to see the animation, I turn on the TV, channel by I choose, show with me to pick, that kind of strength, not to mention how happy! Unlike at ordinary times, someone will rob remote controller with me, also forced me to see the columns you don't like. Want to read, I took the book and eat melon seeds, while watching, want to see how many pages, I have the final say. Unlike at ordinary times, reading a book on, content, number of pages, I can not say a word. Want to play basketball, I took a ball, to find a have a stadium casually, want to how to play just how to play. Play tired, exercise training on the machines. Unlike usual, play ball, still have to ask for instructions, if do well, probably by, on the other hand, is a reprimand.

  The fun of the Chinese New Year is really too much. For me, the day of the lunar New Year, I am the well-connected sun wukong, heaven let me! Not happy just strange!







  大学英语周记 1

  Across the country, a growing number of divorced men are getting alimony from their former wives. While far more women receive alimony than men, divorce lawyers estimate that 5% to 10% of their male clients now get such payments, up from only 3% five years ago.

  Men seeking financial support from the rich and famous ex-wives have made headlines in recent years. But the ranks of ex-husbands getting alimony from their former spouses now are as likely to include the guy around the corner who gets a monthly check from an ex-wife whose bank account is fatter than his.

  “Women are getting better, higher-paying jobs at the same time that mens wages are decreasing,” says Kathryn Rettig, a sociologist at the University of Minnesota, explaining why the number of men receiving alimony is increasing. She adds, “If women want equality under the law, they have to take the responsibility for supporting dependent spouses.”

  Like women, men are being awarded alimony for a few years as compensation for putting their wives through college or graduate school or for following transferred spouses around the country. And, like women, men are persuading judges to award them alimony indefinitely if they are sick or disabled or have stayed home to raise children. In

  out-of-court settlements, high-income women are even agreeing to pay alimony to their ex-husbands instead of giving them some property because alimony is tax-deductible.

  大学英语周记 2

  Today, experts do not fully understand S-A-D, and yet they agree that it is a very real disorder.

  To treat the disorder, victims of S-A-D do not need to wait until spring. Experts know that placing affected individuals in bright light each day eases the condition. There are other things people can do to ease the problem. They can increase the sunlight in their homes and workplaces and spend more time outdoors in the fresh air during the day.

  One study found that walking for an hour in winter sunlight was as effective as spending two-and-one-half hours under bright light indoors.

  All of us ought to be able to brace ourselves for the predictable challenges and setbacks that crop up everyday. If we expect that life won’t be perfect, we’ll be able to avoid that impulse to quit. But even if you are strong enough to persist the obstacle course of life and work, sometimes you will encounter an adverse event that will completely knock you on your back.

  Whether it’s a financial loss, the loss of respect of your peers or loved ones, or some other traumatic events in your life, these major setbacks leave you doubting yourself and wondering if things can ever change for the better again.

  Adversity happens to all of us, and it happens all the time. Some form of major adversity is either going to be there or it’s lying in wait just around the corner. To ignore adversity is to succumb to the ultimate self delusion.

  But you must recognize that history is full of examples of men and women who achieved greatness despite facing hurdles so steep that easily could have crashed their spirit and left them lying in the dust. Moses was a stutterer, yet he was called on to be the voice of God. Abraham Lincoln overcame all difficulties during the Civil War to become our arguable greatest president ever. Helen Keller made an impact on the world despite being deaf, dumb, and blind from an early age. Franklin Roosevelt had polio.

  There are endless examples. These were people who not only looked adversity in the face but learned valuable lessons about overcoming difficult circumstances and were able to move ahead.

  大学英语周记 3

  Video of rats scampering across a New York City restaurant floor may have disturbed viewers worldwide but some experts say the rodents are less dangerous than other creatures drawn to restaurants ― humans.

  The video broadcast on television a week ago showed rats running wild at a KFC/Taco Bell restaurant just one day after the outlet had passed a city Health Department inspection.

  It took a bite out of the share price of parent company Yum Brands Inc. and forced a city Health Department shake-up that removed the inspector who conducted the review from duty and led to 13 more restaurant closures on Thursday.

  The owner of the KFC/Taco Bell franchise, ADF Companies, has closed 10 of its restaurants until they pass inspections, and the city closed three other restaurants because of unsanitary conditions or mice, the Health Department said.

  Yum Brands on Friday hired an urban pest control expert to review standards at its New York City restaurants.

  The Health Department warned that greater threats to public health include restaurant employees who fail to wash their hands or food stored at improper temperatures. One epidemiologist agreed. Still, the incident reinforces New Yorks reputation of having a more severe rat problem than other big cities.

  New Yorks crowded quarters force restaurants to store trash indoors until it can be collected, providing rats with an indoor food source. In addition, New Yorks real estate boom means construction is pervasive, scattering rats to a wider geographic area.

  大学英语周记 4

  《My sweet home》

  Most people has a sweet home,so have I.I think my home is sweet because it is my best place to have rest or have fun with my friends or my parents.

  I can remember clear.Once I came back home late because my teacher didn't want me leave until

  I finished my work.At that time,the weather became

  colder and the wind became stronger.I was so hungry and cold at that time!I felt I can't take it any more,so I ran to my home quickly.When I got my home,I felt much more warmer and happiness than ever before!

  That's why I love my sweet home,Don't you think so ?

  大学英语周记 5

  20xx year January 12 (Thursday), my left hand holding a pink festival invitation, right hand holding to show our classmates come on drum strength son, set foot in the cover letter with aflame mood high school gate.

  When I walked into the cover letter middle school auditorium along with the crowd, I saw the familiar faces -- my classmates. They each person's face is permeated with the sense of excitement, may be because the long-expected festival had finally arrived!

  After long prologue in school, we began our festival finally!

  First is in grade one students into the ceremony of the young pioneers. Such as the three senior classmates after the red flag up, began to swear. In the oath, the classmates all looked attentive, very serious. And then, under the leadership of the brigade of counselors, we sang young pioneers team song.

  The festival programmes have varied, with singing, dancing, recitation, singing, wind... We have too many things to see. Show a than a fascinating, the audience's applause and cheering. Among them, my favorite, is the wind.

  Band's classmates play is jay Chou's "chrysanthemum Taiwan" and "cowboy busy". The classmates in focus at the play, blow the two songs very good to listen. Their usual practice ability show incisively and vividly.

  大学英语周记 6

  good morning, ladies and gentlemen, i’m very glad to make a speech here. today my topic is “i love you, china.”

  since the day i was born, i began to have a proud name―chinese. since the day i began to talk, the most beautiful sentence i’ve ever learnt has been “i love you, china!”

  i love you, china, and i’m so proud of being a chinese. i’m proud that i’ve got the beautiful yellow skin, black eyes and black hair. i’m also proud that i speak the most beautiful language in the world―chinese.

  i love you, china, for i can feel the deep love you give me every day, every minute. last year, i got an opportunity to visit the united states of america. during my staying there, my father’s boss once invited my family to dinner. while at table, he looked at me and asked: “little boy, how long have you been in america?” “about a month,” i answered, “how lucky you are!” he said, “if you were living in china, how could you learn such perfect english?” i smiled and told him proudly that all the students in china are able to learn english at school. i saw his surprised eyes and said to myself, “i’m proud of you, china. for you are offering us the best education.”

  when i came back from the usa, my friends asked me: “how do you feel about your staying there?” “wonderful” i said. “then why do you come back?” hearing this, i told them there were lots of beautiful countries in the world, but none of them can compare with our own country―china. how true the saying is: “there’s no place like home!”

  i love you, china. as a young student, all we should do is to study hard and devote ourselves whole-heartedly in the future, to the great cause of building you into an even stronger and greater country in the world. i love you, my dear motherland! i love you, china! thank you for your listening !

  大学英语周记 7

as can be seen from the charts more and more people own mobile phones in china now. at the end of XX, there were 20 million mobile phone users. by the year XX the number has reached up to 30 million. people have found mobile phones very convenient. they can get in touch with each other whenever and wherever they like. there are many different functions to meet different needs, such as sending short messages and surfing the intemet.

however, it may also bring us some trouble. for example, if someone calls you by mistake, you will have to pay for this kind of unnecessary calls. and the radiation from the phone may do harm to our health, in spite of this, the number of people having mobile phones is still increasing steadily.

ya, each time meets writes zhou jidu to have to let oneself think,considers! has impatience which that selects!yes, teacher, i likes collecting the vehicle model very much,specially the racing bicycle, did not know is why, sees the attractivevehicle to be able to be unable to put down, very wants to go to haveit, but does not have that ability. was always fantasizing own can have a real racing bicycle, replaces the foot which oneself is injured to run on the spacious street, then felt should be happiest, said at least regarding me! because always likes fantasizing, own always have

very many is the average man thought not the normal response, does not want to study, likes a person being in a daze, a person window-shops,a person is having the camera traveling, always thought a person is

most romantic, but in other people's eye, that is the odd person. buti am this!i like travelling, therefore i compare care about and dee*** love english, i give own request am must learn english, other all do not matter outside, i want to go abroad, go to roam about one side,

certainly i meet study, only is the way and the place which i studies disagrees others to be same, after all, i thought oneself present is wasting the time, the science subjects may say is cannot understand completely, attends clawrites writes an article, reads, like this,a day-long day always that in vain waste, therefore i thought the next semester did not read, reads english wholeheartedly, year studies the

good english for oneself, then starts own life journey!

perhaps teacher, you can think my very rebel, but i am this, because i treasure my time very much, my life, i never knew my tomorrow could be any appearance, this world always in the change, will be able to handle oneself happy and the joyful matter after all, that will be i this fresh responsibility!

  大学英语周记 8

  One of the most intimidating things to do in the business world is to ask for a raise at your current job. Sometimes, the boss just does not pay you enough money. So what do you do about it? There is a way to request a raise, but you had better be careful when doing that.

  The best way to make more money within a company is to be in the direct flow of the cash. Companies will want to keep you around if you have some leverage. Being a direct cause of their profits is a great way to gain some leverage.

  One mistake that people always seem to make is that they are never sure exactly how much money to ask for. If you are going to ask for a raise, then you should have some figure in mind of how much more you want. If you are successful in meeting with your boss

  and making your case, then it will look awful if you sit there with a blank stare as he asks you how much you want. Consider a realistic percentage, but be willing to negotiate in discuss. Do some research and figure out exactly how much folks make in your profession that have had similar experience and success.

  Do not ask for a raise based solely upon your personal needs. Instead, concentrate solely on your achievements, merits, and worth concerning the company. By doing this, you will create a professional environment in which you will establish some leverage.

  大学英语周记 9

  All of us ought to be able to brace ourselves for the predictable challenges and setbacks that crop up everyday. If we expect that life wont be perfect, well be able to avoid that impulse to quit. But even if you are strong enough to persist the obstacle course of life and work, sometimes you will encounter an adverse event that will completely knock you on your back.

  Whether its a financial loss, the loss of respect of your peers or loved ones, or some other traumatic events in your life, these major setbacks leave you doubting yourself and wondering if things can ever change for the better again.

  Adversity happens to all of us, and it happens all the time. Some form of major adversity is either going to be there or its lying in wait just around the corner. To ignore adversity is to succumb to the ultimate self delusion.

  But you must recognize that history is full of examples of men and women who achieved greatness despite facing hurdles so steep that easily could have crashed their spirit and left them lying in the dust. Moses was a stutterer, yet he was called on to be the voice of God. Abraham Lincoln overcame all difficulties during the Civil War to become our

  arguable greatest president ever. Helen Keller made an impact on the world despite being deaf, dumb, and blind from an early age. Franklin Roosevelt had polio.

  There are endless examples. These were people who not only looked adversity in the face but learned valuable lessons about overcoming difficult circumstances and were able to move ahead.

  大学英语周记 10






  英语作文初中 1


  此外, 学生是否在校园内学*谁可以得到一份兼职工作。

  而有些不同意,一个兼职的学生带来良好的效果应该比侧面的更多的是因为采取了兼职工作可以带来更多的机会得到学生与社会脱节, 。

  以及注意他们的安全时,它并没有对他在白天正常学*的副作用,它也使学生体验到了赚钱的困难,那是一个正在讨论的话题,他说这是一个学*的时间浪费,他们上班的时间, 在我看来,由于事实上。

  英语作文初中 2

  When I come to the middle school, I feel so excited, because I want to learn more knowledge and prepare for my future. Some of my friends are afraid of the coming challenges, they think they can’t handle, but for me, life will be wonderful with all kinds of challenges. It is the challenges that makes me stronger. If everything comes to me without hard working, then I won’t cherish it. I am so eager to meet the coming difficulties, I won’t give up no matter how hard they will be. Some day when I look back on these days, I will not be regretful of what I have done.




  How to stay healthy

  Would you like to keep healthy like the others do? Now let me tell you something about staying healthy.

  1. Food. To keep yourself healthy, you shouldn't eat something that have too much oil, calory or salt. For that can cause a lot of diseases. The right way to keep healthy is to eat more vegetables and fruits.

  2. Exercise. Another way which is always be ignored is to excercise more. An average of steps a normal adult have per day is 10000 - 15000. You'll find yourself more healthy after changing the steps to 15000 - 20000 per day, and you'll get more fit easily by that.

  That's my own easy methods of staying healthy. I'll be glad if you have any ideas about that and have a discussion with me!


  My favorite sport

  There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy, such as swimming, running, and dancing. However, the sport that I like most is basketball. When I was in junior high, I started to play basketball in school. At that time, I found I had loved dee*** this sport. Now, I would like to watch basketball games as much as I can. The basketball games have given me the most wonderful time in my life.



  Last year’s Spring Festival is special. My uncle and my aunt came back from Shanghai. My family were very happy to keep the Spring Festival with them. And it was the most exciting festival of all the festivals.

  On New Year’s Eve, my father and my uncle talked about their work together. My mum did some cooking with my aunt Grandparents and I watched the New Year TV programmes. At about six o’clock, we had a special family dinner. We all thought the dumplings were delicious.

  On the first day of the New Year, we visited our relatives. In the afternoon, we went shopping in Jiefanf Road. My uncle bought some Jay’s CDs. He likes Jay’s music very much. There were so many people on the road. It was more alive than any other time of a year.

  On the second and the third days, we spent a wonderful weekend in the country. There were much bigger trees than in the city. And the animals were more beautiful than in the city. We all enjoyed ourselves.

  I had an interesting Spring Festival. How about you?


  An unforgetful trip

  I went Chong Qing in July 22.It is a city which was built near mountains. So people call it Mountain City\. In Chong Qing,I went to the Red Stone Center, to see the places which the prisoners lived in the past. It is a terrible and awful trip. There are a lot of dogs, and soldiers with guns near the prisons. And most of the prisons are good, they didn't want to tell the bad people where the other people were. They lived in very small houses. No good food to eat, no good water to drink.They had only twenty minutes to stay out side per day but they still said nothing.

  I think they are the heros in that century. I will follow their spirit.


  Time waits for no one. If it flows away, it will never come to us again. We can't take charge of our time but we should know the importance of time and cherish time.

  Yesterday has become the history. Nothing we can do to save it. Tomorrow is not within our reach. We dont know what will happen tomorrow. So the only thing we can do is to cherish what we have today and fight for tomorrow. Victory only belongs to those who work very hard! Therefore, we should make full use of today, fighting for what we want.

  美丽人生 Beautiful Life

  Marisa who is a beautiful girl from England, she works as a fitness instructor. She is also a fashionable icon. Having so many identities makes her life wonderful. But before Marisa was 20, who can imagine that she is a very fat girl. When Marisa was a small girl, she liked to eat all kinds of food, which made her a big fat girl. As she grew up, she noticed her difference and the boy she liked fell in love with her best friend. Marisa realized that she needed to lose weight, she refused to the junk food and ate the organic food. She kept practise every day. Finally, a year passed and she lose more than 80 pounds. She began her beautiful life.

  玛丽莎来自英格兰,是一个美丽的女孩,她是一名健身教练。她也是一个时尚偶像。多重身份使得她的生活精彩。但在玛丽莎20岁之前, 谁能想象到她是一个非常胖的女孩。当玛丽莎还是一个小女孩的`时候,她喜欢吃各种各样的食物,这使她成为一个大胖女孩。当她长大了,她注意到自己与众不同,她喜欢的男孩爱上了她最好的朋友。玛丽莎意识到她需要减肥,她拒绝垃圾食品,吃有机食品。她每天都锻炼。最后,一年过去了,她减掉了80多磅。她开始她的美丽生活。

  英语作文初中 3




  上课时,伊雪想着监护人睡着了。老师愤怒地喊道:伊雪,站起来!”“被唤醒的雪冷冷地说:疯狗。”“您说什么?”老师边说边打,但她没有打伊雪,而是打了伊雪旁边的男孩。“慕容俞晔,我不会打你-& mdash;& mdash“爸。夜羽扇了老师一巴掌。原来他属于世界上最富有的慕容家族。斯诺回忆道。



  英语作文初中 4

  公元前776年首次举办的奥运会,已经有一千多年的历史了。奥运会每四年举办一次。 (收集整理:天添资源网)



  英语作文初中 5

  The thing that goes the farthest toward making life worthwhile, that costs the least and does the most, is just a pleasant smile.


  The smile that bubbles from the heart that loves its fellow men, will drive away the clouds of gloom and coax the Sun again.


  It's full of worth and goodness, too, with manly kindness blent; it’s worth a million dollars, and it doesn’t cost a cent.


  There is no room for sadness when we see a cheery smile; It always has the same good look; it's never out of style; It nerves us on to try again when failure makes us blue;


  The dimples of encouragement are good for me and you.It pays the highest interest — for it is merely lent;


  It's worth a million dollars, and it doesn’t cost a cent.


  A smile comes very easy — you can wrinkle up with cheer. A hundred times before you can squeeze out a salty tear. It ripples out, moreover, to the heartstrings that will tug, and always leaves an echo that is very like a hug.


  So, smile away! Folks understand what by a smile is meant. It’s worth a million dollars, and it doesn’t cost a cent.


  英语作文初中 6

  The thing that goes the farthest toward making life worthwhile, that costs the least and does the most, is just a pleasant smile.


  The smile that bubbles from the heart that loves its fellow men, will drive away the clouds of gloom and coax the Sun again.


  It's full of worth and goodness, too, with manly kindness blent; it’s worth a million dollars, and it doesn’t cost a cent.


  There is no room for sadness when we see a cheery smile; It always has the same good look; it's never out of style; It nerves us on to try again when failure makes us blue;


  The dimples of encouragement are good for me and you.It pays the highest interest ― for it is merely lent;


  It's worth a million dollars, and it doesn’t cost a cent.


  A smile comes very easy ― you can wrinkle up with cheer. A hundred times before you can squeeze out a salty tear. It ripples out, moreover, to the heartstrings that will tug, and always leaves an echo that is very like a hug.


  So, smile away! Folks understand what by a smile is meant. It’s worth a million dollars, and it doesn’t cost a cent.


  英语作文初中 7

  As September is coming soon, it means my summer vacation is over. Looking back at my long vacation, I have the good memories. I had gone back to my hometown and spent some time with my grandparents. I loved the lifestyle there, it was so quiet and the air was so fresh. I was so close to the nature. During the part time, I read some novel books, I loved the magical world and I could finish them quickly. I was so satisfied with the books I read, I broadened my vision and learned a lot, it could help with my writing. I had the great time during my summer vacation.


  英语作文初中 8

  我的数学老师(My maths teacher)

  I have a good teacher. She is My maths teacher. She is Miss Jiang. She is thin. She has a small mouth, two small ears, two big eyes and a not big and not small nose. She is very kind. She is smart, too. We all like her. Today,we have maths class. We are very happy.

  英语作文初中 9








  英语作文初中 10


  the happy spring festival spring festival is on the first day of the first lunar month. chinese people most like the spring festival. during spring festival, chinese people like having meals with their families, playing fireworks in the open air. my sisters and i played fireworks on that day. we had many fireworks. they were very beautiful. they were running into the sky and breaking into pieces. they looked like flowers in the sky. we were very happy and excited. after that, i made a wish. i hope that, we can have a happy and healthy life next year and everyone in my family can be happy. i enjoy the festival very happy.

  春节是在第一个月的第一天.中国人最喜欢春节.在春节期间,中国人喜欢和自己的家人一起吃饭,一起放焰火在空旷的地方.在那些日子里,我和我姐姐一起放焰火.我们有很多的焰火.它们非常漂亮.它们升上天空并且使一些地方变得很亮.在天空中,它们看起来像是花.我们很高兴也很兴奋.在这之后,我许了一个愿,我希望,在来年,我们能够高高兴兴并且拥有健康的生活,还有每一个人在我们家庭里都可以开开心心. 我感到在这个节日里非常高兴.


  his time most unforgettable was the first time traveling with his wife, as this is the first time, therefore, was extremely excited. on may 20 this particular day i have to play as early as 7:00 in the morning we arrived at the place to be on the train, the 6:00 bell on my wife and finishing up a good point.

  7:01 to start on time. the coach and i was full of a sense of curiosity, for the first time for everyone to do there is always a special feeling. coach travel on the highway, the window quickly from the scene before flying, i have been looking out the window, could not feel happy. over time, unconsciously i fell asleep. after about four hours by car, we have finally reached the destination - nanbei hu.

  we arranged to stay in the expo in hangzhou hotel, the room is very spacious, this is the first time i was admitted to a five-star hotel, i am excited about the west, zhang zhang looked at, to see that the door opened, the door opened look look, everything i feel very fresh. after lunch, rest for a while, we came to play a scenic spot, wow, beautiful! castle of the clean water i have felt the outside world really beautiful!不看不知道, a really wonderful to see! boating on the lake, i am very the tension, because deep water, fear over the ship in case how should we do? we all look at me very nervous, had no choice but to step aside to shore up the ship. although a very short time, but on the shore, i still feel very happy.

  the next day, we are starting to see the big houses, ancient buildings, i can still feel the rich family. of course, before the kitchen equipment, furniture, etc., all made me feel very strange, wanted to touch everything on the side.

  time always flies as fast as blink of an eye, we will have to return the hui hu, but it's the first time i travel experience unforgettable, and began eagerly looking forward to the arrival of the next tourist.

  it is exciting to visit different places. as you travel, you will see beautiful sceneries typical of the region. besides, you can meet and make friends with people of different colors and races. finally, you can get to know the customs and living habits of the local people.

  today people are so fond of travelling that tourism has become one of the faster growing industries in most countries.

  the main reason why people travel is, perhaps, for pleasure.

  for example, having worked hard throughout the weekdays, people will find a widened trip to the nearby mountains or beaches a real relaxation.

  for another example, spending an annual holiday travelling abroad is an especially satisfying experience for those who do not have much of an opportunity to be away from their homelands. when people return from their travel, they will generally feel fresh and energetic, ready to work harder.
