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  运动的英文作文 1

  Everyone in our school likes sports. Every morning, after we get up, we do morning exercises. And after the second class, we do exercises again. We only have PE classes twice a week, but we do sports at five every afternoo. We have school basketball, football and volleyball teams, and our teams often have matches with teams from other schools. Besides ball games, some of us like running, jumping and swimmi.


  运动的英文作文 2

  Autumn, the leaves danced in the air, the annual autumn sports meeting in the students look forward to finally began. In the sports meeting in our class performance significantly, totally took four of the first, including so-and-so classmate running that impressed me the most.

  In the red plastic runway only listen to "bang", the athletes as pulling-power arrows, ran forward quickly. At this point, the classmate enclosed a thick wall of wall on both sides of the runway, we continually shouted: "come on! Come on!" , in pieces of "gas" sound, the athletes rush, with one, in a short time, the field has entered the white-hot stage. See so-and-so classmate in our class like tigers down the mountain dumped other athletes, half a circle is to learn the lesson of the last "tortoise and the hare", this time he is not in relax, hands and swinging, casting its legs, ran to the finish. We also enthusiastically for his battle cry: "come on! Come on! Back quickly catch up with you, you must keep the first!" Lest he lightly like last time. Finally, everything comes to him who waits, so-and-so classmate easily won the four hundred meters champion. We cheered, four hundred meters to a burst of warm applause.

  The autumn sports meeting, I can for our class in the last sports meeting pleasure to achieve significant results, also thankful for my own good performance.

  运动的英文作文 3

  My favorite sport is basketball. It looks so cool on TV. I have been crazy about those basketball stars, especially Yao Ming, ever since I was a child. Basketball requires speed, height and skills. All parts of my body are exercised in this sport. Furthermore, basketball is a sport more than just exercising. It is teamwork. No one can play himself. A team should work together. So I learn to cooperate with others in this game. I play basketball twice a week. I make many good friends through this sport.

  运动的英文作文 4

  My name is Wang Wei. I am a boy who loves sports. I especially like ball games.

  I like football, but I don't have football, because football is too difficult, I only watch football games on TV. I also like table tennis and basketball. Playing table tennis is easy for me. I often play table tennis with my classmates after school. Basketball can make people relax, and I think playing basketball is cool, so I often practice playing basketball, I play basketball well.Sports make my body stronger.

  运动的英文作文 5

  The Olympic games are held every four years. The winter Olympics are usually held two years before the summerOlympics. The old Olympic games began around the year 776 B.C. in Greece. After about the year 393 A.D., the Olympic games stopped. The first Olympic games in modern times took place in 1896. 311 compe***s took part in the games. In 1992, more than 8000 compe***s from over 150 different counties went to Barcelona for the 25th Olympics. There were 250 different sports in the games. In Barcelona, the Chinese team got 16 golden metals of which 12 were won by women.


  运动的英文作文 6

  Today, our school held a spring games. Students actively participate catch in the game, a battle of wits. The most interesting will certainly be a teacher-relay, female teachers are all end Zhuangwen Ya, can be one to the game, they also have an workaholic posture, though not run too fast, but also placing the strength of the body, tenacious look no more gentle and good in the classroom.


  运动的英文作文 7

  I like many kinds of sports, such as swimming, running, table-tennis and badminton. But I like running most. Running is a good activity for people to keep healthy and relieve pressures. Besides, it’s very easy for me to running. I can run in the morning or after class. And I can run alone. I don’t have to find a partner to run with me. After running, I always feel good and relaxed. It has become a part of my life.


  运动的英文作文 8

  My favourite sport is playing basketball. I am not good at it.

  I often play basketball with my friends. At school, I can’t play. So I often play after school. I am a member of Sports Club. So I always play there. Playing basketball is fun, and it’s good for my body. It makes me happy.

  I never watch basketball matches on TV, because I don’t want to spend time on this. So I don’t get any heroes.

  This is my favourite sport. Happiness comes from sports, health comes from sports.

  运动的英文作文 9

  when i was young,the body is not good at all,often catch a cold.then i listen to my grandma said:'' exercise can make people healthy.''

  so i began to practice badminton,i practiced for several years,i in those years practice almost a cold,sick,no small trouble.

  i remember once,my mother and i play.the start of the match,a mother of a fly ball,let me be taken by surprise,the first round is completed,i temporarily behind.second i adjust the good mentality,the mother's weakness,defeated the mother.

  after the game,i came back home the sequence of events listen to my father,her father laughed and said:'transport functions bring health and happiness,you know,you can grow up.

  sports can bring people happiness and health.please come here to participate in the movement!

  运动的英文作文 10

  Today is Friday, is also our annual spring sports meeting. We look forward to the stars, look forward to the moon, finally look forward to this day.

  Early in the morning, after eating breakfast we swaggering, saying, take off the bench, with a smile, manly into the playground. The principal, director of sitting on the podium. Is on the playground, square formation shouted loud slogans, what a magnificent spectacle!

  Games began, students scrambling to one hundred meters, two hundred meters is more intense, are afraid of, one is desperate to push! Run four hundred m and eight hundred m classmate run fast, but he was out of breath back. Finally, one of my favorite projects - 4 by one hundred meters relay, the game went well, just arrived at the middle out a little accident, took third place. When everyone around his waist, bow, raised his head, holding the baton, with our hope, we are very excited, very excited. Sure enough, the starting gun rang, the students in our class ran out quickly, each player in front of our eyes flash, ran to the slew a dragon, then great, he turned around, when he reflected, opponents have take this opportunity to run to the front. We can be nasty, heart throbbing with hopping, "wake up"! Although the back of the classmates is doing his best, but still didn't get the first place, this obviously makes everyone feel a little disappointed.

  But it doesn't matter, it's just a games, "friendship first, competition second". Although we didn't get the first place, but the games drew a satisfactory full stop is.




  运动的意义作文 1





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  运动的意义作文 9


  这时,800米比赛开始了。枪声一响,运动员们就像离弦的箭一样冲出了起跑线。在跑前七圈的过程中,选手们的速度都比较慢,但只有我们班的张佳鑫同 学例外。他在前七圈里一直都处于领先地位,但在最后的冲刺阶段却因体力不支而放慢了速度。这时其他同学却都使出了在跑前七圈里积攒的体力,拼命向终点奔 去。看着他落后,同学们都忍不住大喊起来:“加油!加油!。”原本筋疲力尽的他听见后,似乎获得了某种力量一样,又咬牙奋力向终点冲去,最终夺得了第三名 的好成绩。


  运动的意义作文 10



  当鲜艳的***冉冉升起、雄壮的**奏响时,我站在操场中央,感到无比的光荣和自豪!伴随着校长宣布趣味运动会开幕,全场一下子成为了欢乐的海洋,我们欢呼着、跳跃着,尽情享受着这 个幸福、快乐的时光。





  我的清明假期英文作文 1

  Qingming Festival, also known as grave sweeping festival, Guijie, joss Festival, and the Ghost Festival July 15 and October 15 of that section 3 Ha Yuen Ming Festival, and the worship spirits.

  Ching Ming Festival, called Ta-Qing Festival, according to the solar calendar, it is in each of 4 to 6 April between springtime vegetation Tulu is the season, it is also people Spring Outing (Ancient called Ta-Qing) good , so there are the ancient Ching Ming Ta-Qing, and a series of sports practices. March ancient Ching Ming festival is also called, has 20xx years of history.

  For the calendar before the Ching Ming Festival on April 5, is one of the 24 solar terms. In the 24 solar terms, is a cycle is the only Ching Ming festival. Ancient Chinese Tomb Sweeping Festival will be divided into three-designate: "Tong Sihwa designate a second designate voles into losing; Rainbow designate only see three." Means in this first season of Pittosporum open, and then the voles disappeared Hi Yam, all return to the ground floor of the cave, and then see the rainbow after the rain the sky.

  The 24-cycle comparison objectively reflect all year round temperature, rainfall, and other aspects of phenological changes, the ancient working people use it for farming activities. "Huainanzi astronomy lecture," saying: "after the spring equinox on the 15th, fighting means B, Tomb Sweeping Festival to the wind." By the "100-year-old, asked," saying: "At this time of things, are clean and bright, clean. So that the Qingming Festival. "Qingming one that elevated temperature, rainfall increased, it is a good kind of spring for spring plowing season. Therefore, "Qingming around point melon grow beans," "afforestation, Wu Guo Qingming Festival" were made by the farmers. This shows that agricultural production cycle and has maintained close relations.

  However, as the Qingming Festiival, and the cycle has sim*** different. Phenology is the cycle of change, seasonal sequence of signs, and festival includes a certain amount of customs activities and a commemorative significance. Ching Ming Festival is Chinas traditional festival, the most important festival of worship, and the graves of ancestors day. Commonly known as Shangfen graves, a deceased worship activities. Most of the Han nationality and ethnic minorities are in the Ching Ming grave-sweepers. According to the old custom, the graves, people carrying Jiushi fruit, paper money, and other items to the cemetery, food festival with relatives for the tomb, then incineration of paper money for a new graves pui soil, a few Nenlu% of the new sticks planted on the grave , and then kowtowing via worship, eat Jiushi final home. Tang Dynasty poet Du Mus poem "Qingming": "Qingming have rain season, the road to pedestrians powder. Asked by restaurants where? Vaquero Yaozhi Xinghua Village." Wrote the special atmosphere of the Ching Ming Festival. Until today, the Ching Ming Festival worship ancestors, deceased relatives mourning customs are still prevalent.

  我的清明假期英文作文 2

  Today, I got up early in the morning, because grandma said she would take us to the grave today. I'm looking forward to it!

  At 7 am, I set out with everyone. On the way, I saw many people. I asked my mother, "Why are there so many people today?" Mother said: "today's weather is very good. It happens to be Saturday, so many people come to the grave to express their respect and memory for their ancestors." I followed my mother for a long time and finally saw a hill in front of me. Grandma said, "it's right up there. Be careful." I climbed up the mountain and saw the grave we were going to. There are many small bamboos next to the grave. Grandma, they are cleaning up the small bamboos. I also joined their team to clean up with them. For a while, I think my hand hurts a little. At first glance, my hand is broken and shed a little blood. My mother said, "it's all right, man, big husband. This little injury is nothing, isn't it?" I said, "yes, this little injury is no problem." We continued to clean up the little bamboo. After a while, grandma asked us to kowtow. I kowtowed six times. Because my grandfather didn't come to the grave, they said they asked me to kowtow a few more heads as a token of respect. After burning the money and kowtowing, we went down the mountain. When I went down the mountain, I fell and broke my pants. Even so, I was still very happy!

  "During the Qingming Festival, it rains in succession, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. Ask where the restaurant is, and the shepherd boy points to Xinghua village in the distance." Mother said that this poem reflects the natural environment and desolate and sad atmosphere during the Qingming Festival.

  我的清明假期英文作文 3

  Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. My mother, father, sister and brother and I went to Xitian temple to pay tribute to my dear grandfather.

  Spring rain is falling one after another in the sky, as if we are sad about the loss of our loved ones. Along the way, there were many people like us who rushed to the cemetery to pay tribute to their relatives. At this time, I can't help but think of the poem written by Du Mu, "it rains one after another during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls".

  With endless thoughts of Grandpa, we came to Grandpa's tomb. First, my mother wiped the grandfather's portrait engraved on the tombstone with a white paper towel. We cleaned the surroundings of Grandpa's tombstone together. My sister and brother and I put flowers in front of Grandpa's tomb and bowed dee*** to Grandpa three times to express our condolences to him. Finally, mom and dad lit the paper money and ingots they brought and burned them. With the birth of a wisp of smoke, we brought our endless thoughts and greetings to the "heaven". I seem to hear and see the justice in heaven, smiling and saying to me, "good boy, thank you for coming to see me. Grandpa hopes you can study hard and be a useful person to the society in the future." When I grow up, I will make a good contribution to the construction of the motherland

  Dear grandpa, goodbye. We'll visit you again on next year's Tomb Sweeping Day and report my study to you.

  我的清明假期英文作文 4

  A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day; The mourner's heart is going to break on his way. Asking where the restaurant is, the shepherd boy points to Xinghua village in the distance.

  During the Qingming Festival, most of those who come and go on the road come back to worship their ancestors. Some live here, while others come back from afar.

  On this day, my father and I went to the mountain to visit the grave. As usual, there were so many people. So that my father and I stopped and walked for a long time before we came to the tomb of an ancestor. Especially because of the light rain in recent days, some roads on the mountain are muddy and difficult to walk.

  When I came to the tomb of my ancestors, my father brought new paint and re painted some invisible words to make him brighter. Then I cleaned it up with my father. After cleaning it up, I put out all the tributes. The next step is to offer incense as usual, and then pay homage again after a period of time, and then collect the tribute. Like this, my father and I went to worship several other ancestors. It was about 1 p.m. here that the matter was finished.

  My father and I sat in the car. I looked out of the window. It was raining.

  我的清明假期英文作文 5

  At the end of the memorial ceremony, the weather is getting warmer and warmer, and the scene is better. At this time, people feel that they can go everywhere, and the mood is more and more joyful.

  She is a strong woman. That winter, he left her alone and six children. She was thinking that all his children had grown up. They no longer need him to worry. That year he left and went very quietly, even though the world was back to the original one. ...

  This week has a solemn festival, Tomb Sweeping Day. Qingming Festival is a sad and sad day for people to mourn their loved ones, but it is also a happy holiday. During the holidays, we not only made Qingming Festival handwriting, but also followed the customs of Ching Ming, and passed a meaningful Qingming Festival.

  我的清明假期英文作文 6

  Today is the Ching Ming Festival. The ancients said: Qingming season rain have. This is heavy overcast weather, we have a go Ta-Qing Chihu.

  On the way we are going to see that a strong grass and indomitable perseverance, with its staged to greet the spring, not to be outdone, it put on the new green clothes, green flowers in the movie, there is red, there is green, yellow has the ... ... we go for a road, came to a field, the eyes are a feast for the eyes everywhere in gold, stood the rape in high spirits, and for many pearl-like dew-like in the golden slip slide small rolling on ... ... chee lake, willow willow braid a section on green leaves and shoots have decoration, is the first girl more than any jewelry would also like to look good.

  After Chihu cemetery, we can not help but go inside. Looking at the graves of martyrs and watched a wreath of small white flowers looked pure, my mind is not fluctuating. I think many, many: of us happy today, a better life for us by the revolutionary martyrs created, but also with their paid for in blood. So, my mind had an idea: the succession of martyrs want behest, studying strenuously strive to become the pillars of the national construction.

  Next, we went to the yellow folder Ao, the mountains are packed, everyone s face is filled with nostalgic, looking at this picture, my mind, there has been some regret. I hope all my elders a long life and good health.

  我的清明假期英文作文 7

  "In the Qingming season, there is a lot of rain, and the pedestrians on the road want to break their souls." in the Qingming season, when they are sacrificing to their ancestors, their diet is also different. Let me introduce it to you.

  Qingming Festival, also known as the outing Festival and ancestor worship Festival, is generally between April 4 and April 6 of the Gregorian calendar. At this time, the weather temperature rises, and everything is vigorous. The whole land is in spring and Jingming. When it comes to Qingming, the first thing people think of is to sacrifice to ancestors tombs, which is a custom of our Chinese nation that has lasted for thousands of years. At the same time, Qingming is also a good time for outings. At this time, rape flowers are most flourishing. In the bamboo garden, you can see the springing up vitality. The peas are just growing, and the broad beans are blooming The whole land is full of life, especially suitable for outing.

  The particularity of Qingming Festival lies in its diet. The typical one is qingtuan. It makes juice from the green wormwood that has just grown, and then put it together with glutinous rice flour, which can be put into the stuffing for dumplings or other stuffing. Because it is green and round in appearance, it is called qingtuan. And because of the wormwood, even though it is the same as the stuffing for dumplings, it tastes good Its a special flavor.

  I hope that in the coming Qingming, you can feel its unique characteristics and enjoy the delicious food that nature gives back to us.

  我的清明假期英文作文 8

  April 4th is the Tomb-sweeping Day in China, which is one of the most important traditional festivals. The young people will come back home and sweep tomb with their families.

  The meaning of Tomb-sweeping Day is to honor the ancestors and it has more than 2500 years history. Chinese people pay special attention to remember their ancestors, so no matter how far they are, they always know where they are from.

  When they are old, they will return to the place where they are from. It is a good tradition. The sense of belonging makes people feel safe. Whats more, the relationship between relatives makes the whole family become stronger, because people are united by the same ancestors. Thus, they treat each other as families and give support all the time. What a great tradition it is.

  我的清明假期英文作文 9

  The tomb sweeping day is one of the traditional festivals in China. On April 5th, people start to visit their ancestors’ tombs. Generally speaking, people will bring the home-made food, some fake money and paper-made mansion to their ancestors. when they start to honour their ancestor, they will light up some candles and incense, put some flowers around the tombs. The most important thing is to put the home-made food in front of the tombs. The food, also known as sacrifices, is usually made up with a chicken, a fish and some pork. It’s a symbol of the offspring’s respect to the ancestors. People believe that the forbears will share the food with them. The children dedicate the food and money to their forbears in order to show their love and caring. The young offspring will go down on their knees and pray for their ancestors. They can say their wishes in front of the tombs and the ancestors will make their dreams come true.

  In some provinces of China, people use different activities to commemorate this day, for instance, spring-outing, swinging, tree planting and making special food. One special food is Ay Tsao rice balls. It looks like Tang-yuan, but its colour is green. Mix the ay tsao juice with the rice powder, then make it into small balls. The Ay Tsao rice ball is done. People believe that eating ay tsao rice balls can get rid of the bad luck and everything will go smoothly. Other activities such as spring outing, tree planting are the other ways to commemorate the forbears. For one thing, it is a sign that people should look into the future and embrace the hope; for another thing, we do hope our ancestor rest in peace.

  我的清明假期英文作文 10

  On the day of Tomb Sweeping Day, my father asked me to go to Longhua park to worship the dead martyrs. At first, I was a little reluctant. After I went, I felt very meaningful.

  As soon as I entered the park, there were so many people in the park that I was almost out of breath. I strolled around the park. The whole park was full of people. After a few turns, I began to worship the martyrs. Walking to the half of the stairs, there is a Square Pavilion. There are two pots of chrysanthemums next to the two columns at the entrance of the pavilion. There is a huge stone tablet in the center of the pavilion, with several large characters "martyr's name" engraved on the top and dense names in the middle. There are almost 1000 people. I never thought that there would be 1000 martyrs buried here in Longhua park.

  Bypass the Square Pavilion and walk up the stairs. On the top is a stone tablet as big as the monument to the revolutionary heroes in Beijing. The monument is surrounded by wreaths, almost all from primary and secondary schools in Longhua new area. It also includes every kind of wreath, wreath, and wreath of our Longhua Central Primary School. There are big and small wreaths, and some schools are very environmentally friendly. They only buy Foam brands, and then make chrysanthemums with yellow and white paper.

  Beside the stone tablet are the graves of some martyrs. We made a deep bow in front of each martyr's grave. A tall tree grows on the top of the graves of some martyrs. Seeing these martyrs' monuments, they have bought us a better life now. We should cherish our better life now, study hard, and be useful to society in the future.



  我的家乡英文作文 1

  In the southof China, there is a small city---Gaozhou. I was born there. Today, I am telling you about my hometown, which lies in the west of Guangdong province.

  My hometown is not a bigcity but beautiful. On each of the roads, there are some big trees and nice flowers. The roads are also very clean. They make people happy and comfortable. At night,many womengo to park square to dance together. EverytimeI see them, they dance so happy, even I also want to join in them. It has become bright scenery in my hometown.

  The seasons here are also very nice. I like autumn best. It’s neither hot nor cold.However, my hometown is often hit by strong typhoon in summer because my hometown is offshore. That is no doubt that it causes a serious damage and loss inmy hometown after the typhoon.But the people in my hometown would band together to help others, so that my hometown can recover as soon as possible.

  Let me introduce my hometown specialties and customs. Bananas, litchis and longans are the three great specialties in my hometown. Specially, when talking about litchis,peoplecannot help thinking of aancient poetic sentence in China, “Smile appeared on face of Concubine Yang, nobody knew that was because of the litchi.”As you can see, litchis are so popular since ancient times.Every year the local people will

  celebrate a special festival called Nianli in my hometown. When the day arrives, the host will invite many relatives and friends to his home for lunch together. What’s more, all kinds of activities will be held, and people can have a good time on that day.

  There are many other interesting things about my hometown. And I can’t show all to you. In a word, if you want to know more about my hometown, welcome to my hometown. I love my hometown, and I believe you will love it, too.

  我的家乡英文作文 2


  我的家乡英文作文 3

  Welcome to my hometown!

  My home town is a good place .

  It is near a hill. There are many big trees、beautiful flowers and nice food.

  There is a shopping mall in the centre of the town.There are many shops in the shopping mall.Such as: clothes shops ,shoe shops、sports shops and KFC.It also has a park.You can go walking there .You can see green trees and lakes ,too.

  There is little air pollution,because cars can't go into the centre of the town.

  Peple here are very friendly and helpful .

  I think my home town is a wonderful place to live.

  I love my home town!

  我的家乡英文作文 4

  My hometown is a picturesque scenery in the southwest of Chongqing County of Pengshui. My hometown is picturesque scenery, beautiful scenery, four seasons, picturesque.

  Spring is coming, and the willows on the roadside of Binjiang grow green leaves, dancing with the spring breeze in the air. Grass quietly drilled from the earth out, all kinds of flowers bloom, flourish, had a very lively. A variety of birds also came out, chirping in the flowers incessantly, as if welcoming the arrival of the spring girl.

  In an instant, the summer, the leaves of trees more lush. Sun father-in-law also become fiery red, in Wujiang, swimming people are also more up, the summer of Pengshui the most lively, even at night, people busy during the day work, in the evening, they are out. There are more people enjoying the shade on Binjiang road. People love in the river wind, eat ice, relax mood.

  In autumn, the leaves turn yellow in the autumn, the sky is blue, everywhere is golden, all kinds of fruits are ripe, apples, persimmons, pears, luscious fruit. Even the sweet scented osmanthus ran laicourenao, trying to display their charming fragrance. The faces of the people in the hometown were covered with the joy of the harvest.

  In winter, Pengshui is a treasure house. Although it is a bit cold, my hometown will not be too cold. There are some high mountains around the city. Peng Shui City is like a child in the cradle. Occasionally in the mountain can see some snow, Dad would take me up the mountain to pile the snowman, snowball fights, play very happy.

  All the year round, my hometown is very beautiful. My hometown is really beautiful. I love my hometown.

  我的家乡英文作文 5

  In the east of China, there is a small city---Haimen. I was born there. Today, I am telling you about my hometown.

  Haimen is not far from Shanghai. It’s at the mouth of the Changjiang River.

  Haimen is a modern city. There are lots of high buildings in it. Most of us live in flats. We like to live in flats because we can be close to our friends. In the center of Haimen, there are many shops. You can buy some nice things here. Things in most shops aren’t expensive. You can pay a little money and they are yours.

  My hometown is a beautiful city. On each of the roads, there are some big trees and nice flowers. The roads are also very clean. They make people happy and comfortable.

  The seasons here are very nice. I like autumn best. It’s neither hot nor cold. A poem says “Flyer of summer come to my window to sing, then fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, just fall there with a sign.” It’s very cool.I love Haimen. It’s a nice place to live. Welcome to my hometown.

  我的家乡英文作文 6

  My hometown is no strange steep mountains, also does not have the spectacular waterfalls, less famous scenic spots. But in my heart, there is a kind of beauty, a kind of indescribable beauty. A kind of elegant and not common, expensive and not every beauty; The beauty of a deep-rooted, never die; Let me is most lasting. Hometown is born I keep my place, where there is my familiar homeland; I have loved ones; My childhood, I have wonderful memories.

  Home, seems to be inclusive, and then when I was frustrated, it let me enjoy the catharsis; I am happy again, it let me sing; When I was a success, it warns me proud; When I was a failure, it encouraged me don't be discouraged. As long as in my hometown, a smile, a concern greetings, sincere encouragement, can let a person feel incomparable happiness; As long as in my hometown, a bunch of beautiful flowers, a wisp of thick tender feelings, a sympathetic regrets, can let people comprehend the true meaning of personal. It found that, hometown is so warm.

  Hometown, is a boating shelter, faced with difficulties, it will sincerely accept you; Home, is an umbrella when it rains, when meet danger, it will take you to keep out; Home, is one of the long drought desert on pools, twinkle when you're cornered, it also in silently for you encouragement, come on, let the sentence "all road, away from her" become a reality; Home was a sea of light, when you don't know the direction, it is right in front of guidance for you.

  Home, sounds so nice. It is standing behind me in silence the backer, is when I hunger meal, is when I was ill, plaster, is the warmth of my mind most deep place. Home of the patch, ever let me step, it is so smooth. The silk hometown trickle, ever let me drink, it's so sweet. Hometown of the food, feed I grew up, it is so sweet.

  Don't say mountain, located in the hometown of the water, don't talk about hometown more people who do not speak hometown, alone home, can let a person silent.

  我的家乡英文作文 7

  Welcome to my hometown!

  Haimen is my hometown. It is a modern and busy town. It has a long history. There are many big supermarkets, beautiful gardens and good factories here. It is very easy to go shopping. You can see green hills, big trees and nice flowers. There are many restaurants in Haimen. You can enjoy Haimen goat. It tastes very delicious. Many visitors come here to enjoy it.

  There are many good places to visit. There is a park and a big Shopping Mall. You can see films in Renmin Theatre.

  My school is one of the best schools in my hometown. It is on Changjiang Road. It is very beautiful. I hope you can come and visit soon.

  我的家乡英文作文 8

  My hometown is in the water, which is my closest place, there is the green trees and the flowers.

  My hometown has mountains and water. Although the mountain has no lushan, the water doesn't have the clarity of the li river, but I think my hometown is still lovely.

  See the mountain on the left, not high, but there is something special about him. He was like a hunched old man lying on the ground on a sunny day, and the tree on the hill was like a coat covering his whole body. It was foggy, only to see the top of his mountain, like the clouds dragging a green hat and flying around, as if it were going to fall.

  There is a bamboo forest behind my grandmother's house. Don't look at them asthin as they are, as if they can't afford to wind and rain. The more the wind blowsthe snow, the more spirit they become, the more beautiful they are, they are like the border guards, the fortitude.

  Next to grandma's house, there is a stream, which is full of flowers and flowers. Sometimes there was a drummer in the stream -- the frog's voice. It's like the fish dance, the frogs accompany, the flowers and flowers are on the stage, and if you're lucky, you'll see the crawfish. They usually play in three or four groups. Sometimesstopped on mossy moss. Don't mess with it, its pliers are more than enough for you!

  My hometown is my second mother, I suck the air in my hometown, drink the water from my hometown, let me grow up from the little girl. I love you, beautiful hometown!

  我的家乡英文作文 9

  I am living there from my birth. Chuzhou is in the province of Anhui. Compared with Nanjing, it is small but beantiful,which is located in the eastern Su Wan border region.

  Chuzhou is an ancient city with a long history. Built in 589AD, numerous changes have taken place in Chuzhou through its vast history. Yet, in spite of repeated devastation, the city is still seated exactly on the original site ,which is indeed an instance rarely found in the world. The unique characteristics of the past are still retained in present-day Chuzhou. In the course of the history of China, it has been a metropolis of industry and commerce in the north-eastern Anhui.

  Chuzhou is conveniently located on the Jinghu Railway linking Shanghai and Beijing, to both of which there is 2- hourly railway service. Chuzhou South Railway Station is among the busiest passenger stations in China, having more than40 trains stopping daily. T-Trains only take 20 minutes to Nanjing and an hour and half to Shanghai.

  Chuzhou is located in water net, street according to river and then set up, the land-and-water proceeds together; you can find the special appearance of the small bridges, flowing water, the old-fashioned houses, the beautiful lakes with undulating hills. There is little pollution. Air is fresh and street is clean. Chuzhou is famous as a scenic tourist city.

  Langya Mountain contributes to the province's great scenery, as the national key scenic area, national forest parkZuiweng Pavilion for the four most famous pavilions was built in the northern Song Dynasty periods ,one of the eight people by the Tng and Song Dynasty named Ouyang xiu and from the zuiweng pavilion. Langya is famous for its mountains, Ouyang xiu all by zuiweng pavilion, as well as the Song Dynasty in the writing of masterpiece the zuiweng pavilio

  Come on! I urge you to dig a little deeper, and experience classic Chuzhou. I believe the city’s fantastic features and classic lifestyle is unmatched in China. It is

  worth visiting and experiencing. I wish you can choose the city as your vacation destination.

  我的家乡英文作文 10

  My hometown is magical and beautiful, there are ancient buildings, beautiful legends, there are the famous apple.

  My hometown is located in Chengcheng County of Shaanxi Province, there is a temple in the east of the County Street sophisticated Cultural Square, now has more than 1200 years of history, like Hangzhou's Lei Feng tower in shape. In the West Street of the county seat, there is an old musical building full of bells. As long as there is a little breeze, the sound of Ding Ding can be heard. It sounds melodious and mysterious, and now it is also a national key cultural relic protection building. From the village five km east of the county side, legend in the past period of time every day in the morning to see at a bustling city, in the sun out of sight, then people called the village of “ no &rdquo studios;. North thirty-two kilometers away from the county, and the shape of a teapot tishan, a surging Changning River, because there is water, also became a play we children often go to summer vacation.

  In the autumn, apple orchard in the near mature season, apple fragrance garden variety approached, gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind, apple covered with branches, there are red, green banana, field marshal, Qin Guan, Fuji, there are many I do not call on the varieties of fruit. Especially Fuji is apple, just let people drool with envy, it leather book crisp, big and round, red delicious, sweet and sour bite, and Kaiweixiaoshi function! My hometown is famous for its apples, so it is called the hometown of apples.

  I love my hometown, I love my hometown and hardworking people. When I grow up, I must make my hometown more beautiful!



  爱运动的爸爸作文 1





  爱运动的爸爸作文 2







  爱运动的爸爸作文 3




  爱运动的爸爸作文 4





  爱运动的爸爸作文 5






  爱运动的爸爸作文 6



  回家以后,我问爸爸: “踢球累不累?”爸爸笑着说:踢球是锻炼身体呀.”我顿时明白了爸爸为什么爱运动了。

  爱运动的爸爸作文 7





  爱运动的爸爸作文 8



  爱运动的爸爸作文 9





  爱运动的爸爸作文 10







  春季运动作文 1











  春季运动作文 2








  春季运动作文 3






  春季运动作文 4







  春季运动作文 5







  春季运动作文 6





  春季运动作文 7








  春季运动作文 8





  春季运动作文 9





  春季运动作文 10



  我们二年级有三项比赛,第一项是30米迎面接力、第二项是赶珠接力、第三项是背对背夹球, 我三项比赛都参加了。







  开心运动会作文 1








  开心运动会作文 2






  开心运动会作文 3






  开心运动会作文 4






  开心运动会作文 5













  开心运动会作文 6





  开心运动会作文 7





  开心运动会作文 8





  开心运动会作文 9



  我们先参加了滚轮胎比赛。规则是每个家庭三个人每人滚一次,谁先到达终点,用的时间最短谁就赢了。轮到我们家庭时, 我先滚,滚啊滚,别人在旁喊加油,我慢了点,第二个是妈妈,她差一点就追上了,第三个是爸爸,爸爸跑了一半,想节约时间,一时用力过猛,失去重心,爸爸摔了一跤。旁边的人连裁判也坚起大拇指称赞他。有这样一个爸爸我心里感到很自豪。



  开心运动会作文 10









  英文老师自我介绍 1

  ello! My name is XX, XX Normal University, is a 201x graduate. Graduation has taught more than a year. Have long teaching experience gained! Lively and outgoing personality, nice, treat people in good faith, understanding, strong language skills and communication skills; diligent, strong and determined, serious and responsible work, down to earth, patient, attentive, careful thinking, have become teachers the basic quality and potential.

  Determined to be a teacher since childhood, college entrance examination chosen university, is not only a solid basic knowledge of mathematics, but also on the accumulation of educational theory and practice, especially during the internship period, absorbing the best teaching experience of teachers, and students from morning till evening in the day, and more loving education.

  With self-learning and research capacity in × × × University graduate student during a more thorough understanding of mathematical knowledge. Believe they will be both professional research and teaching skills of educational personnel.

  英文老师自我介绍 2

  I am a third year master major in automation at shanghai jiao tong university, p。 r。 china。 with tremendous interest in industrial engineering, i am writing to ap*** for acceptance into your ph。d。 graduate program。

  英文老师自我介绍 3




  现在,我就要步入社会。富于理想,勇于实践的我;亲*自然,游历丰富的我;崇尚知识,喜欢探索的我,想实现自己的价值,回报社会,体现现代 英语 教师的风采。“江河不厌小溪,方有其波涛滚滚;高山不厌其碎石,才有其巍峨雄伟。”因此,我诚挚地希望加入贵校这支教书育人的精英队伍,在未来的日子里,与教师携手共进,为教育创一份美好的明天而尽一份心力!


  英文老师自我介绍 4

  my name is i woulld like to ap*** for this job of english teacher for children.

  my plan for the furture is that i would like to stay with children and share the moments in their lives and provide them with helpful advice. making friends with them and letting them feel you are the one they can talk and trust.plus i like english very much.with this idea,i want to combine my love for children with my ability of english together,so i can work in a pleasant environment doing the great things i enjoy doing.

  i consider myself with rich potential of qualitying out as a good english teacher.i have a heart for children,a loving and caring heart.and i would certainly place it upon my students,being their close friend and sister.while with my creative and relaxing english teaching method,students would learn english through interacting with me or the others instead of being told what to say.

  i am also very open-minded and easy-going,which will make myself a popular figure everywhere.and of course i am very much the type of the girl next door.always willing to take in suggestions and create a fun classroom for our next generation.

  i believe ive said quite enough of myself. i hope you now know more about me than just now. i would certainly cherish this job and get along very well with all people out here.i thank you very much again for giving me this opportunity to talk with you.

  i look forward to hearing good news from you soon.

  thank you !

  英文老师自我介绍 5








  英文老师自我介绍 6

  Please allow me to introduce myself in a minute。 My name is Han Meimei, graduated from Normal University Department of English majors, has now been speaking

  Level six level。

  I am steady, practical work hard, have a strong team spirit, diligent, hard―working, obedience to superior orders to listen to

  From the command。 During the school actively participate in various activities, for three consecutive years as a member of the study, business English writing ability, had a brief

  English teaching experience。

  In class, I encourage students to voice their opinions and to approach to the way of learning English, because I think that learning is a kind of personalized

  Process。 Everyone should become a critical thinker in my class, I want to be a good teacher in the true sense of the。 Iam not the traditional

  Teacher。 I think in my classroom English teaching reform。 I hope I can do something to change the present situation of English teaching。

  Finally, I hope that their personal expertise in English teachers post, contribute to the cause of education。

  英文老师自我介绍 7

Good morning everyone:

  My name isYJBYS, the new English teacher of this class. Nice to meet all of you! It is really a great honor to have this opportunity to talk with you. I hope we can communicate happily and have a good day. Now, let me introduce myself briefly.

  I graduated from Zaozhuang University and I majored in biology. So I am not a professional English teacher, But I am very interested in English. And the knowledge and skills I learned in school are useful in teaching, although I have no experience in teaching and managing a class. Of course, I am so young that I might make some mistakes in the future, and I hope you can give me advice as possible as you can.

  Being a teacher here is excited. Having thought for a long time, I think I am fit for this career, because of my educational experience and my character, Most of all, I like children and I like this job. I believe that interest is the best teacher, and I will try my best to raise the interest of the children in learning.

  In my work, I will try my best. I always believe working hard can bring us more opportunities. To be the best one is a little bit hard, but “Trying All My Best.” always can cheer me up. To succeed or fail is not the only thing. As long as we did, we will not regret. Someday when we turn back for what the footprint we have left, time will record the victory in our heart. So, “Trying All My Best” is the motto of mine.

  I believe that we will get along well and I sincerely hope we can be good friends.

  Ok! So much! Thank you!

  英文老师自我介绍 8

  My name is Sun Zhili, a dubbing service provider for commercial advertisements.

  7 years ago, as a Chinese who had never been abroad before, I started this job by chance. At that time, I was so young, and so unconfident. And now 7 years have passed. Ive spoken for about five thousand brands from aroud the world.They are from America, Euope, Japan and my own country. I dramatized their brand stories with my voice and my English.

  As my foothold in this trade become secure, my ways of English learning are wanted to be shared by more and more people. And this is why I am now speaking for my own brand.

  From now on, Tianya English will introduce a series of training programs for efficenetly improving your speaking and listening ability. Please trust me that the ways was useful to me. They will be the same to you. Tianya English, for the best of us.

  英文老师自我介绍 9

  Please allow me to introduce myself in a minute。 My name is Han Meimei, graduated from Normal University Department of English majors, has now been speaking

  Level six level。

  I am steady, practical work hard, have a strong team spirit, diligent, hard—working, obedience to superior orders to listen to

  From the command。 During the school actively participate in various activities, for three consecutive years as a member of the study, business English writing ability, had a brief

  English teaching experience。

  In class, I encourage students to voice their opinions and to approach to the way of learning English, because I think that learning is a kind of personalized

  Process。 Everyone should become a critical thinker in my class, I want to be a good teacher in the true sense of the。 Iam not the traditional

  Teacher。 I think in my classroom English teaching reform。 I hope I can do something to change the present situation of English teaching。

  Finally, I hope that their personal expertise in English teachers post, contribute to the cause of education。

  英文老师自我介绍 10




  现在,我就要步入社会。富于理想,勇于实践的我;亲*自然,游历丰富的我;崇尚知识,喜欢探索的我,想实现自己的价值,回报社会,体现现代 英语 教师的风采。“江河不厌小溪,方有其波涛滚滚;高山不厌其碎石,才有其巍峨雄伟。”因此,我诚挚地希望加入贵校这支教书育人的精英队伍,在未来的日子里,与教师携手共进,为教育创一份美好的明天而尽一份心力!




  地震慰问信英文 1

  Dear victims,

  A week ago, I was shocked at the news about the earthquake in Yushu.

  And I’m very sorry to hear that this earthquake was the greatest disaster after 1949. And there are 40075 people who are found dead in the disaster till now and there have been more than 500 million people who are homeless. The floor was ripped through, many blocks and houses were seriously damaged, and even were as flat as a pancake. I’m dee*** moved by the volunteers and the international rescue teams who are in the frontline. I, standing for my school, comfort your victims and survivors with our warm heart. Moreover, we contribute a large amount of money to you. And our school will try our best to help you. Last but not the least, I hope we all have the confidence to rebuild your home after the disaster.

  Only when we have the perseverance can we defeat the natural disaster. Good luck and best wishes to you!

  Yours sincerely

  地震慰问信英文 2

  When I learned you there after the earthquake collapsed houses, roads are cut off, very serious personal injury news from the rear, very sad. I know that the great earthquake brought you great disaster. We are now in school, and you are displaced, and some even further pressure in the rubble, waiting for rescue. Do not lose heart, our country will try our best to help you tide over the difficulties and rebuild their homes. I also gave a meager mind, gave a love. You should know that the earthquake no mercy. While some of you became an orphan, no home, but by the help of the community, you can certainly past this difficulty。

  地震慰问信英文 3

Dear victims,

  A week ago,I was shocked at the news about the earthquake in Yushu。

  And I’m very sorry to hear that this earthquake was the greatest disaster after 1949。 And there are 40075 people who are found dead in the disaster till now and there have been more than 500 million people who are homeless。 The floor was ripped through,many blocks and houses were seriously damaged,and even were as flat as a pancake。 I’m dee*** moved by the volunteers and the international rescue teams who are in the frontline。 I,standing for my school,comfort your victims and survivors with our warm heart。 Moreover,we contribute a large amount of money to you。 And our school will try our best to help you。 Last but not the least,I hope we all have the confidence to rebuild your home after the disaster。

  Only when we have the perseverance can we defeat the natural disaster。 Good luck and best wishes to you!

  Yours sincerely

  地震慰问信英文 4

  Dear MaryAre you better now? We are very concern about you. When we heard you hurt in a car accident, we were sad and some of the girls were full of tears. But luckily you were not badly hurt. We will go and see you after school and please don't be nervous and worry about you study. We will help you with your lessons. You'd better follow the doctors advice so that you will be better soon. Yours

  Dear Same: I am dee*** grieved to hear that that the accident you got in , and I am sorry about your hurted leg, and now you should go into the hospital and take a few days. At the same time,I want to send you my best wishes for your quick return to good health., and that you will soon be out and about again. With kind regards,Yours sincerely,John

  地震慰问信英文 5

Dear victims,

  The earthquake which happened one month ago in Qinghai province is an enormous disaster for our whole nation。 It has caused both financial and life loss。

  Until now,fifty thousand people lost their lives due to the earthquake and many more were injured seriously。 Five million people have no homes to return as the majority of the buildings were collapsed We are sorry about this accident。 It’s a pity that many children lost their parents and many couples lost their lovers。 I could not help but cry when hearing of the moving stories that happened during the disaster。

  Our whole nation is a big family;every member would like to give a helping hand to the people who suffered from the earthquake。 We must show our warm―heartedness and make donations to the stricken area so that their broken heart can be warmed。 A series of actions has been taken since the earthquake happened。

  I believe the stricken area will soon be restored with the soldiers and other warm―hearted people’s help。 The future will be bright,cheer up!

  Yours sincerely

  地震慰问信英文 6

Dear victims,

  A powerful earthquake hit your hometown,Yushu in Qinghai province month ago。 It is also a terrible natural disaster for our whole nation。 It has caused both financial and life loss。 Until now,approximately seventy thousand people lost their lives due to the earthquake and much more were injured seriously。

  Six million people have no homes to return as the majority of the buildings were collapsed。 These days we keep watching the staggering deathroll and hearing the heart—wrenching stories from the Yushu earthquake。 We are so much saddened that many children lost their parents and many couples lost their lovers。 I could not help but cry when hearing of the moving stories that happened during the disaster。 And we are so much touched by the true outpouring of effort and emotion from all over the country。 You are not alone and you won’t feel lonely。 Our whole nation is a big family,and every member would like to give a helping hand by all means,such as donating money,time,energy and blood to the people in the stricken area。

  We,1。3 billion Chinese people shed the same tear sharing the same hopes。 A series of actions has been taken since the earthquake happened。 A majority of Chinese people are doing whatever they can to lend a hand。 I believe,with the assistance of people in all walks of life,your after—disaster reconstruction will be dealt with at a fantastic speed。 The stricken area will soon be restored。 And I hope you can pull yourself together and muster up courage to face the future。 We will overcome any difficulty,because we are Chinese。 Ten thousand people beat everything with a single undying heart"。

  Try to look on the bright side of things。 The future will be bright,cheer up!

  Yours sincerely

  地震慰问信英文 7



  Dear victims,

  The earthquake which happened one month ago in Qinghai province is an enormous disaster for our whole nation. It has caused both financial and life loss.

  Until now, fifty thousand people lost their lives due to the earthquake and many more were injured seriously. Five million people have no homes to return as the majority of the buildings were collapsed We are sorry about this accident. It’s a pity that many children lost their parents and many couples lost their lovers. I could not help but cry when hearing of the moving stories that happened during the disaster.

  Our whole nation is a big family; every member would like to give a helping hand to the people who suffered from the earthquake. We must show our warm-heartedness and make donations to the stricken area so that their broken heart can be warmed. A series of actions has been taken since the earthquake happened.

  I believe the stricken area will soon be restored with the soldiers and other warm-hearted people’s help. The future will be bright, cheer up!

  Yours sincerely



  Dear victims,

  A week ago, I was shocked at the news about the earthquake in Yushu.

  And I’m very sorry to hear that this earthquake was the greatest disaster after 1949. And there are 40075 people who are found dead in the disaster till now and there have been more than 500 million people who are homeless. The floor was ripped through, many blocks and houses were seriously damaged, and even were as flat as a pancake. I’m dee*** moved by the volunteers and the international rescue teams who are in the frontline. I, standing for my school, comfort your victims and survivors with our warm heart. Moreover, we contribute a large amount of money to you. And our school will try our best to help you. Last but not the least, I hope we all have the confidence to rebuild your home after the disaster.

  Only when we have the perseverance can we defeat the natural disaster. Good luck and best wishes to you!

  Yours sincerely


  Dear victims,

  A powerful earthquake hit your hometown, Yushu in Qinghai province month ago. It is also a terrible natural disaster for our whole nation. It has caused both financial and life loss. Until now, approximately seventy thousand people lost their lives due to the earthquake and much more were injured seriously.

  Six million people have no homes to return as the majority of the buildings were collapsed. These days we keep watching the staggering deathroll and hearing the heart-wrenching stories from the Yushu earthquake. We are so much saddened that many children lost their parents and many couples lost their lovers. I could not help but cry when hearing of the moving stories that happened during the disaster. And we are so much touched by the true outpouring of effort and emotion from all over the country. You are not alone and you won’t feel lonely. Our whole nation is a big family, and every member would like to give a helping hand by all means, such as donating money, time, energy and blood to the people in the stricken area.

  We, 1.3 billion Chinese people shed the same tear sharing the same hopes. A series of actions has been taken since the earthquake happened. A majority of Chinese people are doing whatever they can to lend a hand. I believe, with the assistance of people in all walks of life, your after-disaster reconstruction will be dealt with at a fantastic speed. The stricken area will soon be restored. And I hope you can pull yourself together and muster up courage to face the future. We will overcome any difficulty, because we are Chinese. Ten thousand people beat everything with a single undying heart".

  Try to look on the bright side of things. The future will be bright, cheer up!

  Yours sincerely


  地震慰问信英文 8

  Dear :

  I’m really sorry to learn from the TV and radio that your country is experiencing a hard time.

  A serious earthquake and tsunami has done great damage to your beautiful country and has even cost many people their precious lives. However, what *** is how to stand to stand up again bravely after the great fall.

  From the Internet and newspaper, I’ve known a lot about your not-so-easy life. You have to liave your previous home and quit your study. But what has impressed me most is that you firmly believe your government will solve the country crisis immediately.

  Living in the temporary shelters, you line up quietly to get your food without any complaints or conflicts, waiting for the rescue team to come. Brave citizens as you are, I’m firmly convinced that you will fight against the natural disaster and rebuild your homeland.

  Don’t be afraid. Don’t be sad. We, the whole world, are on your side. Bear in mind that “Tomorrow is another day.” And all the grief and hardship will finally pass by.

  By the way, it will be my pleasure if I can do something to hipe you with your study or life. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.


  地震慰问信英文 9

  Dear Tom,

  What a surprise to me it was when the news came that you failed in the Entrance Examination to college. You have always worked hard in school. In the final examination, you have distinguished yourself with honor. Your failure is not your own fault, I am sure.

  Those who have real knowledge may fail in the examination if chance is against them. I hope you won't take this to heart and will get ready to try again.

  地震慰问信英文 10

Dear victims,

  A powerful earthquake hit your hometown,Yushu in Qinghai province month ago。 It is also a terrible natural disaster for our whole nation。 It has caused both financial and life loss。 Until now,approximately seventy thousand people lost their lives due to the earthquake and much more were injured seriously。

  Six million people have no homes to return as the majority of the buildings were collapsed。 These days we keep watching the staggering deathroll and hearing the heart―wrenching stories from the Yushu earthquake。 We are so much saddened that many children lost their parents and many couples lost their lovers。 I could not help but cry when hearing of the moving stories that happened during the disaster。 And we are so much touched by the true outpouring of effort and emotion from all over the country。 You are not alone and you won’t feel lonely。 Our whole nation is a big family,and every member would like to give a helping hand by all means,such as donating money,time,energy and blood to the people in the stricken area。

  We,1。3 billion Chinese people shed the same tear sharing the same hopes。 A series of actions has been taken since the earthquake happened。 A majority of Chinese people are doing whatever they can to lend a hand。 I believe,with the assistance of people in all walks of life,your after―disaster reconstruction will be dealt with at a fantastic speed。 The stricken area will soon be restored。 And I hope you can pull yourself together and muster up courage to face the future。 We will overcome any difficulty,because we are Chinese。 Ten thousand people beat everything with a single undying heart"。

  Try to look on the bright side of things。 The future will be bright,cheer up!

  Yours sincerely
