如何处理压力英语作文 (菁华5篇)

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  Stress is a state of being upset that happens when we are under pressure. Both our feelings and our bodies get upset. We can even get emotionally and physically sick if we have too much stress for too long.

  Stress can come at us from every direction. For instance, it can come from fights with other people. It can come when we have too many things to do and too little time to do them. It can also come when we do not have enough money to pay for what we want.

  Since stress can make us sick, we have to learn how to deal with it. There are good ways and bad ways to do so. We should deal with stress in good ways, of course. Good ways to cut down on stress include changing our lifestyles. For example, we can learn either to get along with people or to stay away from them. We can decide what to do now, what to do later, and what to leave off doing forever. We can also figure out how to get money or we can cut down on what we want.

  We should not deal with stress in bad ways because bad ways to cut down on stress just lead to more troubles, for example, skipping out and leaving our work undone, blaming our problems on someone else, stealing or cheating.






  Hello, boys and girls!

  Pressure is a serous problem in today's world.Students in our class are under too much pressure.some students cannot get on well with their classmates while others may worry about their exams.

  I am always under pressure, too. My parent want me to be the top student in my class. So they send me to all kinds of after-classes on weekends. Last Monday evening. I had a talk with my mom. I told her, "I was not lazy. I really felt tired. I need some time to relax."My mom agreed with me at last. So i think a conversation with parents is necessary to solve the problem. That's all. Thanks a lot.


  The sands are not stone, but the pressure is lacking. It seems that stress is not all bad, in a sense, seize the force is a catalyst, it can push people motivated, work hard, it can promote the rise of a country, a nation and even took off, it can make impossible miracle.

  Cornell university has made such an experiment, they put a frog suddenly thrown into boiling oil, at this time the key to survival, the frog was his record, jump out of the pan, and safety. After a while, they put the frog in full

  In the pot of water, the frog swims at ease. At this point, they quietly from the heating under the pot, until the frog detect water temperature increase life-threatening, it is not the power of the leap, only in bottom of the pot.

  The miracle of the frog "oil" is shocking and has to be admired for its ability to survive. But what is more impressive is that the frog swims in the water and turns to the bottom of the pot. People are feeling about the frog and whether they think of themselves. Mencius said, 'born in trouble, died in peace.' The implication is that you should have a sense of worry, and that you will not be addicted to it. The frog escapes from the dead, and is buried in the bottom of the pot, and tells us that if there is no sense of worry, it will be blindfolded and will not move forward. Only by having a sense of worry, can the pressure be driven. Break through the prison of amle, break out of the jam, and walk bravely.


  Because of the high developing speed of the world, pressure has bee a serious problem in nowadays. As our students, we also have to face with much pressure, such as the study pressure, exam pressure,relationship pressure and so on. But how can we cope with pressure? This is the most important.

  Firstly, we should face the pressure appropriately. Pressure is inevitable in our daily life, so we can't be afraid of them and try our best to cope with them. Secondly, tell our pressure to others. Talking is a very effective way to ease pressure, and during the talking, we may get some suggestions and solutions.

  Finally, trust ourselves. We should believe ourselves that we can deal with any troubles by ourselves or by others' help.


  We have recently held a class meeting to discuss the pressure upon everyone of us Senior Three students. At the meeting everyone expressed their own opinions on how to get relieved from pressure.

  Pressure es from all around: from the heavy load of learning, from the fierce petition, from teachers, and from parents. Pressure may affect our studies if there’s too much of it. However, if taken positively, a certain amount of pressure may help push us ahead.

  Whenever I find there’s too much pressure, I choose to work out or listen to some light music, which seems to be quite effective. There are many approaches to getting oneself relieved when pressure accumulates. I strongly remend that when you feel much too stressed, you stop whatever you are doing, get out into the open, take a deep breath, and start thinking of something positive.

如何处理压力英语作文 (菁华5篇)扩展阅读

如何处理压力英语作文 (菁华5篇)(扩展1)


  如何处理压力英语作文 1

  In the present society, with the exploration of human needs, pursuit and desire, human beings have pushed the life together. But most people can not follow the evolution of the joint, will feel the pressure of life, to the life of the roll!

  Don't always want to finish much more work than you can do, because one day, you will feel depressed because of less work done than planned. Only to increase your own pressure. You should try to improve this situation now. Relying on your own ability to plete the workload, so that you will not be disappointed by the pletion of the work that is less than the plan. People should hold this kind of mentality: do one thing no matter what, because of difficult to achieve perfection, in the work, to show their talent, to play their own potential, not because of the existence of self humble causal work.

  In the final ***ysis, in the final ***ysis is to survive, in order to meet the needs of life! That is to meet the desires of the individual!

  I think all the origin is a place of "mon human heart"! It can dilute the evolution and sublimation of all of you! What do you think of it, what is it! Oh, can make you a lifetime of pain, also can let the happy life! As long as we do it, how to live through share it, how to drive it, only you can clear direction, you need to test your life infiltration surrounding environment to identify and travel!

  If you have to accept the truth, what has happened can't be changed. No matter what you do wrong, you turn it into a small thing, hehe, relative to life is just a small thing. Let it be the story of the past, it can also be a lesson to remember! But you must remember that the unfortunate story must not be allowed to play again. Do not weigh anything to life, everything is a thing of life, life is not brought, death does not go. It's not worth doing that, only you know the best. For things to take it up and put it down, can take temporary setbacks. Looking for a best balance point to carry to scratch your heart, with the "lost" to do the balance! You will lose, lose win, gain and loss, loss is too lazy to human survival interlocking protocol is! You can never keep off the saturation state, is a new idea, the pursuit of!

  You can't be too greedy, everything is just a passing traveller. A flower world, you have to take its process, use it to dilute your life for a period of time, it can not be two days in the world is the same. You have to know that everything will have the precious and unreflux time of your life, and don't have too much demand, and you can't overdo yourself too much. All things have a moderate, more than moderate you will be troubled by the outside world, natural will bee a load! To learn "know Stop" "contentment". How to release pressure, relieve pressure, and more importantly, how to relieve pressure, alleviate the need for a certain process, everything is how you do it, so as to ease the pressure in your heart. Other people are only the role of guidance, so you do what you like, what you should do!

  如何处理压力英语作文 2

  ncreased stress results in increased productivity--up to a point. However,this level differs for each of us. It's very much like the stress on a violinstring. Not enough produces a dull. harsh sound. Too much makes sharp, annoyingnoir, or causes the string to snap. However, just the right degree can createmagnificent tones. Similarly, we all need to find the proper level of stressthat promotes optimal performance, and enables us to make harmonious music. Goodhealth is more than just the absence of illness. Rather, it is a very robuststate of physical and emotional well being that acknowledges the importance andinseparability of mind/body relationships. In the next program. I hope you willjoin me in the pursuit of learning how to exploit stress, so that it can workfor you. and make you more productive, rather than self-destructive.

  如何处理压力英语作文 3

  Stress comes in all shapes and size, and has become pervasive, it seems topenetrate everything and everybody, it's hard to get through a day withouthearing or reading something about stress. Some doctors refer to stress as somekind of new plague. However, numerous surveys confirm that the problemhas progressively risen since the 1980s. Why all the disorder? After all, stresshas been around since Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden, Stress is anunavoidable consequence of life. Without stress, there would be no life.However, just as distress can caw disease, there are good stresses that balancethis, and promote wellness.

  如何处理压力英语作文 4

  There are a lot of counselors in counseling that reflect stress, and the strings in your head are so tight that you can't relax. It is understood that stress comes from the heart, which leads to overburden when it comes to its own expectations. External and internal pressure, the psychological symptoms, the mental not relaxed, the restlessness, the tolerance difference.

  With stress, you need to learn to relax.

  The best and simplest way is to take a deep breath. Breathe dee*** and slowly, do 10 to 20 minutes, and slow down your actions, which can be accomplished by a pause. When the mood is calm, start again.

  Music relaxes. Through the vibrations of sound waves, the music is a chemical catalyst that changes the endocrine and relaxes the mind. Listen to music. Be excited. Listen to the quiet music. Gloominess, listen to the gloominess of music, and then listen to the happy music. When feeling depressed, listen to "the symphony of destiny" and rock music. To listen to the classical music, which is easy, smooth and melodious. When listening to music relax, try to keep an uninterrupted view of it.

  Do a good job and a break. Separate your work hours from your breaks, don't want to work on weekends, sleep, and rest.

  Cognitive intervention, to explain things to give positive or neutral, dissolve the pressure from the deep heart's core, adjust the expectations, the interested look a bit pale, satisfaction, a little bit stronger. You might as well look down. Social competition is intense, the psychological pressure big, want to learn more, in the life, pay, status, might as well choose people are lower than himself, that it is easier for comparative psychological balance and gain relative satisfaction, or lower your own expectations, on the contrary, it is easier for psychological imbalances and feel sense of relative deprivation. As the saying goes, it makes sense to take a step back. If life is a piece of piano, if it is always high, it will not sound like that. If it's low, maybe it's a sweet piece of music

  如何处理压力英语作文 5

  Stress is a state of being upset that happens when we are under pressure. Both our feelings and our bodies get upset.


  We can even get emotionally and physically sick if we have too much stress for too long. Stress can come at us from every direction. For instance, it can come from fights with other people. It can come when we have too many things to do and too little time to do them. It can also come when we do not have enough money to pay for what we want. Since stress can make us sick, we have to learn how to deal with it. There are good ways and bad ways to do so. We should deal with stress in good ways, of course. Good ways to cut down on stress include changing our lifestyles. For example, we can learn either to get along with people or to stay away from them. We can decide what to do now, what to do later, and what to leave off doing forever.


  We can also figure out how to get money or we can cut down on what we want. We should not deal with stress in bad ways because bad ways to cut down on stress just lead to more troubles, for example, skipping out and leaving our work undone, blaming our problems on someone else, stealing or cheating.


如何处理压力英语作文 (菁华5篇)(扩展2)


  如何处理亚健康英语作文 1

  Its important for us to be healthy all our life.We cant study or work well without healthy body.

  Therere many ways to keep healthy. First of all, we should keep taking exercises every day. We can walk to school instead of taking a bus. After school, we can spend an hour playing ball games.

  If we live in a high-rise,we can walk upstairs or downstairs. Second, we should have a balanced diet. Finally, we must remember: Early to bed, early to rise is the way to keep healthy, wealthy and wise.



  如何处理亚健康英语作文 2

  Here are some suggestions to keep healthy. Firstly, we should keep a good mood. Keeping a good mood can make us healthy and wealthy. Secondly, we should have enough sleep every day. Don't stay up late at night and get up early in the morning. Thirdly, we should develop a good eating habit, namely eating more fresh fruits and green vegetables, less meat and no junk food. Besides, make sure that eat at regular intervals. In addition, we should change our clothes as the season goes. What’s more, when we are at home, we should open the windows to keep the air clean. Last but not least, do the exercise every day to strengthen our health. Do please pay attention to these points, keeping a healthy body.


  如何处理亚健康英语作文 3

  Nowadays, many students go to school without having breakfast.Some of them buy the fried food served by the small food stalls at the school gate, which will do harm to their health in the long run.


  In order to solve this problem, our school works out a healthy breakfast plan together with the students parents. Every morning from now on, our school canteen provides students with different kinds of healthy food. This plan guarantees that every student can have breakfast in time.


  On behalf of the Students Union, I call on every student to have healthy breakfast regularly, so as to benefit your health as well as your study.


  如何处理亚健康英语作文 4

  About healthEveryone want to be healthy, because it is by health to longevity.Source of life in motion. The simplest is running, riding a bike. Whether rich or poor, can do two kinds of movement, can easily do the two movement, but not excessive exercise, it will damage the body. Keep a good attitude, happiness will always stay.

  In order to maintain the health, physical exercise is the best way. Mountain climbing, can practice perseverance; rope skipping, can we grow, and actively participate in physical exercise, less illness, did not have to pay a lot of medical expenses.In PE class, we can run on the playground, basketball, skipping can keep fit. In winter, students still do not fear the cold, keep on running in the playground, even sweat.Want to be healthy, diet is also important. The food Pyramid wrote: eat a little salt, oil, sugar, milk, milk, eggs and meat; many vegetables, fruit, plenty of whole grains. The balanced nutrition, to maintain good body.

  Every day at noon, schools have a delicious meal. The teacher ordered us to eat all that. Although we complain a little, but we all know: the teacher is good for us. We have a" eat like wolves and tigers" out to enjoy the" nutritional lunch".Life is precious, health is to keep the life" defense" equipment. If we want a healthy diet and exercise, right from the start!

  如何处理亚健康英语作文 5

  A healthy body is very important to us all. When you get sick, you feel pain in your body and you dont have the energy to work. The only thing you have to do is lie in bed. When youre healthy, you can eat well, sleep well, sing and dance happily, and do all the things you love to enjoy.

  This method enables us to adapt to change. In the morning, you can get up early, go outside, get fresh air, and exercise. Running and swimming are very helpful to keep one fit. If you are a busy person, there is no special time to do these things, and there are some useful ways to improve your health. The easiest way to do this is to walk, not ride a bike or take a bus to your office. You must also take a routine physical check-up - registration. Your doctor will know that you are in the best shape and he will give you the most valuable advice to keep fit. You should always try to make yourself happy. If youre not satisfied, you can eat well, sleep well, and your body will be in good condition.

  Health is the most valuable property of one man in his life. It is my opinion to do whatever I can to keep fit, and who doesnt want to live in this beautiful, happy world.




如何处理压力英语作文 (菁华5篇)(扩展3)

——如何学好英语的英语作文 (菁华5篇)


  Learning English just like learning any other language, is hard work so we should spend time practicing using English. Besides, we should listen to the teacher carefully,review what is learned regularly, prepare each lesson carefully before class, do our homework carefully, copy good sentences and recite them and attend English debbates and speech contests. What's more, be patient and confident. Don't be shy and don't be afraid of making mistakes. We must understand that mistakes are unavoidable. So be patient with your mistakes and try to awoid them other time. I believe" practice makes perfect". If we study hard, we will learn English well.

  学*英语就象学其他语言一样需要努力。因此我们应该花时间 练*使用英语。而且我们应该上课认真听讲、经常复*学过的内容、课前认真预*、认真做作业、抄写好的句子并背诵、参加英语讨论和演讲比赛。除此之外,要耐心有信心。不要腼腆、害怕犯错误。我们应该知道:错误是避免不了的。因此要耐心对待错误,避免下次再犯。我相信“实践出真知”。如果我们努力学*,我们会学好英语的


  With the development of the society, China has stepped on the road of internationalizaion. And as all sides of reasons, English has become the international language. Thus, there are more and more Chinese learn English asto catch up with the world. Chinese government also realize this, so they require Chinese, especialy students, learn English. Then there is still a question that how to learn English well.

  First of all, learning English well needs perseverance. Because learning English well is a long-term process. If we insist on leraning Eglish everyday, we will masterit one day. If we just study it for a short time and then give up, we will gain nothing in the end. Therefore, we should stick to learn English erveryday inorder to learn it well.

  Secondly,learning English well needs us open our mouth. The aim to learn a language isto speak it. No one will admit you learn a langeuage well without speaking itout. Many Chinese students have learned is“dumb English”. That is a big problem.So, in order to learn English well, we should often talk with our friends,classmates and teachers in English.

  Thirdly,the best way to master a language is tobe personally on the scene. So I advice those people who have condition go abroad for a while. When they come back home, their oral English must have improved.

  To sum up, learning English well is not easy. But we can take masures to make it done through perseverance, talking and going abroad.


  Different Kinds of Friends

  According to the interaction, friends may fall into four categories: bosom friends, good friends, ordinary friends and acquaintances.

  As to bosom friend, one is enough. It doesn’t matter what gender he or she is, how long you have known her, how far you are now away from her, and how often you chat with her. You will not tell her anything, but the thing you will tell must be related to your deepest feelings. Besides your parents, she is the one to point out your bad habits which may have bad effects on you, to make you smile whenever you are sad, to talk with you free from any kinds of jokes and topics, and to induce the most genuine things of you. Sometimes she may do everything for you better than your parents. “We will be bosom friends forever” maybe harder than the promise between lovers. There is a saying that bosom friend aren’t those give 10 thousand when she owns 10 billions, but those give you all her money even if she only owns one cent. If you own a bosom friend, you are lucky enough.

  Good friends are those stay with you for most of your everyday life, and experience most of your experience. You may have many secret thoughts to share with her and many stupid things to do with her. However, sometimes you may consider the property of the things you are about to talk with her for avoiding offending her, because more or less

  there will be some benefits exist between you and this type of friends. Maybe that’s why you can’t treat them as your bosom friend. You don’t mean to separate them on purpose, but the only thing you know is that they are different.

  Ordinary friends are those work with you as classmates or colleagues. They may help you a lot when you are in trouble, only if the consequence does no harm to them.

  Acquaintances are those you have met with but you will hardly have interacts later. But if you come across with each other, more or less you will shake hands, smile, or nod your head and walk away.

  The criterion of the classification about friends may be different among people. No matter what type she belongs to in your mind, you should treat them with your enthusiasm, for you will be rewarded with their kindness as well.


  in the modern society, with competition becomes increasingly fierce, to find a job is too difficult for the young generation. academic qualification, as a job a stepping-stone, is an essential factor during the job hunting.

  some people think that the highly educated must be able to find a good job, because education can prove that a person has a good capacity. therefore, it is commonly believe that a job seeker with a master degree must be easier to find a promising job than a undergraduate. however, now the company interviewers generally prefer to required a even higher academic qualification, like a doctor degree. otherwise, the applicants, even though he or she has tremendous potential, will be refused relentlessly.

  as far as i am concerned, education should not be the single standard in an interview. as for the companies, it is not necessarily a good principle as well. now the whole community often talk about working ability and efficiency. for example, some people may have high academic qualification, but actually his ability is very limited. so both the individual and the community ought to change their attitude on academic qualification. we should realize that it is the operational capability and service ability which can help you to find a good job.


  there is a saying goes like this: sometimes people don’t notice the things others do for them until they stop doing them.” this saying has vividly interpreted the importance of being grateful to the people who always help us. they are like sunshine and rain drops, which make our life blossom. but it is not rare that when occasional help becomes a matter of routine, we tend to overlook its existence.

  since the very movement we were born, our parents have been taking care of us. when we were children, we took it for granted that our parents are both superman,

  who can settle everything for us. however, only after we had grown up and left home to live independently did we realize that we seldom said “thanks” to our parents who deserve our gratitude most.

  apart from our parents, we have many other helpers, such as the policemen, cleaners, maintenance staff etc. we should also cherish their help because it is easy to picture what our life will be like if they stop offering their help. i will always respect them, and never fail to say “thank you” for their help. as for my parents, though i will not always say “thanks”, i will beam at them whenever there is an eye contact, and try to let them know my sincere love for them.

如何处理压力英语作文 (菁华5篇)(扩展4)

——压力的大学英语作文 (菁华3篇)


  How to deal with peer pressure

  College students are often obsessed by peer pressure from their classmates or schoolmates. Facing others’ hard work and good performance in academic and other aspects, many students feel great pressure.

  Then, how to deal with this kind of peer pressure? The following measures can be taken.

  First, you should take a careful look at your present level and set a practical object. You needn’t always compare yourselves with those on the top and just make your efforts towards your object.Second, under peer pressure, you shouldn’t feel discouraged and pressed. Instead, you should make it your motivation for harder work.Finally, if you find pressure is nearly beyond your control, you’d better turn to professional psychological guidance.

  As a college student, I have no way to avoid peer pressure, so I try to figure out the way to do with it well. I set my own goal, including my practical level and my position among the peers. Because of my focus on my own goal, I have no time and energy to think about the pressure. So I’m little troubled by it.

  To conclude, we should not escape from peer pressure, but learn to make best use of it, since it can hardly be avoided.









  work pressure refers to the compelling force or influence that comes from ones work. nowadays with the competition in the work field becoming more and more fierce (激烈), work pressure has become a serious problem for every person. it has held a growing attention.

  its negative effects can be seen from the two aspects. in the physical aspect, it does much harm to peoples physical health. put under the constant pressure to keep their competitive edge, people work harder. they may catch some diseases under ehausting conditions. in the psychological aspect, it can lead to some psychological disorders. work pressure is closely relevant to worries about setback, failure, shrinking (裁员). if the pressure is too great or lasts too long, people might collapse under it.

  since work pressure can affect people in such a serious wayn how can we tackle it b people could rela or refresh themselves on weekends or on holidays. optimism, confidence, efficiency, regular eercise are also remedies. certainly people could not avoid it, but they could try to reduce its side effects and not to be burdened by it.


  I would like to go to the middle school of lida middle school in suzhou, but my father and mother insist on opposing, forcing me to go to green clouds. My parents and I didnt know how many times we had quarreled, but they were unmoved. Every time I proposed not to go to the green cloud, they face one board, the frowning, the pressure to hold my resentment.

  Two days a day you can stick to it, but you cant do it in two months. Tomorrow I will go to qingyun and my painful study is about to begin. I heard about the pain of the clouds. Whats more, I got a taste for five days of probation. Wake up at five o clock in the morning and wash your face and make a quilt. After all the work is done, begin to wash clothes and hang clothes. Clothes afterwards, and then began to eat some snacks (because qingyun middle school is the first class again at breakfast, in order not to let the belly "goo goo" call, you must first fill the stomach), everything OK, then go to class.

  One morning, five lessons, up to 11:20 for lunch, 11:55 into the classroom. There is no time to go shopping or go back to the dorms. In the afternoon, four classes, up to 5:30, go to dinner, and then go to the classroom at 6:30, and the whole day, its only time for dinner to go to the shop and relax.

  From 6:30 to 9:30, the other middle schools are up to 9. After 9:30, all the people rushed back to the dorms without any other reason, just because everyone wanted the first bath. There are only 30 minutes to take a shower, 8 people in a dorm room, and just 25 minutes to go back to the dorm, how can 8 people come back? And in 25 minutes, there will be parents calling and time is faster than bombs. However, those who did not take the bath in the prescribed time had to take a shower with a weak toilet light and a light moon.

  How poor it is! The thought of the next three years in a row would be a spooky...

如何处理压力英语作文 (菁华5篇)(扩展5)

——婆婆如何处理婆媳关系 (菁华3篇)






