A Letter to a Friend给朋友的一封信英语作文优选【五】份

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  A Letter to a Friend给朋友的一封信英语作文 1

  Dear xx:

  We have not seen each other for a long time. I miss (think of) you very much. I wish (that) I had wings and could fly to your home. However, this is impossible! Father (My father) has gone abroad of late. If I had had time then, I would have accompanied him. Only Mother (my mother) and I are at home now (at present). We are leading (living) a quiet and happy life. We look as if we were fairies. I hope (that) I can hear from you very often. Sincerely yours.

  Your friend:xx

  A Letter to a Friend给朋友的一封信英语作文 2

Dear Mercy,

  How is everything going! Last time you said you are anxious now because you find it hard to learn English well. Don’t worry. I think you have to improve your English step by step. And I will right behind you. In my view, you should develop you interest on English first. According to my experience, I think watching English movie, listen to some wonderful English songs and talk in English on the Internet would be helpful. Secondly, you have to prepare lessons before class that will help you understand what the teacher says in the class. I know you feel bored in the class, but you have force yourself to be concentrated. A few days later you will feel it a little easy to learn English. The left steps I will tell next time. By the way, we have not seen each other since your family move to Hunan a year ago. Have you ever thought about going back to visit me and learn English together in the coming Summer vacation. Looking forward to your re***.

  Best wishes,


  A Letter to a Friend给朋友的一封信英语作文 3

Dear Robert,

  I'm glad to receive your letter. Now I will tell you something about my plan for summer vacation after the final exam.

  Firstly, I will learn to drive. I think driving can be useful. Secondly, I will take some English courses. Thirdly, I will visit some tourist attractions. It must be very exciting. Last, I will do some reading in the vacation. What about you? I hope you can have a pretty vacation.


  A Letter to a Friend给朋友的一封信英语作文 4

Dear Tom,

  How is it going these days? I keep wondering how you feel about your school life in Beijing. Have you got used to the life in China? Are you enjoying your life? I hope you are.

  Let me tell you a piece of good news: I'm going to take part in an English speech contest of middle school students in July in the coming summer vacation. So I’m busy preparing for it. But now I have some difficulty in collecting useful information and using proper English words to express my thoughts. Besides, I really want to improve my spoken English, especially the pronunciation and intonation. Of course, as a native English speaker, you can give me some suggestions. In addition, I’m going to visit you after the contest.

  I’m sure we will have a wonderful time together in Beijing! I can hardly wait to see you! I am looking forward to your early re***.


  Li Hua

  A Letter to a Friend给朋友的一封信英语作文 5

Dear friends,


  How have you been doing? Are you okay? Where did you go this summer vacation? I now introduce a good place to you, that is my hometown. My hometown is He Street, which is about 20 kilometers away from the downtown of Hezhou City. It is surrounded by mountains on all sides with a wide basin in the middle.

  When you are driving on the road, you will involuntarily look around the surrounding mountains: the mountains on the east are like a giant Chinese dragon, winding and winding; the mountains on the west are like high humps with continuous peaks; the mountains on the south are plum red. The small tree on the hill to the north is green. If you walk on a mountain path and look up at the blue sky, the blue sky is like a blue belt; looking down on the earth, the earth is like a beautiful picture. Isn't this living in a fairyland?

  When you walk out of the mountains, you will clearly hear the crowing of chickens, the singing of children and the bells of the mountain village elementary school. At this time, the appearance of the mountain village will be revealed before your eyes: a brand-new cement road leads directly to the entrance of the village; small bungalows are strewn together; under the sun, industrious people are watering and fertilizing the rice fields. The village here is like a pearl, inlaid on the placket of the lichen.

  When you come to my home, the hospitable grandparents will bring out their own peanuts, bean sour, radish sour, mung bean porridge and other delicious things to greet you, and tell you the fun that will never be finished. s story……

  Dear friend, in fact, there is nothing peculiar about my hometown. It can be said that it cannot be simpler or simpler, but the unique charm of the mountain and the unique taste of the person are not worth your visit. ? You are welcome to come and play!

  I wish you learning progress! May all go well with you!



A Letter to a Friend给朋友的一封信英语作文优选【五】份扩展阅读

A Letter to a Friend给朋友的一封信英语作文优选【五】份(扩展1)

——A Letter to a Friend给朋友的一封信英语作文 (菁华5篇)

A Letter to a Friend给朋友的一封信英语作文1

Dear Tom,

  How is it going these days? I keep wondering how you feel about your school life in Beijing. Have you got used to the life in China? Are you enjoying your life? I hope you are.

  Let me tell you a piece of good news: I'm going to take part in an English speech contest of middle school students in July in the coming summer vacation. So I’m busy preparing for it. But now I have some difficulty in collecting useful information and using proper English words to express my thoughts. Besides, I really want to improve my spoken English, especially the pronunciation and intonation. Of course, as a native English speaker, you can give me some suggestions. In addition, I’m going to visit you after the contest.

  I’m sure we will have a wonderful time together in Beijing! I can hardly wait to see you! I am looking forward to your early re*.


  Li Hua

A Letter to a Friend给朋友的一封信英语作文2

Dear Mary,

  I have been living in Beijing for some time now and I find it very interesting here.

  There are so many similarities between Beijing and London. They are both the capital of the country and are both very important cities. Both places have huge populations. They are both the economical, political and cultural center. They both have many historical and cultrual

  I also found many differences in the two cities. In London we drive on the left side of the road, while in Beijing they drive on the right side. Most people in London go to work via public transportation, here in Beijing most people rides bycicles. In London the weather is always cloudy, here in Beijing most the the time it's sunny. And in London most student don't spend their time efficiently, but here in Beijing many people speak English cause they study hard.



A Letter to a Friend给朋友的一封信英语作文3

Dear Amy,

  Long time no see. How is everything going? I am writing to tell you a good new about me. I received my high school admission this morning. It is No.1 high school in my hometown. You know that it is my dream school. I am so excited to share this good news with you. You will be happy for me, right? Now, it is your turn. How about you? Have you receive you admission yet? Have you come back from your Guangzhou trip? I am eager to know your life recently. Look forward to your re*ing.

  Best wishes,

  Li Hui


A Letter to a Friend给朋友的一封信英语作文4

Dear Mike,

  I am glad to know that you are interested in learning Chinese.I am writing to give you some suggestions on how to learn it well.

  There are some suggestions for you,which will play a significant role in learning Chinese.First of all,if you have enough spare time,youcan go to Chinatown,a Chinese residential area,where has a good language environment.Second,please make more Chinese friends,especially who comes from Beijing,they will help you to speak normative Chinese and improve your spoken Chinese.What`s more,listen to Chinese radio and watch all sorts of Chinese films,which is a perfect way to deep learing Chinese and its traditional culture.

  I believe these learning suggestions will help you and make great progress in your language learning!


  Li Hua

A Letter to a Friend给朋友的一封信英语作文5

Dear Mom,

  Can you imagine that I’m now in the United States, a country so different from China?

  Everything is new and interesting! I made some friends on the trip over and they have been very kind and helpful. Still, you know how much I miss you and your cooking? My mouth waters at the mere thought of those delectable Chinese dishes you prepare. Last night, my friends invited me to dinner. They had some strange ways of describing their hunger. For instance, there was“I’m starving to death”,“I’m famished”, and“I’m so hungry, I could eat a horse”, which has a similar expression in Chinese; I’m sure you know the one.

  How about“I’m making a pig of myself”! A little confusing, hmm? Anyway, this stuff may be useful to you as an English teacher, so I’m also sending a tape. You can listen to our conversation and hear some real modern American English.

  Your loving daughter,


A Letter to a Friend给朋友的一封信英语作文优选【五】份(扩展2)

——A Letter to My Friend英语作文通用5篇

  A Letter to My Friend英语作文 1

Dear Annie:

  I’m very happy to get your letter. Now I’d like to tell you something about East Beach. East Beach lies in the east of my city. It is ten kilometers away from the city. It is one of the best beaches in the world. Here sand is fine. The water of the sea is clear. The waves are small. It is suitable for swimming in the sea and playing beach volleyball.

  There are some washrooms, dressing rooms, shops and hotels. There are also many buses to reach there. You can take a taxi at any time. I believe you’ll have a good time when you come here during the summer holiday.


  Liu Fang

  A Letter to My Friend英语作文 2

Dear XXX

  It has been long since we last meet each other, how are you recently? Are you doing well there? Do you miss me?

  We haven't seen each other since did so one year ago, so I really miss you. I am doing quite well in the school recently. When will you have time to come to visit me?

  I have many wonderful things to eat and play here, and I always welcome you!



  A Letter to My Friend英语作文 3

Dear John:

  It is my pleasure to invite you to my home for Chinese New Year. I bet our wonderful welcome will surprise you.

  As is known to everyone, Chinese New Year is the most important festivel in China. It is not only a festivel, but also a time when relatives and friends gather together to share happiness and joyness together. It is a simple of best wishes.

  As is said that a man without having visited the Great Wall isn't a real man, one can't have a full understanding about China without having spent a Chinese New Year. Through the festivel, you'll find China in another way.

  I hope that you will be here earlier, which will allow you be free from the heavy traffic coming with the festivel. I'll give you a show to other famous landscapes in Beijing, such as the Temple Heaven and the Forbbiden City.

  So come here soon, my friend! I am here awaiting you.


  Hua Lee

  A Letter to My Friend英语作文 4

Dear Billy,

  I am very sorry to inform you I won’t be able to go to Yangminshan with you on the occasion of the Moon Festival because I just got a phone call from the U.S.A. Ma and Pa will be back ahead of schedule in order that they can get together with us on this special holiday. They of the older generation consider the Moon Festival a reunion day on which all members of a family are requested to be back home no matter how far apart they are.

  Under such circumstances how could I hurt their feelings by going with you to watch the brilliant moon on the night of the Moon Festival? I hope can understand my situation and put our appointment off till the day following the Moon Festival. I was told the moon on that day is much more beautiful than the one on the very day of the festival. Besides, we shall be able to avoid the holiday rush and enjoy the quiet under the moon.

  Do you think it’s a good idea? I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.



  A Letter to My Friend英语作文 5

Dear Zhou Yuan;

  I’m Bi Nanxin, your new friend. I have a new home. It’s big and beautiful. Let me talking you about my new home.

  In front of my house. There is a beautiful garden. there are many flowers in it. There are blue, red,, yellow, pink and green. Behind the house. There is an apple tree. there are some birds are singing in the tree.

  In the house, there are many clean rooms. There is a living room, a dining room, a bathroom, a study and three bedrooms. I like reading books. So I have two big shelves. I like studying on the computer. So I have a computer, too.

  My father is cleaning his car, my mother is cooking lunch. I’m doing my homework. My grandparents are watching TV.

  Is my home beautiful? What about yours? Please talk me about it.


  Bi Nanxin

A Letter to a Friend给朋友的一封信英语作文优选【五】份(扩展3)

——英语作文A Letter to a Friend(精选5篇)

  英语作文A Letter to a Friend 1

Dear Jane:

  How time flies! Soon youll be taking the college entrance examination. Are you nervous? I hope you are not. Actually, there is no need to be nervous because you have always done well in your schoolwork. Perhaps the ze: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;">pressure comes ze: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;">from your parents, who tze: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;">end to be over-concerned just like the parents of most students taking the exam.

  Jane,dont let the people around you upset your usual calm. If they seem to be over-anxious about your exam, its only because they care about you. You must take it easy. You must keep your cool. I dont think you have to do anything special now. Just keep up the good work you have always done in school. Dont stay up too late. You should relax, have enough rest and eat well so that you will be in good shape when the ze: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;">exam comes.

  Well, I hope reading this letter is not taking up too much of your time. Im sure youll do well in the exam and enter the college of your choice. Ill keep my fingers crossed for you. Love, Hsien Min.

  英语作文A Letter to a Friend 2

  I have been living in Beijing for some time now and I find it very interesting here.

  There are so many similarities between Beijing and London. They are both the capital of the country and are both very important cities. Both places have huge populations. They are both the economical, political and cultural center. They both have many historical and cultrual

  I also found many differences in the two cities. In London we drive on the left side of the road, while in Beijing they drive on the right side. Most people in London go to work via public transportation, here in Beijing most people rides bycicles. In London the weather is always cloudy, here in Beijing most the the time it‘s sunny. And in London most student don‘t spze: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;">end their time efficiently, but here in Beijing many people speak English cause they study hard.



  英语作文A Letter to a Friend 3

dear isabella:

  how are you? i received your letter by special delivery yesterday afternoon. many thanks for the enclosed nine drawings and beautiful photos and, above all , for the invitation itself. your invitation reminds me of the promise we made last year. i can still remember the day you and your folks moved to ***ei. that day you and i made a promise to meet again one year later, and we walked the street most of the time in silence. then we said good-bye to each other and parted at the street corner at last. that is really a haunting memory, isn’t it? now one year is gone. you have invited me to go on holiday for a week starting tomorrow and i remember our promise. but i hope you can forgive me for what i am going to tell you: i am dying to see you, but i cant i am sorry, please. i have to break my word because my elder sister is going abroad to seek advanced study. she will leave for germany soon and my parents want me to give a hand to them and do some things for my sister prior to her departure. i hope you can understand this. i hope you will not blame me for real, will you? perhaps everything will be all ze: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;">right net time. may you have an enjoyable holiday! with love, hero

  英语作文A Letter to a Friend 4

dear stephanie:

  would you forgive me for what im going to tell you? because i failed to persuade my parents ( old fogies they are ) to let me spze: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;">end the holiday with you and they insisted on my staying at home with them, im afraid i have to decline your invitation. maybe theres another way to spze: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;">end the holiday with you: you can invite my parents and me to visit your folks. would you do that for me? please let me know before you sze: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;">end that kind of invitation so that i can find some ecuses to persuade my parents to accept it. waiting for your answer, your frize: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;">end, helen.

  英语作文A Letter to a Friend 5

dear helen:

  summer will soon be with us again. i am genuinely looking forward to it because of the joys we shared together last summer. however, i am aware that you are facing a challenge this summer--the college entrance eamination. i have great confidence in you because of your diligence and intelligence.

  do take care of yourself. dont ap*** yourself ze: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;">so completely to studies as to neglect your health. studying around the clock will spell disaster not only for your body but also for your mind. youd better spare some time for a walk every day.

  the college entrance is something but not everything. try your best at your ease. after the eamination, well enjoy a much happier summer than ever! good luck to you. affectionately yours, diana

A Letter to a Friend给朋友的一封信英语作文优选【五】份(扩展4)

——A letter初三英语作文 (菁华6篇)

A letter初三英语作文1

  Under the world’s watching, Rio Olympic Games finally came to its opening ceremony. Before, a lot of problems had been exposed and many people wondered if Rio could finish the task and present the world a wonderful opening ceremony. The answer was definitely positive. Though the budget was very limited, the government showed the world a green Olympic Games. It is the trees that make our home safe and healthy, while today a lot of people have forgot it and they pollute and destroy the environment. How can we survive in the future. The opening ceremony gave the answer that was to plant trees and protect our environment.

  Rio Olympic Games showed a great theme and it is creative. The government do not let people down, instead they surprise the world and remind people of the importance of green.

A letter初三英语作文2

  We couldn t believe that it was a village. The buildings for the farmers were very beautiful, the streets were very clean and there were many flowers in front of the houses.

  In the middle of the village there was a school with a wonderful building and a large playground. All the children in the village study there.

  The farmers got richer by planting vegetables and raising silkworms. In their houses there were colour TV sets, fridges,washing machines, new furniture and even motorbikes. All these showed the farmers life was getting better and better.

  The great changes had attracted foreigners. Today some of them would come to visit it. We were happy for the farmers. We hope the farmers will be richer and happier.

A letter初三英语作文3

 Dear Mary,

  I have been living in Beijing for some time now and I find it very interesting here.

  There are so many similarities between Beijing and London. They are both the capital of the country and are both very important cities. Both places have huge populations. They are both the economical, political and cultural center. They both have many historical and cultrual

  I also found many differences in the two cities. In London we drive on the left side of the road, while in Beijing they drive on the right side. Most people in London go to work via public transportation, here in Beijing most people rides bycicles. In London the weather is always cloudy, here in Beijing most the the time its sunny. And in London most student dont spend their time efficiently, but here in Beijing many people speak English cause they study hard.



A letter初三英语作文4

  The sunset is very beautiful and lovely.

  Its scene is as wonderful as a sunrise but it is even more beautiful to watch it in the country than in the city.

  When the sun begins to set behind the mountains, its long rays light up the green fields. The clouds in the sky also begin to glow with a golden light, and the mountains are really colourful.

  When the sun begins to set behind the mountain, it looks like a red ball. Its light fills the sky and changes the colour of the clouds from gold to red.

  When the sun is gone altogether behind the mountain, the clouds turn grey and the mountains become black.

  Then you cannot help admiring the wonder of nature.

A letter初三英语作文5

  The first day I went to middle school, I found a special girl in my class. Her name sounds almost the same with mine. When the teachers or my classmates called one of us, we would both answer, then other students looked at us. We felt awkward. But soon we had our nicknames and it was convenient to distinguish us. Now we are good friends. Every time when we talk about the names, we think it is very interesting. We have a lot in common, which make our friendship become strong. I feel so lucky to find someone who shares the same interest with me, and the funny thing is that our names sound so closed.

A letter初三英语作文6

  Food is important to us. It’s our duty to save food.

  Today food waste is a big problem. Once, while I was eating lunch at the school dining hall, I suddenly found that the student beside me threw his meal away without saying a word. He didn’t even finish half of it.??In my opinion, it is so wasteful to do that, because it is not easy for farmers to grow food nowadays. Besides, many people in the world die of hunger every day, and they don’t have enough food to eat.?In order to stop food waste, I have some ideas to share with you. First, do not order the food more than you can eat while eating outside. It is necessary to save food. Second, try your best to save food at home as much as possible so that many people in the world can be helped. What’s more, if you can’t finish eating what you order in the restaurant, you can take it away instead of wasting it.

  All in all, we need to form a good habit of eating food and make our world a better place.?

A Letter to a Friend给朋友的一封信英语作文优选【五】份(扩展5)

——A ideal friend英语作文(精选5篇)

  A ideal friend英语作文 1

  FriendsFriends are important. It has often been said that,” no man can live like an island”. As our population increases in size, this is being increasingly true. A person will have trouble coping with society without friends.Friends should not be confused(困惑的') with acquaintances. Acquaintances are people whom you may see often. But, you could never share weal(幸福) and woe(悲哀) with an acquaintance. Acquaintance are usually with you for what they can get. Maybe, they like to be with you because you are popular. People usually have few friends and many acquaintances.Friends are always there when you need them. They are dependable(可靠的) and responsible(需负责任的) they share your sorrow(悲痛) and happiness. They are not interested in what they can get from you. They influence your development, maturity(完善) and sense of responsibility. They also warn you when you are in danger of doing wrongly. Yes, friends are wonderful. It is nice to enjoy the warmth radiating(散发) form good friends.

  A ideal friend英语作文 2

  one of my best friends

  ben is my best friend.he loves sports very much.he is good at math and english.he is a good boy.he always helps other ,he is the tallest in our class.in 15 years’ time,he will be taller and heavier.he will be goodlooking. he will be 195 centimetres tall.he will weigh 76 kilograms.he will not wear galsses.he will possibly be a policeman or a fireman.

  he says that this only is a dream.he will try to make his dream e true.

  li yan,my best friend,is my classmate. she has big eyes. her long hair is often plained.sweet smile is often on her face,which makes her more lively.

  linan is very clever.she is good at her school subjects. she has won the school scholarship twice,i always take her as my model in study. she tells me that we should make good use of time.

  li yan is kind-hearted and is always ready to help others,any student in my class who has trouble in study likes asking her for help. but she doesn't like others to praise her,because she thinks what she did is ordinary.

  i feel proud to have such a friend.

  A ideal friend英语作文 3

  I have a good friend named xue xiaoming, who is eight years old, tall and chubby, and walks with a twist.

  He has a black head of hair, chubby face like a red apple, curved eyebrows under intense has a pair of round eyes, high nose bridge on a pair of glasses, half a big mouth, laughing with two small dimples, very cute.

  He is a lively and lovely little boy who always jumps and loves to laugh. He is also very naughty and active, as long as it is the activity time he always has to go to the ball activities, sometimes we play games he often comes to disturb. He is a snack boy and often takes money to small shops to buy his favorite snacks.

  He likes to play table tennis and basketball. He often plays table tennis with us. Once I beat him, he refused to admit defeat and firmly say: "I will work harder than you, defeat you." From then on, he often came to school to practise playing table tennis.

  Xue xiaoming is such a lively and lovely child.






  A ideal friend英语作文 4

  I have a best "friend" -- it doesn't speak, but it makes me knowledgeable. It will not walk, but it will make my day. It has enriched me and made me as mad as mad. I have been dee*** enamoured of it. Who is it? - book!

  Every day after school, I was in the stacks of books, and I was always in the book store. My mother used to say I was "promiscuous" but said she didn't stop me from reading my favorite books. Every time I find a book I like, it's as if I'm sucked in by a powerful magnet and I get carried away with the plot. Sometimes the bookstore is going to shut down when it is so much fun to watch. To put the book back on the shelf, out of the bookstore, my mind is full of the plot of the book, because want too ecstasy, sometimes also happened some jokes... It is.

  Reminds me of this year's summer vacation one day, mother see me plunge into the books all day long, straight at I rang rang: "silly leng in books all day long, and is not good, all into a nerd, I order you go out for a walk now!" Unable to withstand my mother's "bombing", I walked out of the house, looking for a few students nearby to play hide and seek,

  A ideal friend英语作文 5

  On the way of life, my friend grows up with me, giving me warm heart and satisfying dreams. I thought of the friend who had come with me, a feeling of warmth and warmth.

  In the season of flying red dragonflies, I live in the countryside. The bell is my best friend, a short, gentle girl. It was there, I and she walked hand in hand into the field, she picked flowers ed on my clothes, as for me, I do only lei, let her for the little princess in the fairy tale. Summer night, if you have two little girls, every time sitting in the courtyard low stools, chin propped up, listening to grandma telling me the story of the sky, listen to the little worm "hissing" sound, the number of the stars, in the breeze gently brushed, sleepily into dreamland, it must be the bell son and I. Early autumn, I and wild in the bell son together to catch the grasshopper, green worm with a wrap, the grass is buried in a red-hot stove ash, check it later, red. Ha! Ha! Delicious!

A Letter to a Friend给朋友的一封信英语作文优选【五】份(扩展6)

——给远方小朋友的一封信 给远方小朋友的一封信(五)份

  给远方小朋友的一封信 给远方小朋友的一封信 1










  给远方小朋友的一封信 给远方小朋友的一封信 2






  给远方小朋友的一封信 给远方小朋友的一封信 3







  给远方小朋友的一封信 给远方小朋友的一封信 4









  给远方小朋友的一封信 给远方小朋友的一封信 5






  我们学校组织了一次捐物,捐款的活动。第二天,我来到学校,惊奇的发现,同学们都提大包小包的衣服,玩具,学*用品……顿时,我的心里暖意融融。在捐赠仪式上,同学们排着长长的队伍,五年级 作文,仿佛一条给你们送去温暖,关爱的长龙啊!真是“千里送鹅毛,礼轻情意重”!

  我们在电视上看到了坚强的你们,勇敢地站在废墟上,你们是最棒的!“一方有难,八方支援”,我相信,在 ***和全国人民的支持下,你们一定重建美好,幸福的家园,和我们一起生活在美丽的蓝天下!



