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  母亲的英语作文 1










1、题和立意凡考试作文必须审题,原因是考生要在同一环境下,作公*的竞争。审题,就是要对试题展现的所有内容作全面、准确的审读和理解,把命题者的意图读出来,把题目的各种限制审清楚,明确要我写什么,怎么写,写到什么程度,真正做到全面领会,深刻把握,不偏不漏、不折不扣地按要求写作文。高考作文评判明确规定,凡审题有问题的试卷最后得分一般都不超过二类卷最低分。由此可见,审题的准确与否是作文成败的关键因素。立意,就是要作者站在时代的高度,去观察、认识生活,提炼主题,使主题体现时代的精神,既反映时代,也作用于时代,跳动时代的脉搏,推动着时代的前进。文章的“意”, 其实就是作者在体验生活中逐步孕育而成的一种思想,是作者的主观认识与客观实际相“撞击”的产物,它反映作者的思想水*、认识水*以及在社会生活中形成的世界观、人生观、价值观等。*两年的作文教改提倡学生写真实生活、真实自我,有些同学忽视了对文章思想倾向的把握,看问题不全面,观点偏激,更有甚者由腐败现象而怀疑党的领导和党的政策。尽管当今的中国社会政治清明,言论自由,话说错了不会追查什么政治问题,但作为未来社会的建设者,正确的是非观还是应该有的。这一点必须注意。  










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  母亲的英语作文 2

  I have a good mother. Her English name is Helen.She is thirty-six-year old.I think she is the best mother in the world. She love me very much and I love she very much,too.

  My mother is a teacher.Her teach a Music and dance.

  My mother is beatiful and have temperament.

  Her like teddy bear. samethe Chridren.She like laugh.She happy every day!






  母亲的英语作文 3

  Came spring last autumn, time slips by, I have been already 12 years old. This long one " The voyage " ,It is that mother trains me all alone to get big. Speak just as the poem: "Such kindness of warm sun, cant be repaid by grass. " Yes, in these 12 years, one every sentence of mothers has been adviced into my strength of every day; After coming back home, one every sentence of mothers was greeted, had become the source of my confidence. Though this is only the words that whats frequently heard can be repeated in detail, contain the deep mother love invariably.

  Mother and I are friends sometimes, the enemy sometimes, it is the sworn followers while having. No matter when, there is a kind of emotion that can not say between mother and I, it is dense and dense too to say, say light and light too. This kind of emotion that can not say has been growing up following me all the time.

  As a child, father worked outside, so the impression on him was not very dense, only remember mother has given me kind love. At that time, mothers big hands were leading my small hands, took it on the distance, people see people say: See! How well two of this mother and son get along! Whenever always can appear one proudly and proudly in my eyes at this moment. At that time, mother and I were friends. I am with mother everyday, it is very happy everyday. The neighbours all say we are two of happy mother and son.

  Whether after growing up, homework become more gradually, mother all day mutter. Son, how well is homework written? Will still have an examination next week? How well does examination of today have? I listen to so that ears bubble quickly, but she chatters. Mother seem that cares about me only when want the examination, now I find mother and I drift apart more and more, and often quarrel, mother and I are no longer as intimate like the thing that originally, I keep thinking dee***: It is finally that I have changed, mother has changed.

  I am very sad.

  母亲的英语作文 4

  My mother is 35 years old. She has long black hair and big eyes. She takes me to school every day. In the evening, she help me with my homework. If I’m hungry, she will cook my favourite meals. She’s always trying to encourage me to try something new. I think my mother is the best person in this world. She is always be there for me when I need her. I love her so much. She is my hero.


  母亲的英语作文 5

  My mother is the loveliest person in the world. She Ioves her children very much and is always kind and gentle to us. Every mother is kind to her children but my mothcrs kindness to us is unlike others.

  She never gets angry and never loses her temper. When we are naughty and do not listen to her words, she truly pretends to be angry and walks away. She will come back to us later and asks whether we like to be good boys and good girls again. She is so gentle and patient to us.

  My mother is busy all day. She cooks for us, washes our clothes and also teaches us to do our homework. We all love mad respect our dear mother.







  母亲的好作文 1






  母亲的好作文 2





  母亲的好作文 3







  母亲的好作文 4





  母亲的好作文 5






  感思母亲的作文 1






  我的母亲过于普通和*凡,却为我升华了生活。她会因为我的一点过失而指责我半天,也会因为在她生日那天收到我送的礼物而激动半天。小时候我对于母亲为我所做的一切心安理得:手把手的教我写字,耐心的辅导我做功课,帮我洗衣物```认为那是理所应当的。然而那天,我不能忘记当我发现母亲略微浮肿的眼袋 ,还有几缕藏在头发深处略白的发丝,我忽然就觉得自己是那么残忍。残忍到扼杀了母亲原有的容颜,并还在一点点抹杀她作为一位母亲对子女所抱有的期望``````





  母爱如山,母爱如水,母爱如佛,她清新而远长,亲切而温柔,她厚泽而无杂。母亲的爱从我来到这个世界上,就不曾停过。 也许我无以回报流淌的岁月所赐予我的一切,所以,我无时无刻不在爱着我的母亲在我眼里,母亲是一种永远值得洒泪感怀的岁月,是一篇总也读不完的故事!

  感思母亲的作文 2





  感思母亲的作文 3





  感思母亲的作文 4





  感思母亲的作文 5







  母亲的母亲作文 1











































  母亲的母亲作文 2









  母亲的母亲作文 3








  从小你就教给我“勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。”的人生哲理,教给我要用欣赏的眼光看待身 边的人和事,学会与他人和睦相处,与他人合作,在学*上要吃苦耐劳,要记得‘阳光总在风雨后’告诉我要善交益友,乐交诤友,不交损友,要在自身心中筑起一道抵制不良诱惑的长城。



  母亲的母亲作文 4







  母亲的母亲作文 5




















  家乡的“母亲河”作文 1


  这无尽的细雨婉然勾起了我心底最柔软的回忆,那回忆又如野草般肆无忌惮的蔓延开来…… 母亲河----我儿时的天堂,当我从襁褓中挣脱时,母亲曾多么的兴奋、喜悦,脸上洋溢着世上最亲最美的笑颜:河水奔腾欢唱,河岸边柳絮飞扬,轻歌曼舞……我一头扎进了母亲的怀里,伏在她的胸前,侧耳凝神倾听她那温柔的心跳;撅起小嘴巴顽皮地亲吻她潮湿的脸颊;抬起小脚丫伸进她清凉的体内,在她的身上翻腾起朵朵浪花。母亲毫不吝啬地将所有的欢乐给予了我,母亲的爱就像一汪清凉的甘泉,滋润着我,又如同一盆和煦的炉火,温暖着我,让我的童年在宁静温馨、充满快乐的氛围中,悄然度过。



  家乡的“母亲河”作文 2






  家乡的“母亲河”作文 3





  家乡的“母亲河”作文 4













  家乡的“母亲河”作文 5








  美食的英语作文 1

  The day before yesterday, I heard that there was only a food street near my home, so I begged my parents to take me to eat delicious food. I didnt expect that my father agreed!

  I came to the food street with excitement. WOW! There are so many people here. My mother held my hand tightly for fear that I might lose it.

  Walking into the food street, there are so many delicious foods here. There are delicious sausage, delicious Huajia, and large plates of roast fish

  I cant wait for my mother to buy food for me, but my mother left and right to see, has not bought me, I am anxious straight stomp, mother said to me with regret: no seat. I feel terrible in my heart!

  Dad looked at me, touched my head and said, lets go to the Western steak and eat the steak! I jumped three feet with joy. Thinking of the fresh and tender taste of the steak, my mouth was almost flowing out!

  Although we didnt eat in the food street, we had delicious steak, which was also great!

  美食的英语作文 2

  Why stop at dyeing Easter eggs? Make these delicious treats with your kids for a fun Easter activity.

  Pita Rabbits Recipe

  Craft little whiskered rabbits from pita bread, peanut butter, pretzels, and marshmallow. These tasty treats will have your kids hopping like Easter bunnies to the lunch table!

  Chocolate Easter Eggs Recipe

  Kids can get creative designing new flavors for these cream cheese and chocolate eggs, and then hiding them for an egg hunt (though be careful to keep them away from the radiators!). Add peanut butter, coconut, chocolate chips, dried fruit, almond extract, or other mix-ins for flair.

  Flower Box Cake Recipe

  Your kids will love helping you make the cookie sunflowers, and plucking hidden chocolate or candy eggs from the Oreo-cookie dirt of the flower box!

  Birds Nests Recipe

  Melt some chocolate chips over some crispy Lo Mein noodles and presto you have nests! Add peanut MMs as Easter eggs.

  Chick Deviled Eggs Recipe

  Enlist your childs help to make these devilled eggs that look like little hatching chicks. Theyre easy, healthy, and fun!

  Easter Basket Cupcakes Recipe

  This simple recipe tells you how to turn your ordinary cupcakes into mini Easter baskets, with the help of coconut, green food coloring, and Twizzler handles.

  美食的英语作文 3

  The earliest reports of people enjoying flavored ice desserts e from the Romans and the Chinese. Marco Polo returned from his famous expedition with fruit-flavored ices, reporting that Asians had been making them for thousands of years. These delicacies became popular in France in the 1500s, but only among royalty. Over the next few centuries, the process of making them evolved from hauling mountain ice to salt/ice freezing methods. Cream was introduced as an ingredient, and by the 1700s, people were enjoying a dessert that was very similar to today's ice cream.

  The hand-cranked ice cream freezer was first developed by Nancy Johnson in 1846. Ice was readily available from large warehouses in that era, so ice cream became a treat that could be enjoyed by almost anyone, not just the rich. Ice cream making was revolutionized again in 1851, when Jacob Fussel started the first wholesale ice cream manufacturing operation in Baltimore, Maryland. Fussel's dairy business had excess cream and he couldn't figure out what to do with it. He tried using it to make ice cream, and before long his ice cream business outsold the rest of the dairy.

  The business slowly evolved for the next few decades. Manufacturing methods and ingredients improved, while refrigeration technology became cheaper and more efficient. By the 1920s, home refrigerators and freezers became more mon, which gave the ice cream industry another boost. Sugar was rationed in the US during World War I, but the ice cream industry convinced the government that ice cream was an "essential food”. Ice cream factories were allotted sugar rations and production continued.

  Ice cream increased in popularity until the Depression years caused a drop in sales for virtually all non-essential goods. Sales increased in the years leading up to World War II before leveling off in the post-war years. The rise of the giant supermarket created demand for cheaper, mass-produced ice cream, but quality suffered. The 1960s saw a resurgence in "premium"ice cream, while the following decades saw the market fragment into low-fat varieties for the health-conscious, including frozen yogurt, fruit bars, ice milk, fat-free ice cream, and dozens of other varieties. However, ice cream still makes up about 60 percent of the market share among frozen desserts. While ice cream is enjoyed worldwide, it has bee an American tradition

  美食的英语作文 4

  Chinese food is famous all over the world, if you ask a foreigner how about Chinese food, they will be full of praise。

  When we see the movie, Chinese food is praised by the people. Recently, there is a famous movie called A Bite of China, the movie is popular, it introduces Chinese food from different places. The audience is attracted by the delicious food, they never thought Chinese food would be so various. Now the second part of the movie has been made out, more and more Chinese traditional food has been introduced. After appreciating the movie, I begin to learn more about Chinese food, I want to have taste of them. I am so proud of our food, when we talk about it to foreign friends, we can feel their favor of our food. The food is part of our culture, they should be inherited.

  美食的英语作文 5

  Nowadays, to keep up with the quickening pace of our society, many people turn to fast food to cut down their time spent in eating. Actually, I am no exception.

  Well, what exact attitude should we take towards fast food? Firstly, we acknowledge that it really gratifies our strong desire to save time. Nevertheless, every coin has two sides. Relying on fast food on a long-term basis may cause a person to suffer from malnutrition. What is more serious is that some fast food contains many calories which can turn into fat. As we know, too much fat is harmful to our health.

  Therefore, manufacturers should try new ways to Therefore, manufacturers should try new ways to cook fast food, such as adding in more nutritional ingredients, and manage to create more kinds of fast food to meet peoples needs. Nonetheless, we should remember that we should not depend too much on fast food.



  描写溺爱的英语作文 1

  Nowadays, it is not rare to see that the parents spoil the child, they love the kid by the way they think it’s best for them. When it comes to spoil the child, different people have different opinions, some people think that it is fine to spoil the child, parents should treat them as best as they could; while the rest held that parents should teach the child rationally. In my point of view, I agree with the later one.

  In the first place, parents are the children’s first teacher, they will believe everything from their parents’ education and they are a good copycat, they will simulate the action form their parents. For instance, when a child fight in school, some parents will not ***ysis why the fight begins, they will blame the child who fight with their kid no matter it is their kin’s fault or not. This is absolutely make the child believe that he is right about everything, which will make them hard to tell what is wrong or right.

  In the second place, since now lots parents buy a whole bunch expensive stuff for their child, it might easily cause the problem of wasting or comparing with others. Children who are proud of their favorable living conditions are more tend to look down to the one are poor. Besides, once they are living in the lower live level than they are expected, they might feel maladjustment or even abandon themselves.

  To sum up, parents should love their children rationally, but not love them blindly.

  描写溺爱的英语作文 2

  My father is a peasant. Four years ago he came to the city, and found a job. And then my mother and I moved here. At that time, my father earned little money and could hardly support the family.

  I was small, short and thin then. My parents sometimes bought me some good food for me. I remember clearly once they gave me the roast chicken.Oh, I liked it best. I asked them to eat together, but they both said they didn't like it. So I ate it up.

  Now our life is better. One evening, my father bought some roast chichen again, and we ate it happily. Suddenly, I understood why they didn't eat it before. They just wanted me to eat it.This is my parents' love!

  描写溺爱的英语作文 3

  We all have parents, but their love for us is different. I watched a scene on TV that day. Let me tell you something about it!

  This is a couple who have a child, but they dislike that their child is a girl, so they let their grandmother raise the girl. The two of them live a very hard life. When the girl reaches the age of school, because there is not enough tuition at home, she doesn't go to school, but the girl doesn't give up a little hope. She borrows the books of the children of the neighbor's family, and then mends them with her little hands. Finally, she Can read, but just saw a little hope, the girl suffered from lung cancer, soon left her grandmother, her parents have never seen their own children, the girl did not see them, so the girl left them with regret. What's the difference between them and animals?

  I am much happier than this girl. We are still children now. I hope our parents don't treat us like this. No matter a boy or a child is his own flesh, who can be so cruel?

  Hope parents care more about their children!

  描写溺爱的英语作文 4

  Everyone has been loved by their parents, and I don't know how many times! I'm here to introduce my parents' love for me.

  That time, I came home late. My parents were very worried and angry at home. When I got home, my father told me to stand up. They scolded me for a few words and then beat me. At that time, I was very angry and thought to myself: hum, what's so great? I rely on myself as an adult!

  They deliberately told me to run away from home. I just came to the door, my mother kicked the door and closed it. I happened to be impartial, and was pressed by the door. Mom and dad rushed me to the hospital.

  When I got to the hospital, I opened my eyes slowly and saw my father and mother running around in front of me. "What can I do?" Dad shouted? What should I do? "

  I thought to myself: it seems that mom and Dad don't bother me. I was wrong. My mother saw me wake up, hugged me and said, "my dear son, I shouldn't hit you. You say, I'll buy you what you want. "


  I was moved to say: "nothing, I just want you to care about me."

  "My dear son, I will be very concerned about you!" said the mother kindly At this time, my father also came to hold me.

  Now I know that father and mother love me as well!

  描写溺爱的英语作文 5

  Parents love their children by nature, where Chinese mothers and fathers are no exceptions. Chinese parents tend to dote on their children because each family is allowed to have only one kid due to birth control.

  They place too much hope on the treasured child that if he wants the star, they might even climb to pick it. For self-centered, the spoiled children depend on their parents for everything. As a result, once confronted with harsh reality, they are more likely to yield to hardships and difficulties in life.



  去植树的英语作文 1

  it‘s been a long time since i‘ve done something positive to the environment. feeling guilty-ridden and determined to do something that i know would definitely please my parents and teachers,i decided to plant several trees on the hill in the rural area of the city on tree planting day with a few friends. feeling breezy and light-hearted, we came to the foot of the hill and selected a place that looked suitable and settled down. we spent a few hours digging holes and placing the young seedlings.

  we took numerous pictures of the beautiful place. we also wrote our wishes and buried it deep down the roots of the trees. i felt tired quickly and though i didn‘t realise it, it was time to go. i gazed up at the sky and took in all the wonderful features of mother nature. i felt really glad that we made it for this trip and sweared that i would do my part on protecting the environment.

  去植树的英语作文 2

  Spring is the best season to plant trees. Plantingtrees1 must conform to some correct steps. The first stepis digging a hole barge enoughZ for the tree, but the holeshould not he too deep.

  The second step is putting astraight stick into the earth next to the hole, then put thetree into the hole and tie it to the stick. The third step isputting the earth back in the hole again and then pushingit down hard'3' with feet several times. At last water theyoung tree because water is important to the growth ofyoung trees.

  去植树的英语作文 3

  In many countries it has long been the tradition to hold an annual tree or forest festival. The origin of such celebrations dates back to antiquity and is in the dawn of religious feeling and awe for what trees represented. However, Arbor Day, as it is commonly known today, is of American origin and evolved from conditions peculiar to the Great Plains. It was first observed in Nebraska in 1872.

  The idea, conceived by J.S. Morton, then a member of the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture, was one of forest conservation. It was a move to promote replanting, following deforestation, and to plant up treeless areas. The idea has spread widely to other lands where it is variously celebrated as the 'Festival of Trees', 'Greening Week' of Japan, 'The New Year's Days of Trees' in Israel, 'The Tree-loving Week' of Korea, 'The Reforestation Week' of Yugoslavia, 'The Students' Afforestation Day' of Iceland and 'The National Festival of Tree Planting' in India. Arbor Day in its various forms is now recognised in more than fifty countries.

  去植树的英语作文 4

  Today is March 12 Arbor Day, I especially like Arbor Day. Because it can beautify the environment, you can let more animals come to our beautiful Xi'an. Can also plant some trees next to the desert, you can prevent dust storms, the most important thing is that it can also add fresh air to us too!

  I think there is no life without trees, oxygen can actually breathe! If there is a tree, he will give us oxygen! So now the oxygen in the earth is endless breathing!

  I hope my classmates planted some small trees, but also must take care of the small trees!




  去植树的英语作文 5

  Yesterday was Tree Planting Day. The teachers asked us to plant trees at the corner of our playground. At 3:00 in the afternoon, we got there. Our teacher showed us how to plant trees,then we started to do it. Some dug the pits, some put trees in them and others watered them. We planted a lot of trees. When we finished our work, it was nearly dark.




  写家人的英语作文 1

  I have a happy family of four: capable of hardworking mom and dad, lively I, lovely sister.

  Although my mom and dad is a factory, but they don't work as a boss, but just like other employees in the office, sitting in my office to do some thing to do.

  My father, to work very hard, never late for work. Treat friends and colleagues, dad, warm-hearted. Dad is very diligent, came home from work, always help my mother do some housework. Father is very love me, no matter what I want, as long as useful, he will try to meet the requirements of I, school supplies, in particular, he is always needed. Treat sister, too. But my father always like to kid around with my sister, always make sister in distress situation.

  Mom? Mother and father work in earnest. Mother sincere, amiable attitude, is a typical wife and mother. Mother every day to clean the home clean, make whole family everyone can live a easy life, but never heard her say, shout tired. Mother also often taught me to read to study hard. Mother encouraged me to study hard, but never use harsh punishment to force us to study. Mom, in addition to take care of our life that guide our reading, are particularly concerned about our health, I always feel the mother is greater than Confucius.

  写家人的英语作文 2

  There are three people in my family, father, mother and I.

  My dad loves to play computer, love to cook, love to play with me, but don't plan the plan, the result is not quality.

  My mom loves to read, love to study, love to make a plan, but the action is not fast, the result has the quality not the speed.

  I love to study, love sports, love to start, love to read... In my home, I can often see me jumping up and down, running around, learning, and having a good time.

  My family is happy and happy. I love my home!

  写家人的英语作文 3

  In my life, I am proud of having a happy family. I have a kind father, strict mother and a naught little brother. As most other families, there are laughs and tears at my home. My father is friendly to others. Our neighbors speak highly of him. Mother is strict to me and my little brother. She has high expectation to us, wanting us to have bright future.

  My little brother is a primary school student, but he doesn’t work very hard. All he wants is playing with his friends. It worries my parents a lot. But in general, we have more laughs than tears. I love my lovely family.

  写家人的英语作文 4

  Father is a driver. He is always busy and sometimes comes home late.

  Mother is a doctor, and she is busy, too, sometimes even her sister.

  The two sisters are not very much alike, a skin is black and a skin is white. Less than a year old, nothing.

  I'm in the second grade, and I'm in the third grade right now.

  I want to help my parents do housework and make the family happier and happier.






  写家人的英语作文 5

  I have a big family. There are five people in my family, my grandmother, my parents and my elderly brother. My grandmother is easygoing. She has many friends near my home. Every morning and night, she walks around with her friends.

  My parents are doctors in the same hospital. They are always busy with their work. My brother is three years older than me. He is a middle school student. My family is happy. Although my parents are busy, they care much about me. We live a good life.
