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  高中吸烟的英语作文 1

  My father often puffs at home, our family is very unhappy, so I want to persuade my father to quit smoking.

  After a night of hard thinking, I finally came up with two persuasion schemes. I think: this 2 set of plans to deal with dad is not three fingers to take snail - sure?

  The next day, I dug out the information I had collected about the harm of smoking to the human body. This was my plan A: to talk about the harm of smoking. I said: "Dad, I found you these two days these two days a little like a dragon." "Really? That's good. I like dragons." "Dad said. I said, "No, I mean you smoke too much. You don't know, do you? Smoking one cigarette can take an hour off your life." "The dragon goes, the tiger goes, and the dragon without clouds has no prestige." I see my father does not listen to my persuasion, a little angry and said: "Well, since you do not listen to me, you do not believe even purring with panting dragon has what prestige." "Good! Good! Good! I listen to you, isn't it quit smoking? I will do it." I was very happy then.

  The good times didn't last long. A week later, Dad was smoking again, and my Plan A had failed.

  I had to use my magic Plan B: the danger of smoking to others. I knew Dad loved me the most. Dad smoked again today, so I went over and pretended to cough. The father asked, "What's wrong with you, son?" I said: "I can what, smell smoke can't stand?" Dad did not understand to say: "How do I smoke in your way?" "The problem can be big, you smoke, I smell smoke cough, and lung pain, can be uncomfortable. Because there are many toxic substances in smoke. Scientists have said that smoking is equal to taking drugs. You're only on drugs, and I'm a child, too." Dad firmly said: "I did not expect to hurt you, since that is the case, then I will never smoke." Hearing this sentence, my heart is too happy.

  Dad was a man of his word and hadn't smoked since.

  高中吸烟的英语作文 2

  Some people would say, Fa, it's too far away for me. It's not. The Dharma is all around us. In fact, there are many such stories around us, but most of us don't notice.

  I had a personal experience of this last week. I went to a restaurant with my parents that day. We sat early and waited for the other guests. When I have nothing to do, I observe my relatives and friends.

  Around the adults talking and laughing, small groups of loud conversation, between the smoke, as if did not see the door "no smoking" sign. In the corner of the hall, I saw a babbling child in the arms of the mother, about five or six years old, the skin is white and red, the face is filled with laughter, not make people like the feeling, her hands hold a candy. I picked up the candy on the table and raised my hand to him. He noticed me! The big eyes of children, water Lingling, really lovely. He took the candy, too, and held it up proclaiming.

  Then I suddenly felt a slow mist build up between us. The child's large, watery eyes no longer shone as before, but began to redness. Children wobble to the side of a smoking uncle, stretched out a white lotus root like arms, handed over candy. He pointed to the "No smoking" sign outside the door. All eyes were now on the lovely child. The old man took the candy with his yellow fingers, snuffed out the cigarette, unwrapped the wrapper, and split the candy in half, putting one half into the child's mouth and the other into his own. The men smoking in the hall quietly put out their butts; People who are talking loudly consciously keep the volume to a minimum. Then I suddenly felt the acrid smell of smoke wafted to the silk silk sweet.

  We believe that small actions, big future, will not only change you and me, but also benefit you and me. We hold hands, we can get closer...

  高中吸烟的英语作文 3

  Speaking of dad, I don't know how to say this. First of all, he is definitely a good father, but he has one shortcoming - smoking. At first, my father smoked one cigarette every three meals a day, but gradually his addiction became more and more serious. Whenever there is a free moment, the smoking "machine" starts working. Soon enough, there were enough cigarette butts sacrificed for him in ashtrays to form a company. He is really addicted to cigarettes.

  Dad often said, "Smoking after meals is better than living fairies." Neither my mother nor I know how many times I have told my father the harmful effects of smoking, but my father has always fallen on deaf ears.

  One day, while my father was watching TV at home, I turned the TV on to the health channel to show him how a rabbit used in an experiment had died after smoking. After reading it, my father sighed, "I know the dangers of smoking, but I'm addicted to it and can't change it." He looked at me and said affectionately, "I must have quit smoking!" After that, Dad's long and difficult journey to quit smoking began.

  It wasn't long, however, before he threw his words and my mother's and my expectations out the window and started creating "smoke bombs." What should I do? I came up with a solution: Write three chapters with my father. For the first few days, my father fidgeted every day, feeling his pockets every now and then after dinner, hoping to reach for a cigarette.

  At this time, I will play checkers with him, so as to distract his attention. Hey, this move works! But a few days later, I saw smoke floating in the toilet. Dad's campaign to quit smoking ended in failure.

  If one plan fails, I think of another. First, I let my mother buy a pack of smoking cessation sugar, and then my father and I read together. Whenever my father felt his pocket involuntarily, I put a smoking cessation candy into his mouth. Slowly, Dad's smoking machine finally "stopped working."

  Dear friends, please cheer for my wonderful action! China has one less smoker and a new face.

  高中吸烟的英语作文 4

  At the bus stop, hospitals, shopping malls and other public places, we often see such as a kind of marked "smoking is harmful to health".

  Smoking cigarette, is the most familiar people, also is a very common phenomenon in today's society, from the old grandpa, grandma, to teenagers, how many people do not infatuated with it? But you know how much damage it? Smoking is just like in a "chronic" poison!

  Scientists proved that contain large amounts of nicotine in cigarettes. Nicotine in a cigarette can kill 10 rats, 25 nicotine in cigarettes can kill a strong cow, 40 ~ 60 mg nicotine can kill people.

  Thus it can be seen in cigarettes is how strong toxicity. Still always damage human health, and raises the following these terrible disease:

  1, lung diseases: 38 kinds of toxic chemicals released when cigarette burns, the harmful ingredients are mainly carbon monoxide, nicotine, tar, dioxin and irritating smoke, etc. Tar the oral cavity, larynx, trachea and lung were damage. The tar in tobacco smoke sedimentation in the lungs villi, destroyed the fuzzy function, increase the phlegm, chronic lesions in the bronchus, bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer will be produced.

  2, cardiovascular disease: carbon monoxide in cigarettes reduce the oxygen content in the blood, and cause diseases such as high blood pressure. Smoking makes a coronary artery vasoconstriction, for case quantity to reduce or block, causing myocardial infarction. Smoking may increase adrenaline, causes the heart beat faster, the heart load, influence blood circulates and cause cardiovascular disease, diabetes, sudden death syndrome, respiratory function decline, stroke.

  3, smoking causes cancer, the study found that cigarette smoking is the most fastest way to produce free radicals, each inhalation of smoke, will produce at least 100000 free radicals, which can lead to cancer and many chronic diseases.

  5, the harm of smoking to intelligence: smoking can make the person's attention. Some people think that smoking can be refreshing, eliminate fatigue, trigger inspiration, there is no scientific reason. Experiments show that smoking seriously affect the person's intelligence, memory, thereby reducing the efficiency of work and study. Vile indeed, 53% of China's children's passive smoking, more harmful, easy to pneumonia, bronchitis, severe asthma and other diseases. If current smoking continue, children's intelligence development, the family of smoking, people will pay a great price.

  For the sake of his health, for don't let your family to "secondhand smoke" so we should shout: "smoking harm everybody's health, please don't smoke again!"

  高中吸烟的英语作文 5

  One brain teaser asked: What "ghost" is wandering in the air all day? The answer is a smoker.

  The smoker!

  Why the smoke is called "ghost", we should all know.

  Let's not talk about the negative effects of smoking on everyone, let's talk about the effects of smoking on individuals. "Smoking is bad for your health" and "smoking can kill you" have been stated on every box of cigarettes. Smokers must be able to see these words and understand the meaning of this sentence, but they "turn a blind eye" to it, "smoke a few cigarettes is not a big deal..." That's healthy, but is it really healthy? Nicotine in cigarettes is a drug, smoking is equivalent to drug use! Data shows that 1 gram of nicotine can kill a mouse. So that's how powerful nicotine is. Smokers, are you willing to let drugs eat away at your body bit by bit, exploiting your health until you die? It's not too late to give up smoking, or it will be a disaster! Don't play with your life!

  A person smoking, the harm to the people around is also very big.

  There was an advertisement on TV: second-hand smoke, inhaled into everyone's body, makes the incidence of cancer gradually increase...... Even if they never smoked. Smokers, do you not only want to destroy your own health, but also want to endanger the health of others?

  Not only that, but the gas emitted by smoking pollutes the air! These harmful gases are more harmful to human beings! Imagine if everyone smoked one more cigarette and polluted the air, could human beings survive? Just like our human body, if the blood is smoked black, can't absorb, then some of our internal organs, can be full of vitality? Air will give life to all living things. If you destroy the air, you destroy the environment in which we live, and all living things, and we humans, will cease to exist.

  Think about it. Think about all the dangers of smoking. I sincerely discourage those who love smoking: don't smoke anymore! Don't endanger your health and the health of others! Stop destroying the air and the earth!




  写吸烟的英语作文 1

  Five years ago, i went to shao xing to visit my cousin. my grandpa had been outside smoking when my aunt called him into the house. he left his cigarette on the front porch steps so he could continue smoking it when he returned.

  My cousin was curious to see what smoking was really like, so he picked up the cigarette, put it in his mouth and puffed in smoke. next, he was coughing his head off. he looked like he was about to throw up, but he stretched his hand out toward me to offer me the cigarette. “come on try it,” he said.

  I just grabbed the stupid thing out of his hand and smashed it with my shoe. then, grandpa returned. “where’d my cigarette go?” he asked. i just stood there, not wanting to admit what i had done, or what my cousin had done before that. but i knew that this was the moment of truth. i took a deep breath and began to explain.

  I told my grandpa that i could’t really believe he would choose to smoke. i was sure he knew how bad it was, so why did he do it? he said he started smoking when he was just a teenager. now he was so addicted that he couldn’t stop. it was just too hard to quit.

  Here was an old man, my own grandpa, admitting there was something that he couldn’t control that was probably slowly killing him. i stood there in disbelief, dumbfounded. then i remembered this commercial i had seen on tv. there was this lady who was so addicted to cigarettes that she’d gotten really sick. doctors had to cut a hole in her throat for her to breathe, and she was still smoking through the hole! it was the most disgusting thing i’ve ever seen. standing in front of my grandpa, i began to cry. what if that happened to him?

  Ever since that day, my grandpa has cut back on cigarettes. i know one thing: i want to live a long time. i don’t want to be sick or out of control of my life, the way that lady was. i’ll never smoke. i’ll take fresh air.

  写吸烟的英语作文 2

  If you smoke and you still don't believe that there's a definite link between smoking and bronchial troubles, heart disease and lung cancer, then you are certainly deceiving yourself. No one will accuse you of hypocrisy. Let us just say that you are suffering from a bad case of wishful thinking. This needn't make you too uncomfortable because you are in good company. Whenever the subject of smoking and health is raised, the governments of most countries hear no evil, see no evil and smell no evil.

  You don't have to look very far to find out why the official reactions to medical findings have been so lukewarm. The answer is sim*** money. Tobacco is a wonderful commodity to tax. It's almost like a tax on our daily bread.

  This is surely the most short-sighted policy you could imagine. While money is eagerly collected in vast sums with one hand, it is paid out in increasingly vaster sums with the other. Enormous amounts are spent on cancer research and on efforts to cure people suffering from the disease. Countless valuable lives are lost. In the long run, there is no doubt that everybody would be much better-off if smoking were banned altogether.

  For a start, governments could begin by banning all cigarette and tobacco advertising and should then conduct antismoking advertising campaigns of their own. Smoking should be banned in all public places like theatres, cinemas and restaurants. Great efforts should be made to inform young people especially of the dire consequences of taking up the habit. A horrific warning--say, a picture of a death's head--should be included in every packet of cigarettes that is sold. As individuals we are certainly weak, but if governments acted honestly and courageously, they could protect us from ourselves.

  写吸烟的英语作文 3

  Tobacco smoke contains at least three kinds of dangerous chemicals to the human body: the tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide, tar is made up of several kinds of material blending material, will condense into a viscous material in the lungs. Nicotine is a drug can make people addiction, absorbed by the lungs, mainly affect the nervous system. Carbon monoxide would reduce the ability of red blood cells carry oxygen around the body.

  A 15 to 20 cigarettes a day, the susceptibility to lung cancer, cancer of the mouth or throat cancer death risk, than the people do not smoke 14 times; The probability of its susceptibility to esophageal cancer death than non-smokers 4 times of the National People's Congress; Died in the big 2 times the risk of bladder cancer; The risk of dying from heart disease also want 2 times larger. Smoking is the leading cause of chronic bronchitis and emphysema, and chronic lung disease itself, also increase the risk of get pneumonia and heart disease, and smoking also increases the risk of high blood pressure.

  Data have shown that long-term smokers lung cancer incidence of 10 ~ 20 times higher than non-smokers, 6-10 times the incidence of laryngeal cancer, coronary heart disease (CHD) 2 to 3 times the incidence of a disease. A three-fold higher incidence of circulatory system, 2-8 times higher incidence of chronic bronchitis. Someone on a survey of 1000 households, found that smoking families children under the age of 16 of respiratory disease than non-smoking family. Children under the age of five, in not smoking families, 33. 5% had respiratory symptoms, and cigarette smoking was 44 families. 5% had respiratory symptoms.

  Smoking has special dangerous to women, women smoking if you are using oral contraceptives, can increase the heart attack the venous thrombosis of lower limbs and opportunities; Prone to premature fetus in pregnant women who smoke and underweight babies immune function is reduced, easy to get sick; According to statistics, pregnant women passive smoking of infant birth defects rate significantly increased.

  Smoking harm harm, should consciously not good hygienic habit of smoking.






  写吸烟的英语作文 4

  Some of my classmates think that smoking does harm to our health.Many people become ill and die of smoking.On the other hand,you must spend much money on cigarettes.What's more,many fires are caused by careless smokers.

  Some others take the different view that smoking will not only make you feel better but help you think especially when you are writing.They also hold that smokers seem to have an easy manner.Above all,Smoking can increase tax for our country.

  I'm against smoking.In my opinion,it's better for those who have got into the habit of smoking to give it up.(106)

  写吸烟的英语作文 5

  Recently, we had a discussion about whether adolescents should smoke cigarettes.

  On one hand, about 20% of the students agree that adolescents smoke cigarettes. In their opinion, smoking can help them ease their pressure when they are under heavy stress. Besides, smoking is fashionable and it feels cool to smoke in front of other peers. However, on the other hand , about 80% object to it. They think smoking does great damage to their body; Once they are addicted to it, it ‘ll be rough to quit it. What’s more, smoking also has a harmful effect on others, non-smokers in particular. More importantly, if you are a heavy smoker, you’ll smell terrible. That’s why sometimes you find it difficult to communicate with others.

  As far as I’m concerned, adolescents should not get into the bad habit of smoking. That’s because it does no good to our physical and mental health in the long term.



  吸烟有害健康的英语作文 1

  Smoking is a bad habit that does harm to smoker and others. Many kinds of diseases and cancers are caused by smoking, such as tracheitis, lung cancer and many other diseases. Recent years, there are tens of thousands of people dying of smoking. But there still are many people enjoying smoking, because they think smoking is a kind of fashion and smoking is so cool, especially among teenagers. In addition, smoking does harm to others as well. Second hand smoking has been recognized harmful to other people. Even worse, it may cause more damages. Therefore, people should remember that smoking is harmful to others and those people who smokes should give up smoking as soon as possible.

  吸烟有害健康的英语作文 2

  I attended Jacks birthday party tonight. After dinner, Jack gave cigarets to our boy students present.

  At the important moment, I stop them and told them the bad effects of smoking: firstly Smoking is a waste of money and its greatly harmful to our health. And it can lead to fires easily. So we should not smoke at all.

  But it seemed helpless and they wouldnt listen to me. Somebody even said that body and health belonged to themselves and its up to them to decide whether to smoke or not. I told him calmly, "Even if you have the right to harm your own body, but it doesnt mean that you have the same right to harm others."

  At last, they agreed with me, and some students said that they would never smoke any longer.

  For the next one hour, we danced and sang happily, and nobody did smoke again.I felt very happy that my classmate all understood the harmness of smoking.

  吸烟有害健康的英语作文 3



  There are many students smoking in senior high school, the reason may be that they think they look cool or appear to be more mature while having a cigarette at hand.But there are a lot of reasons not to smoke. Smoking does harm to our health.It is dangerous to our heart and lung. A lot of diseases are caused by cigarettes.Cigarettes also have terrible smell.The seconghand smoke can also be dangerous to the others who stand around you. Therefore, no smoking in public is a strict regulation in many countries. And the most important thing is that once you come into addicitive,it's hard to get rid of it. So,we must keep far from the cigarette——for everybody's health.



  Smoking is a bad habit that does harm to smoker and others. Many kinds of diseases and cancers are caused by smoking, such as tracheitis, lung cancer and many other diseases. Recent years, there are tens of thousands of people dying of smoking. But there still are many people enjoying smoking, because they think smoking is a kind of fashion and smoking is so cool, especially among teenagers. In addition, smoking does harm to others as well. Second hand smoking has been recognized harmful to other people. Even worse, it may cause more damages. Therefore, people should remember that smoking is harmful to others and those people who smokes should give up smoking as soon as possible.



  As we all know, there are many people smoking, although everyone knows smoking is harmful to us. Giving up smoking is not easy but addicted to it is quite easy, that’s why there are more and more people smoking. Smoking and passive smoking is risk factor that leads to various diseases. It has become world’s top 8 causes of death. More than 90% of lung cancer caused by smoking and lung cancer rates of smokers are 18 times over the non-smokers. Besides, smoking also causes angiocardiopathy, digestive system disease, oral disease and so on. In addition, passive smoking causes great concern in recent years. People have known that passive smoking also do great harm to human, too. Therefore, many countries and regions prohibit people from smoking in public zones, in order to reduce the harm of secondhand smoke. From my point of view, the best way to keep healthy is giving up smoke, for smoker’s own good as well as for others.


  吸烟有害健康的英语作文 4

  Today smoking is a widespread habit ali over the world. Not only the old, the youth, but also middle school students have been engaged in smoking. Many of them think that smoking is a smart symbol.

  However, smoking is harmful to ones health. It contributes a lot of lung cancer, from which many people have died in the past years. It can also cause many other diseases. In a word, if you smoke, you do have a much greater chance of losing your health. Furthermore, scientific research shows that smoking is not only harmful to smokers themselves, but also a threat to public health, especially to women and children. Therefore, many countries have made laws forbidding smokers to smoke m public places such as cinemas, stations, hospitals, and so on Giveup smoking! If you dont smoke, dont start. Give upsmoking for the sake of your health, for the sake of your family, and for the sake of the whole world.

  吸烟有害健康的英语作文 5

  Nowadays more and more people have realized smoking can do harm to people'shealth. However, some people still enjoy smoking. Why? Because some of them think it is a kind of fashion, some think it is of great fun and others, think that smoking can refresh themselves. In fact, smoking is a bad habit. It can cause a lot of diseases. Meanwhile smoking is a waste of money. Besides, careless smokers may cause dangerous fires. Smoking is harmful and it is not only bad for smokers themselves, but also bad for non-smokers. Therefore, I hope all the smokers can give up smoking for themselves and also for the people around them.



  吸烟有害健康英语作文 1

  Smoking Is Bad for Health

  Smoking is a bad habit that does harm to smoker and others.Many kinds of diseases and cancers are caused by smoking,such as tracheitis,lung cancer and many other diseases.Recent years,there are tens of thousands of people dying of smoking.But there still are many people enjoying smoking,because they think smoking is a kind of fashion and smoking is so cool,especially among teenagers.In addition,smoking does harm to others as well.Second hand smoking has been recognized harmful to other people.Even worse,it may cause more damages.Therefore,people should remember that smoking is harmful to others and those people who smokes should give up smoking as soon as possible.

  吸烟有害健康英语作文 2

  Smoking cigarettes is very harmful to our health.Studies show that smoking can cause cancer and other health problems.Smoker should give up smoking.

  In addition to health problem,there are other reasons to give up smoking.First,cigarette is very expensive.It is estimated that a smoker will at least spend more than $400 a year.And ,smoking leaves an offensive odor.Non-smoker don’t like to be at around the smoker.Further-more ,smoking is a source of pollution.These are all good reasons to give up smoking .

  Of course ,it is not easy to give up smoking ,but it can be done.First ,a smoker may list the disadvantages of smoking ,which will be very helpful for him to give it up.Then ,the smoker should get support form his relatives or close friends.Last but not least ,the smoker should habit ,such as fishing and reading ,which will take the smoker’s mind off smoking.

  吸烟有害健康英语作文 3

  Smoking is a bad habit that does harm to smoker and others. Many kinds of diseases and cancers are caused by smoking,such as tracheitis,lung cancer and many other diseases. Recent years,there are tens of thousands of people dying of smoking. But there still are many people enjoying smoking,because they think smoking is a kind of fashion and smoking is so cool,especially among teenagers. In addition,smoking does harm to others as well. Second hand smoking has been recognized harmful to other people. Even worse,it may cause more damages. Therefore,people should remember that smoking is harmful to others and those people who smokes should give up smoking as soon as possible.


  There are many students smoking in senior high school,the reason may be that they think they look cool or appear to be more mature while having a cigarette at hand.But there are a lot of reasons not to smoke. Smoking does harm to our health.It is dangerous to our heart and lung. A lot of diseases are caused by cigarettes.Cigarettes also have terrible smell.The seconghand smoke can also be dangerous to the others who stand around you. Therefore,no smoking in public is a strict regulation in many countries. And the most important thing is that once you come into addicitive,it's hard to get rid of it. So,we must keep far from the cigarette——for everybody's health.


  吸烟有害健康英语作文 4

  Smoking is a bad habit that does harm to smoker and others. Many kinds of diseases and cancers are caused by smoking, such as tracheitis, lung cancer and many other diseases. Recent years, there are tens of thousands of people dying of smoking. But there still are many people enjoying smoking, because they think smoking is a kind of fashion and smoking is so cool, especially among teenagers. In addition, smoking does harm to others as well. Second hand smoking has been recognized harmful to other people. Even worse, it may cause more damages. Therefore, people should remember that smoking is harmful to others and those people who smokes should give up smoking as soon as possible.

  吸烟有害健康英语作文 5

  Smoking is a bad habit that does harm to smoker and others. Many kinds of diseases and cancers are caused by smoking,such as tracheitis,lung cancer and many other diseases. Recent years,there are tens of thousands of people dying of smoking. But there still are many people enjoying smoking,because they think smoking is a kind of fashion and smoking is so cool,especially among teenagers. In addition,smoking does harm to others as well. Second hand smoking has been recognized harmful to other people. Even worse,it may cause more damages. Therefore,people should remember that smoking is harmful to others and those people who smokes should give up smoking as soon as possible.



——公共场禁止吸烟的英语作文 (菁华3篇)


  Do you smoke? Do you have any underage smokers? My name is li gang. I am a middle school student. I know that minors are not supposed to smoke, so I never smoke. But many of my classmates smoke, it's not right.

  Some of these teenagers think smoking is cool and some are curious about cigarettes. But if you are addicted to cigarettes, it will do harm to teenagers' health and do harm to others. If smoke for a long time, still can make the person gets respiratory disease. Stop smoking, start small!


  There are many students smoking in senior high school, the reason may be that they think they look cool or appear to be more mature while having a cigarette at hand.

  But there are a lot of reasons not to smoke. Smoking does harm to our health.It is dangerous to our heart and lung. A lot of diseases are caused by cigarettes.Cigarettes also have terrible smell.

  The seconghand smoke can also be dangerous to the others who stand around you.

  Therefore, no smoking in public is a strict regulation in many countries.

  And the most important thing is that once you come into addicitive,it's hard to get rid of it. So,we must keep far from the cigarette——for everybody's health.







  Should Smoking in Public Places be Banned?

  Nowadays many countries in the world have passed laws to ban smoking in public places. Some smokers claim that their rights are infringed if smoking is forbidden in public places. However, most non-smokers regard the ban as good news. As far as I’m concerned, smoking should be banned in all the public places such as restaurants, theaters and public squares。

  On the one hand, smoking is harmful both for smokers themselves and others. It is reported that every year smoking causes millions of death around the world. On the other hand, smoking pollutes the air. Just imagine that you sit in a restaurant full of smoke, how can you enjoy your meal there? Besides, smoking is bad for the elevation of a country’s image in the world。

  I believe if smoking is banned in all the public places, most of us will breathe in more fresh and clean air. And the health condition of all the people will be greatly improved。


——吸烟的危害英语作文 (菁华6篇)


  Smoking is a bad habit that does harm to smoker and others. Many kinds of diseases and cancers are caused by smoking, such as tracheitis, lung cancer and many other diseases.

  Recent years, there are tens of thousands of people dying of smoking. But there still are many people enjoying smoking, because they think smoking is a kind of fashion and smoking is so cool, especially among teenagers.

  In addition, smoking does harm to others as well. Second hand smoking has been recognized harmful to other people.

  Even worse, it may cause more damages.

  Therefore, people should remember that smoking is harmful to others and those people who smokes should give up smoking as soon as possible.





  “Why do you want to smoke?”Many people often ask questions like this.In recent years,there is a general tendency to more and more children also learn to smoke.They dont know the dangers of smoking,just think that smoking is cool, its a trend.From the picture,we can come to a conclusion,smoking is equal to chronic *.

  It is well known that a cigarette contains many chemical substances such as tar and nicotine.Burning cigarettes can produce certain poisonous substances.Therefore,smoking can harm not only smokers but also non-smokers around them.On the one hand,the hazardous chemicals will do harm to smokers’ lung cells and blood circulation,which can shorten their lifespan.On the other hand,non-smokers exposed to second-hand smoke are at high risk of many health problems.

  To be brief,smoking is no less than chronic *,which destroys the health both smokers’ and people around them.People should try their best to give up smoking,for their own health, for the family.


  Today smoking is a widespread habit ali over the world. Not only the old,the youth,but also middle school students have been engaged in smoking. Many of them think that smoking is a smart symbol.

  However,smoking is harmful to one's health. It contributes a lot of lung cancer,fromwhich many people have died in the past years. It can also cause many other diseases. In a word,if you smoke,you do have a much greater chance of losing your health. Furthermore,scientific research shows that smoking is not only harmful to smokers themselves,but also a threat to public health,especially to women and children. Therefore,many countries have made laws forbidding smokers to smoke m public places such as cinemas,stations,hospitals,and so on Giveup smoking!If you don't smoke,don't start.

  Give upsmoking for the sake of your health,for the sake of your family,and for the sake of the whole world.





  Smoking should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  Nowhere in the world has the issue of tobacco been so much debated as in our society. Nowadays, tobacco is more harmful than drug to people’s health, therefore many people think that smoking isn’t banned that is a direct and primary reason to induce this kind of problem. The above point is certainly true; this essay will outline three reasons.

  The main reason is that tobacco is a silent killer to smokers. Tobacco is known to be the probable cause of some 25 different diseases, and for some, such as lung cancer, bronchitis and emphysema, it is the main cause. According to a WHO report four million people die yearly from tobacco-related diseases, that is one death every eight seconds. Tobacco is significantly becoming a greater cause of death and disability than any other single cause.

  Another reason is that more and more young people are under 18 years old who smoke cigarette have been blinded by the deceit of tobacconists. Tobacco among adolescents remains stubbornly persistent. Smoking among adolescents rose in the 1990s in several developed countries,such as China, Vietnam and Thailand . While new markets are being opened by the tobacco industry actions, old markets have not been closed. Tobacco is a global threat.

  Last but not the least reason is the increase in cigarette smuggling. Because of tobacco smuggling, the legal retailing and distribution systems are badly affected, and faced with increased lawlessness and heavy tax losses. This behavior severely affects the economy.

  In conclusion, smoking should be banned, because of the hazard it poses to people’s health.


  “Why do you want to smoke?”Many people often ask questions like this.In recent years,there is a general tendency to more and more children also learn to smoke.They don't know the dangers of smoking,just think that smoking is cool, it's a trend.From the picture,we can come to a conclusion,smoking is equal to chronic *.

  It is well known that a cigarette contains many chemical substances such as tar and nicotine.Burning cigarettes can produce certain poisonous substances.Therefore,smoking can harm not only smokers but also non-smokers around them.On the one hand,the hazardous chemicals will do harm to smokers’ lung cells and blood circulation,which can shorten their lifespan.On the other hand,non-smokers exposed to second-hand smoke are at high risk of many health problems.

  To be brief,smoking is no less than chronic *,which destroys the health both smokers’ and people around them.People should try their best to give up smoking,for their own health, for the family.


  Though smoking has been banned in public places in many cities, many people are still addicted to smoking, especially young people. Some smokers seem to have “quite convincing” reasons for their continuing to smoke. They claim if smoking is forbidden in public places, it will infringe upon their personal freedom and human rights.

  But these smokers should know that they are not entitled to the freedom to smoke, which infringes upon non-smokers’ freedom to breathe clean and fresh air in public places. Unfortunately, these smokers make non-smokers victims of their bad habit. Some smokers ignore health problems and stress that the smoking ban will endanger the local economies. In their words, tobacco industry means money and millions of jobs. Indeed, tobacco industry, on the one hand, collects a large amount of revenue every year and helps develop local economies; on the other hand, they make people victims of lung cancer and other fatal diseases. Have they ever thought of the direct medical costs on treating smoking-related diseases?

  It is reported that the US Government has adopted even more severe measures to control the development of its tobacco industry. Having a hard time at home, some US tobacco companies are sparing no effort in finding their way into China, which has the world’s largest number of smokers. In modernChina, opium brought by British imperialists brought great suffering to Chinese people, who were then called “sick men ofEast Asia”. Have we forgotten this bitter experience? Is tobacco revenue so dear or smokers’ freedom so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of the health and life of our people?



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  吸烟的行为严重的影响到了我,首先这是非常影响健康的,不仅仅是影响自己,间接的还会影响到周围的同学,在校园内吸烟污染环境,这是我们学*地方,我却吸烟了,我真的感觉非常的惭愧,以后真的是不希望再出现这样的事情了,确实是感觉非常不好,作为一名高中学生我应该要努力去维持一个好的态度,这一点是一定的,我相信我应该要有这方面的态度,作为一名学生,我 应该要对自己负责,这不是学生应该要有的态度,吸烟的情况,非常的影响健康,而且我还是在校园内吸烟的,那么多的同学,我现在想想确实还是感觉非常的吃力,这不是我想要看到的结果,确实是感觉非常的吃力,我也应该要坚持去搞好学*,以后一定不会再学校吸烟了,我会主动把香烟上交,要端正心态,对于这次的事情做出深刻的反省,以后一定不会再这么下去了,确实是应该要做好的。





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  高中的吸烟检讨书 1










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