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  科技的英语作文 1

  Technology has been an important motivation in the progress of human civilization.With the help of technology we can improve our life .However,everything has two sides,so the technology also has its advantages and disadvantages.

  First of all,it makes our life more convenient.For example ,airplanes and high speed railway can save up us a lot of time.Besides,it provides us more safe food just like "Genetically Modified Foods".

  What's more,it makes us learn much more about our humanbeing and the earth.

  However,technology brings the harms for us,such as pollution .It also makes some of us be lazy because life is too comfortable.

  Above all,we should make full use of the technology and do our best to reduces its disadvantages .

  科技的英语作文 2

  Several reasons account for the change。 Firstly, we are in the information age today。 Computers are useful in editing and data processing, make it easier for people to communicate with each other and provide all sorts of information。 Secondly, computer skills can be a competitive edge for job hunter, which stimulates students' interest in computers and encourages them to have a good command of them。 Finally, as the price of computers drops shar*** recent years, more and more students can afford them。

  But some problems also arise, liking wasting students’ time and having negative effect on studies。 Therefore, we, as students, should always keep in mind that we should use computer in an appropriate way。

  科技的英语作文 3

  May 1st Sunday Fine.

  It was fine today, Lily and I went to visit the Science Museum.It is about two kilometers away from our homes, so we decided to go there by bike.We set off at 8 o'clock.At the museum we saw a lot of interesting things.We could operate some equipment.There we met many classmates and friends.We thought we had learned a lot and were more interested in science.

  At half past eleven we left the museum for home.We enjoyed ourselves in the museum today.

  5月1日 星期日 晴



  科技的英语作文 4

  Today, my mother and I went to the China Science and Technology Museum near the bird's nest in Beijing. From afar, the newly built Chinese science and Technology Museum is grand and spectacular.

  We walked in and found that it was a four story building with a main exhibition hall and an attached hall. Among them, the main exhibition hall is divided into four exhibition halls according to the Chinese light, exploration and discovery, science and life, challenge and future theme, which has many exhibits and large area, which is really breathtaking. I often go to the Tianjin Museum of science and technology, in contrast, is sim*** pale into insignificance by comparison.

  科技的英语作文 5

  Technology is a necessary force in modern life. we use technology to develop economy, change our life and quicken the pace of development. without it, we might still stay in a poor society. we might have no tvs, no computers and even no lights. we might have to work by hands instead of by machines and read many books to gain new knowledge instead of XXX use of computer nets. it's believed that technology improves our life.

  But technology is not always a positive force in modern life. if it is not used in the right way, it may be harmful and even dangerous to people. for example, as a result of advanced technology, computer viruses have been made by some people with personal purposes, and obviously everyone knows what harm they do. we can see that under the influence of the negative effect of technology, our society may be faced with a great danger.

  So we should make use of the positive force of technology to develop our modern life and reduce its negative effects.

  科技的英语作文 6

  This morning, it is time for us to make sandwiches, so we are very excited. We took two bread and put sausage, eggs and vegetables in it, and then we cut the bread into two other shapes.

  My Mom said: “ we need to take food there, because there is one place to eat, but the food there is bad. I went to search the internet, and many people said that.” Because my Dad need to work after breakfast, so my Mom would take me there by herself. After 30 minutes, we arrived the science center.

  The science center is very big, and it has every countries’ costumes on it. The whole science center look like an eye with globe. Then we went inside the science center to buy tickets. It is really cool inside. My Mom asked me to go to watch a movie, and then we went to.

  Time pass quickly. It was time for us to go home, but I really happy today.

  科技的英语作文 7

  Red packet is unavoidable in Chinese new year. The married couple need to send some gifts and red packets to the elder and the young. At the same time,the new techonology provides people a funny way to send red packet. It is the popular communicational tool Wechat.

  Now many foreigners are also crazy about Wechat, when they realize the function of red packet, they fall in love with it and share the money happily. Chinese new techonology are favored by the world, which makes us be proud. Recently, another new selfie technoloy surprises the world. With it, people can make themselves look attractive and it helps to adjust the pictures to look perfect. When the foreigners compare the pictures, they are shocked by this selfie technology. Chinese technology brings convenience to people’s life and makes them happy.

  科技的英语作文 8

  The world is slowly becoming a high-tech society. New technologies like computers, robots have changed the way most of us live & work. While life turns easier in some way, technology has had terrible consequences for many people.

  In other words, people are suffering the changes brought by technology. For instance, millions of people are out of work today, and their unemployment is caused by machines that can do the work people used to do; In addition, managers who can not adjust to computers & telecommunication systems are losing jobs too.

  We may have more food, better houses, cheaper communications, but we may also lose our ability to use these things. Technology may be improving our lives, but it is also taking away our livelihoods!

  科技的英语作文 9

  With the rapid development of the modern science and technology,we are enjoying the convenience which used to be in our dreams.

  Everybody knows that the cell phones,computers,internet,credit cards,airplanes,subways and so on have brought us a modern life which makes us much more comfortable,convenient and relaxed.

  But gradually,more and more people begin to realize that such kind of easy-going life,perhaps,is doing great harm to our environment and our health as well.

  Nowadays,we have to admit that we have had many nameless diseases which have been brought by the modern science.You cannot deny the air pollution,land reduction,north pole melting and the animals perishing must have something to do with the pursuing of our human modern life.

  Therefore,how to protect the environment and the human being itself are becoming an urgent problem for the whole human being.

  科技的英语作文 10

  Technology has turned this world into a different one full of wonders,some of them being too good to be true.For example,mobile phone is playing an important role in our social and professional lives,whereas the Internet has connected people at every corner on the planet and beyond.As a consequence,telecommuting may soon become a more common way of working as more people are doing part of their jobs from home.

  And so what?Actually people are no closer to feeling happy in various respects because such technological developments are destroying many basic values of simple and easy lifestyles.Computers in particular have made life less emotional since the more time people use the Internet,the less time they spend with human beings.

  In sum,there are reasons to be worried about what will become of mankind as a whole facing an increasingly complex world in which they may enjoy all the conveniences of life and yet they do not feel any happier or wiser.

  Who knows that over-dependence on modern technology could not mean the beginning of the end of human sparks of creativity,spirit,compassion,love and understanding and other good things about a simple and easy life.In making peoples lives more enjoyable but more complex,technology seems as if sending plenty of blessings from heaven as well as sending plenty of evils from hell.




  科技英语作文 1

  May 1st Sunday Fine

  Lily and I are very interested in science, so we decided to visit the Science Museum today。 It is not too far from our homes.It is about two kilometers, so we thought it was better to go there by bike.

  At eight we set off. It was very nice and sunny。 When we got to the gate, there were many people waiting there. We met some of my classmates and teachers。 There we saw a lot of interesting things and equipment。 We could touch them and even operate something.We thought we had learned a lot and were more interested in science.

  At half past eleven we had to leave for home. How happy we were today!

  5月1日 星期日 晴




  科技英语作文 2

  Therefore, how to deal with the progress of science and technology properly is worth our careful consideration.

  Nowadays,more and more hi-tech tools,such as calculator,computer,etc,appear in our daily life.we use them wherever and whenever we are,so that our life becomes easier and more comfortable than before.

  However,does anyone think about what problems science and technology have caused to happen in this world?To some degree,it's more serious than that we consider.We human indeed use them to improve our living standard,but on the other hand,we are becoming lazier,more reliable than we used to be.All day long those hi-tech products accompany us,then we have either no space or time to think,as well,communication between each other decreases,and what takes place of it is the huge indifference and gap among human. To solve these problems,we should in no time take measures to do with them.Firstly,communicate with others and think on your own more.Secondly,decrease the times you use hi-tech tools.For the advantages of technology,we should absorb,at the meantime,be independent and abandon the short-comings.Thus,we could combine technology and human progress much closer and not lose ourselves in this modern society.

  科技英语作文 3

  The Relationship Between Modern Technology

  In the modern time, the growth of technology is increasingly developed. More and more people don’t use their brains when there is no need to use other instruments. Too much people use technology so that people are lazier and less healthy than before. They rely on technology too much.

  Some believe that modern technology shorten the distance of human. For instance, people all use cellphone to call friends or family, or computer to search information, or use QQ, MSN, twitter, blog etc. These modern instruments shorten the distance between human.

  However, others think that it’s just the reverse. Technology makes people use less face-to-face communication. The contact in real life is less and less. People do less interaction to each other. In the long term, people will get depressed without enough communication.

  As far as I’m concerned, modern technology provides convenience to people. It makes people easily to get information. Only could we use it correctly, it does much contribution to us.

  科技英语作文 4

  The development of modern technology has made people's life more complex, so people should choose to have a simple and easy life without using technology. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

  The advancement of modern technology is making people's life more comfortable and at the same time less human. To those who enjoy the benefits of technology, there is no better time to be alive than now, but to others life has been increasingly complex and stressful. The issue is whether such new technological machines as computers and the Internet would be our servants forever or eventually could become our masters.

  科技英语作文 5

  Science promote the development of society

  If you ask me who promoted the development of society, the politicians or the scientists, I will tell you directly, scientists is the one who promote the social progress.

  As we all know, in 18th century, with the invention of the steam engine, people gradually use steam as power, led to the first industrial revolution, and after that the human beings entered the era of steam, meanwhile the human society entered the stage of capitalism. Then when the human beings came into the 19th century, the electricity was used as the power, there

  happened the second industrial revolution, the era of electrical was born, the human society has entered into the advanced stage of capitalism. With development of informationtechnique, now the internet is a key part of our life, human has entered the information age.

  From the history we can see that each time the progress of human society, the driving force is the development of science,society development is inseparable from the science, therefore, scientists is the impetus for social development, they give more influence on the world.

  科技英语作文 6

  With the development of science, human life has changed tremendously. People

  living in the 18th or 19th centuries would never imagine the advanced household appliances we are now able to enjoy. Every aspect of our lives, for instance, in the field of medicine or agriculture has witnessed great improvements through the application of science.

  However, many people complained that science has also brought disasters to human life. Some evil scientists have used their knowledge to do some illegal things. They may use science for the creation of weapons to destroy thousands of lives in wars. They might also use their knowledge to produce drugs to make a lot of money for themselves.

  Generally speaking, science has provided us with many valuable things. But if used wrongly, it can also lead to harm. We should try to keep science under control and put it to the best use of mankind.

  科技英语作文 7

  technology is a necessary force in modern life. we use technology to develop economy, change our life and quicken the pace of development. without it, we might still stay in a poor society. we might have no tvs, no computers and even no lights. we might have to work by hands instead of by machines and read many books to gain new knowledge instead of XXX use of computer nets. it's believed that technology improves our life.

  but technology is not always a positive force in modern life. if it is not used in the right way, it may be harmful and even dangerous to people. for example, as a result of advanced technology, computer viruses have been made by some people with personal purposes, and obviously everyone knows what harm they do. we can see that under the influence of the negative effect of technology, our society may be faced with a great danger.

  so we should make use of the positive force of technology to develop our modern life and reduce its negative effects.

  科技英语作文 8

  What Does Technology Do to Tradition?

  "Technology or tradition", a sc-called contradiction, didn't become a popular topic until recently.

  When the tradition of "men plow and women weave" is broken up by the influx of advanced agricultural tools, skyscrapers stand firm where there used to be the homes of intimate neighbors, and handwork is replaced by machines, people can't help wondering, "What's wrong with us?" Apprehensions abound among scholars.

  Is it true that too much of our attention and energy have been diverted to the technology and the traditional culture will reduce to a desolation?

  "Technology or tradition" is a question causing increasingted to the technology and the traditional culture will reduce to a desolation?

  "Technology or tradition" is a question causing increasing controversy nowadays, but in my opinion, it is not a choice that we can make. It's true that technology will affect our traditionalculture but the former can and should never undermine the lat

  With a history of thousands of years, traditional culture is not so fragile as we thought it might be.

  It is rooted in our minds, influencing our every deed. We are strictly governed by the tradition passing from generation to generation.

  Technology from which we benefit much in our daily life gives us conveniences and may change our lifestyle in some parts as well. Thus some tradition may be affected. Farmers lose their opportunity of plowing and, with the appearance of grain drill, their sowing skills are no longer needed..,

  but we should be cautious that technology also plays the role of selector here, singling the long lasting vital values while eliminating the others which account for only a small percentage. Permanent spirits such as "teamwork"and "love for others" still stand firm in all societies and hold its dominance. Moreover, tradition doesn't always stay unchanged.Its development is somewhat a process of evolution.

  So why should our technological world be thought of as a threat rather than a system of selection in harmony with the human evolution?

  In addition, what technology brings to our traditional world are changes, the gradual changes, rather than radical revolution that gives rise to chaos and panics. With new technology emerging, we're allowed to have enough time to look back and guard against its invasion into the core of our traditional culture to strive for a balance.

  Looked at from another angle, new technological development also contributes to the enrichment and perfection of our traditional culture. It adds new contents to our culture and opens a new vista for it.

  科技英语作文 9

  Module EF5231

  Academic Writing for non-native

  Speakers of English

  Assessment 002



  12 December 2014

  Essay Title:

  The use of technology in education has increased in recent years. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using technology in education, with regard to both teachers and students. Give examples from your own experience of studying to support your argument.

  Technology in classroom is not new. Indeed, technology has been around in education for decades-one and might be argued for centuries, if we classify the blackboard as a form of technology. "Tape recorders, language laboratories Tape recorders, language laboratories and video have been in use since the 1960s and 1970s, and are still used in classrooms around the world. Computer-based materials for language teaching, often referred to as Call (computer Assisted Language Learning), appeared in the early 1980. ”(Dudeney, 2007, p8)

  Technology is a tool in the classroom which tries to constantly improve the quality of teaching and the efficiency to allow people to become easier and more convenient in learning through science and technology tools. Technology products have been gradually integrated into our life, and even have become an integral part of our lives. There are many technology products used in education. It has become a hotly-debated issue, whether the educator should greatly accept the development of technology. Advocates of using technology in education argue that the science and technology can effectively improve studying, such as network education system, computer and multimedia tools. They are the leading cause of improving education diversity. However, other people believe that school should follow the traditional education. There are many uncertainties in technology products. Students may be faced with many temptations and adverse influences from technology products. Technology in the classroom needs to spend a lot of money. They claimed that it is wasteful, unwise and unacceptable. This essay intends to explain the pros and cons with use the technology in education.

  First of all, the computer is the most representative of technology products usedin education. It can offer a range of services and convenience for students to study, suchas e-learning, reading online and researchinginformation. With the help of these resources, the students' learning will be improved greatly. Clark (2008, P 37) claimsthat “reading online content is similar to reading printed material, but online material is designed

  very differently from a book.” Student will no longer worry about takinga number of books to school. Aside from convenience, distance education programs can be economical and environmentally friendly. It is not necessary to connect with the internet; It will beeasy to find a book which read. Maybe in the near futuree-books will replace paper books.

  Furthermore, Tele-education has been increasinglypopular on the internet. Wireless Fidelity is now widely available on trains and in hotels, cafes, libraries and a variety of other public spaces. (Clark .2008) Students can use lap-top, Ipad or mobile phone to study anywhere by connecting tothe Internet. Technology provides the possibility of learning whileon a bus or outside. It is not necessary to own the technology produce; the Cybercafés has already offered the service. It is only necessary to pay a little money then to use theircomputers. Even if far away from home or college, the students also can carry on with their studies. (Clark, 2008) Technology products are available to the learning spaces. In the students' learning sites are not limited at school or at home. The way and place of studyingis also becoming flexible.

  On the other hand, technology products also bring some threat to students ’study. Although technology products can bring convenience to study, it may also influence them in undesirable ways. People like to use e-learning because they can save every-thing. There is no need to read the material or make any particular effort tounderstand the content. It may lead to impairing the ability of students to ***yst information and it may beeasy to make mistakes in their studying. (Clark,2008) Students will growdependent on learning tools to study and it may reduce their autonomous learning. Over relying on electronic products may take a heavy toll on student’s study.

  Moreover, contacting with electronic products and network for a long time may easily suffer from a series of threat, such as, Internet addiction, Internet pornography and cyber-violence. Admittedly, exposure to violent movies may lead to aggressive and antisocial behaviors. An avid pursuit of science and technology products probably may lead to internet crime. Many parents said that children’s’ prolonged time working on the computer easily lead to testiness, decadence and selfishness. A growing volume of experience suggests that under the impact of negative net-culture, youths willpower is

  weakened, which results in the increase of juvenile delinquency, personality defects, and damages to their physical, emotional and mental well-being.

  Technology not only plays an important role in students’ study but also influences the teachers’ job. Students studying in school may find that technological devicesare increasinggradually. Undoubtedly, the technology devices have become an indispensable part of educational tool in the classroom.

  Firstly, technology products probably offer a lot of information for teachers to prepare for their teaching.Dudendy claimed that (2007, p8) technology is offered with published materials such as radio, photo or resource books for teachers. For example, in the Internet an educator could find numerous materials and create a power-point courseware. Class education will not be trapped in text reading, because technology can provide the condition which would makes the course moreeiching, interesting and easier to grab the attention of the students. According to experience, technology products have a great probability ofimproving the quality of teaching and promoting education.

  Furthermore, technology may help teachers to increase their efficiency and reduce workload in the school education. Davies stated that (2010, p8) “if designed appropriately, computer-assisted assessment offers a number of benefits that can enhance learning and reduce the workload of administrators.” For example, assessments online, it can access a greater range of locations for paper examinations. Teachers could transport students’ work from home and access grades from multiple locations. Teachers may also teach in a tele-teaching format, whichallowsthem to potentially take on more students and course sections because meeting times are more flexible or non-existent. Experience suggested that online assessment is feasible. Students could submit their assessment to the campus network system, and then the teacher could check the homework and return marks, all online.

  While technology use in education could bring a range of benefits, however, it also has some limitations. Technology is essential for teachers but there are some instances

  科技英语作文 10

  the advantages and disadvantages of science and technology

  With the development of science and technology, people's lives have been greatly changed. There is no doubt that we benefit a lot from the scientific advancements in many different ways. For instance, the invention of computers dramatically increases work efficiency and helps complete many difficult tasks that were impossible in the past. Apart from this, new discoveries and technology in medicine improve people's health, which allows them to enjoy a longer life. The progress of science also enlarges human's ablilities to explore the world around them, from up into space to deep under the sea. Thanks to the development of science and technology, human society has enjoyed continuous prosperity and more convenience.

  However, just like a double-edged sword, science can cause problems too. It is known to all that the nuclear power, an environmentally friendly source of energy, can also be developed into a weapon of mass destruction. In addition, human cloning, which is expected to cure many serious diseases and save lives, may bring disasters of social morality. As a matter of fact, most of the improvements in science are made at the cost of our precious natural resources and have done great harm to the environment where we live in.

  Therefore, how to deal with the progress of science and technology properly is worth our careful consideration.

  Nowadays,more and more hi-tech tools,such as calculator,computer,etc,appear in our daily life.we use them wherever and whenever we are,so that our life becomes easier and more comfortable than before.

  However,does anyone think about what problems science and technology have caused to happen in this world?To some degree,it's more serious than that we consider.We human indeed use them to improve our living standard,but on the other hand,we are becoming lazier,more reliable than we used to be.All day long those hi-tech products accompany us,then we have either no space or time to think,as well,communication between each other decreases,and what takes place of it is the huge indifference and gap among human. To solve these problems,we should in no time take measures to do with them.Firstly,communicate with others and think on your own more.Secondly,decrease the times you use hi-tech tools.For the advantages of technology,we should absorb,at the meantime,be independent and abandon the short-comings.Thus,we could combine technology and human progress much closer and not lose ourselves in this modern society.



  科技的利弊英语作文 1

  The rapid development of science and technology has brought about great changes to human life, including great harms and disasters .Then people enter into endless argument about whether science is dangerous or not.

  So many examples can be figured out to prove the danger of science. Advanced technology can be easily manipulated by irresponsible persons as well as terrorist. Such as the Disaster 911, airplanes fly into buildings, fire burning, huge structures collapse, a lot of victims such as intellectual and business elites were sacrificed. Besides, As technology becomes more powerful day by day , we'll be complacent and lazy. Increased dependency on modern tools like calculators has reduced on our creativity. Students can’t solve a very simple mathematical equation without using a calculator. This affects the way these students uses their brains and reduces on the level of creativity.

  Just like the saying goes that every coin has two sides. However, it ‘s obvious that we make the decision to choose which side. After 911, people condemn the terrorist not airplays. Student who got low marks should rethink his carelessness and laziness but not pass the buck to the calculator.

  Any way, There is no dangerous science, but dangerous and irresponsible people. We are working very hard to solve such problems that come along with advances in science and technology, but the efforts are not sufficient and not very successful. Actually, the key lies in the user. Moralities such as responsibility, diligence and goodness should never be lost in our heart. Otherwise , the world would be full of danger even we turn back to the stone age.

  科技的利弊英语作文 2

  Is Science Dangerous

  The rapid development of science and technology has brought about great changes to human life, including great harms and disasters .Then people enter into endless argument about whether science is dangerous or not.

  So many examples can be figured out to prove the danger of science. Advanced technology can be easily manipulated by irresponsible persons as well as terrorist. Such as the Disaster 911, airplanes fly into buildings, fire burning, huge structures collapse, a lot of victims such as intellectual and business elites were sacrificed. Besides, As technology becomes more powerful day by day , we'll be complacent and lazy. Increased dependency on modern tools like calculators has reduced on our creativity. Students can’t solve a very simple mathematical equation without using a calculator. This affects the way these students uses their brains and reduces on the level of creativity.

  Just like the saying goes that every coin has two sides. However, it ‘s obvious that we make the decision to choose which side. After 911, people condemn the terrorist not airplays. Student who got low marks should rethink his carelessness and laziness but not pass the buck to the calculator.

  Any way, There is no dangerous science, but dangerous and irresponsible people. We are working very hard to solve such problems that come along with advances in science and technology, but the efforts are not sufficient and not very successful. Actually, the key lies in the user. Moralities such as responsibility, diligence and goodness should never be lost in our heart. Otherwise , the world would be full of danger even we turn back to the stone age.

  科技的利弊英语作文 3

  The rapid development of science and technology has brought about great changes to human life, including great harms and disasters .Then people enter into endless argument about whether science is dangerous or not.

  So many examples can be figured out to prove the danger of science. Advanced technology can be easily manipulated by irresponsible persons as well as terrorist. Such as the Disaster 911, airplanes fly into buildings, fire burning, huge structures collapse, a lot of victims such as intellectual and business elites were sacrificed. Besides, As technology becomes more powerful day by day , we'll be complacent and lazy. Increased dependency on modern tools like calculators has reduced on our creativity. Students can't solve a very simple mathematical equation without using a calculator. This affects the way these students uses their brains and reduces on the level of creativity.

  Just like the saying goes that every coin has two sides. However, it ‘s obvious that we make the decision to choose which side. After 911, people condemn the terrorist not airplays. Student who got low marks should rethink his carelessness and laziness but not pass the buck to the calculator.

  Any way, There is no dangerous science, but dangerous and irresponsible people. We are working very hard to solve such problems that come along with advances in science and technology, but the efforts are not sufficient and not very successful. Actually, the key lies in the user. Moralities such as responsibility, diligence and goodness should never be lost in our heart. Otherwise , the world would be full of danger even we turn back to the stone age.

  科技的利弊英语作文 4

  Nowadays, with the rapid development of science and technology, people's life takes on a brand new look, especially the communication.

  No one can deny that we enjoy the convenience of hi-tech products such as mobile phones and computers. They have enormously changed the ways of communication in shortening the distance between people as well as making instant contact possible. The speeding-up mobile technology has efficiently promoted the dream of “global village”.

  However, each coin has two sides. Since mobile technology has progressed rapidly, there occurs some lamentable phenomenon. The high technology make our communicationmoreconvenient, but it doesn't mean.

  科技的利弊英语作文 5

  The impact of technology on personal communication

  Nowadays, with the rapid development of science and technology, people’s life takes on a brand new look, especially the communication.

  No one can deny that we enjoy the convenience of hi-tech products such as mobile phones and computers. They have enormously changed the ways of communication in shortening the distance between people as well as making instant contact possible. The speeding-up mobile technology has efficiently promoted the dream of “global village”.

  However, each coin has two sides. Since mobile technology has progressed rapidly, there occurs some lamentable phenomenon. The high technology make our communicationmoreconvenient, but it doesn’t mean.

  科技的利弊英语作文 6

  In recent years there has been a vast increase in the number of students choosing to study abroad. This is partly because people are more affluent and party due to the variety of grants and scholarships which are available for overseas students nowadays. Although foreign study is not something which every student would choose, it is an attractive option for many people.

  Studying overseas has a number of advantages. Firstly, it may give students access to knowledge and facilities such as laboratories and libraries which are not available in their home country. Furthermore, by looking abroad students may find a wider range of courses than those offered in their country’s universities, and therefore one which fits more closely to their particular requirements.

  On the other hand, studying abroad has a number of drawbacks. These may be divided into personal and professional. Firstly, students have to leave their family and friends for a long period. Furthermore, studying abroad is almost always more expensive than studying at one’s local university. Finally, students often have to study in a foreign language, which may limit their performance and mean they do not attain their true level.

  In my opinion, however, the disadvantages of studying abroad are usually temporary in nature. Students who study abroad generally become proficient in the language quite soon and they are only away from their family and friends for a year or two. Furthermore, many of the benefits last students all their lives and make them highly desirable to prospective employers.

  科技的利弊英语作文 7

  With the development of science and technology,people's lives have been greatly changed.There is no doubt that we benefit a lot from the scientific advancements in many different ways.For instance,the invention of computers dramatically increases work efficiency and helps complete many difficult tasks that were impossible in the past.Apart from this,new discoveries and technology in medicine improve people's health,which allows them to enjoy a longer life.The progress of science also enlarges human's ablilities to explore the world around them,from up into space to deep under the sea.Thanks to the development of science and technology,human society has enjoyed continuous prosperity and more convenience.

  However,just like a double-edged sword,science can cause problems too.It is known to all that the nuclear power,an environmentally friendly source of energy,can also be developed into a weapon of mass destruction.In addition,human cloning,which is expected to cure many serious diseases and save lives,may bring disasters of social morality.As a matter of fact,most of the improvements in science are made at the cost of our precious natural resources and have done great harm to the environment where we live in.

  Therefore,how to deal with the progress of science and technology properly is worth our careful consideration.

  科技的利弊英语作文 8

  In this era of accelerating pace of life, the development of science and technology has become the focus of people's attention.

  Some people think that the development of science and technology is beneficial to mankind, but some people think that the development of science and technology has brought about disadvantages to mankind.

  In my opinion, the development of science and technology has both advantages and disadvantages, but the disadvantages are still greater.

  Take the invention of the automobile for example. When the early automobile served for human beings, it did bring convenience to people, making people travel conveniently and quickly.

  But now, there are so many cars, you can see them everywhere. An increase in the number of cars means an increase in emissions. With so much waste gas entering the atmosphere, the earth is unable to dissipate heat quickly, causing global temperatures to rise, melting ice at both poles and losing life there.

  Then came the invention of the plastic bag. Although it's light and easy to use, it has to be broken down. But extremely difficult. A small bag can take decades or even centuries.

  Besides, they still didn't deal with it well. The used plastic bags are thrown on the ground and in the rivers, making the land barren and the rivers muddy. Some living things suffocate because of the plastic bags.

  Last but not least, the mobile phone is a double-edged sword. If used well, it will bring convenience to people. If not used well, it can have very serious consequences.

  There are a lot of young people who are nearsighted because of excessive use of mobile phones. Some addicted to the game, life becomes decadent; Others play with their phones while charging, causing batteries to explode and causing serious injuries.

  The disadvantages of technology are far more than these, but we should not forget the advantages it has brought us. I hope that in the future, scientists can minimize the harm of the development of science and technology and make our home more beautiful.

  科技的利弊英语作文 9

  Globalization creates conditions for widening international exchanges, strengthening mutual understanding between nations, expanding cultural, educational, and scientific cooperation between nations and countries, enjoying the cultural achievements of people around the world which encourages the process of modernization and the enrichment of national culture.

  However, these conditions also create the possible danger of diminishing the national culture with a negative impact on the preservation of national identity. Through globalization and an open door policy, erroneous concepts and a lowering of ethical standards, a selfish and individualistic lifestyle and harmful cultural products can easily be imported into the country. At present, modern information technology which in the main is controlled by US is hourly and intensively disseminating US ideology, way of life, culture and films across the world. Even US food is promoted so that some people consider globalization as global Americanization.

  During the process of economic globalization, inequality between developed and developing countries has been increasing and the gap between the rich and the poor has become wider, most of the result of globalization go to assist developed countries. Globalization does not pose equal interests and risks to all nations. With an overwhelming advantage compared to most of the developing countries in terms of finance and the level of science and technology, developed capitalist countries control the situation of economic globalization.

  For these reasons, globalization is a fierce and complicated struggle in both cultural and ideological fields. We take the initiative in international economic integration but also have to take the initiative in fighting to keep our distinct culture resisting pro-foreign and cross-bred phenomena, and overcoming the psychology of preferring money over ethical values.

  科技的利弊英语作文 10

  In recent years, studying abroad has flourished. Thousands of schloars and students have gone to foreign countries to study. Many people are sparing no effort in ap***ing for going abroad.

  Attending schools abroad has many advantages. In the first place, students who have studied abroad can act as mediators between peoples of different cultures so as to promote international understanding. Secondly, we can learn much more advanced knowledge of science and technology from the foreign countries. Thirdly, we can enjoy the contact with new and different cultures so as to increase the awareness of our own culture. Fourthly, we can learn a foreign language more quickly.

  However, studying abroad may have disadvantages such as language barrier in the first few months or financial difficulties before getting a scholarship. In spite of these, the advantages greatly outweigh the disadvantages. It is advisable to attend schools abroad.



  科技的发展英语作文 1

  With the rapid development of the modern science and technology,we are enjoying the convenience which used to be in our dreams.Everybody knows that the cell phones, computers, internet,credit cards,airplanes,subways and so on have brought us a modern life which makes us much more comfortable,convenient and relaxed. But gradually,more and more people begin to realize that such kind of easy-going life,perhaps,is doing great harm to our environment and our health as well.Nowadays,we have to admit that we have had many nameless diseases which have been brought by the modern science. You cannot deny the air pollution,land reduction,north pole melting and the animals perishing must have something to do with the pursuing of our human modern life. Therefore,how to protect the environment and the human being itself are becoming an urgent problem for the whole human being.

  科技的发展英语作文 2

  Nowadays,more and more hi-tech tools,such as calculator,computer,etc,appear in our daily life.we use them wherever and whenever we are,so that our life becomes easier and more comfortable than before.However,does anyone think about what problems science and technology have caused to happen in this world?To some degree,it's more serious than that we consider.We human indeed use them to improve our living standard,but on the other hand,we are becoming lazier,more reliable than we used to be.All day long those hi-tech products accompany us,then we have either no space or time to think,as well,communication between each other decreases,and what takes place of it is the huge indifference and gap among human.

  To solve these problems,we should in no time take measures to do with them.Firstly,communicate with others and think on your own more.Secondly,decrease the times you use hi-tech tools.For the advantages of technology,we should absorb,at the meantime,be independent and abandon the short-comings.Thus,we could combine technology and human progress much closer and not lose ourselves in this modern society.

  科技的发展英语作文 3

  Technology has turned this world into a different one full of wonders,some of them being too good to be true.For example,mobile phone is playing an important role in our social and professional lives,whereas the Internet has connected people at every corner on the planet and beyond.As a consequence,telecommuting may soon become a more common way of working as more people are doing part of their jobs from home.

  And so what?Actually people are no closer to feeling happy in various respects because such technological developments are destroying many basic values of simple and easy lifestyles.Computers in particular have made life less emotional since the more time people use the Internet,the less time they spend with human beings.

  In sum,there are reasons to be worried about what will become of mankind as a whole facing an increasingly complex world in which they may enjoy all the conveniences of life and yet they do not feel any happier or wiser.

  Who knows that over-dependence on modern technology could not mean the beginning of the end of human sparks of creativity,spirit,compassion,love and understanding and other good things about a simple and easy life.In making peoples lives more enjoyable but more complex,technology seems as if sending plenty of blessings from heaven as well as sending plenty of evils from hell.

  科技的发展英语作文 4

  The development of science and technology makes our life more comfortable and convenient.However,scientists have created many problems,which are not easy to be resolved,such as air pollution,the deterioration of environment and the scarcity of natural resources,to which we must some solutions.

  Modern science and technology render people many advantages.Modern telecommunication shortens the distance between people and makes communication much easier.Internet is widely used now not only for collection of abundant information but also for correspondence.Email,the most effective communication device now,is becoming very popular.Besides,telephone and mobile phone make contact more convenient than before.

  Modern transportation,such as airplanes and high-speed trains make our journey smooth and fast.With the help of modern transportation,people can go everywhere they prefer to.The journey to outer space and other planets is not a dream any more.Rockets and space shuttles can help us realize the dream of space travel.

  Modern medicine prolongs peoples life and relieves patients of sufferings from many diseases.Cancer and AIDS are fatal to peoples health.Thanks to the endeavors scientists have made,these diseases become treatable.

  However,the process of scientific development also arouses many sever problems to our human beings.Internet,though widely used in modern communication,is easy to be destroyed by computer virus.Outer space exploration has produced much waste in the space.A tiny metal,a screw,for example can destroy a flying man-made satellite.Industrialization is making natural resources become scarce.

  Confronted with these problems,scientists are seeking prompt and feasible solutions.The development of science and technology bring about both positive and negative effects to us.We must eliminate the positive effects to the least extent.

  科技的发展英语作文 5

  All kinds of inventions made possible by technology are designed to be the slaves of human beings,if human beings are not to be slaved by machines.Once upon a time,we were plain people,but that was before we began having relationships with technological systems.By getting involved with computerized machines,we could not help changing the way we live and the way we work,for better or for worse It can be realized that life is more complex because much of modern technology is not born to meet primary human needs,and many"unnecessary"inventions are producing negative effects on a living style that used to be relatively simple.

  Thus,there is an overwhelming feeling of complexity in the sense that machines act like humans and humans act like machines.Now that"intelligent"machines such as robots are widely applied to take the place of human beings because they are capable of doing many useful jobs,although making many people jobless.

  Those who cannot work with computers are disadvantaged and therefore helpless while the traditional skills and simple ways of life are fading away,never to return again.


——科技的利弊英语作文 (菁华6篇)


  Do science and technology change our lives for the better or for the worse

  Nowadays,with the development of science,our life has a geat historic change than before. Simultaneously,the changes were so rapidly that taking so many problems. The argument about the development of science and technology hence became ineluctable.

  Some people held the view that the development of science and technology was good. They believed that the advantage outweighed the disadvantage. Owing to the development of science and technology,our life could get great abundant and convenient. The invention of electric light,new transportation,Internet --Nobody did not benefit from the development of science and technology. Comparing with the past time,the health of human and the standard of our life had changed a lot...... Nothing what having great improve did not depend on the development of science and technology. We would lose everything we had got if we lost it. However,the other people insisted that the disadvantage outweighed the advantage. The * that science and technology took were unprecedented in spite of benefiting from the development of science and technology. The first problem was the pollution. It was the most immediate problem that the science and technology took. Not only our water,but also our food became more and more insecure due to the pollution. Moreover,we must care about our world to ensure it did not ruin by the war that new technology supported. The destruction of science and technology was lethal and unimaginable. Nevertheless,there was another thing we have to face:the MRSA. Nowadays,the modern means of science and technology couldn't deal with this problem caused by itself. So they had to say that the development of science and technology enhanced the fatalness of our life.

  Anyway,every coin has its two sides. So,we should be more dialectical when we do with the problem. Only in this way could we let the science and technology serve for human better and better.


  The rapid development of science and technology has brought about great changes to human life.The great benefits brought about by this progress is hailed in every corner of the world.New electronic appliances have made our life simpler than ever before.New inventions have helped us to organize our daily activities.Our job can be done faster.Mobiles and QQ have made it easier to communicate with other people.Internet has enabled us to know and understand other culture and society better.

  However,The disadvantages about this development should not be neglected .Some of scientific inventions have even caused great harms or disastersto mankind.For example,advanced technology can be easily manipulated by irresponsible persons.Besides,Well be too dependant on it.When technology fails,we are helpless.

  Sometimes,it affects our health and lifestyles(well be complacent and lazy.) The chemicals may be hazardous).Whats worse,Science and tecnology may even destroy our simple and healthy life(Sometimes How we miss the traditional style of living!).In addition ,The appearance of new technology may invade our privacy.

  To sum up,humans must be alert against the possible harm while enjoying the benefits from them.


Is Science Dangerous:

  The rapid development of science and technology has brought about great changes to human life, including great harms and disasters .Then people enter into endless argument about whether science is dangerous or not.

  So many examples can be figured out to prove the danger of science. Advanced technology can be easily manipulated by irresponsible persons as well as terrorist. Such as the Disaster 911, airplanes fly into buildings, fire burning, huge structures collapse, a lot of victims such as intellectual and business elites were sacrificed. Besides, As technology becomes more powerful day by day , well be complacent and lazy. Increased dependency on modern tools like calculators has reduced on our creativity. Students can’t solve a very simple mathematical equation without using a calculator. This affects the way these students uses their brains and reduces on the level of creativity.

  Just like the saying goes that every coin has two sides. However, it ‘s obvious that we make the decision to choose which side. After 911, people condemn the terrorist not airplays. Student who got low marks should rethink his carelessness and laziness but not pass the buck to the calculator.

  Any way, There is no dangerous science, but dangerous and irresponsible people. We are working very hard to solve such problems that come along with advances in science and technology, but the efforts are not sufficient and not very successful. Actually, the key lies in the user. Moralities such as responsibility, diligence and goodness should never be lost in our heart. Otherwise , the world would be full of danger even we turn back to the stone age.


  Today, science has become an essential part of our life, but it also brings us endless hidden dangers when it brings us convenience.

  In the recent ten years, science has developed at a rapid pace, but at the same time, the environment is changing with each passing day. In the development of science and technology, which brings convenience to human life, has it ever occurred to us that the earth we live on is undergoing earth-shaking changes? When we are driving our private cars, driving on the two-lane road, has it ever occurred to us that in the world, more and more lives are disappearing? Have you ever thought about how miserable the outcome will be when the primeval forest disappears?

  Yes, science is a convenient technology, but the sage said, "No man is perfect." So if science has advantages, how can it not have disadvantages? How can perfect things be without perfect people? Take cars for example. Today's cars are more and more comprehensive in functions, but their exhaust emissions are also on the rise, leading to more and more accidents. Now, on average, every day, tens of thousands of people lose their families because of car accidents. And that leads to tragedy.

  With the development of science, cars, trains, planes and other means of transportation have become more and more popular. Now we are not only weak, but also easy to get sick. Although medical technology is very developed, but the road is a foot high devil high ten zhangs, also because of the development of medical technology, led to the acceleration of the mutation of germs. So that the scientific medical exhibition has been unable to keep up with the speed of the mutation of the virus, perhaps the extinction of mankind is due to a major plague.

  In a word, with the development of science and technology, there are both advantages and disadvantages. However, it is up to us to weigh the advantages and disadvantages. Go to do not do those who harm no benefit.

  As is said in the Book of Changes, every coin has two sides. There are both Yin and Yang in every coin. However, whether there are more or less Yin and Yang depends on the comprehensive consideration of the creator. So when we create another thing, we must think a little longer, so that the disadvantages do not outweigh the advantages.


  Nowadays, with the rapid development of science and technology, people's life takes on a brand new look, especially the communication.

  No one can deny that we enjoy the convenience of hi-tech products such as mobile phones and com*rs. They have enormously changed the ways of communication in shortening the distance between people as well as making instant contact possible. The speeding-up mobile technology has efficiently promoted the dream of “global village”.

  However, each coin has two sides. Since mobile technology has progressed rapidly, there occurs some lamentable phenomenon. The high technology make our communicationmoreconvenient, but it doesn't mean.


  All kinds of inventions made possible by technology are designed to be the slaves of human beings,if human beings are not to be slaved by machines.Once upon a time,we were plain people,but that was before we began having relationships with technological systems.By getting involved with com*rized machines,we could not help changing the way we live and the way we work,for better or for worse It can be realized that life is more complex because much of modern technology is not born to meet primary human needs,and many"unnecessary"inventions are producing negative effects on a living style that used to be relatively simple.

  Thus,there is an overwhelming feeling of complexity in the sense that machines act like humans and humans act like machines.Now that"intelligent"machines such as robots are widely applied to take the place of human beings because they are capable of doing many useful jobs,although making many people jobless.

  Those who cannot work with com*rs are disadvantaged and therefore helpless while the traditional skills and simple ways of life are fading away,never to return again.



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  科技创新的作文 8


  起初,人类利用空气的原理,竭尽全力制造出了这令人瞩目的第一个“能飞的鸟”――热气球。但遇到风暴,却一点办法也没有,只能眼睁睁地看着它从高空坠落。热气球虽然实现了人们的愿望,但热气球并不完美。 后来,美国的莱特兄弟又制造出了历史上第一架飞机。这壮举,使人类飞翔的梦变成了现实。自从人类自己制造出第一架飞机后,又把飞机一次又一次改良,使飞翔的梦变得完美。但人类却不满足于只在天空中飞翔了,决定去宇宙探索奥秘。在2000年,人类已经有很大长进了,人类已多次让自己的航天飞船飞向天空,去其他的星球探秘。虽然我们已经让飞船到太空做过客了,但却仍然没有实现载人上天的梦想。中国科学家们为了实现这个愿望而忙碌着。终于,在2004年的9月 “神五”载着航天英雄杨利伟叔叔,载着全国人民的希望顺利发射并安全返回了。“神五”发射后,“神六”也飞向太空。“神六”的发射,让我这个普通的小学生兴奋不已。我相信,“神七”“神八”的发射一定不会再遥远了,它们,也会为中国在航天史上深深烙下辉煌的业绩。 让我们怀着一颗像鸟儿一样期待飞翔的心,飞向知识的海洋,努力拼搏,为祖国的未来做出贡献!

  科技创新的作文 9













  科技创新的作文 10









  我的笔友英语作文 1

  Since last summer, I have written to my pen pal, Seda, who lives in Turkey. I became acquainted with her when I went to England for a study tour. We stayed with the same family, and she was my roommate and classmate as well. Sometimes we went to the movies together after dinner. Seda is very easy to get along with. I will always remember the two weeks I spent with her. We didn't forget each other and kept writing to each other after we returned home. Although I haven't seen her again since I left England, I still know how she is through letters, cards and photographs. Seda tells me her secrets and also shares her happiness and sadness with me . Both of us hope that we will meet each other somewhere one day. Maybe I'll go to Turkey to visit her, or she'll come to Taiwan to visit me.

  我的笔友英语作文 2

  Friends can be classified into two kinds, good friends and evil friends. Evil friends lead us astray and may destroy our life, while good ones drive us towards the right and make our life successful.

  Two of them exist in our daily life. However, ideal friends exist in people's mind.

  They should be diligent, successful and loyal. When you need help, they will stand beside you and be delighted to give you a hand.

  Also you can share your happiness and sorrow together.

  In my opinion, friends can share something but they also should keep their own secrets. So I wish my friends wouldn't interfere in my privacy too much.

  On the other hand, my friends should have Something in common with me, at the same time something special. In this way we can attract each other and learn from each other.

  我的笔友英语作文 3

  I have a good friend, she is my classmate called Li Zhuoyun, she is my best friend.

  Li Zhuoyun is a love study of girl, her home is near my home, he every day during the summer vacation homework after all come to see me play, sometimes come to my house to read a book. Li Zhuoyun like my age. He has a pair of eyes, a small red mouth, a small nose, and brain after brushing her long ponytail, he laughs and two small dimple. This friend of mine in addition to the studious, there is a great advantage.

  One day, she met a mathematical problems in operation, through reasoned, racking their brains can't figure out, so he hurriedly ran to ask me, I also is this problem is complaining about it. He saw that I won't, then let me to go with him to read books. We saw a nearly half an hour, reading a book haven't come up with an answer. I saw him full head big sweat to reading, tap them sometimes, sometimes want to. I want to give up, said to him: "come on, let's give up. Anyway, such a difficult problem, the school the teacher will say, besides, we have no contact with such a problem, the teacher won't be noisy we."

  But she still adhere to the ground to say: "how could fall by the wayside? Does everything to persistent, maybe will want to come out in a minute." I had wanted to give up, but to see her appearance, one would like to avoid in their difficulty in the future, that you don't become a coward, so I also went to read books move on. Only for 15 minutes, this problem was solved by us, then don't mention how proud.

  By looking at her this advantage is what matter all perseverance, does not fear the difficulty, to reload. I want to remember this by heart, I also want to become like him difficult to solution actively.

  我的笔友英语作文 4


  I met a girl called Sue on the Intemet. We are of the same age. And we talked ha ily with each other. So we decided to write to each other daily, of course through e-mail. We can write down what we feel and what we think and then forward to each other. We also try to write in English. She once lived in the United States with her parents, so she can eak native English. In this way, we are getting closer and closer. And furthermore both of our English has improved quickly and greatly. How nice it is to have a pen pal !

  我的笔友英语作文 5

  I have a pen friend, Li Xiang. Li Xiang is twelve years old and he comes from Beijing. We like the same magazine and get the information from it. He likes playing football as I do. We share our experience about playing football. For example, I was punished by mother because I was late for home after class. He once got No.1 of a football match in his city. Besides, we talk much about football clubs and stars. Sometimes, we discuss a passage in that magazine we both like. It’s really funny.


  我的笔友英语作文 6

  I have a pen pal. She is a girl. Her name is Jenny. She is from America. She can speak English very much. She likes eating hamburgers. Her favorite subjects are English and Chinese. She thinks China is a beautiful and big country. She wants to be a reporter. She wants to work in a TV station. Her father is a policeman. Her mother is a nurse. And her sister is a bank clerk. I hope they are happy every day.

  我的笔友英语作文 7

  Maria is my pen pal. She is 12 years old. She has a round face, blue eyes and short hair. She is fromCanada. She lives in the downtown ofOttawa. She can speak English and French. Chinese is her favorite subject, because she is interested in the Chinese culture. Besides, movie is her favorite and she likes going to see the movies with her friends.


  我的笔友英语作文 8

  I have a pen friend. His name is li yang. He is a grade six primary school student. He lives in Tian Jin. He has to take subway to school every day by himself. He is so independent. I need to learn from him. He likes playing basketball. He is in the basketball team of their school. His study is neither too good nor too bad. His parents never give too much stress on his study. He said his family loves him very much and so does him.


  我的笔友英语作文 9

  I have a good friend ,his name is Tom, he is 12 years old.He is also my classmate.

  He has a big nose and too big eyes.his mouth is big ,too.

  He is an active boy,he likes playing basketball.

  We often play basketball together on weekend .

  He plays well.he is good at singing .He often sing songs for me.

  I think his voice is good.we have been good friends for 2 years and i think we will be good friends forever.

  I enjoy the time with Tom.

  我的笔友英语作文 10

  I have a very good friend. His name is Philip. As far as I'm concerned, he's very kind-hearted and generous.

  Once I was in high school, he treated me friendly and sincerely. When I was happy, he was also happy with me.

  When I was sad, he always comforted me. When I was defeated, he always encouraged me.

  When I stumbled, he always pulled me up. Although we quarreled at times, we were still in good relationships. We could know each other better after the argument. When my birthday came, he always sent me a special present.

  He's very hard-working and intelligent. He always studied hard at school. Because of his hard work, he always did very well in exams.

  His oral English was better than mine. Most of the time, he was willing to chat with me in English. Owing to his help, I made a lot of progress in oral English.



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  科技未来的作文500字 7

  “嘀嘀嘀。”我的机器人在叫我起床了,这是2155年,因为我吃了健康长寿不老丸,所以,我还只有21岁,因为我是一个机器人研究学家,我就要造出仿真人类机器人了,我利用我的No.5号机器人来协助我,No.5提供自来我控制点高,让No.4号造。只用了30分钟,人型机器人就造好了。刚准备利用网上知识给人型机器人输入知识,No.5提醒我,要演讲了,我就让我20个机器人当中16个alive的中间选出No.6来输入(No.5要和我一起去协助我,No.1~ No.4都不像后面的那样),选完后,我就走了。



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  介绍篮球的英语作文 1

  Playing basketball is my favorite sport. As long as there is not dozen one day, my heart always uncomfortable, not steadfast.

  Weekly TV "basketball park" program I would see, my favorite is the NBA basketball game, in the NBA basketball game, star collects gathers, every game is very wonderful, fascinating. I adore many basketball stars, such as basketball flying Michael Jordan, the best Dennis rodman, etc.

  From 1 grade began to play basketball. At that time, I shot is very low, not to mention what kind of ball control technology. Because I am in this two years of unremitting efforts, my basketball technology improved a lot. I often play basketball with some junior high school students.

  I think playing basketball is a very meaningful activities. First of all, basketball is a collective movement, is a collection of several players and another group, so the basketball match can show a kind of collectivism spirit of mutual cooperation.

  Basketball also have very big profit to the body. Since I play basketball, the body grew strong, no longer can't withstand the wind and rain like once upon a time, often catch a cold. At home, I often can help my mother do some housework. Heavy physical strength Mum often proudly to the neighbors said, "my son is now a good helper of me."

  I like basketball, I would like to basketball with my life.

  介绍篮球的英语作文 2

  I'm a tall and lively boy. I like playing basketball very much because it's interesting. I like NBA, too. There are many famous stars in it. Such as Alan, Iveson, Tim, Donken, Jordan, Kobe, O'Neal and so on. Yao Ming is in the NBA, too. He's Chinese. He plays basketball well. He's a center forward. He's our pride. All the ball stars can jump, shoot and pour in the basket. So each game of the NBA is wonderful. Sometimes the players can perform miracles, I think.

  This year's champion is Spur Team. It’s one of the strongest contenders.

  I like NBA. I love basketball.




  介绍篮球的英语作文 3

  As one of the most important sports in the world,basketall is more and more popular in china ,especially among teenagers.why is basketall so welcoming?i think the first reason must be the midea,there are many tv programmes about basketball,such as the basketall park,the super weekend.they transported the value and the sport spirit of baketall,give a wide range of people the chance to fall in love with it.secondly ,playing basketball is good to your health ,both phisicaly can mentally.nowadays ,almost all the teenagers are under great pressure ,from schooling ,our parents ,the sociaty ,you name it .under this condition ,the basketall serves the best way to release the pressure and find some pleasure at the same time .just imagine you are in a bad mood ,then you go to the basketall court ,you drible heavily on the ground ,slam the ball to the board ,do a fade away jumper,layup,you can do everything you want without hurting anyone ,then after you finished ,you will find your sorrrow has gone ,and you are not so angry again.so that's one of the charming of the basketall

  介绍篮球的英语作文 4

  There are so many sports we can play these days, but among them, I like to play basketball best. I learnt to play it when I was 11 years old.

  Playing basketball can bring me some good friends, they have something in common with me, they always ask me to play it with them; And we can always share our skills together. We learnt what teamwork is from playing basketball. Sometimes we watch NBA games together, my favourite NBA star is Yao Ming, he is very modest, too.

  We usually play basketball after school and on the weekends as well. I feel very happy when I pass my ball to my pals. We always cheer when we win the games.

  I hope I can play basketball as well as Yao Ming someday in the future.





  介绍篮球的英语作文 5

  Since I was small, I like to play basketball, because I was effected by my father, he likes to watch basketball game so much, I will watch the basketball game with him. So when I went to school, I joined the basketball team in my class, we made up of a basketball team.

  Last week, we had our first match. I was asked to play in the first time, I felt so nervous, I am so afraid that I could not cooperate with my team well. When the match started, I watched the basketball and moved as the ball flied, I forgot my job, I was asked to cover the team leader.

  I recognized my mistake, I changed my move, at last, I covered our captain successfully, our team won the game. I learned so much from this match, team work comes first.




  介绍篮球的英语作文 6

  Today, there is a white cloud floating in the blue sky. I went out to play with Dingding, Xiaogang and Xiaoma.

  Xiaogang said happily, "let's play basketball."

  Ding Ding said, "yes, it's a good day to play basketball."

  Xiaoma said, "Yang Qi, with your father, it will be more fun."

  I said, "OK!"

  With that, I'll take dad with me. Hold the basketball and go to the basketball court.

  We began to group. It was like this: Dad and pony. I work with Xiaogang and Dingding.

  Ding Ding listened to this, and he was stupefied. Said: "ah, my uncle also participated. Uncle can top ten of me, isn't that pony taking advantage of it? "

  "Don't worry, I'm sure." I said confidently.

  "Toot -" the whistle sounded. The game started

  Xiaogang is a "ball snatcher". He snatched the ball from Xiaoma and took it with him. Dad saw it and rushed to grab the ball. Xiao gang saw me and passed the ball to me. I catch the ball. The pony sees it. Hurry up. But the pony's skill is not as good as mine. I got rid of him three times, five times and two times. When Dad came to grab the ball, I took it for a while first, and gave it to Ding Ding with a fake move. Dad saw my fake action first, and went to pursue it in a dazed way. When he saw it, he found that only his teammate, Xiaoma, turned around and saw that there was basketball, so-called "Shenxing Taibao" Xiaoma. It's late, it's fast. Ding Ding put in the basket unhurriedly. Just in time, the first half was over.

  During the break, I said to Dingding, "Dingding, you also said that my father also participated. My father can top ten of me. As a result, our team is in the lead for the time being. You scored the first goal. "

  Ding Ding said, "hee hee."

  Xiaogang said: "don't be complacent too early, and in the second half, we must win in the second half."

  I said to Dingding, "I see."

  Dad, dad said to Xiaoma, "don't be discouraged, and in the second half, you must surpass him in the second half." After listening to his father's words, Xiaoma was confident and said, "uncle, we must win."

  The second half of the game began. Our team used three strategies: to get rid of the tiger, to take advantage of the fire, and to blossom on the trees. Dad's team used two subtopics, one is easy to get rid of the other.

  Finally, the score is 25-24, Dad's team is only one point behind our team, we are very happy.

  What a wonderful basketball match!

  介绍篮球的英语作文 7

  as one of the most important sports in the world,basketall is more and more popular in china ,especially among teenagers.why is basketall so welcoming?i think the first reason must be the midea,there are many tv programmes about basketball,such as the basketall park,the super weekend.they transported the value and the sport spirit of baketall,give a wide range of people the chance to fall in love with it.secondly ,playing basketball is good to your health ,both phisicaly can mentally. nowadays ,almost all the teenagers are under great pressure ,from schooling ,our parents ,the sociaty ,you name it .

  under this condition ,the basketall serves the best way to release the pressure and find some pleasure at the same time .just imagine you are in a bad mood ,then you go to the basketall court ,you drible heavily on the ground ,slam the ball to the board ,do a fade away jumper,layup,you can do everything you want without hurting anyone ,then after you finished ,you will find your sorrrow has gone ,and you are not so angry again.so that's one of the charming of the basketall.

  介绍篮球的英语作文 8

  do you know when basketball was invented? the sport of basketball is a little over a hundred years old. it is played by more than 100 million people in over 200 countries.

  basketball was invented by a canadian doctor named james naismith who was born in 1861. it is believed that on december 21st, 1891. the first basketball game in history was played. then in 1936 in berlin, it became an olympic event. since then, the popularity of basketball has risen worldwide.

  介绍篮球的英语作文 9

  Every one has lots of hobbies, some people like collect coin and stamp, and some people also like sport and music , but my favourite sport is basketball, I think play basket ball can build up my body and it can make me relax .It is interesting and it can keep me healthy

  However , I know that I spend lots of time playing basketball is unwise . But I like it . Because It is very useful for my life .

  介绍篮球的英语作文 10


  Yesterday, the weather was sunny, the sun was shining and the flowers were blooming in spring!


  I came to school happily because there is a dribble match today. I went down to practice dribbling happily. In a moment, it was the second grade dribbling game. The first one is me. I was very nervous. "Bang". As soon as the gunshot rang, I quickly ran forward, dribbling while running. All the boys in the same group competed, only I was a girl. I thought, "I must run faster, and win glory for class 2.8." Later, our class seemed to come second.


  The sports meeting is over. All the students are very happy. The whole class is very happy and happy. In this way, I had a very exciting day!



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  创新科技的作文 3


  科技是探索的结晶。科技是伟大的。科技是从我们原有的基础上有进一步。让我我们的专业知识进一步的提升。科技这个东西超前。引领。是主导。占有量大。是你无法想象的到的。是在你的未知的情况下上升于更优。就说电脑吧 。电脑能做到今天的水*。是我们科技人员的付出带来的。电脑在科技领域付出的是最多的,它在利用率上排行前谋。电脑在当今的科技中无时无刻都在用。电脑这个技术更不用说。什么都离不开它。什么都不能逾越它,因为当今的形式看,主体,就是技术。技术带来创新。创新带来了发展。发展让我们强大。发展让我们复兴。



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  这时候,有人感叹道:“哎,我还以为《星球大战》的'故事上演了——邪恶的外星人侵占地球,地球人奋起反抗”也有人问:“你们A星人长得都和你一样吗?”外星人摇摇头说:“我的飞碟里有一种仪器,它能改变人的形态,使人更适应周围的环境,所以,我们A星上的人长得并不和我现在一样。”许多人按捺不住激动的心情,叫了起来:“这不可能!我们人类现在的形态是几十万年自然演变的结果,最适应地球上的环境了!你们要变也只能变成我们这个样子!”“不!你们错了,”外星人不紧不慢地说,“你们早就不适应这里的环境了,看这河流、土地、天空哪一样没有受到严重污染?这一切都被你们的双手所毁灭。再过几万年,你们也会变成我现在这个模样,你知道吗?身上长出鳞片,鼻子下塌,是为了不受脏空气的毒害;皮肤变成青灰色,让血液分解人体的毒素刚刚还有人以为我们入侵地球呢,说句实在话,这样肮脏的星球,白送给我们,我们都不要!” 我听了这番话,只觉得眼前天旋地转,一头栽倒在枯黄荒芜的草地上。我望着灰色的天空和徐徐上升的飞碟,缓缓地摇摇头。我相信,不久的将来,我能够重新看到那蔚蓝色的天空,清澈的河水,碧绿的草地,呼吸到那新鲜的空气。我可不想变成外星人的那副模样

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