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  描写一件难忘的事英语作文 1

  This is one thing this summer, really make me unforgettable.

  It was a hot Sunday, my father said, "Are we going fishing?" I was so happy that I said loudly: "Okay!" I and my dad took the tools of fishing and came to the river. , Like a mirror. We chose a beautiful place to sit down. Set the fishing tools, put the bait hanging on the hook, and then I put the bait hanging fish hook thrown into the water, sitting there waiting for the fish hooked. I waited for about an hour, did not see the fish drift, I began to impatient, and walked around. My father saw, said: "do things have patience." Listen to my father, I sit back next to the fishing rod, and soon, really fish hook, wow, a big fish ah! We picked up this The fish went home happily.

  Through the fishing so that I understand the work must be patient.

  描写一件难忘的事英语作文 2

  Today, the way home from school, I am far to see a person in the trash to find something, I feel very strange.

  I approached a look, the original is a grandmother, her hair gray, wrinkled face, wearing a ragged clothes, a black and black hands in the trash to find. Suddenly her face showed a smile. It turned out that she found a few empty vials. I think: a few empty vials worth a few cents, she was so old, should have been comfortable living at home, and she was in such a dirty place to pick up trash, her family must be very poor, she was so poor Oh!

  I looked at my heart very sad, I gave my mother to my breakfast money to the grandmother, grandmother said to me: "You really a filial child, thank you!" I quickly said: "do not thank!" Go home.

  I was in a good mood on my way home because I made a meaningful thing today.

  描写一件难忘的事英语作文 3


  As I grew up, there were so many unforgettable things, such as shooting stars across the night sky. One of these things left a deep impression on me.


  It is on the weekend, I and a few friends are playing, have a little friend and I want to play hide and seek, I do not want the children to play hide and seek, will hit him, the boy cried. Unexpectedly, the little boy told my father about it. When I got home, my father asked me, "are you bullying your kids again?"" I said, "no!"!" Dad's face became serious, and I was a little uneasy, thinking, "should I tell Dad about it?". Dad said, "since you haven't bullied the children, go and do your homework."." When I was doing my homework, I thought to myself, "I've lied. Should I tell my father about it, and dad will criticize me?". After finishing my homework, I told my father the story bravely. As a result, my father not only criticized me, but also praised me as an honest boy.


  Although this has been a long time, but I really can not forget. This thing let me know, do not bully children, to be an honest child.

  描写一件难忘的事英语作文 4

  In the morning, it is very fine! Then I climb the mountain with family, the air on the mountain is very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seem extremely beautiful. In the afternoon, I go to friend's home to play, the friend entertains me warmly, show me a lot of books of his , has listened to his CD for me , then also ask me to eat a sumptuous dinner. Coming back home in the evening, family and I sat and watched TV together, we are returning and eating the fruit while chatting, the whole family is happy and harmonious!



  描写一件难忘的事英语作文 5

  In my mind, often one or two things in the hearts of lingering, so I can not suppress ... ...

  That's my fourth grade. A dawn, I and my cousin riding a bike came to the beach to enjoy the breath of the sea that very fresh air. I happened to find a crab crawling on the beach and sharing the sun with us. I let the cousin and I walk over to see.

  We stared at the crabs, and they did not seem to find us, they shook its sharp "knives" and walked around. The cousin told me that the crabs were "doing morning exercise". I am amazed, and they will "do morning exercise". My heart had a thought, I carefully squat, hand a catch. The result was escaped by the hateful guy. I thought: good I copied you! Cousin can not stand still, but also came to help. In our concerted efforts, the guys have been caught by us.

  It has been two years after this matter, but it has been branded in my heart.

  描写一件难忘的事英语作文 6

  Few years ago, an unforgettable thing was happened in my life. It is a terrifying experience.The weather was very hot in summer. So my friends and I am together to catch craft. I felt much feared and excited. I was frightened for I was first catch craft. If I fall into river how can I do and I isn't good at swimming. I was excited that I have a chance to catch craft.

  Then I was very careful to stand on the craft with scared. But the craft always ups and downs in the river and beyond my control. I was fallen into river after a second I stood on it .I felt very afraid and was difficulty asking for help that I would catch water as soon as I open mouth. At the moment, I thought I would die and say goodbye to all people who I know. I was wet all my clothing and always shivering after my friends help me escaping from river. My heart beat faster than usual as well breath. I absolutely dare not believe that I can see the sun.

  When I remind of this matter, I feel I was very lucky. And I think I was a lucky dog.

  描写一件难忘的事英语作文 7

  When I was young, there was a funny thing that I wanted to laugh at all.

  Once, grandma from the flower market bought a bowl of ornamental red pepper. I see, those small fruit crystal translucent, in the sun shining under the light. They are like a "red lantern" as in the green leaves against the background, very beautiful. I think: these fruits so red, certainly as delicious as cherries.

  So, while the grandmother did not pay attention, I picked one, learn the way the grandmother wash to eat. Mouth a bite, suddenly pepper like a fried the same, spicy my mouth like a fire as uncomfortable. I quickly drink cold water, drink a lot, but still no use. At this time, my grandmother came, and saw my mouth, his face flushed, asked me how, but at this time I have been chili hot can not speak.

  Although this thing over the past few years, but has been recorded in my heart, when to think of it wanted to laugh. Because it records my beautiful, ignorant childhood.

  描写一件难忘的事英语作文 8

  Today is Monday. I got up at 6:30 a.m.. Then I washed my face and ate breakfast. Milk, bread, egg and porridge are my favorites. My mother always getsup early and cooks for me. This morning, I drank a cup of milk and ate bread and an egg.After breakfast, I went to school at 7:00.School started at 7:50 and I usually get there at 7:30. I had English, history, math and geography in the morning. I liked English very much, because my English teacher is very nice.After school in the morning, I went home at 11:30. Then I ate lunch and then had a short rest.I went to school at 14:00.In the afternoon, I had four classes: music, biology, and two periods ofChinese. I liked Chinese, too, because Chinese is our national language and it's very beautiful.After school, I went home for dinner. After dinner,I spent half and an hour inmy homework. Then I watched TV and played computer games.

  描写一件难忘的事英语作文 9

  unforgettable thing during Summer vacation

  It was a sunny day today,when i got up in the morning,i decided to see my grandparents.so i took the bus got there at noon,they were happy to see me,and i was very happy,too.

  In the afternoon,my farther asked me to help him water the plant,and i was happy to see the flowers smiling in the wind.

  In a word,today is a unforgetive day.because i saw my relatives helped people.






  描写一件难忘的事英语作文 10

  In China, the Spring festival is the first day of the lunar year.

  People usually start preparing for the festival one month before it comes. They prepare delicious food, and clean and decorate their homes.

  On Chinese New Year’s Eve, the family all get together for a big dinner. They stay up till midnight, and then play fireworks and crackers for good luck. On the first day of the lunar New Year, children put on their new clothes and greet their parents. They are very happy to get lucky money from them.




  描写一件难忘的事作文 1









  描写一件难忘的事作文 2









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  描写一件难忘的事作文 6






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  描写一件难忘的事作文 10







  春节一件难忘的事作文 1






  春节一件难忘的事作文 2





  春节一件难忘的事作文 3








  春节一件难忘的事作文 4








  春节一件难忘的事作文 5






  春节一件难忘的事作文 6



  春节一件难忘的事作文 7





  春节一件难忘的事作文 8



  首先我们来到了电影院后面的一排小吃店,那里有卖许多东西,手抓饼,烧烤,瘦肉丸,蛋饼,青草糊各种饮料 ……但由于是是新年,许多人都回家过年去了,一排小吃店失去了往常的热闹,而是变得冷冷清清,只剩下寥寥无几的人在卖。她们买了几碗瘦肉丸吃,虽然我心里很想吃,但我还是忍住了。买了瘦肉丸,我们又来到了永和大王吃午饭。到了店里面,我看了菜单,反复思量,选择了他们的招牌菜,大王香菇卤肉饭,而他们却吃了梅菜扣肉,饱饱的吃完了饭,时间差不多了,门口开始检票,我和一个朋友拼钱买了一桶爆米花,进入了电影放映棚,我们做的是情侣厅,一坐下来就马上吃东西,电影内容的内容可真有趣,明星老爸一反偶像路线,变身“滑稽的`小丑”,让人捧腹大笑,对他们另眼相看。



  春节一件难忘的事作文 9







  春节一件难忘的事作文 10






——一件难忘的事英语作文An unforgettable thing范文五份

  一件难忘的事英语作文An unforgettable thing 1

  It amazeing how one person,sharing one idea, at theright time and place csn change the couse of your life". history?thiicertainlwhat happened in mfriend"life.

  when he wa17,he went to hight school .in shcool he tired hibest to improve himself,buthe failed.he thought he waa hight school chopout with learning disabilitie,so he planned to work in societ.when he told that to our headteacher,li.mrli did not saanything,just told him to hid house after last clasin the afternoon.so he went to mrli"house.after conversing for a few minutes,the friendlteacher told him to follow him .mrli told him that he had somethig grand to show him and share with he.

  the headteacher first led him to a table and asked him to sit down and wait for a moment .while he looked for something special amongst the shelves.a fewminment later he returned witha couple of old bookunder hiarmand sent then on the table.mrli then sat down beside him and spoke.he said,"there are two thingthat t want to teach you ,young man ".and theare these:

  "number one ito never judge a bok bitcover ,for a cover canfool you."

  mfriend said ,"well,uh,yes, i guesso,sir."

  "well, young man ,i known you have some toublein your study, whdo you want to give up it?these troubleare onlthe litle thingoutside of your life.so you see,do not ever judge a book bitcover ,for a cover can fool you ."

  "number two ito learn how to read ,mbo. for thereionlone thingthat people can not take awafrom you, and that iyour wisdom".at the moment, mrli tookthose bookto hihands.thewere all immortal classics."guy,you can read it."he said.

  一件难忘的事英语作文An unforgettable thing 2

  How time flies!I‘m fifteen years the long time,there was one thing that I will never forget.

  The Spring Festival is our traditional the Spring Festival,people usually visit their friends and I was 9 years old,my family took the bus to my grandparents‘to say Happy New Year to them.

  In the bus,I had a good 7:30,the bus came to a woman got on with a baby in her that time,there was no she must look after her baby had to stand next to wanted to stand up and let her sit down,but I was afraid of hearing the other people sayThat girl want to be praised.I looked people were looking out of the windows and some were ,a little boy behind me,stood up and made room for the said Thank you very much with a big boy smiled, I told my cousin about it after that,he said The child is the father of a man. I very could’t I do the same thing as the little boy did?

  From that I learn that we should do our best to help people who need everyone makes a contribution to helping others,the world will bee much more beautiful!

  一件难忘的事英语作文An unforgettable thing 3

  is it amazeing how one person,sharing one idea, at theright time and place csn change the couse of your life". history?this is certainly what happened in my friend"s life.

  when he was 17,he went to hight school .in shcool he tired his best to improve himself,buthe failed.he thought he was a hight school chopout with learning disabilities ,so he planned to work in society .when he told that to our headteacher,li.mrli did not say anything,just told him to hid house after last class in the afternoon.so he went to mrli"house.after conversing for a few minutes,the friendly teacher told him to follow him .mrli told him that he had somethig grand to show him and share with he.

  the headteacher first led him to a table and asked him to sit down and wait for a moment .while he looked for something special amongst the shelves.a fewminment later he returned witha couple of old books under his arms and sent then on the table.mrli then sat down beside him and spoke.he said,"there are two things that t want to teach you ,young man ".and they are these:

  "number one is to never judge a bok by its cover ,for a cover canfool you."

  my friend said ,"well,uh,yes, i guess so,sir."

  "well, young man ,i known you have some toub2les in your study, why do you want to give up it?these troubles are only the litle things outside of your life.so you see,do not ever judge a book by its cover ,for a cover can fool you ."

  "number two is to learn how to read ,my boy . for thereis only one thingthat people can not take away from you, and that is your wisdom".at the moment, mrli tookthose books to his hands.they were all immortal classics."guy,you can read it."he said.

  一件难忘的事英语作文An unforgettable thing 4

  How time flies!Im fifteen years now.

  During the long time,there was one thing that I will never forget.

  The Spring Festival is our traditional festival.During the Spring Festival,people usually visit their friends and relatives.When I was 9 years old,my family took the bus to my grandparents to say "Happy New Year" to them.

  In the bus,I had a good seat.At 7:30,the bus came to a village.A woman got on with a baby in her arms.At that time,there was no seat.But she must look after her baby carefully.She had to stand next to me.I wanted to stand up and let her sit down,but I was afraid of hearing the other people say"That girl want to be praised."I looked around.Most people were looking out of the windows and some were sleeping.Suddenly,a little boy behind me,stood up and made room for the woman.She said "Thank you very much" with a big smile.The boy smiled,too.When I told my cousin about it after that,he said "The child is the father of a man." Im very ashamed.Why couldt I do the same thing as the little boy did?

  From that I learn that we should do our best to help people who need help.If everyone makes a contribution to helping others,the world will become much more beautiful!

  一件难忘的事英语作文An unforgettable thing 5

  a memorable event in the road i was growing up, there is one thing to make me never forget. gone through that matter, i seem to grow up a lot. that was new year's eve last year; the students send each other greeting cards. cards with their own wishes and sent to good friends. i have also been infected by this atmosphere and ready to join the crowd, suddenly, i saw a student sitting there alone. that is not the famous "naughty king" liu kai do? but now, he seems like a changed man. how he got it? i looked at him puzzled. suddenly, i wake up. certainly because no one sent him a greeting card, and no one said to him words of wish i could not help feel sad for him. so i handed him a greeting card ,and said to him: “ happy holiday!" he looked at me then looked at the cards, said happily: “thank you!" his eyes filled with happiness. he stood up and said: “i also have a beautiful card looked at him, and i smiled. how important group is !



  难忘的一件事英语作文 1

  Our life occur a lot of things nearly every day. Some we may forget and some we may remember. There is one thing I won’t forget forever. It is the birth of my little sister. Before she comes to the world, I have imagined thousand times what she looks. In fact, although I have guessed so many times, I still couldn’t hit the point. I never know that a newborn child will be so tiny and wrinkle. But she just likes an angel. Seeing her, I feel my heart get warm right away. I couldn’t forget the moment I saw her.


  难忘的一件事英语作文 2

  I still remember that thing a few years later and feel afraid.It happened on my way to play.It was Sunday.I would like to Maggie s home for a visit.However,when I passed a river,I saw three children at my age playing in the river.How happy they were! At that time,

  I had a idea that I would like to ask Maggie to go swimming with me in the river.Suddenly,something scare happened.One the three chiledren slipped and the other two wanted to help him.Unfortunately,all of them were struggling.I was shock.And then I rushed to the river bank immediately.However,I saw nothing but the peaceful river.I knew what happened.I was frightened.A few hours later I heard the death of them.I was so frightened and sad that I have never go never any river since then.

  难忘的一件事英语作文 3

  Today is December 10, my birthday. I am eleven now.


  This morning my parents bought me a big birthday cake in Meet All Supermarket. Then they put the cake on the table of my bedroom. Oh, my name was on the cake. It said. "Happy Birthday, Qiqi!" I was so happy.

  今天早晨,我的.爸爸妈妈给我在美特好买了一个大的生日蛋糕,然后把它房子我卧室的桌子上。Oh, 上面还有我的名字呢!上面写到:“生日快乐,琪琪!”我真高兴!

  I asked Baobao, Tiantian and other little friends to come to my party.They all said to me, "Happy birthday!" And I answered with a smile, "Thank you!" Then we ate, drank, sang, talked and played games. We had a good time together!


  难忘的一件事英语作文 4

  Yesterday was my birthday and I received a lot of presents. These presents were packed in coloured paper and two of them were funny and interesting, which impressed me.

  My sister sent a bag of present to me. The bag was big and round. I though it was a football. But when I opened it, I saw a clock. The other one was given by my brother. He left me a message, which said "my present is lying in your bedroom". When I got to my bedroom, I found a laptop. Oh!Great!' I jumped with joy. I know, they Want me to study hard and not to waste time.

  I would never forget this birthday.

  难忘的一件事英语作文 5

  It was a sunny day.We decided to have a picnic outside the city.In the morning,we took a early bus to nanhui.It was quite a colorful world.There were green trees,orange leaves,red peaches.At noon we sat by the river bank and took out a lot of things,such as bread,orange juice,apples,cakes,eggs and so on.Unluckily,it began to rain.We had to take a bus to go back home in a hurry. What an unforgettable picnic it was!



  难忘的一件事英语作文 6

  I am terribly sorry to tell you that I am unable toattend your birthday party next Thursday evening. That is owing to the fact that my younger brother suddenly fell ill and was taken to a hospital thismorning. I have to go there immediately and take care of him. As told by thedoctor in charge, it will take around five days for him to recover and I haveasked my boss for a leave.

  I really regret that I cannot go to celebrate yourbirthday personally and would miss the perfect chance of enjoying myself withall our old friends. I have chosen a small gift for you and will send it to youtomorrow to show my best wishes. Besides, please give my regards to our friends when you meet them at the party.

  难忘的一件事英语作文 7

  The spring festival is the loveliest in China, which is comes in February. Everyone loves it so much that prepare lots of things of the spring festival before it comes. In the spring festival holiday, people do many things, such as eat the dinner on the New Year‘s, set off fireworks, stroll the famous fair likes “Baiyunguan” fair.

  On the first day of lunar, the young generation congratulates the old generation with “Happy New Year!”

  Then the old generation will give the young some lucky money which wrapped with red paper or red envelope. Because red is a color with joyful. Lucky money means the old generation‘s love to the young and hope them can have a good luck in this new year. This is the lucky money which lots of the young want.

  难忘的一件事英语作文 8

  Childhood is colorful, childhood is colorful, childhood like knocked over the five flavors, sweet and sour taste of salty flavored together. My childhood has one of the most memorable things, what is it? Look below.

  When I was three years old, I play in the grandfather, grandfather home has a large yard, which planted some flowers, I like to catch ants there to play, but today I grabbed, clutching, suddenly flew over a wings The ants, while flying side of the buzzing also called, as if you have the ability to catch me ah, come ah. I see it to provoke me, I suddenly furious, I do not care 3721 began to catch it, I used a move "sunflower catch chicken", it used a move "Lingbo micro-step" I am now Is Zhang Fei eat weight mound - iron heart, and non-caught it can not, I used a move my housekeeping skills "nine Yin white claws" to seize it, I just caught it, it used It's poison door hidden weapon "rain pear needle" sting me, I suddenly sat on the ground crying, this crying shaking,My father came to ask: "how do you cry? How is this thing?" I cried side of the side said: "band, with wings sting!" My father laughed, but also laughing tears, He smiled and said to me: "That is a bee, not ants." Dad to see if I want to catch, and quickly pulled me on the drug.

  Although some pain at that time, but this matter so far I can not forget. This is my most memorable thing, what is your thing?

  难忘的一件事英语作文 9

  Today is xx(date)and is my birthday,I'm very happy because my father book a beautiful birthday cake for me which is my best love tatse -vanilla cream,and my best friend xx help me to celebrate the birthday.He and my parent sang the birthday song for me.

  And this year's birthday I'm have three wishes.The first one is :I hope my parent will have a good health and have a good mood everydays.And I hope I can finish my goal this September to bulid a model of the robot.The last one I hope the three years of my junior middle school will be shine.

  难忘的一件事英语作文 10

  Today is mother's birthday, but I didn't know what to by for her. A watch was a good present, but it was too expensive for me to buy. Flowers were not so expensive, but they would die soon. A birthday cake was too sweet and mother didn't like it.


  Then father thought a good idea. He said, "Why don't we make a wonderful dinner for her? That will show our love for her!" Oh, that was good. Love is the most expensive present in the world.


  I will never forget the smile on mother's face when we were having supper together.




  一件难忘的事英语作文 1

  Last week,I came across a stray dog when I was taking a walk in my neighborhood. It was a cold day,and there was nobody around. I stopped and he looked at me helplessly. “What a poor dog!” I thought. Then I decided to bring him home. When we got back home,I gave him some food and drinks and played with him,but it seemed that he was a little sad. I knew he was missing his owner. What could I do? I came up with an idea. Then I put up a ‘Dog-Found-Notice’ at the gate of our neighborhood with the help of Dad. A few days later,the owner of the dog came to my house. I was very happy to see the little dog go home with his owner,and I feel proud that I was able to give others a helping hand.

  一件难忘的事英语作文 2

  one of my roommate often talk when he sleeps. he talked about allkinds of things.for example ,last night, i had a hard jod to fall asleep.i read a novel to make my eyes feel sleepy.when i was concentrated to thestory ,i heard he said:"how much do you want?" it sounds like he wasarguing a price with somebody , i was very strange ,so i asked:" are youawake?what are you talking about?" there was not re*** . at that time , hebegain to talk agin:"ok, ok."it was the first time i heart him talk,so i did afraid of that and unforgettable.

  一件难忘的事英语作文 3

  It was a sunny day today,when i got up in the morning,i decided to see my grandparents.

  So i took the bus got there at noon,they were happy to see me,and i was very happy,too.

  In the afternoon,my farther asked me to help him water the plant,and i was happy to see the flowers smiling in the wind.

  In a word,today is a unforgetive day.because i saw my relatives helped people.

  一件难忘的事英语作文 4

  How time flies!i'm fifteen yearnow.

  during the long time,there waone thing that i will never forget.

  the spring festival iour traditional festival.during the spring festival,people usuallvisit their friendand relatives.when i wa9 yearold,mfamiltook the buto mgrandparents' to sa"happnew year" to the

  in the bus,i had a good seat.at 7:30,the bucame to a village.a woman got on with a babin her arms.at that time,there wano seat.but she must look after her babcarefully.she had to stand next to me.i wanted to stand up and let her sit down,but i waafraid of hearing the other people say"that girl want to be praised."i looked around.most people were looking out of the windowand some were sleeping.suddenly,a little bobehind me,stood up and made room for the woman.she said "thank you vermuch" with a big smile.the bosmiled,too.when i told mcousin about it after that,he said "the child ithe father of a man." i'm verashamed.whcould't i do the same thing athe little bodid?

  from that i learn that we should do our best to help people who need help.if everyone makea contribution to helping others,the world will become much more beautiful!

  一件难忘的事英语作文 5

  After school in the afternoon,I went to my mother's office to do my homework.I didn't see my mother.She was probably busy in the classroom.After drinking some water,I consciously lay on the table and wrote new words.When mom finished her work,she would grade my homework.

  Suddenly,my mother called my name:"how can" study hard"be written as" study by a good mother"? It's too careless!" I took a look at it,and if so,I quickly revised it.However,my mother found out my mistake again: GUI was written as gun.I'm scared.I'm afraid my mother will lose her temper.My tears will flow down.My mother advises me to be serious.I'm very ashamed of myself!

  Mom,don't worry,I will study hard,do the exercises carefully,and get good grades at the end of the term!

  一件难忘的事英语作文 6

  I love English class so much, because learning English can bring me a bigger world. It is the key for me to see more about the world. This term, our school has hired a foreign teacher, which makes me so excited about the English class and I cherish every lesson. The foreign teacher’s name is Jane and she is from America. When Christmas came, she gave us a surprise. She brought the desserts that were made by herself to us. We enjoyed her homemade food and listened to the stories she told us about the coming Christmas. It was a special festival for me, which was the first time I spent this day with foreign friends. I knew the meaning of this festival and the great atmosphere. It is such an amazing moment and so unforgettable for me.


  一件难忘的事英语作文 7

  Our life occur a lot of things nearly every day.Some we may forget and some we may remember.There is one thing I won't forget forever.It is the birth of my little sister.Before she comes to the world,I have imagined thousand times what she looks.In fact,although I have guessed so many times,I still couldn't hit the point.I never know that a newborn child will be so tiny and wrinkle.But she just likes an angel.Seeing her,I feel my heart get warm right away.I couldn't forget the moment I saw her.

  一件难忘的事英语作文 8

  When I was a little child, I was so naughty that I always did something angry my parents. They always blamed to me, but I never listened to them. I thought they were too strict with me. But I changed in someday. My parents always told me to be careful when I went out. However, all I thought was they worried too much. On my way to take the bus home, there was a traffic light. That day, when I got to the cross road, the light was red, but there was no car crossed the road anymore. So I went across the road without the light turning to green. At this moment, a car rushed quickly towards me. I was suddenly scared, so that I couldn’t move but stood still. Luckily, the driver broke the car quickly and I did not get hurt. But I did scared. I couldn’t image what would happen if the car did not stop in time. I told my parents what I experienced. At first, they blamed me as usual and I knew I was wrong that time. Therefore, I did not say anything. They realized that I was frightened, so they comforted me patiently. I finally knew that all they said and done was good to me. After that, I was much more careful and I listened to my parents.


  一件难忘的事英语作文 9

  In the morning, it is very fine! Then I climb the mountain with family, the air on the mountain is very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seem extremely beautiful. In the afternoon, I go to friend's home to play, the friend entertains me warmly, show me a lot of books of his , has listened to his CD for me , then also ask me to eat a sumptuous dinner. Coming back home in the evening, family and I sat and watched TV together, we are returning and eating the fruit while chatting, the whole family is happy and harmonious!



  一件难忘的事英语作文 10

  how time flies!i'm fifteen years now.

  during the long time,there was one thing that i will never forget.

  the spring festival is our traditional festival.during the spring festival,people usually visit their friends and relatives.when i was 9 years old,my family took the bus to my grandparents' to say "happy new year" to them.

  in the bus,i had a good seat.at 7:30,the bus came to a village.a woman got on with a baby in her arms.at that time,there was no seat.but she must look after her baby carefully.she had to stand next to me.i wanted to stand up and let her sit down,but i was afraid of hearing the other people say"that girl want to be praised."i looked around.most people were looking out of the windows and some were sleeping.suddenly,a little boy behind me,stood up and made room for the woman.she said "thank you very much" with a big smile.the boy smiled,too.when i told my cousin about it after that,he said "the child is the father of a man." i'm very ashamed.why could't i do the same thing as the little boy did?

  from that i learn that we should do our best to help people who need help.if everyone makes a contribution to helping others,the world will become much more beautiful!



  难忘的一件事高一叙事作文 1



  第二天,我来到学校才发现试卷没签名。可学校没有隐蔽的地方,到处都有同学。我眼珠“咕碌”一转,又生一计:厕所这时可能没人,那儿是最安全的地方,我跑进厕所,嘿!正合我意——没有一个人。我立刻拿出*钢笔,趴在厕所的窗台上,写了起来。想要摹仿我爸爸的字确实不易,又有点草,再说我才读三年级,模仿能力不强。我先在草稿纸上写了写,最后认为差不多了,就在试卷上签名。回到教室,我打开卷子一看,哈哈!真是 “急中生字”啊!跟爸爸的笔迹差不了多少,老师一定看不出来。心里顿时轻松多了。在交试卷时,老师看了一下,竞看不出来。

  两三天过去了,爸爸见我的试卷没发,就找到我的老师,一问才知道已经发了试卷,我自己签名。 回到家,爸爸没有骂我,给我讲了许多道理。


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