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  童年趣事英语作文 1

  I live with my parents and my grandmother. My grandmother is a kind elderly people. She likes talking and she always tells me stories of hers, my father’s and mine. She is full filled with memories. She told me that I was quiet and docile when I was little. My parents went to work all day, and my grandmother took care of me and my cousin. After she fed me, I sat and played myself. She didn’t have to worry much about me. I almost made no troubles. But my cousin was not. He never sat well or ate his food tactfully. My grandmother had to always keep an eye on him to prevent making troubles. But, there was one thing drove her crazy. That was I didn’t like going to school. When I was at the school age, my parents sent me to school. But I cried every morning when I arrived at school. They had to comfort me for a long time to bring me into classroom. After two or three months later, the situation became good. I like my grandmother sharing the stories with me. It makes me warm and beloved.

  童年趣事英语作文 2

  My childhood was like a beautiful Milky way, and my childhood anecdotes were like stars in the Milky way. They were shining all the time and illuminating my life at all times. My childhood is blossoming like a flower.

  My childhood is like a colorful picture book, every page of it can be enjoyable. My childhood interesting is so colorful, and even makes me memorable.

  I wonder if there is any childhood memories of this childhood memories of a little bit of memory? But I remember that I was so innocent and lovely that I could not forget my childhood interesting.

  Remember that time is Children's Day. I had a good time that day. My father bought me a cat shaped balloon. I couldn't help clapping. When I got home, I loosened my hand with the balloon up and the balloon flew over my head. Because it had a ceiling, it didn't fly away. Otherwise, I really don't know what I'm going to cry. I looked up at the balloon on my head, allowing my fingers to laugh innocently. Later, Dad planted flowers on the balcony, "Wow, daughter, come here and see what this is."!" Hearing dad's voice, I jumped with curiosity, grabbed the balloon and ran out. "What?"" I asked niuniunienie. Dad picked me up, I saw a gray unknown worms in the soil, is actually the earthworm. "Ah!"!" I screamed, I was scared almost fainted, I am afraid of bugs! It was this shock that I let go of the hand holding the balloon up. The higher the balloon was, the more I tried to catch it with my hand, but each time it was a little bit worse. Or was it slipped away?. "In the twinkling of an eye, I cried so much that I had no warning. I cried and looked up at the flying balloon. It flew with my dream.". Don't cry. What do you look like?" Dad was helping me with my tears, "he said. "Daddy, what will happen when the balloon flies above the sky?" Do you live with the fairy sister?" I stopped crying and said the question I had hidden in my heart. My father thought a little, looked at me, smiled, and said, "well,"...... Boy, don't you say you want lots of Bobbi dolls? I thought, when the balloon flew up, you would tell your God and fairy sister what you wish, and your wish might come true." "Really? How does a small balloon know what I wish?" I was even more puzzled, tilted my head and looked at my father. "Of course I know!"

  We looked up at the rising balloon slowly in the sky. Gradually, it disappeared. "Where have you been?"" "It saw the fairy sister."!" "Ah!"! Really?! That is great! Fairy sister, small balloon, you have to help me realize the desire oh!"

  From that day, I took a beautiful vision of happiness through my childhood, although the desire has not been achieved, but I think I should still be small balloon flying. Desire ladder.

  童年趣事英语作文 3

  My dad bought a computer when I was five years old. I could draw pictures and listen to music on it.

  But once, the computer was down suddenly.

  My dad told me that it might be attacked by computer virus.

  I was so scared that I asked dad anxiously, "Did it get a flu? Did it need some medicine?" But dad laughed and said smilingly, "Don't be silly, son.

  No medicine can cure a computer virus. It's a problem of program." I didn't understand what my dad said at that time.

  But I made up my mind to study hard and to be a computer expert in the future.

  童年趣事英语作文 4

  Childhood in my grandmother's house,saw the hen sat in the nest to scare her,she did not run,I felt very unusual.

  Go and ask the Father knows,the hen is sitting,I am very surprised. At the same time,there is a strange idea -- the hen can hatch the chicken,I also have hatched chicks!So,I also got some egg on the quilt,and then he climbed into bed lying in bed,put the egg on your ass..

  I thought:I can also be hatched chicks,I am great superman!

  But after several hours did not see a little action,I urgent cry.

  童年趣事英语作文 5

  i’d like to tell you something about my childhood. when i was six years old, i was a lovely girl!

  one day, my father saw some fish in the river, so he asked me, “why can fish only live in water?” i thought about it, then i gave him the answer, “because there are some cats on the bank.” my father laughed when he heard that. then he said, “you are smart!” i was happy to hear that.home..cn

  maybe you will say, “it’s a funny answer.” now, i think, it is very interesting. and now i am smart. my parents love me very much. i am so happy to have that childhood.

  童年趣事英语作文 6

  My childhood in a family was not wealthy but did not spend too much difficulty in the environment, so do not know what is the pain does not know what is happiness, life for me is just a hazy dream, regardless of heat or cold, as long as there are three meals to eat, and buddies will to be happy to spend the day reading and playing together.

  At that time, I am very feisty, the number of students can work it out, I can work it out, the students of a page on the characters can be red mold teacher three red circle painting, I will be painted in five, as long as the teacher said about who wrote the words I must write good-looking, he. Within a week, for these, I have every day in the observation of others, to imitate others, but I just lost in my sister's. Every time the exam to get back problems, sister to a bit more than I do, her characters are the red mold, the teacher drew a red circle, she wrote that beautiful and neat, my parents always admired her sister better than me, why do I will lost my sister?

  One day after school, I ran home to sister is jubilant, fell on the table a painting, it was a red crown green tail and colorful big cock, round black eyes, straight neck covered with layers of red hair yellow 11 Fen, two strong long legs covered with gray the scales, my sister said to me:

  "Do you think it's all right?""

  OK, fine, just a little......"

  "No, I haven't finished saying," she put up the brush, dip some white pigment in the cock black eyes, do not know why, the chicken is alive, was flying up. My sister said when she saw me in surprise:

  "It was a little bit short, so the chicken was dead and had no spirit, and with that, his eyes were alive, and he lived.""

  I see! I suddenly understand a truth, I also more than sister because she is a little bit more than I a more subtle observation and understanding of things like me, just blindly memorizing and imitating, so where did the lack of soul.

  When I knew my weakness, I made up my mind to catch up with her in every way. Nevertheless, I am still not willing to let my sister in the eyes of my parents stronger than me. The fifth grade before the summer day, or go home from school, just open the gate, he heard a girl singing clear, although the sound crisp and high pitch, but often out of tune, I know it is a sister in the examination practice song. My sister singing unexpectedly let me find a challenge to her chance, so I ran to my brother and I live in the house, jumped into the pit, a stack of quilts to sister housing apart under the corner, because which has a round flue and sister the walls of the room, I owe my toes hands cling to the mouth, the flue, a round hole alignment, sing the song sister is practicing the "torch in one fell swoop, lit up the darkness before the dawn, you are the helmsman, hold the direction of navigation, the young Chinese Co | production | party, you are the core, you are the direction, we will never follow you, we always follow a certain China liberation......" I have to sing when I opened the door, my sister came in and said to me:

  "You sing very well. Teach me a lesson quickly."! I will not be able to sing the exam again in two days"

  "Do not teach, do not teach" I do so.

  童年趣事英语作文 7

  I think childhood is the happiest period in life, because there are few troubles and worries at that time.

  The only thing we worry about is our study.

  Therefore, it’s a time for fun and enjoyment. In my memory, my childhood was colorful and interesting.

  I was born in the countryside, and I didn’t have many toys, just like other kids in my hometown.

  But as a creative group, we could always make a lot of toys by ourselves, which need no money at all.

  童年趣事英语作文 8

  I’d like to tell you something about my childhood. when i was six years old, i was a lovely girl!

  One day, my father saw some fish in the river, so he asked me, “why can fish only live in water?” i thought about it, then i gave him the answer, “because there are some cats on the bank.” my father laughed when he heard that. then he said, “you are smart!” i was happy to hear that.

  Maybe you will say, “it’s a funny answer.” now, i think, it is very interesting. and now i am smart. my parents love me very much. i am so happy to have that childhood.





  童年趣事英语作文 9

  My dad bought a puter when I was five years old. I could draw pictures and listen to music on it. But once, the puter was down suddenly. My dad told me that it might be attacked by puter virus.

  I was so scared that I asked dad anxiously, "Did it get a flu? Did it need some medicine?" But dad laughed and said smilingly, "Dont be silly, son. No medicine can cure a puter virus. Its a problem of program." I didnt understand what my dad said at that time. But I made up my mind to study hard and to be a puter expert in the future.

  童年趣事英语作文 10

  My childhood fun sounds bad, but it's not bad.

  The first interesting thing is, I once in kindergarten just finished eating to play playground, I saw a classmate mouth super big, really do not pay attention to, see, frighten. I put the teacher's balloon in his mouth and squeezed it with my hands. The object was to make it fly, but he broke my balloon and made me cry loudly. Well, funny?

  The second funny thing is that if you eat other people's food, especially the meal, you will feel sick. But I was curious when I heard about it. At noon, I put a lot of meat into his bowl while my classmates were in the bathroom. But who knows, he came back to eat, not only did not feel sick, but eating delicious. I got out of control and laughed out of my face, causing the whole class to look at me and make me shy.

  The third funny thing is, we took part in a competition. I can't remember what it's called, but it's a red scarf with a knot between my feet. The test was to be united, but after school I saw two students together, a little spaced in the middle, and I ran over there and fell down with them.

  The fourth funny thing is, I used to be interested in songs. One day, a classmate's head was big. There was a chopstick and a bowl next to it. I had a sudden whim to grab the classmate's head with chopsticks. While knocking sang: wash wash...... The class looked at me and laughed a few seconds later.

  This is my childhood interesting, how, funny bar!




  童年童年趣事作文 1





  童年童年趣事作文 2




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  童年童年趣事作文 4





  童年童年趣事作文 5





  比赛开始了,我和我的朋友们都是胸有成竹的,可是轮到我自己的时候还是有点紧张的,一只手紧紧拿着**柄,另一只手用力拉着皮筋上的石头。只听见“嗖”的一声,石头像离弦的箭一样,飞快地飞向瓶子的方向。瓶子倒了,我赢了,我开始有些得意忘形了。 最后每个人基本上成功了,但是,比赛不管谁赢谁输都无关紧要,因为比赛比的不是技术,更不是输赢,赢也好,输也好,比赛最重要的是友谊。

  有了友谊每个人都会快乐开心起来,这难道不是一个人生的道理吗? 这场比赛便是我童年的乐趣,它给了我快乐、开心。

  童年童年趣事作文 6







  童年童年趣事作文 7



  童年童年趣事作文 8



  经过一翻激烈的思想斗争,妈妈还是决定回去碰碰运气,于是我们又朝市场的方向奔去。 到那里时已经是傍晚时分了,市场上人不多了。在昏暗的灯光下,我们看到了那位老大爷还在那儿,眼睛向四处望着,像是在等人。我和妈妈走上去,老爷爷认出了我们,他用那长满老茧的手把钥匙递给妈妈,妈妈向他会心地点了头,我们三个都开心地笑了。


  一件令我感动的事 在我刚上幼儿园的时候,妈妈总是无微不至地照顾我。可我上了小学三年级后,妈妈再不像以前那么爱我了,被子让我自己叠,饭菜让我自己炒,这个问题我一直不明白。




  童年童年趣事作文 9


  正值盛夏,蝉热的“知了、知了”地叫个不停 。路旁的大黄狗,嗤嗤的吐着粉红的扁舌头。路旁的柳树垂着头,绿色的头发被热情的太阳烤的瘫软。一丝风都不曾吹来。呼――热,真热。妈妈看我热成这样,便去了两根雪糕,我拿过一个,急急忙忙地打开包装,恨不得一口吞下去,刚送到嘴边,突然想起,上次吃了没洗的苹果,结果肚子疼的`要死。从那以后,我再也不敢吃没洗的东西了。这雪糕……算了,为了保险,洗洗吧!我走到卫生间,打开水阀,仔仔细细的冲洗起来,奇怪,怎么越来越小了?算了算了,管他呢,这回干净了吧。我三口两口的吃掉雪糕,诶呀,怎么吃的这么快?不想了,费脑筋。我回去跟妈妈一说,她竟笑得直不起腰。怎么了嘛!不过妈妈笑得这么开心,我也跟着笑吧!于是我哈哈的笑了起来。妈妈看我也笑了,一愣,“你呀,这是个小鬼头!”“哈哈哈哈……”欢乐的笑声传出窗外,蝉不叫了,黄狗向这儿看来,柳树听见我们爽朗的笑声好像也有了精神……真好!


  童年童年趣事作文 10







  童年趣事的英语作文 1

  If I were a boy again, I would school myself into a habit of attention; I would let nothing come between me and the subject in hand. I would remember that a good skater never tries to skate in two directions at once. The habit of attention becomes part of our life, if we begain early enough. I often hear grown up people say “ I could not fix my attention on the sermon or book, although I wished to do so” , and the reason is, the habit was not formed in youth. If I were to live my life over again, I would pay more attention to the cultivation of the memory. I would strengthen that faculty by every possible means, and on every possible occasion. It takes a little hard work at first to remember things accurately; but memory soon helps itself, and gives very little trouble. It only needs early cultivation to become a power.

  童年趣事的英语作文 2

  When Lincoln was just a boy, he had to help his father look after their farm. It was hard work. Lincoln wanted to go to school, but there was no school there. He was sad.

  Mrs Lincoln loved the boy very much, and she tried her best to make him happy. One early morning she got up early and went to town. It was a long way, and when she came back, it was late in the evening.

  The next morning, Mrs Lincoln said to him, "Today is your birthday. I have bought a present for you." It was an old book, but he liked it . A smile came to his face. He looked up at Mrs Lincoln and said, "Thank you, Mum."

  童年趣事的英语作文 3

  Today was the first day of our military training.A sharp whistle woke us up in the early morning.

  We were dressed in a hurry and rushed to the playground quickly.When we lined up,there came a soldier who said that he would be in charge of our training.

  He was strict with us.He kept us training almost for all day.After that,we were all exhausted.I think I will never forget it.

  童年趣事的英语作文 4

  How time flies! Now I am a young man. Every time I open my photo album, those childish pictures of mine always remind me of the cheerful side of my childhood.

  My family is not a rich one, but as I am the only child in my family, my parents love me very much. When I was a little kid, they were ready to do anything for me.

  I still remember the evenings when, before going to bed, I asked my mother to tell me stories. She used to tell me fairy tales, most of which had a brave and honest boy as a hero. Having finished the story, my mother often patted me on the head gently, saying, ”My child, I hope you will be as good a boy as the hero in the story.” Now I am a student in senior two, I hope that I can live up to my mother’s expectations.

  The memory of my childhood is like a sweet dream. Instead of trying going back to the happy childhood, I will try harder to make a promising future.

  童年趣事的英语作文 5

  I grew up in a small village. I am the second child of the family, and my sister is the eldest.

  Our house is on the main street of the village so I always saw a lot of people on the streets There were farmers, fishermen, and a few merchants in the village. My sister and I used to play with the next-door children; their father is an elementary school teacher. Sometimes when we played together in the house we made so much noise that my mother wanted us to play outside, so we went to the seashore to look for crabs and clams, and pretty seashells, too. Also, we enjoyed running on the beach chasing each other. On breezy days we used to enjoy flying kites on the beach. When I look back on my early life in the village, I feel I had a happy childhood.

  童年趣事的英语作文 6

  My childhood is unforgettable. Five years old,I want to go to kindergarten every day. I had a lot of time with my kids. My parents took good care of me,I don't need to worry about food and clothing and other things. I had a good time in those days. But one day my mother told me that she would not go to pick me up after school. I was afraid of a person to go home,so I started to cry,very angry with my mother. Although I insisted that she and my father should protect my safety,they still don't agree with me. They think it is good for me to learn to be independent. Second days after school,I had to take a bus home. When I got on the train,I forgot to look at the road,so when the car is getting far from my home,I am very anxious. At last,I got to the end of the station,and then I went home by the same way. When I told my parents my story,they don't think it was a mistake,instead,they think it's a useful experience. From that time on,I will not let them pick me up afterschool.

  童年趣事的英语作文 7

  I’d like to tell you something about my childhood. when i was six years old, i was a lovely girl!

  One day, my father saw some fish in the river, so he asked me, “why can fish only live in water?” i thought about it, then i gave him the answer, “because there are some cats on the bank.” my father laughed when he heard that. then he said, “you are smart!” i was happy to hear that.

  Maybe you will say, “it’s a funny answer.” now, i think, it is very interesting. and now i am smart. my parents love me very much. i am so happy to have that childhood.

  I really like to try a child, you want to know what stupid thing I have done it? I''ll tell you. I rub the gauze with iron, grazed face. The ice when the candy tasted it! Little girl, when my father smoking nostrils emitted a round rim of the eye, and his demeanor that meet, and I especially want to smoke.

  one day no one at home, I carefully pulled a cigarette from the cigarette. Then carefully draw a match, straining for a program to fast speed lit cigarette, and quickly threw away the match, good insurance almost burning to begin. I learned the way my father smoking a cigarette, Haochou ah, smoked the dead!

  I feel almost fainted, nose blocked by something like like, can not breathe very uncomfortable. I immediately spit out smoke, Zhenshuang ah! Smoke really bad, I will never smoked.

  Childhood, is a sea of joy. In the memories of the sea, there are numerous shells, there are dark, brought back some sad memories; a brilliant, reminiscent of childhood anecdotes. I recall that the coast, looking for the most beautiful shells, ah, found the ... ...

  At that time I was six years old, is fond of age birthday. I like birthday, because I will eat cake, but that, a funny thing happened:

  Busy morning, I can finally eat long-awaited cake it! See, that big round cake was covered with white cream on top filled with a variety of cream flowers, seemed to me laugh, very cute! Red jam cake still write "Happy Birthday." Candlelight again against the background, the cake makes me salivate ah! I can not wait to eat it.

  Finally hand it! A large piece of cake by me in the hand. Bite me a big mouth, ah, ah really delicious! Sister burst out laughing, which baffled me laugh, a mirror, oh, I rub a cream on the nose, looked like a clown! Themselves, just laughed. Sister do not like butter, is thinking of how to do, suddenly saw the cream on my nose, fierce eyes light up, smiling, said, "Sister, come!" I even imagined, step acrothe past. Sister sat me down and saw she fetched a tray, which have I love butter, I thought she was giving me to eat, quickly mouth open. "Pa"

  A cool thing attached to my forehead, then the face, chin, and I know that cream will elongate the tongue lick, he heard a loud laugh. A look to the front of the mirror, ha! Appeared in the mirror a little cat! Face cream, East 1, West 1. My face was this "advanced" is like Peking Opera facial makeup cosmetics in general. No, not the color of Beijing Opera mask so a single, pure white cream in the mirror like a small cat's hair, I lick the cream, how unlike a Chanmao! I laughed, laughed out of breath. I, transformed, turned into a gluttonous little cat!

  Childhood fun, each piece is like a colorful shell, the colorful shells, cupping my colorful childhood .

  童年趣事的英语作文 8

  The same time like an arrow, suddenly gone, the last really memorable good times in the past years, many people yearn to tell you today, I look to my past.

  When I was five, I went out to pasture for a school to go home, sit all day cattle back, like a shepherd, always singing "cowboy riding cattle, singing the town of Lin." Every day into night 78 points, came back to wash dinner meal and watch the moon lay on the grass. Have an accident, sitting cattle back, just thunder, I was hit by lightning a bit, then collapsed to the ground, my friends see my cattle back from the cow fell off and quickly called my mother to the family man-I in three days, searched all the major hospitals, doctors say useless, and hold each desperate to come back, then they want to bury me, Who would have thought I played 5 years with a dog came to my bedroom, with a Tim the tongue a little, I woke up, doctors later said it was a miracle.

  I know this is useless to tell you, because you would not believe, and if I talk about fantasy, you love letter on the letter, do not believe even

  童年趣事的英语作文 9

  My childhood, it is a song with a happy mood, a record of my childhood fun, big and small. Remember once, my mother to sleep on the sofa, 3 years old I sit on the floor playing with blocks, three feet saliva down, and I am also helping to put on a pair of, silly smile. Suddenly, I saw a like rabbit ears two iron piece, and put on a small black ball. I take this black things, bare little feet "kipper, snapped," ran the sofa over there. Then I "ride" on mom, picked up the iron went to mother in the nostrils, mother was I woke, see this stupid idea, I will understand. Mom smiled and took me, I gladly run. Mother catch up with me, a picked up said to me: "kid, dont always think of some way to deal with me!" I jumped out of his mothers arms and ran away. This is my childhood story, remember now, I feel funny.

  童年趣事的英语作文 10

  Slowly and quietly,spring is ing towards us.The weather is getting warmer and warmer,branches of trees begin sprouting new leaves,and all kinds of birds fly merrily in the sky.A new year begins.

  Looking at the tender green leaves of the trees out of the window,I can't help thinking of my childhood.When spring is ing,wheat begins to grow after a long winter,and its small and long leaves get greener,shaking with the wind.Rapes bloom with golden flower and give off a heavy scent.How beautiful and romantic the nature is!In this season.I used to carry a small basket in my arm,a small knife in my hand,and invite my little panions to the wheat field to dig edible wild herbs.We sang and laughed and talked and enjoyed ourselves.When we filled our baskets with wild vegetables,we began to play games.We also climbed the willows to break the tender branches and make them into flutes to blow.What a happy and lucky childhhood I had!

  Spring is full of life and power.Spring is a lovely season.In the wind of spring we begin the new year.We ought to study hard and work well in order not to waste the springtime.



  难忘的童年趣事英语作文 1

  Today was the first day of our military training.A sharp whistle woke us up in the early morning.

  We were dressed in a hurry and rushed to the playground quickly.

  When we lined up,there came a soldier who said that he would be in charge of our training.

  He was strict with us.He kept us training almost for all day.

  After that,we were all exhausted.I think I will never forget it.

  难忘的童年趣事英语作文 2

  My dad bought a computer when I was five years old. I could draw pictures and listen to music on it.

  But once, the computer was down suddenly.

  My dad told me that it might be attacked by computer virus.

  I was so scared that I asked dad anxiously, "Did it get a flu? Did it need some medicine?" But dad laughed and said smilingly, "Don't be silly, son.

  No medicine can cure a computer virus. It's a problem of program." I didn't understand what my dad said at that time.

  But I made up my mind to study hard and to be a computer expert in the future.

  难忘的童年趣事英语作文 3

  Childhood like a boat, carrying our childhood joys and sorrows, slowly flowing in the clear river water. Childhood is like a large vineyard, the grape is our childhood childhood story, hanging on the shelf shine.

  20XX in February to the first ten days of the father from the outside to buy back a fragrant and beautiful violet, I love her very much for her watering every day, with her telling stories every day. Once, mom and dad are not at home, I was given to violet watering, a cold wind blowing, cold I straight long winded, huh? No, violet. Why don't you want to?" The question suddenly came out of one's mind. I gathered in front of the violets and sniffed carefully. "Not really. He won't be ill, will he?"" At this point, I was worried and worried. "Ah!"!" I immediately had an idea. "I can spray my mother's perfume on the flowers. Oh, I'm so smart!"!" I hurried to my bedroom, took my mother's perfume and sprayed it on the flower. "Ding Dong, Ding Dong" Mom: I think back, ha ha, I was ready to put my masterpiece to tell mom, let her take praise me! Unexpectedly, the mother listened, smiled and said: "silly boy, you do so, they will die!" At first, I was on my mother's words but second days, half believe and half doubt, flowers really began to turn yellow, then I could not touch the perfume, because by that event, I think the perfume is a devil.

  Childhood is the best memory of life, everyone will have their own good memories. My childhood anecdotes

  Childhood like a boat, carrying our childhood joys and sorrows, slowly flowing in the clear river water. Childhood is like a large vineyard, the grape is our childhood childhood story, hanging on the shelf shine.

  难忘的童年趣事英语作文 4

  i’d like to tell you something about my childhood. when i was six years old, i was a lovely girl!

  one day, my father saw some fish in the river, so he asked me, “why can fish only live in water?” i thought about it, then i gave him the answer, “because there are some cats on the bank.” my father laughed when he heard that. then he said, “you are smart!” i was happy to hear that.home..cn

  maybe you will say, “it’s a funny answer.” now, i think, it is very interesting. and now i am smart. my parents love me very much. i am so happy to have that childhood.

  难忘的童年趣事英语作文 5

  My childhood in a family was not wealthy but did not spend too much difficulty in the environment, so do not know what is the pain does not know what is happiness, life for me is just a hazy dream, regardless of heat or cold, as long as there are three meals to eat, and buddies will to be happy to spend the day reading and playing together.

  At that time, I am very feisty, the number of students can work it out, I can work it out, the students of a page on the characters can be red mold teacher three red circle painting, I will be painted in five, as long as the teacher said about who wrote the words I must write good-looking, he. Within a week, for these, I have every day in the observation of others, to imitate others, but I just lost in my sister's. Every time the exam to get back problems, sister to a bit more than I do, her characters are the red mold, the teacher drew a red circle, she wrote that beautiful and neat, my parents always admired her sister better than me, why do I will lost my sister?

  One day after school, I ran home to sister is jubilant, fell on the table a painting, it was a red crown green tail and colorful big cock, round black eyes, straight neck covered with layers of red hair yellow 11 Fen, two strong long legs covered with gray the scales, my sister said to me:

  "Do you think it's all right?""

  OK, fine, just a little......"

  "No, I haven't finished saying," she put up the brush, dip some white pigment in the cock black eyes, do not know why, the chicken is alive, was flying up. My sister said when she saw me in surprise:

  "It was a little bit short, so the chicken was dead and had no spirit, and with that, his eyes were alive, and he lived.""

  I see! I suddenly understand a truth, I also more than sister because she is a little bit more than I a more subtle observation and understanding of things like me, just blindly memorizing and imitating, so where did the lack of soul.

  When I knew my weakness, I made up my mind to catch up with her in every way. Nevertheless, I am still not willing to let my sister in the eyes of my parents stronger than me. The fifth grade before the summer day, or go home from school, just open the gate, he heard a girl singing clear, although the sound crisp and high pitch, but often out of tune, I know it is a sister in the examination practice song. My sister singing unexpectedly let me find a challenge to her chance, so I ran to my brother and I live in the house, jumped into the pit, a stack of quilts to sister housing apart under the corner, because which has a round flue and sister the walls of the room, I owe my toes hands cling to the mouth, the flue, a round hole alignment, sing the song sister is practicing the "torch in one fell swoop, lit up the darkness before the dawn, you are the helmsman, hold the direction of navigation, the young Chinese Co | production | party, you are the core, you are the direction, we will never follow you, we always follow a certain China liberation......" I have to sing when I opened the door, my sister came in and said to me:

  "You sing very well. Teach me a lesson quickly."! I will not be able to sing the exam again in two days"

  "Do not teach, do not teach" I do so.



  寒假趣事英语作文 1

  my winter holiday

  i have a happy winter holiday, because i go to many places.

  first, i go to liannan to climb mountains and visit some old houses.

  then i go to longmen. in the evening, we go to the hot spring. my mothers friend says, there are many squirrels in nankun mountain! thats very interesting! i want to see monkeys very much. but we dont have time to go there. i am so sad!

  later, we go to other places, such as i qiao, guangzhou, etc.

  i love my colourful winter holiday! what about your holiday?

  寒假趣事英语作文 2

  My winter holidays plans me studying for my English , I will make great efforts to learn English. Persist in listening to half hours of English every day. I will acplish the school assignment that the teacher arranges best with the quickest speed. I can not forget to take the body exercise certainly also , I may take the body exercise ing drawing out 30- - 1 hours in time in every day. I play with the once puter ing certainly may draw out one small Duan time , watch one meeting TV or. Certainly need only 1 hour. This it is my winter holidays to plan!

  寒假趣事英语作文 3

  Chinese New Year is coming and my family is very busy. It's because Chinese New Year is very special and important. We must prepare many special things to get ready for this festival.

  First, will make a big New Year meal. Second, we will make "Good-luck wishes." Third, we will set off firecrackers. New Year meal is delicious and we think that eating some will bring us good luck. A long time ago, Chinese people believed red color could bring our good luck too. And we set off firecrackers could frighten ghosts away.

  Chinese New Year is very popular between students. Because we can have a long happy holiday.

  寒假趣事英语作文 4

  I have a good time during the winter holidaies. The went to climb mountains with my friends make me really happy, we began to climb mountions at half past 8am. we enjoyed the beautiful sights and had lunch on the mountion.we came back at 5pm. we enjoyed our this day.what about your winter vacations?

  寒假趣事英语作文 5

  We are going to have the winter holiday.During the holiday we will have the Spring Festival.So all of the families in China are having a busy time.All of the children in China like Spring Festival very much,because they can eat many delicious food and get many money.But children in China have to do the homework for Winter Holiday.So that the could remember what they have learn the year before.Each of the children likes Winter Holiday.


  寒假趣事英语作文 6

  We are going to have the winter holiday.During the holiday we will have the Spring Festival.So all of the families in China are having a busy time.All of the children in China like Spring Festival very much,because they can eat many delicious food and get many money.But children in China have to do the homework for Winter Holiday.So that the could remember what they have learn the year before.Each of the children likes Winter Holiday.


  寒假趣事英语作文 7


  Winter vacation has begun. I need to make arrangements for the holiday and finish my homework on time.


  I'm going to get up at 7:30 every morning, read from 8:00 to 9:00, do Chinese at 10:00, write math at 11:00, learn go at the Chess Academy at 2:00 p.m., and learn calligraphy at 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.


  I will do my homework in strict accordance with my schedule so that I can finish it on time.

  寒假趣事英语作文 8


  I have a lot of interesting things in winter vacation, and Chinese New Year is the happiest.


  In the new year, my sister and I pasted couplets. I learned that the word "Fu" should be pasted backwards to show that we are lucky. After pasting the couplet, my sister and dad went back to the old district. Grandma is buying some delicious sugar to go home. My sister and I are fighting for food. I also set off my own guns. Although children don't let them, they should pay attention to safety, but I grow up and can shoot. Hee hee.


  We had a good year together and the whole family enjoyed themselves.

  寒假趣事英语作文 9

  The winter holiday

  I got to Beijing with my parents last evening.And today morning,we arrived at Tian'anmen Square.It is so big an wonderful.The weather's sunny but not hot.Ofcourse.wo took quite a few photos there and visited there for a long time.I really love here.Luckly,I met an old friendly foreigner.I took some photos with him.The food in Beijing are good.Everything tasted sweet.I like Beijing rock duck best.It was delicious!I love the trip.It was wonderful!

  寒假趣事英语作文 10

  Winter holiday is nearly over now. I felt very good. In the winter holiday, I usually get up at 9:30, and then I do my homework till we have lunch. At noon, I watch TV or play computer games. In the afternoon, I often play sports or dancing at home for some hours. After that I review the important things like English.I think my day is always the same things.

  During the holiday we had the Spring Festival. It is one of the most important festivals in China. We are very happy because we had red packets, eat many delicious foods, play games. So I think this Winter holiday was very exciting. I was happy!



  童年趣事美好回忆作文 1







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  现在,我不常跑出去玩,取代的是朋友们的聊天声。走廊聊,教室聊,好不热闹。 聊天,可以把童年的点点滴滴一股脑的全部倒出。我分享了自己的童年,别人也分享了他们的童年,有好笑的,悲伤的……我分享完之后觉得我跟童年离很远,很远了。


  童年趣事美好回忆作文 8





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  回忆童年趣事小学作文 8

  童年就像一串珍珠 ,有淡暗的,也有明亮的。我一直在寻找一颗最亮的珍珠,那就是我童年最美好的一件事。

  那是一个炎热的夏天,我在姥姥家玩,姥姥家住农村,她养了很多鸡。 有一天,姥姥、舅舅、姥爷出去玩把我一个人扔在家,我很生气,心想,他们怎么这样,出去也不带我。在屋里闲着没事干,便想去鸡舍中,看看那些鸡在干什么。 我刚进去,只听“砰”的一声,一只母鸡生了一个蛋。真好玩,我好奇的摸了摸蛋,咦,热热的,湿湿的。这是,一个念头冒了出来。心想,鸡会生蛋,那鸡舍中所有的鸡一定都会生了,要不掏鸡蛋吧,姥姥回来看到这么多的蛋,还不夸奖我,没准还奖励我呢,对掏鸡蛋!想完,我不管三七二十一,抓起一只鸡就掏,那只鸡好像知道自己命运似的,使劲拍着翅膀,想要逃,我呢,死抓着鸡爪不放,看是它厉害还是我厉害,掏了半天没掏出来,怎么回事,怎么掏不出来,难到我的奖励没了吗?我偏不信,这只掏不出来在掏另一只吧,我随手把鸡一扔,又去抓别的鸡,那些鸡看见我走来,一个个上窜下跳,好像老鼠见到猫一样,拔腿就跑,我呢,就不放手,一个劲去抓鸡,这不,还没半个小时我就快变成鸡毛人了。好不容易才抓到一只鸡,我上手就掏,掏的那只鸡“嗷嗷”直叫,又没掏出来,再抓一只……掏的这只鸡直吐白沫,我又……姥姥她们回来了,看见我的狼狈样,不禁哈哈大笑,问清原因,姥姥不仅没夸奖我,还训了我一顿,后来,我才知道除了鸡舍中的那只母鸡外,剩下的全都是公鸡。


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