励志主题英语演讲稿 (菁华3篇)

首页 / 演讲稿 / | 2022-11-04 00:00:00 英语演讲稿,励志


  Good morning,ladies and gentlemen,today i am so happy to stand here to give you a speech.Or rather, a real story of mine.

  Though with time going by,i can still remember what you once told me.You should be a brave girl.Smiling,you looked into my eyes.Year in,year out,nearly most of my memories are fading little by little.But only this simple sentence remained,without being forgotten in my life.

  Again and again,i can not stop myself from thinking about it.So ordinary,but so impressive,so moving,just like the brightest sunshine,it helps me go through the darkest night.I am such a sensitive girl in your heart.You said,my sorroful facial expression made feel so distersssed.However,there is one thing i never tell you,that is ,i am becoming a big girl gradually with your words and smiles.I never tell you about it,for i believe oneday,you can see the great changes of mine for yourself.That is what i want to do in return.As i know,that will be the best gift for you.

  I suddenly think of a song named MY HEART WILL GO ON.There is a beautiful sentence going like this.You are safe in my heart.More than once,i was moved to tears by it.I know ,i am also safe in your heart.i have already forgotten when i told you i was going to leave for Australia this summer holiday.You just smiled as usual,gently speaking.Whatever you decide to do,i will be in favor of it,but, just onething,remember,when you fell lonely abroad,do not forget we are here ,praying for you.We are all around you,far across the distance and space between us.i closed my eyes,the flashback started.The memories we had together,once we played games on the palyground,we played jokes on each other,you always wrote a lot of sentences on my articles to encourage me.And the most unforgetable thing,you told me,you believed m i could be a big girl.Sooner or later.

  At that specific moment,i suddenly understood the meaning of this sentence totally.So on that day,i smiled as you used to,looking at you.The last words i said were,keep walking in sunshine.

  Yes,keep walking in sunshine.I said to you ,also to myself.I know i am not alone wiht your company,and we can keep walking in sunshine till the last minute of our days.

  I promise,i will be a big girl.

  I promise,i will be a brave girl.

  I promise,i will keep walking in sunshine.

  That is my speech,thank you!


  Every day of your life, it is important to take the time to “smell theroses” — to appreciate the experiences that lead to happiness. This is part ofbeing truly happy.

  Happiness is a state of mind. It starts with accepting where you are,knowing where you are going and planning to enjoy every moment along the way.You know how to be happy, and feel that you have enough time or money or love orwhatever you need to achieve your goals. And just feeling that you have enoughof everything means that you do indeed have enough.

  You have to choose to be happy, and focus upon being happy, in order to behappy. If you instead focus upon knowing that you will be happy if you achievesomething, you will never be happy, as you have not learned to “smell theroses”. The irony is that when you are happy, you are inevitably moreproductive, and far more likely to achieve what everything-seekers areseeking.

  在你生活中的每一天,花些时间“闻闻身边的玫瑰”是十分重要的 —— 停下脚步,品味那些带给你幸福的经历。这是真正快乐的一部分。




  Whether sixty or sixteen, there is in every human beings heart the lure ofwonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of whats next and the joy of the gameof living。 In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station:so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power frommen and from the infinite, so long are you young。

  An individual human existence should be like a river―small at first,narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past boulders andover waterfalls。 Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the watersflow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they bee merged inthe sea, and painlessly lose their individual being。

  Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity,of theappetite for adventure over the love of ease。This often exists in a man of sixtymore than a boy of twenty。Nobody grows old merely by a number of years。We growold by deserting our ideals。

  Years may wrinkle the skin,but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul。Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust。





励志主题英语演讲稿 (菁华3篇)扩展阅读

励志主题英语演讲稿 (菁华3篇)(扩展1)

——初中励志英语演讲稿 (菁华3篇)




  去年有一件事深深地触动了我。有一天我感冒了,很严重。我嘶哑着嗓子去给学生上课,那天恰巧我穿了件新衣。刚走进教室,初中七年级的学生们就围了上来大呼小叫地说:“miss zhu beaitiful beaitiful,miss zhu!”我刚张开嘴让他们安静下来,突然有个声音大声地说:“不要吵了!老师的嗓子哑了!老师的嗓子都哑了!”顿时整个教室安静了下来,学生们都在自己的座位上端正地坐好,安静地看着我。






  First, I would like to know, what does your destiny offer you? Happiness, wisdom, a body or something else. If I had asked this question to president Nixon, he would probably had said,”Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity.”

  Needless to say, one of the biggest opportunities given to China is the 2015 Olympic Games. Till now, we have used two sevenths of the preparation time. How much changes have you seen? New roads, new subway lines, public-exercising equipments with beautiful colors, large blocks of grass fields, and also lots of modern gyms which are under construction.

  Other than those, there are even more good effects brought to us by the Olympic Games that cannot be seen directly. For example, more and more people will get to know China. I’m sure the mysterious Chinese culture will attract them ly. And the games will also do good to the economy and environment, for it is gaining the attention of foreign investors and the awareness of environmental protection is being strengthened. What is more, Olympic Games give a unique opportunity to inspire and educate a new generation of Chinese youth with the Olympic values and the Olympic spirit. Now that we have seen so many advances, could you even imagine us losing the holding rights?

  I’ve already said a lot about the Olympics and China. But I think everyone should use some time to think of this question, ”Does the Olympic Games have any special meaning to you?”

  For us, I mean the Chinese youth, 2015 Olympic Games is a tremendous gift. Because what we are waiting for is to do something significant as repaying the love given to us .The society is just like a ship, and in our dreams the captain is waving his hand and saying ”Hey! Come here and take the helm! ”How charming his voice is, but we have never heard of it in our true life. This morning, however, when we wake up, we will see the Olympic Games waving its hand. After chewing, most of us will have at least one plan about what to do for the Olympic Games. And mine is to be a “comforter” ----that is someone who will give comfort to others.

  At the end of my speech, I hope all the preparation will go well, and everyone will show their ability to the world. Let us seize opportunities and give a big smile to challenges.




  去年有一件事深深地触动了我。有一天我感冒了,很严重。我嘶哑着嗓子去给学生上课,那天恰巧我穿了件新衣。刚走进教室,初中七年级的学生们就围了上来大呼小叫地说:“miss zhu beaitiful beaitiful,miss zhu!”我刚张开嘴让他们安静下来,突然有个声音大声地说:“不要吵了!老师的嗓子哑了!老师的嗓子都哑了!”顿时整个教室安静了下来,学生们都在自己的座位上端正地坐好,安静地看着我。





励志主题英语演讲稿 (菁华3篇)(扩展2)

——初中励志英语演讲稿 (菁华3篇)


  Hello, everyone. It is a great honor for me to be here to express my feelings.

  My friends, it is time for us to say goodbye. However, I will never forget the golden days of junior high school. They are forever locked in my memories! In the past three years, I am grateful that I could study with you.

  First of all, I’d like to thank all my teachers. It’s you that let me konw how to be a good person. From you, I know that as a good student, we should not only study hard, but also mean well and help each other. Then, I’d like show my appreciation to all my friends. I am grateful that I could study with you. Being together with you, I can totally be myself. I do not need to hide anything from you. When I am sad, you are always on my side to cheer me up.

  We will soon become senior high school students. We must go forward, to a different world, we are no longer the children, who only want to play fun with each other. We grow up from now on! It is a long journey, but let us begin!


  Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen; when I was in the primary school, I had a dream,I want to invent a device which could bring you from one place to another in no time at all. When I was in the secondary school, my dream was to study in my ideal university. And when eventually I got into the university, my dream was to graduate. How pathetic! When we grow up, we dream less and become more realistic. Why? Why do we have to change our dreams, so, so in order to let it be “fulfilled”? Why do we have to surrender to the so-called “reality”? What is the reality actually?

  Ladies and gentlemen, the reality is not real. It is barrier keeping us from all possible fantasies. Flying, for example, had been a dream to mankind for thousands of years. A hundred years ago, “man could not fly” was still regarded as the “reality”. Now if that was really the reality, what did the Wright brothers do? How did some of you get to Macao? Only when we believe that the reality is not real can we soar with our dreams. People say that our future is a battle between the reality and our dreams. And if, unfortunately, Mr.Reality wins this war, then I see no future of mankind at all. * will never be curable as this is the reality; People living in the undeveloped countries will suffer from starvation forever as this is the reality; Dis*s among different countries would never be settled as this misunderstandings and intolerance is the reality.

  Ladies and gentlemen, how many of you have a dream of being able to make a lot of money? Please raise your hands. Oh, quite a number of you! Actually, ladies and gentlemen, this is not a dream, but a task. Every one of us has to make a living, right? Anyway I hope your task will be accomplished. How many of you think hat you have already fulfilled your dream and that you don’t dream anymore? Dear adjudicators, what do you think? C.S.Lewis once said, “You are never too old to dream a new dream. “So for our future, please dream and be unrealistic. Now that I am university student, my goal is to graduate with excellences. But at the same time, I have dream dee* rooted in our future. One day, people living in the areas now sweltering with the horror of wars will be able to sit with their families and enjoy their every moment. One day, from the rich countries are willing to share what they have with those from the poor countries and those from the countries will eventually be able to make their own happy living themselves. One day , different cultures in this age of globalization will coexist with tolerance and the unfriendly confrontations among them will be eliminated. One day, the globe will share the dream with me and we will all contribute to making our dream come true. One day, our dream will defeat the reality!

  Thank you very much!




  去年有一件事深深地触动了我。有一天我感冒了,很严重。我嘶哑着嗓子去给学生上课,那天恰巧我穿了件新衣。刚走进教室,初中七年级的学生们就围了上来大呼小叫地说:“miss zhu beaitiful beaitiful,miss zhu!”我刚张开嘴让他们安静下来,突然有个声音大声地说:“不要吵了!老师的嗓子哑了!老师的嗓子都哑了!”顿时整个教室安静了下来,学生们都在自己的座位上端正地坐好,安静地看着我。





励志主题英语演讲稿 (菁华3篇)(扩展3)


  励志主题英语演讲稿 1

  Change The Ingredients Of Your Life

  This is a glass of water, tasteless, right? However if you add sugar, it will taste sweet, but if you add vinegar, it will become bitter. The same is true with our life____ the flavor is created by our choices.

  If kindness is added to a strange you will have a friend; but if hostility is added, you will have an enemy. If love is added to a pile of red bricks you will have a home, but if hatred is add to those bricks , you will have an concentration camp.

  So my dear friends, never complain that life is boring and the world is disappointing. If don’t like the taste of your life, change the ingredients.

  Three year ago, I weighed more than 100 hundred kilograms which caused significant embarrassment and frustration in my life. Like always failing my P.E examinations, like always being laughed at by girls, like being terrified to speak in public. It was my grandmother’s encouragement that revived from my passive attitude to become confident in myself. She said “ My dear, if you can’t change you figure, why not treat it as your own style. So I began to cautiously employ the new way of thinking. By choosing to change my outlook on life, I developed the confidence to make a difference and finally I found a totally new world.

  So my dear friend, if faith, hope, love, endurance are added to your life, you will find the confidence to conquer your limitation and embrace new challenges. And hopefully with my speech included, you will have a fantastic speech contest.

  励志主题英语演讲稿 2

  Whether sixty or sixteen, there is in every human beings heart the lure ofwonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of whats next and the joy of the gameof living。 In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station:so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power frommen and from the infinite, so long are you young。

  An individual human existence should be like a river―small at first,narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past boulders andover waterfalls。 Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the watersflow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they bee merged inthe sea, and painlessly lose their individual being。

  Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity,of theappetite for adventure over the love of ease。This often exists in a man of sixtymore than a boy of twenty。Nobody grows old merely by a number of years。We growold by deserting our ideals。

  Years may wrinkle the skin,but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul。Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust。





  励志主题英语演讲稿 3

  good evening , ladies and gentlemen . i am joy and glad to give you a speech about stress , yes , just the topic you see on the screen.

  psychologist tell us that stress is a state of worry caused by the problem of living , such as too much work or study , heavy responsibilities , and quickened pace of life .

  statistics show that stress comes from every detail in our life . financial problems , poor health , being laid off may be the stress that most adults now suffering . as students in the university , we are also under our special stress . while study , having to take various tests and submit a project against a deadline may put a great pressure on us . and the things make us felt stressed may be our parents’s greater expectations on us than we could reach . later , when we are likely to graduate , some other problems will also annoy us . i think we will worry a lot about our ability to compete in the job market and how we can best use what we’ve learned at college in our future job .

  励志主题英语演讲稿 4

  Every day of your life, it is important to take the time to “smell theroses” — to appreciate the experiences that lead to happiness. This is part ofbeing truly happy.

  Happiness is a state of mind. It starts with accepting where you are,knowing where you are going and planning to enjoy every moment along the way.You know how to be happy, and feel that you have enough time or money or love orwhatever you need to achieve your goals. And just feeling that you have enoughof everything means that you do indeed have enough.

  You have to choose to be happy, and focus upon being happy, in order to behappy. If you instead focus upon knowing that you will be happy if you achievesomething, you will never be happy, as you have not learned to “smell theroses”. The irony is that when you are happy, you are inevitably moreproductive, and far more likely to achieve what everything-seekers areseeking.

  在你生活中的每一天,花些时间“闻闻身边的玫瑰”是十分重要的 —— 停下脚步,品味那些带给你幸福的经历。这是真正快乐的一部分。



  励志主题英语演讲稿 5

  How often do you hear people say “I will be happy when …”such as “When Iget that thing, I will be happy,” “I will be happy when I pass the exam” and “Iwould be happy if I had more money”. I have heard these things before and I amsure that I will hear them again.

  Many people want to believe that finding happiness is all about finding orgetting something that they want. However, not many people have ever foundlong-term happiness by achieving a goal. There will always be another thing thatthey want. There will always be another exam or another dollar.

  To break this vicious cycle, we must find our happiness somewhere else—within ourselves. In other words, happiness is completely an inside job. Thekey to finding happiness is to understand that happiness is a choice rather thanthe result of an experience. We have been given everything

  We need to be happy. Allow yourself to choose happiness. If life wasperfect, would you be happy? Life is perfect because we create it with ourchoices. Since we can create life, we can create happiness and choose how muchbetter our lives can get!

  Only when we can accept that life is perfect as it is, and that our livesare the sum total of everything that has happened up to this moment, can weaccept the joy and the happiness we deserve.






励志主题英语演讲稿 (菁华3篇)(扩展4)

——励志英语演讲稿 (菁华12篇)


  as everyone knows,english is very important has been used everywhere in the has become the most common language on internet and for international trade. if we can speak english well,we will have more chance to use more and more people have taken notice of it,the number of the people who go to learn english has increased at a high speed.

  but for myself,i learn english not only because of its importance and its usefulness,but also because of my love for i learn english, i can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the i read english novels,i can feel the pleasure from the book which is different from reading the i speak english, i can feel the confident from my i write english,i can see the beauty which is not the same as our chinese……

  i love english,it gives me a colorful dream.i hope i can travel around the world one day. with my good english, i can make friends with many people from different contries.i can see many places of great intrests.i dream that i can go to london,because it is the birth place of english.

  i also want to use my good english to introduce our great places to the english spoken people,i hope that they can love our country like us.

  i know, rome was not built in a day. i believe that after continuous hard study, one day i can speak english very well.

  if you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. so i believe as i love english everyday , it will love me too.

  i am sure that i will realize my dream one day!


  Whether there’s afterlife, the answer has never been the same。 The atheists deny after life, believing that our life is no more than from the cradle to the grave。 They may care about their illustrious names after death; they may feel attached to the affection of their offspring, but they never lay their hopes on their afterlife。 They may also say that good will be rewarded with good, and evil with evil, but they don’t really believe any retribution in their after life。

  However, in the religious world or among the superstitious people, the belief in afterlife is very popular。 They do not only believe in afterlife, but thousands of reincarnations as well。 In the mysterious world, there are the paradise and the hell, the celestial beings and the gods, the Buddha and the Bodhisattvas。

  Maybe they really believed it, or maybe they just wanted to make use of people’s veneration, the ancient emperors always declared that they were the real dragons, the sons of God, while the royal ministers claimed to be the reincarnations of various constellations。 But can the stars reincarnate?

  Many people burn incense and kowtow, do good deeds and strive for virtues, not just for the present, but mainly to let God see their sincerity so as to be reborn into a better afterlife, or to achieve the highest enlightenment after several lives of practice。 They do believe in afterlife。 But I can’t help asking: Suppose there were no afterlife, would you still do good deeds and strive for virtues? And If God does not see what you are doing, would you still be so upright and selfless? If you work, not for serving the public and liberating the others, but just for a better afterlife of your own, isn’t it a little too selfish? Comparing with this kind of believers, those who don’t believe in afterlife, but still keep doing good deeds, are the most sincere and honest philanthropists, because they do them not for themselves but for other。

  You may wonder if I believe in afterlife。 My answer is: I know nothing about my previous life, so I dare not make improper comments on afterlife。 But I do hope there’s afterlife! Because our present life is so short that so many things slip away before our proper understanding。 I have so many dreams, so many wishes, so many ambitions, as well as so many regrets and concerns。 If there were no afterlife, all of them will remain unrealized!

  been mine but have been washed away by the hurrying time, and I yearn for the perfection and maturity if I could start all over again。 So believe it or not, I’d rather there were afterlife。


  i have four best friends. it has been 7 years for us since we built our friendship during the junior school. although we are separated now, i believe we'll never forget.

  the precious time we spend in the junior ahd senior school together, and we will be best friends forever.

  "we are certainly best friends forever "fantasy said to me.

  she is one of my best friends who has a beatiful face, white skin , big bright eye and long curly black hair. we have to admit that she ia one of the most excellent girl among us, not only in the studies but also in the personalities. i think she is the girl between the superachiever and cool-steady. because she is not totally belonging to cool-steady ,besides modest, cooperative, patient and sociable,she is also independent and very ambitious. do you believe that ,it's ture. for instants, she can get along well with all kinds of people even those who can always make you crazy . she can quickly adapt hersellf to the new enviroment and if she can do something on her own,she won't trouble others.

  what's more she always consider about others'feeling.i think that's her valuable quality, because in now days,more and more peolple are just concernd with themselves. she has a variety of interests. she is good at playing paino and has passed level-eight.she also like singing dancing and doing sports sometimes, i often wonder that i'm such an ordinanry girl , how can i obtian such an excellent friend. looking back to the time we spent together ,she has helped me with my studies, encouraged me when i felt upset .and she always stood by my side and helped me to overcome the obstacles. we made joks and laughed all the time .may be the most important reason why we could become close friends is that: we like each other, we appeal to each other .i think she is so excllent girl meanwhile she think me is a lovely girl.

  we are familiar to each other, except some of her good qualities which i don't own .we are both houmous and like to tell funny stories. we like the same kinds of moives and food. we wear the same style clothes and we also have same view about the things and we understand each other. in a word. it is the most the lucky thing in my life to have such a good friend. i'll try my best to keep our friendship forever.







  You are where you are. Accept it and feel the power your acceptance givesyou to move forward.

  This moment is as it is. Accept its uniqueness and experience the freedomof not having to fight against it.

  There are difficult challenges in your life. Accept them and feel theenergy that will enable you to rise above them.

  Accept that this is your starting point. Instead of placing judgements onit,see the real,positive value that’s already yours. You cannot change whereyour past priorities and choices have brought you. Yet you can make use of thewisdom you’ve earned to create a future that fulfils your most treasureddreams.

  Lovingly and gratefully accept who you’ve been,what you’ve done,what youhave and where you are. For you can now transform it all into what you most wishto be.








  What would you do if you failed? Many people may choose to give up.However, the surest way to success is to keep your direction and stick to yourgoal.

  On your way to success, you must keep your direction. It is just like alamp, guiding you in darkness and helping you overcome obstacles on your way.Otherwise, you will easily get lost or hesitate to go ahead.

  Direction means objectives. You can get nowhere without an objective inlife.

  You can try to write your objective on paper and make some plans to achieveit. In this way, you will know how to arrange your time and to spend your timeproperly. And you should also have a belief that you are sure to succeed as longas you keep your direction all the time.












  In the pitch-black night, stung by jellyfish, choking on salt water, singing to herself, hallucinating, Diana Nyad just kept on swimming. And thats how she finally achieved her lifetime goal as an athlete, an extreme 100-mile swim from Cuba to Florida, at age 64. Hear her story.

  Its the fifth time Diana Nyad stand on the Cuban shore believing again that she’s going to make it all the way across that vast, dangerous wilderness of an ocean.

  Life is about the journey, but not really the destination. Weve been on a journey. Lets face it, were all on a one-way street. What are we going to do as we go forward to have no regrets looking backTeddy Roosevelt quote was floating around in her brain over the past years in training. It says, "You go ahead and sit back in your comfortable chair as a critic or an observer, while the brave one gets in the ring, engages, gets bloody and dirty, and fails over and over and over again. Yet he isnt afraid or timid and lives life in a bold way." When you achieve your dreams, its not so much what you get as who you have become in achieving them.

  You have a dream and obstacles in front of you as we all do. None of us ever get through this life without heartache, without turmoil. Believe in perseverance and have faith. Get back up again when you can get knocked down and you will find your way.

  "I have three messages," said the breathless Nyad. “The first is we should never ever give up. The second is you are never too old to chase your dreams. And the third is that it looks like the most solitary endeavor in the world but it takes a team.”

  Hellen Keller said, “Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” People always fail because they stop trying, not because they encounter the unbeatable difficulties. "Never, never give up" means to keep trying and never stop working for your goals. I think it’s a very good piece of advice for all of us and this is the most important thing that can help us to achieve our goals.

  I am quite sure that everybody knows Thomas Edison. Why so many people tried to invent the electric lamp, but only Thomas Edison succeedIf Edison, like many others, had been stilted by repeated failures, there would be no vibrant modern cities at night. His success proves that if a person is not scared by seemingly insurmountable adversity, he can find the way to success.

  In my opinion, never stop working for your goal doesn’t mean you must be successful. It doesnt even mean that you must achieve your goal, but its very important to keep it in your mind. There are enough unfavorable conditions which make our lives difficult, but what important for us is to make efforts towards your goal or your dream. If you have given your best for your goal or your dream, whether you succeed or not, at least you wont leave any regret in your life.

  Dont give up working for your goal or your dream. If you succeed, you will taste great joy in your life. If you dont succeed, you wont have regret in your life because you have given your best.

  Dreams are hard to follow, hold on and there will be tomorrow. You will find the way with the strength to carry on. Don’t give up.


  What is your dream? What ignites that spark. You cant kinda want that, you got to want it with every part of your whole heart. Will you struggle? Yeah, yeah you will struggle, no way around it. You will fall many times, but who's counting? Just remember, there's no such thing as a smooth mountain.If you want to make it to the top then, there are sharp ridges that have to be stepped over.

  There will be times you get stressed and things you get depressed over. But let me tell you something. Steven Spielberg was rejected from film school three times, three times but he kept going.







  i enter tile university after years of hard study and preparation. but life in the university is not as satisfactory as what i had expected. i become lazy and don't want to study.i become silcent. i become puzzled. i don't know what i can do in the future. then i become unhappy.

  four years in the university is only a short period when compared my whole lifetime. now it has passed a half. in this year, many people ,such as my parents,my friends, ask me what i want to do and tell me to map out a plan for my life. i don't want to follow their suggestion, and i want to go my style. so i think carefully. i have been a young volunteer(志愿者)for five years.it's very happy and significant. then i have a dream.i want to join the university student volunteers go west programe. i think i can be a teacher in the west.i want to try my best to help them and help me. i want to see the world cearly. now i can't reach its demand and it's very diffcult,but i will work hard in the next two years. there is an old saying"where there is a will,there is a way.(有志者事竟成)"i think my dream can come ture.now in the university i mature,and in the university i prepare for the real world.

励志主题英语演讲稿 (菁华3篇)(扩展5)

——青春励志英语演讲稿 (菁华10篇)







  everyone has his ownunderstanding of young,it is a period of time of beauty and wonders,only after you have

  experienced the sour ,sweet ,bitter and salty can you really become a person of significance.thre time of young is limitted,it may pass by without your attention,and when you discover what has happened ,it is always too late.grasping the young well means a better time is waiting for you in the near future,or the situation may be opposite .

  having a view on these great men in the history of hunmanbeing,they all made full use of their youth time ,to do things that are useful to society,to the whole mankind,and as a cosquence ,they are remembered by later

  generations,admired by everyone.so do something in the time of young,although you may not get achievements as these greatmen did ,though not for the whole word,just for youeself,for those around!

  the young is just like blooming flowers,they are so beautiful when blooming,they make people feel happy,but with time passing by,after they withers ,moet people think they are ugly.and so it is the same with young,we are enthusiastic when we are young,then we may lose our passion when getting older and older.so we must treasure it ,don't let the limitted time pass by ,leaving nothing of significance.





  Music Is Life Good morning, everybody! I would like to start my speech by reciting a poem about music by Stacy Heller. Please sit back and relax. Music, Music Is Life, Without It We Would Be In Strife, Music Is My Whole World, Without Music My Life Would Deserve To Be Hurled. Music Is Love, Music Is Like A Dove, Music Is Passion, Where Do You Think Everyone Gets Compassion. Music Is What Keeps Us Alive, It Helps Us Thrive, Music Consumes You, It Never Wants To Say Adeiu. Music. It is so true that music is my life. I don’t know if anyone could live without music. I listen to all kinds of music as long as it pleases my ears. When I am down, music cheers me up. When I am lost, music guides me through. When I am tired, music soothes me gently. When I am weak, music lifts me up. Music takes me all over the world. One moment I could be standing on the bank of the blue Danube蓝色多瑙河, Another moment I could be lying on the soft green gralistening to Tales from the Vienna Wood维也那森林. One moment I could touch Edelweiss雪绒花 on the snow capped mountain in Austria, another moment I would be dancing and Singing in the Rain中情. Boys and girls, music is melodious. Music is inspirational. Music is eternal. Let’s enjoy music. Let’s enjoy life. Good luck and God bleeverybody!

  Good morning teachers and fellow students. Today we would like to introduce a few favorite books to you.

  My favorite book is (Italian: Cuore). This is a diary written by an Italian boy Enrico. The diary is about his life and study. It included various touching stories that happened around Enrico, the mottos taught by his parents, as well as the wonderful ten “monthly“ stories told by his teacher during the class. Every word in the chapter describes the word “love“. From patriotism to friendship, and to the love between parents and child -- really touching.

  This novel taught me how to love, and how to learn from love. I really like this book very much. How about you? What is your favorite book?

  My favorite book is . Have you read it before?

  Oh, I haven‘t read this book before. What is it about?

  Well, it is a story of a rich girl who maintained her noble character after the bankruptcy of her father. The story is happy ending.

  Can you tell us why you love this book so much?

  Sure. It is because the story taught us to be brave and to face the challenges and difficulties with courage. I am dee* impressed by the strength and perseverance of the little princein the story. I have decided to learn from her from now on.

  Oh I see, the story sounds very good. I cannot wait to read this book as wel







  As you slowly open your eyes,look around,notice where the light comes into your room; listen carefully,see if there are new sounds you can recognize; feel with your body and spirit,and see if you can sense the freshness in the air.

  Yes,yes,yes,it’s a new day,it’s a different day,and it’s a bright day!And most importantly,it’s a new beginning for your life,a beginning where you are going to make new decisions,take new actions,make new friends,and take your life to a totally unprecedented level.

  In your mind’s eye,you can see clearly the things you want to have,the paces you intend to go,the relationships you desire to develop,and the positions you aspire(励志) to reach.

  You can hear your laughters of joy and happiness on the day when everything happens as you dream.You can see the smiles on the people around you when the magic moment strikes.You can feel your face is getting red,your heart is beating fast,and your blood is rushing all over your body,to every single corner of your being!

  You know all this is real as long as you are confident,passionate and committed!(效忠的) And you are confident,you are passionate,you are committed!

  You will no longer fear making new sounds,showing new facial expressions,using your body in new ways,approaching new people,and asking new questions.

  You will live every single day of your life with absolute passion,and you will show your passion through the words you speak and the actions you take.

  You will focus all your time and effort on the most important goals of your life.You will never succumb(屈服,屈从) to challenges of hardships.

  You will never waver(动摇) in your pursuit of excellence.After all,you are the best,and you deserve the best!

  As your coach and friend,I can assure you the door to all the best things in the world will open to you,but the key to that door is in your hand.You must do your part.You must faithfully follow the plans you make and take the actions you plan; you must never quit and you must never fear.I know you must do it,you can do it,you will do it,and you will succeed!Now stand firm and tall,make a fist,get excited,and yell it out:

  I must do it!I can do it!I will do it!I will succeed!

  I must do it!I can do it!I will do it!I will succeed!

  I must do it!I can do it!I will do it!I will succeed!




















Distinguished judges, teachers, dear friends:

  Hello, everybody!My name is, I come from. Today, I am very glad to stand here and share with you my most sincere speech'Flying youth, master our future!'

  Life is a process of growing up. Saying goodbye to childhood, we step into another important time of life'the youth' ver, who can really say what the youth is? A period of time? A belief? An attitude to life? Or anything else? We don' t know.

  A famous poet said 'youth is a lovely song, where nothing is impossible;youth is a meaningful book, you' ll be never bored of it;youth is a rapid river, it keeps on flowing day and night;youth is a cup of tea, it shows you different kinds of tastes in your life. '

  As youth is so precious, of course, we must treasure it ' t let the limited time pass by, leaving nothing of significance to our future. Actually, youth has a lot to do with our future. It' s necessary for us to prepare ourselves well for the future to come. So, what should we do? Here, I' ll point out some tips to help equip ourselves

  First of all, recognize the direction of your future. In other word, think of what you' d like to be some day. A teacher? A doctor? A writer? Don' t afraid of thinking big and great e you are young, you can dream of doing anything and becoming anyone in the future

  What' s more, never ignore the power of knowledge. Read more books and travel around. For one thing, it can increase your knowledge, for another, it' ll broaden your horizon.

  Last but not the least, stick to your dream. It easier said than done. After all, future is not all roses. So, we should have enough courage and determination to overcome all the difficulties.

  I firmly believe one sentence that'If you think you can, of course you can!' Just believe we can make it!Keep on walking towards our dream. Flying youth, master our future. From today, from now on, from Middle School!Ready?

  That' s all. Thank you so much for your attention!


  saying goodbye to childhood,we step into another important time in the pace of young,facing new situations,dealing with different problems.....

  everyone has his ownunderstanding of young,it is a period of time of beauty and wonders,only after you have

  experienced the sour ,sweet ,bitter and salty can you really become a person of significance.thre time of young is limitted,it may paby without your attention,and when you discover what has happened ,it is always too late.grasping the young well means a better time is waiting for you in the near future,or the situation may be opposite .

  having a view on these great men in the history of hunmanbeing,they all made full use of their youth time ,to do things that are useful to society,to the whole mankind,and as a cosquence ,they are remembered by later

  generations,admired by everyone.so do something in the time of young,although you may not get achievements as these greatmen did ,though not for the whole word,just for youeself,for those around!

  the young is just like blooming flowers,they are so beautiful when blooming,they make people feel happy,but with time passing by,after they withers ,moet people think they are ugly.and so it is the same with young,we are enthusiastic when we are young,then we may lose our passion when getting older and older.so we must treasure it ,don't let the limitted time paby ,leaving nothing of significance.

  every one has his own dream.when i was a little kid ,my dream was even to have a candy shop of my own .but now ,when i am 16 years old ,standing here ,my dreams have already changed a lot.

  i have got quite different experience from other girls.while they were playing toys at home,while they were dreaming to be the princesses in the story .i was running in the hard rain,jumping in the heavy snow,pitching in the strong wind.nothing could stop me ,because of a wonderful call from my heart -- to be an athlete.yeah ,of course ,i'm an athlete,i'm so proud of that all the time .

  when i was 10 years old ,i became a shot-put athlete.the training was really hard ,i couldn't bear the heavy shot in my hands .but i always believe that god only help those who help themselves.during those hard days,i find i was growing more quickly than others of the same age.to be an athlete is my most correct choice.but,i quit my team after entering high school because of a silly excuse.i really didn't want to stop my sports career anyway.

  today i say to you my friends that even though i must face the difficulties of yesterday ,today and tomorrow .i still have a dream .it is a dream dee* rooted in my soul.


  Along the years have gone, innocence has stopped in the past, our youth like neon lights and fled but that the loneliness behind the prosperous, from to know what is the moment a smile behind the sadness, we embarked on the unknown road named "youth".

  No looking forward to the surprise of no can make crystal shoe of Cinderella into a princess in the fairy tale, no that can accept the stage of countless flowers and applause. Our ordinary unchanged, we have, just the heart to warm as a flame. Not don't want to live free and easy at ease, not don't want to rebel, indulgence, not don't want to desperate crazy chase, in between dreams and reality is that only a moment, I saw the gap between them, I see, I haven't get pass that leads to freedom, so I chose reality, after all, I tend to the warmth of reality. But that gorgeous dream will never fade, cherish forever in our memory, that is a dream of youth is free and easy.

  We sing the youth. In fact, the youth is a song, ups and downs, or sad, or happy, hazy, but delicious. Each of us in a very careful interpretation of the song, youth compose their own light.

  Alone in this hot time of the sixteen, we enjoy a happy, sorrow, joy, loneliness. Little laughter, light sadness, that is youth. Here, leaving a moment we smile, took down our tears at the moment of these is enough, do not need to what decorate painstakingly, this is the real us, youth to grasp in their own hands, to create a regretless youth.

  In this melody of youth, we are leading role, once rebellious and crazy, bitterness and tears, once had moved and dream, all has gone with the wind, be worth collect carefully is left by the memories of a lifetime. We are the creators of the dream, we are holding the dream to step into the youth, with moving through youth, youth, into the future with hope.

  In the years of youth, we make public individual character, flying thoughts; In the years of youth, we cry, smile, wantonly have belong to our innocence; In the years of youth, we left a good memories of the eternal. Everyone has his own sixteen, although content is not the same, but the meaning is the same: pure time of the epic. Youth, we sing, singing life, singing that are not perfect but splendid life.

  Do not need to hide, do not need to escape, my youth I make decision, in this colorful world, we in the heart of the song was sung belongs to our youth float in the sky. My youth I decide!


  Dear teachers, dear classmates, good morning, everyone!

  The title of my speech today is: let the youth to become the most glorious memories.

  From our play sound, the time from our naughty smile gently glides, between between us unprepared takes us into the youth.

  I often think: what is youth? Would like the born the sun is shining bright, or like the river pentium waves of passion, or will be like the eagle that soar the skies free?

  I think that youth is a finish a lot of songs, she will be romantic feelings and severe reality intertwined, will be everybody's heart dial. She, is moving, like spring flowers, summer is warm; Like the autumn, winter day busines. Youth, how beautiful!

  Youth, if we figure always beautiful natural and unrestrained, behavior always make public and unique personality. We want to make the dream of youth flying high, we want to make your life full of brilliance. So now we should seize every little dream, not because a little frustrated and stop chasing steps. Even if we don't have the ability to superman and great wisdom, we must also believe that as long as you work hard, there will be the future.

  World-famous bridge expert MAO yisheng, born in poverty, 7 annual revenues primary school, 10 years old in high school, at the age of 15 into the university, he studied hard, collected in the library information nearly thousands of words, there are exactly 200 this reading notes, walks to the United States, after only a year, get a master's degree as the Dr Ricky first engineering institute of technology, was only 24 years old, he can say to the glory of the youth set off to perfection. Zhou enlai as huangpu military academy, director of the political department of only 25 years old, at the age of 29 and led the nanchang uprising shocked the Chinese and foreign, become a generation of outstanding statesman, revolutionist. Newton discovered gravity, 23, 26 relativity, Einstein... Youth, is the eternal monument of their life!

  Youth, spring flowers. The journey of life has just begun, is waiting for our sun, wind and rain, we are fully cherish this wonderful time! Let youth to become the most brilliant memory!

励志主题英语演讲稿 (菁华3篇)(扩展6)

——人与自然主题的英语演讲稿 (菁华3篇)


Ladies and gentlemen:

  Today,we are gathering here to discuss a very hot issue. how to find harmony in a new age between man and nature? Where modern science and technology are concerned I am only a layman I have to say. However, living in this "new age" , seeing my dear ones suffering from respiratory diseases from time to time, finding the beautiful colors of green and blue are being replaced by that of gray and pale, and realizing that our mother planet is getting more and more unhealthy; I cant help trying to offer my idea and my trivial efforts to look for the answer of the question.

  As the ancient Greek oracle goes: know thyself. I think in answering this above-mentioned question, this precondition is also very important.

  Who are we? This is a question, which should be answered not only by those specialists, but also by every one of human beings.

  Some people may proudly say: we are the masters of nature. It is true that the idea of "man can conquer nature" has dominated peoples mind for years, and it is true, man has kept acting like a master and doing whatever things he wants for thousands of years. However, as the consequence of this kind of "leadership" , now the "master" seems to be confronted with problems that are far beyond his control. Facts are really very ample. The green house effect leaves islands and cities along the coast, such as this oriental pearl-Shanghai, in danger of the disaster of being drowned; the holes of the ozone layer make the earth less suitable to live for some creatures including human beings; the phenomena of EL Nino and La Nina leave the land with serious flood and drought, and the diseases, caused by pollution, are increasing at an incredible speed... Seeing all these facts, can we still ignore the counterattack of nature? We are not the masters of nature. Facing all the disasters made by ourselves, we, mankind as a whole should realize that we are just a normal member of the big family of nature. Any mistreatment towards nature will meet only with the revenge from her.

  By saying so, I do not mean we should give a sudden stop to any development. Because that will result in a threat to the existence of human society. I mean we should treat nature equally, leaving the chance of existence and development to nature as we are obtaining the same thing, and thus we will get the situation of win-win.

  I am very pleased to find that now more and more people, from every corner of the planet, have come to realize that harmony with nature is the only way to universal and continuous progress and prosperity. And I think that is why we come here from all over the country to discuss this topic today.

  I want to end my speech by quoting from Mr. Nixon. "Our destiny offers, not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity." The future is not ours to see of course. However, by seizing firmly the opportunities, by knowing clearly about ourselves, we, human beings, can doubtlessly achieve the real harmony with nature!

  Thank you.


  We often say that the earth is our homeland and human society comes from nature. Therefore, I think our society is a part of nature. People should live harmoniously with nature.

  All the materials we need to live with come from nature, but we should also repay the nature, rather than blindly solicit. For example, we should plant more trees and take actions to protect the environment. In addition, we have to control population.

  Due to excessive population growth, human beings require much more natural resources than before, which lead to excessive pressure on nature. In order to long-term development, the population growth must be controlled.

  We all come from nature which is our homeland, so we must try best to protect it.


  In nature, there are many animals and plants in growth, they are a wide range of colors. And the nature, also gave birth to us, let us have a beautiful living environment. And, more importantly, the nature to make our earth is full of vitality, let the world is not dry, not drab. But...

  We, as human of higher organisms in nature, for thousands of years in peace and harmony with nature, is home to the survival of nature has given us, we should thank it, protect it. But, in recent years, people have been in the destruction of nature, reformation nature. For example: people don't garbage everywhere scatters; Air pollution from factories, the tail gas from the cars have polluted the air; People also use the plane to deinsectization sprinkled pesticide in trees, polluting the environment; Of the more hateful and deforestation, killing animals. The destruction of nature, countless, chilling.

  Humans, of course, also can't get away from the punishment of nature. People deforestation, soil erosion, land desertification area is larger and larger. People dig mountain mining, building roads and other activities, the mountain is not stable, so that it is easy to form a landslide or debris flow. According to statistics, in 1991 September 23 the sun village ditch landslide only 3 minutes, 18 million cubic meters of slope out of more than 3600 meters, 216 people were killed and eight people were injured and damaged house 202, nearly 300 head buried livestock, covering more than 300 mu of farmland, flooded roads more than 350 meters, the damaged cables and communication lines of more than 300 meters, direct economic loss of more than 100 ten thousand yuan! Is really horrible.

  To avoid the punishment of nature, let us live in peace and harmony with nature, use natural resources reasonably, to protect the nature together!

励志主题英语演讲稿 (菁华3篇)(扩展7)

——初中励志英语演讲稿 (菁华3篇)


  Hello, everyone. It is a great honor for me to be here to express my feelings.

  My friends, it is time for us to say goodbye. However, I will never forget the golden days of junior high school. They are forever locked in my memories! In the past three years, I am grateful that I could study with you.

  First of all, I’d like to thank all my teachers. It’s you that let me konw how to be a good person. From you, I know that as a good student, we should not only study hard, but also mean well and help each other. Then, I’d like show my appreciation to all my friends. I am grateful that I could study with you. Being together with you, I can totally be myself. I do not need to hide anything from you. When I am sad, you are always on my side to cheer me up.

  We will soon become senior high school students. We must go forward, to a different world, we are no longer the children, who only want to play fun with each other. We grow up from now on! It is a long journey, but let us begin!


  Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen; when I was in the primary school, I had a dream,I want to invent a device which could bring you from one place to another in no time at all. When I was in the secondary school, my dream was to study in my ideal university. And when eventually I got into the university, my dream was to graduate. How pathetic! When we grow up, we dream less and become more realistic. Why? Why do we have to change our dreams, so, so in order to let it be “fulfilled”? Why do we have to surrender to the so-called “reality”? What is the reality actually?

  Ladies and gentlemen, the reality is not real. It is barrier keeping us from all possible fantasies. Flying, for example, had been a dream to mankind for thousands of years. A hundred years ago, “man could not fly” was still regarded as the “reality”. Now if that was really the reality, what did the Wright brothers do? How did some of you get to Macao? Only when we believe that the reality is not real can we soar with our dreams. People say that our future is a battle between the reality and our dreams. And if, unfortunately, Mr.Reality wins this war, then I see no future of mankind at all. * will never be curable as this is the reality; People living in the undeveloped countries will suffer from starvation forever as this is the reality; Dis*s among different countries would never be settled as this misunderstandings and intolerance is the reality.

  Ladies and gentlemen, how many of you have a dream of being able to make a lot of money? Please raise your hands. Oh, quite a number of you! Actually, ladies and gentlemen, this is not a dream, but a task. Every one of us has to make a living, right? Anyway I hope your task will be accomplished. How many of you think hat you have already fulfilled your dream and that you don’t dream anymore? Dear adjudicators, what do you think? C.S.Lewis once said, “You are never too old to dream a new dream. “So for our future, please dream and be unrealistic. Now that I am university student, my goal is to graduate with excellences. But at the same time, I have dream dee* rooted in our future. One day, people living in the areas now sweltering with the horror of wars will be able to sit with their families and enjoy their every moment. One day, from the rich countries are willing to share what they have with those from the poor countries and those from the countries will eventually be able to make their own happy living themselves. One day , different cultures in this age of globalization will coexist with tolerance and the unfriendly confrontations among them will be eliminated. One day, the globe will share the dream with me and we will all contribute to making our dream come true. One day, our dream will defeat the reality!

  Thank you very much!




  去年有一件事深深地触动了我。有一天我感冒了,很严重。我嘶哑着嗓子去给学生上课,那天恰巧我穿了件新衣。刚走进教室,初中七年级的学生们就围了上来大呼小叫地说:“miss zhu beaitiful beaitiful,miss zhu!”我刚张开嘴让他们安静下来,突然有个声音大声地说:“不要吵了!老师的嗓子哑了!老师的嗓子都哑了!”顿时整个教室安静了下来,学生们都在自己的座位上端正地坐好,安静地看着我。





励志主题英语演讲稿 (菁华3篇)(扩展8)



















































  Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech.

  Man’s life is a process of growing up, actually I’m standing here is a growth. If a person’s life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up along with these choices. Once I hope I can study in a college in future, however that’s passed, as you know I come here, now I wonder what the future holds for me.

  When I come to this school, I told to myself: this my near future, all starts here. Following I will learn to become a man, a integrated man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the ability to judge right and wrong, has a perfect job.

  Once my teacher said :” you are not sewing, you are stylist; never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought, not craft.” I will put my personality with my interest and ability into my study, during these process I will combine learning with doing. If I can achieve this “future”, I think that I really grow up. And I dee*** believe kindred, good-fellowship and love will perfection and happy in the future.

  How to say future Maybe it’s a nice wish. Lets make up our minds, stick to it and surely well enjoy our life.












励志主题英语演讲稿 (菁华3篇)(扩展9)





  English is a useful language all over the world. Why are we began to learn English when we were little children? Beacause it is very important for us to learn it.In the world, if you cannot speak English you will lose half a chance to success.

  I began to learn English when I was 8 years old.At that moment,I do not like English.I connot remember all the words which I have learnt.I think it is very difficult for me to learn it well.So I cannot read English loudly and I never answer the questions in the English classes.

  Even if my English is very bad, my teacher stll encourages me to learn English hard and he gives me some ways to learn English. He tells me to read passages loudly and listen to the English tapes everyday morning.In order to progress my writing he also asks me to write some articles at times. I like listen to the English songs,he suggests me to sing the English songs.As a result of his ways my English becomes well.

  Now, I like English very well and I still use the ways he tells me.I know I must learn English even hard.


  whether there's afterlife, the answer has never been the same. the atheists deny after life, believing that our life is no more than from the cradle to the grave. they may care about their illustrious names after death; they may feel attached to the affection of their offspring, but they never lay their hopes on their afterlife. they may also say that good will be rewarded with good, and evil with evil, but they don't really believe any retribution in their after life.

  however, in the religious world or among the superstitious people, the belief in afterlife is very popular. they do not only believe in afterlife, but thousands of reincarnations as well. in the mysterious world, there are the paradise and the hell, the celestial beings and the gods, the buddha and the bodhisattvas.

  maybe they really believed it, or maybe they just wanted to make use of people's veneration, the ancient emperors always declared that they were the real dragons, the sons of god, while the royal ministers claimed to be the reincarnations of various constellations. but can the stars reincarnate?


  English is a useful language all over the world. Why are we began to learn English when we were little children? Beacause it is very important for us to learn it.In the world, if you cannot speak English you will lose half a chance to success.

  I began to learn English when I was 8 years old.At that moment,I do not like English.I connot remember all the words which I have learnt.I think it is very difficult for me to learn it well.So I cannot read English loudly and I never answer the questions in the English classes.

  Even if my English is very bad, my teacher stll encourages me to learn English hard and he gives me some ways to learn English. He tells me to read passages loudly and listen to the English tapes everyday morning.In order to progress my writing he also asks me to write some articles at times. I like listen to the English songs,he suggests me to sing the English songs.As a result of his ways my English becomes well.

  Now, I like English very well and I still use the ways he tells me.I know I must learn English even hard.


  As you slowly open your eyes, look around , notice where the light comes into your room; listen carefully, see if there are new sounds you can recognize; feel with your body and spirit, and see if you can sense the freshness in the air. Yes, yes, yes, it’s a new day, it’s a different day, and it’s a bright day! And most importantly, it is a new beginning for your life, a beginning where you are going to make new desicisions, take new actions, make new friends, and take your life to a totally unprecedented level! You know all this is real as long as you are confident,passionate and committed! And you are confident, you are passionate, you are committed!

  You will no longer fear making new sounds, showing new facial expressions, using your body in new ways,approaching new people, and asking new questions. You will live every single day of your life with absolute passion, and you will show your passion through the words you speak and the actions you take. You will focus all your time and effort on the most important goals of your life. You will never succumb to challenges of hardships. You will never waver in your pursuit of excellence. After all,you are the best, and you deserve the best!

  As your coach and friend, I can assure you the door to all the best things in the world will open to you, but the key to that door is in your hand. You must do your part, you must faithfully follow the plans you make and take the actions you plan, you must never quit, you must never fear. I know you must do it, you can do it, you will do it, and you will succeed!

  Now stand firm and tall, make a fist, get excited, and yell it out: I must do it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed! I must do it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed! I must do it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed!


  so if we want to learn english well ,we must practice reading englisheveryday ,acturally practicing repeatly is the best way to succeed.whenyou speak ,don't care how poorly or how well you speak just care aboutcatching the chance to speak……

  hello! ladies and gentlemen, it is so nice to meet you !i am gladthat you can spend this precious time having this class in thisafternoon.

  now please allow me to introduce myself to you .my name is

  wangjia and imajored in traffic engineering .baoji is my hometown it is verybeautiful. and the people are very friendly.

  as we all knowen thingking is easy acting is difficult and to putone's thoughts into actions is the most difficult thing in the world.

  so if we want to learn english well ,we must practice reading englisheveryday ,acturally practicing repeatly is the best way to succeed.whenyou speak ,don't care how poorly or how well you speak just care aboutcatching the chance to speak ,enjoy losing face or just forget your facebecause the more you speak the better your english will become,neverafraid ofmaking mistakes because the more mistakes you make the more progress you will make.as a man living in the world ,we must try our best to makeeach day our masterpiece and don't let our parents down ,don't ever letour country down ,most importantly don't let ourself down.

  yesterday is a memory tommorrow is a dream so live for todayjust do it right now.i believe if you can dream it you can make it ,ifyou

  do you will win if you don't you won't.believe in youselftrustyouself try your best. don't give up ,never give in, never lose hope ,never say impossible .the success is coming ! thank you !


  Dear teacher and classmates:

  I am very glad to make a speech here in this class again! This time, I'd like to talk something about English.

  I love English. English language is now used everywhere in the world. It has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade. Learning English makes me confident and brings me great pleasure.

  When I was seven, my mother sent me to an English school. At there, I played games and sang English songs with other children . Then I discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the English world.

  Everyday, I read English following the tapes. Sometimes, I watch English cartoons.

  On the weekend, I often go to the English corner. By talking with different people there, I have made more and more friends as well as improved my oral English.

  I hope I can travel around the world someday. I want to go to America to visit Washington Monument, because the president Washington is my idol. Of course, I want to go to London too, because England is where English language developed. If I can ride my bike in Cambridge university, I will be very happy.

  I hope I can speak English with everyone in the world. I'll introduce China to them, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and Anshan. I know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous hard study, one day I can speak English very well.

  If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. So I believe as I love English everyday , it will love me too.







  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, I’m very happy to be making a speechhere. Today my topic is “Tomorrow will be better. ”

  China born and China bred, I love China very much. I’m proud that I havegot the beautiful yellow skin, black eyes and black hair. I’m also proud that Ispeak the most beautiful language in the world——Chinese. When I heard thatChina, our motherland, would have a chance to hold the 20xx Olympic Games, Ifelt very happy and excited, and I hoped I could do something useful to buildChina into a beautiful and energetic country.

  In the 21st century, the environment is becoming more and more important,so we have "Green Olympic" as a slogan. Of course a slogan is just a goal. Themost important thing is that we should do some things to make it true. Such assorting the trash, saving the energy and so on. We are still students now, so wecan't do anything really big, but if everybody does something good for ourenvironment, we could make our motherland more beautiful.

  In fact, the things we can do are easy. Like not littering used batterieseverywhere, sorting the trash that we want to throw away, and also protectingthe animals and plants around us.

  Luckily, I had a chance to take part in an activity, that is, we planted 5trees everybody in our campus. My classmates and I worked very hard. Thisactivity is not only about planting trees, but also contributing to ourenvironment. Look at the trees, I believe, tomorrow there will be more trees andflowers standing in our campus and giving Chinese people a beautifulenvironment.

  We are all Chinese people, living on the earth. We have only onemotherland——China, just like we have only one earth. If we don't beautify ourenvironment, who will? Good environment depends on good human consciousness. Weshould say that protecting our surroundings is not easy, that's why I'm standinghere to summon people do it.

  If we do this from the bottom of our hearts tomorrow, China will be morebrilliant, it will have blue skies, white clouds and cleaner rivers. Who doesn'twant China to become more and more beautiful? If we do our best, tomorrow willbe better!

  Thank you for your listening! Thank you all!


  So what invention that you have buried in your mind? What idea? What cure? What skill did you have inside to bring out to this universe?Uni meaning one, verse meaning song, you have a part to play in this song. So grab that microphone and be brave. Sing your heart out on life's stage. You cannot go back and make a brand new beginning. But you can start now and make a brand new ending.











  We should learn to stick to our life no matter how difficult the life is and we should learn to love others .It is the flim tellsx me .

  It is a story talks about a black girl named Precious .Precious isx fat and not beautiful. Her bad temped mother never workx, always cheated others to relieve her ,and atex while watching TV all day.What is worse ,Precious was only 16,but she had pregnant for twice .Out of assumption ,her child is her farther ''s child .Living in this life ,she alawys imagine to avoid facing her life .Fortunately,with the help and careneof the teacher and doctor ,her life became not so bad .

  Precious has a tough life ,and if she gives up her life and does not join the adult education ,she will not meet the teacher and her life may not be changed .When we xfaced with the difficulty x,avoidingx is not a good way for us. It can not solve the problems.What we need to do is that ***ying the cause and trying to changed our place .So we should be brave and face the trap directly.

  The film also teachs us to love others.Precious is someone who may exit near us .If precious own a good family and some friends,she may not fell so despaired. In spite of the development of our world ,there still many people suject misfortune.love and help can make them fell better ,so we should not scant our love .


  Distinguished judges, teachers, dear friends,


  Hello, everyone! My name is cheng xiang yan , I am a junior student come from life science institution .Today, I am very glad to stand here and share with you my most sincere speech'Flying youth, master our future!'


  Life is a process of growing up. Saying goodbye to childhood, we step into another important time of life in the pace of young, facing new situations, dealing with different problems.....


  However, who can really say what the youth is ? A period of time? A belief?An attitude to life? Or anything else? actually, everyone has his own understanding of young, it is a period of time of beauty and wonders, only after you have experienced the sour , sweet ,bitter and salty, can you really become a person of significance.


  Just like A famous poet said "youth is a lovely song ,where nothing is impossible ,youth is a meaningful book, you'll be never bored of it ;youth is a rapid river ,it keeps on flowing day and night ;youth is a cup of tea ,it shows you different kinds of tastes in your life."


  As youth is so precious, of course, we must treasure it .Don't let the limited time pass by, grasping the young will means a better time is waiting for you in the near future.


  So,It's necessary for us to prepare ourselves well for the future to come. having a view on those great men in the history of hunman being, they all made full use of their youth time to do things that are useful to society, to the whole mankind, and as a consequence ,they are remembered by later generations, admired by everyone. so do something in the time of young, although you may not get achievements as these greatmen did ,though not for the whole world, just for youeself, for those around!


  So, what should we do when we are young? Here,I'll point out some tips to help equip ourselves.


  First of all,think of what you'd like to be some day. A teacher ? A doctor ? A writer? Don't afraid of dreaming of big and great .Since you are young , you can dream of doing anything and becoming anyone in the future.


  What's more , never ignore the power of knowledge. Read more books and travel around. For one thing, it can increase your knowledge, for another, it'll broaden your horizon.


  Last but not the least , stick to your dream. It easier said than done. After all, future is not all roses. young is just like blooming flowers, they are so beautiful when blooming, which make people feel happy, but with time passing by, after they withers ,most people think they are ugly. and so it is the same with young, we are enthusiastic when we are young, then we may lose our passion when getting older and older. So we should have enough courage and determination to overcome all the difficulties in struggling on the road.


  I firmly believe one sentence that'If you think you can, of course you can!'Just believe we can make it! Keep on walking towards our dream. Flying youth , master our future. From today, from now on , are you Ready ?


  That's all. Thank you so much for your attention !



  As everyone knows,English is very important today.It has been used everywhere in the world.It has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade. If we can speak English well,we will have more chance to succeed.Because more and more people have taken notice of it,the number of the people who go to learn English has increased at a high speed.

  But for myself,I learn English not only because of its importance and its usefulness,but also because of my love for it.When I learn English, I can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world.When I read English novels,I can feel the pleasure from the book which is different from reading the translation.When I speak English, I can feel the confident from my words.When I write English,I can see the beauty which is not the same as our Chinese...

  I love English,it gives me a colorful dream.I hope I can travel around the world one day. With my good English, I can make friends with many people from different contries.I can see many places of great intrests.I dream that I can go to London,because it is the birth place of English.

  I also want to use my good English to introduce our great places to the English spoken people,I hope that they can love our country like us.

  I know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous hard study, one day I can speak English very well.

  If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. So I believe as I love English everyday , it will love me too.

  I am sure that I will realize my dream one day!


  Someone said “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of abook, whose pages are infinite”. I don?t know who wrote these words, but I?vealways liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it tobe. We are all in the position of the farmers. If we plant a good seed ,we reapa good harvest. If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all.


  We are young. “How to spend the youth?” It is a meaningful question. Toanswer it, first I have to ask “what do you understand by the word youth?” Youthis not a time of life, it?s a state of mind. It?s not a matter of rosy cheeks,red lips or supple knees. It?s the matter of the will. It?s the freshness of thedeep spring of life.我们都是农夫。如果我们播下好的种子,我们将会丰收。如果我们的种子很差,有很多草籽,收割的'将是无用的庄稼。如果我们什么也不播种,什么收获也没有。

  Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of theappetite , for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60more than a boy of 20 . Nobody grows old merely by a number of years .

  We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years wrinkle the skin , but to giveup enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . Worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heartand turns the spirit back to dust .


  good evening , ladies and gentlemen . i am joy and glad to give you a speech about stress , yes , just the topic you see on the screen.

  psychologist tell us that stress is a state of worry caused by the problem of living , such as too much work or study , heavy responsibilities , and quickened pace of life .

  statistics show that stress comes from every detail in our life . financial problems , poor health , being laid off may be the stress that most adults now suffering . as students in the university , we are also under our special stress . while study , having to take various tests and submit a project against a deadline may put a great pressure on us . and the things make us felt stressed may be our parents’s greater expectations on us than we could reach . later , when we are likely to graduate , some other problems will also annoy us . i think we will worry a lot about our ability to compete in the job market and how we can best use what we’ve learned at college in our future job .
