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  大学英语四级听力技巧 1


  大学英语四级听力技巧 2


  1、 中心思想题目

  这类问题主要是测试文章的.主要思想。提问方式一般为:What is the passage mainly about? What can we learn from this passage? 集中精力听好短文开头, 因为四级听力短文一般会开门见山,把中心思想置于文章的开头。

  2、 考察细节包括具体时间、地点、主要人物、事件、各类数字等,问题一般为:wh—questiuon形式。这种题型要求考生听到文中出现时间、数字时一定要特别敏感,及时做好笔记;

  3、 对错判断题

  如:Which of the following is true/not true,according to the passage? Which of the following is not mentioned?等等。这种题型一定要听清提问,对于有没有not一词要弄清楚,一般情况下,not一词会重读。

  大学英语四级听力技巧 3




  1.Section A(对话题):对话题基本是衣、食、住、行等日常生活中常见的话题和学校生活的话题。

  2.Section B(短文理解题):Scetion B一般由三篇短文组成,每篇字数在150-170左右,只读一遍,然后提出三到四个问题要求考生进行选择,主要测试的是考生的语篇记忆力和整体的听力理解能力。














  大学英语四级听力技巧 4


  听力部分的主要特点是时间短录音只放一遍,不能复听,常使考生产生畏惧心理。有的考生走进考场心进而就非常紧张,录音一响,脑子一片空白,什么也听不进去。还有的考生遇到未听懂或未完全听懂的题,就不知所措。如遇到这种情况,要学会“丢卒保车”,讯速猜一个答案,然后果粗心地放弃此题,准备下一题。若总是高度紧张,不切实际地想不丢一分,那就会背上包袱,以致于做完一道题,仍在回想刚才对旖 批发市场是的是什么 ,结果是鸡飞蛋打--没有听懂的不能重听,依然不懂,能听懂的没有去听,放掉了信息。总之,不要过分计较一分得失,要以良好的状态,*静的心态去争取全面胜利。


  拿到考卷后,不要按步就班地运河听(或读)题前说明和例句,因为这部分例句和说明基本不变,考前已经很熟悉。考生可利用录音中播放 内容时快速济览各个题目的四个选择项,特别是那些较长的选项。


  男女双方的对话、第三者提出的问题一卷面上出现的选项之间有着密切的联系。考应从选择项入手,从中预测对话的主题和可能提出的问题。预测在听力理解中非常重要。预测能帮助提高识别速度,而识别速度是听力理解的关键之一。听力 理解不像阅读理解,是单向的、一次性的,如果考生的识别速度跟不上放音速度,就会故此失彼,非常被动。



  大学英语四级听力技巧 5








  短文部分包括短文理解及单词和词组听写。短文理解有3篇,采用多项选择题的形式进行考核。四级每篇长度为220-250词,六级为 240-270词。每篇短文朗读一遍,提3-4个问题,每个问题后留有13-15秒的答题时间,共10题。单词及词组听写采用1篇短文,四级的长度为 220-250词,六级为240-270词。要求考生在听懂短文的基础上用所听到的原文填写空缺的单词或词组,共10题。短文播放三遍。



——大学英语四级听力技巧 (菁华3篇)




  3、要密切注意短文中事件发生的时间、地点、人物和情节这些要素,因为短文后的问题通常会以what, when, where, which, who, why, whose, how等疑问词开头。




  因果连词(如:because,so,due to等)









































  英语四级听力技巧 1


  【提要】英语四六级四级信息 : 20176月英语四级新闻听力突破三大技巧


  【手机用户】→点击进入>>【CET4】 * 【CET6】



  很多小伙伴一听到英语新闻就蒙圈了,全然不知道在说什么。这个时候小编建议你从听慢速新闻开始,这样也可以听清单词发音,培养英语语感。同时这个时期也是词汇量进行储备的阶段。经过一段时间的训练,当你能全然听懂的时候,就可以开始听常速新闻了。这个时候就进入了真正的精听阶段了,CNN、BBC或AP News每个小时开始的英语新闻,你可以下载下来,带上耳机反反复复的听,不断的听,直到把每个表达、每个停顿、每个节奏全部听懂为止。分句分段听,八遍不行,听十遍。自己听出来的东西,在脑子里可以形成深刻的印象。

  精听还有个很好的方法,就是听写 Dictation,边听边写,把所听的内容转成文字写出来。一开始做听写的时候可能进步比较慢,但只要你咬牙坚持下来,这样的训练可以让你的英语有质的`飞跃。




  听是接受信息,但是这个信息如果在脑子里之前没有储备,搜索不到相关的内容进行匹配,肯定就会不知所云。这个时候就需要你通过大量的阅读报刊杂志来充实你的脑袋。现在有很多在线的新闻网站如:BBC、CNN、Reuters、New York Times等。报纸方面,小编推荐《今日美国》和《***》;刊物方面,小编推荐《经济学人》《时代周刊》《纽约客》《科学美国人》等。经过大量阅读,你不仅积累了词汇,还熟悉了新闻的套路,听起新闻来自然就轻而易举了。

  英语四级听力技巧 2





  在英语四级听力材料中(特别是Section B),当你听到一个不熟悉的地名时,首先不要慌张,如果它和所设题目关系不大,可放掉它,如果所设题目和地名有关,你可以从相关信息中推理。


  伦敦 London

  爱丁堡 Edinburgh

  芝加哥 Chicago

  洛杉矶 Los Angeles

  凤凰城 Phoenix

  圣安东尼奥 San Antonio

  西雅图 Seattle

  波特兰 Portland

  盐湖城 Salt Lake City

  丹佛 Denver

  波士顿 Boston

  亚特兰大 Atlanta

  迈阿密 Miami

  渥太华 Ottawa

  堪培拉 Canberra

  日内瓦 Geneva

  罗马 Rome

  悉尼 Sydney

  梵蒂冈城 Vatican city


  W: Where did you go on your vacation?

  M: I spent a week in Toronto.

  Q: In which country did the man spend his holiday?





  Dollar 美国 美元

  Franc 法国 法郎

  Lira 意大利 里拉

  Mark 德国 马克

  Peso 墨西哥 比索

  Pound 英国 磅

  Rouble 俄罗斯 卢布

  Yen 日本 日元



  存款 deposit

  汇款 remittance

  兑换 exchange

  外币 foreign currency

  汇率 rate

  信用卡credit card

  旅行支票 travelling check

  遗产委托 heritage entrustment

  金融市场 financial market

  证券交易所 stock exchange

  银行扣除 deduct

  英语四级听力技巧 3









  第二种类型中有两个较长的对话,每个对话后设有2—4个问题,提出的问题主要问“对话可能是在哪里发生的”等。如:Where does this conversation?这部分听力相对比较简单,考生从所给出的选项就可以推测出很多题在问什么,知道在对话中重点应该听什么,什么是关键词,从而选出正确的选项。

  英语四级听力技巧 4









  英语四级听力技巧 5











  英语四级考试听力技巧 1


  在听写考试中,我们发现不少考生由于过度紧张而忽视了题意,所以本应该完成得非常好的题从手中错过。今年Dictation考试从one to seven应填single word;从eight to ten则要求use yourown words to finish the sentence.有的考生在做第8一10个填空时,由于没弄懂题意,只想着全部听写下来,结果感到速度太快,记不下来。听写部分意思虽然理解了,也没用自己的话表达,白白地丢掉了好几分。



  英语四级考试听力技巧 2


  第一种类型中每组对话一般是在一男女之间进行的一问一答, 问题一般由先讲话的人提出,题目均以问题形式出现,其中多数的特殊疑问句。这些问题涉及的内容大致归纳如下:







  第二种类型中有两个较长的对话,每个对话后设有2―4个问题,提出的问题主要问“对话可能是在? ?场所发生的” 等。如:W here does this conversation?这部分听力相对比较简单,考生从所给出的选项就可以推测出很多题在问什么,知道在对话中重点应该听什么, 什么是关键词, 从而选出正确的选项。


  1. 中心思想题:

  这类问题主要是测试文章的主要思想。提问方式一般为:W hat is the passage mainly about?W hat can w e learn from this passage? What is the main:idea of the passage?等等。集中精力听好短文开头, 因为四级听力短文一般会开门见山,把中心思想置于文章的开头。

  2. 事实细节题

  考察细节包括具体时间、地点、主要人物、事件、各类数字等, 问题一般为:wh―questiuon形式。这种题型要求考生听到文中出现时间、数字时一定要特别敏感,及时做好笔记;文中一旦出现以因果连词(如:because,so,due to等)和转折连词(如but,however,though等)引导的句子,也要格外留心,这些地方往往就是考点。

  3. 对错判断题

  攻口:Which of the following is true/not tree,according to the passage? Which of the fo

  llowing is not mentioned?等等。这种题型一定要听清提问, 对于有没有not一词要弄清楚,一般情况下,not一词会重读。

  4. 推理推测题

  这类题型需对文中信息进行分析推断,才能作出正确的选择。提问方式有:What can we infer from the passage? What does the speaker most concerned about? W hat does the speaker think about the problem?等等。


  1. 理解好题意,做到心中有数

  在听写考试中,我们发现不少考生由于过度紧张而忽视了题意,导致本应该得到的分从手中错过。今年Dictation考试中 从one to seven应填single word;从eight to ten则要求use your words to finish the sentence,有的考生在做第8~1 0个填空时,由于没弄懂题意, 只想着全部听写下来,结果感到速度太快,记不下来,听写部分意思虽然理解了,也没用自己的话来表达, 白白地丢掉了好几分。

  2. 抢看短文,预测听写内容

  听写的短文一般在100 200词左右,共重复三遍,考生可利用听正文前的空隙,略看一下短文,做到“有的放矢”。去年6月份大学英语四级考试中的听写文章, 考生只要扫一眼便会知道是一关于学生压力与父母关系的问题,这样就不会措手不及,心慌意乱,影响正常水*的发挥了。

  3. 使用速记方法,从文中找出答案



  英语四级考试听力技巧 3








  英语四级考试听力技巧 4



  短文部分包括短文理解及单词和词组听写。短文理解有3篇,采用多项选择题的形式进行考核。四级每篇长度为220-250词,六级为 240-270词。每篇短文朗读一遍,提3-4个问题,每个问题后留有13-15秒的答题时间,共10题。单词及词组听写采用1篇短文,四级的长度为 220-250词,六级为240-270词。要求考生在听懂短文的基础上用所听到的原文填写空缺的单词或词组,共10题。短文播放三遍。


  听力对话和篇章, 心理状态是基础,

  中间间隔是保障, 提前预测是关键,

  发卷即可看选项, 尤其关注短对话,

  场景特征需牢记, 后者说话显重要,

  长对话题听发展, 起承转合是关键,

  篇章听力难度高, 只听大意可通过,

  抓住选项关键词, 全神贯注做笔记,

  复合听写考什么, 速记能力和拼写,

  *时需要常练*, 所有技巧靠基础。


















  1 . 弦外之音—“言外之意”题型

  2 . 妙语连珠—观点态度题型

  3 . 虚虚实实—虚拟语气题型

  4 . 咬文嚼字—理解归纳题型

  5 . 多姿多彩—生活场景题型

  6 . 怪声怪气—语气态度题型




  例:M: I need to find a dentist; you said you know Dr. Smith well, do you recommend her?

  W: Well, I had to see her a few times, but what impressed me most was the magazines in her waiting room.

  Q: What does the woman im***?

  A) Dr. Smith’s waiting room isn’t tidy.

  B) Dr. Smith enjoys reading magazines.

  C) Dr. Smith has left a good impression on her.

  D) Dr. Smith may not be a good choice.

  言外之意:女的丝毫不提史密斯的医术如何,只说了一些无关紧 要的'琐事,无非是暗示她的医术很烂,故不愿意向男的推荐。



  表示建议:Why not...?

  Why don’t you...?

  Wouldn’t...?How about...?


  Should...he/she/we/they...be doing...?


  例:W: I hear that the Edwards are thinking of buying another house.

  M: Should they be doing that with all the other expenses they have to pay? Anyhow, they are over 70 now, their present house is not too bad.

  Q: What does the man im***?

  A) The Edwards are quite well-off.

  B) The Edwards should cut down on their living expenses.

  C) It’ll be unwise for the Edwards to buy another house.

  D) It’s too expensive for the Edwards to live in their present house.



  A) He doesn’t want Jenny to get into trouble.

  B) He doesn’t agree with the woman’s remark.

  C) He thinks Jenny’s workload too heavy at college.

  D) He believes most college students are running wild.

  分析:从男性说话中的actually一词可以听出他并不同意女性刚刚说的内容,他有自己的想法,类似的词语还有in fact,这也提醒我们,抓住短对话中的小词去揣摩说话人的态度也是非常关键的。


  这属于一种隐性考法,用虚拟语气表达一种抱怨、后悔等情绪,主要体现虚拟语气的关键词有:if, if only, I only wish..., couldn’t have done something...without...等。

  例:M: I wonder if you find my experience relevant to the job.

  W: Yes, certainly, but if only you had sent in your application letter a week earlier.

  Q: What does the woman im***?

  A) The man is not suitable for the position.

  B) The job has been given to someone else.

  C) She had received only one application letter.

  D) The application arrived a week earlier than expected.



  例:M: Excuse me, Madam? Is the air-conditioning on? This room is getting as hot as a furnace.

  W: Sorry, sir, a new epidemic (流行病) called SARS is threatening us right now. As a preventative measure (预防措施), we are told to let in fresh air by opening the windows and not to use air-conditioners.

  Q: What does the woman mean?

  A) The temperature is not as high as the man claims.

  B) The room will get cool if the man opens the windows.

  C) She is following instructions not to use the air-conditioning.

  D) She is afraid the new epidemic SARS will soon spread all over town.



  1 . 学生学*生活场景

  2 . 健康生活场景

  3 . 交通活动场景

  学生学*生活场景 考查内容

  英语四级考试听力技巧 5

  1. 对话题技巧


  把握关键词和关键句。在听力的过程中,我们应该把握一些关键词和关键句。首先要注意听表示转折关系的词汇,比如but、however、unfortunately、unexpectedly、to tell the truth等。其次要注意关键句,在对话题中,往往会有一些表示建议或劝告的语句,比如“Why…?”“Why not…?”“Why don’t you/we…?”“It would be better to do...”“Wouldn’t it be better to do…?” 等等这类关键词和关键句之后往往都是考点所在,所以我们要加以重视哦。

  判断相关场景。四级听力常考的场景有:学*、工作、天气、医院、租房、娱乐、餐馆、选课场景等。通过对话判断出相关的场景有利于考生在解题时提高解题正确率。在这里笔者也提醒童鞋们,由于英语是一种 模式化的语言,在固定的场景中,其词汇和表达也相对比较固定,所以我们应在*时多积累一些场景中的高频词汇和*惯表达,这样能更好的提高听力理解能力。

  2. 短文理解


  ② 注意标志性细节。听力中出现的时间、数字、地点等信息以及表示原因和转折关系的词汇和句子经常是标志性的出题点所在。我们在听的时候要特别留意这些细节并且做好笔记哦。

  3. 复合式听写




——6月英语四级听力原题及答案「」 (菁华3篇)


  1. W: I can‘t seem to reach the tea at the back of the cupboard.

  M: Oh… Why don‘t you use the ladder? You might strain your shoulder.

  Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?

  2. W: Since it‘s raining so hard, let’s go and see the new exhibits.

  M: That‘s a good idea. Mary Johnson is one of my favorite painters.

  Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?

  3. M: I hear the students gave the new teacher an unfair evaluation.

  W: It depends on which student you are talking about.

  Q: What does the woman im*?

  4. W: It must have taken you a long time to fix up all these book shelves.

  M: It wasn‘t too bad. I got Doris to do some of them.

  Q: What does the man mean?

  5. W: Rod, I hear you‘ll be leaving at the end of this month. Is it true?

  M: Yeah. I‘ve been offered a much better position with another firm. I’d be a fool to turn it down.

  Q: Why is the man quitting his job?

  6. W: I honestly don‘t want to continue the gardening tomorrow, Tony?

  M: Neither do I. But I think we should get it over with this weekend.

  Q: What does the man mean?

  7. W: You‘ve already furnished your apartment?

  M: I found some used furniture that was dirt cheap.

  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

  8. W: Has the mechanic called the bus repairers?

  M: Not yet .I‘ll let you know when he calls.

  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


  9. A She had a job interview to attend

  10. C Submit her roommate's assignment

  11. A Where Dr. Ellis's office is located

  12. C He can handle it quite well

  13. B The 6:30 one

  14. C The time on the train is enjoyable

  15. A Reading newspapers.


  Passage One

  Most American college students need to be efficient readers. This is necessary because full-time students probably have to read several hundred pages every week. They don't have time to read a chapter three or four times. They need to extract as much information as possible from the first or second reading.

  An extraordinarily important study skill is knowing how to mark a book. Students mark the main ideas and important details with a pen or pencil, yellow or blue or orange. Some students mark new vocabulary in a different color. Most students write questions or short notes in the margins. Marking a book is a useful skill, but it's important to do it right. First, read a chapter with one pen in your hand and others next to you on the desk. Second, read a whole paragraph before you mark anything. Don't mark too much. Usually you will mark about 10% of a passage. Third, decide on your own system for marking. For example, maybe you will mark main ideas in yellow, important details in blue and new words in orange. Maybe you will put question marks in the margin when you don't understand something and before an exam. Instead, you just need to review your marks and you can save a lot of time.

  16. What should American college students do to cope with their heavy reading assignments?

  17. What suggestion does the speaker give about marking a textbook?

  18. How should students prepare for an exam according to the speaker?

  Passage Two

  The thought of having no sleep for 24 hours or more isn't a pleasant one for most people. The amount of sleep that each person needs varies. In general, each of us needs about 8 hours of sleep each day to keep us healthy and happy. Some people, however, can get by with just a few hours of sleep at night.

  It doesn't matter when or how much a person sleeps. But everyone needs some rest to stay alive. Few doctors would have thought that there might be an exception to this. Sleep is, after all, a very basic need. But a man named Al Herpin turned out to be a real exception, for supposedly, he never slept!

  Al Herpin was 90 years old when doctors came to his home in New Jersy. They hoped to challenge the claim that he never slept. But they were surprised. Though they watched him every hour of the day, they never saw Herpin sleeping. He did not even own a bed. He never needed one.

  The closest that Herpin came to resting was to sit in a rocking chair and read a half dozen newspapers. His doctors were puzzled by the strange case of permanent sleeplessness. Herpin offered the only clue to his condition. He remembered some talk about his mother having been injured several days before he had been born. Herpin died at the age of 94, never, it seems, having slept at all.

  19. What is taken for granted by most people?

  20. What do doctors think of Al Herpin's case?

  21. What could have accounted for Al Herpin's sleeplessness?

  Passage Three

  Hetty Green was a very spoiled, only child. She was born in Massachusetts USA in 1835. Her father was a millionaire businessman. Her mother was often ill, and so from the age of two her father took her with him to work and taught her about stocks and shares. At the age of six she started reading the daily financial newspapers and opened her own bank account. Her father died when she was 21 and she inherited 7.5 million dollars. She went to New York and invested on Wall Street. Hetty saved every penny, eating in the cheapest restaurants for 15 cents. She became one of the richest and most hated women in the world. At 33 she married Edward Green, a multi-millionaire, and had two children, Ned and Sylvia.

  Hetty’s meanness was well-known. She always argued about prices in shops. She walked to the local grocery store to buy broken biscuits which were much cheaper, and to get a free bone for her much loved dog. Once she lost a two-cent stamp and spent the night looking for it. She never bought clothes and always wore the same long, ragged black skirt. Worst of all, when her son, Ned, fell and injured his knee, she refused to pay for a doctor and spent hours looking for free medical help. In the end Ned lost his leg. When she died in 1916 she left her children 100 million dollars. Her daughter built a hospital with her money.

  22. What do we learn about Hetty Green as a child?

  23. How did Hetty Green become rich overnight?

  24. Why was Hetty Green much hated?

  25. What do we learn about Hetty's daughter?


  16. D Get key information by reading just once or twice

  17. A Choose one's own system of marking

  18. B By reviewing only the marked parts.

  19. D Everybody needs some sleep for survival.

  20. C It is a rare exception

  21. B His mother's injury just before his birth.

  22. C She developed a strong interest in finance

  23. D She inherited a big fortune from her father

  24. A She was extremely mean with her money

  25. B She built a hospital with her mother's money


——大学英语四级作文 (菁华6篇)




  With the rapid development of com*r, com*rs are becoming growing popular among people all over the world. And the popularity of using com*r is increasing year by year. It is obvious that the com*r is playing an important role in our daily life.

  Due to the comprehensive applications of the Com*r, it has been gradually taking place of human beings in some areas. Such as people can use com*rs to compose, purchase goods, or hold meetings. What’s more, com*r can greatly improve people’s working efficiency. However, every coin has its two aspects. Com*r also brings some disadvantages. For example, since com*r games now have been prevalent among students, they almost spend more than 6 hours for entertainment on com*r, and not study any more. Besides, many people now favor talk with their friends on line, and they meet less frequently than ever before. As a consequence, the lack of speaking leads to their terrible expression.

  To sum up, we are supposed to keep balance between entertainment and study, make the best use of its good aspect to get further more improvement.



  Write a composition entitled Save the Energy Resources. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chiness.




  Save the Energy Resources

  Recently,it is reported that oil price in the intemational market has been skyrocketing drastically.In China, many traditional mineral cities in northeastem China has run into predicament,with their economy collapsed and workers unemployed,only because coal has been mined out.

  Unlike sunlight,water and wind,fossil energy resources,including coal,oil and gas,are not practically reproductive during human history. Once consumed,they’re gone forever.If they were to be exhausted before we could find sufficient resources to replace them,we would have to live in entire blackout again,which is of course not what we would like to see.

  Therefore,we must economize on energy resources.New techniques should be developed and applied to reduce energy consumption in industry and daily life.Altemative energy should be employed wherever possible. Any practice that wastes energy should be eradicated.(140 words)





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  Failure is what often happens. It is everywhere in our life. Students may fail in exams, scientists may fail in their research work, and athletes may fail in competitions. Although failure happens to everyone, attitudes towards failure are various. Some people don’t think their failure is a very important thing at all. So they pay no attention to it.

  As a result, they will have the same failure a period later. Some people think themselves are fools and lose their hearts in everything after they get a failure. Consequently, they spend their time and energy on useless things and they may really be fools as they have thought.

  Other people are quite different from the two kinds of people mentioned above. Instead of being distressed and lost, they draw a lesson from every failure and become more experienced. After hard work, they will be successful in the end. It is said that failure is the mother of success. Success will be gained after times of failures so long as we are good at drawing lesson from our failures. In my opinion, failure is not a bad thing, the really bad thing is taking a failure as failure or even lose our heart after failure.


  It has been said that when people succeed,it is because of hard work and that luck has nothing to do with success.Although I believe that hard work is very important and is the surest way to success for most people,I must disagree with this statement.It cannot be denied that luck often plays an important role in success.For example,many important discoveries have been made by accident.There have been many cases of researchers and inventors making major breakthroughs while they were actually trying to solve another problem or create a different device.

  Furthermore,there is something to be said for sim* being in the right place at the right time-perhaps meeting someone by chance who can offer a good job or rare opportunity.And of course,there are the rare examples of gamblers and lottery winners who beat the odds and achieve sudden and unexpected success.

  While the influence of luck cannot be ignored,this is not to say that one should depend on it and ignore the value of hard work.If one is willing to work hard,I believe that success will eventually be achieved,with or without the added benefit of luck.Moreover,hard work is often an essential ingredient of luck because it enables one to take advantage of a lucky encounter.If the scientist has not worked hard to develop his knowledge and skills,he may not recognize that lucky breakthrough when it comes along.Therefore,my suggestion is not to count on luck to bring you success.Instead,work hard and keep your eyes open for that lucky opportunity.


  it can be discerned that the american students prefer to read the popular novel rather than other kind of books, such as the nonpopular (unpopular) novel, the books of technology, poem and so on. the percentage of the popular novel current(currently) is about 68.2%. other kind of novels current(currently) is, reletively (relatively), about 16.8%, 8.3%, and 5.2%.

  it is not hard to think out why the popular novels can attract so many students. the popular novel is interesting, and not so abstract as books that full of the mathmatic formulate(mathematic formulae). however, as university students, study is the first task for us to do. so we should pay more attention to the books about our major. fictions may color our life, but it can not be the key part of our studying life.

  personally, i would like to spend my free time in reading books about my major, such as technology digests, com*r newspaper... because i want do to(删掉) a good job in my subjects. fortunately, my dreams come true, meanwhile, i ve gained other things--i found(have founded)a solid basic knowledge about my major(加破折号)make me feel easy to contrive the electronic circuit which have to be done during our bachelor years. thanks to those books!


——大学英语四级 (菁华5篇)




  说明:写作部分占整套试卷的15% =106.5分



  二、听力部分 =248.5分


  1、短篇新闻 7% 共7小题(2,2,3),每小题7.1分。

  2 、长对话 8% 8个题目(4,4), 每小题7.1分。

  3、听力篇章 20% 共10个小题(3,3,4),每小题14.2分。


  三、阅读理解 35% =248.5分


  1、选词填空 5% 10个题,每小题3.55分

  2、长篇阅读 10% 10个题,每小题7.1分。(匹配)

  3、仔细阅读 20% 10个题 共2篇,一篇5个题,每小题14.2分。

  时间:40分钟 在这部分你要达到149分为及格,做对18个左右即可。

  四、翻译部分 汉译英 15% 30分钟 =106.5分


  有时候你必须硬着头皮,朝着你坚持的东西走下去! 革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力,加油!




  阐释:写作部分占整套试卷的15% =106.5分



  二、听力部分 =248.5分


  1、短篇新闻 7% 共7小题,每小题7.1分。

  2 、长对话 8% 8个题目 每小题7.1分。

  3、听力篇章 20% 共10个小题,每小题14.2分。


  三、阅读理解 35% =248.5分


  1、选词填空 5% 10个题,每小题3.55分

  2、长篇阅读 10% 10个题,每小题7.1分。

  3、仔细阅读 20% 10个题 共2篇,一篇5个题,每小题14.2分。

  时间:40分钟 在这部分你要达到149分为及格,做对18个左右即可。

  四、翻译部分 汉译英 15% 30分钟 =106.5分











  In this picture, we can tell that the son is talking to his father about his concern about the nuclear waste. His father told him that if he can empty the dustbin first, he can do anything. This is an easy but very important story, telling us that we have to focus on things around our daily life first, and then the things great enough in the world.

  In our daily life, it is very common to find some people that talk about their great minds on topics that far away from their lives. However, they provide little concern on staffs that around their own daily lives. These people are usually not very successful because their minds are beyond their grasp. To this end, students who want to be a better man, have to know that one can become greater and greater if they can complete things around their daily life well one by one. They may stand on the top of the mountain in the society finally.


  Due to the wide use of com*rs and the development of Internet, more and more people like to chat on the Internet. We tend to pay more attention to electronic communication than to face-to-face contact.

  As electronic communication is not limited by space, we can chat with others where there is Internet with our tools such as com*rs, mobile phones and pads. However, when we chat with others online, we cannot express our feelings fully. Just as the picture shows, the parents cannot touch or hug their child. We know that body language plays an important role in our communication, but the electronic communication cannot do this. For example, when we are sad, we need more love and warmth, a real hug from our parents or friends can mean much more to us than just words through electronic communication.

  Therefore, though electronic communication brings convenience to our life, I still don’t think the electronic communication can replace face-to-face contact.


——大学英语四级作文 (菁华5篇)


  In China, there’s a saying that "The landscape of Guilin tops that of any other place under heaven." In light of this, I will recommend Guilin as the first destination of my foreign friend’s trip to China.

  Overlooking the Li Jiang River, Guilin is located in the northeast of Guangxi. The name was derived from the cassia trees of the location. The trees line the streets of the town with yellow flowers blossoming every September, filling the air with sweet scent. Guilin is a place of breath-taking scenery. From ancient times, Guilin has been noted for its elegant landscape. It features beautiful mountains, clear rivers, grotesque rocks andmystic crags, which is a feast for the eyes. Sitting on a bamboo raft drifting down the river, visitors can see the varied shapes of the pinnacles reflected in the water. They will feel as if they were in a scroll of Chinese landscape painting.I believe that my foreign friend will marvel at the unparalleled beauty of Guilin.


  Nowadays, more and more people are exchanging a great variety of imformation by using electronic mails instead of traditional ways of mailing letters. Some people think that e-mail makes relationships among people closer, while some others maintain that makes people drift apart.

  Those who hold the former opinion insist that the appearence of e-mail makes communication quicker and more convenient. By e-mail people can deliver more information including pictures and sounds. However, some others think e-mail with the same format and printfont includes less emotion, then traditional letters written by hand. Most people use e-mails to deliver information instead of feelings.

  From my point of view, e-mail does bring great convenience for people, but it is not a better way to express our feelings than traditional letters. Our hand-writing on the paper can deliver much emotion. Therefore, when you want to express your love and care to someone, writing a letter to her or him by hand is a wise choice.


  Free admissions to museums







  One morning I got up very early and everything around was very quiet. Trees,grasses,and sidewalks were still covered with fresh dew. The sun was just rising out of the horizon, emitting streaks of red hue through clouds. I thought that I was an early bird and could enjoy the fresh air of the early morning alone. Taking a walk in the park and breathing fresh air was the idea. Therefure,I began to walk towards the park. However, when I arrived at the park, I fimnd, to my surprise, that there were so many people there. Men and women of all ages were taking exercise in various ways. Some were doing morning exercises,while others were jogging up and down the gravel path around the lake. Young people were playing tennis. Elderly people were playing sword or practising shadow boxing. Dee* moved by what I saw, I joined them. While chatting with them I became aware of the advantages of physical exercises. They are conducive to health, stimulating blood circulation, decelerating aging and prolonging life. Therefore, it is obvious that taking early morning walks makes a man healthy and wise.


  in my opinion, the driver of benz auto should be blamed on(for) the traffic accident. it was his drunk driving that resulted in this accident.

  it is not(no) doubt that the traffic accident is a high(hot) topic in the modern(modern) society, different people have different attitude (attitudes) to this.

  when it come(comes) to the accident, people think it responsible for the driver. but last sunday i see(saw) a(an) accident. a woman crossed a street when a car turn(turned at) the crossing .it is too late to stop the car ,the women was bad(badly) hurt. the people who was walking along the street took the woman to hospital, (and) the driver came with them.

  as far as(i am)concerned, the both sides have responsibility for this, begin(at the beginning), the woman shouldnot cross the street. forthemore, the driver should pay more attention. last. we should take proper measure .only (when) we take the measure and we(become)more careful can we have a colorful(life)tomorrow.


——历年英语四级听力答案 (菁华3篇)


  Section A

  Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D], and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.


  11. [A] He is careless about his appearance.

  [B] He is ashamed of his present condition.

  [C] He changes jobs frequently.

  [D] He shaves every other day.

  12. [A] Jane may be caught in a traffic jam.

  [B] Jane should have started a little earlier.

  [C] He knows what sort of person Jane is.

  [D] He is irritated at having to wait for Jane.

  13. [A] Training for the Mid-Atlantic Championships.

  [B] Making preparations for a trans-Atlantic trip.

  [C] Collecting information about baseball games.

  [D] Analyzing their rivals’ on-field performance.

  14. [A] He had a narrow escape in a car accident.

  [B] He is hospitalized for a serious injury.

  [C] He lost his mother two weeks ago.

  [D] He has been having a hard time.

  15. [A] The woman has known the speaker for a long time.

  [B] The man had difficulty understanding the lecture.

  [C] The man is making a fuss about nothing.

  [D] The woman thinks highly of the speaker.

  16. [A] He has difficulty making sense of logic.

  [B] Statistics and logic are both challenging subjects.

  [C] The woman should seek help from the tutoring service.

  [D] Tutoring services are very popular with students.

  17. [A] Her overcoat is as stylish as Jill’s.

  [B] Jill missed her class last week.

  [C] Jill wore the overcoat last week.

  [D] She is in the same class as the man.

  18. [A] A com*r game.

  [B] An imaginary situation.

  [C] An exciting experience.

  [D] A vacation by the sea.

  Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19. [A] Beautiful scenery in the countryside.

  [B] Dangers of cross-country skiing.

  [C] Pain and pleasure in sports.

  [D] A sport he participates in.

  20. [A] He can’t find good examples to illustrate his point.

  [B] He can’t find a peaceful place to do the assignment.

  [C] He doesn’t know how to describe the beautiful country scenery.

  [D] He can’t decide whether to include the effort part of skiing.

  21. [A] New ideas come up as you write.

  [B] Much time is spent on collecting data.

  [C] A lot of effort is made in vain.

  [D] The writer’s point of view often changes.

  Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  22. [A] Journalist of a local newspaper.

  [B] Director of evening radio programs.

  [C] Producer of television commercials.

  [D] Hostess of the weekly “Business World”.

  23. [A] He ran three restaurants with his wife’s help.

  [B] He and his wife did everything by themselves.

  [C] He worked both as a cook and a waiter.

  [D] He hired a cook and two local waitresses.

  24. [A] He hardly needs to do any advertising nowadays.

  [B] He advertises a lot on radio and in newspapers.

  [C] He spends huge sums on TV commercials every year.

  [D] He hires children to distribute ads in shopping centers.

  25. [A] The restaurant location.

  [B] The restaurant atmosphere.

  [C] The food variety.

  [D] The food price.


  11. A.He is careless about his appearance.

  12. A.Jane maybe caught in a traffic jam.

  13. A.Training for the Mid-Atlantic Championship.

  14. D.He has been having a hard time.

  15. DThe woman thinks highly of the speaker

  16. C.The woman should seek help from tutoring services.

  17. C.Jill wore the overcoat last week.

  18. B.An imaginary situation.

  19. C. Pain and pleasure in sports

  20. D. He can’t decide whether to include the effort part of skiing.

  21. A. New ideas come up as you write.

  22. D. Hostess of the weekly “Business World”

  23. B. He and his wife did everything by themselves.

  24. B. He advertises a lot on radio and in newspapers.

  25. B. The restaurant atmosphere

  Section B

  Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.


  Passage One

  Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  26. [A] Its protection is often neglected by children.

  [B] It cannot be fully restored once damaged.

  [C] There are many false notions about it.

  [D] There are various ways to protect it.

  27. [A] It may make the wearer feel tired.

  [B] It will gradually weaken the eyes of *s.

  [C] It can lead to the loss of vision in children.

  [D] It can permanently change the eye structure.

  28. [A] It can never be done even with high technology.

  [B] It is the best way to restore damaged eyesight.

  [C] It is a major achievement in eye surgery.

  [D] It can only be partly accomplished now.

  Passage Two

  Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  29. [A] They think they should follow the current trend.

  [B] Nursing homes are well-equipped and convenient.

  [C] Adult day-care centers are easily accessible.

  [D] They have jobs and other commitments.

  30. [A] They don’t want to use up all their life savings.

  [B] They fear they will regret it afterwards.

  [C] They would like to spend more time with them.

  [D] They don’t want to see their husbands poorly treated.

  31. [A] Provide professional standard care.

  [B] Be affectionate and cooperative.

  [C] Be frank and seek help from others.

  [D] Make full use of community facilities.

  Passage Three

  Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  32. [A] Health and safety conditions in the workplace.

  [B] Rights and responsibilities of company employees.

  [C] Common complaints made by office workers.

  [D] Conflicts between labor and management.

  33. [A] Replace its out-dated equipment.

  [B] Improve the welfare of affected workers.

  [C] Follow government regulations strictly.

  [D] Provide extra health compensation.

  34. [A] They requested to transfer to a safer department.

  [B] They quit work to protect their unborn babies.

  [C] They sought help from union representatives.

  [D] They wanted to work shorter hours.

  35. [A] To show how they love winter sports.

  [B] To attract the attention from the media.

  [C] To protest against the poor working conditions.

  [D] To protect themselves against the cold weather.


  26. C There are many false notions about it.

  27. C. It can lead to the loss of vision in children.

  28. D. It can only be partly accomplished now.

  29. D. They have jobs and other commitments.

  30. A. They don't want to use up all their life savings.

  31. C. Be frank and seek help from others.

  32. A. Health and safety conditions in workplace.

  33. A. Replace its out-dated equipments.

  34. A. They requested to transfer to a safer department.

  35. C. To protest against the poor working condition

  Section C

  Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.


  Contrary to the old warning that time waits for no one, time slows down when you are on the move. It also slows down more as you move faster, which means astronauts(宇航员) someday may (36) _____________ so long in space that they would return to an Earth of the (37) _____________ future. If you could move at the speed of light, your time would stand still. If you could move faster than light, your time would move (38) _____________.

  Although no form of matter yet (39) _____________ moves as fast as or faster than light, (40) _____________ experiments have already confirmed that accelerated (41) _____________ causes a traveler’s time to be stretched. Albert Einstein (42) _____________ this in 1905, when he (43) _____________the concept of relative time as part of his Special Theory of Relativity. A search is now under way to confirm the suspected existence of particles of matter (44) ___________ _

  An obsession (沉迷) with time—saving, gaining, wasting, losing, and mastering it — (45) ___________Humanity also has been obsessed with trying to capture the meaning of time. Einstein (46)_____________ Thus, time and time’s relativity are measurable by any hourglass, alarm clock, or an atomic clock that can measure a billionth of a second.


  36. survive

  37. distant

  38. backward

  39. discovered

  40. scientific

  41. motion

  42. predicted

  43. introduced

  44. that move at a speed greater than light, and therefore, might serve as our passports to the past.

  45. seems to have been a part of humanity for as long as human have existed.

  46. used a definition of time for experimental purposes, as that which is measured by a clock.


  Section A

  Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D], and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.


  11. [A] He is careless about his appearance.

  [B] He is ashamed of his present condition.

  [C] He changes jobs frequently.

  [D] He shaves every other day.

  12. [A] Jane may be caught in a traffic jam.

  [B] Jane should have started a little earlier.

  [C] He knows what sort of person Jane is.

  [D] He is irritated at having to wait for Jane.

  13. [A] Training for the Mid-Atlantic Championships.

  [B] Making preparations for a trans-Atlantic trip.

  [C] Collecting information about baseball games.

  [D] Analyzing their rivals’ on-field performance.

  14. [A] He had a narrow escape in a car accident.

  [B] He is hospitalized for a serious injury.

  [C] He lost his mother two weeks ago.

  [D] He has been having a hard time.

  15. [A] The woman has known the speaker for a long time.

  [B] The man had difficulty understanding the lecture.

  [C] The man is making a fuss about nothing.

  [D] The woman thinks highly of the speaker.

  16. [A] He has difficulty making sense of logic.

  [B] Statistics and logic are both challenging subjects.

  [C] The woman should seek help from the tutoring service.

  [D] Tutoring services are very popular with students.

  17. [A] Her overcoat is as stylish as Jill’s.

  [B] Jill missed her class last week.

  [C] Jill wore the overcoat last week.

  [D] She is in the same class as the man.

  18. [A] A com*r game.

  [B] An imaginary situation.

  [C] An exciting experience.

  [D] A vacation by the sea.

  Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19. [A] Beautiful scenery in the countryside.

  [B] Dangers of cross-country skiing.

  [C] Pain and pleasure in sports.

  [D] A sport he participates in.

  20. [A] He can’t find good examples to illustrate his point.

  [B] He can’t find a peaceful place to do the assignment.

  [C] He doesn’t know how to describe the beautiful country scenery.

  [D] He can’t decide whether to include the effort part of skiing.

  21. [A] New ideas come up as you write.

  [B] Much time is spent on collecting data.

  [C] A lot of effort is made in vain.

  [D] The writer’s point of view often changes.

  Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  22. [A] Journalist of a local newspaper.

  [B] Director of evening radio programs.

  [C] Producer of television commercials.

  [D] Hostess of the weekly “Business World”.

  23. [A] He ran three restaurants with his wife’s help.

  [B] He and his wife did everything by themselves.

  [C] He worked both as a cook and a waiter.

  [D] He hired a cook and two local waitresses.

  24. [A] He hardly needs to do any advertising nowadays.

  [B] He advertises a lot on radio and in newspapers.

  [C] He spends huge sums on TV commercials every year.

  [D] He hires children to distribute ads in shopping centers.

  25. [A] The restaurant location.

  [B] The restaurant atmosphere.

  [C] The food variety.

  [D] The food price.


  11. A.He is careless about his appearance.

  12. A.Jane maybe caught in a traffic jam.

  13. A.Training for the Mid-Atlantic Championship.

  14. D.He has been having a hard time.

  15. DThe woman thinks highly of the speaker

  16. C.The woman should seek help from tutoring services.

  17. C.Jill wore the overcoat last week.

  18. B.An imaginary situation.

  19. C. Pain and pleasure in sports

  20. D. He can’t decide whether to include the effort part of skiing.

  21. A. New ideas come up as you write.

  22. D. Hostess of the weekly “Business World”

  23. B. He and his wife did everything by themselves.

  24. B. He advertises a lot on radio and in newspapers.

  25. B. The restaurant atmosphere

  Section B

  Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.


  Passage One

  Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  26. [A] Its protection is often neglected by children.

  [B] It cannot be fully restored once damaged.

  [C] There are many false notions about it.

  [D] There are various ways to protect it.

  27. [A] It may make the wearer feel tired.

  [B] It will gradually weaken the eyes of *s.

  [C] It can lead to the loss of vision in children.

  [D] It can permanently change the eye structure.

  28. [A] It can never be done even with high technology.

  [B] It is the best way to restore damaged eyesight.

  [C] It is a major achievement in eye surgery.

  [D] It can only be partly accomplished now.

  Passage Two

  Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  29. [A] They think they should follow the current trend.

  [B] Nursing homes are well-equipped and convenient.

  [C] Adult day-care centers are easily accessible.

  [D] They have jobs and other commitments.

  30. [A] They don’t want to use up all their life savings.

  [B] They fear they will regret it afterwards.

  [C] They would like to spend more time with them.

  [D] They don’t want to see their husbands poorly treated.

  31. [A] Provide professional standard care.

  [B] Be affectionate and cooperative.

  [C] Be frank and seek help from others.

  [D] Make full use of community facilities.

  Passage Three

  Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  32. [A] Health and safety conditions in the workplace.

  [B] Rights and responsibilities of company employees.

  [C] Common complaints made by office workers.

  [D] Conflicts between labor and management.

  33. [A] Replace its out-dated equipment.

  [B] Improve the welfare of affected workers.

  [C] Follow government regulations strictly.

  [D] Provide extra health compensation.

  34. [A] They requested to transfer to a safer department.

  [B] They quit work to protect their unborn babies.

  [C] They sought help from union representatives.

  [D] They wanted to work shorter hours.

  35. [A] To show how they love winter sports.

  [B] To attract the attention from the media.

  [C] To protest against the poor working conditions.

  [D] To protect themselves against the cold weather.


  26. C There are many false notions about it.

  27. C. It can lead to the loss of vision in children.

  28. D. It can only be partly accomplished now.

  29. D. They have jobs and other commitments.

  30. A. They don't want to use up all their life savings.

  31. C. Be frank and seek help from others.

  32. A. Health and safety conditions in workplace.

  33. A. Replace its out-dated equipments.

  34. A. They requested to transfer to a safer department.

  35. C. To protest against the poor working condition

  Section C

  Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.


  Contrary to the old warning that time waits for no one, time slows down when you are on the move. It also slows down more as you move faster, which means astronauts(宇航员) someday may (36) _____________ so long in space that they would return to an Earth of the (37) _____________ future. If you could move at the speed of light, your time would stand still. If you could move faster than light, your time would move (38) _____________.

  Although no form of matter yet (39) _____________ moves as fast as or faster than light, (40) _____________ experiments have already confirmed that accelerated (41) _____________ causes a traveler’s time to be stretched. Albert Einstein (42) _____________ this in 1905, when he (43) _____________the concept of relative time as part of his Special Theory of Relativity. A search is now under way to confirm the suspected existence of particles of matter (44) ___________ _

  An obsession (沉迷) with time—saving, gaining, wasting, losing, and mastering it — (45) ___________Humanity also has been obsessed with trying to capture the meaning of time. Einstein (46)_____________ Thus, time and time’s relativity are measurable by any hourglass, alarm clock, or an atomic clock that can measure a billionth of a second.


  36. survive

  37. distant

  38. backward

  39. discovered

  40. scientific

  41. motion

  42. predicted

  43. introduced

  44. that move at a speed greater than light, and therefore, might serve as our passports to the past.

  45. seems to have been a part of humanity for as long as human have existed.

  46. used a definition of time for experimental purposes, as that which is measured by a clock.


  Section A

  Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more

  11. A) He needs another week for the painting.

  B) The painting was completed just in time.

  C) The building won’t open until next week.

  D) His artistic work has been well received.

  12. A) Go camping. B) Decorate his house.

  C) Rent a tent. D) Organize a party.

  13. A) She talked with Mr. Wright on the phone.

  B) She is about to call Mr. Wright’s secretary.

  C) She will see Mr. Wright at lunch time.

  D) She failed to reach Mr. Wright.

  14. A) He is actually very hardworking.

  B) He has difficulty finishing his project.

  C) He needs to spend more time in the lab.

  D) He seldom tells the truth about himself.

  15. A) Rules restricting smoking.

  B) Ways to quit smoking.

  C) Smokers’ health problems.

  D) Hazards of passive smoking.

  16. A) He is out of town all morning.

  B) He is tied up in family *.

  C) He has been writing a report.

  D) He has got meetings to attend.

  17. A) He is not easy-going.

  B) He is the speakers’ boss.

  C) He is not at home this weekend.

  D) He seldom invites people to his home.

  18. A) Take a break.

  B) Refuel his car.

  C) Ask the way.

  D) Have a cup of coffee.

  Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19. A) They are as good as historical films.

  B) They give youngsters a thrill.

  C) They have greatly improved.

  D) They are better than comics on film.

  20. A) The effects were very good.

  B) The acting was just so-so.

  C) The plot was too complicated.

  D) The characters were lifelike.

  21. A) They triumphed ultimately over evil in the battle.

  B) They played the same role in War of the Worlds.

  C) They are popular figures among young people.

  D) They are two leading characters in the film.

  Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  22. A) It is scheduled on Thursday night.

  B) It is supposed to last nine weeks.

  C) It takes place once a week.

  D) It usually starts at six.

  23. A) To make good use of her spare time in the evening.

  B) To meet the requirements of her in-service training.

  C) To improve her driving skills as quickly as possible.

  D) To get some basic knowledge about car maintenance.

  24. A) Participate in group discussions.

  B) Take turns to make presentations.

  C) Listen to the teacher’s explanation.

  D) Answer the teacher’s questions.

  25. A) Most of them are female.

  B) Some have a part-time job.

  C) They plan to buy a new car.

  D) A few of them are old chaps.


  11A 12A 13D 14A 15A

  16D 17A 18B 19C 20A

  21D 22D 23C 24C 25A

  Section B

  Passage One

  Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  26. A) She is not good at making friends.

  B) She is not well off.

  C) She enjoys company.

  D) She likes to go to concerts alone.

  27. A) Their similar social status.

  B) Their interdependence.

  C) Their common interest.

  D) Their identical character.

  28. A) Invite Pat to a live concert.

  B) Buy some gifts for Pat’s kids.

  C) Help take care of Pat’s kids.

  D) Pay for Pat’s season tickets.

  29. A) It can develop between people with a big difference in income.

  B) It can be maintained among people of different age groups.

  C) It cannot last long without similar family background.

  D) It cannot be sustained when friends move far apart.

  Passage Two

  Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  30. A) Priority of students’ academic achievements.

  B) Equal education opportunities to all children.

  C) Social equality between teachers and students.

  D) Respect for students’ individuality.

  31. A) Efficient.

  B) Complicated.

  C) Lengthy.

  D) Democratic.

  32. A) To help them acquire hands-on experience.

  B) To try to cut down its operational expenses.

  C) To provide part-time jobs for needy students.

  D) To enable them to learn to take responsibility.

  Passage Three

  Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  33. A) The best way to work through a finger maze.

  B) Individuals doing better in front of an audience.

  C) Researchers having contributed greatly to psychology.

  D) Improvements on the classification of human behavior.

  34. A) When you feel encouraged by the audience.

  B) When you try to figure out a confusing game.

  C) When you already know how to do something.

  D) When you complete with other people in a group.

  35. A) Practicing constantly.

  B) Working by oneself.

  C) Learning by doing.

  D) Using proven methods.


  26C 27D 28D 29B 30B

  31D 32D 33D 34C 35B

  Section C

  Americans today have different eating habits than they had in the past. There is a wide (36) ______ of food available. They have a broader (37) ______ of nutrition (营养), so they buy more fresh fruit and (38) _______ than ever before. At the same time, Americans (39)______ increasing quantities of sweets and sodas.

  Statistics show that the way people live (40) ______ the way they eat. American lifestyles have changed. There are now growing numbers of people who live alone, (41) ______ parents and children, and double-income families. These changing lifestyles are (42) ______ for the increasing number of people who must (43) ______ meals or sometimes sim* go without them. Many Americans have less time than ever before to spend preparing food. (44) ______________Moreover, Americans eat out nearly four times a week on average.

  It is easy to study the amounts and kinds of food that people consume. (45) _____________This information not only tells us what people are eating, but also tells us about the changes in attitudes and tastes. (46) __ Instead, chicken, turkey and fish have become more popular. Sales of these foods have greatly increased in recent years.


  36selection of








  44Partly as a consequence of this limited time, over half of all American homes now have microwave ovens.

  45The United States Department of Agriculture and the food industry collect sales statistics and keep accurate records.

  46Red meat, which used to be the most popular choice for dinner, is no longer an American favorite.


——大学英语四级听力在线练* (菁华3篇)


  From Learning English, this is In the News.

  Nouri al-Maliki said Thursday that he would leave his position as prime minister of Iraq. His decision opened the way for Haider Jawad al-Abadi to take Mr. Malikis place.

  Former colleagues describe Mr. Abadi as a good speaker and a direct person who is open to the ideas of others. He will need strong qualities. Among the issues facing the new prime minister are extremist militancy, religious division and political dis*s.

  The man now responsible for leading Iraq out of crisis was born in Baghdad. But he has lived much of his life outside the country. For example, he worked in Britain as an advisor in the engineering industry until the United States invaded Iraq in 2003.

  His family suffered under the rule of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. Saddams government arrested two of Mr. Abadis brothers in 1980 for their association with the Dawa Party and executed them two years later. In 1981, the government arrested a third brother for the same reason. That brother survived. But he spent 10 years in prison.

  Mr. Abadi also was involved in the Dawa Party while in London. He served as an active party leader in exile.

  He returned home to enter politics after Saddam was ousted from leadership. As communications minister, Mr.Abadi rebuilt telephone systems that had been destroyed by war. He also brought the first mobile and Internet communications services into the country.


  Israeli and Palestinian negotiators announced Tuesday that they have agreed to an extended ceasefire after seven weeks of deadly fighting in Gaza.

  The ceasefire took effect at 7 p.m. local time . Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas announced the truce from his headquarters in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

  Egypt organized the truce. It calls for Israel to ease its blockade of Gaza. The agreement will permit shipments of humanitarian aid and building materials for repair and reconstruction in Gaza. The two sides will continue talks about Israels demand that Hamas militants surrender their weapons.

  The United States said it strongly supports the truce.

  Over 2,000 Palestinians, mostly civilians, and more than 60 Israelis were killed in the almost two month long conflict.

  Belarus Meeting Fails to End Fighting in Ukraine

  Ukraines President Petro Poroshenko and Russias President Vladimir Putin met in the Belarusian capital, Minsk, Tuesday. They failed to reach agreement about the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

  Mr. Poroshenko said the conflict would end with a secure border for Ukraine. He said there must be a block to transports of arms from Russia to the rebels.

  Mr. Putin demanded that Russia be permitted to meet with the rebels and sup* humanitarian aid.

  Cambodian Opposition Gets Parliamentary Commissions


  From Learning English, this is In the News.

  Nouri al-Maliki said Thursday that he would leave his position as prime minister of Iraq. His decision opened the way for Haider Jawad al-Abadi to take Mr. Malikis place.

  Former colleagues describe Mr. Abadi as a good speaker and a direct person who is open to the ideas of others. He will need strong qualities. Among the issues facing the new prime minister are extremist militancy, religious division and political dis*s.

  The man now responsible for leading Iraq out of crisis was born in Baghdad. But he has lived much of his life outside the country. For example, he worked in Britain as an advisor in the engineering industry until the United States invaded Iraq in 2003.

  His family suffered under the rule of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. Saddams government arrested two of Mr. Abadis brothers in 1980 for their association with the Dawa Party and executed them two years later. In 1981, the government arrested a third brother for the same reason. That brother survived. But he spent 10 years in prison.

  Mr. Abadi also was involved in the Dawa Party while in London. He served as an active party leader in exile.

  He returned home to enter politics after Saddam was ousted from leadership. As communications minister, Mr.Abadi rebuilt telephone systems that had been destroyed by war. He also brought the first mobile and Internet communications services into the country.



  大学英语四级阅读技巧 1




























































  大学英语四级阅读技巧 2


  在做英语四级阅读题目时,非常重要的一点就是要提高逻辑推理能力。在*时阅读练*中,第一遍读文章时,我们应当模拟英语四级考试的紧张气氛,尽量高质快 速。对完答案后,我们就有充足的时间再次阅读文章,第二次阅读文章的目的不再是获取信息,而是把握文章的布局安排,分析作者的意图。

  我们必须 带着思考再次阅读文章,问问自己以下问题:如果自己写同样题目或题材的文章,会采取何种文章布局?如果我们自己设想的布局与作者不同,那么具体不同之处在 何处?这篇文章与以前读过的同体裁文章相比,有何特点?讲求速度的泛读是应试的技巧,要想真正培养逻辑推理能力,提高阅读水*,还非二次阅读不可。文章是 永远读不完的,去读200篇各种模拟阅读题,倒不如踏踏实实读50篇地道的文章。






  阅读文章成千上万,如何把握规律才是关键。如果我们把自己读过的所有文章按照主题分类,比如分为校园类、医学类、家庭类、环境类等等,到了考前,再按类 别复*这些文章,我们就不仅能系统掌握某一类别文章常用的词汇,也能把握该类文章的结构特点和出题规律。一开始就制定分类标准,每做完一篇文章就在其标题 后或首句前注明文章的类别,这样到了英语四级考试之前就胸有成竹,归纳起来也容易多了。

  大学英语四级阅读技巧 3

  排除原则一: 排除与原文相关句态度相反的选项



  Passage 2 Q64: What does the author mean by "… you're just underlining his faults" (Line 4, Para. 3)?

  原文相关句:If you tell your dim friend that he has the potential of an Einstein, you're just underlining his faults.


  A) You are not taking his mistakes seriously enough.

  B) You are pointing out the errors he has committed.

  C) You are emphasizing the fact that his is not intelligent.

  D) You are trying to make him feel better about his faults.

  这道题目很多同学会因为faults一词而误选了选项D)。我们严格应用排除法来做题目,则可避免这一错误。原文相关句主题 underline one's faults,意为"强调某人的错误"。

  先来关注各选项动词:A) not take … seriously没有严肃认真的对待,与原文相反,排除;B)point out指出错误,保留;C) emphasize强调,保留;D) try to make sb. feel better让某人感觉更好,与强调错误这一主题相反,排除。在此基础上,再应用主题相关原则做排除,B)选项提及指出某人所犯的错误(errors),C)选项说强调他不聪明(not intelligent),原文表述he has the potential of an Einstein(有爱因斯坦先生的潜质),没有提到犯错误,因此正确答案为C)。




  例如上文提及的2011年12月Passage2 Q63:What does the author mean by saying 'money is known… to bring a relationship to its knees' (Line 1 Para.2)?

  原文相关句:Since money is known to be one of the things most likely to bring a relationship to its knees, we should be grateful.


  A) Money is considered to be the root of all evils.

  B) Some people sacrifice their dignity for money.

  C) Few people can resist the temptation of money.

  D) Disputes over money may ruin a relationship.


  据此来考察各个选项:A) 提到money和evil(邪恶)之间的关系,主题不一致,排除。B) 提到人们的尊严(dignity)的问题,主题不一致,排除。C) 提到抵挡(resist)钱的诱惑(temptation),主题不一致,排除。只有D) 选项提到了money和relationship的关系,保留为正确答案。


  如2011年12月Passage2 Q65:What does Kim Stephenson believe?

  本题目利用Kim Stephenson回原文找寻相关句,为第三段落首句:Kim Stephenson, an occupational

  psychologist, believes money is such a big deal because of what it symbolizes, which may be different things to men and women. 原文相关句可提取出如下主题:a big deal, symbolize, different things to men and women。


  A) Money is often a symbol of a person's status.

  B) Money means a great deal to both men and women.

  C) Men and women spend money on different things.

  D) Men and women view money in different ways.

  通读选项发现,A)含有symbol,B)提到a great deal,C)和D)都提及了different things/ways。因此,必须利用选项中其他主题词做第二轮排除:A)选项提到person's status(社会地位),原文原句并未提及任何个人背景问题,排除;B)选项both men and women与原文所述different things to men and women不同,排除;C)提及spend money,原文未提到,排除。因此,最终答案为D)。D)选项中view money in different ways含义为"用不同的方式看待钱",原文句义为"钱对于男人和女人所代表的(symbolize)的东西是不同的'"。可见,两句虽转换了描述方式,但基本含义是相同的。



  例如上文提到的2011年12月Passage2 Q63中的A)、C)两个选项也可以利用极端原则直接排除:A)选项Money is considered to be the root of all evils.(钱是万恶之源),C)选项Few people can resist the temptation of money.(没人能抵挡得住钱的诱惑),都是过于极端和负面的信息。

  再如2012年6月四级考试Passage 1 Q61:What can be inferred from the last paragraph? 本文依然讨论的是经济衰退给家庭关系带来的问题。


  A) The economic recovery will see a higher divorce rate.

  B) Few couple can stand the test of economic hardships.

  C) A stable family is the best protection against poverty.

  D) Money is the foundation of many a happy marriage.

  精读选项发现,B) 几乎没有那个家庭可以经历经济困难的考验,过于极端和负面,排除;D) 钱才是很多幸福婚姻的基石,过于负面,与积极阳光的普世价值相左,排除;C) 稳定的家庭是抵御贫困的最好的保护,虽然该选项是正面信息,但是best一词的判断力度未免太过强烈。因此,初步分析,选项A) 似乎更加靠谱。而回归原文验证后发现,文章末段结尾句恰恰表达了选项A) 对应的含义:So it's only when the economy is healthy again that we'll begin to see just how many broken families have been created. 只有当经济复苏之后,我们才能够看出到底有多少家庭破裂了。选项A) 意为"经济的复苏将见证离婚率的上升"。二者为简单的同义改写。


  在解答个别较困难的题目时,除了应用以上排除原则外,还可以结合全文主旨和主题来排除选项作答,有时可大大简化做题的难度。例如2011年6月四级考试Passage1 Q60:What does Alec Webley consider to be the "definition of integration"?

  原文相关句:"One of the great things about freshman housing is that, with some exceptions, the process throws you together randomly," said Undergraduate Assembly chairman Alec Webley. "This is the definition of integration."


  A) Students of different races are required to share room.

  B) Interracial lodging is arranged by the school for freshmen.

  C) Lodging is assigned to students of different races without exception.

  D) The school randomly assigns roommates without regard to race.

  首先,C)选项without exception与原文相关句表述"with some exceptions"正好相反,排除。在剩余三个选项中做判断时,可以参考全文主题。主题句通常在文章开头:Several recent studies have found that being randomly (随机地) assigned to a roommate of another race can lead to increased tolerance but also, to a greater likelihood (可能性) of conflict. 从开头句可看出,全文讨论的主题是"随机给不同种族的同学安排宿舍"的问题。再结合原文相关句中the process throws you together randomly,对于"随机"一词的重复印证,可以做出排除,选择答案D)。而其他两选项也可通过主题相关原则做排除:A)选项的be required(被要求共用宿舍),原句未提及;B)选项arranged by the school(由学校安排),原文也未明确提出安排宿舍的主体。

  大学英语四级阅读技巧 4


  在做英语四级阅读题目时,非常重要的一点就是要提高逻辑推理能力。在*时阅读练*中,第一遍读文章时,我们应当模拟英语四级考试的紧张气氛,尽量高质快 速。对完答案后,我们就有充足的时间再次阅读文章,第二次阅读文章的目的不再是获取信息,而是把握文章的布局安排,分析作者的意图。

  我们必须 带着思考再次阅读文章,问问自己以下问题:如果自己写同样题目或题材的文章,会采取何种文章布局?如果我们自己设想的布局与作者不同,那么具体不同之处在 何处?这篇文章与以前读过的同体裁文章相比,有何特点?讲求速度的泛读是应试的技巧,要想真正培养逻辑推理能力,提高阅读水*,还非二次阅读不可。文章是 永远读不完的,去读200篇各种模拟阅读题,倒不如踏踏实实读50篇地道的文章。






  阅读文章成千上万,如何把握规律才是关键。如果我们把自己读过的所有文章按照主题分类,比如分为校园类、医学类、家庭类、环境类等等,到了考前,再按类 别复*这些文章,我们就不仅能系统掌握某一类别文章常用的词汇,也能把握该类文章的结构特点和出题规律。一开始就制定分类标准,每做完一篇文章就在其标题 后或首句前注明文章的类别,这样到了英语四级考试之前就胸有成竹,归纳起来也容易多了。

  大学英语四级阅读技巧 5


  1. 精读文章开头部分文字。尤其是第一句,确定本文主题。文章主旨的确定对于篇章语境的整体把握意义重大。

  2. 确定各单词的基本词性。这里所说的基本词性是指该单词最常见的词性。例如,turn一般作动词,但在动词短语at the turn of the century中,它也可以用作名词。不过,其最常用的情况是作动词,那么我们就把其归于动词类。如果做题时,我们发现空格处在一个介词后面,而介词后面是宾语,即介词后面应该是名词,若其它名词不能与之搭配,我们再考虑像turn这样既能用作动词又能用作名词的单词。

  3. 设定词性类别:名,动,形,副,现在分词。本次考试与历年考试一致,所涉及的词性类别只局限于上述五类,四级考试该题型中,从未涉及指代词,介词,定冠词等虚词的填写。

  4. 按照各单词的基本词性将15个单词逐一分别归类。

  5. 根据基本的句法常识和逻辑意义进行填写。填写时,注意,上下文是否合乎语法,句子内部各成分间的搭配是否逻辑,句子与句子之间是否连贯一致。
