初二英语日记 (菁华5篇)

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  今天又要抽背课文了。今天背的'是Unit6 Holidays,MissGu首先进行“海选”:“背得的上来!一人背一句,背不出来的淘汰!坐在下面的不许出声音!”不到一分钟,讲台前就站满了选手,他们气势如虹,踌躇满志,过关在望。




  My winter vacation

  The winter vacation is coming. I’m going to do what I want to do.

  First, I’m going to have a good rest and relax. I will read some good books. Reading books is useful because it can help me get more knowledge. It can open up my eyes to the world. Next, I’m going to spend more time talking with my parents. I will also try my best to help them do some housework. Then, I’m going to take part in social activities (社会活动)so that I can know more people.

  What do you think of my vacation? I hope you will have a happy winter vacation.


  The visit to the Great Wall

  My name is Xiaoming and I like traveling very much. Last summar, I went to the Great Wall with my family.

  It was fine that day. We went there by bus early in the morning. When we got there, there were many other visitors there. When my family and I went onto the Great Wall, we saw beautiful scenery(风景). We all were amazed(惊讶的) by how beautiful it was. We took quite a few photos there.

  We had a good time there. The time flew by, and soon we had to go back. I was tired after traveling, but I really enjoyed visiting the Great Wall!


  This morning, my father took me to school by bike. I sat at the back of the bike, eating a banana. After I ate it up, I threw the skin onto the street randomly.


  No sooner had I done this than I realized that I had done something bad to our environment. And maybe someone would step on it and tumble over. I must pick it up. Thinking of these, I asked father to stop. I jumped off the bike and ran back to pick up the banana skin and threw it into a roadside dustbin. Seeing this, father praised me and I felt very happy.


  In future I will protect the surroundings more consciously and think more about others.



  June 23rd Sunday Sunny


  It was a fine day today and the sun was bright. I visited Beijing Zoo with my classmate, He Song. The animals were so interesting that all the people loved them. When a bear asked for some food by waving its ann, a visitor threw something to it. At once I went up to him and said without thinking,'Don't do that. It's bad for it. If you really love them, take good care of them.' His face turned red and answered he wouldn't do that again.


初二英语日记 (菁华5篇)扩展阅读

初二英语日记 (菁华5篇)(扩展1)

——初二暑假英语日记 (菁华5篇)


  July1 20XX

  The food in Shanghai disagree me. I think the food in Beijing is the most delicious. Seafood in Beijing is very fresh. Prawns in restaurant are all alive. And there are many food that you can’t see in other cities. It is very cheap that you eat seafood in Beijing. The less money you pay, the more enjoyable you are. Maybe my stomach is ill. Whatever food I eat, I am still thin. And I am too thin, I want to be a litter fatter. So I must eat more.

  July2 20XX

  I am planning to spend my summer holiday on sports this year. Playing basketball is always my favourite, so some of my classmates and I will form a small team and play basketball together. Sometimes we may have a match against some other teams and I do enjoy the sense when we win the game.

  July3 20XX

  Yesterday was my birthday, so some of my classmates sent me presents. Mother prepared a tea party for me. I invited all of them to come and take part in it.The tea party began at half past six. There were cold drinks and refreshments. We ate, talked and laughed. We felt that we were the happest men in the world.

  July4 20XX

  Mom bought me a pair of skating shoes at my fifth birthday. From then on, I developed the hobby of skating. It not only makes me stronger and stronger, but also helps me know many truths of life. I know that it is normal to fall, and if only you can get on your feet again and keep on moving, you are very good!

  July5 20XX

  Today, my parents take me to Qingdao. I see the beautiful blue sea. Some people are playing games near the seaside, and also many people are swimming in the water. We stay in the water for about one hour and then come back to the beach for lunch. I eat many many sea food. What a nice day!

  July6 20XX

  It was a fine day today.I was busy but happy.In the morning,I went to a park with my friends.We played tennis and went for a walk.In the afternoon,I went shopping.There were many things in the shop.I met my friend,Nancy.I spent 2 hours in going shopping.At night,I watched an exciting game show.I was happy.

  Today was very clear with no wind.

  I practiced basktball in the morning.Then I went to the movies with Sandy.Isaw White Nights.It was a very nice movie!I liked Say you,say mebest of all the songs.Im fond of seeing musicals.The dancing is very beautiful and the music is pretty.

  July7 20XX

  It was the second day of our summer holiday. I felt good. I felt I am free. I had a lot of time to do things I like. My parents are in Zhongshan. So I live alone but I dont feel lonely. But I didnt do something special. I stayed at home and watched TV. Oh! I wrote an Englishdaily composition. It was my homework. Today, I have slept for 14 hours.I thought I was very tired. It was time for dinner. I must go! I am very hungry.

  July8 20XX

  Yesterday we played happily, but there were only ten people. I remembered last year there were twenty-two people at all. I heard some my friends had gone abroad. They went abroad to study. Maybe I couldn’t see them in the future. I think next year we won’t make a party. Next year is a very important year. We all will prepare for the college entrance examination. It is the most important for us now.

  July9 20XX

  I was bored. So I wanted to travel to Hong Kang. I told my father my decision. To my surprise, my father agreed. My father thought I always at home was bad. He thought I should go out to see our country clearly. How beautiful our country is! My father drove me a travel service. I filled out an application form. After that, the agency would finish every things. At last the agency told me it would take a week time to transact procedures.

  July10 20XX

  The screen of my father’s mobile telephone is broken. When you open the mobile telephone, the screen is always white with light. You can’t see from the screen. And my father is a businessman. He needed a new one. So my father and I went to the electrical appliance shop. There are many new kinds of mobile telephones. At first, my father chose a Sumsung one. But all the telephones have sold out. Finally, my father chose a Motorola one.


  The summer vacation had come again. I was happy that I could forget about school at least for a while. Lest I fool around all through this summer vacation, I made a plan as to how to spend it. First, I thought I should go over all the knowledges that my teachers taught in the previous term so that I could have a better understanding of them. Then I thought I should take up some forms of exercise, such as running and playing basketbal , to keep me physically strong. It stood to reason that with such a good plan I would make the best of my vacation time. I did, because I lived up to what I had planned.



  Today is sunny,but it's very hot.After my breakfast,I start doing my homework.And then I opened my com*r,I wanted to chat with my friend on QQ.But it's boring,we couldn't find out and topic to talk about so I closed the com*r.But now what can I do?I thought the summer holiday is boring because I can't play with my classmates,so I would rather go to school.Suddenly I saw the book on my bookshelf,oh,I can read book during the summer holiday,so I read the book until mum called me to have the supper.I think read book is very interesting,I can read book in the summer holiday.


  the screen of my father’s mobile telephone is broken. when you open the mobile telephone, the screen is always white with light. you can’t see from the screen. and my father is a businessman. he needed a new one. so my father and i went to the electrical appliance shop. there are many new kinds of mobile telephones. at first, my father chose a sumsung one. but all the telephones have sold out. finally, my father chose a motorola one.



  I went to see the movie Charlie the Chocolate Factory with my brother today. I had great desire to see the movie before because people had high estimate for it. At first I was so excited. Not because the vast volume, also for Johnny Depp. But when it finished, I felt it really was a simple movie very suitable for children. The chocolates looked so delicious though the movie had a bit of distance as my imagination.

  I felt Johnny Depp was a good actor because I saw the Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. I was attracted by his character his make-up. Now, I am expecting the sequel. Hope it can reveal the quality as good as the first.

  After we watched the movie, the rain goes heavily. Although we had an umbrella, our pants,shoes were wet form it. Because the heavy rain, the visibility was not very good, so we had a littlie traffic accident with the other car. Fortunately, both the carspeople were safe well

初二英语日记 (菁华5篇)(扩展2)

——初二优秀日记 (菁华5篇)




































初二英语日记 (菁华5篇)(扩展3)

——初二英语作文 (菁华5篇)


  Embrace today 拥抱今天

  Tucked away in our subconscious is an idyllic vision. We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the continent. We are traveling by train. Out the windows, we drink in the passing scene of cars on nearby highways, of children waving at a crossing, of cattle grazing on a distant hillside, of smoke pouring from a power plant, of row upon row of corn and wheat, of flatlands and valleys, of mountains and rolling hillsides, of city skylines and village halls.

  我们的潜意识里藏着一派田园诗般的风光。我们仿佛身处一次横贯大陆的漫漫旅程之中。 乘着火车,我们领略着窗外流动的景色:附*高速公路上奔驰的汽车、十字路口处招手的孩童、远山上吃草的牛群、源源不断地从电厂排放出的烟尘、一片片的玉米和小麦、*原与山谷、群山与绵延的丘陵、天空映衬下城市的轮廓,以及乡间的庄园宅第。

  But uppermost in our minds is the final destination. On a certain day at a certain hour, we will pull into the station. Bands will be playing and flags waving. Once we get there, so many wonderful dreams will come true and the pieces of our lives will fit together like a completed jigsaw puzzle. How restlessly we pace the aisles, *ing the minutes for loitering --waiting, waiting, waiting for the station.

  然而我们心里想得最多的却是最终的目的地。 在某一天的某一时刻, 我们将会抵达进站。 迎接我们的将是乐队和飘舞的彩旗。一旦到了那儿, 多少美梦将成为现实, 我们的生活也将变得完整, 如同一块理好了的拼图。可是我们现在在过道里不耐烦地踱来踱去, 咒骂火车的拖拖拉拉。 我们期待着, 期待着, 期待着火车进站的那一刻。

  "When we reach the station, that will be it! "we cry. "When I'm 18. ""When I buy a new 450SL Mercedes Benz! ""When I put the last kid through college. ""When I have paid off the mortgage!""When I get a promotion.""When I reach the age of retirement, I shall live happily ever after! "

  可是我们终究会认识到人生的旅途中并没有车站, 也没有能够"一到永逸"的地方。生活的真正乐趣在于旅行的过程, 而车站不过是个梦, 它始终遥遥领先于我们。

  Sooner or later, we must realize there is no station, no one place to arrive at once and for all. The true joy of life is the trip. The station is only a dream. It constantly outdistances us.

  可是我们终究会认识到人生的旅途中并没有车站, 也没有能够"一到永逸"的地方。生活的真正乐趣在于旅行的过程, 而车站不过是个梦, 它始终遥遥领先于我们。

  "Relish the moment " is a good motto, especially when coupled with Psalm 118:24:"This is the day which the Lord hath made;we will rejoice and be glad in it. " It isn't the burdens of today that drive men mad. It is the regrets over yesterday and the fear of tomorrow. Regret and fear are twin thieves who rob us of today.

  "享受现在"是句很好的箴言, 尤其是当它与《圣经·诗篇》中第118页24行的一段话相映衬的时候, 更是如此:"今日乃主所创造;生活在今日我们将欢欣、高兴。 "真正令人发疯的不是今日的负担, 而是对昨日的悔恨及对明日的恐惧。 悔恨与恐惧是一对孪生窃贼, 将今天从你我身边偷走。

  So stop pacing the aisles and counting the miles. In stead, climb more mountains, eat more ice cream, go barefoot more often, swim more rivers, watch more sunsets, laugh more, cry less. Life must be lived as we go along. The station will come soon enough.

  那么就不要在过道里徘徊吧, 别老惦记着你离车站还有多远。 何不换一种活法, 将更多的高山攀爬, 多吃点儿冰淇淋甜甜嘴巴, 经常光着脚板儿溜达溜达, 在更多的河流里畅游, 多看看夕阳西下, 多点欢笑哈哈, 少让泪水滴答。生活得一边过一边瞧。车站就会很快到达。

  爱心是一盏灯 Love is a lamp

  Love is a lamp In the picture , an oil lamp gives out bright flame against the dark background .The oil lamp here is symbol of love . Just as is said in the picture , love is a lamp ;The darker the background is ,the brighter it looks . It is true that the harder the situation is ,the more valuable love is. Lots of examples might be easily given . For example , when someone is starving to death, just a little food and water may save his or her life .When a little girl in a poor area drops out of school , just a small sum of money from you may support her to finish school and change her life. In a word, we should offer our help to the persons in need . I believe that if every one of us can give love to others, the relationship between people will harmonious and our society will be a better place for us to live in.


  What is Love? 爱是什么?

  As the society are becoming complex day by day, more and more people are hoodwinked by a lot of temptation or other material things, ignoring the most nature emotion, love. Many people doubt the existence of love. I totally disagree with their opinion. A few days ago, I watched the movie Love Story In Beijing. I come to realize that what is love and it is around our life.


  First of all, love is put one's heart and soul into her shoes. If you love someone, you will do everything for her;you will think on her side. You will reject all the temptations that can make you live better, just because you don’t want to hurt her. Secondly, love is forgiveness. No matter what the other one do to you, you will forgive her at last. You won’t treat her eye for eye. Although what she has done hurts you somuch, you won’t do the same thing to, because you love her. Thirdly, love is growing old together. The outside word is so colorful, but what you want is to grow old with her together and treasure every minute with her. What’s more, you will leave a place for her forever in your deep heart, even she has passed away.


  Love is a kind of emotion that everyone has. It is around us. If we pay attention, we will find it. So, do not lose the faith to believe the existence of love. It is the feeling that every can feel by heart.



  Last Sunday morning, my friend and I went to visit the Beijing Zoo. We went by bike. It took us about half an hour to get there. When we got there, it was already crowded with people. There were a lot of foreign visitors, too. It is said that the Beijing Zoo is the largest in Asia and one of the largest in the world. There are hundreds of different kinds of animals. It world take a whole day to see all the animals there. So we decided to see some of the most interesting ones. We saw the elephants first and then the monkeys. Finally we went to see our favourite "friends"--the giant pandas. We were delighted to see them waving to us. We really had a wonderful time in the zoo.



  With the development of civilization, it is the children's duty to study in school since they were small.As the young kids, it is their nature to hang out for fun.While for them, most of the time have been limited in the class.So they feel frustrated and don't have much passion to study.It is of great importance to develop interest.The first thing is to broaden vision.The students can read travel books or watch tourist show, for anyone who cannot resist the charm of beautiful scenery and delicious food.The second thing is taking the right attitude to exams.Never giving too much pressure on getting high marks.The only thing we should do is to enjoy gaining knowledge.


  I have many hobbies, such as playing com*r games, reading comics, going shopping. I also like playing pingpong very much.

  I have a friend. His name is Nick. He is crazy about playing pingpong, too. If we have free time, we often play pingpong together. One summer holiday, he took me to a sports centre. Then we played pingpong together, but he always lost. He was very angry. He said to me, "I will beat you in a month.""OK. We will have a match at that time."After a month, when I talked to him about it, he answered,"I forgot the thing! I dont want to have a match with you.

  " I was very surprised and angry and said,"Oh, youre a forgetful boy!”



  Attention, everyone. We will have a great day out this Sunday. We will go the Peopl e Park by bus. If you are free and want to join us, we will wait for you at the school gate at 6:30 this Sunday. And we will leave at 7:oo, it will take us one and half an hour to get there at 8:30. .

  There we will have lots of activities, for example, we can boat on the lake, we can have a picnic in the morning, in the afternoon, we can fly kites, pick up the park. at about 4:00 pm , we will come back to school.

  If you come, pl ease bring some food , drinks , a camera , a notebook and wear your sports shoes.

  We hope you can join us. Let’s enjoy ourselves in the park on Sunday.

初二英语日记 (菁华5篇)(扩展4)

——初二英语周记 (菁华5篇)


  The winter holiday began today.The Spring Festival will come soon.So my sister and I decided to help our mother to clean the room.

  In the afternoon we began the cleaning.We first dusted the walls.The walls turned white soon,but the tables and floor were covered with dust.Then I cleaned the tables while my sister swept the floor.The room became bright and clean.We were very happy.

  Then my sister did some washing.With my help,my sister first washed clothes,then some shoes.

  Finally,we finished the work."What time is it now?" she asked."Oh,it's six o'clock!It is time for Mum to come home.We must prepare the supper.Be quick!" I said.Just then our mother came in.When she saw the room clean and bright she was very happy."You are my good daughters!" she said with a smile on her face.

  Now I was very tired,but I was very happy,because I had done something tbr my mother.


  I live on the land for 14 years, there is no the noise of the city, streets, there is no traffic no air, no gray sky, there is only peace, harmony, the sky is light blue, because there are trees and I particularly pure and fresh air.

  Red walls and green tiles such house afraid of dying in the city, accidentally see such a house somewhere, they have a unified, as the book said "intrigue" eaves, mottled walls, corroded the iron door, although not as good as the flickering to towering high for housing is good, but there is joy from the heart of laughter.

  The most fun always on summer nights, most people will not stay at home watching TV, but together, each holding the cattail leaf fan sitting a alley mouth, knocking together. From there, there was a few guffaws of laughter from time to time, and I was always listening, laughing and laughing from time to time, after about nine o 'clock. Although I always hated to go, I was always going home by my mother all the way. It's fun to think about.

  The country at sunset was always beautiful, and when the setting sun was scattered across the fields, it was like putting on a dress, every tree was shining, every blade of grass, every leaf was golden. Walking in the fields was a pleasure. The smell of the soil in the fields, the symphony in the fields, the glow of sunset in the fields, everything feels so good.

  There are not only beautiful scenery, but also hard-working, kind, plain people. In the spring, you will see the farmers in the fields busy harvesting rapeseed, their faces smiling. Though busy but is very open, even in the hot sun hot summer, you will see in Tian Jianzhi figure, still they writing on this land with their sweat, in the autumn, undoubtedly, in the field, in the mountains of people working more, autumn is the harvest season, farmers plowing for fruit harvest at this time. Even in the cold winter, there will still be busy figures running around, their busy figures, adding a color to the original colorful countryside.

  The appearance of the green, the simple people and the nature of everything together constitute this beautiful country pastoral painting.


  There will be many difficulties in our life. In fact, the difficulty is a spring, you weak it is strong, the difficulty is a terrible obstacle, prevents us to advance... Difficulties are hidden, and they grow because of your fear. Like me, I can always face difficulties and try to overcome difficulties.

  Once, my parents went out to lunch with their colleagues. When I got home from my English, I had a belly. Later, I walked into the kitchen and saw some fresh potatoes! What a providence! So I put on my apron and learned how my mother would cook while she was cooking.

  "Pa, pa, pa." After I shaved the potato skin, I began to cut the potatoes, and then fired up. I put a spoonful of cooking oil and put the chopped potatoes into the pan. About a few minutes later, I still put a tablespoon of salt on my favorite flavor... After the potato is Fried, I use the spatula to hold it from the iron pot to the dish, after taking care of everything, I can't wait to take out the chopsticks, taste my craft. I put some potatoes into my mouth before I chewed it out and spat it out of my mouth. This dish of potato salt is too much, and almost killed me. So, I had to throw out this dish of my life for the first time in my life. I was sad and sad. Think: how can this be done? I have wasted two potatoes in vain! I'm not going to try it again!

  But then I thought, no! I must make this dish of potatoes! So I regained my confidence and began to fry potatoes for the second time. This time, although the salt did not put much, but, those naughty cooking oil is like the ants on the hot pot to jump up and down, all splashed on the right hand side of the spatula, making me painful. Later, I got a brainwave and took two layers of plastic bags from the fridge and held them in my hand.

  Ha ha, I don't need to be afraid of naughty cooking oil any more! After more than ten minutes, the fragrant potato is finally at the table! I couldn't hide the joy of my heart, and immediately picked up the chopsticks and took a taste of the potatoes. Wow, that's a great meal! I taste them to overcome difficulties, after a hard efforts made to black, one side looking at me on the right hand to be eating Fried of blisters, thought: just Fried a few blisters on my right hand, and will be able to switch to a plate to her delicacies, even more point of injury, also value! Today, my heart is happy, sweeter than honey. Because, I became a conquering warrior, no longer afraid of any difficulty!

  Friends, the difficulty itself is not terrible, the terrible is that you did not defeat it's courage. Face it with a smile, take out your wisdom, you will be able to attack like me, invincible, become a victorious general who beats hard!


  In the blink of an eye, we have unwittingly entered the third day, and the first turning point in our life ushered in our first great challenge. In the first three years, it is the most splendid year of our life. We, in the third year, said goodbye to our old play and our past freedom. We are no longer young and frivolous, we are free to do whatever we want. In the first three years of our life, we have learned the important mission we have been carrying, and we have grown up a lot.

  I believe that this memory will be treasured all our lives, and we should never forget that we, who used to be the same, studied hard every day, listened to the teacher, and followed the instructions of my parents. Early in the morning to get up early, don't like in the home, every day up this late, we meet the fiery red sun, running in the playground, steps as moving melody in my ears. The cold and the heat, whether light or not, can see our handsome figure. With the morning sun, we are ready to go. We haven't forgotten the time when we studied hard and studied hard in class, even when some of the drowsiness had been tolerated. In the late study, still have our busy figure, we become not afraid of exhaustion, arrive at rest, also will study earnestly. In the third day of study, we shed countless sweat, even if we don't succeed, and we have no regrets, because we really tried. We are in grade 3, with learning, also have friendship, each respective, from home to study in the outside, everyone CARES about each other, when students caught a cold, passed me a cup of hot water, when students are absent for the tutorial, this one is the also in enhancing the friendship between us, we are in grade 3, with struggle, with friendship.

  In the first three, we all have ideals, our struggles and struggles, and we hope to realize our ideals, and we are in the period of our integrity. If we fight hard, the river of youth will grow in our hearts for thousands of years. The tree of youth will grow in our hearts. The dream of youth will be eternal in our hearts. We, the first three, have the ideal, the pursuit.

  We are in the first three, love in the first three, the ideal in the first three, the first three we, have the passion, have the power, to do all this. Our time in the first three years, it is worth recalling, everyone's efforts, everyone's friendship, each person's ideal, will weave our colorful youth years.


  West lake is a poem, a natural picture, a beautiful story, a beautiful fairyland. During the holidays last year, my parents and I came to the west lake to see the beautiful scenery.

  Because west lake is very beautiful, there are many people to visit. My father told me that there were so many people here, that thousands of people came here every year, so that the west lake was so charming.

  We came to the west lake, when it was still autumn, and the leaves of the lake had become red, and some leaves fell off, and they fell like a butterfly. Look at the surface of the lake. The lake is very calm. Only the ripples from the boat are still rippling. There is an island in the middle of the hu, where the trees, flowers and grass are very much, and from a distance, it looks like a colorful ball of velvet.

  Su bai dike, Yang liuyi. On both sides are water waves of the charming, the boat spot, the distance is the mountains and the sky, green and green. The beauty is not only in autumn, but also in the summer, and the lotus blossoms in the summer, and the red plum after the winter snow. No matter when you come, you will get a different look.

  Beautiful west lake just as the great poet su shi likes "if the west lake is more than xi zi, light makeup is always appropriate". Ah, beautiful west lake, I love you!

初二英语日记 (菁华5篇)(扩展5)

——初二旅游的英语日记 (菁华3篇)


  This summer holiday, I had a great travel toGuangzhouwith my parents.Guangzhouis a beautiful city, and it is named as theFlowerCity. The main streets are wide and clean, which sometimes are crowded with cars. There are plenty of trees and flowers in the roadsides, which make the city green. We visited to the White Cloud Mountain,ChenClanAcademy,GuangzhouTowerand other tourist attractions. Except for scenery, the Guangzhou Food is very famous, the soup and morning tea especially. I tried many delicious foods there, and I find that all of them are my favorite. It’s a memorable trip that brings pleasure and leisure to us. I thinkGuangzhouis a city worth of visiting.



  Last sunday, my friend LiXuan and I took a train to QIng Island. First, We visited the ocean in motion and played many exciting games. Later, we went to the Buddy Bear restaurant and got some delicious food. Furthermore, We went to the beach and played in the water. also, we took photos with the foreigners at the beach. we had a great time there. I think Qing Island is really a exciting place. If I have the time ,I will go there again!


  it is sunny on 11th,april,saturday. My parents and I paid a visit to Qingdao by bus. There are many places of interest in Qingdao. we went to the beach, visited the Musuem and May 4th Square.It got its name in memory of the May 4th Movement. it is composed of the Shizhengting Square, the central square and the coastal park. We also had all kinds of delicious seafood. Although we're tired,we had a good time. I want to visit Qingdao again.
