
首页 / 求职信 / | 2023-02-17 00:00:00




dear sir/madame:

  your advertisement for a network maintenance engineer in the april 10student daily interested me because the position that you de- scribed sounds exactly like the kind of job i am seeking.

  according to the advertisement,your position requires a good university degree,bachelor or above in computer science or equivalent field and proficient in windows nt 4.0and linux system.i feel that i am competent to meet the requirements.i will be graduating from university this year with a studies have ncluded courses in computer control and management and i designed a control simulation system developed with microsoft visual and sql server.

  during my education,i have grasped the principles of my major subject area and gained practical only have i passed cet - 6,but more importantly i can communicate fluently in ability to write and speak english is a good standard.

  i would welcome an opportunity to attend you for an interview.

  enclosed is my resume and if there is any additional information you require,please contact me.

  yours faithfully,

  wan long
























  在学校学*,基本理论知识,或实际操作技能,我把优秀的结果。在学校除了学*,我还积极参加社会实践活动。曾经在XX学院参加“三下乡”社会实践活动。被授予“优秀积极分子”XX 5月到10月曾去法国学*西方饮食文化和法国的高星级酒店实践,这样我能掌握更多的西餐服务的标准和系统。能使用流利的法语和客人沟通。
























  交际能力是你在工作中表现出来的最重要的能力,而你的求职信就是向用人单位展现你在这方面竟争力的第一个机会。求职信应该有说服力、通俗易懂而且亲切*人。第一个交际行为都是关于你个人的一个信息。在求职过程中可能会用到以下几种信函: 申请信、求职函、信息型信函、感谢信、接受信、撤回申请信、拒绝信。

  1.申请信:这类信函的作用是使用人单位有兴趣看你的简历并为你安排面试。你应考虑采取的策略是说明你是符合招聘要求的人选。仔细研究招聘要求,然后选择一个或几个能有力说明你适合这份工作的方面,如受教育程序、经历、兴趣或责任心等等,还 要将你过去的工作表现和经历与申请的工作联系起来。

  2.求职函:这尖信函的作用于和写作方法与申请信大同小异,它不适用于在异地寻 求工作。信函的形式要与具体的求职目标相对应。写这类信件更应注重从职业和所在机 构的角度来陈述自己能够适应工作环境要求的理由。

  3.信息型信函:这类信件可以为你提供一次参加咨询的机会,而不是一次面试。你会在咨询会上见到一些人,他们会给你提供有关你申请的'那个工作的情况,你想得到一 次面试机会的初衷可能会有所改变,但是你希望与一些人联系并得到他们的帮助的意愿 应始终保持真诚。

  4.感谢信:这是一个非常重要但却在求职过程中很少被运用的一种信函。它可以帮助你树立良好的信誉,表达你的感激之情,或许不能增加你成功的机率。每一个帮助过你的人都值得你去感谢他们。在参加完面试之后,如果你打算写一封感谢信,一定不要拖过24个小时,而且要给每一个你会过面的人都发一封。对那些在人才交流会上见过面 的人和那些给你提供过帮助的人,你也应该给他们发感谢信。

  5.接受信:如果你接受了对方提供的条件,应该发一封这样的信对此加以确认,也 应该积极肯定用人单位的选择,通常情况下,在你发出这类信函之后,应该给对方打个 电话,以进一步讲座有关的细节性问题。

  6.撤回申请信:你一旦接受了一份工作,出于礼貌你应给其它你所申请的单位发一封信,以撤回你的申请。对这些单位对你的申请所给予的考虑表示感谢。你应从个人的 角度来说明接受另一份工作的原因,千万不要说你选择了一个更好的工作。

  7.拒绝信:这类信函并非只有用人单位可以发。求职者可能发现用人单位提供的条件与他们的求职目标不符,因此应该考虑巧妙地拒绝用人单位提供的条件,但是在采取这一行动之前,求职者应充分考虑那些条件,在认为确实不适合自己时才这样做,同时 也不要忘记发一封感谢信,对用人单位给予的机会表示谢意。




  2. 个人资料:写信人应述明自己的年龄或出生年月,教育背景,尤其是和应征的职位有关的训练或教育科目、工作经验或特殊的技能;如无实际经验,略述在学类似经验亦可。

  3. 备询人员或推荐人:正常的顺序是先获得这些人同意后再把他们的姓名、地址列入信中,推荐人二至三名即可。

  4. 结尾:求职信的结尾在希望并请求未来的雇主允以面谈的机会,因此,信中要表明可以面谈的时间。使用的句子要有特性、避免软弱、老生常谈的滥调。


  在找工作过程中,一封漂亮的求职信就像一位出色的“使者”,可以在您未和用人单位见面之前,就展现出您的长处, 展示自己的求职信使您能能增加获得面试的机会。为此,您需要精心设计好您的个人求职信,写一封成功的求职信。








  你的求职信能被挑出来了,你还得让人能集中心思看下去。如果你练得一手好书法,这时正好可以派上用场,如果你的字不那么漂亮,还是不要献丑为好,用电脑打印出来,清晰、工整而美观。求职信力求简洁,如果资料较多,可以借鉴报纸编排手法,通过设小标题、分设不同字体、分段、空行等使全部内容版块清晰、脉络分明,主旨突出,易于把握重点。否则,密密麻麻、乱糟糟一大片只恐令人难以卒读。 能让人事主管人员认真审阅完你的求职信,你就向成功又迈进了一步。

  使用“从事事件=结果”这种格式 内容就是一切,所以一定要突出你的能力,成就以及过去经验,使你的简历更出众。仅有漂亮的外表而无内容的简历是不会吸引人的。仔细分析你的能力并阐明你能够胜任这份工作。强调以前的事件,然后一定要写上结果, 比如:“组织了公司人员调整,削减了无用的员工,每年节约550000元。”


Dear xxx:

  Ms. Huang Lijia of your company has told me that your dept needs a manager assistant,and I wish to ap*** for the position. I will graduate from commercial school next month. My outstanding record at school and some experience in business has prepared me for the work you are calling for.

  I am really interested in learning business practice,and also a diligent worker and a fast learner. If given a chance, I am sure I can prove my worth in your company.

  I will be available during the weekdays in the morning for any interviews you may want to give. Enclosed is my resume,and hoping for your immediate re***.

  Sincerely yours,



  ville, date


  votre entreprise travaillant dans divers secteurs de la recherche et en particulier sur des techniques de télécommunications, je suis vivement attirée par un stage dans votre entreprise.

  je suis actuellement en seconde année d'école d'ingénieur à l'institut national des télécommunications où je vais me spécialiser dans les systèmes et techniques micro-ondes et optiques. ainsi, je recherche un stage de 5 mois de septembre XX à janvier XX dans ce domaine afin de développer et mettre en pratique mes diverses connaissances techniques et théoriques. de plus, ayant une expérience de trois mois dans une unité de recherche ainsi qu'une formation initiale en physique fondamentale, je suis particulièrement motivée pour poursuivre dans une activité orientée recherche (et développement).

  dans l'attente d'un prochain contact, je vous prie d'agréer, madame, l'expression de mes sincères salutations.








  Dear Sir or Madam,

  It’s greatly appreciated that you can share your time to read my self—recommendation letter. My name is Wang Jiang,22,majoring in English. I will graduate from HuBei Normal University in June XX with honors. In the course of four—year university study,I was appointed as vice monitor and the chairman of the League Member. Now I am the member of CPC. Thanks to my industry,I have passed TEM4, CET6 ,TEM8.Meanwhile,four years I reaped many rewards,such as national scholarship,the first ranking scholarship,the second ranking scholarship,3 good’s student,outstanding student leader9 f2 m and excellent League Member,etc.

  H,“Only after polishing, the sword will be sharp; only after suffering severe winter, the plum blossom will be fragment.” After four—year hard study, I have possessed the quality to be a qualified English teacher. I got the second price in teacher skill competition in HuBei Normal University as well as the first price in normal students’ teaching lesson .

  Four—year hard working arms me with solid specialized knowledge. Now, I have mastered the basic English skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation; and also have a good knowledge of grammar, phonetics, linguistics etc. Additionally, extensive reading has broadened my mind. It acquainted me with western countries’ culture and custom. Hard working also rewards me with high scores in examination.

  With a perfect mastery of specialized knowledge, I also developed myself in all-round way. I have been paying special attention to foster my managerial ability, coordinate ability and cooperative ability. So I have done lots of jobs during my college life, such as working as a student secretary of the college of foreign studies, an English training teacher of Info Tech Essentials, Inc. HuangShi Branch, a private tutor. I have not only done a good job but also have leant a lot from such experiences.

  Moreover, my self-confidence, industry, and enthusiasm as well as great passion pave the way for conquering the difficulties which would occur in future work.

  All in all, please do believe I am competent enough and I can feel up to this position. I am positive about a success in this post.

  Your sincerely,



  xxx distinguished leadership:

  **** i see from your company's recruitment of inspiration. *** would like to job positions!

  your reputation at home and abroad, such as your company able to engage in creative work, i would be very honored. the brief i tell you. i am ** years old, *, live *********。 school of advertising is now the department of xx *** *** specializing in design, this year * on graduating. "*****" my graduation project was rated "outstanding professor of design ",*** designed specifically recommended by this author to the" ** "magazines. last summer, i should be invited to the city television station, participated in public service ads "****" creative, production, the advertisement broadcast in the city, and the community. my graduation project teacher, the famous professor xx is willing for me to write letter of recommendation from employers.

  i love creative advertising, advertising production, and in practice there have been some successes. i studied for four years i have been in this industry has laid a solid foundation, i am confident that your company can do creative work, please give me the opportunity to your company.

  if your company agree to accept me, please contact me. my mailing address is a postal code :********, xxxxxx, phone xxxxxxx, e-ail :***********




  Dear Mr. Arline,

  I would like to be considered as a candidate for the assistant computer programmer position advertised in the Philadelphia Inquirer on April 28, 20xx.

  I’m currently finishing my degree in Computer Science at Rowan University. I have taken every required computer course offered at Rowan and have a solid background in the following computer languages: C++, Visual Basic, Pascal, and COBOL. In addition to my computer background, I have supplemented my education with business and mathematics courses.

  My knowledge of computers and the business field goes beyond my formal classroom education. For the past two years I have worked part-time at Radio Shack, where I have gained experience in sales and inventory control. Also, on my own initiative, I designed a demonstration program for the Compaq Presario 5062 and developed promotional fliers about the program.

  In short, I believe I have the up-to-date computer background and professional drive needed to contribute to your organization. I have enclosed a copy of my resume to give you further details about my experience. Sometime next week, I’ll give a call to see whether I can come in for an interview at your convenience. I look forward to speaking with you then.




  Respected business leaders:


  Thank you for your first start reading, giving me the opportunity to you goes to my cover letter.

  I Jiangxi Vocational College of Economics an d Management Department of Logistics Management xxx graduates with the same number of our students, graduate an d harvest in sight, waiting for the test of the community an d look forward to your choice.

  I was born in rural areas, studying in the city, so honest an d generous Chinese farmers an d urban people”s traditional virtues of a strong confident personality in me to get the perfect combination, which I have good social adaptation. University for three years to hone more I experience the significant increase in overall capacity strengthening, personal qualities to be a qualitative leap.

  Bao Jianfeng from sharpening out, plum blossom from the bitter cold, looking back, slowly an d study hard more than a dozen set, I split the air waves in the vast Xuehai cut, to seek the knowledge of the mountain. To pursue their studies of the exquisite, the pursuit of ambitions to achieve, manifestation of the pursuit of personal values, learning career, I have sought all-round development in physical an d moral. I sweat pour out of fruitful results. college three years, I have every year are very outstan ding professional achievements, an d received third-class scholarship. Not only that, but also repeatedly been assessed "outstan ding cadres” college, many times the individual literary works in the College of Competition award.

  Knowledge while at the same time I did not forget to shape their own character, honesty, unity an d good to my usual style, aggressive, hard work is my unique personality. To accompany raising their overall quality, I have actively participated in school a variety of meaningful activities outside; addition to specialized courses, I was the other after-school elective courses, including literature, psychology, acCounting, management, etc., in order to broaden their knowledge. usually either studying or living, I have to deman ding their own, I will put this character to the work which, strive to improve their ability to work, make their businesses grow gradually with the growth.

  "Decade of sword, frost edge never try ”, I sincerely hope to become a member of your organization, I will, with enthusiasm an d tenacity of character to work hard an d cooperate with colleagues, contribute to savings for many years as a unit wisdom an d skill. urge acceptance letter, is hope, I await your good news! I believe my ability, but I believe you are the right choice! give me a chance, I will have you a miracle!




  dear sir or madam,

  i am ap***ing for the position of secretary advertised in beijing today. i majored in business english. my training in business english and secretarial english will definitely meet your qualifications.

  i’ll graduate form beijing university in june XX. in addition to the required courses of my major, i’ve studied computer as my second major. i’ve also had a part-time job as a secretary in a company for 2 years. i am confident that my qualifications and experience make me suitable for this position.

  i have enclosed a complete resume for detailed information. i hope you will consider me for this position. please reach me by telephone xxx



  Dear Sir/Madam:

  Thank you very much for skimming my letter in your busy time.And I am very appreciate than your esteemed company would give me an opportunity.First please allow me to introduce myself.

  My English name is Cathy.I am the graduate student in Foreign College of Jingsu University of Science and Technology.I learn that your company is recruiting now.I am confident that four years of university study and the social practice can help me to ap*** for the

  position in your company.I have had a solid theoretical foundation because of the four years of English learning.The annual internship experience make me from theory to practice, although I have no formal work experience.However I am sure that I have a certain degree of understanding of the foreign trade posts and the translation work.And I believe that I have a strong learning ability, and Ican completely adapt to the new work in a short time.

  Under the teacher’s strict teaching and my personal efforts, I have formed a solid foundation of profeional knowledge, mastered the busine English knowledge.At the the spare time I also actively read the profeional knowledge of the relevant newspapers and magazines, understing the new economic situation, and initially have a good command of English basic communication and

  translation ability.In addition, I also actively participate in community activities and volunteer service activities, take part in the English speech contest, translation contest, English tongue twisters and English about the game, also involve in the strawberry Music Festival, better Xijin ferry and other large activities of the volunteer activities.These practice allow me to chece my knowledge, and also make me to have the strong ability of ***ysis and solving problems, and make me more confident and mature.

  Self-confidence and perseverance is my principle,and calm and optimism is the attitude of my way.I have the confidence and hope to get the opportunity to work in your company.

  Attach a brief resume.Thank you again for your concern for me.Look foraward to your re***.



  Dear Sir/Madam:

  Now and then corporations send out feelers for just the right type of creative person. This person must fit very specific criteria. Usually, after all is said and done, the corporation wants a business person who can manage, create and communicate. A seasoned professional who"s been around for a while.

  If you"ve been looking for this rare combination of business savvy and design expertise, my background might interest you:

  Ten years of working experience. Solid background in the management of creative up-and-comers.

  Know new technologies that show instant profit, such as CAD/CAM.

  This is but a brief summary of my abilities. And there is much, much more to share.I feel I have strong marketable skills in which you would be interested. Please contact me if you would like to hear and see more.


  respect leadership:

  first, extends the deep respect to your industrious work, in spite of being very busy very thanks you to glance through my material.also hoped that it can open the opportunity and the succe gate of for me.

  my name am xx, is the foreign language foreign trade training college international trade specialized 06 seions of graduates.the graduation in namely, is facing the future and enterprise’s choice, i the position which provides to your firm is

  interested very much.

  “in the work the academic society work, the academic society studies in the study”。 three year university life, i record “one point to do farm work sincerely frequently, one point harvest” the maxim and loves the hillock profeional spirit, and merges it to the study and the work。英文求职信 three year study, i mainly studied foreign trade shan zheng to study, curricula and so on economic, accounting, market marketing, international trade and practice, foreign trade letters and telegrams, international commerce english, through the international trade practice’s study and the practice, caused my to further be familiar with the foreign trade service detailed flow, while learned the specialized knowledge, i have also studied computer’s related knowledge, could utilize office series office softwares well and so on word, had the good team spirit

  and the very strong sense of responsibility, could bear hardships and stand hard work, honestly, is self-confident, is profeional。英文求职信

  as a graduating university graduate, i also lack the rich work experience, but i will work even more diligently, will enrich themselves and consummates unceasingly.simultaneously also believed that through own diligently the help which can provide with your firm, i can be competent this work and with your firm together diligently, promotes company’s enterprise unceasing development forward.even if your firm thought that my present condition has not met your requirement, i will pay attention to your firm’s development as always, and exprees i sincerest wish!

  “the sea depends on the fish dive extravagantly, day gao renniao flies.”i hoped earnestly your firm can give me an

  opportunity, i take the work filled with warm, the rigorous practical work will serve as the company

  sets sail, depends strength of your east wind.will be anticipating your soon answer!

  i herewith offer



  Dear Mr.Brown,

  My friend-Li Ming wants to ap*** for a position with your firm. Now,I‘d like to introduce my friend to you. Li Ping graduated from a college three years ago and since then he has worked as a lawyer. He is good at English and knows some Japanese.

  He works hard and is careful in everything he does. He is honest,kind and easy to get on with. He was born on May 1,1968 in Jinan,Shandong Province,China. He is married and lives at No.148 Renmin Road,Jinan city.He shows great interest in your firm. If he is accepted,he will do his best. I’m sure he will be fit for the position.

  If you agree with him,please write a letter to him,his telephone number is 6600537. Yours truly


  Ms. Gao:

  I was referred to you by Mr. Zhang, a Partner with your Beijing office, who informed me that the Shanghai office of your company is actively seeking to hire quality individuals for your Auditor Program.

  I have more than two years of accounting experience, including interning as an Auditor last year with the Beijing office of CCCC. I will be receiving my MBA this May from Tsinghua University. I am confident that my combination of practical work experience and solid educationalexperience has prepared me for making an immediate contribution to your company. I understand the level of professionalism and communication required for long-term success in the field. My background and professional approach to business will provide your office with a highly productive Auditor upon completion of your development program.

  I will be in the Shanghai area the week of April 16. Please call me at 136001216901 to arrange a convenient time when we may meet to further discuss my background in relation to your needs. I look forward to meeting you then.



  Dear Sir,

  I have learned from JobsPower.com on 29 May, 20xx that there is a vacancy in your firm, and I wish to ap*** for the position. I am a graduate of Hong Kong Polytechnics, class of 1996. For the last four years I have been working as a salesman for Hong Kong Trading Company, and I an just quitting that firm in a few days.

  Enclosed you will please find a letter of recommendation from my present employer who appreciates my performance very much but have to let me go, for his firm is going to be closed. While working with Hong Kong Trading Company, I have a good chance to know all the leading chemical product manufactures in this area. My connections bulit with them in the past may employ me as a salesman. I am sure that these manufacturers would equally welcome my service if I work for you.

  I shall appreciate a personal interview at your convenience.


  Name Li Lei

  Age Twenty

  Nationality Han

  Date of Birth May 1st, 1985

  Place of Birth Beijing

  Present Address 5 Dongzhimen Street

  School Beijing No.1 Middle School

  June 9, xxxx

  Dear manager,

  I will graduate from Beijing No.1 Middle School in July. I have studied English for six years. I’m interested in English very much. I am especially good at spoken English and typing, and my typing speed is 100 words a minute.

  I can operate the personal computer and make programs for it. I can get information from the Internet and send information on business through it. If I’m accepted, I’ll work hard, and be a good worker.


  Respect leadership: hello!

  Thank you very much for you to ChengYue my letter of application. I am xx xx university of nursing graduates. I have a solid basic medical knowledge, skilled operation technology and outstanding work ability, I have confidence for the job. Here, I to your unit duty。

  Choose itself means competition, have a competition to more fully realize their value. Hope this competition results can let me have in your work and the opportunity to learn.

  Medicine is a sacred science, the value of it is to save people's life. Four years of theoretical study and more than a year of clinical practice, I have formed a rigorous attitude towards study, careful way of thinking and strength of character. Treat patients I have a love and caring heart, I love nursing career. Four years of medical edify round my medical dream, let me wings more rich, I want to be in the actual clinical continues to pursue advanced studies.

  During the period of school, I not only learned more professional knowledge, improve the comprehensive quality, I have let student life department minister, theory ZhongXinZu group leader, the organization carries out the party many knowledge learning activities, to organize many hundred bedroom comparison, DIY competition, has the certain organization foundation and innovation competence. In an effort to learn the professional knowledge at the same time, I continue to enrich themselves, and positive to the party the organization draws close, presently for party members, have accepted senior party class training, and smooth through the party class exam, striving to become one of today's society the inter-disciplinary talent.

  As the 21st century college students, I did not only satisfies in the theory of knowledge learning, often to social theory with practice, from personal practice to improve their comprehensive ability. I believe that I can adapt to the present social fierce competition environment. The sincere thank you for your attention to my, I hope your unit can give me a dream, the chance to show the talent, I wish your esteemed school venture, and repeated success! Look forward to receiving your re*** letter.

  With best regards cover: XXX


  dear sir/madam:

  my name is , and i am a sophomore of orient science & technology colleges of hunan agriculture university. my major is english. and i have chosen japanese as my second major.

  i heard that your travel association has established a centre for american tourists in my town, and you are going to employ tourist guides. i am very interested in the job. on one hand, since i am the local people, i am familiar with the environment surround. on the other hand, i majored in english, and i am good at english. so i want to ap*** for the job position. i sincerely hope to be one of you. so i deliver my application letter, attached with some copies of certificates i’ve got in college, to your company. if you are satisfied with my conditions, please arrange an interview with me. thanks a lot, and my best wishes to you.

  sincerely yours,


  i am very interested in the production artist position advertised in the beijing youth daily on wednesday, july 30, XX. with more than 3 years of experience in a variety of graphics production positions, i feel that i would be an excellent candidate.

  my resume is enclosed summarizing where my skills and abilities have been developed. i would welcome the opportunity to discuss my background with you further at your convenience.


  jerry che






Dear Sir or Madam,

  I am writing to ap*** for a position as a computer engineer in your company.First of all,your company is the king in the area of software and is well-known for its development of software.It would be a great opportunity for me to start my career in the company.What is more,my major is computer,and I have a strong interest in software.

  When I was still a freshman,I got Band Two certificate for computer,which was outstanding in my class.Besides,

  I have attended various computer contests and won top prizes several times,which greatly enriched my knowledge on computer.Finally,I had once worked part-timely in a company for two years,and I gained wide experience in

  software in these two years.

  I would be pleased if you could offer me an opportunity to interview me.Looking forward to your re***.Sincerely yours

  Li Hua.


  Dear leaders:

  Hello! thank you for your work in the busy taking the time to read my cover letter!

  My name is wu jian-wei, now studying at the "guangdong-level vocational schools" (baiyun campus). repair by professional automotive repair and testing. through learning and long-standing practice in this area of knowledge, there has been a certain degree of understanding and grasp of modern technology especially in personnel requirements, therefore, find ourselves at a new era of me, ever engraved in their strict requirements.

  I have taken leave, work-study program, in factories, by virtue of their ability to pay to obtain their own sweat, but whether it is school or work in practice either, so i have learned there are many knowledge: unity, friendship and positive, person-to-person communication between the trust and so on! i am good at exchanges disciplinary class members, and students get along very well, but also the teacher's right-hand man!

  I like sports, especially basketball (basketball organization has on many occasions), i play basketball in real life and like me ... ... only insisted that the struggle, not afraid of any of the working class, because only by their own efforts to shed the sweat is the most gratifying, the most practical! may be i am not the best, but i will strive to do everything! i believe that if your company needs a cautious, realistic and positive innovation, unity, and hard-working staff, i will be a qualified candidates! i am confident that by virtue of their strength, their youth in the professionalism of your company will certainly be recognized and affirmed!

  The pursuit of never-ending, never struggle period! it is with feelings of tension and excitement into the community, but also full of great feelings and enthusiasm looking forward to finding every opportunity to seize every opportunity! could i ask your company the opportunity to display their own, i will exert my utmost efforts for your company make a greater contribution! i hope that the leadership can be taken into account for me, how much i look forward to hearing from you, thank you!

  sincerely, who put themselves forward


Dear leaders,


  First of all, thank you for your busy schedule to take time to read my cover letter.

  I am a about to graduate in 20xx Student , the school is a computer professional.

  University for four years, I learned a wealth of expertise and their ability to exercise. Through four years of studying, I have the C language, assembly language, compiler principle, Powerbuilder, database theory, and object-oriented C + + and VC + +, etc. have a certain understanding of Windows programming. I also had extra-curricular learning Delphi programming, ASP dynamic pages and web-based database. Learn the computer must have a strong level of foreign language, I am fairly good results in the continuity of the state through the four examinations in English, is now capable of reading and translation of computer data. Also worth mentioning is the use of spare time I had to pass Microsoft's MCSE (Microsoft Certified System Engineer).

  Into the school since, I take full advantage of a wide range of spare time to participate in social practice. Have been done in two Internet companies, such as network management and technicians work part-time. Accumulated a wealth of practical experience, especially in network management and maintenance.

  If fortunate enough to join, I can your company's local area network dedicated to the design and implementation, as well as maintenance, WAN or LAN switching and routing design and maintenance.

  Finally once again thank you for your patience in reading my cover letter.




Dear Sir/Madam,

  I was referred to you by Mr. Wang, a Partner with your Beijing office, who informed me that the Shanghai office of your company is actively seeking to hire quality individuals for your Auditor Program.

  I have more than two years of accounting experience, including interning as an Auditor last year with the Beijing office of CCCC. I will be receiving my MBA this May from Peking University. I am confident that my combination of practical work experience and solid educational experience has prepared me for making an immediate contribution to your company.

  I understand the level of professionalism and communication required for long-term success in the field. My background and professional approach to business will provide your office with a highly productive Auditor upon completion of your development program.

  I will be in the Shanghai area the week of May 10. Please call me at

  13 to arrange a convenient time when we may meet to further discuss my background in relation to your needs. I look forward to meeting you then.




dear mr. cavendish,

  I saw your advertisement in the local paper this evening,and i wonder if you would consider me for a job as a waiter this summer.

  I am seventeen years old and at present am studying english and economics. when i leave school, i hope to take a course in hotel management. during the school holidays last summer, i worked as a waiter at the central hotel. the headwaiter there, mr. macintosh, will be pleased to send you a recommendation for me.

  I would prefer to work in your hotel in filey because it is near my home. however, if there isn’t any job there for me, perhaps you could consider me for the scarborough hotel.

  I would be pleased if you will send me information about the pay and conditions of the job to be offered. i will be free to begin work in the fourth week of july when the school holidays start.

  yours sincerely,

  peter tuck


  dear leaders:


  yiyang medical college as a XX session of the health care professional graduates, i am eager and sincere wish to become part of your house.

  such a request may be too sudden and presumptuous, but i only seek to occupy the least of your valuable time to the most simple language so that you understand me, appreciate me, accept me!

  i was born in hunan province, a mountain city,, i do the traininginto the hall. yiyang medical college in the three-year study period, i have laid a solid foundation for the professional, master and explore in depth a variety of medical knowledge, in order to meet the needs of modern medicine, i am learning the relevant medical knowledge, is now basically understood. and at the national level through the computer. accumulation of knowledge for more than ten years and three years of professional training so that i move closer to a qualifiedrequirements, training and practice of performance results also proved that i am a doctor of occupational competence. i am confident, the end of the students in my career, set foot on the first day of the medical path, i will be a qualified.

  hospital doctors have long heard of your team strong and demanding for the staff, but i know that this is the source of high quality medicine, i also admire an important reason for your hospital. a management system of reasonable, good quality of hospital doctors is what i yearn for the three years to study, it is also the release i would have preferred to be warm with their sky. i believe that access to your house will be the beginning of the work i have no reason to regret his choice.

  so hard for so many years, committed to education,have achieved, urge you to give me a chance to display their own; kunpeng wings, filled with people of the world, cheng xie, i will return an unprecedented surprise you.

  sincerely be absolutely sure,your good news!


Dear Sir,

  I take liberty to write you in the hope that you might need someone to fill in for you . I feel that I am qualified as an administrator.

  I am currently a student at college, I have over a month more to complete before I graduate. My major is business administration.

  I have excellent grades in all my subjects. If you wish to look at these information it will be sent to you later.

  I have worked at a trading company as a secretary, but I hope to seek more responsible employment.

  I am 25 years old and very honest and dependable. If you need someone with my qualifications, please let me know.

  Thank you very much for your kind attention.


  Cheng Dan


  dear sir,

  i have learned from china daily that your company is looking for a secretary who is fluent in english i would like to ap*** for the post.

  my name is fu tao and i'm 25, i've been working as an english guide since i graduated from the english department of zhejiang university four years ago. i am hard working and i have learned to operate computer and i can type both in english and chinese. i seek a position more challenging and with more opportunities than my current one. i think i am fit for the post.

  should you entertain my application favorably, i would spare no efforts to acquit myself to your satisfaction.

  yours truly,



  i take the liberty to write you in the hope that you might need someone to fill in for you. i feel that i am qualified as an fitnes

  i am currently a student at college,i have over a month more to complete before i graduate. my major is sports department.

  i have an excellent sports achievements. if you want to look at these information will be sent to you later

  i have previously served as the *** sports coaches, but also qualified nutritionist, but i am hoping to find a more responsible job opportunities.

  i am now 22 years old, honest, a better physique.if you need someone with my qualifications, please let me know.

  thank you very much for your kind attention.

  cen li fa sincerely yours


Dear Sir/Madam,

  Today I am here is for my future find a way out, although this is the first step, it is very important step, I hope all teachers can give me a chance. I do not calculate in high school grades at the top, but I have many advantages are other good student not possess, such as from these words you can see my self-confidence, I have strong leadership and imagination, this in the later study and life is very important.

  E-commerce is a beginning of profession, along with the network to the people's life more and more influence dee***, e-commerce will in future world play more important role. China's e-commerce industry has started, and currently lack is this talent, I hope I can make a difference in the industry.


  Cheng Dan


Dear leaders,

  Thank you for your concern about the use of the valuable time of my cover letter!

  My name is , , and this years 22-year-old, height一米八zero, X years in on graduated from the University, his loyalty to honest and reliable; will be day-to-day operation of computers, has won numerous awards in the student and to participate actively in hospital the activities of school organizations, have a good life style and high sense of discipline in mind, the awareness of higher consciousness, to the implementation of good order, a strong sense of teamwork, hard work style, not afraid of hardship, and the courage first to. the work of a sense of responsibility strong, and ready to help others on the tasks assigned by the superiors motivated and good at learning on their own hard work, a certain degree of grass-roots management experience.

  I have learned is the professional management of industrial and commercial enterprises, but I do not rigidly adhere to professional constraints, of all walks of life are full of confidence and love. Of course, in the spare time, I like to do is to read the Exercise and Sport . I like to see some kind of inspirational books, like her spare time for basketball, soccer and other ball games! I think that there is no good physical work conditions can not be backed up, there is no more flexible mind can not be!

  Optional wood and good bird habitat, allow disabled persons to friends. An opportunity to co-operate, to me is a good start, for you are a wise choice. I was a Chollima, as you are pursuing the ability and insight to such a re - The horses only. sincerely hope you can give me a play to realize the value of life, in order to effect social development opportunities. language can only be moved by the people of time, the ability to prove I can. I believe that under your wise leadership, in my diligence efforts, tomorrow I will become a member of your organization best. My credo is: Opportunities favor only those people who are fully prepared.

  I wish you every success for the cause,Waiting for your good news!




Dear Mr××,

  Ms. Huang of your company has told me that your dept needs a manager assistant,and I wish to ap*** for the position. I will graduate from commercial school next month. My outstanding record at school and some experience in business has prepared me for the work you are calling for.

  I am really interested in learning business practice,and also a diligent worker and a fast learner. If given a chance, I am sure I can prove my worth in your company.

  I will be available during the weekdays in the morning for any interviews you may want to give. Enclosed is my resume,and hoping for your immediate re***.


  Cheng Dan



  I have been told by Mr.John L.Pak,Credit Manager, The Business Book Publishing,New York, with whom I believe you are acquainted,that you are expecting to make some additions to your accounting staff in June.I should like to be considered an applicant for one of these positions.

  You can see from the data sheet that is enclosed with this letter that I have had five years of varied experience in the book business.The panies for which I have worked have given me permission to refer you to them for information about the quality of the work I did while in their employ.

  My work was in the credit department and in the accounting department in both panies,with some experience also in inventory control. In both positions,I have been assigned with the daily office administration.The courses taken at Central mercial and the Bronx munity College specifically prepare me for doing the accounting required in your department.

  I hope that you will give me an interview at some time convenient to you.If there is further information that you wish in themeantime,please let me know.I can always be reached at the address given at the beginning of this letter.




dear leaders,

  hello! thank you for your busy schedule to review my written submissions, i will receive you look at the test to get the opportunity to work in your company. i graduated from college apparel fashion design professional. in-school period, i completed a foundation for many disciplines of fashion design knowledge and expertise to study and master the professional skills of fashion design, and has won three good students, outstanding student leaders, outstanding cadres of various honors classes and scholarships.

  i''m a child art and art design is very popular. in 20xx, i finally came through the entrance his ideal institution — institute of clothing technology. costume design professional learning in the hospital, i strongly feel that fashion design is my life, the most important component, and fashion design industry has a higher understanding. i normally conscientiously study professional knowledge, to focus on improving their cultivation and appreciation of art. in school and during the winter and summer vacations, through the practice in the community continue to accumulate their own practical experience, to learn different art factions of nutrition, to develop design ideas, active design thinking, and combining the expertise of science subjects for my own use. i am the spirit of play to their strengths, unity and cooperation with colleagues and serve your business long-term development plan, special to candidates.

  i believe: if you give me a chance, relying on his strong love of clothing and dedication, i have to do to sell your phenomenal achievement. if you are a horses, i would sincerely and confidently tell you: "choose me, can not be wrong! "please believe i also believe that your own choice.


  Cheng Dan


  dear leaders:

  hello! i wish to ap*** your recruitment for the position. i'm all aspects of the conditions is in line with your requirements.july this year, i graduated from the university of xx, the specialty is xx. before graduating, i worked in?? company chief assistant post. during the internship, my attitude towards work and gained the recognition performance, but also to my assistant's work has a better understanding and confidence.

  in college, i have won the scholarship. i also served as a member organization, group secretary, has a strong organization and coordination. a strong sense of professionalism and sense of responsibility that i can face any difficulties and challenges.enclosed with my resume. the chance to interview with you, i would be very grateful.


——英文求职信 菁选

关于英文求职信 8篇

  时间过得太快,让人猝不及防,新一轮的招聘又朝我们走来,让我们一起来学*写求职信吧。千万不能认为求职信随便应付就可以喔,以下是小编收集整理的关于英文求职信 ,希望对大家有所帮助。

关于英文求职信 1










  交际能力是你在工作中表现出来的最重要的能力,而你的求职信就是向用人单位展现你在这方面竟争力的第一个机会。求职信应该有说服力、通俗易懂而且亲切*人。第一个交际行为都是关于你个人的一个信息。在求职过程中可能会用到以下几种信函: 申请信、求职函、信息型信函、感谢信、接受信、撤回申请信、拒绝信。

  1.申请信:这类信函的作用是使用人单位有兴趣看你的简历并为你安排面试。你应考虑采取的策略是说明你是符合招聘要求的人选。仔细研究招聘要求,然后选择一个或几个能有力说明你适合这份工作的方面,如受教育程序、经历、兴趣或责任心等等,还 要将你过去的工作表现和经历与申请的工作联系起来。

  2.求职函:这尖信函的作用于和写作方法与申请信大同小异,它不适用于在异地寻 求工作。信函的.形式要与具体的求职目标相对应。写这类信件更应注重从职业和所在机 构的角度来陈述自己能够适应工作环境要求的理由。

  3.信息型信函:这类信件可以为你提供一次参加咨询的机会,而不是一次面试。你会在咨询会上见到一些人,他们会给你提供有关你申请的那个工作的情况,你想得到一 次面试机会的初衷可能会有所改变,但是你希望与一些人联系并得到他们的帮助的意愿 应始终保持真诚。

  4.感谢信:这是一个非常重要但却在求职过程中很少被运用的一种信函。它可以帮助你树立良好的信誉,表达你的感激之情,或许不能增加你成功的机率。每一个帮助过你的人都值得你去感谢他们。在参加完面试之后,如果你打算写一封感谢信,一定不要拖过24个小时,而且要给每一个你会过面的人都发一封。对那些在人才交流会上见过面 的人和那些给你提供过帮助的人,你也应该给他们发感谢信。

  5.接受信:如果你接受了对方提供的条件,应该发一封这样的信对此加以确认,也 应该积极肯定用人单位的选择,通常情况下,在你发出这类信函之后,应该给对方打个 电话,以进一步讲座有关的细节性问题。

  6.撤回申请信:你一旦接受了一份工作,出于礼貌你应给其它你所申请的单位发一封信,以撤回你的申请。对这些单位对你的申请所给予的考虑表示感谢。你应从个人的 角度来说明接受另一份工作的原因,千万不要说你选择了一个更好的工作。

  7.拒绝信:这类信函并非只有用人单位可以发。求职者可能发现用人单位提供的条件与他们的求职目标不符,因此应该考虑巧妙地拒绝用人单位提供的条件,但是在采取这一行动之前,求职者应充分考虑那些条件,在认为确实不适合自己时才这样做,同时 也不要忘记发一封感谢信,对用人单位给予的机会表示谢意。




  2. 个人资料:写信人应述明自己的年龄或出生年月,教育背景,尤其是和应征的职位有关的训练或教育科目、工作经验或特殊的技能;如无实际经验,略述在学类似经验亦可。

  3. 备询人员或推荐人:正常的顺序是先获得这些人同意后再把他们的姓名、地址列入信中,推荐人二至三名即可。

  4. 结尾:求职信的结尾在希望并请求未来的雇主允以面谈的机会,因此,信中要表明可以面谈的时间。使用的句子要有特性、避免软弱、老生常谈的滥调。

关于英文求职信 2

  在找工作过程中,一封漂亮的求职信就像一位出色的“使者”,可以在您未和用人单位见面之前,就展现出您的长处, 展示自己的求职信使您能能增加获得面试的机会。为此,您需要精心设计好您的个人求职信,写一封成功的求职信。








  你的求职信能被挑出来了,你还得让人能集中心思看下去。如果你练得一手好书法,这时正好可以派上用场,如果你的字不那么漂亮,还是不要献丑为好,用电脑打印出来,清晰、工整而美观。求职信力求简洁,如果资料较多,可以借鉴报纸编排手法,通过设小标题、分设不同字体、分段、空行等使全部内容版块清晰、脉络分明,主旨突出,易于把握重点。否则,密密麻麻、乱糟糟一大片只恐令人难以卒读。 能让人事主管人员认真审阅完你的求职信,你就向成功又迈进了一步。

  使用“从事事件=结果”这种格式 内容就是一切,所以一定要突出你的能力,成就以及过去经验,使你的简历更出众。仅有漂亮的外表而无内容的简历是不会吸引人的。仔细分析你的能力并阐明你能够胜任这份工作。强调以前的事件,然后一定要写上结果, 比如:“组织了公司人员调整,削减了无用的员工,每年节约550000元。”

关于英文求职信 3

Dear leaders,

  Thank you for your concern about the use of the valuable time of my cover letter!

  My name is xxx, XX, and this year's 22-year-old, X years in XXXX on XXX graduated from the University, his loyalty to honest and reliable; will be day-to-day operation of computers,has won numerous awards in the student and to participate actively in hospital the activities of school organizations,have a good life style and high sense of discipline in mind,the awareness of higher consciousness,to the implementation of good order, a strong sense of teamwork, hard work style,not afraid of hardship,and the courage first to. the work of a sense of responsibility strong, and ready to help others on the tasks assigned by the superiors motivated and good at learning on their own hard work,a certain degree of grass-roots management experience.

  I have learned is the professional management of industrial and commercial enterprises,but I do not rigidly adhere to professional constraints,of all walks of life are full of confidence and love. Of course, in the spare time,I like to do is to read the Exercise and Sport . I like to see some kind of inspirational books,like her spare time for basketball,soccer and other ball games! I think that there is no good physical work conditions can not be backed up,there is no more flexible mind can not be!

  Optional wood and good bird habitat,allow disabled persons to friends. An opportunity to co-operate,to me is a good start,for you are a wise choice. I was a Chollima,as you are pursuing the ability and insight to such a re - The horses only. sincerely hope you can give me a play to realize the value of life,in order to effect social development opportunities. language can only be moved by the people of time,the ability to prove I can. I believe that under your wise leadership, in my diligence efforts,tomorrow I will become a member of your organization best. My credo is: Opportunities favor only those people who are fully prepared.

  I wish you every success for the cause。

  Waiting for your good news!


关于英文求职信 4












关于英文求职信 5





  在学校学*,基本理论知识,或实际操作技能,我把优秀的结果。在学校除了学*,我还积极参加社会实践活动。曾经在XX学院参加“三下乡”社会实践活动。被授予“优秀积极分子”XX 5月到10月曾去法国学*西方饮食文化和法国的高星级酒店实践,这样我能掌握更多的西餐服务的标准和系统。能使用流利的法语和客人沟通。


关于英文求职信 6

  ville, date


  votre entreprise travaillant dans divers secteurs de la recherche et en particulier sur des techniques de télécommunications, je suis vivement attirée par un stage dans votre entreprise.

  je suis actuellement en seconde année d'école d'ingénieur à l'institut national des télécommunications où je vais me spécialiser dans les systèmes et techniques micro-ondes et optiques. ainsi, je recherche un stage de 5 mois de septembre XX à janvier XX dans ce domaine afin de développer et mettre en pratique mes diverses connaissances techniques et théoriques. de plus, ayant une expérience de trois mois dans une unité de recherche ainsi qu'une formation initiale en physique fondamentale, je suis particulièrement motivée pour poursuivre dans une activité orientée recherche (et développement).

  dans l'attente d'un prochain contact, je vous prie d'agréer, madame, l'expression de mes sincères salutations.


关于英文求职信 7


















关于英文求职信 8


  I wish to ap*** for the position of editorial assistant adverti.

  I have had considerable editorial experience and am familiar with proofreading, rewriting, and production, as well as the more creative aspects of this type of work. I should like to summarize briefly my experience:


  For two years I was employed as managing editor on an ABC weekly newspaper having a circulation of about 30,000. Here I did a great deal of original writing, wrote the headlines, and worked directly with the printer in setting up the paper.


  Previous to 1978 I worked as assistant editor in Baker International Guide Book, where my duties consisted chiefly of reading proof and rewriting, as well as composing lengthy articles and shorter item.


  I also worked as assistant editor on a trade journal in the food field the Dairy Weekly, where my tasks were similar to those described above, but also included a great deal of interviewing and personal contact with members of the industry.

  All in all, I have had eight years of business experience, and am familiar with all phases of office routine. At present I am employed as promotion manager on an advertising magazine, the future of which is so uncertain as to make its employees desirous of securing a foothold in a more firmly established organization.

  I was graduated from Boston College in June, 1979 with honors, after six years of attendance in the evening session, while working full-time during the day. I majored in English literature and am continuing my studies in this field at present at Thornton University, where I expect to receive my master's degree in June, 1985. At Boston I was for two years managing editor of the evening session newspaper.

  As much as I should like to join your organization, it would not be advisable for me to do so for less that $9,500, which is my present salary.

  I shall be able to call for an interview at your convenience, and shall be able to sup*** any necessary or examples of my previous work.


——英文专业求职信 (菁华12篇)







  在校期间主要学*电工原理、电子技术、电机学、自动控制原理、 cad制图、plc与电气控制、单片机、机械制造基础等。在计算机方面,我广泛地学*计算机软、硬件方面的知识,能熟练地运用 windows98/20xx、 office20xx、vf等软件,同时对internet有一定的了解,能够有效地利用互联网资源。





Dear leader:


  I am a zhuzhou professional technology college graduates. Thank you for taking the time and reading my this cover letter, give me a self-introduction opportunities.

  The university three years turn namely, hopefully I walked into social this more largeness of classroom. The modern world is full of challenge and competition, also full of opportunities. I hope to get a chance to buy from your company, a stage, I used to serve you, to serve the society.

  During the university, in the strict study attitude in learning I pay attention to practical ability, the professional knowledge and in combination with practice, actively take part in all kinds of social activities, learn me to practice, and continuously enhance their ability to work for the future carry out all work and lay a solid foundation.

  During the period of school mainly studies the electrician principle, electronic technology, motor learning, automatic control principle, cad drawing, PLC and electrical control, a single chip microcom*r, mechanical manufacturing base, etc. In com*r aspect, I widely learning com*r software and hardware knowledge, can skilled use Windows 98/20xx, office20xx, vf software such as Internet, at the same time to have certain knowledge, to effectively use the Internet resources.

  Bosom self-confident I recommend yourself, if you're lucky enough to become a member of your company, I would like to start from things, modest, responsible, diligence work in practice continuously study, play to one's own initiative and creativity, try for the company's development and added a brilliance.

  Finally, thank you again for reading this letter, enclosing personal resume, looking forward to your early re*. Wish your unit prosperously.




dear leaders:


  first of all, thank you for your busy schedule to read my.

  jilin university, i was an undergraduate 97 graduates session. four years in school, whether in the intellectual capacity, or in the cultivation of personal qualities, i have benefited from. i study hard, work hard, achieved good results. smoothly through the com*r two examinations, four english-speaking countries, the examination standards in the com*r, i am through learning, is in control of autocad, officeXX, photoshop and other commonly used applications, and proficient in xp and other operating systems. com*r graphic design and image processing and ***ysis also have some expertise, administrators have had the experience of the engine room.

  as a vehicle of professional undergraduate, i am full of love for china's national automobile industry, down-to-earth basic course to learn the professional and outstanding. both the professional practice of curriculum design of the plant or close attachment, every time i examination results are excellent, in their spare time, i also collect a great deal of information relating to motor vehicles, and expand the horizons and enrich the professional knowledge. in changchun city, jilin university, the prestigious association of car enthusiasts, i play the main role of fans has organized recreational activities, and planning multi-phase "fans" magazine, widely praised by teachers and students. may 1999, i was also invited to guest in a radio station in changchun, "fans club" show host.

  in addition to a higher standard of english, com*r courses as well as excellent results, i also focus on personal capability and an integrated quality, who has passed the b-type driver's license, and have a certain amount of auto-repair technology. in social practice, i seize every opportunity to exercise themselves in the al-qaeda as the advertising agency advertising company, in jilin industrial? for the prestigious national law school of kyrgyzstan established the first application station (for the college students to carry out students), also competing in the days law firm served as assistant counsel. in addition, i also actively participate in the club among the students, to assist the college club. party school of jilin university, i have to close down and become the focus of a good party activists. based on the study, i would like to engage with the vehicle-related occupations, for the chinese national automotive industry to take off to fight all his life.

  distinguished leadership, i am anxious to look forward to becoming an employee of your company to my hard-working hard to forge ahead, as well as the spirit of tenacious struggle for the cause of building blocks of your company.

  i eagerly look forward to becoming a member of your company!




Dear leader,

  Hello! First of all, I appreciate your reading my materials in your busy schedule.

  I graduated from shandong university of traditional Chinese medicine of traditional Chinese medicine is professional, I don't want to enjoy "books to time square hate less" suffering, more don't want to be a "young don't work hard," idle young, needy old useless, therefore, in the university life, to accumulate and medical knowledge, improve their various aspects ability. During this period, I have mastered a solid theoretical foundation and made full use of my spare time to participate in clinical practice, which will lay a solid foundation for future clinical practice. Through a large number of clinical practice, I have preliminarily possessed the quality of a medical worker, I believe that the strength of the education, I will realize my life value on the medical path. If knowledge make me have the courage to step into your threshold, to choose and accept you, so, in my own ability and dedication and enthusiasm to the work, combined with their own plasticity and the pursuit of better learning professional knowledge, I think I'll economy in applicants, and become a member of your company. "The machine will try to understand its dull, and the horse will ride and know its good will." Maybe I am not the best, but I will keep trying. Don't seek a comfortable environment, but seek a chance to develop. I am confident that in my new job, I will be humble, steadfast, diligent and enterprising. I will soon be able to enter a new working environment, take on new roles and make satisfactory achievements.

  Look forward to your good news, and wish your company a thriving business.



  Sponsor: xx

  Xx (date) (month) (year)










  dear leaders:


  i am xx university school of materials science and engineering, polymer materials and engineering xx session of a student facing graduation soon.

  xx university is well-known automotive, machinery, materials science and other key personnel training base, has a long history and fine traditions, and are renowned for their rigorous scholarship, education and well known; xx of materials science and engineering university is china's materials science one of the research base. in such a learning environment, whether in the intellectual capacity, or in the cultivation of personal qualities, i have benefited from.

  four years, in the strict division of friends of the efforts and personal lessons, i have a solid foundation of professional knowledge and systematically mastered the basis of materials science, physics, chemistry, organic chemistry, ***ytical chemistry, materials science experiment, mechanical principle and the principle of chemical and other relevant theory; familiar with the work of foreign-related common etiquette; have better japanese listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation and other capabilities; to proficiency in office com*r software. at the same time, i use widely outside school hours a large number of books covered not only enrich their own, but also cultivate a wide range of skills of their own. more importantly, the rigorous style of study and correct learning attitude, i created a simple, stable and innovative character.

  in addition, i also actively participate in various social activities, to seize every opportunity to exercise their own. university for four years, i dee* feel that the best students to work with me to benefit in the competition; practical difficulties to the challenge, let me grow up in frustration. predecessors, taught me hard work, responsibility, kindness, integrity; jilin university, i developed a pragmatic, pioneering style. i love the cause of your organization are engaged, eager to look forward to your leadership, for the glorious cause of building blocks; and practice of continuous learning and progress.

  a time when the pen collection, solemnly raised a small request: regardless of whether you choose me, and distinguished leadership, i hope you will accept my sincere thanks! your organization wishes to the cause of success!











  dear managers:

  i want to ap* for you in the newspaper published about human resources management position. i’m good at working ***ysis and personnel selection and hiring. what i learned knowledge is very suitable for the position

  in 20xx i will graduate and get about human resources certificate. i have a lot of work on human experience you will resume see below. i’m very familiar with job ***ysis. i provides managers with many employees of the information about the ability to help their selection

  i am available for an interview. if you please contact me at this number 15952637483

  i expect you to contact me.

  best wishes




















Dear Mr. Chamberlaine:

  I am seeking a position where I can ap* my experience as an environmental specialist. As an Environmental Project Manager in the Environmental Affairs Department of the Dow Chemical Company, I have gained experience in many areas of the environmental industry, especially hazardous substance and waste management as well as environmental legislation and compliance requirements.

  Specific areas of accomplishment include:

  - Company compliance with applicable local, state, and federal environmental regulations nationwide

  - Design and implementation of training programs to limit company risk and liability in the hazardous substance management field

  - Research and evaluation of cost-effective methods for hazardous substance reduction, recycling and conservation.

  I am interested in an industry position in environmental compliance, hazardous substance management, and/or industrial environmental training and education. I am interested in a company that has a strong interest in developing pro-active programs to limit liability and risk in environmental affairs.

  My resume is enclosed. Thank you for reviewing my credentials, and I look forward to hearing from you.


Wendel B. Thomas


Dear School Leadership:


  My name is XXX, Northeast Normal University Department of History, 20xx session of the professional education graduates, with all graduates, I am with a fervent heart, hoping to find before graduation for my development, hoping for an early bloom of their talent.

  Modern market competition, talent competition. School reform and opening up in the wave of market economy Bo waves water, blow into the festival will benefit from high-quality teachers, as a society we are going into the students, I firmly believe that: as long as give me a chance, I will certainly be able to prove the choice you and I are correct. Because in my past life, have learned to live, learn innovation, the Institute has been successful.

  Contained a few hard harvest a lot. University for four years, I earnestly study and extensive reading courses and professional knowledge of the Literature, History and Philosophy of the book. English and com*r passes the 21st century, so I have to study hard and one-time, through national and state levels in English English CET, and continue to improve English listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities in different aspects. In the com*r, the University second-year secondary examination through the National Com*r, and mastered the operation of the basic ability to use skilled OFFICE, POWER POINT, AUTHORWARE-aided instruction courseware production.

  In learning, I also actively participated in a variety of practical activities to develop their own organizational capacity, unity and cooperation and innovative ability. Especially in the national elite - the National Taiwan Normal University affiliated teaching practice, I understand the deeper meaning of being teachers and masters of the people as a good teacher should possess the quality and teaching skills. Believe me, this will certainly be able to do under the sun the most sacred cause!

  So hard for so many years, worked hard have achieved; thought, do not regret百折committed to education. I wish to ap*, and show ambition Kunpeng; wisdom before knowledge, sincerity Xie.




  dear leaders:


  first of all, sincerely thank you for your busy schedule to visit myself recommendation letter, which is about to step on a school's students are concerned, it will be a great encouragement. this is a simple and plain. perhaps it is not dee* ordinary catch your vision, but it contains a sincere heart. to this end, i sincerely implore you to read the general's heart.

  my name is mrs. xxx, huaiji county from zhaoqing city, zhaoqing city, is a technology vocational school graduates in the accounting profession session. i was calm today with emotion and presented in the written. calm reason, my knowledge and ability will not let you down, will be worthy of your choice; reason for excitement, i decided to come to you without any regrets among the youth, to achieve common success. here, i can not give you some authorities to produce any letter of recommendation for finding my career, but also failed to pile up a pile of award certificates to do for my chips, but can only rent to own more than ten years to study hard results and the nature of hard for me to do the foundation stone, if i have any advantages, it is that i was young, the young is my capital.

  i am a farmer's child, blood is flowing and mellow soil of the simple and honest farmer, but also taught me perseverance the criteria and methods of doing things, family poverty, parental expectations, social competition is what i learn power. i very much cherish the two years of secondary school study. two years in school, i seriously study, hard hard, from the basics of course, the efforts to master the basic skills of their skills, fine deep-drilling research, and to seek the law of its inherent intelligence and wisdom of a person to ap* only to work in practice and to serve the community, good for the community so that effective and efficient to prove himself in order to truly embody the value of their own! i firmly believe that the road is out of step by step. only down-to-earth, hard work to make even better results!

  "devices will test the prophet its利钝, ma liang will be inferior horse riding and then know." i am sure: if i find a fulcrum, the entire planet will be able to撬起, give me a piece of soil as long as i am going to cloud the lives of young workers, the you can not only see my success, but also throughout the autumn harvest. this is my commitment to self-confidence and ability.

  jian-ming setting, the period to the sound. i look forward to this kind grass-inch heart, deep feelings with absolute sincerity that you share a common fate with the development and progress. please give me a chance to leadership, i will use action to prove himself.

  finally, i sincerely wish your company well-developed business and bright future.




Dear Mr. Bates:

  Palm Beach County, according to reliable publications, is one of the fastest-growing counties in the United States. I applaud the tremendous work you are doing at the Palm Beach visitors and convention bureau to attract major events, further improving the economic climate of our thriving area. Your achievements, showcased as the cover story in the latest convention venture, international, are impressive, and I for one would like to be a contributing sales member of your professional team.

  I understand from the article that you are looking to become the number one convention center in Florida, and I feel my sales skills and abilities can help tip the scales from Orlando to palm beach! I offer you:

  9 years of proven experience in convention/event sales

  A verifiable track record for closing major national events

  Strong market ***ysis and strategic planning skills

  A personable, team-spirited professional with a strong network (national) in place

  I will be in West Palm Beach next month. If possible, I would like to visit and personal-le meet with you to introduce myself and my qualifications I will take the liberty of calling you next week to arrange such a meeting

  Thank you for your time and consideration I look forward to speaking and meeting with you soon


  Steve dudes


  Dear leaders:

  Hello! Thank you very much for sparing the time to review my cover letter, I wish to give me the opportunity. As a professional graduates mathematics, mathematics and I love their invested great enthusiasm and energy. Learning to live in a few years, the systematic study of the mathematics profession in the knowledge gained through the internship experience.

  I am a stronger character, studious devotion, self-confident, active thinking, able to quickly accept new things; easy communication, good teamwork and good大局观awareness, have a strong sense of responsibility, professionalism, and integration in a short period of time competent team of teachers and their work

  In college, I am positive, and exert ourselves to achieve in all aspects of the development by leaps and bounds, and comprehensively improve the overall quality of their own, many school leaders have been named outstanding graduates colonel.

  Has a strong ability to work, at school during the family has always served as part-time teaching post, so diligent, conscientious and responsible, well-taught, and strive to do our best, so parents have access to favorable


——英文求职信 (菁华10篇)




  I have been told by Mr.John L.Pak,Credit Manager, The Business Book Publishing,New York, with whom I believe you are acquainted,that you are expecting to make some additions to your accounting staff in June.I should like to be considered an applicant for one of these positions.

  You can see from the data sheet that is enclosed with this letter that I have had five years of varied experience in the book

  business.The panies for which I have worked have given me permission to refer you to them for information about the quality of the work I did while in their employ.

  My work was in the credit department and in the accounting department in both panies,with some experience also in inventory

  control. In both positions,I have been assigned with the daily office administration.The courses taken at Central mercial and the Bronx munity College specifically prepare me for doing the accounting required in your department.

  I hope that you will give me an interview at some time convenient to you.If there is further information that you wish in the

  meantime,please let me know.I can always be reached at the address given at the beginning of this letter.

  Very truly yours,






Dear Sir or Madam,

  I would like to express my interest in ap*ing for the summer positions with your company. Throughout my internship search and conversation with the recruiter, I have come to respect the professionalism that characterizes your firm and its employees. I am confident that the company team’s values and objectives would complement my own strengths and enthusiasm. I would like to be considered for an information technology, com*r system, software, electrical, or similar position that requires refined ***ytical and problem solving skills.

  As an Engineering student, competent leader and effective team builder with a lengthy experience; I possess a diverse background in assisting, planning, sche*ng, developing, supporting, and management of various projects and activities, not limited to working with Verizon, Vgo, Samsung, Novatel, Alcatel-Lucent, Ericsson senior engineers. Recent accomplishments include designing a handover web user interface for JFW programmable attenuator in Verizon LTE Innovation Laboratory. Furthermore, I have had great deal of design experience in electronic, hardware, and software. In the laboratory I have performed circuit ***ysis using function generators and oscilloscopes, designed and simulated ***og www.jianli- integrated circuits, output/driver stages, feedback amplifiers, timing circuits and mixed use of ***og/digital circuits. Designed and tested an Infrared Audio Link with 3 meter distance requirement. For the microwave component, ***yzed and tested Gunn diode, slotted line, vector network, directional coupler, impedance matching and tuning, cavity resonator in laboratory. For the com*r system, designed and ***yzed the digital system using CPLD hardware and ATmega32 microcontroller. Also implemented pipeline MIPS machine simulator in C and programmed Altera DE2 FPGA embedded system to interface with webcam, handshake networking, and data compression.

  In addition, I have extensive experience with Java, Java Scrip, Flot, PHP, HTML, Android, C/C++, Excel, Microsoft Office, Mat Lab, Mathematica, Verilog, and PSpice. I believe that I would be an asset to your program. This internship would provide me with the ideal opportunity to expand my career skills.

  Please review the enclosed resume and consider my application for your summer internship program. I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you and explore the internship environment. Thank you in advance for taking the time to review my resume. For further information or references, I can be reached at zzheng@student.umass.edu or (646) 2XX-2188.



 Respected leaders:

  Hello! It is a great pleasure that you can read my letter of application in a busy schedule. Thank you.

  I am a graduate of human resources management at XX School of management. The four years of university are the four years of my thought, knowledge structure and psychology and mature growth. Since I entered the University, everything has begun, and I continue to work hard to meet the new challenges.

  In theoretical study, with its solid foundation and persistent spirit of struggle, after years of continuous learning, it has made great progress in all aspects. I studied the theory of professional knowledge and read a lot of com*r books. At the same time, I also have a strong interest in many non professional knowledge. I have passed the national com*r level two test. In the professional foreign language, I have a certain practical basis and have a strong ability to translate. The study and life during the University made me cultivate a sense of responsibility and hardship, and let me learn a lot of knowledge.

  During the period of school, I took part in all kinds of sports and entertainment activities so as to cultivate solidarity and cooperation spirit and develop my talents, and at the same time, I improved greatly in teamwork. I have been a class cadre for a long time. I have designed and organized a number of activities. I have a certain organizational ability and are well received by the teachers and students. In the continuous learning and work of the excellent quality of rigorous, pragmatic style of work and team, so I am sure they can be in a position to sovereignty, dedication and more! I am strict with myself, and pay more attention to the training of ability, especially the practical ability is my strength.

  In ideological cultivation, quality is excellent, ideological progress, sincere, faithful, courtesy, wisdom of the principle of making people. During the period of school, it was more glorious to join the Communist Party of China.

  Now, I hope your company can give me a platform for development. I will cherish it. I will strive to realize my life value and contribute to the development of your company with enthusiasm and dedication.



  Job seekers: XXX


Dear Sir/Madam:

  Thank you very much for skimming my letter in your busy time. And I am very appreciate than your esteemed company would give me an opportunity. First please allow me to introduce myself.

  My English name is Cathy. I am the graduate student in Foreign College of Jingsu University of Science and Technology. I learn that your company is recruiting now. I am confident that four years of university study and the social practice can help me to ap* for the position in your company. I have had a solid theoretical foundation because of the four years of English learning. The annual internship experience make me from theory to practice, although I have no formal work experience. However I am sure that I have a certain degree of understanding of the foreign trade posts and the translation work. And I believe that I have a strong learning ability, and Ican completely adapt to the new work in a short time.

  Under the teacher's strict teaching and my personal efforts, I have formed a solid foundation of professional knowledge, mastered the business English knowledge. At the the spare time I also actively read the professional knowledge of the relevant newspapers and magazines, understing the new economic situation, and initially have a good command of English basic communication and translation ability. In addition, I also actively participate in community activities and volunteer service activities, take part in the English speech contest, translation contest, English tongue twisters and English about the game, also involve in the strawberry Music Festival, better Xijin ferry and other large activities of the volunteer activities. These practice allow me to chece my knowledge, and also make me to have the strong ability of ***ysis and solving problems, and make me more confident and mature.

  Self-confidence and perseverance is my principle,and calm and optimism is the attitude of my way. I have the confidence and hope to get the opportunity to work in your company.

  Attach a brief resume. Thank you again for your concern for me. Look foraward to your re*.





  1.I’m writing you to show my keen interst in...which you advertised in...

  2.Learning from ...that you’re looking for a ...,I shold like to ap* for the position.

  3.I’m writing to express my my interest in the...position advertised on your web site.I have enclosed a copy of my resume for your interview.



  1.To briefly introduce myself,I’m graduate student of ...university majoring in and expect graduation this June.

  2.Not only do I have excellent academic performance in all course,but I also posses the rich experience of...

  3.I’m a good team player,self-motivated and eager to learn,I believe I deserve your consideration.



  1.I believe that my abilty and experience will qualify me for the position of...

  2.The main reason for my confident in this position lies in...

  3.I have recieved an English edcation,and have a slight knowledge of spanish.



  1.I’m looking forward to your early re*.

  2.I would be grateful if you arrange an interview at your earliest convenience.

  3.I’m looking forward to hearing from you and I do hope I shall have an opportunity of an interview



  1.Please find more detail in my enclosed resume.

  2.For the futher information,please refer to my attached resume.

  3.Enclosed are my score reports(成绩单) on all subjects and two recommendation.



  Dear Sir/Madam:

  I was referred to you by Mr. Zhang, a Partner with your Peking office, who informed me that the Shanghai office of your company is actively seeking to hire a Network Maintenance Engineer for your program.

  Your position requires top university, Bachelor or above in Com*r Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows 20xx and LINUX System. I feel that I am

  competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Peking University this year with a M.S. degree. My studies have included courses in com*r control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.

  During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question.

  The enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater detail. I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.


  Deng Yun








  Dear sir or Madam,

  I am writing to you in the hope of that I may obtain opportunity of teaching post in your school .Currently , I am a senior 3 student in Lanzhou City University ,my major is English.

  According to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,Bachelor or above in Com*r Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S. degree . My studies have included courses in com*r control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server

  In Lanzhou City University ,I have been working hard and doing well in the major courses .Not only I have I passed cet4,cet6, but more important ,I can communicate with others freely in English .I have good command of spoken and written English .At present, I work hard and try my best to pass the TEM4.Besides,I am skilled in com*r useage ,such as CAD.

  Teaching practice do enrich my working experience .During my teaching practice,I was always preparing my lesson plan carefully .I have combined theories into practice. Miss Liang Fang, my director teacher thought well of my enthusiasm, devotion, intelligence, and diligence .I was also popular with my students. My teaching practice which increase my responsibility to be a teacher ,meawhile I gain first step to my career.

  The education gave me a wide range of vision and taught me how to cooperate with others.

  The working experience offered me a good chance to improve my ability.

  I do believe that with my solid education background and rich working experience ,I would be an excellent member of your school.

  I would appreciate time in reviewing my enclosed resume. Thank you for your time and Your consideration. I am looking forward to you re*.


  Dear Sir,

  In re* to your advertisement in Beijing Youth Daily of December 25, I respectfully offer my services for the situation.

  I am thirty-two years old and a graduate of Beijing Foreign Studies University, My experience in this line of work includes five years as a salesman with the NCC Company. The reason for leaving my present employment is because they're closing their office.

  I am enclosing my resume together with my photo, and I believe that they may be found satisfactory. As regards salary, I would be glad to start with HK$ 5,000 per month plus commission.

  If you would like to know more about my ability, I can be available for an interview at any time convenient to you.


dear sirs,

  please allow me to ap* for the position of office clerk which you advertised in "yangcheng evening news" of april 9.i am 28 years of age and unmarried. after receiving my b.b.a. from xiamen university, i worked for three years as an office clerk at china great wall com*r group (shenzhen) company. for the last two years i have been a secretary to the general manager of haicheng foodstuffs company, ltd. in shenzhen. i am looking for a position of office clerk to increase my experience in business.i have a wide knowledge of business and thoroughly experienced in all types of office work. copies of my testimonials are enclosed, and if you are interested in my application, please give me an opportunity of a personal interview at your convenient date.sincerely.




——销售英文求职信 (菁华10篇)



  Dear Ms. Mac Queen:

  Are you looking for a salesperson for the information processing industry? Maybe I can help you.

  I am the corporate representative for twenty major customers at IBM Corporation. Based on this experience I can:

  - Meet large global customers' total information systems requirements

  - Negotiate worldwide volume purchase agreements

  - Sell in international markets

  - Respond to the concerns of senior management

  - Leverage all corporate resources to achieve customer satisfaction

  Although other factors such as career growth are of primary importance to me, you should know that my total compensation is $75,000.

  I appreciate your consideration.

  Very truly Yours,

  Wade B. Stanford (手写体)

  Wade B. Stanford



Dear Sir,

  Four years as a senior clerk in sales department of the New World Products Company have, I believe,given me the

  experience to qualify for the job you advertised in Thursday"s newspaper.

  Since1981I have been responsible for all office details in the administration of sales, including writing much of the

  correspondence. In the course of my work, I have become familiar with the various sales territories, and have also

  in my spare time experience of handling business problems other than my proper sphere.

  The years before I was employed at the New World, I was a secretary for Long Brother, an accounting firm. There

  I became familiar with accounting terms and procedures.

  I was graduated at Wah Yan College, in June1974. I am twenty-five years of age and single.

  I am leaving my present position because I can use my capabilities more fully in a position with wider scope.

  Mypresent employer knows of my ambition and is helping me to find a new place.

  May I see you at your office to tell you more about myself and show you just how well I can do the work you


  Yours faithfully,










dear sir,

  four years as a senior clerk in sales department of the new world products company have,i believe,given me the experience to qualify for the job you advertised in thursday"s


  since1981i have been responsible for all office details in the administration of sales, including writing much of the correspondence. in the course of my work,i have become familiar with the various sales territories,and have also in my spare time experience of handling business problems other than my proper sphere.

  the years before i was employed at the new world,i was a secretary for long brother,an accounting i became familiar with accounting terms and procedures.

  i was graduated at wah yan college,in june am twenty-five years of age and single.

  i am leaving my present position because i can use my capabilities more fully in a position with wider present employer knows of my ambition and is helping me to find a new place.

  may i see you at your office to tell you more about myself and show you just how well i can do the work you require.

  yours faithfully,









  Dear Ms. Mac Queen,

  Are you looking for a salesperson for the information processing industry? Maybe I can help you. I am the corporate representative for twenty major customers at IBM Corporation. Based on this experience I can: - Meet large global customers'total information systems requirements - Negotiate worldwide volume purchase agreements - Sell in international markets - Respond to the concerns of senior management - Leverage all corporate resources to achieve customer satisfaction Career growth is of primary importance to me, and I also expect a salary of no less than $75,000.

  I appreciate your consideration.

  Very truly yours,


  dear sirs:

  are read xxx thursday reported that informed your company recruit talent. i served as the new world product sales for four years,fident of full work experience, your company can be recruited as a post.

  i have since XX, has served as sales and business letter writing work. at work, in addition to the formal business, the customers in the region with quite different from, and spare time to learn a lot about the handling of business issues.

  companies working in the new world, i worked in the accounting company as a secretary older brother work. during his tenure, learn a lot about the accounting terms and accounting operating procedures.i am now 25 years old, unmarried, in 1974 graduated from the

  university of xx, i want to have the opportunity to take advantage of their ability to work, work in a wider range of needs, this is my main reason for serving a hurry to leave. i am currently employed by a company boss, of ambition rather praise my work, so he is willing to help me find another job.

  if convenient, i would like you went to your office an audience for specific instructions.


Dear sirs:

  are read xxx thursday reported that informed your company recruit talent. i served as the new world product sales for four years, senior staff, confident of full work experience, your company can be recruited as a post.

  i have since XX, has served as sales and business letter writing work. at work, in addition to the formal business, the customers in the region with quite different from, and spare time to learn a lot about the handling of business issues.

  companies working in the new world, i worked in the accounting company as a secretary older brother work. during his tenure, learn a lot about the accounting terms and accounting operating procedures.

  i am now 25 years old, unmarried, in 1974 graduated from the university of xx, i want to have the opportunity to take advantage of their ability to work, work in a wider range of needs, this is my main reason for serving a hurry to leave. i am currently employed by a company boss, of ambition rather praise my work, so he is willing to help me find another job.

  if convenient, i would like you went to your office an audience for specific instructions.

  self-nominations were: hill xx

  in january XX xx


Dear sir,

  Four years as a senior clerk in sales department of the New World Products Company have,I believe,given me the experience to qualify for the job you advertised in Thursday‘s newspaper.

  Since 1981 I have been responsible for all office details in the administration of sales,including writing much of the correspondence.In the course of my work,I have become familiar with the various sales territories,and have also in my spare time experience of handling business problems other than my proper sphere.

  The years before I was employed at the New World,I was a secretary for Long Brother,an accounting firm.There I became familiar with accounting terms and procedures.

  I was graduated at Wah Yan College, in June 1974. I am twenty-five years of age and single.

  I am leaving my present position because I can use my capabilities more fully in a position with wider scope. My present employer knows of my ambition and is helping me to find a new place.

  May I see you at your office to tell you more about myself and show you just how well I can do the work you require.

  Yours faithfully 

  销售英文求职信 篇3

Dear Sir/Madam

  Thank you for your busy schedule to read my cover letter. From XXX to learn about your company's recruitment information, close up this cover letter to recommend yourself.

  Today I am ap*ing for the position of sales manager assistant. I hope this letter can help your company to find a young man, and I hope you can become my success on the road to the people, so I have a successful starting point.

  My name is XX, graduated from XX College XX professional. Although I am a student, but I have a rich social practice, in school, I continue to cultivate their comprehensive ability, to lay a solid foundation for their own. In the school, I will not miss any opportunity to exercise their own, let me clear their goals. Hope that your company can give me a stage to show their own strength.

  I am cheerful, attentive, meticulous work, can hard-working, with good business processing capacity and the ability to perform. Clear thinking, strong ***ytical skills. After school exercise, not only exercise my communication and coordination ability, but also let me in the organizational discipline and interpersonal communication skills have improved significantly.

  I have a good learning ability, can skilled operate office software, familiar with the operation of office software, can better complete the work of the superior layout, and do a good job after the summary of the aftermath.

  "When will Jishui 3000, sail sea." Burdened with heavy heavy responsibilities and expectations, I sincerely waiting for your review, looking forward to for your organization to contribute their modest!

  I wish you and your business prosperity and prosperity!




Dear Sir / Madam:


  Thank you for taking the time to visit me this introductory letter, to a graduating university students an opportunity, in the time I expressed deep gratitude!

  First of all, let me introduce myself, my name is way xx, is the 20xxsession of the South China University of Foreign Trade English graduates, learn your organization recruit more capable personnel, but to my screen name, sincere desire to join, as your organization future building blocks, more ready to contribute their own labor and wisdom.

  Bing Zhao thirst for knowledge, persistence in learning English in school during which I seriously learn the knowledge, and adopted the CET examination through the National Examinations in Com*r II. Organizational members in the class post office, organized a class outing body, in class activities such as fun games, of course, these are small things, but the opportunities to develop my organizational skills and good coordination.

  I actively participated in extracurricular school activities, has represented the professional in the knowledge I gained the first prize competition, and I also participate in social practice, had done in school tutoring during the post also served as a steward at the Internet cafe post, also Noah made electronic dictionary market research, social practice through which I learned a lot less than the knowledge learned in the classroom, the community has some knowledge and understanding. 07 summer students working for a company in Shenzhen, on the running and operation of foreign things with personal experience, I think this is the most valuable experience.

  I usually hobbies, favorite music, sports, playing guitar, at school also took part on behalf of my professional football. Meanwhile, the military and political rather concerned, often bought on the military and political aspects of reading newspapers and magazines, and consumer electronics products in today's world there is a certain concern. With youthful enthusiasm and desire to know, I am about to finish the four-year journey seeking knowledge, a better university life, cultivate my strict scientific way of thinking.

  I also created a positive and optimistic attitude towards life and the pioneering spirit of innovation. Inside and outside the classroom social practice, a solid foundation of knowledge and broad vision, made me a better understanding of the community; to develop a continuous learning work, rigorous, pragmatic work style and excellent quality of unity and coordination, so I am sure they are completely able to positions in setting, dedication, more business! Music eye and began my trip to Trinidad. Force of the wind strength of the grass, the Long Run. Ancient houses, this point will have horses. Peter remains to be willing to take you to you "use" to prove.


  Dear ms. mac queen:

  Are you looking for a salesperson for the information processing industry? Maybe i can help you.

  I am the corporate representative for twenty major customers at ibm corporation. Based on this experience i can.

  Meet large global customers' total information systems requirements negotiate worldwide volume purchase agreements sell in international markets respond to the concerns of senior managemen leverage all corporate resources to achieve customer satisfactio although other factors such as career growth are of primary importance to me, you should know that my total compensation is $75,000. i appreciate your consideration.

  very truly yours,wade b. stanford



  Four years as a senior clerk in sales department of the New World Products Company have,I believe,given me the experience to qualify for the job you advertised in Thursday's newspaper.

  Since 1981 I have been responsible for all office details in the administration of sales,including writing much of the

  correspondence.In the course of my work,I have become familiar with the various sales territories,and have also in my spare timeexperience of handling business problems other than my proper sphere.

  The years before I was employed at the New World,I was asecretary for Long Brother,an accounting firm.There I became familiar with accounting terms and procedures.

  I was graduated at Wah Yan College,in June 1974.I amtwenty-five years of age and single.

  I am leaving my present position because I can use mycapabilities more fully in a position with wider scope.My present employer knows of my ambition and is helping me to find a new place.

  May I see you at your office to tell you more about myself and show you just how well I can do the work you require.

  Yours faithfully


















































  应征职位的职称,必须要与公司在报纸上或网络上刊登的一字不差,例如有的公司征financial specialist, 就不要觉得差不多或是粗心大意,写成financial associate。




















































  在学好专业课的同时,我严格要求自己多参加实践活动,不断提高自己的实际操作能力:20xx年-20xx年担任安徽师范大学外国语学院学院助理,协助学院领导完成学生管理工作;20xx-2015学年我担任外国语学院直属团总支宣传委员,参加了20xx年安徽师范大学暑期赴金寨县小南京学校的义务支教活动;20xx-2015学年我任学生会**,并在大一、大二学年分别担任学工通讯部成员、副部长、副**、学工通讯部部长,参与外国语学院毕业生晚会、迎新生晚会导演工作。我个人因此荣获校级“优秀学生干部” “优秀团干”称号。












  9. 到最后检查你的求职信,反复阅读,看清楚没有问题才寄出你这封信。







  (3)强调你所受过的 培训、你的经历、技能和成就;



  在西方,求职信和简历是一样重要的。而在我国,虽然有的雇主不要求写求职信,有的猎头顾问或是企业招聘人员也没时间仔细阅读 求职信 ,但求职信的作用还是不容小看。从最*网上的'一份网上调查:“人事经理,您对求职信的关注程度如何?”34%参与调查的人事经理表示非常重视求职信、54%的人事经理表示将求职信作为重要参考、只有11%的人事经理是根本不看求职信。

















  此致 敬礼!




dear leaders:


  first of all, your hard work to extend my deep respect! thank you for taking the time to read my resume, i hope this enthusiasm, i can open a door of hope.

  my name is xx, graduated from the yunnan vocational college of information science and technology 08 landscape engineering technology. graduated in july xx, hoping to join your organization work and future work to realize their value, so the venture was to recommend your organization own.

  "realistic, hard-working and innovation", is my motto. i, self-confidence, optimism, courage to meet all challenges. although i am now just an ordinary college graduates, but the young is my capital, hard work is my nature, to be my responsibility, i firmly believe that success will become inevitable. in the three years of university life, i know that knowledge is power, so in addition to studying expertise, i also strive to improve the professional theory and professional skills for the future of work and expertise has laid a solid foundation; at the university of three years, i learned the profession and relevant professional theoretical knowledge, and completed with honors the relevant courses, practical work for the future of professional and lay a solid foundation. rapid development in technology today, i followed the pace of technological development, and constantly learn new knowledge and proficiency in the basic theory and application of computer technology, and passed the national high-tech image processing photoshop image vocational qualification certificate, advanced certificate gardener , seniorgarden green chemical evidence. more professional in the learning process not only improve their own professional knowledge,professional practice skills and enhance my professional passion for gardening projects. in the meantime, in my spare time self administration of yunnan university, undergraduate education, to enhance and improve their own and continuous efforts.

  gentleman to self-improvement. years of off-site school career that i have formed self-reliance, self-confident, humble character, refining the hard work will. enrich the life experience, knowledge accumulation process, the psychology and mentality are also maturing. career success requires knowledge, perseverance, sweat, the perfect combination of opportunities. only one of the good into the community to make self-worth can be achieved. others do not want to do, i will do the incumbent; others can do, i will make every effort to do better! play to their strengths, i sincerely hope that your organization can give me a play to realize the value of life opportunities. i will use my outstanding performance to prove my ability to prove that you regret the choice! !

  finally, i sincerely hope that your organization can benefit down!




  1、长句:没有人愿意看太冗长的句子,而且切记(You’re scanned, mot read.)原则,雇主只是在扫描您的简历。




  5、”Reference available upon request.”这上短短的意思是如需证明,可提供见证人。这在许多英式、港式简历港文中经常出现,但是美式的简历则不要这样写。


Dear sir or Madam,

  I am writing to you in the hope of that I may obtain opportunity of teaching post in your school .Currently , I am a senior 3 student in Lanzhou City University ,my major is English.

  According to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUx System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S. degree . My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server .In Lanzhou City University ,I have been working hard and doing well in the major courses .Not only I have I passed cet4,cet6, but more important ,I can communicate with others freely in English .I have good command of oken and written English .At present, I work hard and try my best to pass the TEM4.Besides,I am skilled in computer useage ,such as CAD.

  Teaching practice do enrich my working experience .During my teaching practice,I was always preparing my lesson plan carefully .I have combined theories into practice. Miss Liang Fang, my director teacher thought well of my enthusiasm, devotion, intelligence, and diligence .I was also popular with my students. My teaching practice which increase my reonsibility to be a teacher ,meawhile I gain first step to my career.

  The education gave me a wide range of vision and taught me how to cooperate with others.

  The working experience offered me a good chance to improve my ability.

  I do believe that with my solid education background and rich working experience ,I would be an excellent member of your school.

  I would appreciate time in reviewing my enclosed resume. Thank you for your time and Your consideration. I am looking forward to you re***.

  According to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUx System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S. degree . My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.

  During my education, I have graed the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and eak English is out of question.

  I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.

  Yours faithfully,








