英文的自荐信 (菁华10篇)

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  Letters of Self-introduction



  构词特点:introduce (v.介绍)+ tion(名词后缀)

  短语:make an introduction作介绍

  e.g.Please make a self-introduction.

  He is reading the introduction of the new product (产品).

  1 You are a member of the“Pen Pals”club at the school.你是学校“笔友俱乐部”的一名成员。

  pen pal (又作pen friend) a Person who you make friends with by exchanging letters, even though you may never meet笔友

  e.g.I have communicated (交流) with my pen pal for many years. Many pen pals may never (从未) meet each other.

  The club often receives letters from students of various countries.俱乐部常常会收到来自世界不同国家的学生的来信。

  club n.a society of people who join together for a certain purpose,for example,sport or amusement俱乐部

  e.g.We belong to the golf (高尔夫球) club.

  I've joined the school football club.

  various adj.different from each other;of (many) different kinds不同的,多方面的';各种各样的

  e.g.There are various ways to answer this question.

  He decided to leave school for various reasons (原因).

  In those letters the writers all introduce themselves.They want to ask for pen pals.他们在信中会介绍自己,并希望找到笔友。

  introduce vt.①to make one person known for the first time to another介绍

  常用搭配:introduce sb.to sb.else把某人介绍给??

  ②to bring in or use something for the first

  e.g.May I introduce my friend Johnson to you?

  He introduced himself as a bank clerk(职员).

  Potatoes were introduced into Europe(欧洲)from South America (南美洲).

  Now the director of the club is putting them up on the school’s bulletin board.现在,俱乐部的管理员正打算把这些信张贴到学校的公告栏上。

  director n.①a person who controls or manages an organization or company负责人,理事

  ②someone who directs a play or film,deciding how it is

  performed and filmed导演

  构词特点:direct (v.指示)+-or(名词后缀:参加某种活动的人)

  e.g.She was appointed (任命) to the position (职位) of sales director.

  The director of the film also appeared(出*)at the party.

  bulletin n.a short official notice or news report intended to be made

  public without delay公告;布告

  e.g.Here is the latest (最新的) bulletin about the President’s (总统的) health.

  There is a new notice on the bulletin board.

  boardn.a long thin flat piece of cut wood木板

  短语:on board在船上(火车上、飞机上),在公共交通工具上 扩展:blackboard黑板

  e.g.She pinned(钉上)the name list (名单) up on the notice board. Get on board!

  You may choose or your pen pal there.你可以从中选择你的笔友。 What will affect your decision?It can be age, gender or interests. 年龄、性别或兴趣都可能影响你的决定。

  affect vt.to influence or to cause a result or change in something影响 e.g.This area will be affected by the hurricane(飓风).

  She was dee* affected by the news of his death.

  decision n.a choice of one out of a number of possibilities决定;裁决 构词特点:decide(vt.决定)+.sion(名词后缀)

  短语:make a decision做出决定

  Eg. Who made the decision to go there?

  The moment of decision has arrived.

  Interest n. 兴趣

  Vt. 使(某人)感兴趣

  e.g.I have no interest in politics(政治).

  The child’s interest must come first.

  Are you interested in history?

  Read the letters below and choose the one you are interested in.请看下面这几封信,并从中选择一位你感兴趣的笔友。

  2 “I am a Finnish girl.and I am 19.I want to write to a pleasant Chinese student who can speak English.I also study English at schoo1.我是一名来自芬兰的女孩,今年19岁。我希望能与一位会讲英语的、讨人喜欢的*学生通信。我也正在学校学*英语。 What I like to do most after class is cooking,swimming and collecting stamps.在课外,我最喜欢的是烹饪、游泳和集邮。

  Collect vt.to gather together收集,收藏

  e.g.Collect the books and put them on my desk.

  She likes collecting foreign coins(硬币).

  Please write to:PO Box 135,00382 Helsinki,Finland.”请致信以下地址:芬兰赫尔辛基邮政信箱135,邮编00382。”

  3 “I am a Japanese boy.and I am 18 years old.I have English lessons at school and I like them very much.“我是一个日本男孩,18岁。我的学校开设了英语课,而且我很喜欢英语。

  I would like a pen pal who is also learning English so that we could exchange letters in English.所以,我想结交一名同样也在学*英语的笔友,这样我们就可以用英语互相写信了。

  Exchange vt.to give something to someone who gives you something else交换,互换;交流


  e.g.I exchanged the goods (货物) for cash(现金).

  They exchanged their ideas(想法).

  My hobbies are pop music,football,and coin collecting.我的兴趣是流行音乐,足球和收集硬币。

  hobby n.an activity which you enjoy doing in your free time业余爱好 e.g.Do you have a hobby?

  Playing table tennis is his hobby.

  coin n.a Diece of money made of metal硬币

  短语:toss a coin扔硬币(决定某事)

  e.g.I need some coins for the ticket machine(自动售票机). We tossed (扔,掷) a coin to decide who will have the ticket.

  We can talk about our hobbies in our letters.Please write to me at this address:PO Box 138,Tokyo,Japan.”在信中,我们可以聊聊各自的兴趣爱好。请按以下地址写信给我:日本东京邮政信箱138号。” address n.details of where someone works or lives地址

  e.g.I can’t rcad the address.Where should I send the letter? Tell me your address,please.

  4“I am Charlie Smith of the United States,and I am a college student.“我叫查理·史密斯,来自美国。我是一名大学生。





  (1)In answer to your advertisement in(媒体名称,括号里只要按照实际情况填写,下同)for(职位名称),I wish to tender my services.

  (2)With reference to your advertisement in(媒体名称)for(职位名称),I respectfully offer myself for the post.



  (1)I have been serving for over(数字)years in(以前供职单位).

  (2)I have had(数字)years‘experience with(以前供职单位)as a(以前职务).



  (1)My reason for leaving my present employer is that I wish to get into the(申请职位的性质,如:advertising)business.

  (2)I left the office on account of the discontinuance of the business.



  (1)I have received a special English education(你的专业),and have a fair command of Japanese(你的副业).In addition,I know a little French.

  (2)During my education,I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed TEM-8(你所通过的水*测试或其它职业技能考核),but more important I can communicate with others freely in English(你个人的能力,尤其是强项).My ability to write and speak English is out of question.



  (1)I am willing to serve on trial(试用)for some months at a low salary.

  (2)I should require a salary of2,000RMB a month to begin with.



  (1)I should be glad to have a personal interview and can furnish references if desired.

  (2)I should appreciate the privilege of an interviews.I may be reached by letter at the address given below(如这样使用的话,就要在后面附上你的联系地址),or by telephone at (你的电话号码).



  (1)Enclosed please find a resume,a photo and an autobiography.

  (2)A copy of my transcript is enclosed.




  Dear Sir/Madam:

  Xizhen Chen, my former student in the Department of Com*r Science, Beijing Univ. of Sciences, I am glad to write this letter furnishing my evaluation of his academic aptitude for your reference. Mr. Chen is interested in your graduate program in Com*r Science.

  I came to know him in September 1987 when Mr. Chen enrolled in my class on FORTRAN IV Programming, a three semesters' course. In the class he was one of the most outstanding students. At the semester final he earned a high grade of 81, which should be "A" according to our grading system. I also found him good at other studies.

  After the class, he had personal talks with me several times. He indicated a great interest in com*r hardware, In my opinion, Mr. Chen has a potential in Com*r Science, which can be further developed.

  In view of his previous achievements in this College, I am firmly convinced that Mr. Chen will make a successful graduate student. Your favorable consideration of his admission will be highly appreciated.


  Dear leaders:


  I am a network engineer from the University of XXX Daqiang professional. I actively participated in the university during the practice of various social activities, as a number of flats in the school office. From which I not only recognized the importance of team spirit, but also learned how to behave, understand the logic做人要厚道At the same time, I also learned how to communicate and exchange. It can be said that I am full of university life, which can be regarded as a turning point in my life and leap point.

  During the first year to third, I served as the com*r center in the network administrator, is responsible for network and workstation room day-to-day maintenance work, is also responsible for the management of financial accounts of the engine room. In this three years, I learned not only the hardware and network management knowledge, as I am proficient in com*r hardware and network engineering possible. I am also aware of the importance of teamwork and integrity, I know how to get along with and the target audience, how to work together with partners.

  Junior to senior, I served in public office of the Department of Foreign Language Teaching Assistant, from which I learned how to adapt to the daily red tape, a large number of repetitive work, learned how to communicate with others, learned how to get along with and leadership.

  Learning areas: I master the college com*r repair, network maintenance, network formation, website development, web production skills. Rigorous study, and correct learning attitude, I created a simple, stable and innovative character. In November XX, I participated in the "national com*r technology and software professional and technical qualifications (level) - Network Engineer" exams, and is expected to get a certificate. Even so I did not relax their Professional - Electrical Engineering and Automation course, I have integrated the knowledge and skills possible.

  University, I also received during the NCRE candidates - three-network technology, CET certificate examination, which I will continue to learn at work, the development has laid a solid foundation. Xuchang from the first entered college, the little knowledge of com*rs to students is now recognized as a "com*r expert" in com*r and network skills really can be said to be advanced by leaps and bounds, which fully proved the potential of my study of cognitive, adaptive and I com*rs and networks of strong interest.

  On the basis of four years of work, learning experiences, I am confident that the network engineers do a good job in this work, at the same time I also believe that their working life in the future be able to effectively carry forward the spirit of the team well and hard. Aspects of network engineering technology can be said that with each passing day, I also believe that their technology and application of learning ability. So I am fully confident that with this competent professional.

  Hope that the leadership of the request to consider my job, I promise I will not let you down.

  Solemnly to a small request: Regardless of whether you choose me, and distinguished leadership, I hope you will accept my sincere thanks!

  Finally, I sincerely wish the cause of your organization developed, thriving!




  November 10, 20xx

  To Whom It May Concern:

  This is to confirm that Mr. Li Dashui has worked as a full-time system ***yst in the NY University since Jun 1994(or This letter is to verify that Mr. Li Dashui worked as an chemist from July 1993 to Sept. 1994). Mr. Lis main duties and responsibilities are as follows:

  Design, develop and install various com*r hardware, software and network systems for banks.

  Determine and ***yze the requirements of each system project into related componets solved through the application of com*r technology.

  Write specifications for com*r programs, and test and implement programs for network systems and control systems.

  Supervise com*r programmers and other system ***ysts for paticular system projects.

  Mr. Li has mainly taken part in the following projects:

  The first engineering design of city general business com*r network system.

  Upgrading banks system for IBM AS/400 E45 to IBM AS/400 320, IBM AS/400 530.

  The design development and test of city general business com*r network system.

  The design and development network and database systems for the Golden Credit Card Project.

  Mr. Li is well experienced with IBM AS/400 system ***ysis, TCP/IP protocol, SNA protocol and LAN; proficient in RPGIII, VB, C/C++ and DB2, and skilled in UNIX, Informix, Client/Server etc.

  Mr. Li is a hard-working and talented ***yst, and is highly respected member in our company. If you need further information, please feel free to contact me.

  Sincerely yours,


  Zhang xiaoming

  Senior Engineer and Technical Manage

  Company Name, Address, Tex & Fax


dear leaders:


  i would like your company to ap* for the post of foreign trade salesman, so take the liberty to write a letter cover letter, a dream of college graduates will be the beginning of your company from ......

  i am a student of the university of nationalities, senior, applied psychology professional. i am very interested in foreign trade, from the third year after the beginning of my intention to engage in import and export business after graduation. i understand that this is not for me a very easy thing, because i am neither a professional international trade professional, nor is it in english or other foreign language professional, but the application of psychology, i have never had work experience in foreign trade. step by step but i believe that is the best shortcut, the greatest success comes from a large number of failures. "volume in sheep's clothing" and then i have been inspired to do so, "as long as perseverance, anything can be done." almost every day i am studying business english, a large number to listen to and practice writing business letters and business english, learn the basic knowledge of international trade, with import and export trade of the business processes and terminology, documents and so on. in addition, i also learn from some of the daily life of japanese and korean conversation, often online through msn and other countries using the english language users, the e-mail and so on, in the process, i can see their own progress, as well as experienced full satisfaction and fun.

  i know that everything is hard in the beginning, to the threshold of entering the foreign trade sector this is my first step, if employed, for giving me this opportunity, i am willing to start from the most basic. with the first step i believe, my second step, third step ... ... to be more confident going, but it all depends on your company's support and help, i hope you can give me this opportunity.

  thanks to examine dee* grateful. if an interview appointment, i immediately started training can begin to participate in the work.



Dear Sir or Madam:

  My interest in the position of your company has prompted me to forward my resume for your review and consideration.

  My name is leenian; a graduating student majored in business english at Jiangxi college of foreign studies During my college life, I have been working very hard to grasp what we have learned, not only the basic knowledge, but also the skills of practice. I love my major and have got high marks in my curriculums. Moreover, I entered many tests and got some certificates, like CET-4.

  Yet, I am not just a bookworm. Instead, I am fond of various social activities. I joined in our Students Union, and have been the leader of one department because of my excellent work ability. During the holidays, I sometime took a part-time job, just for the purpose of putting what I learned in the school into practice.

  I worked as a International trade secretary in GUANGBO Import and Export Corporation during July and November. Through five months work, I had the further understanding to the international trade work.

  I would welcome the opportunity to discuss my background with you further at your convenience.

  Thank you for your consideration.

  Best wishes.

  Yours sincerely



Dear Sir:

  I would like to inquire about the position of laboratory research assistant in the field of biochemistry that you advertised in newspaper on December 12.

  I am twenty-eight years old. In 1986 I received my M.S. in Chemistry from the University of California. As a student I took many Chemistry and Biology courses a few of which are listed here:

  General Chemistry

  Organic Chemistry

  Physical Chemistry

  Biochemistry - two years

  Analytical Chemistry - both organic and Inorganic

  As I was a graduate student, I worked as a research assistant for Dr. John Williams, Professor of biochemistry, University of California. During this time I assisted Dr. Williams in basic research concerning the phosphates cycle in metabolism. I can sup* u with a copy of the resulting paper at your request.

  Since my graduation I have been employed by Boston university as an assistant professor. I have continued my research in this time, and several of my papers have been published in New York. my immediate superior, Dr. William Larson, has indicated his willingness to provide my with a reference.

  I feel that I have sufficient education and experience in my background to fulfill the qualifications for your position. I hope that you will schedule me for an interview at your earliest convenience.


Dear mr ho:

  application for the position of english teacher

  i am writing to ap* for the above position as posted in on january 4. enclosed please find my resume listing my academic training and professional experience.

  as an english teacher in xyz college, i successfully taught english and history at the secondary level. also, i have been a substitute teacher in different schools over a three-year period. these experiences allowed me to develop and refine my communication, training as well as organization skills. in addition, i received my bachelor's degree in education in 1994 from any institute of education.

  i like young people and get on very well with them. currently i am seeking a well-established school where i can ap* my teaching and training skills on the management of students towards higher education. i look forward to hearing from you.

  yours sincerely


  Dear leaders:


  Thank you for sparing the time to put themselves forward through my materials, I am a xxxx University of Economics and Political Science graduates in economics in 20xx. I have long known慕贵company, well aware of the strength of your company, active in the work atmosphere, strict working attitude, highly energetic. Can use my knowledge for the effectiveness of your company will be the glory, I have not yet. I hope that my wish to ap* to your company for my humble contributions. Four years in college, I seriously and systematically study the economics of the basic knowledge and professional skills, focusing on learning the business management and staff management, dynamic Hotel participated in staff training and other units, to write the "staff motivation" , "inspired in the human resources management in the use of" and other papers.

  Over the past few years I tried to learn professional knowledge, from the basics of course, the efforts to master the basic skills of their skills, fine deep-drilling research, and to seek its inherent laws, and have achieved good results, has won a scholarship. Chongqing as an auto parts manufacturing Co., Ltd. Production Assistant during the production-oriented enterprises are familiar with the mode of operation and management, has accumulated some experience. Social practice in a rich cast of my strong self-learning ability and advance the spirit of the quality of their good physical and mental qualities, but also accumulated a great deal of valuable experience. Xxxx when the University of librarians during the term of office, in addition to active service for the students outside, also learned a lot of inside knowledge, increase their knowledge. I think that only the wisdom of a person applied to work in practice, service to society, is good for the community so that effective and efficient to prove himself in order to truly embody the value of their own!

  I firmly believe that the road is out of step by step. Only down-to-earth, hard work to achieve the full potential of the people to make even better results and achieve the greatest value in life! "Devices will test the Prophet its利钝, Ma Liang will be inferior horse riding and then know." I am sure: if I find a fulcrum, the entire planet will be able to撬起, give me a piece of soil as long as I am going to cloud the lives of young workers, the you can not only see my success, but also throughout the autumn harvest. This is my commitment to self-confidence and ability. Jian-ming setting, the period to the sound. I look forward to this kind grass-inch heart, deep feelings with absolute sincerity that you share a common fate with the development and progress. Please give me a chance to leadership, I will use action to prove himself. Finally, I sincerely wish your company well-developed business and bright future.




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英文的自荐信 (菁华10篇)(扩展1)

——英文的自荐信 (菁华10篇)














  2、tris。your resume is scanned,not read。(“tris”)。







  april 13,xx

  p.o. box 36 tsinghua university beijing,china 100084

dear sir/madam: www.

  your advertisement for a network maintenance engineer in the april 10 student daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job i am seeking. according to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,bachelor or above in com*r science or equivalent field and proficient in windows nt4.0 and linux system. i feel that i am competent to meet the requirements. i will be graduating from graduate school of tsinghua university this year with a m.s. degree . my studies have included courses in com*r control and management and i designed a control simulation system developed with microsoft visual interdev and sql server. during my education, i have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. not only have i passed cet-6, but more important i can communicate with others freely in english. my ability to write and speak english is out of question. i would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.

  i would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.

  with many thanks.

  wang lin


  dear leaders:


  thank you for your busy schedule to read my letter, and sincerely hope you can get the support and endorsement.

  i am a 20xx session of the huaihai institute of technology project management graduates, in-school period, i strictly abide by school rules and regulations, respect for teachers, united students, have a strong collective sense of honor; seriously hard to learn, excellent performance, access to hospital on several occasions scholarships; emphasis on integrating theory with practice, and actively participate in the practice, and internship activities.

  i come from rural families, foster the tradition of hard work from an early age, the spirit of perseverance.

  four years of university education, let me have the project management aspects of the theory of professional knowledge, the work of more than half a year so i have a wealth of practical experience, but also enhance their ability to adapt to the environment.

  todays professionals need for multi-level, prompted me to update, strengthen self: while studying at the school i passed the national examination in english and four grade 2 level, jiangsu province, com*r examinations and com*r-aided design (autocad), and motor vehicles to pass in xx drivers license (c) according to, able to skillfully use officexx (microsoft word, excel, powerpoint), in addition to the cost of learning such as division 3000.

  the success of the cause of the need for knowledge, perseverance, sweat, the perfect combination of opportunities, and similarly, the need for a company the honor of carrying her carrier - selfless people.

  request that your company can give me a chance, let me become one of you, i will be very enthusiastic and hard working your return, and very happy to work with colleagues in the future for our common the cause of all the talents dedication.



  dear sir /madame,

  xizhen chen, my former student in the department of com*r science, beijing univ. of sciences, i am glad to write this letter furnishing my evaluation of his academic aptitude for your reference. mr. chen is interested in your graduate program in com*r science.

  i came to know him in september 1987 when mr. chen enrolled in my class on fortran iv programming, a three semesters' course. in the class he was one of the most outstanding students. at the semester final he earned a high grade of 81, which should be "a" according to our grading system. i also found him good at other studies.

  after the class, he had personal talks with me several times. he indicated a great interest in com*r hardware, in my opinion, mr. chen has a potential in com*r science, which can be further developed.

  in view of his previous achievements in this college, i am firmly convinced that mr. chen will make a successful graduate student. your favorable consideration of his admission will be highly appreciated.

  enclosed is my resume and if there is any additional information you require,please contact me.

  yours faithfully,


  dear ms. trivitts,

  i will be moving to capitol city upon receiving my bachelor's degree in business administration from duke university this june. a friend of mine, polly norton, advised me to contact you. she met you at the last meeting of the women's network and said your company was expanding and in need of a marketing manager. i have extensive experience in marketing for service-oriented companies, as you can see from my attached resume. i understand you need people who are both accurate and committed to achieving company goals. i enjoy detailed tasks and strive to excel in my work.

  i know able insurance is a leading player in regional insurance. i excelled in my coursework in insurance * at duke, and my thesis project centered on the insurance industry. i want to work for your company because of its good reputation in the community and its ability to offer excellent training and mobility. i hope to hear from you soon. you may contact me by calling (000) 555-1058.

  sincerely yours,

  elaine jennifer mcdowell


Dear Sir/Madam:

Thanks very much for taking your valuable time to read my introduction. I graduated from Shaoxing Yuexiu Foreign Languages College in June of 20xx. My major is English and Com*r.

The life of college is colorful, but also transitory, so in the three years, I did my best to learn more as I can. I got the CET—4 and CET—6 certificates and many certificates about com*r, you can see them in my resume. I worked as a abroad salesman for a company in Shaoxing in 20xx, during this time, I made notable achievement for the company. On the other hand, my English made a big progress in every fields, such as speaking and translating.

I think your company can provide suitable work for me, and I am sure I can meet your demand, that’s will benefit both of us. It is my honour to have this chance, if I have the opportunity work for your company, I will do my best.

Look forward to your kind indication,

Yours sincerely!

Hongliang Zhang


Dear Sir,

  In June of this year I shall receive my Masters of Science degree from New York University and I am naturally very much interested in securing a position. I believe I can qualify as a communications engineer.

  For as long as I can remember your company has been a standard in the field of business machines and I have followed its developments with keen appreciation. I should like very much to have the privilege of working under the supervision of one of your men not only because I sincerely believe that I can serve you well, but also because it would give me a fine opportunity to grow as a physicist.

  The course in physics I have taken as a graduate have a particular hearing on the development work of your firm. As a physics major I selected my courses with particular emphasis on those dealing with integrated circuits, and have had considerable laboratory work in these fields.

  If you do not have any vacancies at present for which I might be considered, will you please file my application for future reference? I shall be pleased to sup* any additional information you may wish and come to your office for a personal interview at any time that is convenient.

  Sincerely yours,







Dear sir,

  in june of this year i shall receive my masters of science degree from new york university and i am naturally very much interested in securing a position。 i believe i can qualify as a communications engineer。

  for as long as i can remember your company has been a standard in the field of business machines and i have followed its developments with keen appreciation。 i should like very much to have the privilege of working under the supervision of one of your men not only because i sincerely believe that i can serve you well, but also because it would give me a fine opportunity to grow as a physicist。

  the course in physics i have taken as a graduate have a particular hearing on the development work of your firm。 as a physics major i selected my courses with particular emphasis on those dealing with integrated circuits, and have had considerable laboratory work in these fields。

  if you do not have any vacancies at present for which i might be considered, will you please file my application for future reference? i shall be pleased to sup* any additional information you may wish and come to your office for a personal interview at any time that is convenient。

  sincerely yours.


  I was born in the beautiful scenery of the border town - Linjiang, 97 years with outstanding results, I went to the Jilin University of Technology School of Economics and Management, then opened a new chapter in my life. I have been as a school class party branch secretary of the corporation, a busy train and exercise not only my ability to work and more training to solve the problem of my ability, so that the problems faced when I can calm ***ysis, careful thought, and this all for me the choice of professionals have had a profound impact.

  I do a good job at the same time, but also actively participate in school activities and to encourage students to participate, for their advice; in everyday life, I was able to closely unite the students, I believe that the collective force is strong, only we in order to do a good job.

  The needs of socialist modernization is a comprehensive quality management personnel, so I have to learn professional knowledge, the main English and com*rs, in English, I am training to strengthen my listening, speaking, reading and writing ability; in the com*r, the I start from the basic knowledge to further grasp the various functions of the OFFICE, but also self-learning of basic knowledge of the INTERNET can be used flexibly. Professional after the elections, in order to broaden their own knowledge, I also participated in the study Accounting mastered basic accounting software applications and EXCEL applications. In order to study their own expertise to jest ǎ Mao Wei Liang unloading a few cases of BA-related teaching materials, such as strategic management, corporate governance, financial management, capital operation and so on, and ap* it in their practical work.

  "Sea diving with width, height days", I hope you can give me an opportunity to display their talent, I will work hard, study hard and expertise to live up to my expectations of the company.


Dear Sir/Madam:

  I am a student, graduated from XX middle school, XX, XX autonomous region, in 20xx. I am still studying in high school now, because I was not enrolled by the ideal university last year. Recently, I have a dream to study abroad. Then I search online and find that it is more convenient and suitable for me to go to New Zealand for study.

  First, New Zealand is a multicultural country, which has the most advanced education in the world. Second, the tuition is lower than other countries’, which I think is mo

  re reasonable for me. Finally, the climate of New Zealand is similar with the climate of the South of China. Considering above reasons, I told my parents my plan on going to New Zealand for study, and my parent agreed with me.

  As a girl, I like preschool education since I was young. Nowadays, Chinese parents, who want their children to get better education, pay more attention to preschool education. If I study specialized curriculums on preschool education, I will go back China and work hard on preschool education after leaving college.

  My plan is as follows: first, I plan to study English in language institute for about a half year in New Zealand. Then, I will study specialized curriculums on preschool education.

  I believe I have the ability of study abroad, because I have finished all high school curriculums. Besides, my parents both have job and have rich income, so they will support me to finish my study. After finishing my study, I will return to my homeland and work on preschool education, so as to realize my life value.





英文的自荐信 (菁华10篇)(扩展2)

——英文的自荐信 (菁华12篇)














  2、tris。your resume is scanned,not read。(“tris”)。







Beloved leaders:

  Hello! Guangxi University XX I am a fresh college graduates who majored in Accounting, I am about to enter a new society for the future is full of expectations, with a self-confidence, take the liberty to put themselves forward your own!

  University for three years, I shall focus on learning basic course, and emphasis on ability. In school, I pay close attention to time, to study hard in order to complete the outstanding achievements of the basis of the theory of learning. At the same time, I also have plans to take some time to read all kinds of books, magazines, and seek to maximize the expansion of knowledge. I also participated in the study Accounting mastered basic accounting software applications, is now com*rized accounting certificate, but also to obtain a certificate of their qualification.

  While studying at the school as a college apartment I have been Vice-Chairman of the Management Commi*. Busy training and exercise not only my ability to work more exercise my ability to solve problems and deal with all kinds of people, his ability has greatly improved, so that the problems faced by the time I can calm ***ysis, careful reflection, and All of my professional choice has had a profound impact.

  Apart from the study, out of college, I try to capture every opportunity to exercise, and get along with others at different levels, so that close contact with their own society, the feelings of life, the life taste sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, so that the maturity of their own as soon as possible.

  The needs of socialist modernization is a comprehensive quality management personnel, so I have to learn professional knowledge, actively participate in social practice, to participate in the work of college students have achieved excellent results.

  I look forward to your company can give me an opportunity to display their talent, I will use to prove their abilities. Your company the right choice!




  Dear leaders:

  Hello! Thank you for your busy schedule, volunteered to give me an opportunity.

  My name is Wang Lei, from Qingdao University of Science and Technology Institute of Electrical and Mechanical Services, a student, professional school for the manufacture of machinery and automation. As a graduating college students through four years of hard study and social practice, I not only learned a wealth of expertise and to enhance their own ability, but also dee* conscious of their lack of work at a later study Need to strive to improve their own quality.

  In the four years of study, I have received many school scholarships and inspirational national scholarship of 5,000 yuan reward, these are the achievements of the past, I am sure. But I know that honor belongs to the past, the future path of their own needs down-to-earth, from scratch.

  In the study, I actively participate in social practice, have been involved in mobile phone sales in the Pijiu Cheng and part-time, and so on, through social practice, I raise their own experience and develop their own hard-working difficulties, the perseverance of good quality .

  As a senior graduates, despite the lack of experience I have, but in the future I will work with an open mind to learn, and strive to improve on their skills, and devote every effort to serve the company, their dedication. Therefore, I very much hope that you can give me an opportunity to provide me with a broad world to realize their own value!








  Dear leaders of the school:


  I am the English Department, Northeast Normal University Foreign Language Institute for students in grade 97, will graduate in July 20xx, I am interested in the educational front to play their own light and heat.

  The influence of the family, forming a hard-working spirit of my many years of honing cast my strong-willed character, school education that I have qualified for the future education of my professional and cultural qualities.

  University for four years, I matured, Normal humanities academic atmosphere cultivated my moral character, develop a unique set of learning my way, I always strict with himself, everything strict demands on themselves, so I have a number of aspects have a leap of progress.

  In the study, I know that learning is the bounden duty of the students, if you do not study hard work will not be qualified for future challenges. In addition to his own efforts to study English, but also actively expand the knowledge in the various stages of examination, the results have been good all through the school, has received third-class scholarship, in addition, in order to meet the ever-changing new needs of the times, coupled with their own interest, during the first year to participate in the department of com*r training, master the basic operations, sophomore, junior during the minor in Com*r Science, Jilin University of Technology and graduated with honors .

  At work, I have initially shown their work in coordinating the talents of students. Begin as a freshman, I have been sleeping long as the post of counselor actively cooperate with the department prepare students to work.

  Dedicated connection, in the Northeast Normal University High School intern, I have been consulted widely to teachers, serious work, won the praise of teachers and students have achieved "excellent" results. Three years, I have not stopped tutor, I taught students of all ages, from which benefit, on the one hand, I understand the psychological development of students and different learning requirements, on the other hand, for junior high and high some initial grasp of the textbooks, which the future of education, there will be a great help.

  In the cultural field of sports, to participate actively in physical exercise, three years, sports has been excellent performance, a former member of the class of the sport. Not only that, I have a keen interest in dance, and self-study for many years, actively participated in cultural activities in schools, moreover, I was good at painting, a poster for the class, blackboard newspaper.

  In moral terms, to education, I am passionate about, well aware that "ten trees, takes a hundred years", the success or failure of education in relation to a country and a nation's success or failure, I would like to do in the cause of education a humble. And I believe the school was the school motto in one sentence: do educators, not just Jiaoshu Jiang. Therefore, education in the future, I will continue to work to that end.

  Rigorous and realistic in your school's style of teaching attractive to me, I hope that I can become a member of your school, and I will work towards development of education in your school, I believe, I will become a qualified teacher . Finally, ask your school to give me a chance to prove himself.

  I wish your school business was flourishing, to go further.


respect leadership:

  First, extends the deep respect to your industrious work, in spite of being very busy very thanks you to glance through my material.

  Also hoped that it can open the opportunity and the success gate of for me.

  My name am Ni X, is the foreign language foreign trade Training college international trade specialized 06 sessions of graduates.

  The graduation in namely, is facing the future and enterprise's choice, I the position which provides to your firm is interested very much.

  “in the work the academic society work, the academic society studies in the study”.

  Three year university life, I record “one point to do farm work sincerely frequently, one point harvest” the maxim and loves the hillock professional spirit, and merges it to the study and the work.

  Three year study, I mainly studied foreign trade Shan Zheng to study, curricula and so on economic, accounting, market marketing, international trade and practice, foreign trade letters and telegrams, international commerce English, Through the international trade practice's study and the practice, caused my to further be familiar with the foreign trade service detailed flow, while learned the specialized knowledge.

  I have also studied com*r's related knowledge, could utilize Office series office softwares well and so on Word, had the good team spirit and the very strong sense of responsibility, could bear hardships and stand hard work, honestly, is self-confident, is professional.

  As a graduating university graduate, I also lack the rich work experience, but I will work even more diligently, will enrich themselves and consummates unceasingly.

  Simultaneously also believed that through own diligently the help which can provide with your firm, I can be competent this work and with your firm together diligently, promotes company's enterprise unceasing development forward.

  Even if your firm thought that my present condition has not met your requirement, I will pay attention to your firm's development as always, and expresses I sincerest wish!

  “the sea depends on the fish dive extravagantly, day Gao Renniao flies.”I hoped earnestly your firm can give me an opportunity, I take the work filled with warm, the rigorous practical work will serve as the company

  Sets sail, depends strength of your east wind.

  Will be anticipating your soon answer!


Dear leaders:

  Hello! My heartfelt thanks to you I am busy reading this material, and wish your organization the cause of prosperity and bright future!

  I am a college xx **** x university graduates, since the University today, the college entrance examination after the easy, learn the joy of taking the wind was gone, because my start and continue to strive to meet new challenges. Shuttle time, I talked about this childhood dream, the ideals of young people leave school and embark on jobs. I am thinking of a four-year universities, the knowledge structure and psychological growth of the four-year maturity. Benefits in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University to study the strong and innovative atmosphere, melting of which made me to be a four-year compound talents.

  In school, I study hard and expertise, and strive to ap* the theoretical knowledge in practice, took part in the National Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest, and success. In addition I like com*rs, not only master the use of basic application software, and the smooth passage of the national community and the Department of Labor and Social Security information of high-tech intermediate vocational qualification exams and Microsoft certification exam ATC. In English, through four countries in English and spoken English to participate in training. In addition, an active part in my students and student organizations, such as radio station services for students, outstanding performance, contribution to excellence has won the colonel, "Miyoshi outstanding students and outstanding members," "outstanding student leaders," "the school radio station system" excellent work From, "and so on.

  "There will be wind and waves, the white sea Ji Yun-Fan", I sincerely hope to join your company, I will be with full enthusiasm and tenacity of character to work hard and cooperate with colleagues for the development of your organization to make their own modest. Page curriculum vitae is attached under the discretion of your survey, I urge acceptance re* is hope, I look forward to your good news!




dear leaders:

  hello! thank you for taking the time in his busy schedule to read my自荐信this.

  i was in heilongjiang province institute of education, department of 06 pre-school session of the students, the occasion of careers, i, an education full of boundless enthusiasm of youth, with one pairs of the persistent pursuit of education, in good faith recommend your own.

  over the past three years in school, i studied hard and seriously treasury study, each semester is to complete the outstanding results of the study subjects, and continuously improve all aspects of their own from. not only in professional courses. skills class outstanding achievements, but also other theory and other disciplines to expand their knowledge. while studying at the school is a member of the school dance. province has participated in performances and other cultural activities, not only let me in the dance disciplines results in improved skills and enhanced their higher psychological quality. and won 2nd in harbin "bee flower cup" young children in an integrated talent contest. youth dance group, "gold award" honor! in the after-school time, i like reading books, from the book draw nourishment to equip themselves with new ideas, to develop mind.

  practice is the sole criterion for testing truth, so i use vacation time to a private kindergarten and special dance classes, training teachers to serve as its efforts to obtain work experience. for the future of early childhood education to engage in the cause of fully prepared. arranged in school internship base, the air force blue kindergarten internship period, reflected in their overall quality higher. received training units at home.

  university life will soon be passed, and i a solid self-confidence in their own professional knowledge, rich in psychological knowledge, organization and management of high capacity and teaching ability, competence and good will certainly be able to complete your work to me, please your school g

  ave me a chance.












Dear Mr. Cavendish,

  I saw your advertisement in the local paper this evening,and I wonder if you would consider me for a job as a waiter this summer.

  I am seventeen years old and at present I am studying English and economics. When I leave school, I hope to take a course in hotel management. During the school holidays last summer, I worked as a waiter at the Central Hotel. The headwaiter there, Mr. Macintosh, will be pleased to send you a recommendation for me.

  I would prefer to work in your hotel in Filey because it is near my home. However, if there isn’t any job there for me, perhaps you could consider me for the Scarborough Hotel.

  I would be pleased if you will send me information about the pay and conditions of the job to be offered. I will be free to begin work in the fourth week of July when the school holidays start.

  Yours sincerely,


Dear Sir:

  In response to your advertisement in the newspaper of January 15,I wish to ap* for the position of(secretary,accountant,clerk,salesman,etc).I am twenty-five years old and a graduate of xx college. My experience in this line of work includes six years as an assistant accountant with the ABC Company.The reason for leaving my present employment is because they are closing their office.I am enclosing my resume together with my photo,and believe that they may be found satisfactory.With respect to salary,I shall expect HK$5,000 a month.

  I assure you that if appointed, I will do my best to give your satisfaction.Very truly yours xx.


  dear leaders:


  learning that your school in an orderly, well-managed in the community enjoy a high reputation. i am filled with a boundless enthusiasm for education of youth, eager to be able to work in such an environment, their own talent. allow me to own to tell us about you.

  i am a pre-xxxx ** session students hard at school during the hard-working, not only in the outstanding achievements of the professionals, but also other psychology, english and other areas to expand their knowledge. four years, in the repair of more than 30 courses in the door, almost more than two-thirds of gifted, learning the psychology of all professional courses, the psychology has reached the professional level. in addition, i also trained hard under the basic skills classes, have stronger language skills, organization and management of scientific research capacity and ability to use modern teaching methods for teaching and learning. normal practice in hunan, the fully reflects the higher overall quality of their own, the practice of recognized units.

  trivial busy social work literature, not only good exercise their literary quality, but also cultivate their own organization and management of higher capacity. in the meantime, i have said many times in the hospital's literary journal published an article, an essay contest to obtain good results in the third by the students at home.

  university life will soon be passed, and i a solid self-confidence in their own professional knowledge, rich in psychological knowledge, organization and management of high capacity and teaching ability, competence and good will certainly be able to complete your work to me, please your school gave me a chance.




Dear sir / ms:

  hello! today, read the newspapers and was informed that the contents of your company’s editors solicited. i am confident candidates meet the requirements to write this letter ap* for editorial positions.

  i graduated from renmin university literature department, with editing experience and familiar with proofreading, adaptation, publishing, as well as such related work. the biographical notes are as follows:

  in sales volume of 30000 copies of the "weekly" as editorial director for two years. and was directly involved in the work of a newspaper layout.

  in 1998 in "health guide" as editorial work. main tasks: responsible for proofreading, rewriting, and writing lengthy project. 5 years of work to sharpen, so i am familiar with the media movement, through visits with celebrities, so i have very strong communication skills.

  i am familiar with all office routine work, currently employed by a magazine advertisement, but this work for temporary work, it is hoped to seek a more stable job.

  attached to the letter to my cv. if the opportunity to interview with you, i would be very grateful.


英文的自荐信 (菁华10篇)(扩展3)

——英文求职自荐信 (菁华10篇)






















Distinguished leadership of your company:

  Hello, thank you very much in his busy schedule to take some time to read my University, I always to improve their overall quality as the goal, all-round development of self-direction. Establish a correct outlook on life, values, and worldview.

  Ideologically, I treat them sincerely and fine style of work, loving the motherland, and firmly supported Comrade Hu Jintao as the core of the correct leadership of the CPC Central Commi* and resolutely oppose to split the motherland for all the lawless elements.

  "Bao Jianfeng from Sharpen out plum incense from cold to" is my university to learn continuously. In addition to conscientiously study NC professional, but also to obtain a scholarship to study at different levels. In order to enhance their own capacity, I also participated in the Southwest Technologywith undergraduate diplomas. Learning is important, the annual winter and summer vacations to allow me to participate in social practice, which greatly foster self-reliance of my life and social practice.

  Learn: I often participate in physical training, basketball, badminton are my great love.

  Time flies, with young and knowledge I am about to embark on work experience may mean that there is no young, but the young have a passion and aggressive officers. I firmly believe that after graduation I will overcome all kinds of difficulties for the realization of self-worth the struggle.

Self Person: Lai right are

  July 11, 20xx



  I have been told by Mr. John Washington, Credit Manager, The Business Book Publishing, New York, with whom I believe you are acquainted, that you are expecting to make some additions to your accounting staff in June.

  I should like to be considered an applicant for one of these positions. You can see from the data sheet that is enclosed with this letter that I have had five Yearsof varied experience in the book business. The companies for which I have worked have given me permission to refer you to them for information about the quality of the work I did while in their employ. My work was in the credit department and in the accounting department in both companies, with some experience also in inventory control. In

  both positions, I have been assigned with the daily office administration. The courses taken at Central Commercial and the Bronx Community College specifically prepare me for doing the accounting required in your department.

  I hope that you will give me an interview at some time convenient to you. If there is further information that you wish in the meantime, please let me know. I can always be reached at the address given at the beginning of this letter.

  Very truly yours,

  Jane lin







  Dear Sir,

  I take the liberty to write you in the hope that you might need someone to fill in for you. I feel that I am qualified as an administrator.

  I am currently a student at college, I have over a month more to complete before I graduate. My major is business administration.

  I have excellent grades in all my subjects. If you wish to look at these information it will be sent to you later.

  I have worked at a trading company as a secretary, but I hope to seek more responsible employment. I am 25 years old and very honest and dependable.

  If you need someone with my qualifications, please let me know.

  Thank you very much for your kind attention.

  Sincerely yours,



Distinguished leadership of your company:

  Hello, thank you very much in his busy schedule to take some time to read my University, I always to improve their overall quality as the goal, all-round development of self-direction. Establish a correct outlook on life, values, and worldview.

  Ideologically, I treat them sincerely and fine style of work, loving the motherland, and firmly supported Comrade Hu Jintao as the core of the correct leadership of the CPC Central Commi* and resolutely oppose to split the motherland for all the lawless elements.

  "Bao Jianfeng from Sharpen out plum incense from cold to" is my university to learn continuously. In addition to conscientiously study NC professional, but also to obtain a scholarship to study at different levels. In order to enhance their own capacity, I also participated in the Southwest Technologywith undergraduate diplomas. Learning is important, the annual winter and summer vacations to allow me to participate in social practice, which greatly foster self-reliance of my life and social practice.

  Learn: I often participate in physical training, basketball, badminton are my great love.

  Time flies, with young and knowledge I am about to embark on work experience may mean that there is no young, but the young have a passion and aggressive officers. I firmly believe that after graduation I will overcome all kinds of difficulties for the realization of self-worth the struggle.

Self Person: Lai right are

  July 11, 20xx


dear leaders:


  thank you for your busy schedule to read down the cover letter i sincerely! when you open this letter personally, will be on my studies at the university of testing, when you finally close the letter, perhaps the decision will be a new journey of my life. i am a sea shipping department of management science college graduates, the school is a professional business english. i have three years at the university professional knowledge of the more solid learning, together with the ability of the various disciplines, not only mastered the knowledge of english is also familiar with the business knowledge and flexibility to ap* in practice. i also actively participate in social practice period of years, and engaged in home. this is not only exercise my skills, but also with the students, parents and the contacts of each other, but also increased the ability of human interaction. in a variety of social practice, i not only exercise its own survival, but also more and more mature self. i excelled at school during the period, but also won several honors, including scholarships and the "three students," the title. as organizations are members, also served as president of the association of english magic, which has strong ability to organize and coordinate. strong sense of professionalism and sense of responsibility so that i can face any difficulties and challenges.

  i will practice in the future with an open mind on learning and study, work experience and improve the ability to work. at the same time, as a pursuit of self-worth of graduates, i treasure the opportunities to work and always firmly believe that: if your company can join, your company will inject new vitality into the creation of new value! on my own: do not ease, but rather whether or not sufficient to maintain the passion and wisdom, in such a highly dominant personality of toughness, to do anything for me to have become a challenge. i firmly believe that i can do this work. i sincerely hope to integrate into your company ahead of the torrent to. my past is the accumulation of your company; my future, your company is willing to plan and hard work, and dedication! i know that the past does not mean that now is the successful struggle connotations. i also know that tomorrow is also the path of the wind with rain, but as long as your sure that i will be fearless! please give me a chance, give me a show to the world, i will certainly be able to prove himself to you to prove that there is nothing wrong with your choice, the choice facing the grim status quo, challenges and opportunities before once again in front of me, but my rational tell me: the courage to face, i can do it! i would like to use my professional knowledge and wisdom, a cavity sincere faith, for you, for modest contribution to the development of tomorrow, with our sincerity and trust each other to work together to build a bridge for our new tomorrow brilliant!

  again, thank you for reading my cv royal, sincerely look forward to hearing from you!

  finally, the company prosperity, career success!


















Dear sir/madame,

  your advertisement for a network maintenance engineer in the april 10student daily interested me because the position that you de- scribed sounds exactly like the kind of job i am seeking.

  according to the advertisement,your position requires a good university degree,bachelor or above in com*r science or equivalent field and proficient in windows nt 4.0and linux system.i feel that i am competent to meet the requirements.i will be graduating from xx university this year with a msc.my studies have included courses in com*r control and management and i designed a control simulation system developed with microsoft visual and sql server.

  during my education,i have grasped the principles of my major subject area and gained practical skills.not only have i passed cet - 6,but more importantly i can communicate fluently in english.my ability to write and speak english is a good standard.

  i would welcome an opportunity to attend you for an interview.

  enclosed is my resume and if there is any additional information you require,please contact me.

  yours faithfully,



dear leaders:


  thank you for your busy schedule to read down the cover letter i sincerely! when you open this letter personally, will be on my studies at the university of testing, when you finally close the letter, perhaps the decision will be a new journey of my life. i am a sea shipping department of management science college graduates, the school is a professional business english. i have three years at the university professional knowledge of the more solid learning, together with the ability of the various disciplines, not only mastered the knowledge of english is also familiar with the business knowledge and flexibility to ap* in practice. i also actively participate in social practice period of years, and engaged in home. this is not only exercise my skills, but also with the students, parents and the contacts of each other, but also increased the ability of human interaction. in a variety of social practice, i not only exercise its own survival, but also more and more mature self. i excelled at school during the period, but also won several honors, including scholarships and the "three students," the title. as organizations are members, also served as president of the association of english magic, which has strong ability to organize and coordinate. strong sense of professionalism and sense of responsibility so that i can face any difficulties and challenges.

  i will practice in the future with an open mind on learning and study, work experience and improve the ability to work. at the same time, as a pursuit of self-worth of graduates, i treasure the opportunities to work and always firmly believe that: if your company can join, your company will inject new vitality into the creation of new value! on my own: do not ease, but rather whether or not sufficient to maintain the passion and wisdom, in such a highly dominant personality of toughness, to do anything for me to have become a challenge. i firmly believe that i can do this work. i sincerely hope to integrate into your company ahead of the torrent to. my past is the accumulation of your company; my future, your company is willing to plan and hard work, and dedication! i know that the past does not mean that now is the successful struggle connotations. i also know that tomorrow is also the path of the wind with rain, but as long as your sure that i will be fearless! please give me a chance, give me a show to the world, i will certainly be able to prove himself to you to prove that there is nothing wrong with your choice, the choice facing the grim status quo, challenges and opportunities before once again in front of me, but my rational tell me: the courage to face, i can do it! i would like to use my professional knowledge and wisdom, a cavity sincere faith, for you, for modest contribution to the development of tomorrow, with our sincerity and trust each other to work together to build a bridge for our new tomorrow brilliant!

  again, thank you for reading my cv royal, sincerely look forward to hearing from you!

  finally, the company prosperity, career success!


英文的自荐信 (菁华10篇)(扩展4)

——会计英文自荐信 (菁华3篇)


  Dear Sir,

  I have heard that perhaps you might need an accountant with considerable experience working with companies such as yours.

  I am enclosing a personal data sheet which I think will adequately show you my qualifications. I would be pleased if you would grant me an interview at your convenience.

  Sincerely yours,







  i was about to nanning vocational and technical college graduate students in an accounting profession. from the "nanning information port" the newspapers and magazines, it was learned that your company would hire accounting positions. i am your companys development has been very concerned, and accounting have great interest in this work is very happy to develop your company do something modest. i am honored to have the opportunity to you brought to my personal data.

  in the two years of university life, i have a good grasp of professional knowledge, learning of cost accounting, management accounting, financial management, com*rized accounting, auditing, science and other professional courses. i seriously study, specialized courses average performance of 80 points or more, ideological and moral good moral character issued by the college has received outstanding awards, in-school period, i made the ministry of education examination center two certification com*r certification, english b level qualified certificate, accounting certificate. photographic association, served as deputy secretary-general post. i grid bright, passionate work, get teachers and students alike.

  i can skilled use of office software on the com*r has a certain degree of operational capability, a skilled five-stroke input method. two years in my spare time in the off-campus part-time. and through the work of learning responsibility to make me feel important. life of the wind and rain so i have a hard-working spirit. honesty and trustworthiness is my character. because i know that accounting treatment is not careless sort of, not to cook the books. serious and responsible in their duties.

  respected corporate leaders, if i can receives your common sense, i will dutifully take concrete action to show you: your companys past, i came for and participation; but your companys future, i am willing to sacrifice the hard work of my life and sweat! i look forward to your good news. after once again my most sincere thanks!




  respected company leaders:


  i was about to nanning vocational and technical college graduate students in an accounting profession. from the "nanning information port" the newspapers and magazines, it was learned that your company would hire accounting positions. i am your companys development has been very concerned, and accounting have great interest in this work is very happy to develop your company do something modest. i am honored to have the opportunity to you brought to my personal data.

  in the two years of university life, i have a good grasp of professional knowledge, learning of cost accounting, management accounting, financial management, com*rized accounting, auditing, science and other professional courses. i seriously study, specialized courses average performance of 80 points or more, ideological and moral good moral character issued by the college has received outstanding awards, in-school period, i made the ministry of education examination center two certification com*r certification, english b level qualified certificate, accounting certificate. photographic association, served as deputy secretary-general post. i grid bright, passionate work, get teachers and students alike.

  i can skilled use of office software on the com*r has a certain degree of operational capability, a skilled five-stroke input method. two years in my spare time in the off-campus part-time. and through the work of learning responsibility to make me feel important. life of the wind and rain so i have a hard-working spirit. honesty and trustworthiness is my character. because i know that accounting treatment is not careless sort of, not to cook the books. serious and responsible in their duties.

  respected corporate leaders, if i can receives your common sense, i will dutifully take concrete action to show you: your companys past, i came for and participation; but your companys future, i am willing to sacrifice the hard work of my life and sweat! i look forward to your good news. after once again my most sincere thanks!



英文的自荐信 (菁华10篇)(扩展5)

——英文的自荐信 (菁华9篇)



  Hello! Thank you for reading this material in your busy schedule, and wish your company a thriving and prosperous business!

  I am Harbin university of technology institute of measurement and control technology and communication engineering graduate in * * * *, since today's university, the university entrance exam easily, learn the joy of admission after gone with the wind, because I have to start over, continue to work hard struggle, to meet new challenges. Time flies, I talk about this childhood dream, young ideal leave school, go to work position. The four years of college are my four years of thinking, knowledge structure and psychology and growing up. The strong learning and innovative atmosphere of huyu polytechnic university has made me a composite talent in four years.

  During the school years, I worked hard to learn professional knowledge, and tried to ap* theoretical knowledge to practice. I participated in the electronic design competition of college students in China and achieved good results. Furthermore I like com*r, not only grasp the basic application software skilled the use, and smoothly through the national high and new technology and the ministry of labor and social security information professional qualification intermediate ATC exam and Microsoft certification exams. In English, I passed cet-4 and participated in oral English training. In addition, I actively involved in student union and stations such as service for students, student organization performance, contribution is outstanding, has won the school "outstanding merit student and excellent league member", "outstanding student cadres", "the school radio station system" outstanding workers "and so on the title.

  ", make the sea in full straight hanging ", I sincerely hope to join in your company, I will be with full enthusiasm and strength of character, hard work with colleagues sincere cooperation, contribute to the development of the expensive unit render their own. The next page is attached to the resume. Please accept it. I am looking forward to your re*.












  april 13,XX

  p.o. box 36

  biit university

  beijing,china 100000

  dear sir/madam:

  now and then corporations send out feelers for just the right type of creative person. this person must fit very specific criteria. usually, after all is said and done, the corporation wants a business person who can manage, create and communicate. a seasoned professional who‘s been around for a while.

  if you‘ve been looking for this rare combination of business savvy and design expertise, my background might interest you:

  ten years of working experience. solid background in the management of creative up-and-comers.goodjob.com

  know new technologies that show instant profit, such as cad/cam.

  this is but a brief summary of my abilities. and there is much, much more to share.i feel i have strong marketable skills in which you would be interested. please contact me if you would like to hear and see more.

  with many thanks,

  huang yan


  respect leadership:


  i am very sincere pass my personal job recommendation, i hope in yourpany to reflect my life first value.

  the sails, depend on you the east wind power! i am hubei normal university the xx department of mathematics mathematics education professional fresh graduates. facing the employment choice, i really think your unit worked. hope and the expensive unit colleagues work together, a total of yang to the sail, to create a brilliant career.

  "is made with the blunt whetstone, plum flower sweet without sweat." after four years of professional study and the life of university annealing, when they entered naive and childish i has become calm and cool. in order to based on society, in order to own a successful career, four years i constantly strive to learn, both basic course, or professional class, have achieved good results. during the university for xx year school single scholarship, meet the national english four levels of levels, the*r after the national level, and through the national second class in the test, the test. at the same time in after school, i still pay attention to constantly expand knowledge, and i minored in teachers professional skills (middle school mathematics education), mastered the basic skills of ended. use after school time learned the basic operation of the*r, familiar with the windows operating system, master officeXX office software, able to skillfully use software authorware, powerpoint,() production courseware, the multimedia teaching.

  learning is important, but ability training is also indispensable. in the last four years, to improve their ability to give lectures, accumulate education experience, from the start sophomore, i learn each specialized course at the same time, also use their spare time actively participate in family education practice, which is a mathematics "lame leg" junior middle school and primary school students in mathematics remediation, make their math scores were larger degree rise, my work also had parents affirmation and praise. in order to further accumulation system mathematical education experience, i to wisco daye iron ore one for two months of junior middle school mathematics education practice work, in two months of practice time,

  i actively to experienced teacher consult, pay attention to learn their teaching art and improve their service level and teaching skills, and strive to make their own teaching style do informative and interesting simultaneously. through constant hard work and teaching practice, i already have a good teacher quality, good style of work, solid to teaching basic skills, strong self-learning and adaptive capacity, goodmunication and coordination ability, make me for future education work full of confidence and expectations.


  dear school leadership:


  thank you for your busy schedule to read my. liaoning institute of technology i am a XX english language and culture tend to professional students, will graduate in july this year. house as a result of the teachers who is from an early age i was a good family education, but also for the cause of teachers has always been filled with great enthusiasm, eager to look forward to your leadership, for this glorious and great cause plus licking bricks watts, and continuous learning in practice and progress.

  honesty, integrity, diligence and pragmatism is the principle of my many years of school life, i formed a good style and advanced ideas, concepts, and have a unique way of thinking, harmonious interpersonal relationships. university life and to further strengthen the cultural knowledge of my self-cultivation, and create a good psychological quality, and effectively i have a down-to-earth style of life and the principle of self-regulate.

  prerequisite of its browser. mentorship in the strict lessons and personal efforts, i have a solid foundation of professional knowledge, to master a number of skills. in each semester of the exam have achieved excellent results and one-time in september XX through the four english professional examinations, and achieved good results, can ease the use of com*r software, familiar with word, excel and other office software. participate actively in the schools, the activities of the organization department of the school games a success on many occasions.

  at the same time, i am very focused on all aspects of their quality, ability to train and actively participate in various social activities, seize the opportunity to exercise their own. weekdays, i tutor after school hours engaged in work, so far the whole three years, as it has in the travel guides, and has been widely praised, leave alone to do during the course of english. therefore, a large number of professors have a certain degree of social experience and practical ability. also, because of language, literature and love of learning in japanese is also a slight contribution.

  near that your school just a few years from a number of provinces, municipalities prescribed in the school come to the fore, is no accident, but by virtue of the leadership and vision gaucho staff have a strong cohesive force, which is training young people and give full play to the time, a good place.who is also the bounden duty of imparting knowledge and educating people. i am filled with enthusiasm to find their own ideal position, with high morale will work hard in pursuit of my career.












  天行健 君子以自强不息,地势坤 君子以厚德载物。



  敬礼 !




  Iistinguished leadership of your company:

  Hello, thank you very much in his busy schedule to take some time to read my university, i always to improve their overall quality as the goal, all-round development of self-direction. establish a correct outlook on life, values, and worldview.

  Ideologically, i treat them sincerely and fine style of work, loving the motherland, and firmly supported comrade hu jintao as the core of the correct leadership of the cpc central commi* and resolutely oppose to split the motherland for all the lawless elements.

  "Bao jianfeng from sharpen out plum incense from cold to" is my university to learn continuously. in addition to conscientiously study nc professional, but also to obtain a scholarship to study at different levels. in order to enhance their own capacity, i also participated in the southwest technologywith undergraduate diplomas. learning is important, the annual winter and summer vacations to allow me to participate in social practice, which greatly foster self-reliance of my life and social practice.

  Learn: i often participate in physical training, basketball, badminton are my great love.

  Time flies, with young and knowledge i am about to embark on work experience may mean that there is no young, but the young have a passion and aggressive officers. i firmly believe that after graduation i will overcome all kinds of difficulties for the realization of self-worth the struggle. self person: lai right are

  July 11, XX















  cial roofing industry. part of my responsibility was to provide technical support to sales people, when they had questions of a technical nature from their engineering or architectural customers.

  i have experience in quality assurance and the application of control charting to a large insulation line at forte products. this resulted in a 23% reduction in scrap and a 76% reduction in customerplaints.

  i am seeking a position as a team leader or manager in product or process development, or in quality assurance. mypensation requirements are in the $65,000 to $70,000 range, and i am open to relocation.

  i would welcome the opportunity to talk with you and discuss the technical contributions i could make to the kelco corporation, especially in the development of exciting new roofing products. thank you for reviewing my credentials, and i look forward to hearing from you shortly.


  dear leaders:


  thank you for your busy schedule to find time to browse my personal statement! at this point, please allow me to you volunteered.

  i was in jiangsu technical teachers college fashion design graduate professional 20xx. in the university four years, i seriously and systematically study the basis of professional knowledge and skills. proficiency in office automation software, photoshop, coreldraw, and pgm, lumberjack clothes plate software. successfully passed the ministry of labor and social security clothing intermediate skills test. in addition, the organization as a member of the class for students during the active service, outstanding performance.

  in the school's main task is to learn, so i grasped a strong expertise, but more important is to ap* theoretical knowledge to practice in this regard, i also have performed well.

  by changzhou ai di shi si garment co., ltd., changzhou eibe fashion co., ltd., a study tour. as well as in changzhou donghua clothing co., ltd. internship gives me insight into our costumes, process and production management. and that in the jiangsu snow horse clothing co., ltd. and ningbo hiles sporting goods co., ltd. is engaged in design, gained valuable work experience.

  i am good at fashion design and garment plate, we sincerely hope to join your company, i will, with enthusiasm and tenacity of character, hard work, sincere cooperation with colleagues for the development of your organization to make its own contribution to help.



英文的自荐信 (菁华10篇)(扩展6)

——学生英文自荐信 (菁华5篇)


























respect leadership:

  how do you do!

  thank you for your time out of his busy schedule to browse my cover letter! in this, please allow me to your recommendation famons.

  i am jiangsu teachers university of technology as the dress design major XX sessions of graduates. in the four years in the university, i seriously system to learn the professional knowledge and skills. familiar with office automation software, photoshop, coreldraw and pgm, the woodcutter clothing process software. smoothly through national labor and social security ministry clothing intermediate skill tests. in addition, as a class commissary in charge of organization for students during active service, do well.

  the schools main task is to study, so i have a strong professional knowledge, but more important is the theoretical knowledge to practical use, in this respect i also have outstanding performance.

  based on the changzhous icey apparel co., ltd., changzhou abe clothing co., ltd. visit learning. and in changzhou donghua apparel co., ltd. practice makes me further understand the clothing technological process and production management. and in jiangsu snow horse garment co., ltd. and ningbo hells sporting goods co., ltd. is engaged in the design, won the valuable work experience.

  i am good at dress designing and garment plate making, sincerely hope to join in your company, i will with full enthusiasm and strength of character hard work, colleagues and sincere cooperation, the development of for the expensive unit do our bit force.


  today,i am writing to ap* for the application engineer of your company,below i will give you some general information about myself.

  i graduated from hhhh university in xx, and got a mba degree,in my campus life, i have received the most excelent award three times,i have served in the colleague baskball team and as monitor for about two years.and in my spare time , i also love reading ,everyday even i am very busy,i will spare at least one hour to read my favoriate book.

  through search ,and i know that your is a famous company with excelent management ,so if i have the opportunity to work in the company ,i believe that i will be able to full develop my abilities and obtain strong knowledge ,and the same time i will make valueable contribution to your company.

  so look forward your re*.


  dear leaders:


  i am a network engineer from the university of xxx daqiang professional. i actively participated in the university during the practice of various social activities, as a number of flats in the school office. from which i not only recognized the importance of team spirit, but also learned how to behave, understand the logic at the same time, i also learned how to communicate and exchange. it can be said that i am full of university life, which can be regarded as a turning point in my life and leap point.

  during the first year to third, i served as the com*r center in the network administrator, is responsible for network and workstation room day-to-day maintenance work, is also responsible for the management of financial accounts of the engine room. in this three years, i learned not only the hardware and network management knowledge, as i am proficient in com*r hardware and network engineering possible. i am also aware of the importance of teamwork and integrity, i know how to get along with and the target audience, how to work together with partners.

  junior to senior, i served in public office of the department of foreign language teaching assistant, from which i learned how to adapt to the daily red tape, a large number of repetitive work, learned how to communicate with others, learned how to get along with and leadership.

  learning areas: i master the college com*r repair, network maintenance, network formation, website development, web production skills. rigorous study, and correct learning attitude, i created a simple, stable and innovative character. in november xx, i participated in the "national com*r technology and software professional and technical qualifications (level) - network engineer" exams, and is expected to get a certificate. even so i did not relax their professional - electrical engineering and automation course, i have integrated the knowledge and skills possible.

英文的自荐信 (菁华10篇)(扩展7)


  求职英文自荐信 1

Dear Mr. Director,

  I am currently working on Master Degree in International Commercial law at xx University. My supervisor Mr. xx, a well-know professor of law, tells me that SFSC specializes in recommending qualified personnel to muti-national companies and suggests that I contact you for recommendation.

  During the two years of studies at Fu Dan University, I have not only acquired a lot of knowledge of international commercial law, but learned two foreign languages as well -English and Japanese. Moreover, I have published two papers in the university journal on problems that may arise after China's entry to WTO. And they have been favorably accepted.

  I am enclosing a resume, copies of my published papers, and Professor Liu's letter of recommendation.

  I sincerely hope you wil introduce me to a famous multi-national company, to which I will dedicate myself.

  Truly yours,

  求职英文自荐信 2

  I learned from the newspaper that your pany wanted to hire an English translator. I’m interested in this job very much. I’d like to get this job.

  Now I’d like to introduce myself to you. My name is Li Ping. I’m 30 years old. I’m 180 cm tall. I’m healthy. I like swimming, singing and dancing in my spare time. I graduated from Beijing University in 19_. Then,I went to work in Nantong Middle School.In 19_, I began to work in Suzhou Middle School and I have worked there until now.

  I work hard and I can get along well with others. I’m good at English and especially my spoken English is very good. I’ve translated many Chinese books into English. I can understand Japanese and I can talk to foreigners in Japanese freely.

  If you agree with me, I’ll work hard and try to be a good translator.

  If you agree with me, please write a letter to me or phone me. I live at No.1 Renmin Road,Suzhou city. My telephone number is ________.

  Thank you very much.

  Yours Truly

  求职英文自荐信 3

  April 13,20xx P.O. Box 36 Tsinghua University Beijing,China 100084 Dear Sir/Madam: Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking. According to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S. degree . My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server. During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question. I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview. With many thanks, Wang Lin

  求职英文自荐信 4

Dear Madam,

  After my graduation from college this fall, I am desirous of securing a position that will offer me opportunity in the field

  of international trading. Knowing something of the scope and enter-prise of your huge department, I thought maybe

  you would keep me inmind for a possible opening.

  I majored in Import Export Trading. My English score were always on the top three of my class of sixty. I have learned to

  operate computer and I can type either in English or in Chinese. Although I have had no business experience, I am

  willing to work hard and learn. Should you entertain my application favorably, I would spare to trouble acquit

  myself to your satisfaction.

  Very truly yours

  求职英文自荐信 5

  Dear Mr. Director,

  I am currently working on Master Degree in International Commercial law at Fu Dan University. My supervisor Mr. Liu Mingyu, a well-know professor of law, tells me that SFSC specializes in recommending qualified personnel to muti-national companies and suggests that I contact you for recommendation.

  During the two years of studies at Fu Dan University, I have not only acquired a lot of knowledge of international commercial law, but learned two foreign languages as well -English and Japanese. Moreover, I have published two papers in the university journal on problems that may arise after China's entry to WTO. And they have been favorably accepted.

  I am enclosing a resume, copies of my published papers, and Professor Liu's letter of recommendation.

  I sincerely hope you wil introduce me to a famous multi-national company, to which I will dedicate myself.

  Truly yours,

  求职英文自荐信 6







  求职英文自荐信 7

  distinguished school leaders and teachers:


  first of all, thank you for your busy schedule to read my material. i am the college of liberal arts, guangxi normal university chinese language and literature XX graduates yuan chen, on the occasion of the occasion of graduation, with the admiration of your school on the cause of love and devotion and pursuit, very sincerely i wish you, sincerely hope that in your school or students engaged in publicity work, contribute their talents.

  university of years, i have a systematic study of the chinese language and literature of the basic theory courses and professional courses, and self-learning the news and part of the secretary of the professional courses, with good results through the computer in jiangsu province and university-level english examination four examinations, and in the past four years of newspaper reporters that "voices of reported" and "student bulletin" editor work experience, the practice has a strong operational capability and rich experience in practice.

  since school, i served as a member of the class and learning advocacy members, the communist youth league school of communication at reporters, and in XX, xuzhou normal university, was elected vice president of university students news agency and newspaper and head of the press corps, "reported aspirations," deputy editor-in-chief. have a stronger organization and coordination ability, rich experience. during the period XX-XX by "professional third-class scholarship," "outstanding student leaders," "newspaper correspondent excellent" year in XX-XX "professional second-class scholarship," "outstanding student leaders," "excellent newspaper reporters "," newspaper editors the best students ", in the XX-XX year," third-class scholarship professional "style of study," 333 project "individuals," newspaper reporter excellent "," "voice at" the best students to editor "and so on.

  i have strong communication skills and oral language skills, colleges and universities have been involved in editing a collection of literary works, "chronicle of ivory," published by the radio press. in the "xuzhou normal university, reported that" in schools and other works published over 50 articles. to participate in editing, "xuzhou normal university, reported," "voice reported," "student bulletin", "friends of youth" period of nearly 40.

  i am thinking of a higher consciousness and political acumen, in december XX to join the glorious communist party of china. adaptability, patience and good, there are good psychological quality and professionalism, the spirit of bearing hardships, and teamwork ability. teams got to the school volunteers and guizhou, jiangsu shuyang pingba to the "three rural areas," the activities of voluntary service. XX and XX summer wuxi daily also carried out training exercises, a total of more than 40 papers published an article.

  求职英文自荐信 8

  dear leaders:


  thank you for your busy schedule to read my letter, and sincerely hope you can get the support and endorsement.

  i am a 20xx session of the huaihai institute of technology project management graduates, in-school period, i strictly abide by school rules and regulations, respect for teachers, united students, have a strong collective sense of honor; seriously hard to learn, excellent performance, access to hospital on several occasions scholarships; emphasis on integrating theory with practice, and actively participate in the practice, and internship activities.

  i come from rural families, foster the tradition of hard work from an early age, the spirit of perseverance.

  four years of university education, let me have the project management aspects of the theory of professional knowledge, the work of more than half a year so i have a wealth of practical experience, but also enhance their ability to adapt to the environment.

  todays professionals need for multi-level, prompted me to update, strengthen self: while studying at the school i passed the national examination in english and four grade 2 level, jiangsu province, computer examinations and computer-aided design (autocad), and motor vehicles to pass in xx drivers license (c) according to, able to skillfully use officexx (microsoft word, excel, powerpoint), in addition to the cost of learning such as division 3000.

  the success of the cause of the need for knowledge, perseverance, sweat, the perfect combination of opportunities, and similarly, the need for a company the honor of carrying her carrier - selfless people.

  request that your company can give me a chance, let me become one of you, i will be very enthusiastic and hard working your return, and very happy to work with colleagues in the future for our common the cause of all the talents dedication.


  求职英文自荐信 9

Dear leaders:


  Thank you for your busy schedule to visit my cover letter, I was thedevelopment of Jilin Agricultural University, Institute of Financial Management20xx fresh graduates, known as Long Song.

  I am a student from rural areas, rural areas历炼makes me realize that many ofunimaginable hardship, at the same time my character prudent, practical work, Ibelieve that this life I will have an enormous influence over thedevelopment.

  University, I have a special focus on the accumulation of e_pertise, thereare pragmatic basis of professional and independent efforts to develop their ownabilities and positive attitude, which I have access to professional scholarship2nd class, professional third-class scholarship at a school 2nd level ofoutstanding members, the hospital grade 1 outstanding members; and JilinProvince has adopted the Accounting test / e_amination of their qualificationcertificate; also, such as obtaining a driver's license. Four years I have beenlearning as a squad leader, bedroom long, curriculum design team leader,secretary and other job-graduates, all e_ercise of my ability, organization andcoordination ability, communication skills.

  My e_pertise: familiar with the accounting policies and regulations, and tothe use of skilled, familiar with the industrial enterprises accounting (costaccounting), management accounting, intermediate financial accounting, etc., andcan well use.

  Just as a student out of the ivory tower, my lack of e_perience or allowyou to hesitate, but ask you to believe that my energy and efforts to "fillThee" This is a temporary shortage, perhaps I am not the best, but I amabsolutely the most effort. I am confident, I am persistent, I can set the paidwork I have a good performance.

  I very much hope to join your company, give play to my potential, I enclosecurriculum vitae and, if the opportunity to interview with you, I would be verygrateful!



  求职英文自荐信 10

Dear leaders:


  XX University, I was a student in the Department of XX will be faced with graduation.

  XX University is the focus of my XX talent training base, has a long history and fine traditions, and are renowned for their rigorous scholarship, education and well known; XX Department of the University of XX is XX-disciplinary base of the country. In such a learning environment, whether in the intellectual capacity, or in the cultivation of personal qualities, I have benefited greatly.

  Four years, in the strict division of Friends of the efforts and personal lessons, I have a solid foundation of professional knowledge and systematically mastered the XX, XX and other relevant theory; familiar with the work of foreign-related common etiquette; have good English listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation and other capabilities; to proficiency in office computer software. At the same time, I use widely outside school hours a large number of books covered not only enrich their own, but also cultivate a wide range of skills of their own. More importantly, the rigorous style of study and correct learning attitude, I created a simple, stable and innovative character.

  In addition, I also actively participate in various social activities, to seize every opportunity to exercise their own. University for four years, I dee*** feel that the best students to work with me to benefit in the competition; practical difficulties to the challenge, let me grow up in frustration. Forefathers have taught me hard work, responsibility, kindness, integrity; the Chinese People's University, I developed a pragmatic, pioneering style. I love the cause of your organization are engaged, eager to look forward to your leadership, for the glorious cause of building blocks; and practice of continuous learning and progress.

  A time when the pen collection, solemnly raised a small request: Regardless of whether you choose me, and distinguished leadership, I hope you will accept my sincere thanks!

  Your organization wishes to the cause of success!
