有趣的英语作文 (菁华6篇)

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  课堂上,老师为了让我们积极回答问题,用搞笑的.动作把我们的注意力吸引过来。她声音甜美、哄亮,发音标准,语言生动,同学们听得津津有味。对于认真听讲、积极回答问题的同学, 老师有很多奖励的办法。同学们都很喜欢这位老师,时间过得可真快,正听得起劲,下课铃响了,我恋恋不舍地走出教室。

















有趣的英语作文 (菁华6篇)扩展阅读

有趣的英语作文 (菁华6篇)(扩展1)

——有趣英语作文 (菁华6篇)


  There are many traditional cultures. I like Spring Festival best.

  Legend has it that there was once a monster named nian who often went to the village to harm people, eat cattle and sheep. So, people want to get rid of it. However, no matter what people do, they can't get rid of the year. In the end, a child accidentally lit the bamboo and made a crackling noise, and nian was scared away. People are happy. Later, people set off firecrackers on this day in order to commemorate the happy day. Later, it gradually became the "Spring Festival" festival.

  I go back to my hometown every year. Every year, it's very busy. On the eve of the New Year, it is also called New Year's eve. Every family is affixed with spring couplet, affixed "fu" word. Some people are so clever that they cut their own window flowers to the window, like falling snow. Others hang lanterns on the front door, and the lanterns are very beautiful.

  That night, the sound of fireworks, like thunder, one after another, one after another. Li hua red the whole sky, like a beautiful flower. After setting off firecrackers, people picked up the delicious and big dumplings and ate the reunion dinner. The children are also reunited with their parents. People ate hot dumplings and watched the wonderful Spring Festival gala, which lasted until twelve o 'clock in the evening, and the New Year's bell rang.

  The next morning, people get up very early, whether *s or children are breathing new clothes and going door to door. Everyone has a smile on their faces and good luck in their mouths.

  The happy atmosphere lasted until the 15th day of the first lunar month.


  Today, when I read the newspaper, I saw the interesting news, it is said that the first rainbow tunnel has been built in our country. I have seen many tunnels when I went out by bus, every time when the bus went through the tunnel, it was so dark, I felt not good, it just like I went to another gloomy space. But the rainbow tunnel is very different, it is so colorful, it looks so comfortable.

  It is so sweet for the workers to build such lovely tunnel, it brings the travelers good mood, the workers are so considerate, they deserve the big praise. I think if more rainbow tunnels are built, the travelers will be less tired in their journey.



  Summer vacation!


  As soon as the teacher announced that the holiday was over, I pushed the bench under the table and rushed out of the classroom without looking back, regardless of calling my little friend behind me.


  Out of the teaching building, I am happy to jump three feet high, I wish to let the whole world feel my joy.


  On the first day of the holiday, I had a good sleep in. When I woke up, I opened my eyes and looked around. A ray of sunshine had already poured into my bedroom and my family had gone to work.


  I hummed a tune, slowly leisurely got out of bed, went to the kitchen to find something to eat. Eating and Thinking: this does not need to read early, there is no teachers reprimand and supervision of the comfortable days can be really comfortable.


  Suddenly, an idea flashed into my mind: since I am alone at home and nobody interferes, why not do some interesting little scientific experiments?


  Do what you say. I found a science book about interesting experiments from my desk. Turn a page, is an experiment about the rise and fall of eggs.


  I was excited to read the content carefully, according to the above said, the first to a basin of water, will be a boiled egg thrown in, the egg immediately sank to the bottom of the water. I began to add a few spoonfuls of salt and kept stirring, and the egg slowly left the bottom and floated in the middle of the water. I beat while the iron was hot, and added half a bottle of salt. After stirring repeatedly, the water became more and more muddy, and the eggs soon surfaced, and the shell began to crack.


  I was surprised and pleased. Then, a second experiment was carried out. Place the skinned egg on a glass bottle with a smaller opening than the egg.


  At first, I tried to press the egg into the bottle, but it didnt work. No matter how hard I try, the eggs just dont go down, as if they are two magnets with the same magnetic poles, repelling each other. Then, I took a lighter according to the method in the book, kept fuming the bottom of the bottle, and the egg was magically retracted into the bottle. I was stunned. This is really incredible!


  But how can the eggs come out? I tried to put the bottles mouth down and cautiously burned it with a lighter for a while, but the egg gradually shrinked out.


  During the whole summer vacation, I was immersed in the joy of scientific experiments. I have done dozens of experiments, and really appreciate the wonderful place of nature.


  This is really a fun summer vacation!


  It was a sunny day today,when i got up in the morning,i decided to see my grandparents.so i took the bus and got there at noon,they were happy to see me,and i was very happy,too.

  In the afternoon,my farther asked me to help him water the plant,and i was happy to see the flowers smiling in the wind.

  In a word,today is a unforgetive day.because i saw my relatives and helped people.






  2018this summer vacation in the past month,this month i and my parents went to Vancouver to visit my friends.

  We lodged at a friends's house.

  Arrived in Vancouver on the first day,is already in the afternoon, so good friend's mother decided to let our two people together to do a dinner .His mother cook the pizza. Hanburger, my mother and i do . In addition, the father is responsible for to buy drinks.

  My brother and sister are in charge of eating. After dinner, i and my friends and his younger brother ang sister to the courtyard behind the big swimming pool, especially fun.

  Well, I'm waiting for my second day's diary.


  I still remember a funny thing of mine when I was a child. I have been short-sighted since I was thirteen years old.But I don't like to wear glasses because it made me feel uncomfortable.One day,when I after school, I walked happily.Soon, I found a woman like my mother very much.Of course I thought she was my mother.

  Then I walked to her happily and spoke loudly :"Hey,mom. I miss you all day!"But 'mother' was very surprised and said:"What?Who are you?" Why did mom ask me who I was? I wore my glasses then.God ! She wasn't my mom! I said sorry to her and ran away as fast as I can.From then on, I also wore my glasses when I after school. Because I didn't want to make a mistake like that any more...


有趣的英语作文 (菁华6篇)(扩展2)

——有趣的作文 (菁华6篇)


































有趣的英语作文 (菁华6篇)(扩展3)

——有趣的发现作文 (菁华6篇)





  虾煮之前是青绿色的,还带一点黑;可是为什么煮熟了就变成红色的呢?原来,虾含有丰富的虾青素,而虾青素只要一遇热就会产生化学反应,从而虾青素 就变成了可食用的红色素。那虾的一些黑色是怎么来的呢?这说来就话长了:其实那些黑色只是虾壳上的一些东西而已:有的是钙物质;有的是残留的污垢;有的是 虾汁;甚至还有的是寄生虫。要想知道虾身上的黑色到底是什么,还要看虾煮熟后黑色到底变成了什么颜色:如果变白了就是钙;如果变红了就是虾汁;但如果还是 黑的,那就肯定是污垢或者寄生虫了!

















  看到它们那样,我终于放下了心中的大石块。真没想到,动物的感情还这么深厚。 以后,我还要发现更多关于蚂蚁的秘密。









有趣的英语作文 (菁华6篇)(扩展4)


  有趣英语作文 1

  Live in the dense forest, many small animals. Every spring they hold a grand acrobatics competition. This year's competition is very busy, small animals came to the venue early and took out his magic sauce.

  First of all, beautiful peacock dances: he head high head, chest, belly on tail slowly, gently shake the feathers; His head from time to time is to the east, west, the fan tail like a gorgeous colorful dress, and tightly attracted the audience's eyes.

  Then, the dog show Riding on the swing. See his jump, jump to the swing, both hands hold the rope. He first gently swinging back and forth a few, and then make sufficient strength, flaring, his superb action see person dazzled.

  The most wonderful for its black bear on wood pellets. Heavy black bear carefully standing on wood pellets above board, feet or so back and forth to keep balance. Wood ball turning around, but he firmly when local, not nervous. You see, his right hand on the waist, left hand waving to the crowd. His wonderful performance won applause...

  The annual acrobatics competition ended, but the animals good show, for a long, long time also by forest residents are talking about.


  首先,漂亮的孔雀表演舞蹈:他昂着头、挺着胸,慢慢地展开尾巴,轻轻抖动着羽毛;他的头时而摆向东、时而摇向西,那条扇子似的尾巴像一件绚丽的七彩衣,紧紧 吸引着观众的眼神。

  接着,小狗表演 荡秋千。只见他纵身一跃,跳到秋千上,双手紧紧抓住绳子。他先是轻轻地荡了几个来回,然后就使足劲,直冲云宵,他高超的动作看得人眼花缭乱。



  有趣英语作文 2


  This afternoon, I guess a riddle for my classmates. My riddle is too simple.


  Today, I said, "Xiaoming's father has three children, the first eldest, the second eldest, and who is the third?" Students all guessed the third one is Xiaoming. I'm going to guess the most difficult riddle for my classmates. A few students didn't come to the stage to guess riddles and tell us jokes, but some students bravely came to the stage to tell us jokes and riddles.


  Today's composition class is so interesting!

  有趣英语作文 3

  There are many traditional cultures. I like Spring Festival best.

  Legend has it that there was once a monster named nian who often went to the village to harm people, eat cattle and sheep. So, people want to get rid of it. However, no matter what people do, they can't get rid of the year. In the end, a child accidentally lit the bamboo and made a crackling noise, and nian was scared away. People are happy. Later, people set off firecrackers on this day in order to commemorate the happy day. Later, it gradually became the "Spring Festival" festival.

  I go back to my hometown every year. Every year, it's very busy. On the eve of the New Year, it is also called New Year's eve. Every family is affixed with spring couplet, affixed "fu" word. Some people are so clever that they cut their own window flowers to the window, like falling snow. Others hang lanterns on the front door, and the lanterns are very beautiful.

  That night, the sound of fireworks, like thunder, one after another, one after another. Li hua red the whole sky, like a beautiful flower. After setting off firecrackers, people picked up the delicious and big dumplings and ate the reunion dinner. The children are also reunited with their parents. People ate hot dumplings and watched the wonderful Spring Festival gala, which lasted until twelve o 'clock in the evening, and the New Year's bell rang.

  The next morning, people get up very early, whether adults or children are breathing new clothes and going door to door. Everyone has a smile on their faces and good luck in their mouths.

  The happy atmosphere lasted until the 15th day of the first lunar month.

  有趣英语作文 4

  Jack is in primary school now. He is very active in the class and everyone like him. Jack likes to read a lot of books, so he knows many things. When we have problems in study, he can help us to solve them.

  We are so thankful to him and make up our minds to learn from him. In all, he is such a funny person.


  有趣英语作文 5

  Oh God! I think I was about seven and half when my sisters and I pulled this stupid stunt. I remember watching television with them and the show on happened to be our favorite program to watch. All of a sudden we heard my brother, Chris, yelling from the backyard. So we all headed out there to see what happened. When we finally located him, he was in a tree hanging from the highest tree branch. Crying, he explained to us that he had climbed up the tree and couldn‘t get down. We thought, okay, one of us should climb up and get him off, but we couldn‘t manage to get him moving down.

  It was then my youngest sister, Ka, who was five and a half at the time had seen a similar situation. She suggested we grab a sheet, hold it under the branch Chris was hanging off of, and tell him to drop so we can catch him. My other sister, Yams, who is one year younger than me, peered at me to confirm the idea and I said "Yeah, let‘s try that".So we grabbed a sheet from the closet and went to hold it beneath the tree. Now mind you, the ages holding this blanket were ranging from seven and a half to five and a half, thus the sheet was probably being held up to our waist and also close to touching the ground. But we were confident it could work.

  We looked up to Chris and he looked down at us a bit hesitant. I don‘t blame him the poor guy. It was then we told him to let go and to fall on his back. Chris looked at me and asked "Are you sure I‘ll land on the blanket?" Now, my brother at the age of four, had a cute squeaky voice. But because of a problem at birth with his tongue being a bit attached to the mouth, it came out more like this, "Ah you sho awill lan on da blanked?", "Yup!", I told him, "We‘re sure!" and he let go.Now when I think about Chris letting go of that branch, I think of his faith in me and my sisters and I also think how stupid he was to trust us, cause when that boy let go he was in for a big surprise. Chris fell right through that sheet and landed right on his stomach. And no matter how tight we held on to the sheet, he still managed to get through.

  We were shocked and a bit worried and we looked at the ground where he landed. This tiny seventy pound boy had made a hole right through the sheet and landed. He was positioned like one of those chalk drawings you find after a homicide, with one arm near the head another to the side and the knee bent a bit. We might as well have drawn an outline because he wasn‘t moving. So we bent down to check if he was still alive and when we asked him if he was okay he uttered these five words… "Ah stee hi da flow" in other words, "I still hit the floor!" Poor little man! But before you condemn us, Chris is fourteen now and he still bugs us about it, any tree he climbs he gets down on his own and, strangely, he wants to be a fireman when he grows up. Now he can write that he had personal experience about jumping and catching. See, no harm done…

  有趣英语作文 6


  我们在曾老师的带领下,来到了人民商场。我们先来到了粗粮区,曾老师指着油问到:“What’s this?(这是什么?)”我们左思右想,也想不出“油”用英语怎样说,曾老师见我们一副为难的样子,告诉我们“油”用英语是“soy”,并且一遍一遍地教我们读,直到读会为止。接下来,我们又来到了零食区,看到各种各样的零食,有少数的我能用英语说出来,但很多都不会。曾老师指着牛肉干问:“what''s this?”我还没想出来。一个同学抢先说到:“beef jerk”“对,就是‘beef jerk’。”曾老师听了他的回答后,肯定道。这时,曾老师又指着饼干问:“what''s this?”这个我知道,就立刻举起手,抢先说道:“cookice”。曾老师向我翘起了大拇指。随后,我们又去了肉类区、面包区……我们复*和认识了很多英语单词。


  有趣英语作文 7




  有趣英语作文 8


  星期五下午,我们503班排着整齐的队伍来到大礼堂。一进大礼堂,只见里面人山人海,挤得水泄不通。我观察四周,大礼堂到处可见五彩缤纷的带子、牌子。售货员正滔滔不绝地向顾客介绍着产品,好做出买卖。我好不容易走了进去,一件件玲朗满目的商品,看得我眼花缭乱,挑选什么好呢?每一样都是那么的好看、实用。我犹豫了一会儿,来到文具类的地方,左挑挑,右拿拿,终于选中了一件商品――学校的袋子。我举起袋子,问售货员:“How much is it?”(这个多少元)。

  “Two yuan.”(2元)。售货员马上回答我。我拿出2张1元的学校专用的钱,递给了她。她拿起一个纸袋给了我。后来我又挑选了许多东西,有纸杯、笔记本、笔。我高高兴兴地满载而归。


  有趣英语作文 9

  今天下午第三节课,我们年级进行了英语义卖活动,我们班是fruit shop2(水果二店)。

  活动开始了,杜婧和陆逸萌这边已经扯破嗓子开始宣称了:“五(7)班fruit shop2,满五元可抽一次奖,附赠精美小礼品,还有快乐星球4号男主角的现场签名哦!”其他同学见人就往我们班的摊位拉,还有的疯狂发传单,不一会儿我们班的摊位前就挤满了人。

  在大声的宣传声中,我们这些推销员也开始行动起来了。我看到那边一个高个子正低头挑选商品呢!瞧他那美滋滋的样子,肯定是找到好东西了。我三步并作两步走过去,说:“同学,我们那边满五元就可以抽一次奖,还附赠小礼品噢!Conm on!”他听了眼睛一亮,连忙跟我过去了。他买了五元的大鸭梨,然后跟着我去抽奖。我心里像灌了蜜似的,初次干这行,收获真不小。



  有趣英语作文 10




  老外给每人发了一个白色的面具,一只刷子,每张桌子上有一张报纸,这样,水粉滴到报纸上,就不会把桌子弄脏了。每八个人一组,每组用一个调色盘。需要什么颜色的时候,就问老外要,但是必须要用英语单词来说颜色。我突然看见老外拿着一瓶黄色颜料向我们走来,看谁需要用黄色。我连忙说:“yellow”。老外就给了我们了一点黄色,我还缺红色,就又对老外说:“red”。老外就给了我们红色 ,我们都认真做着面具,心中充满了憧憬和希望。一会儿,我就画完了自己的面具,我画的是一个蝴蝶面具,用上了红、黄、蓝、绿等颜料涂的,但是,我画的一点都不恐怖,不过,我还是很喜欢自己的面具。

