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  描写妈妈的英语作文附翻译 1


  "Only a mother is good in the world. A child with a mother is like a treasure..." I can't help thinking of my mother when I hear this song. Indeed, children with mothers are happy.


  My mother is 31 years old. Her hair is short and black. Her eyes are bright and clear. There is a delicate nose under her eyes. Under the nose is a mouth that can talk. I think my mother has a quiet and mysterious beauty.


  My mother is very concerned about my study, life and health. She works hard during the day and tutors my homework at night.


  I remember once, on a winter night, the cold wind was piercing and there was silence everywhere. I have a high fever, my mother frowned, and rushed to the hospital with my back. The doctor gave me a brooch and my mother stayed by my bed all night.


  Mom, you're working hard. Thank you for your love. I love you, my mother

  描写妈妈的英语作文附翻译 2

  My mother is 35 years old. But I still can see how beautiful she is when she is young. She is not too tall but very thin. Her eyes are black. Her hair is blackand there is several white hair.

  She takes me to school every day. In the evening she help me with my homework. If I’m hungry she will cook my favourite meals. She’s always trying to encourage me to try something new. I think my mother is the best person in this world. She is always be there for me when I need her. I love her so much. She is my hero.



  描写妈妈的英语作文附翻译 3

  My mother’s name is nancy. She has long hair, two big eyes My mother likes sports and shopping. Her favourite sports are football and yoga. And her favourite food is ice cream. She also likes dogs and cats.

  My mother is a high school techer, she works very hard and does very well in the school.

  My mother also concerns my study. She always helps me study and play the piano. She is very glad when I make progress.

  My mother loves me very much. And I love my mother too!

  而卧妈妈叫泽楠。她是一个漂亮的女人。 她长发、大眼睛。 她喜欢运动,

  妈妈叫FanghongChen。 她是一个漂亮的女人。 她长发、大眼睛、两个小口。 妈妈喜欢运动和购物。 她是喜爱踢足球、练瑜伽毛球运动。 她最喜欢的食物是冰淇淋,。 她也很喜欢狗和猫。


  我妈妈还关心研究。 她总是帮助我学*弹琴。 她很高兴,当我取得进步。

  我非常爱我的母亲。 我爱妈妈!

  描写妈妈的英语作文附翻译 4

  My mother’s name is nancy. She has long hair, two big eyes My mother likes sports and shopping. Her favourite sports are football and yoga. And her favourite food is ice cream. She also likes dogs and cats.

  My mother is a high school techer, she works very hard and does very well in the school.

  My mother also concerns my study. She always helps me study and play the piano. She is very glad when I make progress.

  My mother loves me very much. And I love my mother too!





  描写妈妈的英语作文附翻译 5


  My mother loves me very much.


  Every morning, my mother gets up early to make breakfast for me. After airing, she told me to get up at seven o'clock, poured water on my face and washed my face. She would fold the quilt, sweep the floor, take two bites in a hurry and send me to school. She goes to work again. Mom is busy.


  I love mom, too.




  描写熊猫的英语作文附翻译 1






  The giant panda is a special product of our country. It is a lovely small animal and very pleasing. The giant panda can be described as a perfect vegetarian. Giant pandas like to eat bamboo shoots, but they also eat bamboo, roots and flowers. The cute face, plus a black and white sweater, looks very lovely. Pandas are the most popular animals for girls.

  The giant panda is not active in high places, generally living on land, contrary to squirrels. The giant panda is solitary and likes to live alone and often has no fixed residence because of changing seasons. In the spring, it usually stays in the high mountain bamboo forest of more than 3000 meters. In the summer, we move to the shady slopes of bamboo shoots. Autumn moves to the slopes of xiangyang to prepare for the winter.

  Giant pandas are fat and stout. The head is round, the ear is small, the kiss is short and the tail is short. The white face was black with a black kiss and eye ring, and a black strap stretched from the shoulders to the entire front, like a black and white coat.

  The giant panda is about 1.5 meters long and weighs 160kg, and its black-and-white body hair is characteristic of pandas. Giant pandas eat more than 10 to 12 hours a day and eat 15 to 20 kilograms of food a day. People have cut off most of their bamboo forests for agricultural development, and there are now bamboo places that can only feed two to 36 giant pandas, and the giant panda is listed on the national list of protected animals.

  There are fewer and fewer pandas now. I hope people will love it more and protect it.

  描写熊猫的英语作文附翻译 2

  Nanshan bamboo to the two giant pandas. Dad took me to see the giant panda.

  Giant pandas at the top of the hill, it will take the cable car to the past. We sat and a cable car up slowly, the pieces of bamboo in my body, I feel like I'm going to fly to heaven.

  Finally, we came to the giant pandas live. A: wow! Really has two white and fat panda.

  A is the sun in the sun, a stretch and a moment with a belly roll a few, very cute! The other one in the bamboo leaves, it while eating, also watching visitors, like said in my mind: "wow! These people dress is gorgeous! But we have only black and white color, if we can put on colorful clothes, that would be great!

  The giant panda is really interesting!






  描写熊猫的英语作文附翻译 3

  We all know that the giant panda,it's very cute,but I often read in many people for their own economic interests to kill it,I feel very sad.

  The giant panda is our country special product,it is the unique face has become "the WWF" sign.

  The giant panda is like a bear,but not bear,at about 1.5 meters,weighs 160 kilograms,black and white on the appearance of body hair is their characteristics.

  The giant panda temperament is gentle,posture and movement are particularly lovely.In all over the world in the zoo,the giant panda is the most popular pet tourists.

  The giant panda this animal or representative of the remaining ancient animals,about 100 more than ten thousand years ago,the giant panda will live on the earth,so they have a "living fossil" said.

  The giant panda this lovely and rare animals in an increasingly reduce,the world is less than 1000 only add up.

  Don't let this lovely and rare animals in the face of the earth?It is up to us to protect lovely and rare animals--the giant panda!






  描写熊猫的英语作文附翻译 4

  The giant pandas,which are the first level’s animals,in our country, are facing the danger of extinction. As we have known, pandas are chequered with black and white though their body, and they are heavy and slow. They feed on bamboo. They seem so cute that we like them very much. However,the quantity of them is no more than 1600 in the world and 330 in China. Therefore, it is urgent to protect them.

  Why are the pandas less and lessThere are many reasons accounting for this. First, with the

  development of economic, we have occupied their too much habitat.Second, many lawbreakers hunt them because their value of body. Third, their food is only bamboo and once the bamboo become less and they do, too.

  Fortunately, the government has introduced many policies to protect them.For example, people set up nature protection area in Sichuan, Shan-xi and Gansu province where the most pandas mainly inhabitat.Moreover, the country punish those criminals who hunt pandas.

  I believe, with the protection of people, pandas will become more and more and live a happy life.






  描写熊猫的英语作文附翻译 5

  The panda is a kind of lively and lovely precious animal. It has black and white fur, a round face with a pair of big black rim of the eye and small sparkling eyes. Overhead with two black has ears, limbs black, large and small tail, round, chubby body, appearance is very secure.

  Giant pandas live in the forest flourish, fargesia rich mountain valley. It is a natural myopia, what all can't see, can only rely on its sensitive hearing and smell to find food. During the winter of ice and snow, the giant panda doesn't hibernate. Because I couldn't find food, it will climb up the tree, pick wild fruit, or swim across the river to catch fish to eat. In the bamboo forest, they pulled off the bamboo, the most tender stem of bamboo, bamboo big one from sitting on the ground to eat with relish. They will be generous with a sharp claws digging bamboo shoots to eat? When they rest, like on a thick trunk, or lie in the thick grass to sleep.

  The panda is not only a national treasure of our country, or peace messengers, happy star! China gave the world a lot of cute panda, set up a bridge of friendship for the people of the world. Everywhere, it will bring to children all over the world very happy. Pandas live, gained access to our country's dream - Beijing 2008 Olympic Games in one hundred. Tuan tuan and yuan yuan put us back together tightly and Taiwan.






  描写樱花的英语作文附翻译 1


  On a sunny morning, I came to Hebei University of Science and Technology. Under the guidance of Mr. Liang, we went to the place where we could watch cherry blossoms.


  I am very happy to see cherry blossoms, because when I went to see cherry blossoms several times before, they had already withered, and this time, they were still in full bloom.


  The first thing we saw was the pink cherry blossoms. The teacher said, "The flowering period of cherry blossoms is about seven to sixteen days." Before, I thought that the flowering period of cherry blossoms was one month, but now I know I was wrong, and I suddenly feel a little lost.


  The second kind of flower we saw was red cherry. I like red very much. When I saw the red like fire color, my lost mood slowly calmed down.


  After careful observation, I found that the petals of the pink cherry blossom are more or less, and the shape is strange. There are a little sharp points on the leaves, and the shape of the leaves is like a small water drop. They are very cute and eye-catching. The petals of Red Cherry are the same as those of Pink Cherry, but the leaves are red, like a small knife.


  Later, I saw all kinds of flowers and plants. I found peony and some unnamed flowers and plants. Although many flowers and plants are not red and have not yet opened, they moved me with vitality. I decided not to be sad anymore. I want to be happy, and I want to grow as vigorously as them!


  I think as long as we observe carefully, we can draw conclusions and learn a lot.


  Finally, we went to the classroom of Hebei University of Science and Technology to learn how to write a composition. This lesson taught me how to write a composition. It's a great day!

  描写樱花的英语作文附翻译 2

  “变化真快呀! ”望着校园里的樱花树,我不由自主地赞叹道。一棵光秃秃的、死气沉沉的树变成一棵开满花儿,生机勃勃的树,只用了三四天,多快呀!

  "How fast things are changing!" Looking at the cherry trees on campus, I couldn't help admiring them. How fast it takes only three or four days for a bare and lifeless tree to become a tree full of flowers and vitality!


  From a distance, this cherry tree looks like a cloud falling from the sky. From a closer look, I found that in addition to the blooming flowers, there are some flower treasures hiding in the "quilt" and refused to come out!


  The shape of cherry blossoms is very beautiful. Some are like a small pink plate; Some are like a small and exquisite bell; Others are like a long pink skirt with lace around it!


  As soon as the wind blew, the flower fairies on the tree immediately danced their own dances, and the leaves sang a chorus to cooperate with them. The wind stopped, the flower elves stopped dancing, and the leaves stayed quietly on the tree as if nothing had happened.

  又一阵风吹来,樱花瓣纷纷落下,好像一场粉红色的雨。小朋友们在“雨”中玩耍、奔跑、欢笑,那画面真美啊!可是,“夜来风雨声,花落知多少? ”要是今天晚上下一场雨,那明天会少掉多少美丽的花儿呢?小朋友们站在满地的花瓣上,回忆起昨日玩耍的美好时光,会不会很伤感呢?

  Another gust of wind blowing, cherry petals have fallen, like a pink rain. The children are playing, running and laughing in the "rain". How beautiful the picture is! However, "How many flowers do you know when the wind and rain come at night?" If it rains tonight, how many beautiful flowers will be lost tomorrow? Will the children be very sad when they stand on the petals all over the ground and recall the wonderful time they played yesterday?


  I picked up some petals and hid them in the Chinese book. The cherry blossoms on campus will bloom forever in my childhood memory.

  描写樱花的英语作文附翻译 3


  During the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday, my aunt took me and my cousin to Liangshan to watch cherry blossoms.


  On the way, we all talked and laughed, and the car drove along the winding mountain road. Here, surrounded by mountains, the scenery is beautiful, like a spring girl overturning the condiment plate, green fields, yellow rape flowers, snow white pear flowers, red as red as fire... Of course, the most dazzling cherry blossoms are all over the mountains!


  Close, close! Finally arrived at Liangshan Cherry Blossom Garden. There are many kinds of cherry blossoms here, including layers of eight cherry blossoms, snow white Yoshino cherry blossoms, pink rosy peony cherry blossoms, Hejin cherry blossoms, Fuji cherry blossoms, and Zhichuo cherry blossoms. They are especially beautiful! Of course, I like the most ardent sakura. The tall and straight sakura trees are linked together. From a distance, the bare trunks are covered with dense flowers, like purple haze, like a dream. The Fuji Sakura nearby has almost ended its flowering period. The petals are scattered all over the ground, like a pink carpet. Tourists have taken out their mobile phones to take pictures of this beautiful moment.


  Later, we played a game. We went to find the varieties of cherry blossoms separately and took a group photo with them. It depends on who finds more varieties, who wins. At the beginning of the competition, we rushed into the cherry blossom forest like cheetahs, and everyone raced against the clock to take a group photo with the cherry blossom. In the end, we tied because we found all kinds of cherry blossoms.


  Today's cherry blossom trip makes me linger.

  描写樱花的英语作文附翻译 4

  Cherry romantic feelings accompanied the early morning wake up accompanied by sunshine. I curl up in bed, eyes are the window overlooking the azure blue sky and yellow trunks. Although the house is still kind of warm in winter and dry heat. However, the faint aroma out of the window so I have a feeling that the room is outside of the atmosphere of early spring.

  I walked out of the room, the winter has not gone cold, the air is always floating , the world shrouded in thick mist. Slowly moving in the road, and all of a sudden, a pure scent slowly with my heart inflow. I looked with the aroma, ah, that is cherry, it like a snow, flourish, delicate fragrance of cherry blossoms overflowing awake, and a brilliant white tree, heaters, Vibrato, charming . The fresh, cherry blossoms, a string, and like a fresh, elegant ink. Look down and found that the road the cherry petals, pink to the people that shop out of a beautiful road, and guide people to the real spring.

  Pink cherry blossoms as if it is a soft layers of clouds, to show people the beauty of spring, and that is how elegant the brilliant pink, how wonderful, this has been covered with the earth brilliant. Saw video of the cherry tree branches scattered on the silver is a little bit to play up the course of events. In the wind, I drilled at the new leaves of a cherry tree, waves heaters to be left on the branches of the petals breeze on my face. Immediately triggered my thoughts so sudden bloom, the flowers of the same thing applies to just how short is the best!

  Although cherry gone quietly, but was left in people's long-term memory, the better the image of how one will die of old age and then quietly disappeared? Looking at the sky, thought of life, how much life there will be some exciting and beautiful, amazing and sad at the ups and downs in between, leaving behind some beautiful memories. That second passion, life will continue, will become the eternal life. Sakura waved goodbye, a smile, set foot on the road home. And so on it, it should be making beautiful one-year, and so on it, and that next year's cherry blossoms. Cherry blossoms in full bloom, accompanied by feelings. Now, the cherry blossoms have been printed in my heart ... ...


  我走出了房间,冬天的寒冷并未逝去,空气中总是飘着雨珠,整个世界 笼罩在浓浓的雾气中。缓缓地在马路上移动着,忽然,一种纯洁与馨香慢慢地流入我的心田。我随着香气望去,啊,那是樱花,那状如白雪,争奇斗艳,幽香四溢的樱花苏醒了,一树白色的灿烂,




  描写樱花的英语作文附翻译 5


  Today is Sunday. It's sunny in the morning. My father and I came to the campus of Hebei University of Science and Technology early. Today, I will enjoy cherry blossoms with many children under the guidance of teachers. As soon as I entered the campus, I saw many cherry trees, red, white, and pink, all of which were blooming like a riot of beauty.


  When I arrived at the assembly site, I found that I was the first to arrive. After a while, the children came one after another. At the beginning of the activity, we went to a cherry tree under the guidance of Teacher Liang. Through Teacher Liang's explanation, I learned that cherry is the national flower of Japan, but its origin is in the Himalayas of China.


  Looking at the red cherry blossoms on the tree, swaying in the breeze, I seemed to see them smiling and waving to me! Cherry has two kinds of petals, one is double cherry, which only blooms but does not bear fruit; The other is single-layer cherry blossoms, which both bloom and bear fruit; Cherry blossoms can have more than 100 petals, but only a few.


  When the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, the trees are full of flowers. From a distance, they are like stars in the sky, blinking their eyes and waving to people. However, the flowering period of cherry blossoms is only seven days, and then they will wither. As people often say, "beautiful things are always short." How I wish cherry blossoms would bloom forever!


  Today's Cherry Blossom Appreciation is fun for me, and I have also gained a lot. I not only learned about cherry blossoms, but also learned a truth: in a limited life, we should live like cherry blossoms!



  家规的英语作文附翻译 1

  "The home has rules, the school has the school rules, animals have the tortoise". The rules of my house has a lot of, the worst is the exam, take an examination of nine is three times in a row there will be a long time can't play computer, I will always be begged said: "can't play computer, then I can watch TV!" But my mother's answer, always will be: "NO!" Then I have to be dead.

  The first is the neat miserably. Is my little sister, her playful raillery free all day playing, lessons are abandoned. Soon her test scores decline shar***, see have sent three times, sister pull a long face every day can't play computer, watch TV, see her nervous complain: "this day how bitter!"

  Fine sister know to turn up and test scores rose slowly, recently has returned to the standard, so she is now free, full of smile on her face, and turned back to a sunny girl.

  Discipline is not the tortoise, is a good law, norms we just follow the world too PingLuo!





  家规的英语作文附翻译 2

  I have a happy family.There are three people in my family.My father,mother and I.

  I am in Nan chang shi nian middle shool, class 4,grade 7.My father Is a doctor He very busy.My mother is teacher.She has studies very much.

  My father Is thrity-three years old.My mother Is thrity-three years old,too. I love my big family




  家规的英语作文附翻译 3

  In my family, my parents said is the house rules. Such rules are some boring things, not call I go to bed at eleven o 'clock money, is called my brother to take a shower earlier.

  Almost all of them without considering my time schedule, a grade six girls, it is impossible to went to bed at eleven o 'clock. Finish should do every time, have a look at the novel more than eleven o 'clock, I have what way?

  For e generation, a computer is a part of life, missing is not complete. It happened that there are a lot of unreasonable rules in the rules, are made use of computer time to punish us, let me are suffering.

  However, I can not play computer every day, is one of the poisoning the slightest people in my family. My mother often play "Fried sweets to the realm of ecstasy," when I see not bottom go to, kind of his "technical guidance", will be approved. So, silently alert, sleep can not become the adults. Because, everyone is playing computer, this activity has no limit, but I'm not too keen on the computer, the most happy about is my brother.

  As long as the night sleep, my mother began to twitter, this is my most not accustomed to, to go to school let me very not happy, go home and listen to her fatigue bombing, also only from recognize unlucky. Although know she is out of kindness, I don't like.

  When I have a opinion for her "Fried candy", said she would never see me in the reading. She doesn't know when she Fried sweets, I have to get rid of homework and tests. At eleven o 'clock before sleeping is a unwritten rule!







  家规的英语作文附翻译 4

  Dan and house rules can have a lot, and my family's house rules has eleven words, that is: working carefully and attentively, diligently, don't give up.

  Why do you want to order the house rules? Also from when I was little. When I was a child, because they don't understand, so it is easy to attract other things. On one occasion, my mother and I and my sister go to my grandma's, grandmother home has a lot of fun. I entered, he saw a box of beautiful building, then rushed to the play. I ah, just take half of the time, I saw my sister was playing with a ball, the ball bounce, I just love the. So I immediately put down his block and also played the ball. Playing me, however, saw the cousin, the beautiful leaves stickers, I am very curious. So I threw the ball again, brought together a large, the leaves start to do the leaves stickers. But it wasn't long before, and I give up, because I stick to is so bad. Later, I don't want to play anything, sit on the ground.

  At this moment, mom came and saw the mess leaves stickers, the ball rolled into the corner, and take the half of the block, just ask me: "how do you didn't do a thing? You see sister shoot the ball, has created a minute 200 new records! See cousin leaves stickers, do much more beautiful! And you?" I weakly said: "I have done a lot of, but how do bad?" Mother said with a smile: "which have you so not concentrate, can do a good job is strange? Do things carefully and attentively, diligently, don't give up, so you can do!"

  In the later days, I do as mom said, doing things is no longer as before half-hearted. This sentence slowly became my family's house rules.





  家规的英语作文附翻译 5

  My parents are very strict. Because I have so many family rules. For example,i can't go out with my friends at school nights. On weekends, i have to go home before nine p.m. It's strict, but i think it's necessary. And i must finish my homework in time. I can't play puter games. I have to wash clothes by myself.

  I have to get up at six o'clock every morning. And i have to be in bed by ten o'clock. Thanks to these rules. I can live health.But i think to be in bed by ten o'clock is unfair! Students need nine hours sleep! And i think play some puter games is not badly. Soi think the family rules can make some change.


  我的父母十分严格。因为我拥有如此多的家庭规则。 举例来说,夜晚我不能去我的朋友在学校。在周末,我回家之前,9时有严格的,但我认为这是必要的。我务必完成我的功课的`时光。我不能玩电脑游戏。我要自我洗衣服。我不得不起床六点钟每早晨。和我务必在床上的十点钟。由于这些规则。I能够生活健康。但是我认为要在床上的十点钟是不公*的!学生需要9个小时的睡眠!我觉得玩一些电脑游戏不严重关于我的家规英语作文4篇作文。我认为,家庭规则能够作出一些改变。


——做家务的英语作文附翻译 (菁华3篇)


  Is it good for students to do some housework.

  Some people think stu*ts need not do any housework. They think the only thing students need do is to study well. I don't think so. It is good for students to do some housework for three reason.

  Firstly,to do some housework can make you independent. You can't depend on others all your life. So,you should learn to do some housework now.

  Secondly, to do some housework can keep you healthy and strong ,some hard housework can be regarded as a kind of physical exercise.

  Finally, to do some housework can share your parents' work. They must be happy if you say” Have a rest, and I will do the housework”

  So I think it is good for students to do some housework.









  After dinner,my first job was to get the dirty dishes to the kitchen. Then I began to wash them. I turned on the tap and water covered all the dishes in the sink. Then I added some detergent to the water. Maybe I put too much,so it was full of bubbles in the sink. It was just like a bubble bath for dishes and bowls. I caught a bowl to wash. It was slippery. "Pang!" The bowl slipped from my fingers. It dropped into the sink and broke another bowl and a dish. It was terrible!There was only one dish left.In the end,my mother cleared the pieces and helped me clean the dishes. I think I'll do a better job next time.



  When I was very young, I was very sensible. I normally help my parents do housework, such as sweeping the floor, sweeping the floor, wiping the table, washing dishes, washing clothes, etc. Doing housework helps me get the praise from my parents, which makes me feel satisfied and fulfilled. I also got a workout and developed my hands-on skills.



——英语作文附翻译 (菁华6篇)


  The Dream of Traveling Abroad

  When I learned English, I had no idea why would I learn it, but as I was in high school, my English teacher showed me many things about the foreign country, then I came to know what the foreign country was like。 They are so different from China, the world is so big, I must travel abroad someday, I want to see the other countries, having access to their tradition。 I am very interested in the culture, I know our country’s culture well, I want to know more beyondChina。 I learn thatParisis very fashionable,Egyptis an old city with its famous tower,Veniceis a water city, all of there are so interesting to me。 English is a basic tool that I can communicate with the world, so I must learn English well, making enough money and realize my dream。



  Last summer holiday, I visited to Xiamen with my parentsby plane. My English teacher once told us that Xiamen is a beautiful city that worth of visiting. We stayed there for four days. We lived in a small fishing village. On the first day, we visited to Xiamen University and Nanputuo Temple. Xiamen University is consideredas the most beautiful and romantic campus in China. Indeed, its fantastic and its buildings are distinctive. On the second days, we enjoyed the scenery of Jimei District. On the third day, We visited to Gulangyu. Its amazing and I like it very much. There are many small specific stores. However, the huge tourist visitors make the small island crowed. Anyway, it was a pleasant trip.




  The Spring Festival in China celebrates the end of winter and the warmth of spring. From the last day of the lunar year, it ends on the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar.


  During the Spring Festival, people use red lantern and Spring Festival couplets decorate a house, put on all kinds of colored clothes, often visit friends and relatives or together eat dumplings, fish, meat and other delicious food. The children are looking forward to receiving red envelope money, and together they play each other the fireworks, with happy.


  During the Spring Festival, there are carnival activities such as dragon and lion dancing in the street. CCTV will hold a grand Spring Festival gala.



  When the children get six years old, they need to go to school and finish the compulsive education. It has been admitted that reading more books brings people more knowledge and broadens their vision. But some people believe that reading books selectively is the right way. Both ways have their advantages.


  Reading books selectively helps people get the details of the books. Reading a book needs a lot of time, let alone to study the book, if people choose the book to read, they can have more time to study the details, so they can enjoy the books and know more about the authors’ purpose of writing these books.


  Reading books extensively can make people know more about the books. People can have the main idea of the books, knowing what the authors have written. The more people read, the more knowledge they can gain. In Chinese old saying, if you read all the books, you will not be afraid of travel around the world.


  For me, I think people at first should read as more books as possible, when they start to choose the major, then they should read selectively, so they can have more time to study a book.



  My Pencil-box

  I have a good friend. Her name is Pencil-box. She is a very beautiful girl. Look! there is a picture on her face. Its a picture of flowers. Her coat is blue and yellow. there are some pencils, a pen, a ruler, a rubber and a tape in her stomach. From Monday to Friday, I go to school with her. When I want to copy or write the new words, I open her mouth and take out the pencil from her stomach. She helps me a lot. And I like her very much.

  我有一个好朋友,她的名字是铅笔盒。她是一个非常漂亮的女孩, 看,她脸上还有图片呢。这是一个花的图案。她的外套是蓝黄色的。在她的`肚子里有很多铅笔,一支钢笔,一把尺子,一个橡皮和一个磁带,这是一个花的照片。她的外套是蓝色和黄色。还有一些铅笔,钢笔,尺子,橡皮和她胃里的胶带。从周一到周五,我和她一起上学,当我想复制或写新单词的时候,我会打开她的嘴巴,从她的胃里拿出铅笔,她对我帮助很多,我非常喜欢她。


  As the development of the Internet, the traditional way of reading daily news has been challenged, more and more people trend to read news online, while still some people insist on reading it on the newspaper. People argue which is the best way for reading news, in my opinion, there is no best way, different people choose different manner.


  Reading news online is fast and paying for free. Most young people get used to it, they use the com*r every day, so that they count on the com*r to receive the all kinds of information. Reading the newspaper is troublesome, they don’t like to hold the paper, it is not convenient.


  While still many people like to read on the newspaper. Especially the old generation, before the popularity of com*r, they read the news from the newspaper, they get used to this manner, even the com*r is convenient, they just like to keep this habit.


  The ways to read news are various, there is no need to compare them. I’d prefer to read it on the Internet, but sometimes I find reading it newspaper brings me fun when I have breakfast.




  帮助别人的英语作文附翻译 1


  One day I went to my aunt by bus.


  By the first bus, too many people on the bus, aunt's a little far away, but fortunately, mother brought biscuits and water.


  On the second bus, I saw a thief holding a man's wallet with a clip. I thought, "I have to help."." So, I pretended to fall and hit the thief's hand, and I said, "sorry." I made a gesture to the man again, and the man took the wallet and went ahead. As a result, the thief didn't steal the money, but he got to the station again, so he had to get off.


  Today, I am very happy to help other people.

  帮助别人的英语作文附翻译 2


  After school this afternoon, I happily walked on the way home.


  On the way, I saw an old grandfather on crutches, ready to cross the road, I ran over to ask the grandfather: “ grandpa need help? &rdquo: Grandpa said, "“ OK."! ” I took my grandfather to the street, and grandpa touched my head and said, "&ldquo, thank you, little boy.". ” I said, "&ldquo, no thanks. That's what I should do.". ”


  It's so easy to do a good thing. I feel very happy this afternoon!

  帮助别人的英语作文附翻译 3

  In my eyes helping others is happiness

  Happiness changes when age changes. It is toy or candy in children’s eyes. It is money or honor in ambitious young men’s eyes. It is peaceful life or family in elder people’s eyes. However, there is always one kind of happiness in my eyes --- making others happy.

  When I was a child, I was told that a good man would gain his happiness. What is a good man? A good man will be happy for other’s happiness, sad for other’s sadness. Then I began to learn how to bring happiness to others.

  Helping others is a good way. Any little thing you do for others will cause big satisfaction you can’t imagine. A smile or “thank you” from the person you help will be the best reward. We often hear that people who contribute their money to help the poor seem to be the more happy than those who lock theirs in the safe. But it is not necessary to be the superman to save the falling plane. An assistance to older people may have the same effect. It is so simple.

  Don’t force others to obey your rules of happiness. There is a story. A boy fell in love with a girl. At the beginning, happiness surrounded them just as all lovers. Later they had different ideas and quarreled. The boy didn’t want to give up his happy memory of love while the girl wanted to break up. At this time, the boy’s father told him, “If you can’t bring happiness to the girl any more, neither of you will be happy.” Then the boy abandoned his selfishness. At last they were still good friends after breaking up. We see other’s faces more than ourselves, so we are affected easily by others’ mood. How could you be happy if others are not?

  In a word, to be a good man who brings happiness to others is good for yourself.

  帮助别人的英语作文附翻译 4

  We have is the fifth graders, life are adults in helping us, we can also help to others? Such a chance to finally arrived.

  It is time I happened on the way home by bus. Here comes the bus, the bus hasn't stopped, a group of people to get desired scrambled to get on the bus. I don't want to be like this, I would wait on the side, everyone is up, I didn't get on the bus. Ok, I got on the bus, have a seat. I just want to sit down, back an old lady, she looked around, I followed her gaze around the room again, originally have a seat. I decided to give her a seat. So I said to the old woman, "grandma, come and sit here." Say that finish I stand up, walk to the side. She said: "children, or do you sit down." I hurriedly say: "you sit down, I can be standing up!" , so the old woman sat down in my seat. At that time I feel very happy, heart finally put down, because I was in the mind also badly thought isn't I want to do a good wishes are not achieve them? Behind suddenly heard a little girl's mother seems to her child said: "you see somebody else's elder brother understand, more want to learn from the elder brother!" I listened to, as though you really grow up, I can give others help, not to mention how happy heart.

  From this, I am really very happy, because I learned to help others. Know the original is to make people happy thing to help others, mother said that help others, is likely to be the truth.

  I think: to help others, happy yourself!





  帮助别人的英语作文附翻译 5

  Many students in our class often said: “If we have time, we will go out of school to do something for our society”. I agreed with them.

  We hope to have a special day every week to help others. Last month we went to an old people’s home and sang some beautiful songs and performed a play for them. The old people were so happy that they asked us to see them again.

  I think we should be allowed to take time to do things like that more often.

  We should be allowed to have Friday afternoon to volunteer and help the people who need our help. Because everyone needs help.



  高一英语日记附翻译 1


  Feet, feet, too. Everyone has it. Its greatest function is to walk. Walking in the green field, walking in the vast grassland. Across the galloping River, over the steep peaks. We all can't leave it.


  We all have feet, but the way we go is different. Sometimes we stroll, sometimes in a hurry. Have some walking light footsteps sonorous and forceful. Some ground, some light impetuous. No matter how we go, we will leave footprints behind us. This string of footprints record the path we have passed and record the seven colored life we have come out of.


  Walking between the earth and the earth, we are going to enjoy the beauty of nature. The ancient language said well: "the map of the five mountains thought that it was better to know the mountain than one of the woodcutter." In nature, the generosity and connotation of nature will be understood. Xu Xiake is not afraid of danger, traveled across the country, many well-known mountains and rivers have left his footprints. Winter to spring, he made an extraordinary masterpiece Geography with ordinary steps; in order to know times Baicao, Li Shizhen gave up a comfortable and peaceful life, sow the human not old, a few degrees walking in between heaven and earth, only the "Compendium of Materia Medica" birth; Marco Polo is the lofty ideals and high aspirations across Asia and Europe, make light of travelling a thousand li. The Gobi desert, snowy forest have nothing to fear. His success once again proved that, as long as the step by step, there is no impossible Road, no impossible to do. Only if we really do it, it will taste the hardships of the road and the joy of harvest.


  Is the so-called short step, resulting in thousands of miles. As long as we go down firmly, we will go higher and farther, go out of heaven and earth and go to the universe.


  Between the universe, we human beings want to explore the mysteries of space and the origin of the universe. Once upon a time, the universe was so mysterious and unfathomable, only to make people reverie, but unreachable. The immortals there only see in the mythology. The goddess of the moon, we won't ever think Wukong their spells can also free shuttle in the planet now. When Armstrong's left foot was on the moon, the famous footprints realized the human dream. Armstrong has also left a "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind is the rhetoric. Yang Liwei, Nie Haisheng and Zhai Zhigang have also been into space. In the sky, Zhai Zhigang took the first step of our space career. This step is so gentle and so gentle. And the gentle and gentle behind, more sweat and hardship. Yes, it took us thousands of years to take this step. This step is a powerful proof that as long as we want to, as long as we work unremittingly hard, we can do it.


  The vast expanse of space is quiet and beautiful, deep and distant, and her deep mysteries are dee*** attracted to us. We have stride a big step, and we have to take a big step. And no matter how far we can go, the foundation is in every day we are now.


  Only certain structures to thousands of books, and in ninety thousand. In the grand project, the tall skyscrapers are also covered up a little bit by bit. The road to space is accumulated by us, step by step, and go farther and farther. And then know, and follow the hard. But as long as we have perseverance, we will find a way to suit ourselves. To find a way for us to walk, we must stick to it.


  Friends, since we go through the road will leave footprints, then why not leave the footprints more solid, more wonderful.

  高一英语日记附翻译 2

  Last Saturday--April 28th, my classmates and I went to the park near my school. Can you guess what we did there?Not for amusement but to take part in a volunteer labour.


  We reached the park at nine o'clock. The whole class was divided into three groups. I was in Group Three.


  Each group had different tasks. Group One planted trees and watered flowers. Group Two was told to pick up litter left by the tourists and cleaned all the benches. The group that I was in wiped all the equipment in the Children's Playground. All of us worked hard.


  Before noon we finished working. Each of us felt a little bit tired, but we were happy because we had done a good deed.


  高一英语日记附翻译 3

  As is well known, books teach us to learn life, truth, science and many other useful things。 They increase our knowledge, broaden our minds and strengthen our character。 In other words, they are our good teachers and wise friends。 This is the reason why our parents always encourage us to read more books。

  Reading is a good thing, but we must pay great attention to the choice of books。 It is true that we can derive benefits from good books。 However, bad books will do us more harm than good。



  高一英语日记附翻译 4

  I haven’t write diaries for a period of time. I am now writing this just want to remember one thing. My study has fallen behind a lot this term. I can keep my score in the top ten in the whole school ranking before. But this term I fall behind. I nearly draw back to fifty. I know the reason is because I am too arrogant. I think I can be the best without studying hard. So I usually not pay too much attention on my study. When I find myself lag behind, I comfort myself it is accident. I have learnt a serious lesson this time. So, I want to write it down to warn myself.


  高一英语日记附翻译 5

  don't you see the heavy smokes from the big chimneys? don't you smell the gas from the motors all around the streets? we've got much dirtier air。 the iceburgs are melting from the warmer winter because of the air pollution。


  don't you see there are less lives in the water? don't you see that we must pay higher cost in water processing? we've got much darker water running around。 the oceans are in danger.


  don't you see the mountains getting bald ? don't you see our ground becoming hollow ? we've been exhausting the resources beneath the earth. our grandchildren will live on nothing.


  we have only one globe. treasure the mother nature。




  我的家乡英语作文附翻译 1

  I love my home full of laughter.

  Spring, the willow sister off white dress and put on a green wedding dress. Naughty brother leaned out of the grass a little head, little sister showed the white on the cheek. Farmer uncle hard cultivation, sowing in the field. Our children play on the lawn. Birds seem as if they are caught and singing. In the beautiful village left a good echo.

  In summer, the stream; the stream. We are children playing by the river. The adults in the below shade chit chat. Cicada cried, as if to say: "hot hot dead!" A bird in the sky freely pleasant flight. In the beautiful left a good memory in the field.

  Autumn, sister maple trees with red leaves, as if to meet the harvest year. Flowers are going to say goodbye to its brothers and sisters. Farmer uncle in the hope of the field, harvest of his own work achievement. We are to help farmers uncle work. Bird flocking to say goodbye to everything here. In the field full of laughter and left a good farewell.

  Winter, snow swirl underground. We are playing happily in the path. All plants gave in, only the Holly standing proudly in the wind and snow. Most animals hibernate. In this quiet winter, the winter sister's footprint.

  I love my hometown.







  我的家乡英语作文附翻译 2


  My hometown is a beautiful small village. There is a beautiful and magnificent bridge here. Because this bridge is very famous here, the place name of my hometown is called "Pu'an bridge".


  This summer vacation, my mother took my brother and I to visit the bridge.


  Listen to my mother, this bridge was built in 1975, which also happens to be my mother's birthday, so my mother likes this bridge very much. Because of this, I also call this bridge "mother bridge".


  One sunny day, my mother took my brother and I to the bridge, and finally saw the magnificent bridge. Looking forward, a broad river enters our eyes, and the blue river slowly goes East; the sun is shining on the earth, and the cool river wind is blowing slowly, which makes us relaxed and happy. The river here is not as turbid as the water of the Yangtze River. It is green, clear and emerald. The water plants beside the river are shaking, as if they are showing their beautiful dancing posture; a group of ducks are swimming in the river, and look at their funny appearance, it's really funny! There are several yellow cattle eating grass with relish on the bank; there are many houses on both sides of the bridge, and industrious people are living happily Ah! What a beautiful scene! I am totally intoxicated in this beautiful scenery painting.


  Looking at Pu'an bridge from a long distance, it feels majestic and magnificent. It has three big piers standing in the river, each with four big arches. The bridge is four stories high. The pier and arch are reflected in the water, very beautiful.


  Looking at Pu'an bridge, it's even more amazing. The bridge is more than 100 meters long and more than 10 meters wide. It is an important bridge connecting the East and the West. The traffic on the bridge is busy and bustling. There are also small square piers on the bridge. I counted 96 of them. There is a two meter fence between every two piers. The pattern is prismatic and exquisite.


  Time flies. We have been staying all afternoon. I look at the distance, a round of red sun gradually falling down, the beautiful sunset reflected on the river, but also to the magnificent bridge painted with a layer of ostentatious luster


  The bridge in my hometown has been honed for more than 30 years, and now it's a bit shabby. However, despite the wind and rain, it still stands in the river, contributing to the people on both sides of the river.


  The Pu'an bridge in my hometown is so beautiful. I love the bridge in my hometown. I love the "mother bridge" in my hometown!

  我的家乡英语作文附翻译 3


  My hometown is Jianghan oil field, which is located in Jianghan Plain. It is a place where oil people struggle to live with beautiful and rich scenery.


  Especially in March of each year, when the rape flowers are blooming, the mountains and fields are full of golden rape flowers, like putting a golden dress on the earth. Looking at it, it's like a beautiful picture!


  There is also a large forest of Metasequoia called "living fossil" plants. It's a beautiful place. Tall and clear fir trees stand there like loyal sentinels, guarding the people of the oil city.


  This is my beautiful and lovely hometown Jianghan Oilfield.

  我的家乡英语作文附翻译 4

  I am from Guangzhou. In spring ,the weather is wet and warm. I can play kite.

  In summer, the weather is wet and hot. I can swim in the swimming pool. In the autumn, the weather is cool and dry. I can play kite, too. in the winter, the weather is cold and dry. it never snow.

  How about you?




  我的家乡英语作文附翻译 5

  I love my home full of laughter.

  Spring, the willow sister off white dress and put on a green wedding dress. Naughty brother leaned out of the grass a little head, little sister showed the white on the cheek. Farmer uncle hard cultivation, sowing in the field. Our children play on the lawn. Birds seem as if they are caught and singing. In the beautiful village left a good echo.

  In summer, the stream; the stream. We are children playing by the river. The adults in the below shade chit chat. Cicada cried, as if to say: "hot hot dead!" A bird in the sky freely pleasant flight. In the beautiful left a good memory in the field.

  Autumn, sister maple trees with red leaves, as if to meet the harvest year. Flowers are going to say goodbye to its brothers and sisters. Farmer uncle in the hope of the field, harvest of his own work achievement. We are to help farmers uncle work. Bird flocking to say goodbye to everything here. In the field full of laughter and left a good farewell.

  Winter, snow swirl underground. We are playing happily in the path. All plants gave in, only the Holly standing proudly in the wind and snow. Most animals hibernate. In this quiet winter, the winter sister's footprint.

  I love my hometown.









  描写诚实的英语作文附翻译 1

  Although honesty is believed to be a virtue, there are still dishonest people in our society. For example, some businessmen sell fake products to their consumers; some students cheat on exams; some applicants find jobs by using fake diplomas; some people tell lies to avoid responsibility or avoid being punished. Dishonest people are short sighted. What they do brings harm not only to others but also to themselves. Those who sell fake products may make money at first, but once they were found out, no one will buy their products any more. Asaresult, they will lose their fortune. What is more, they will even be sent to prison. In contrast, honest people gain a lot. What they do brings benefit to others as well as to themselves. Those who always tell truth or keep to their promise can win trust and respect from their customers. Because they are trustworthy and respectable, everyone is eager to be their friend and everyone wants to buy their products. Undoubtedly, they will make a great fortune in the end.

  In a word, honesty wins trust, respect and honor. So it is important that we should be honest in whatever we do and say.



  描写诚实的英语作文附翻译 2

  Honesty is one of the most valuable personalities of human.Only honesty makes people accepted and trusted by others.Besides,dishonesty does great harm to people.The most classic example is the Cry Wolf,a story about a boy.He paid great price for his dishonesty.


  描写诚实的英语作文附翻译 3


  Most Chinese people are quite familiar with the story of "The three wolves cries". We taught to be honest when we were very young.


  However, as we grow up, we find that it is difficult to be honest all the time. Sometimes, we are forced to tell lies, and other times, we find people who are dishonest can enjoy great pleasures, while honest people have to suffer failures. And still there are times when we have to tell lies in order not to hurt others. Consequently, people wonder whether honesty is going out of style.


  As far as I'm concerned, honesty should always be an important feature valued by Chinese people. We should try our best to avoid telling lies (even white lies). Only in this way, is a fair society awaiting us.


  描写诚实的英语作文附翻译 4

  Honest is something very important in the present society. As people are clever and clever and the temptation is more and more, some people will lie to get what they want. This is not good. If you lie once, you will lie twice and then three times. That is not the end. You will lie easier day by day. Then you will become a person only telling lies. No one will trust you. How terrible! Although sometimes to be honest may make you suffer little losses, mostly are some insignificant losses. As a result, you can earn others’ trust. Besides, if you always lie to others, they will do the same to you. How does a world will be? I think I don’t need to emphasize the importance of trust. Trust can make things totally different. Just to be an honest person for you and others.


  描写诚实的英语作文附翻译 5

  Honesty is a long-lasting virtue of people and is regarded as the most important quality. People give admiration to those people who are honest, while hate those who often tell lies. However, some people say that in market economy, honesty tends to be less important. But in my point of view, honesty will never be out of date no matter how the situation changes.

  Firstly, honesty is always the mainstream in our society and those people who are sincere are respected. On the contrast, the dishonest will be excluded by others. Secondly, no matter in the daily life or in business, people would like to build relationships with the honest. Honesty is the basis of true friendship. In the business, those who make money at the cost of honesty certainly will pay the price in someday. Finally, honesty should become part of our personality that we should treat it as the most valuable fortune of ours. It may not brings you material benefit, but you spirit must be rich.

  In short, honesty is an important quality that should dee*** root in everyone's heart.



