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  *安夜英语作文 1

  December 24th is the night of peace, my father and I had a good evening to the street to play, feel the "foreign festival" of the lively atmosphere.

  On the night of Christmas I soon finished the homework assigned by the teacher, and wrapped my father on the street. The streets are already people, and the cars are flowing.

  Soon we arrived at the downtown business center building, where is the most popular, is the huge crowds of people. There are a few meters of the Christmas tree business door on the left, hung above a variety of small accessories, very delicate. There were two big Santa Claus on the right, smiling and waved to us as if we were coming. The right side also set up a large stage, with all kinds of colors lighting up, the sound box playing beautiful music, the audience from time to time gave a lot of applause.

  At this time, a female singer went to the stage and sang "Yimeng Mountain minor" in a euphemistic voice. With the slow rhythm, just the lively atmosphere of quiet. The audience was immersed in this wonderful singing, and I listened to feel very cordial, because I just learnt to sing this song just now, and I also hummed along with the music. Then, several singers sang a few pop songs, the atmosphere under the stage was again busy, and the climax caused the audiences cheers.

  One of the performances of the show was better than one. The last program is dance. An uncle and aunt get the audiences applause with the music dancing on the stage, cheerful music and graceful dancing, and push the performance to a climax.

  The performance was over, and the audience was still in joy and was reluctant to leave for a long time.

  *安夜英语作文 2

  As we all know, Christmas Eve and Christmas is a festival in many western countries, because of the friendly exchanges of countries, this custom has been introduced into China.

  This Saturday, Sunday is Christmas Eve and Christmas, many foreign teachers fly to their hometown, and Christmas is a very important festival for them, just like we celebrate the Spring Festival.

  Not to say the meaning of Christmas, and to talk about tonights Christmas Eve.

  In the afternoon, mother received a message, the content is: Zibo commercial building from 18 to 24 points, all kinds of goods to engage in activities, ultra low discount. I talked to my mother and decided to start at 5:30 in the afternoon. My mother also said to me, "I must go early, or the car will not be able to put it."

  Time flies, we want to start, in fact, the Zibo commercial building is very close to my home, I think it is no harm to walk a little later. But I was wrong, the street is packed with heavy traffic. From the third middle of Zibo to the Zibo commercial building, the road and the sidewalk have been full of cars. In the past, there were several cars on the road at the same time, and now even a car is hard to get through. Traffic jams can be imagined. Fortunately, we ride on electric cars, and we can barely squeeze past them.

  Through "hardships" "we finally saw the travel over land and water", "grand" Zibo mall, but we couldnt go on, because, a very big cross the road is crowded with cars, the traffic police have a busy stop command vehicles scorched by the flames, and nothing.

  Seeing this situation, we must first "in 2007". When you lock the car, you can walk across the crossroads to the Zibo commercial building. Now I can only sum up my experience in a word: six will be chopped over five.

  When I came to the commercial building, I was sweating all over my body. I was frozen to death in the outside. It was very hot in it. The taste of the two days of ice fire was not good. After an hours cruising, I could not hold up, no water, no fan, "heat", but I finally got home. After that, I dare not "take advantage of live".

  *安夜英语作文 3


  *安夜英语作文 4

  Christmas Eve is common say on Christmas Eve, the night, the whole family will be reunited in the sitting room, around the tree to sing Christmas songs, exchange gifts to each other, each other to share the joys and sorrows of life for a year, expressing their blessings and love. On this day in the evening you will see a group of cute little boys or little girls, hand guitar poetry, a dancer a singing poetry. This festival is really good news team come from?

  The birth of Jesus that night, a watch over their flocks of shepherd in the wilderness, suddenly heard a voice from heaven, quote them the good news of Jesus birth. According to the bible, Jesus came to be the king of the world, and therefore, angel through these shepherds pass more and more people know the news.

  Then people would follow the example of an angel, on Christmas Eve the night of the dissolution everywhere preach the message of Jesus birth, until today, good news has become the indispensable a Christmas show.

  Usually good news team consists of about 20 young people, and one for the little girl dressed as an angel and a Santa Claus. After the night skies on New Years eve is about nine o clock, started a company to good tidings. When good news team to go to a family, can sing a few first familiar Christmas songs, and then by the little girl reads the words of the bible to wants somebody else know tonight was the day of Jesus birth, everyone together to sing again after a two poems, again by generous Santa send Christmas gift to the family of small hall, the whole process of going caroling is complete! The good tidings of activities about end until four o clock in the morning the next day or so.





  *安夜英语作文 5

  Think about it, only more than thirty days from the final exam, while only four days away from the monthly exam. At this time, preparing for Christmas in foreign countries, next Thursday is Christmas Eve, Friday is Christmas, we began monthly exam.

  The eve of Christmas Eve last year, early in the morning, desk or drawer will have one apple, a chocolate flower branch, a branch length of the plum sugar ... Bang Bang ... and greeting cards, but also in a few days ago to quietly fashion today.

  Christmas Eve, even in school, we will go out in groups, "Hi", no matter how late, there will be fireworks, lanterns and carnival. On the road late at night, a group of naive Whistling face together all the way ... ...

  High and one of the. This year's Christmas Eve, and I as usual "Hi", but my partner has become piles of piles of work and counseling book. Christmas, continue past tense.

  After all, we no longer small.

  Some things, has become the past.

  *安夜英语作文 6

  Christmas is coming, my friends and I are so excited, because we have planed something fun on Christmas Eve. We are going to spend the time together and counting the time. We go to the square, there are a lot of people, they are celebrating. We join the crowd and cheer for the coming of the Christmas. We have great time.


  *安夜英语作文 7

  This evening is a peaceful night, no atmosphere is found! Just outside know when a few colorful lamps... But its not so dazzling, just adding color!

  Its a busy day to have a good rest. The so-called Christmas Eve is the other people out of the carnival, the whole building quietly, not the past that noisy sound, only in the wind from time to time by, made a tiny sound, let the silence a bit more obvious......

  Look down from the glass window, I feel a little lively! I smile for a moment in the unwittingly... Bless you: the workers work busy going home, you have the most pro people waiting for you at home, and the hot meal; bless you: Xiangyixiangwei lovers, each other smile is so sweet, see your future happiness; bless you: Bounce child are your parents for your young spill their most kindly smile......

  What a bustling city today, you let me know your position, you in each of the next to you in the arms of the people in the eyes of them on how much you desire! Cant deny before I have had, but now not completely, only yearning for home. There is always a silly idea. It is better to go back to the remote home and have dinner with his family, rather than spend it alone in this bustling city... This will be a non - hesitant choice!

  All things are Utopian, just to calm the uneasiness of their own heart. Silent night, silent, lonely and helpless! Tonight is spectacular! Unfortunately, I do not belong to this city, just a wanderer!

  *安夜英语作文 8

  Tonight is Christmas Eve.

  Come home from school, together with my mother went to the village of fruit shop, see the store has a lot of apple with the packaging. I look at the said to mother: "mom, I really want to have a!" Mother said: "apple a lot in the home, buy this kind of packing good uneconomic, and these are packaged away." Listen to the mother, I reluctantly left the fruit store. At home, I ate an apple, want to eat the fruit every day can be peace.

  Here, I wish you all a happy Christmas Eve, merry Christmas.




  *安夜英语作文 9

  Today is Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve that eating apple a day is also a kind of custom. On Christmas Eve to eat the apple, because apple has a cavity, in peace. On this day, on Christmas Eve Santa Claus will sit sleigh, presents for the children. The next day, the children were present, will be very happy, I am really looking forward to Santa Claus gave me a gift!


  *安夜英语作文 10

  Life is like a colorful childhood dream, people yearn, make people yearn for, make a person excited...... Years later, after a sudden turn back, the pure memory has been reflected in the mind, it always makes people feel so beautiful...

  Remember when I was five or six years old, grandpa often told me about the story of Christmas: every December 24th Christmas Eve night, Santa Claus will come from the distant place, driving a reindeer car, quietly from the chimney into the hearts of every child, send gifts. Santa is very beautiful, he is wearing a red hat, top hat and a round ball. He was wearing a red dress, a black glove, and a belt on his clothes. Santas eyes are as black as pearls, his nose as red as a fireball, and his ball of beard is like cotton... Thats a wonderful story, and every time I get up on Christmas morning and see the beautiful present at the head of the bed, Im going to dance.

  Although Santa Claus gave me Christmas gifts every year, I had never seen him. On the Christmas Eve of seven years old, I asked grandpa curiously, "I really want to see the real Santa Claus. What does he look like?" Grandpa said, Santa Claus must go to bed when he is asleep. I dont believe in the home run, only to see the windows of the room with a crack. Grandpa patted me on the shoulder and said with a smile, "this is left for Santa Claus. Otherwise, how can he come in to give a gift?" after listening to Grandpas words, I sat firmly in the living room, anxiously waiting for Santa Claus to come. But the eyelid hit the shelf and slowly closed. Grandpa said, "go to sleep. Maybe Santa has sent it to you." I stretch, like the letter letter back to the room, just opened a quilt, ah, that I have Bobbi the baby is sleeping in my pillow! Happy I jumped three feet high. Grandparents also came up with a surprised look and said, "Oh, Santa Claus has given you gifts so early, so you can sleep in peace." When I was carrying my beloved Bobbi, I soon fell asleep. I dreamed that the merry Santa Claus sat on the beautiful reindeer car and ran around the world, giving gifts to the other children laboriously.

  Day after day, I also slowly understand that in fact, there is no Santa Claus in the world, but the beautiful imagination of the people. The beautiful gift was also sent by grandparents, but behind this gift is my grandparents infinite love for me!




  *安夜有感作文 1




  *安夜有感作文 2









  *安夜有感作文 3





  *安夜有感作文 4








  *安夜有感作文 5




  我们陆续到了宿舍,刚开始明明开开心心的,但是我们宿舍的一个人进来后就哭,说自己考不好了,可是她明明是我们班学*特别好的学生,后来不只是中了什么邪,宿舍里的人都哭了起来,一个比一个厉害,后来班长来我们宿舍玩 看到我们都在哭就急忙安慰我们,后来生活部喊了讓上床睡觉,班长走了,我们也上了床,上了床之后又都躲在被子李哭了起来,没敢出动静,后来生活部查的松了,有两个开始说话了,宿舍长为了把我们的气氛弄起来,让他们两个去一个床上说话去了。



  *安夜有感作文 6


  今天晚上是圣诞节的前夕——*安夜,我和爸爸、妈妈要去华地广场逛逛,买新衣裳。新裤子。新鞋子。我们一家刚出来,就被十多辆汽车堤住了。哦,原来这些汽车的司机都是要出来看看。我等得不耐烦了。索性放眼欲眺:“哇,汽车哪么多呀!我们前面还有十几道“汽车关卡”呢!”我惊叫了起来。这时,汽车动了起来。“要走了。”爸爸说。我们一家等汽车开走了,跑到前面去。果然不出我所看,马路上车水马龙,成了“超规模堵车站”!*时风光八面的汽车这时却像小甲虫一样难堪的慢慢爬 ,连步行都比它快;还有电瓶车,以前风驰电挚的行驶着,这回比自行车还慢呢。大街小巷人头攒动,多得数不胜数。*常普普通通的树今日竟然成了“火树银花”!我们到华地广场里,这里看看那里看看,挑来挑去,选了几件买了下来。我们还去和信、新东方等地方看了一下。





  *安夜有感作文 7









  *安夜有感作文 8





  *安夜有感作文 9


  我们从家里出发,来到春申广场,今天广场格外热闹,有几处卖孔明灯的,很多人都买了在放,都借着它许愿。我认为孔明灯放多了不太好,因为会引起火灾,那样很不安全。接着来到南门大桥上,有一份做装饰品的,叫“找名字”,三元一个字,找齐名字后,可以做成项链,或者手机链,可是,我的姓找来找去都找不到,原来百家姓里没有“倘”这个姓,真让人失望。 接下来是我最开心的时候,那就是去佳乐基。我们很快就到了,妈妈怕我吃不好,所以点了两份儿童套餐,还得到两份玩具。我吃的超饱,真的超级好吃呀!我别提多高兴了。爸爸说,期末考试如果考的好,还会请我到佳乐基美餐一顿的。







  *安夜有感作文 10











  *安夜的英语作文 1

  Christmas is in the air. In today's show, we have prepared some famous Christmas carols played by the Guangzhou Woodwind Quintet. The group was formed in 2003. The five members are from diversified backgrounds. They are the Chinese oboist Chen Qing, the mellophone player Fu Lei and clarinetist Zhang Shi, Japanese flutist Nikaido Izumi, and American bassoon player Michael Garza. Every member is known for their virtuosity. They work in perfect harmony, enhancing the vitality and creativity of the group.

  The first song for you is "Jingle Bells". A firm fixture in any Christmas repertoire, it has gained a lot of popularity in China. The happy rhythm can always jazz up the drab winter. The rendition of this song by the band is filled with festive atmosphere.

  The next song brought to you is "Silent Night, Holy Night". The soothing melody exudes peace and serenity. Even though Christmas is a secular holiday in China, listening to such songs can give us a moment of spiritual cleansing.

  We will wrap up today's program with "Wish You a Merry Christmas". We wish all our listeners a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

  *安夜的英语作文 2

  This years Christmas I can be happy.

  Remember the Christmas day, we went to morning class. The first class in the afternoon, the teacher said: the classmates, today is Christmas, I give you two classes of time, a class make Christmas activities, a lesson each other gifts. The students replied in unison shout: yeah! Two fingers to form a V shape of letters.

  Christmas activities started, the first is a small host Fang Chun speech and miao add rain, then the students have little performance. Xiao-long zhao, Lv Jia yu performed a sketch with me; Fang Chun and miao add the rain choral songs, Tan Zhi recited poems.

  After the Christmas activities, we began to send each other gifts. Soon, I accept the gift is filled with the table, looking at so many gifts, I am extremely happy. My classmates and I glad to eat while discussing the holidays we do next time.

  Ding poison poison when the bell rang, the teacher came into the classroom, say to us: to send a gift to a friend, is to send a friend a good luck. Listen to the teacher, my face got red, because I am not ready to present to the students!

  My bottom head secretly think: the next time I must be ready to present, to every classmate.







  *安夜的英语作文 3

  This day is Christmas Eve, that is, Christmas Eve. I spent the day at school and did my homework at uncle Liu Yuanping's house. When my mother came to pick me up, she gave me a safe apple. I wanted to give this apple to the legendary Santa Claus. So I ran home quickly and wrote a note on it: "here you are, this apple is delicious!" Then, of course, I did my homework again. But at this moment, my father's colleague aunt Gao Yun called and said that she wanted me to attend her Christmas Eve party. After my father told me, I was very excited, so I put on a beautiful skirt and went to Aunt Gao Yun's house.

  When I came to Aunt Gaoyun's house, I found that only Xiaole (aunt Gaoyun's child) was playing with another child. As soon as Xiaole saw me, he said, "sister Diandian is coming! Sister Diandian is coming!" I took off my boots and listened to Xiao Le say, "let's dress up the Christmas tree! Sister Dian, you put the bell and the deer on the top. That's why I invited you to come and play." I put the bell and deer on the top. When I looked at them in the distance, I found they were pretty good-looking. I thought: Xiaole has so many ideas!

  After a while, Wang Qiyang, Liu Haotian and Doudou came one after another! Wang Qiyang gave each of us a shiny pop ring, including Santa Claus, reindeer and snowman. Wang Qiyang gave me a reindeer and said, "press the nose and it will shine. Press again and it will stop shining."

  The next step is to guess riddles and eat fruit. I hurried home quietly and didn't finish my homework!

  One night passed. When I woke up the next morning, I found two boxes of things at the head of the bed. I looked at them. WOW! It's two boxes of exquisite chocolate! Santa Claus must have given it to me! He also took the note I wrote him! I communicated with Santa Claus! Oh, oh, oh! fantastic!

  *安夜的英语作文 4

  Do you believe that there are Santa Claus in the world who crept into your house on a safe night and put them in your stockings? Of course it was impossible, but at the age of seven I was very confident of this wonderful story.

  The Christmas Eve of that year, as usual, took me an afternoon of time to elaborate my little room. Thinking about Santa Claus, a giggle of laughter in my mouth. "I don't know what kind of surprise the Santa Claus will bring me this year!"

  "Mom," I can't wait to ask my mother, "what do you say the Santa Claus will send me this year?" Mom looked at the innocent face of me. He put down his busy business and smiled. He said, "Santa knows your child's heart most clearly. The gift he gives you will never disappoint you. In the evening you just have to sleep in peace. " After listening to my mother's words, my heart was itching more.

  Finally, when it was dark, I turned off the lights in the room and lay quietly on the bed. I can't wait, and I can't sleep. The brain is still clear.

  All of a sudden, I thought of an idea, so let me witness my heart's Santa Claus. That's a good idea. That's the way you do it!

  Hear a second time in the passage of time, my sleepy yawn one after another. But I think of seeing Santa Claus, rubbing my eyes, and spirited.

  I really can't wait, listen, "hee hee whiz" voice outside. I was suddenly nervous. Is this the voice of Santa Claus driving his elk to our home?

  My room door was gently pushing a head into my door at this time, my heart pounding, like a small rabbit inside only alive and kicking. I covered my head with a quilt, and I dared not look at it. When Santa Claus is giving me gifts, I can't hold my curiosity in my heart and sneak a glimpse of the quilt.

  I was both surprised and disappointed by the eye of peeking. The figure in front of me was not a red and white coat, a big boot of Santa Claus. She is not who she is mother!

  *安夜的英语作文 5

  Christmas Eve is common say on Christmas Eve, the night, the whole family will be reunited in the sitting room, around the tree to sing Christmas songs, exchange gifts to each other, each other to share the joys and sorrows of life for a year, expressing their blessings and love. On this day in the evening you will see a group of cute little boys or little girls, hand guitar poetry, a dancer a singing poetry. This festival is really good news team come from?

  The birth of Jesus that night, a watch over their flocks of shepherd in the wilderness, suddenly heard a voice from heaven, quote them the good news of Jesus' birth. According to the bible, Jesus came to be the king of the world, and therefore, angel through these shepherds pass more and more people know the news.

  Then people would follow the example of an angel, on Christmas Eve the night of the dissolution everywhere preach the message of Jesus' birth, until today, good news has become the indispensable a Christmas show.

  Usually good news team consists of about 20 young people, and one for the little girl dressed as an angel and a Santa Claus. After the night skies on New Year's eve is about nine o 'clock, started a company to good tidings. When good news team to go to a family, can sing a few first familiar Christmas songs, and then by the little girl reads the words of the bible to wants somebody else know tonight was the day of Jesus' birth, everyone together to sing again after a two poems, again by generous Santa send Christmas gift to the family of small hall, the whole process of going caroling is complete! The good tidings of activities about end until four o 'clock in the morning the next day or so.





  *安夜的英语作文 6

  Today is Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve that eating apple a day is also a kind of custom. On Christmas Eve to eat the apple, because apple has a cavity, in peace. On this day, on Christmas Eve Santa Claus will sit sleigh, presents for the children. The next day, the children were present, will be very happy, I am really looking forward to Santa Claus gave me a gift!


  *安夜的英语作文 7

  This evening, I and my father and mother go shopping, because today is Christmas eve.

  From our home to Chunshen square, square today is particularly lively, there are a few selling lanterns, many people bought in, by wishing it. I think the lanterns put too much is not good, because it will cause a fire,so it is not safe.

  Then came to the South Gate Bridge, as a decoration, called "looking for a name", three yuan a word, leveling name, can be made into a necklace, or a mobile phone chain, but my name is looking to find, there is no "if" the name of the original surnames, really makes people lose hope.

  Next is my best time, that is to go to the good music group. We are soon arrived, my mother is afraid I eat badly, so the point of the two children packages, but also get two toys. I eat the super full, really super delicious ah! I don't happy.

  Dad said that if the final exam exam, also asked me to squeak based a meal.

  *安夜的英语作文 8

  The night of Christmas Eve is a mystery, in this time to eat the apple fruit (apple is peace). Heard that as long as peace at 12 o 'clock at night to eat fruit on 24th day this year will be in peace. Of course, that night we all dormitories are full of curiosity, ate with the secret of peace, but not at twelve o 'clock. But everyone still in my heart silently with his wish.

  At this moment, I thought of a thing loudly shout out. "Quick, bring socks for me, I will put it on the bed." Dormitory members of frowning puzzled, I fit into a learned professor with relish, said: "don't know this, and let the professor let me teach you, legend has it that there will be a Santa Claus, Christmas and when Christmas Eve that night, he would have come from the chimney to be afraid of us, as long as you put what you want to write on the paper in the sock he saw will satisfy your desire, let your dreams come true!" Say that finish, you hurry up, "we don't have the chimney? This dormitory will he not to give us?" All innocent, curious said. Ha ha I laughed aloud, it's ok let's give he made a false chimney not have it, he will find the entrance to the gifts to us. So, all in high spirits made up. Soon ready, and then we took a sock and a piece of paper to write on the gift, they want excitement it to socks, looking forward to the emergence of Santa Claus...

  So, we with great expectation and overworked body was asleep, sleep until dawn.




  *安夜的英语作文 9

  People have a lot of activities on that night, the young like to have party or masquerade, they hold the party all the night, celebrating the coming of the Christmas. For kids, it is a tradition that they put stockings in the chimney, the Santa Claus will bring them gifts that night. Actually, the gifts that the kids get are from their parents, the Santa Claus is their parents. Christmas Eve is like Chinese New Year’s Eve, both are important, the culture between Chinaand western countries has something in common.

  *安夜的英语作文 10

  The night before Christmas, people are bringing a sleeping quietly under the moonlight, the earth, on a quiet, they are waiting, waiting for the arrival of the new year.

  See, that‘s who, a boy. He quietly sat in the window, watching the moon, seemed to be waiting for someone, but he was waiting for whom? Now, who else would come? I was somewhat puzzled by his behavior. But he is still sitting in the window waiting for, but sometimes look back at the clock

  Bell rang, which means that the upcoming new year, the boy’s face appeared in a trace of a smile, suddenly, two reindeer pulling a car from the Moon Ben Lai, the car away from the boys, getting closer, boys excited : "Santa came! birth to old Laila!" he instinctively ran outside, loudly calling Santa Claus, Santa Claus with a smile, said: "My child, what gift you want?" "My lame foot, and students often do not, and I play, I am very sad. "" I know you want anything. "Santa Claus finished and walked out.

  Early morning sun is so bright, the boy blinked his eyes, and found himself in the foot, and no good, he began to not believe in Santa Claus, then, the boy walking out of bed, watching the students the freedom to playing, watching watching, he smiled , laughed so naive, bright, he had never had such a laugh. He gradually realized that Santa Claus gave him the best in the world is a gift - Happy.



  *安夜英语作文:*安夜 1

  Today is Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve that eating apple a day is also a kind of custom. On Christmas Eve to eat the apple, because apple has a cavity, in peace. On this day, on Christmas Eve Santa Claus will sit sleigh, presents for the children. The next day, the children were present, will be very happy, I am really looking forward to Santa Claus gave me a gift!


  *安夜英语作文:*安夜 2

  On the night of Christmas I soon finished the homework assigned by the teacher, and wrapped my father on the street. The streets are already people, and the cars are flowing.

  Later, Luo molecularidentification took spend 3. The snow sprayed with a high price of 7 yuan began to make a big work: "merryChristmas", "happy night", and all the windows were. People grew up, my classmates and I write about Christmas things on the blackboard, is too busy, "Chen, an outwardly kind but inwardly cruel person" hand carry bags of things, in one hand and a Santa Claus costume, "mygod!" the Chinese Spring Festival are foreigners so grand?

  In class, the classroom has rendered a Christmas Eve atmosphere. There is a small Christmas tree on the platform table and a toy Santa Claus that will blow Sax. In order to make the event more exciting, but also hired Ding Liang as the white red hat Hu "santaclaus (Santa Claus)", in order to increase the sense of romance, but also specifically to buy "candle (candle)" rib Hing, a warm Christmas eve!

  Then it was a colorful Christmas show, dancing, singing, and playing the Harmonica... But you can take a big gift in front of you, and the back, you can only take a small, eyes open to watch those big gifts are taken away, it is not a taste of the heart. So I talked to Wang Shenjie and performed the martial arts together, and he readily agreed.

  My "Shua" raised his hand, Santa tells us two performances, Wang Shenjie is because he is too fat, twisted his fat body, like Donald, is quite funny, but can not laugh out, after all performances!

  Bring gifts, Santa gave me a box, wow! There are cards! I was delighted, slipped into the seat, to see the show.

  After the play, is to open the train together, accompanied by the "silent night" and "Jingle Bells", and mixed "alleluia......" "The Bible," and so on, our activities finally finished.

  It was a happy night.

  *安夜英语作文:*安夜 3

  This evening, I and my father and mother go shopping, because today is Christmas eve.

  From our home to Chunshen square, square today is particularly lively, there are a few selling lanterns, many people bought in, by wishing it. I think the lanterns put too much is not good, because it will cause a fire,so it is not safe.

  Then came to the South Gate Bridge, as a decoration, called "looking for a name", three yuan a word, leveling name, can be made into a necklace, or a mobile phone chain, but my name is looking to find, there is no "if" the name of the original surnames, really makes people lose hope.

  Next is my best time, that is to go to the good music group. We are soon arrived, my mother is afraid I eat badly, so the point of the two children packages, but also get two toys. I eat the super full, really super delicious ah! I dont happy.

  Dad said that if the final exam exam, also asked me to squeak based a meal.

  *安夜英语作文:*安夜 4

  good morning sunshine, sprinkled on a page, such as dim as a brilliant sunset, a long drag on the tip of the partner. the wind always blowing more cold than usual, people could not help chills.

  think about it, only more than thirty days from the final exam, while only four days away from the monthly exam. at this time, preparing for christmas in foreign countries, next thursday is christmas eve, friday is christmas, we began monthly exam.

  the eve of christmas eve last year, early in the morning, desk or drawer will have one apple, a chocolate flower branch, a branch length of the plum sugar … bang bang … and greeting cards, but also in a few days ago to quietly fashion today.

  christmas eve, even in school, we will go out in groups, "hi", no matter how late, there will be fireworks, lanterns and carnival. on the road late at night, a group of naive whistling face together all the way … …

  high and one of the. this years christmas eve, and i as usual "hi", but my partner has become piles of piles of work and counseling book. christmas, continue past tense.

  after all, we no longer small.

  some things, has become the past.

  *安夜英语作文:*安夜 5

  In Christianity, Christmas Eve is the day of the birth of the Savior, Jesus. On this day, the Englishmen will eat roast goose, Americans taste Turkey, and hold various colorful activities. The French think that the Christmas totem of heaven is white and auspicious. But when Christmas to China, the kind of solemn and sacred disappeared, the people on the street with the inflatable stick luanqiao cookin, pedestrian people winter crazy hit be strangers to each other. On Christmas Eve, Christmas on the wrong understanding of people crazy what party, make originally peaceful Chengdu wall.

  I know that in Christianity, the night of peace is the day of the birth of Jesus Christ, a day of holy and solemn. On the night of 24, my mother took me to the largest Catholic Church in Chengdu in order to increase my understanding of Christmas. On the road, I imagined the church looks like, I think, in the Church of the highest place must have a cross! Into a Catholic Church, a melodious chant of "Hallelujah" drifted into my ears, the church spire had a cross, dim moonlight, water sprinkled on the roof of the church, Ying on the cross. Across the long corridor of the church, a statue of Jesus stood alone under the pale light. I touched my toes curiously. Its cool. I left the statue.

  In addition to the gate, entering the courtyard on the left, it was a 10 meter high Christmas tree, with a silver cross on the tip of the tree. The tree filled with lanterns, and dotted with angels, snowball snowman. I crossed a cross in front of my chest. I looked at the huge Christmas tree. I thought of the gods in the sky. Are they passing Christmas, too? "What do you think, child?" Someone behind me took a pat on my back, and I turned my head. It turned out to be an old woman. She said she had been to Catholicism for more than 20 years and was very pious. "Nothing, just a daze, I think, is there a fairy in the sky?" Are they passing Christmas, too? "


——*安夜的作文 (菁华10篇)





  我小帮手的旅途也从此开始了。望着妈妈麻利的清理好了鱼,哎哟,一转手把鱼放入盆中,还到了些许的盐。奇怪?为什么要这样子做啊?我有些二丈和尚摸不着头脑,满是疑惑,。妈妈瞟了眼我,犹如上帝般知道了我心中的想法,笑了笑,这要腌一下,才能更加入味。我这才恍然大悟,不住地点头。滋啦!滋啦!鱼下了热油锅,唱起了欢快的`歌。没过多久,香味就侵占了我的鼻子。 这时候再来点葱花就更好了,我切了点葱,正准备来个仙女散花时,妈妈就制止住了我的行为,哎呦喂,这可是不行的呀!妈妈粗糙的大手抚上了我的脑袋这里面的学问你就不懂了吧?要是现在放上葱花,它的颜色会变黄,就不好了!我满心佩服,不由得再次点了点头,同时也不住的感叹做饭也没那么简单啊!此刻,有些许昏黄的灯光,替这道菜画上点睛之笔。在灯光的照耀下,仿佛还看得见香气的飘散,阵阵热气夹杂着香味向我扑来。灯光下的鱼闪闪发亮,汤汁也显得浓烈美味,我手中的这盘鱼,不正是绝世美味吗?在一旁的妹妹看的垂涎三尺,眼里发着光。我也不由得咽了咽口水,直勾勾的盯着盘里的鱼。好啦,你口水都要流出来了,赶紧过来帮我烧鸡爪!妈妈笑骂道,推搡着我们去厨房。放下盘子,我又奔向厨房,因为有了之前的经验,一切都显得游刃有余,顺畅无比,有如神助。当四人都筋疲力尽,气喘吁吁地瘫倒在沙发上,不过望着桌上满满当当的菜品,都乖巧地躺在桌上,等待着主人去品尝。四人相望,脸上都是幸福甜蜜的笑意。那么 我们吃饭吧!妈妈抑扬顿挫地说道。
























































——*安夜英语作文 (菁华5篇)


  Hi, friend. How do you spend the Christmas Eve this year? How do you feel? To be honest, this peaceful night is the warmest for me. Because my father came back! In my memory, this was the first time Dad had been with me for Christmas.

  Dads home may be a common thing for you, just like eating three meals a day. But for me, it was a "chance". Because dad is iron four Bureau, perennial work in the field, only one time to come back. So its a good thing to be happy to come back. Of course, mother is happy, too. So, have pity on her, promised me on Christmas Eve asked to see the movie on the internet. So we opened the com*r, opened the heater, and sat by the bed and watched the movie. Mom left, Dad on the right, I sat among them, although the outside wind whistled, lascivious, but a warm home.

  When the film was just open, I suddenly felt a lack of something. Oh, snacks! Home snacks I finished early. So, Dad volunteered to buy food. When Dad went out, my mother and I watched the film with great attention. This movie called "Christmas legend", is about a little boy parents died, was brought in the same village. Every Christmas day, he changed his life. So, every Christmas Eve, he put his early toys in front of every door that had been raised for him. When he grew up, he became "Santa Claus", sitting in a sled, appearing over the night of peace...

  At the end of the film, Dad came back. His face was red with cold, home kept hanging hand warmer. He bought a big bag of snacks. I rejoiced when I saw this big pile of my favorite snacks. But mom blamed dad for wasting money, and all of it was junk food. But dad said, "its hard to make children happy and happy on Christmas day." Dad also bought 8 unusual apples at high prices, and each apple was inscribed with "love". I eat the "love" apple, look at the movie about love, and feel the love of my mom and dad.

  This Christmas Eve, because my father is at home, I feel very warm.


  This evening is a peaceful night, no atmosphere is found! Just outside know when a few colorful lamps... But its not so dazzling, just adding color!

  Its a busy day to have a good rest. The so-called Christmas Eve is the other people out of the carnival, the whole building quietly, not the past that noisy sound, only in the wind from time to time by, made a tiny sound, let the silence a bit more obvious......

  Look down from the glass window, I feel a little lively! I smile for a moment in the unwittingly... Bless you: the workers work busy going home, you have the most pro people waiting for you at home, and the hot meal; bless you: Xiangyixiangwei lovers, each other smile is so sweet, see your future happiness; bless you: Bounce child are your parents for your young spill their most kindly smile......

  What a bustling city today, you let me know your position, you in each of the next to you in the arms of the people in the eyes of them on how much you desire! Cant deny before I have had, but now not completely, only yearning for home. There is always a silly idea. It is better to go back to the remote home and have dinner with his family, rather than spend it alone in this bustling city... This will be a non - hesitant choice!

  All things are Utopian, just to calm the uneasiness of their own heart. Silent night, silent, lonely and helpless! Tonight is spectacular! Unfortunately, I do not belong to this city, just a wanderer!


  Santa Claus has a special gift for the good children on Christmas Eve.

  Legend has it that every December 24th night, he will ride a sleigh pulled by 12 reindeer, enter the house from door to door, and then put the gift on the bed of a good boys bedside socks or hang on the Christmas tree beside the fireplace. Santa Claus is wearing a red christmas hat, a big white beard, a red cotton shirt, and red boots on his feet. His gift was in a marvelous pocket. Christmas Eve every year, I will stand outside the house to meet Santa Claus, silently pray for my wish to achieve, I will never give up.

  Today went to the evening of December 24th, I stood outside waiting for the sky Piaoqi the snow, I played in the hands of the Yo Yo "ice" midnight bells, hope stars hope the moon, close your eyes, I pray for the dream round. My ideal realization. "Dear child, what do you want to present?" I slowly earned my eyes, covered my mouth, and tears streaming down, and I couldnt believe that I wanted to see Santa Claus. He walked up to touch my head and said kindly; "dont cry, tell me," what do you wish I could do for you. " I said, "really, anything can." Santa Claus nodded with a smile. "I want to send a gift with you and the friends for me. Yes, "said Santa Claus," yes, but you have to hear it. " I just nodded, put yo yo, quick to jump on the sleigh, flying in the sky. The night sky is so beautiful.

  I felt the big pocket of the gift and said, "how many Christmas gifts are there in the house of Santa Claus?" "This is an endless gift in the pocket of the baby," the Santa Claus said with a loud laugh.

  I open the rope in my pocket and let it down. The gift is accompanied by snowflakes, "good children, bad children". I shouted "good boy", "bad boy," my voice tore the night sky, and I saw children on the earth laughing and scramble for gifts from the sky. Santa looked at me in surprise. The mouth rises greatly. "I love you Santa." I jumped down the car and flew to the earth to share a happy night with my friends. "The child has a noble heart," the Santa Claus murmured.


  This evening is a peaceful night. This evenings volunteer work is "selling apples, giving love".

  At 6 oclock in the evening, I came to the doorway of the mall with my mother, and the early little volunteers sold all the apples. Mother did not believe in herself. She said she had shipped more than 200 apples in the afternoon and sold it all at once. The aunts of the administrator told us that the children came early and began to sell at half past five. No way, my mother hastened me to Yang Zimus mother, and he and the admin aunt drove to the apple.

  After a while, my mother finally got the apple, and we could start selling the apples again. There are still many volunteers for tonights activities. There are many classmates in our class. Marv, Chen Guo, Lin Siyu, Qian Hancheng, Yu Yue, Ma Tielei, Yang Zimu, and Yu Yues brother, each of us takes two apples and goes to Yat Da shopping mall. There were a lot of people in the mall.

  I sold to a beautiful little girl at the beginning and then sold one of the aunts to the salesman. Marv also sold a big apple to my mother. Later, Yu Yues brother took all the apples on the shopping cart, we have put the apple and the donation box are placed in the shopping cart, then we shouted: "selling apples, love! Everyone looked back at us to the elevator, we also divided into two groups to sell, we met an uncle with a little boy, they suddenly asked us to buy two big apple.

  Finally, we put the empty shopping cart in front of the store, holding full donation box sent to the administrator aunt aunts hand, we are pleased to praise: "you can be awesome! Wait, Santa Claus will send gifts to you!" we carefully lined up, waiting for the arrival of Santa claus!

  When I was waiting in line, I thought that when I was selling a charity last year, I was still very shy. This year, I had a lot of courage. When I met people, they started to take the initiative. Next year, I would sell more apples and donate money to the children in the poor mountainous area.


  On Christmas Eve, I lay on my bed and thought hard about this question, "do you really have Santa Claus in the world?" Dad said, Santa Claus gave only industrious gifts, obedient child, I always believe that I was an obedient child, but not necessarily industrious, so I dont care for the Christmas gift!

  At ten, I got out of Santa Claus, two hours left, and I went to bed. On the bed, because I want to see Santa too much, sleep around, all excited waiting time is too slow, I think for a long time, in fact, only had fifteen minutes, Ive been such a ah, ah, I suddenly remembered in the "cat and mouse", the little mouse is such ah, tomorrow morning a look, wow, there is a big gift waiting for him, I think I like the little mouse, struggling, gradually, time like a child, gallop and my sleep was also thick, two eyelids fight, slowly fell asleep.

  When it comes to daylight, the seven point is, when I really sleep, I dont know that the gift is already at my bedside. At eight oclock, I got up and fell down to get my clothes and hands. I saw no clothes on my hand, but there was a big box. Whats in it? Light, my curiosity increased rapidly, hands open the package, which is a big snowman, very light, I can be happy, turn a somersault in the past, I also found that there is a button at the bottom of the press the snowman, snowman lit, glittering and translucent shell and like a piece of ice in the glowing red, green and blue......

  After watching this, I also want to have a pleasant surprise, and fish out a heavy box with all my hands. This time, I thought, "this box is heavy, and that box is very light. Is it a bigger surprise?" I quickly opened the box, wow, and I screamed again, it was a beautiful big music box, and the twisting button came out with a pleasant song, and I was intoxicated with it. The music box is very beautiful, with a big ball, which is full of Lynn, shining a shake, the little things like wings to fly in the ball, there are two cubs, the music sounded, the two cubs began circling, two cubs, a high a short, like my mother and I. You say, who sent this?

  When we grow up, we will say this is sent by mom and Dad, but my mom and Dad dont admit it. But I know that these things must be sent to them. When I grow up, I must buy gifts for mom and Dad, too, and let them have such a happy Christmas like me.
