初中寒假日记分享 (菁华3篇)

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  上午9:30左右,我们来到了武夷山。我们请了一个导游。导游阿姨说:“我们家种茶,有手工的岩茶、红茶、绿茶。”我们随着她走了十几分钟,来到了她家。刚进门,我们就看见了一台台机器,导游阿姨给我们一一解释:这是发酵机、这是压制机……我们知道了以后,阿姨带我们上了二楼,原来,二楼是一个茶室,我们各自找了位子,坐了下来。阿姨从两个袋子里各拿出一些茶叶,说:“这些绿茶一个是淡香,一个是水仙。”“那先给我们泡一下吧。”伯伯说。只见阿姨熟练地将水壶灌好放在电热板上水烧,又用小镊子夹了一小镊淡香的茶叶,放在一个杯子里。几分钟后,水开了,阿姨拿起水壶,从高处冲下去,一边说:“这种茶要高冲。”不一会,茶泡好了。我拿了一杯喝,清香沁人心脾,清香中似乎还带着一股甘甜,我细细品尝这杯茶,但一会就喝完了。这时,阿姨又泡了另一壶茶,我又喝了一杯。阿姨又拿出一些红茶,说:“这些一个是金骏眉,一个是大红袍。金俊梅是红茶,大红袍是岩茶。这全是我们家自己做的,特别干,你可以闻闻,很香的!”我 闻了闻,果然不假,一阵浓浓的清香钻入了我的鼻子,可一不小心,一片叶子被我弄碎了,我说:“这也太脆了吧。”阿姨又泡了一杯金骏眉,还说:“你喝下去它有回甘的。”我又细细品尝这金骏眉,又香又甘又有点微苦。之后,我们又喝了大红袍,爸爸买了一些金骏眉伯伯也买了些茶叶,我们便心满意足地去阅览武夷山风光了。


初中寒假日记分享 (菁华3篇)扩展阅读

初中寒假日记分享 (菁华3篇)(扩展1)

——初中寒假日记分享 (菁华3篇)















  上午9:30左右,我们来到了武夷山。我们请了一个导游。导游阿姨说:“我们家种茶,有手工的岩茶、红茶、绿茶。”我们随着她走了十几分钟,来到了她家。刚进门,我们就看见了一台台机器,导游阿姨给我们一一解释:这是发酵机、这是压制机……我们知道了以后,阿姨带我们上了二楼,原来,二楼是一个茶室,我们各自找了位子,坐了下来。阿姨从两个袋子里各拿出一些茶叶,说:“这些绿茶一个是淡香,一个是水仙。”“那先给我们泡一下吧。”伯伯说。只见阿姨熟练地将水壶灌好放在电热板上水烧,又用小镊子夹了一小镊淡香的茶叶,放在一个杯子里。几分钟后,水开了,阿姨拿起水壶,从高处冲下去,一边说:“这种茶要高冲。”不一会,茶泡好了。我拿了一杯喝,清香沁人心脾,清香中似乎还带着一股甘甜,我细细品尝这杯茶,但一会就喝完了。这时,阿姨又泡了另一壶茶,我又喝了一杯。阿姨又拿出一些红茶,说:“这些一个是金骏眉,一个是大红袍。金俊梅是红茶,大红袍是岩茶。这全是我们家自己做的,特别干,你可以闻闻,很香的!”我 闻了闻,果然不假,一阵浓浓的清香钻入了我的鼻子,可一不小心,一片叶子被我弄碎了,我说:“这也太脆了吧。”阿姨又泡了一杯金骏眉,还说:“你喝下去它有回甘的。”我又细细品尝这金骏眉,又香又甘又有点微苦。之后,我们又喝了大红袍,爸爸买了一些金骏眉伯伯也买了些茶叶,我们便心满意足地去阅览武夷山风光了。


初中寒假日记分享 (菁华3篇)(扩展2)

——38妇女节日记分享 (菁华3篇)



  我先拿来要用的材料:剪刀、彩色笔、双面胶、彩纸、一枝铅笔和橡皮擦。我想想我要画什么?我忽然想起了妈妈最喜欢蝴蝶结和星星。于是,我就在封面贴上个蝴蝶结和星星。星星上面写着“我亲爱的妈妈”五个大字。里面有两个人,一个是小学生,表示我;另一个是大人,表示妈妈。我们手拉着手走在马路上,中间有一个爱心,表示我们相互爱着对方。  经过我的精心设计和制作,一张漂亮的贺卡终于做成了。












初中寒假日记分享 (菁华3篇)(扩展3)

——假期生活英语日记分享 (菁华3篇)


  My holiday was good. I stayed at home for sometime. I went to Tianyi Square and bought same games. But one day, my monther, my younger brother and I went to Tianyi digital square to buy games. and I bought a new uniform in the evening. I'd like to have a glass of apple juice my monther bought it for me. I says, " Thanks a lot. " I bought some shoes. I want a pair of sports shoes. In the shop, the wonderful song added tour pleasure. I see the black shoes. my monther says, " There are beautiful !"

  I was happy that day, because I went to Tianyi Square and had a lot of fum.


  This summer, I was very happy. although I didn't go out to travel. But my friends and me to a nursing home to help old people.In a nursing home, we introduce myself after, began to work for the old people. First of all, we first points groups. Some go to sweeping the floor, others to help old people back on, some with old people, and my sorrows and other friends to help the old man sun wash the quilt.We started, we use the washing powder on the old people on the quilt, rub with the brush and rub, very tired. I understand the mother's hard work. Then, we will bask in the quilt.We stayed for a nursing home in the afternoon, and the old man say good-bye, I have decided to help your parents do some housework more in the future.



  It was a sun day of the summer holiday. The weather was hot. My little brother and I decided to go to the resrvoir to swim by bike. It took us half an hour when we got there, many people were swimming. The we dived into the water……

  about an hour later, suddenly somebody called: “help! help!” We were surprised to see a boy struggling in the deep water. as quickly as possible. We swam towards him and pulled him to the shore. He lost his consciousness. We sent him to the nearest hospital at once luckily, he was saved.

  In the end, we were worn out, but felt happy. That day was meaningful. We did a good deed!

初中寒假日记分享 (菁华3篇)(扩展4)

——初中我的寒假日记 (菁华3篇)



















初中寒假日记分享 (菁华3篇)(扩展5)

——250字寒假日记初中 (菁华3篇)















初中寒假日记分享 (菁华3篇)(扩展6)

——小学生寒假趣事日记分享 (菁华3篇)

















初中寒假日记分享 (菁华3篇)(扩展7)


  寒假英语周记分享 1

  Early this morning, we took the no.3 bus to the terminal, the tower park.

  Was going into the tower park, suddenly remind of tower park only that solitary tower a shrug, and tilt, as well to play old henan university of one wall lie between, not only can the tower panoramic view of the park, but also can enjoy the beauty of henan university and culture. What's more, there is no admission!

  After passing through the little hutongs, the university of henan is finally looming. I started to get excited, and I picked up the pace.

  Stepping into the gate, the trees on both sides of the tree are luxuriant, and grow up high to meet the sky. On the boulevard, I looked around, there was a supermarket, there was a restaurant, there was... There are even mobile phone stores. It makes me feel like college is so wonderful. There are plenty of tall buildings and ancient buildings. There is a spacious playground, a garden with birds and flowers, and a reading gallery with the sound of books.

  The new henan university, which I visited last year, is full of tall buildings, but there is no deep cultural foundation under my feet. It's so beautiful to see one of the most backward universities in the country, let alone the top universities in the country. More to my infinite reverie. I will study hard to get a good view of the first-class universities.

  Then we came to the lake. Look at the water of the blue waves. Suddenly a disharmonious picture of the lake: five or six dozen or so old people walking on the lake side of the lake carefully could fall into the water. Then I knew what they were trying to do: to get into the tower park without a ticket. Their behavior is an uncivilized phenomenon, they only save a little money, but they may fall into the water and die, how not worth it! It is here to remind the public not to be killed by a small profit.

  Walk back along the wall, we go to the great hall of henan university, hears all trail and beautiful sounds of singing, we follow the song, the original is a student of music in the rehearsal, we sat down in it, by the intensity of infection: college students to every line, every action to do so in place, every detail. Therefore, I think of myself: in my study, I will not let go of every question, and every word, every step. I believe I can do it!

  寒假英语周记分享 2

  Since mum and dad are very busy and have no time to take me out for the Spring Festival, my parents finally got time to take me out to play.

  We got up early in the morning, before breakfast and eat, we'll go by car, they said, today I family, where to where, of course I want to go to the park to play, so we sat on the bus to the park.

  In the park, mom bought a ticket at the zoo, I with mom and dad, there are a few that take the door bar, a lot of animals in the parts inside, the door of the bar in YouHan, mandarin duck, duck dove, pheasant and so on. My favorite is mandarin duck, they are so beautiful, I also saw them playing in the water, the father said that this is the origin of "mandarin duck".

  I see a lot of animals, the most interesting is the peacock, when I see them, they all stood there to rest, I really want to see the tail, they then there waiting, waiting for a while also didn't see, I'm ready to go, only heard someone say: "look, the peacock." When I looked back, I saw a peacock slowly opening its tail, and his father hurriedly adjusted the camera, but he did not see the movement, and half of the original was retracted back. Ah! We're just going somewhere else.

  After watching all the animals in the zoo, my father took me to the amusement park, and I hopped into bed, took a bumper car, and swung on the swing. Dad also told me to take a ride in space. But I'm afraid not!

  This is the happiest day of my life, so I must write it down and taste it later.

  寒假英语周记分享 3

  Today, I, my sister and my mother rode in a trailer, taking the drizzle, to the "new huazu".

  I went to the amusement park with my sister and my mother went to the second floor to buy things. My sister and I were stunned at the amusement park. There's so much to play with! For example: "slide, canoe, trampoline, etc. There are so many different kinds of things in front of us! We were so happy that I wanted to jump up. But my sister has jumped up. Then we played with something, and then mom came and said, "we're going home." My sister and I had to walk out of the amusement park.

  Then mom brought us into a headband shop. Mother bought me a beautiful headband! It looks like this: "it is to use a lot of strings of beads, the beads of white, white like pearls but it is not made of plastic pearl embossed with plastic to make love the gem is very beautiful! She bought a headband like a village maid herself, but she felt like a queen. "Hi," my mother and I said it was the opposite. She bought black and white and had some white scales on it. Mother bought a headband like a lively girl for her sister! Oh, what a great harvest! When we finished shopping, we pulled on our raincoats as if we were coming back home!

  Returning home, I sighed and said: "ah, this is another nice day!"

  寒假英语周记分享 4

  I was walking alone on my way to school. It was a big road. Now very empty, the pedestrians who come and go are also very few, the car also gallop fast, a roar and pass, almost can not see clearly. Look at the watch, it's only 7 o 'clock! The snow slipped quietly and got up while I wasn't looking. The hexagonal snowflakes fell down like autumn leaves, and fell on the ground, together, like countless brothers holding hands. At first the snowflakes were still and sparse. After a while it seemed that someone was driving them, the snow was getting more and more dense, there was a layer of snow on the road, very slippery, carelessly, it could fall a somersaults. The students went crazy to snowball fights in the big playground and tried to hit others with a snowball. Is the Snow White and flawless, the arrival of the earth, is not the gift of nature? Does god give us human "dandruff"? Yes, because the snow is so soft, how pure, how interesting, how beautiful, how rich poetic meaning!

  寒假英语周记分享 5

  It's about to start school. I can see the teachers and students again. The thought of familiar faces and voices in the thought of familiar faces and classrooms created a sense of excitement.

  During the last part of the winter vacation, I focused on the textbooks for the new semester. Through the study of the winter vacation, I know how to read the textbook. I looked at the catalogue first. There are 12 units in this semester, two fewer units than last semester. There are almost as many new words in the book as in the textbook. However, after careful ***ysis, I found many words touched before. Take the new words of unit 15, kind, workplace, even, make, anything, laugh and other words are no longer alien to me. Among the 11 remaining units, there are many words I can already spell, but I don't know the meaning or use of these words. To understand the specific usage of words in different contexts, and to make sentences based on their usage, the word can be used freely. The word "kind", for example, is a noun in unit 15, and the word "kind" in unit 16 means to be kind; Friendly, an adjective. In English, the phenomenon of polysemy and multiple parts is very common. I should pay more attention to summarizing and summarizing in the future study.

  In terms of grammar, this textbook needs to learn a lot. Include adjectives, adverbs of comparison, the use of articles, the types of verbs, can, may, must, shall, and the use of modal verbs. In addition, there are sentence elements and sentence types that I am not familiar with. Grammar has always been a big problem in my English study. In the new term, I strive to make more efforts in this field.

  In the preview, I found that there was less dialogue in this textbook than in the previous books, and there were few specific oral programs, mainly including invitations, directions and directions, and medical services. The text is noticeably longer and more difficult than the previous one. There are even two articles in some units. It seems that from this semester, the textbook focuses on increasing the proportion of reading, which aims to cultivate our reading ability. In the future, in reciting and repeating the text, I shall be prepared to fight the difficulties.

  The winter holiday is coming to an end, and I will go into a tight, busy campus life. The ancients cloud: the business is diligent in the shortage of the hippy, the line is ruined by the ruin. Looking back over a month of winter vacation and enjoying the holiday, I have not forgotten my study, especially English study. I didn't want to show off how much English I learned in the holidays, but I got into a good habit of learning English every day, and exercised my self-learning ability. In this respect, my winter holiday has been enriched and meaningful.
