儿童美术评语 (菁华3篇)

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  1、 余乐之你是个活泼的男孩,画画大胆,动作很快,希望以后多观察多思考,把所学的东西静心画下来,一定更棒。

  2、 程爽作画能力强,能不受约束,充分发挥想象,画面妙趣横生,富有绘画激情,若在涂色中再细心认真些,会更棒。

  3、 真是个细心的孩子,你的线描画的真不错呀。建议你也用用色彩来表现,效果一定不错。

  4、 万丈高楼*地起,只有踏踏实实地完成每一笔,才会有优秀的作品出现。

  5、 从你的作业中,可以看出你用“心”在画,如果能注意画面的干净和整洁,那会更棒的。

  6、 只要你认真地画好每一块颜色、每一根线条,你会发现你也和别人一样优秀。

  7、 在成功的路上既要有细心,也要有耐心、信心。绘画也是如此,要对自己有信心,老师对你也有信心。

  8、 美术就是一种快乐的游戏,不要有太多的顾虑,大胆去画吧,绘出你心中最美的图画。

  9、 你是一个聪明的孩子,很喜欢你画的树,很有趣味性。如果你每次作业都这样动脑筋去做就好了,老师期待着你的新作品。

  10、 你的作品真不错,每次都让老师的眼前一亮。希望你继续努力,期待看到你更精彩的作品。

  11、 临摹是一种学*方法,不是我们学*的目的。老师希望在作品中看到你自己的想法。

  12、 在绘画中,仅有好的想法是不够,还需要有好的表现方法,再加上一点耐心。相信你以后会表现得更好。

  13、 你的作品就象你一样仔细和整洁。而且总有不凡的创意。如果在绘画表现方法上多化点时间,那会更棒!

  14、 每次看到你作品,老师都很高兴。画的真有趣,也画的很大胆。老师建议你不要用铅笔,用彩色笔或颜料直接画。

  15、 就象你写的“快乐美术”,美术确实的是一种快乐的游戏。大胆地去画吧,你会成功的。

  16、 想想老师说的“与众不同”,如果你每次作业都能动脑筋去做,你会发现自己也很棒,老师期待着你的新作品。

  17、 从你的作品中可以看出你的想法也很独特,如果能坚持完成,那会是多么了不起的作品呀!

  18、 你的画面总是很热闹,从中老师读到了一个个有趣的故事。如果*时注意多多观察,那你会表现得更好。

  19、 你画的“游乐场”给老师留下了深刻的印象,可惜这样的作品少了一点。

  20、 喜欢你画的树,生机勃勃。如果你每次作业都能这样就太好了,老师期待着你的新作品。


  1、 画画时,你那么专心。你的点滴进步都是你自己努力的结果,继续保持,把你对美的感受大胆地表达出来。

  2、 美术课上你总是不声不响,老师希望看到你大胆表达自己的思想,与同学共同交流,这样,你的进步会更大。

  3、 你好象性子很急,画画时三、二下就完成了,如果你试着慢慢画、细细画,那你笔下的形象将更生动。

  4、 老师喜欢你作画时的那份投入,如能把物体画得再大些、粗犷些,那你的画会更美。 章博远你是个很有上进心的孩子,美术课上总是争取发言的机会,且画画又快又好,继续保持,好吗?

  5、 你以独特的绘画语言表达自己的思想,表现自己的风格,博采众长将使你的画变的'更美。

  6、 你画中的物体表现得很细致,如果能将主体物刻画得再大些,增加画面的主次感,你的画面会更美。

  7、 你是个聪明机灵的孩子,画面内容很丰富,如果人物画大点,表现出他们之间的遮挡关系,你的画会更有层次。

  8、 你画画时成竹在胸,意在笔先,愿你不断描绘,将美好的世界尽收眼底、尽展笔端。 你是个聪慧的好孩子,绘画时想好了就能大胆地表达出来,如果内容再充实些,笔道再细致些就会更棒。

  9、 你上课时发言很积极,画画也很认真,如果画面色彩再鲜艳一些,你的画会更美。

  10、 美术课上的你,听课创作好认真,人物刻画好细致,要是画得再大些就更好了。 你的画面构图饱满,色彩鲜艳,如果能把物体形象画得再精致些,你的画会更美。 你画画时非常细致,色彩鲜艳,如能将画面上的每个细节都刻画完整,那就好上加好了。

  11、 你的画用笔轻盈,用色柔和,我们都很喜欢。希望常常见到这份美丽。

  12、 不声不响的你总是以高标准来严格要求自己,美术课上,你总想把画画得最美,老师相信你。

  13、 你的画淘气又可爱,让人爱不释手。我想,握在你手中的一定是马良的神笔。

  14、 你画画时很认真,想法也挺多,不过就是速度慢了点,抓紧时间多画点、涂完色,你的画会更完美。

  15、 画画时的你多认真、多投入。如果能在听课时也象画画时一样管住自己,你的进步会更大。

































儿童美术评语 (菁华3篇)扩展阅读

儿童美术评语 (菁华3篇)(扩展1)

——儿童美术评语 (菁华3篇)


  1、 余乐之你是个活泼的男孩,画画大胆,动作很快,希望以后多观察多思考,把所学的东西静心画下来,一定更棒。

  2、 程爽作画能力强,能不受约束,充分发挥想象,画面妙趣横生,富有绘画激情,若在涂色中再细心认真些,会更棒。

  3、 真是个细心的孩子,你的线描画的真不错呀。建议你也用用色彩来表现,效果一定不错。

  4、 万丈高楼*地起,只有踏踏实实地完成每一笔,才会有优秀的作品出现。

  5、 从你的作业中,可以看出你用“心”在画,如果能注意画面的干净和整洁,那会更棒的。

  6、 只要你认真地画好每一块颜色、每一根线条,你会发现你也和别人一样优秀。

  7、 在成功的路上既要有细心,也要有耐心、信心。绘画也是如此,要对自己有信心,老师对你也有信心。

  8、 美术就是一种快乐的游戏,不要有太多的顾虑,大胆去画吧,绘出你心中最美的图画。

  9、 你是一个聪明的孩子,很喜欢你画的树,很有趣味性。如果你每次作业都这样动脑筋去做就好了,老师期待着你的新作品。

  10、 你的作品真不错,每次都让老师的眼前一亮。希望你继续努力,期待看到你更精彩的作品。

  11、 临摹是一种学*方法,不是我们学*的目的。老师希望在作品中看到你自己的想法。

  12、 在绘画中,仅有好的想法是不够,还需要有好的表现方法,再加上一点耐心。相信你以后会表现得更好。

  13、 你的作品就象你一样仔细和整洁。而且总有不凡的创意。如果在绘画表现方法上多化点时间,那会更棒!

  14、 每次看到你作品,老师都很高兴。画的真有趣,也画的很大胆。老师建议你不要用铅笔,用彩色笔或颜料直接画。

  15、 就象你写的“快乐美术”,美术确实的是一种快乐的游戏。大胆地去画吧,你会成功的。

  16、 想想老师说的“与众不同”,如果你每次作业都能动脑筋去做,你会发现自己也很棒,老师期待着你的新作品。

  17、 从你的作品中可以看出你的想法也很独特,如果能坚持完成,那会是多么了不起的作品呀!

  18、 你的画面总是很热闹,从中老师读到了一个个有趣的故事。如果*时注意多多观察,那你会表现得更好。

  19、 你画的“游乐场”给老师留下了深刻的印象,可惜这样的作品少了一点。

  20、 喜欢你画的树,生机勃勃。如果你每次作业都能这样就太好了,老师期待着你的新作品。


  1、 画画时,你那么专心。你的点滴进步都是你自己努力的结果,继续保持,把你对美的感受大胆地表达出来。

  2、 美术课上你总是不声不响,老师希望看到你大胆表达自己的思想,与同学共同交流,这样,你的进步会更大。

  3、 你好象性子很急,画画时三、二下就完成了,如果你试着慢慢画、细细画,那你笔下的形象将更生动。

  4、 老师喜欢你作画时的那份投入,如能把物体画得再大些、粗犷些,那你的画会更美。 章博远你是个很有上进心的孩子,美术课上总是争取发言的机会,且画画又快又好,继续保持,好吗?

  5、 你以独特的绘画语言表达自己的思想,表现自己的风格,博采众长将使你的画变的'更美。

  6、 你画中的物体表现得很细致,如果能将主体物刻画得再大些,增加画面的主次感,你的画面会更美。

  7、 你是个聪明机灵的孩子,画面内容很丰富,如果人物画大点,表现出他们之间的遮挡关系,你的画会更有层次。

  8、 你画画时成竹在胸,意在笔先,愿你不断描绘,将美好的世界尽收眼底、尽展笔端。 你是个聪慧的好孩子,绘画时想好了就能大胆地表达出来,如果内容再充实些,笔道再细致些就会更棒。

  9、 你上课时发言很积极,画画也很认真,如果画面色彩再鲜艳一些,你的画会更美。

  10、 美术课上的你,听课创作好认真,人物刻画好细致,要是画得再大些就更好了。 你的画面构图饱满,色彩鲜艳,如果能把物体形象画得再精致些,你的画会更美。 你画画时非常细致,色彩鲜艳,如能将画面上的每个细节都刻画完整,那就好上加好了。

  11、 你的画用笔轻盈,用色柔和,我们都很喜欢。希望常常见到这份美丽。

  12、 不声不响的你总是以高标准来严格要求自己,美术课上,你总想把画画得最美,老师相信你。

  13、 你的画淘气又可爱,让人爱不释手。我想,握在你手中的一定是马良的神笔。

  14、 你画画时很认真,想法也挺多,不过就是速度慢了点,抓紧时间多画点、涂完色,你的画会更完美。

  15、 画画时的你多认真、多投入。如果能在听课时也象画画时一样管住自己,你的进步会更大。












儿童美术评语 (菁华3篇)(扩展2)

——儿童评语英文 (菁华3篇)



  Amanda has been going well, she is saying the words. But after a little bit of encouragement, she is becoming a little bit more confident with her speaking out loud in class. Keep practicing sentences at home.


  Colin is going well; he is active and answers all the questions I am asking from him. He is very eager to get up in front of the class and do the action or find the new pictures and say the word.


  Ivy is participating very well in the class, she always likes to say the new words or sentences that we have just learnt. When asked a question; she thinks very hard and comes up with some great unique ways of saying the sentence.


  Mia is a very bright little girl, her vocabulary is very good. She always comes up with different sentences when I ask her a question; she is very active in the class which is very good.


  Jason is taking part in the class, he is still a little shy. But when asked a question he usually has no trouble answering it. When it is his turn to come up in front of the class, he is a little bit tentative. But eventually comes up.


  Oliver is a very bright boy who is always participating in the class. When I ask him a question he does not hesitate and always gives me a different answer which is fantastic. He understands everything that is going on in class.


  Cici is still making improvements all the time. She is getting more confident with the more vocabulary she is remembering. She is slowly getting more and more active in class, which is really great.


  Yana has missed a few classes this week but other than that she is remembering vocabulary much better and participating really well; she is still a little bit shy in class. But over time she will be much more vocal.


  Jerry is going well even though he has missed a few classes; he is remembering vocabulary really well and he is starting to use it more often. He is still very quiet but he is making super progress all the time. I am really pleased.


  Yoyo is getting along really well in class. She is always keen to participate and shows great potential for learning. Her sentences are improving all the time and she is coming up with some very unique answers to my questions.


  Lucy is becoming really involved in lessons and she is remembering a lot of vocabulary and starting to use it frequently, she is always putting her hand up to come up in front of the class I am really impressed with her and I hope she keeps it up!


  King is going well, he is very active in class and is always putting his hand up to come up and do the action or say the sentence. His vocabulary is continuing to improve which is very good.


  Dea is going well in class, she has opened up a lot since the first class we had. She is saying the new words and sentences really well and is coming up in front of the class to practice what she has just leant.


  Annie is coming along in leaps and bounds, she is really starting to understand the new words and sentences. She is becoming more aware of what is going on in class and her listening skills are getting much better.


  Lily is still a little bit quiet and shy, but she is saying the new words and sentences. She is becoming more active during the class, and I can see that in know time she will be very active in the class.


  Stephen is going well in class, he was very shy to begin with. But he has now opened up a little bit and is saying the new words and sentences. He is becoming active in the class which is really good.


  Yinuo is a very bright and smart little girl, her English knowledge is fantastic. She is very active in class and really enjoys getting up in front of the class and practicing the new words and sentences. She has a great grasp on the lessons and understands everything we are doing.


  Amy is going well; she has started to become more active in the class, which is really great to see. She is saying the new words and sentences well; is getting more active in class.


  Sophia is going really well, she is very active during class and has a good understanding of what is going on during the class. She enjoys getting up in front of the class and practicing the new words and sentences.


  Sissy has opened up more in class; in the beginning she was a little bit shy. But now she is saying the new words and sentences rally well. She is getting more active which is really good to see.


  Oscar is a very bright little boy, he has a great grasp on the class and understands everything that is going on. He is very active in the class and is one of the first students to put his hand up and practice the new words and sentences.


  Jodie is going really well in class, she is participating in almost every activity and is very active. She enjoys getting up in front of the class and practicing what she has just learnt.


  Charles is active during class and has a good understanding of what is going on in the class. He will get up and say the new words and sentences.


  Carrie is a smart little girl, she has a good understanding of English and is really starting to participate in the class well. She now enjoys getting up in front of the class and practicing the new words.


  Maggie is going well in class, she has opened up a lot since the first class we had. She is saying the new words and sentences really well and is coming up in front of the class to practice what she has just leant.


  1、You are an honest and hardworking girl.You leave me a very deep impression.No pains,no gains.I hope you will make more progress in English study in the future.

  2、You are a hardworking girl.You have a gift for English study.Where there is a will,there is a way.Wish you a fantastic future.

  3、You are a straight-forward boy.I appreciate your creativeness on class.I hope you can make more improvement on your handwriting in later day.

  4、You are an earnest and hardworking girl.Your English is very good.I hope you can take part in more class activities.Wish you a terrific future.

  5、You are a shy but hardworking girl.Try to be more active on class.Be confident,you are the best.

  6、You are an honest boy.You are good at running and jumping.Wish you be a superstar in the near future on Olympics.

  7、You are an excellent boy.Your school performance is very good.Pay more attention on English study.Wish you a successful future.

  8、You are a clever girl.You have a good memory.I enjoy your activeness on calss.I hope you will prove yourself as all gold will shine.

  9、You are an intelligent boy.You have the ability on language learning.Wish you step into your ideal university and learn your favourite major.

  10、You are a diligent boy.You leave me an impression of hardworking.Hope you can achieve your dream.

  11、You are an ambitious boy.You are a good leader.You have an innovational mind.Hope you will achieve your dream.

  12、You are a smart boy.Though you have some troubles on English study.I wish you can get a good performance on all subjects.

  13、You are a well-educated girl.You have a broad mind.Wish you achieve your dream.

  14、You are a serious and hardworking girl.Maybe a little shy.Try to open your mind to the world.Best wishes.

  15、You are an honest girl.Try to be more active on class.Be confident.You are the best.

  16、You are a brilliant girl.Try to be more energetic on study.Wish you a wonderful future.

  17、You are an attractive girl.You leave me an impression of quite.Wish you have a sweet life.

  18、You are an aggressive girl.Try to communicate with your classmates on studying.Wish you make more progress in later day.

  19、You are an energetic boy.You have a dream,and I hope youn can achieve your dream by hardworking.

  20、You are an out-going girl.You give me a sense of optimistic and sunny.Wish you be happy everyday.

  21、You are an excellent boy.I appreciate what you have done in your handwriting and believe you will be successful on your study.

  22、You are a handsome boy.I enjoy your activeness on class.Wish you a glorious future.

  23、You are an earnest girl and dutiful on your job.Thank you very much for your assistance on my teaching.I hope you can make more progress in your handwriting.Wish you a splendid future.

  24、You are an active and passionate girl.I appreciate your participance in class activities.Wish you a happy life.

  25、You are a very careful girl.Your handwriting is a marvel of neatness and order.I am sure there is nothing difficult for you to overcome.

  26、You are a clever girl.I appreciate your handwriting so much.Wish you make more improvement on your study.

  27、You are a humorous boy.You may have some difficults on English,I hope you will make more progress in later day.

  28、You are a sunny boy.You are very active on class.Pay more attention on English grammar.Work harder and you will make more progress.

  29、You are an open-minded boy.I enjoy your activeness on class.Wish you make more improvement on English study.

  30、You are a mild girl.You show your tender feelings to others.I hope you can be more strong to face any difficult.

  31、You are a gentle and shy boy.I hope you can pay more attention on studying.Wish you be more open-minded and have a successful life.

  32、You are an easy-going boy.You are very active in daily life.You leave me an impression of serious.Wish you a happy life.

  33、You are a hardworking girl.Maybe a little naughty sometimes.Try to be more independent.Wish you a successful study.

  34、You are a frank boy and a dream-follower.Wish you step into your ideal university.

  35、You are an industrious girl.Try to be more mature in daily life.Believe yourself.Best wishes.

  36、You are an optimistic boy.Keep this mind and stick to it.Your life will be full of sunshine.

  37、You are a knowledgeable girl.Reading is an excellent way to broden your view.Stick to your dream,you will success.

  38、You are an out-going girl.Your handwriting is good,but need more practice.Practice makes perfect.Believe yourself.Best wishes to you.


  1、Has been perhaps parents limited time for you care enough, you have not talked about learning achievement always let us worry but after the mid-term examination we find that you are not stupid, as long as you have tried, you can't do that, I hope you will in the teacher's attention, my parents love learning results will be on a new step.

  2、Daughter, you are the best, I believe you will succeed, in future days, the results will be better, I hope you do not always watch TV, stupid is not born, as long as I work hard, I know you will work hard.Come on.Refuel again!

  3、The road is for the progressive people to reach a successful place short cut, three years of unremitting struggle, will make your life journey to write the most beautiful answer.Now, senior high school entrance examination has sounded the clarion call, distance calls, you have to fully equipped for sea voyage.I hope you in the future, the firm belief, watching the clouds, the vast world view of your broader mind, you create brilliant future academic and wonderful life.

  4、 Mother hope Chen Yichu in the new year's physical and mental health, learning progress, in the future to become a useful person in society.

  5、You are the teacher's mind the best child, now the teacher needs your help!

  6、The child, I know that the exam did not test well, but do not lose heart, as long as perseverance, academic performance will improve.But you have to work hard, can't just want to play, to study as a fun, I believe you can make progress next exam.

  7、Self-confidence is the first step towards success.

  8、You are like a shining extraordinary splendor bird, lively and generous.

  9、Efforts may not succeed, but give up must fail.Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a choice; it is not a matter of waiting, it can only be fought for.

  10、My daughter came home from school after very unhappy, I asked her why, she said that the mid-term exam achievement is not good, the ranking also fell, especially in mathematics and geography did not pass the exam, I heard he said a few words, but then again, her mood was not good, I also criticize her, so I and she said, this did not test well never mind, as long as you have confidence, work hard, can get good grades.

  11、Your words are very beautiful, and then more serious will be more beautiful.

  12、Lotus in the first semester of all subjects have achieved good results, is inseparable from the correct education of the teacher, I hope the second semester study more seriously, strive for greater progress in all aspects!

  13、Children learn to take good advice and opinions as a guide to action!

  14、I hope Xu Shijie in the new semester has new progress, respect teachers, love students, listen carefully, can speak actively.

  15、You can come up with such a good idea, it's not easy, your progress is really big!

  16、Praise is the wind.May you be a firm tree, never waver, try to stretch your branches and reach for the heights you can reach.

  17、 First of all, thank the teacher for a long time the child's education.Although the exam, the child's results are not satisfactory, but we believe that in the teacher's help and guidance, the child will change the learning state, and more efforts, according to the teacher's request to do.At the same time, our parents are willing to cooperate with each other.We will do our best to cooperate with the teacher's request, strict demands on children.

  18、Mom, I hope you can fall down and study hard, into your greatest efforts, to achieve the best results, so that your mother satisfied with you, proud of you.

  19、Success depends on their own efforts, even if only 1/10000 of the hope can not give up, I believe I can do it!

  20、Remember: "Faith moves mountains, mountains."As long as we work hard, great difficulties can be overcome.

  21、Treat people with kindness and love with good words.Let's build a love world together, boy.

儿童美术评语 (菁华3篇)(扩展3)

——初中美术老师评语 (菁华3篇)








































  28、学*劲头足,听课又专注,做事更认真,你是同学们学*的榜样。但是,成绩只代表昨天,并不能说明你明天就一定也很优秀。所以,每个人都应该把成绩当作自己腾飞的起点。 一个学期过去了,你的付出得到了回报,你的成绩让老师高兴,也让家长感到欣慰。但是,我得提醒你:不要骄傲,不要自满,再接再厉,你的前途一片光明!








  美术学*是很艰苦的,不过只要下定决心学好它,我想是可以的。相信你一定行。 憨厚的你,美术课上总是认认真真的,偶尔犯一点小小的错误,老师一个眼神,你马上就能改正,这种自觉会对你的进步有益。

  你的画融思想与形式与一体,让人爱不释手。我想,握在你手中的一定是马良的神笔。 你的性子好象很急,生怕时间来不及,其实你可以试着慢慢画,那你笔下的形象将更生动。




  大方和开朗的性格让大家喜欢和你做朋友,我们愿在了解你的同时了解你的画作。 你画画时能抓紧时间,如果能看到你积极地举手表达自己的观点,我们会很高兴的。 你画画时很认真,画面中总能画上好几个不同动态的人物,如果把这些人物画得再细致些,特别是添上耳朵,你的画会更美。







  你画的人物形象非常细致,也很美,但要使整个画面和谐美丽,还需要添上相应的背景。 你笔下的人物变化很丰富,要是涂色再精致些、变化丰富些,你的画将会更美。





  你的人物形象画得很美、很生动,画面构图饱满,色彩鲜艳,愿你尽心描绘心中的希望。 你画画时很认真,不过老师想给你提个更高的要求:把人物形象刻画得尽量生动,注意细节刻画。

  看你的绘画作业是一种享受,继续努力,把世界尽收你的眼里,把美好尽展你的笔端。 你画画时很认真,如果能将人物动态表现得更富有变化,你的画面会更美。




  侧面比较难画,不过你能迎刃而上,说明你很有上进心,有空多练,相信你能越画越好。 你画的画很细致,如果将主要对象描绘得大些、突出些,你的画会更美。



  你画的人物形象变化丰富,构图饱满,如能在涂色上再细致些、多一些变化就更好了。 你的造型能力很强,思维敏捷,完全有能力之间用勾线笔表现,相信自己的能力,做个有信心的人。





  你的画很大气、很美,如果在此基础上,涂色时再多一些变化,你的画将更加出类拔萃。 你画画时非常认真,画面整洁美观,能较好地表达主题,构图完整,继续保持,再接再厉。


  你的色彩变化很丰富,看你的画,能给人一种享受,如果背景内容再丰富些就更好了。 看你的画是一种享受。能将心中的美好与追求表露笔端的人是幸福的、充实的,老师祝你一生书写快乐。

  看你的画是一种享受,画面构图饱满、形象生动,如果线条再流畅些就更加完美了。 你的能干让我吃惊,你的好学让我感动,看你的画是一种很好的享受,我们愿常常看到你用绘画语言表达你的所思所想,有空多画——画出你的心声。









儿童美术评语 (菁华3篇)(扩展4)

——儿童评语英文 (菁华3篇)



  Yinuo is an absolute pleasure to teach. Her English is very advanced but she seems to enjoy learning the new things that we are teaching in class and she is always full of confidence which is great! I’m looking forward to getting to know her more.


  Mia is a good step ahead of the rest of the class when it comes to saying sentences and vocabulary however she is always experimenting with new ways to say things and still loves to learn the things I’m teaching. She is super


  Oscar is a really great little boy who is always happy to learn and loves to participate. He understands a lot of what is going on in class and his pronunciation and confidence are improving all the time. Keep up the great work!


  Cici is still doing really well in my classes. She seems to enjoy classes a lot and loves to learn new things but please keep practicing at home to build up some more confidence. Otherwise I am very pleased with her progress.


  Sissy is very confident in class when she understands what is going on but she is very quiet when we are learning new topics. She is doing great in class and her pronunciation is very good so keep practicing to build up that confidence that I know she has.


  Lily is a very bright girl but she is very easily distracted in class and therefore is struggling to remember a lot of vocabulary. Keep practicing at home so she can build up more confidence and get more involved in class.


  Annie is still very quiet in class. She listens well to what is going on but she doesn’t always participate in activities. Please keep practicing at home with her to build up more confidence with speaking and keep up the super work!


  Jerry is still as smart as ever. He really loves to learn and he is very well behaved in class. He speaks clearly and listens intently all the time. His progress is going very well and I’m still very happy with his development.


  Lucy is still doing really great at remembering new vocabulary and she is very active in class. Her sentences are going really well but keep practicing at home to build up more speaking confidence. I am really pleased with her.


  Ivy is such a wonderful little girl. She is so well behaved and loves to learn all the time. Her pronunciation is very clear and she always remembers new vocabulary. I’m so happy to teach her and very pleased with her progress.


  Mia is still wonderful as ever. Her pronunciation really is outstanding. She speaks so clearly and she has such confidence with speaking when she wants to. She really is progressing so well and I’m so happy to have her in my class.


  Sophia is always improving in my classes. She is always keen to learn and picks things up really well. She participates every day and listens really intently in class. I am so proud of all her progress since we first met.


  Yana has been really good the past few weeks. She is picking up more sentences as the weeks go on but please keep practicing them at home so she can build up more confidence. I am really pleased with all her progress.


  Amanda is such a bright little girl with huge learning potential. She is participating really well in all my classes and she seems to be getting along really well with the other children too. I can’t wait to see what else she has to offer.


  Jake is still doing really great in English class. He is always happy to learn and his confidence is building all the time. He can sometimes be easily distracted but he’s a smart boy and always picks things up quickly!


  Jason is still as smart as ever. He really loves to learn and he is very well behaved in class. He speaks clearly and listens intently all the time. His progress is going very well and I’m still very happy with his development.


  Stephen is constantly improving in my class. His vocabulary has expanded a great deal since we first met and I am so pleased with all of his progress. ()He is always happy to learn and participate and I am so proud of him.



  Amanda has been going well, she is saying the words. But after a little bit of encouragement, she is becoming a little bit more confident with her speaking out loud in class. Keep practicing sentences at home.


  Colin is going well; he is active and answers all the questions I am asking from him. He is very eager to get up in front of the class and do the action or find the new pictures and say the word.


  Ivy is participating very well in the class, she always likes to say the new words or sentences that we have just learnt. When asked a question; she thinks very hard and comes up with some great unique ways of saying the sentence.


  Mia is a very bright little girl, her vocabulary is very good. She always comes up with different sentences when I ask her a question; she is very active in the class which is very good.


  Jason is taking part in the class, he is still a little shy. But when asked a question he usually has no trouble answering it. When it is his turn to come up in front of the class, he is a little bit tentative. But eventually comes up.


  Oliver is a very bright boy who is always participating in the class. When I ask him a question he does not hesitate and always gives me a different answer which is fantastic. He understands everything that is going on in class.


  Cici is still making improvements all the time. She is getting more confident with the more vocabulary she is remembering. She is slowly getting more and more active in class, which is really great.


  Yana has missed a few classes this week but other than that she is remembering vocabulary much better and participating really well; she is still a little bit shy in class. But over time she will be much more vocal.


  Jerry is going well even though he has missed a few classes; he is remembering vocabulary really well and he is starting to use it more often. He is still very quiet but he is making super progress all the time. I am really pleased.


  Yoyo is getting along really well in class. She is always keen to participate and shows great potential for learning. Her sentences are improving all the time and she is coming up with some very unique answers to my questions.


  Lucy is becoming really involved in lessons and she is remembering a lot of vocabulary and starting to use it frequently, she is always putting her hand up to come up in front of the class I am really impressed with her and I hope she keeps it up!


  King is going well, he is very active in class and is always putting his hand up to come up and do the action or say the sentence. His vocabulary is continuing to improve which is very good.


  Dea is going well in class, she has opened up a lot since the first class we had. She is saying the new words and sentences really well and is coming up in front of the class to practice what she has just leant.


  Annie is coming along in leaps and bounds, she is really starting to understand the new words and sentences. She is becoming more aware of what is going on in class and her listening skills are getting much better.


  Lily is still a little bit quiet and shy, but she is saying the new words and sentences. She is becoming more active during the class, and I can see that in know time she will be very active in the class.


  Stephen is going well in class, he was very shy to begin with. But he has now opened up a little bit and is saying the new words and sentences. He is becoming active in the class which is really good.


  Yinuo is a very bright and smart little girl, her English knowledge is fantastic. She is very active in class and really enjoys getting up in front of the class and practicing the new words and sentences. She has a great grasp on the lessons and understands everything we are doing.


  Amy is going well; she has started to become more active in the class, which is really great to see. She is saying the new words and sentences well; is getting more active in class.


  Sophia is going really well, she is very active during class and has a good understanding of what is going on during the class. She enjoys getting up in front of the class and practicing the new words and sentences.


  Sissy has opened up more in class; in the beginning she was a little bit shy. But now she is saying the new words and sentences rally well. She is getting more active which is really good to see.


  Oscar is a very bright little boy, he has a great grasp on the class and understands everything that is going on. He is very active in the class and is one of the first students to put his hand up and practice the new words and sentences.


  Jodie is going really well in class, she is participating in almost every activity and is very active. She enjoys getting up in front of the class and practicing what she has just learnt.


  Charles is active during class and has a good understanding of what is going on in the class. He will get up and say the new words and sentences.


  Carrie is a smart little girl, she has a good understanding of English and is really starting to participate in the class well. She now enjoys getting up in front of the class and practicing the new words.


  Maggie is going well in class, she has opened up a lot since the first class we had. She is saying the new words and sentences really well and is coming up in front of the class to practice what she has just leant.


  1、You are an honest and hardworking girl.You leave me a very deep impression.No pains,no gains.I hope you will make more progress in English study in the future.

  2、You are a hardworking girl.You have a gift for English study.Where there is a will,there is a way.Wish you a fantastic future.

  3、You are a straight-forward boy.I appreciate your creativeness on class.I hope you can make more improvement on your handwriting in later day.

  4、You are an earnest and hardworking girl.Your English is very good.I hope you can take part in more class activities.Wish you a terrific future.

  5、You are a shy but hardworking girl.Try to be more active on class.Be confident,you are the best.

  6、You are an honest boy.You are good at running and jumping.Wish you be a superstar in the near future on Olympics.

  7、You are an excellent boy.Your school performance is very good.Pay more attention on English study.Wish you a successful future.

  8、You are a clever girl.You have a good memory.I enjoy your activeness on calss.I hope you will prove yourself as all gold will shine.

  9、You are an intelligent boy.You have the ability on language learning.Wish you step into your ideal university and learn your favourite major.

  10、You are a diligent boy.You leave me an impression of hardworking.Hope you can achieve your dream.

  11、You are an ambitious boy.You are a good leader.You have an innovational mind.Hope you will achieve your dream.

  12、You are a smart boy.Though you have some troubles on English study.I wish you can get a good performance on all subjects.

  13、You are a well-educated girl.You have a broad mind.Wish you achieve your dream.

  14、You are a serious and hardworking girl.Maybe a little shy.Try to open your mind to the world.Best wishes.

  15、You are an honest girl.Try to be more active on class.Be confident.You are the best.

  16、You are a brilliant girl.Try to be more energetic on study.Wish you a wonderful future.

  17、You are an attractive girl.You leave me an impression of quite.Wish you have a sweet life.

  18、You are an aggressive girl.Try to communicate with your classmates on studying.Wish you make more progress in later day.

  19、You are an energetic boy.You have a dream,and I hope youn can achieve your dream by hardworking.

  20、You are an out-going girl.You give me a sense of optimistic and sunny.Wish you be happy everyday.

  21、You are an excellent boy.I appreciate what you have done in your handwriting and believe you will be successful on your study.

  22、You are a handsome boy.I enjoy your activeness on class.Wish you a glorious future.

  23、You are an earnest girl and dutiful on your job.Thank you very much for your assistance on my teaching.I hope you can make more progress in your handwriting.Wish you a splendid future.

  24、You are an active and passionate girl.I appreciate your participance in class activities.Wish you a happy life.

  25、You are a very careful girl.Your handwriting is a marvel of neatness and order.I am sure there is nothing difficult for you to overcome.

  26、You are a clever girl.I appreciate your handwriting so much.Wish you make more improvement on your study.

  27、You are a humorous boy.You may have some difficults on English,I hope you will make more progress in later day.

  28、You are a sunny boy.You are very active on class.Pay more attention on English grammar.Work harder and you will make more progress.

  29、You are an open-minded boy.I enjoy your activeness on class.Wish you make more improvement on English study.

  30、You are a mild girl.You show your tender feelings to others.I hope you can be more strong to face any difficult.

  31、You are a gentle and shy boy.I hope you can pay more attention on studying.Wish you be more open-minded and have a successful life.

  32、You are an easy-going boy.You are very active in daily life.You leave me an impression of serious.Wish you a happy life.

  33、You are a hardworking girl.Maybe a little naughty sometimes.Try to be more independent.Wish you a successful study.

  34、You are a frank boy and a dream-follower.Wish you step into your ideal university.

  35、You are an industrious girl.Try to be more mature in daily life.Believe yourself.Best wishes.

  36、You are an optimistic boy.Keep this mind and stick to it.Your life will be full of sunshine.

  37、You are a knowledgeable girl.Reading is an excellent way to broden your view.Stick to your dream,you will success.

  38、You are an out-going girl.Your handwriting is good,but need more practice.Practice makes perfect.Believe yourself.Best wishes to you.
