《Unit Four Do you like pears》优秀教案实用5篇

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  《Unit Four Do you like pears》优秀教案 1


  1、在A局部学*的基础上,学*:“‘Can I have…?’‘sorry ’‘certainly’”等扩展语言。




  理解并掌握"Can I have…?" "Sorry. " "Certainly!"等语言知识


  1、理解 "Can I have…?" "Sorry." "Certainly!"的含义







  (一) 热身/复*(Warm-up/Revision)

  1、扮演A局部Let’s talk。



  I like …小朋友在小组里说说。



  Do you like pears?

  Do you like apples?

  小朋友根据自身的选择回答:“Yes, I do.”“No, I don’t.”

  (二) 出现新课(Presentation)


  教师说:“Look, there are many fruits.”教师指着许多的水果,重复“fruits”一词。

  2、教师提问:“What do I like? Can you guess?”引导小朋友用:“Do you like …?”进行猜

  测。教师不喜欢,可以说:“Sorry, I don’t like…”(教师通过语气引导小朋友理解sorry一词的含义)

  3、 师扮演水果店的老板,小朋友装作顾客的样子说:“Can I have a/an/some …?”教师回答:“Sure/certainly ,Here you are.”反复的示范后。让小朋友扮演水果店的老板,代替教师的角色。





  《Unit Four Do you like pears》优秀教案 2


  掌握认读新词:apple strawberry bananas grapes












  播放歌曲《An Apple A Day》,孩子们边听边传递装有水果卡片的盒子。


  (二)呈现新课 (Presentation)



  教师让孩子通过闻,引出单词banana strawberry .

  展示Let’s learn 部分的'图,孩子之间相互提问 Do you like …?

  Listen and point

  Point to the … (省略号为所学水果名)



  (三)趣味操练 (Practice)


  Can I have an apple?

  Can I have some grapes?

  Let’s sing

  播放歌曲的录像,先观看一遍, 帮助孩子理解歌曲。



  (四) 扩展性活动(Add-activities)


  Draw some grapes, color them red

  Draw a banana, color it green.

  《Unit Four Do you like pears》优秀教案 3


  1、 通过证明许衡“不吃无主梨”的故事,学*他做人做事有严格道德原则的精神。

  2、 正确、流利、有感情的朗读课文,通过人物对话理解人物性格和品质。

  3、 进行个性化阅读理解对课文内容和许衡的做法有自己的看法和感情,并能结合日常生活谈谈体会。






  一、 激情导入,明确目标

  1、 同学们在上课前,老师想请同学们做个小调查,在你们的心中有没有特别敬佩的人?为什么敬佩他?(生答)。今天,老师介绍一个人,他叫许衡,你们想了解他吗?他身上有没有让人敬佩的地方呢?这堂课我们就学*一则关于他的小故事,板书《不吃无主梨》

  2、 出示学*目标(小黑板)

  1、 通过许衡不吃无主梨的故事,学*他做人做事有严格道德原则的精神。

  2、 正确流利,有感情地朗读课文,通过人物对话理解人物性格和品质。

  3、 进行个性化阅读理解对课文内容和许衡的做法有自己的看法和感悟能结合日常生活谈谈自己的感受。

  二、 学生自主学*,走进课文


  1、 选择自己喜欢的方法自由读文,达到正确流利有感情。

  2、 在文中用恰当的方式标注生字词及不理解的词句。

  3、 用喜欢的方式识读生字词。

  4、 课文主要写了什么事。

  5、 讨论许衡为什么开始说这是有主的`梨树,然后说这是无主梨,最后说我们的心是有主的。

  三、 汇报交流,检测学*效果

  1、 分角色朗读课文。

  2、 不理解的字、词句,共同讨论解决。

  3、 课文主要写了什么事,(学生讨论解决总体概况;古时就有一位叫许衡的学者,宁可干渴也不吃无主之梨)

  4、 “许衡为什么开始说这是有主的梨树,然后说这是无主梨,最后说我们的心是有主的”。

  四、 个性化阅读理解

  1、 用自己的话讲讲许衡“不吃无主梨”的故事。

  2、 讨论,说说自己对许衡做法的看法,举例子说说在日常生活中如果遇到类似的事情,我们会怎么做?应该怎么做。

  五、 当堂检测


  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

  炎 浃 撩 襟 啃 讽 愣



  六、 总结归纳

  1、 同桌互批,教师检查。

  2、 这节课你学到了什么?

  3、 学完本文,你的感受是什么?


  战乱 逃难 坚持原则

  不吃无主梨 干渴 发现梨

  吃梨 不吃无主梨 坚持公道

  《Unit Four Do you like pears》优秀教案 4






































  《Unit Four Do you like pears》优秀教案 5












  难点:1.对课文中多次提到的“有主”和“无主”的理解。 2.进行个性化阅读,对许衡的做法有自己的认识和想法,并能结合日常生活谈谈自己的体会。


  (一)情境导入 。








  设计意图:词语教学是中段语文教学的一个重要内容,也是学生深感困难的地方。中段课标中提出“能联系上下文,理解词句的意思,体会课文中关键词句在表达情意上的作用。能借助字典、词典和生活积累,理解生词的意义。” 从这段话中我们可以看出,理解词语的意思是多渠道的,不同的词语要灵活选用不同的理解方法。比如运用动作理解词语(撩起衣襟);采用分解组合理解词语(汗流浃背);通过感情朗读来理解词语(如果学生读出了相应的语气,也就理解了词语的意思,如讽刺);还可以用词语说一句话来理解词语(比如下面要讲到的“争先恐后”一词)等等。



  课文主要讲述了( )在( )情况下,( )的事。














  A.在解决第一个问题时,要重点说清“许衡为什么开始说这是有主的梨树,然后又说这是无主梨,最后说我们的心是有主的”呢?在第9和11段提到的“这是有主的梨树”,这里的 “有主”指的是这梨不是野梨,是有人特意栽种的,也就是“有主人”的。在13段提到的“梨是无主的”,这里的“无主”指的是梨树的主人逃难去了,不在这里,或许再也不回来了,这梨树就无人看管了,所以说“梨是无主的”。而“心是有主的”,指的是心里要有主见,做人做事要有原则。如果学生对两个“主”字理解有困难,可以出示投影片,选择“主”的意思,来理解这句话。而第15自然段提到的“不吃无主梨” 是指即使有主人,没有得到主人的许可,梨也是不能吃的。那么课题中的“不吃无主梨” 就有了更深刻的含义,而并非是上课伊始学生的浅显理解了。




《Unit Four Do you like pears》优秀教案实用5篇扩展阅读

《Unit Four Do you like pears》优秀教案实用5篇(扩展1)

——What Do You Like的英语作文 (菁华5篇)

What Do You Like的英语作文1

  你喜欢我吗?(Do you lik m?)hllo, i’m han yuyuan . i’m a girl. i’m 11 yars old. i’m form hangzhou. i hav long hair , small ys, small mouth.i lik nglish vry much. i’m vry happy vry day.

  my favourit food is cak ,bcaus it’s swt. my favourit fruit ar appls. thy ar tasty and halthy. an appl a day kps doctor way. my favourit day is fridays, bcaus w hav nglish on th fridays.on th saturdays and sundays i oftn do houswork,i’m hlpful. i can wash th cloths, watr th flowrs, mak th bd. i can’t do th dishs, but i’d lik to try. do you lik m?

What Do You Like的英语作文2

  I like movies very much.

  My favorite movie is "Love Me Once More, Mom" is a moving story about a mother and her son. The son?was lost one day and the mother was so worriedthat she looked for him everywhere,but she couldn’t find him She was very sad and almost went mad. I think it is a wonderful movie. It is so moving and sad that I ever cried over and over again. How I wish to watch it again.

What Do You Like的英语作文3

  Why Co-Workers Don't Like You

  Your co-workers are judging you. Beneath a veneer of professional collegiality, they're taking note of the mess on your desk, how loudly you chew, even your word choices.

  Obviously, serious misconduct such as discrimination and harassment can lead to a job loss. But small irritants can hurt productivity and build walls between co-workers.

  'Those little annoyances, like having a really sloppy work area or being a disgusting desk eater, can loom large,' says Charles Purdy, senior editor at jobs site Monster.com.

  To avoid negative judgments from your co-workers, experts advise avoiding the following behaviors.

  1. *ing up to the boss

  The boss's pet who ingratiates himself at the expense of his co-workers incites negative judgments, says Meredith Haberfeld, a New York-based executive and career coach.

  For example, Ms. Haberfeld consulted for a human-resources company where a junior employee pointed out his co-workers' mistakes after errors had been made.

  'He created ill will with his colleagues because he didn't ever go to them to provide any insights while he saw the ship sinking,' Ms. Haberfeld says. 'Nobody wanted to work with him.'

  Trying to take work from your colleagues, or take too much credit, are also bad moves.

  'These people are seen as overly self-interested and therefore untrustworthy and difficult to work with,' Ms. Haberfeld says. 'At a certain point, to go further in your career you need to not just be liked by your boss, you need support from your peers and people more junior.'

  2. Negativity

  The occasional bit of gossip can relieve stress. Too much can make you look bad.

What Do You Like的英语作文4

  When it comes to a place which I like most,the culture square on our campus should be given priority to. I like it for a varity of reasons.

  First and foremost,there is a platform for communicating with other student.Furthermore,I could participate in any activities which organized by others students.Additionally,the culture square as the simple for our school culture,we can learn a lot from there.It is the most proper place to enrich my knowledge and broden my horizons.

  To sum up,as the part of our school campus,the culture square offers a platform to us would acknowledge our school culture.

What Do You Like的英语作文5

  The Spring Festival is a traditional festival of all nationalities in our country, more than 100 years ago, folk artists "one hundred" in his QuBenZhong writes: "in the first month in every New Year, Lantern Festival view on the lamp, month circle, flower box at everywhere, loud fireworks, make streets are swim series." The history of the festival is a vivid picture of the Spring Festival.

  Legend rao period, our country has this festival, shells we find in the oracle, there are also records about the Spring Festival, celebrated the first Spring Festival custom wind, but at that time, calendar, is to rely on "view as timing", is accurate, it is difficult to determine, in 104 BC the first year of emperor too early, created "the beginning calendar", our people and at specified day of the first lunar month as from then on, the customs of the lunar New Year is been around for 2000 years, until the founding of new China, to switch to the later, the holiday is to the Spring Festival.

  In our country the most ancient written records, there are many stories about the beginning of month, and the New Year, it is "the autumn harvest winterizing later in the season," han zheng xuan also said that early age is not "of LaoNong to rest." In our words today, it means the combination of labor and liberation.

  So how did the Spring Festival come? According to legend, in a long time ago, there was a man named ten thousand youth, see the seasonal mess, want to seasonal probable, one day, he went up into the mountain cutting wood, sit down to rest under the shade and shadow movement inspired him, and he devised a sundial shadow gauge measurement days. Day rain fog, however, affect the measurement, the later, cliff drops springs cause his interest, he began to make the five layers clepsydra, over time, he found that every three hundred and sixty days, and the length of days will repeat.

  At that time, the emperor was called zub, and he was troubled by the unpredictable nature of the weather. The secretary of a named scale, in order to curry favor with the emperor, play to tiantai worship god worship, ZuYi justification, has led officials to worship, but to no avail, know that in ten thousand, could not help but to see the emperor with the sundial and clepsydra, to explained the lunisolar ZuYi run of reason. Zu yi, after listening to longyan, felt reasonable. Then leave in ten thousand, built in the temple of heaven before the sun pavilion, built sundial and clepsydra pavilion, and sent 12 serve in ten thousand, the lad ZuYi to said in ten thousand: "rule, hope you can measure the accurate runs calculated accurately ChenXi time, create a calendar, the plebeian inhabitants of the world."

  Once ZuYi regards the scale to know the progress of testing the calendar in ten thousand, when he appeared on the day of 20:30 liu jianhua calls to see cliff wrote some words on the side of the temple of heaven, equilibrium saw after know ten thousand calendar has research is successful, he is afraid of the emperor reuse, founded in ten thousand, sent to assassinate, the assassin was caught by the guards, ZuYi know later, to punish the criterion, personally the pagoda to see the sun in ten thousand, in ten thousand, pointing to astronomical phenomena, the ZuYi said: "now is the full twelve months, out has ended, and spring after beginning, king please appoint a section." Zub said, "spring is the year of the year, so it is called the Spring Festival."

  Winter, year after year, then, in ten thousand after long-term observation, carefully calculated, formulated the accurate solar, later in ten thousand to commemorate the merits, will be solar day named "calendar" in ten thousand for the birthday girl and, later, people hang up the birthday girl figure during Chinese New Year, according to legend is in memory of the ten thousand.

  Now we also have some customs in the Spring Festival, such as "fu", "firecrackers", "bai nian", etc.

《Unit Four Do you like pears》优秀教案实用5篇(扩展2)

——Do you like pears 教案菁选

Do you like pears 教案

  作为一名人民教师,时常要开展教案准备工作,教案是保证教学取得成功、提高教学质量的基本条件。那要怎么写好教案呢?下面是小编整理的Do you like pears 教案,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。

Do you like pears 教案1




  PEP小学英语三年级下册Unit 5 Do you like pears? part A (Let’s learn and Let’s chant).本部分以Sarah请吴一凡到家里吃水果作为语境呈现要学*的4个水果单词apple、pear、orange、banana,以及学*句型 Do you like…? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.本部分把词汇课和对话课进行整合,分两课时完成。第一课时侧重词形的认读训练,第二课时侧重在语篇中运用词汇和句型,强化听说读写技能的培养。本课为第一课时。



  2、能够在实物、图片或情境的帮助下运用句型Do you like…? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.来询问他人对水果的喜好。




  banana及其书写形式以及能够运用句型Do you like…? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.来询问他人对水果的喜好。






Do you like pears 教案2


  Unit 4 Do you like pears 第五课时


  掌握认读新词:apple strawberry bananas grapes












  播放歌曲《An Apple A Day》,孩子们边听边传递装有水果卡片的盒子。





  教师让孩子通过闻,引出单词banana strawberry .

  展示Let’s learn部分的图,孩子之间相互提问Do you like …?

  Listen and point

  Point to the …(省略号为所学水果名)





  Can I have an apple?

  Can I have some grapes?

  Let’s sing






  Draw some grapes, color them red

  Draw a banana, color it green.

《Unit Four Do you like pears》优秀教案实用5篇(扩展3)

——What Do You Like的英语作文汇总5篇

  What Do You Like的英语作文 1

  I like movies very much. My favorite movie is “Love Me Once More, Mom”.This is a moving story about a mother and her son. The son?was lost one day and the mother was so worriedthat she looked for him everywhere,but she couldn’t find him She was very sad and almost went mad.

  I think it is a wonderful movie. It is so moving and sad that I ever cried over and over again. How I wish to watch it again.

  What Do You Like的英语作文 2

  Why Co-Workers Don't Like You

  Your co-workers are judging you. Beneath a veneer of professional collegiality, they're taking note of the mess on your desk, how loudly you chew, even your word choices.

  Obviously, serious misconduct such as discrimination and harassment can lead to a job loss. But small irritants can hurt productivity and build walls between co-workers.

  'Those little annoyances, like having a really sloppy work area or being a disgusting desk eater, can loom large,' says Charles Purdy, senior editor at jobs site Monster.com.

  To avoid negative judgments from your co-workers, experts advise avoiding the following behaviors.

  1. Sucking up to the boss

  The boss's pet who ingratiates himself at the expense of his co-workers incites negative judgments, says Meredith Haberfeld, a New York-based executive and career coach.

  For example, Ms. Haberfeld consulted for a human-resources company where a junior employee pointed out his co-workers' mistakes after errors had been made.

  'He created ill will with his colleagues because he didn't ever go to them to provide any insights while he saw the ship sinking,' Ms. Haberfeld says. 'Nobody wanted to work with him.'

  Trying to take work from your colleagues, or take too much credit, are also bad moves.

  'These people are seen as overly self-interested and therefore untrustworthy and difficult to work with,' Ms. Haberfeld says. 'At a certain point, to go further in your career you need to not just be liked by your boss, you need support from your peers and people more junior.'

  2. Negativity

  The occasional bit of gossip can relieve stress. Too much can make you look bad.

  What Do You Like的英语作文 3

  你喜欢我吗?(Do you lik m?)hllo, i’m han yuyuan . i’m a girl. i’m 11 yars old. i’m form hangzhou. i hav long hair , small ys, small mouth.i lik nglish vry much. i’m vry happy vry day.

  my favourit food is cak ,bcaus it’s swt. my favourit fruit ar appls. thy ar tasty and halthy. an appl a day kps doctor way. my favourit day is fridays, bcaus w hav nglish on th fridays.on th saturdays and sundays i oftn do houswork,i’m hlpful. i can wash th cloths, watr th flowrs, mak th bd. i can’t do th dishs, but i’d lik to try. do you lik m?

  What Do You Like的英语作文 4

  When it comes to a place which I like most,the culture square on our campus should be given priority to. I like it for a varity of reasons.

  First and foremost,there is a platform for communicating with other student.Furthermore,I could participate in any activities which organized by others students.Additionally,the culture square as the simple for our school culture,we can learn a lot from there.It is the most proper place to enrich my knowledge and broden my horizons.

  To sum up,as the part of our school campus,the culture square offers a platform to us would acknowledge our school culture.

  What Do You Like的英语作文 5

  Different people like different things. Some of them like doing sports, some of them like listening to music and some of them like playing computer games.

  Different people like different food. Some people like eating fish and meat, and some people like eating vegetables and fruit. But some people dont like vegetables and meat at all. They like hamburgers. The children all like snacks, sweets and cakes.

  Different people like different lifestyles. Some people in the western countries like eating bread and drinking milk for breakfast, but some people in the eastern countries like eating rice and eggs for breakfast. In the western countries, many people like sports. They often play football and basketball. But in the eastern countries, many people dont like them. Everyone is different, so what do you like?

《Unit Four Do you like pears》优秀教案实用5篇(扩展4)

——Do嘟城作文 (菁华3篇)












  今天,我来到了Do嘟城,售票阿姨给了我50元Do嘟币,一个手环,还有一张地图。在入口处,我刷了手环,进入了Do嘟城。 我看见Do嘟城很多小朋友在找工作,我也开始找我的.第一份工作。




《Unit Four Do you like pears》优秀教案实用5篇(扩展5)

——The beauty of the four seasons作文 (菁华5篇)

The beauty of the four seasons作文1

  There are four seasons in a year. They are spring、summer、fall and winter. I like spring. It is warm. It often rains. I can plant trees and flowers in spring. T he spring is green. Summer is very hot. I can swim in the r iver. Fall is a good season. It is nice. I can fly kites in fall. I can eat many apples too. Winter is cold. I wish I can play snow a nd make a snowman in Beijing someda y. Because it does not snow in Xinxing.

The beauty of the four seasons作文2

  In the spring,everything become green,the grass come out,there are flowers everywhere.

  In the summer,its very hot,you can hear birds chirping in the tree and frogs singing in the riverside.

  In the autumn, everything become yellow,the fruits are mature,and wheat is ripe,its the harvest time.

  In the winter, it snows here. Everything is covered with whiteness.

  How beautifel my hometown is!But I like winter the best.I can make a snowman and play outdoor.It is so exciting.

The beauty of the four seasons作文3

  As we know, there are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, fall and winter.

  Spring is the best season of the year. Its from March to May. The weather gets warmer, and the days get longer. Everything wakes up, the trees turn green and flowers come out. Its seeding-time.

  Summer is from June to August. Its a very hot season. It often rains and the corns grow fast. We will have a summer holiday and go swimming.

  Golden fall is harvest-time. Its from September to November. The farmers are busy getting in the corns. The days get shorter and the nights get longer.

  Winter is from December to February the next year. its the coldest season of the year. It often snows, and we can play with snows or go skating. We can enjoy the Spring Festival.

The beauty of the four seasons作文4

  Spring rain

  The spring rain, delicate and gentle, puts on the beautiful clothes to the mountain. Its raining, Shua Shua! Like ox hair, like flower needles, like fine silk, densely woven obliquely, the earth is full of vitality. The grass was awakened by sister Yu, and the body was lolling out of the soil. It was green and soft. There was a smell of grass in the air, and a smell of new earth. Willow girl also woke up, rubbed her hazy eyes, changed her winter clothes, put on her beautiful dancing clothes, accompanied by her sister in the rain, dancing with her beautiful dancing posture and singing beautiful songs. Little flower sister was awakened, blinked her bright eyes, opened her smiling face, and danced with her. After a while, even my favorite sleeping brother Quanshui was awakened by the beautiful symphony, Ding Dong, Ding Dong, listen! Brother Quanshui also sang. Ah! Elder sister Chunyu is really powerful! Her arrival makes a big difference in spring!

  Spring is a picture full of life and a song with beautiful melody.

  Xia Zhi Sheng

  The thunder in summer is fast and fierce, which plays a warm drum for life. Thunder, thunder. I dont know who is shouting. Everyone runs home. Brother Lei gets angry. In a moment, the sky is shrouded by mother-in-law Wu Yun. In a moment, a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, followed by a series of loud noises, which makes people clearly feel the rolling clouds, like a river, flying with waves and running endlessly. How powerful! Brother Lei called so many helpers when he was angry. The thunder sounds like a drum beating. Its frightening. The house is tense for fear of being shaken!

  Summer, is a dance, passionate and unrestrained; is an elf, unpredictable.

  Autumn wind

  Autumn wind, cool and cozy, send warm greetings to the fallen leaves. The autumn wind makes people feel cool. On the country road, the leaves fall down and slowly become a golden carpet. Autumn wind is really a natural artist. He has drawn a beautiful painting of Chinese ink. Look! He is like a naughty child again. He rustles the leaves like a beautiful song, which sounds so harmonious and sweet.

  Autumn is a poem, lofty and aloof, like a flying crane, free and uninhibited.

  Winter snow

  The snow in winter is kind and warm, bringing the crops affectionate care. When the reed like snowflakes outside the window are flying, falling from the sky, when the ground is decorated with snowflakes like a white carpet, I feel very happy.

  Winter is quiet and long!

  Nature is like a brilliant rainbow, life is like a rich and delicious coffee. Savoring nature and life, I found that the four seasons in my hometown are so beautiful.

The beauty of the four seasons作文5

  There are four seasons in a year.They are spring,summer,autumn and winter.Every season has three months and each month has about thirty days.

  The first season is spring.In spring time we have warm weather and sunny days.There are many beautiful flowers in the gardens and in the fields.The birds begin to sing their songs.Everything comes to life again.

  The second season we call summer.In summer the weather is very hot and it rains a lot.All trees are beautiful with their green leaves.The sky is very clear and blue,and the sunshine is much stronger than that in other seasons,so many people go to the seaside or the mountains to avoid the heat.

  Autumn is the third season of the year.In autumn the weather becomes cooler day by day.It is the best season we have.So many people like it very much,especially the farmers.They are very busy with their harvest.

  The last season is winter.It comes with frost and snow.The weather grows colder and colder,and much snow falls.But winter is not very long with us,for spring comes again soon.

《Unit Four Do you like pears》优秀教案实用5篇(扩展6)

——Unit 6教学反思 (菁华5篇)

Unit 6教学反思1





Unit 6教学反思2

  我将本课分为三大块:pre-task,while-task, post-task.


  While-task环节我以课文为主,结合攀登英语形式进行watch andlisten, listen and repeat, follow和perform.重点突出了,但没有突破.重点句型输入不够,操练单一,导致dialogue输出不流利.尤其Here’s yourpresent.这句话学生不熟练.



  改进:由于Here’s yourpresent.是本课重点又是难点,所以在设计各种活动的同时要贯穿该句型,大量灌输,让学生在听力上熟悉该句型.如:师在每个提问后可用小礼物作为奖励并说:Here’syour present.学生说:Thankyou.学生在每完成一个目标任务时也可用此方法.另外还要让学生多说,可以设计一个活动如:教师可事先将一些物品或是卡片放进一个盒子,学生随机抽取一个,抽到什么就对老师说Here’syour….老师做示范后,可让学生之间做该活动.这样学生充分练*到了该句型.


Unit 6教学反思3

  《Unit6 D u lie bananas?》这是20xx人教版的第六单元的内容,主要是以饮食为基础,让孩子们学*一些基本的英文食物词汇,并让孩子们了解一些外国的饮食用语。



Unit 6教学反思4

  本课设计了阅读、分析、讨论、总结、体验等活动,体现了“自主、合作、探究”的理念,实现任务型教学。然而,我在教学实践中体会到,Main Task教学中还应注意如下几点:






Unit 6教学反思5














《Unit Four Do you like pears》优秀教案实用5篇(扩展7)

——《Do you have a soccer ball》说课稿菁选

《Do you have a soccer ball》说课稿

  作为一位不辞辛劳的人民教师,编写说课稿是必不可少的,借助说课稿可以更好地组织教学活动。说课稿要怎么写呢?以下是小编为大家整理的《Do you have a soccer ball》说课稿,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。

《Do you have a soccer ball》说课稿1

Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball

  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen:

  Nice to meet you here. I'd like to say it's a good chance for me to learn from you .Here, my speech contains 4 parts. I would like to introduce them here with your great help.

  I. The ***ysis of teaching material:

  My speech is Section A , Unit 5. Do you have a soccer ball This is an important lesson in Book One. And it is the first lesson of this unit, it talks about recognizing objects(mainly about balls) and the simple question. .The students have already known to answer it"Yes" or "No" in Unit 2 ,but in this unit, it's different. We know, simple question is a kind of important structure. If the students can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the students to learn the special question. And it's related to our daily life closely, so it's very useful.

  New words: basketball, soccer ball, volleyball, ping-pong ball, ping-pong bat, tennis, tennis racket.

  Structure: Do you have Does he /she have

  Teaching aims:

  Aims on the knowledge:

  To study the words about balls by showing the pictures.

  To make the students know how to ask whether others have something or not, and how to answer it.

  Aims on the abilities:

  To develop the students' ability of listening ,speaking, reading and writing.

  To train the students' ability of communication.

  Aims on the emotion:

  ⑴.To make the students be interested in good co-operation and competition.

  ⑵To make the students love sports ,love life.

  Teaching key points and difficult points:

  How to make the students understand the new language items naturally.

  How to make the students work well with their partners.

  How to arouse their interest in learning English.

  How to make dialogues and act them out.

  Ⅱ.Teaching methods I will take.

  1."Communicative" teaching method.

  2. "Task-based" teaching method.

  Everyone knows that the main aims of learning English in middle school is to cultivate the students' basic abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing, and their good sense of the English language.

  Ⅲ. Learning methods.

  Firstly, Look, listen, and say to gain language competence.

  Secondly, Teamwork, exploration and participation to reach the goal.

  Thirdly, Cultivate skills in listening, speaking, reading and expressing.

  Fourthly, Students-centered and teacher-guided learning strategies. I'm not a teacher but a guider. I'm ready to give them help whenever they need and re-correct the mistakes while talking.

  Ⅳ.Teaching procedure design.

  Step1. Warm-up.

  Ask the students some easy questions to check if they have remembered the contents they had learned before. For example: What's this Spell it, please. What color is it Is this your pen Is that your backpack and so on.

  Step2. Presentation.

  1. Take out a ping-pong ball and ask the students:What's this Why I take out a ping-pong ball here I think it's the easiest and the most popular in our country.

  2. Leading in new words : here I will play some short plays, they are soccer game,volleyball game, ping-pong competition and an advertisiment, there is a basketball in it.

  The reason of my design: I think the students can learn the words easily and directly in this way. And I also think it can draw the students' attention and arouse their interest in learning English. With the help of the CAI, it can provide a real situation to understand the meaning of the words, not by presenting the new words one by one and telling them the Chinese meaning. So the students can remember the words quickly and naturally.

  How to help the students remember the new word, I think I will do it like this: When the word appears under the picture, there may be some students know the word and they will read it out loudly, this time, you may need to correct the pronunciation and teach it, after one or two times, I will ask the students to spell it by themselves. Why I must ask them to spell it themselves, I think it can make them have a general impression of the word. Usually, when you teach them read, most of the students just follow you, they don't look at the word at all. Perhaps, you have taught ten times and they can read it very well following you , but after you teach some more words and ask them to read it again ,they may not be able to.

  3.Teaching the dialogue:

  Make a sample dialogue with a student. Show him or her the ping-pong ball and do it like this:

  T: I have a ping-pong ball. Do you have a ping-pong ball (Here, you may help him answer "Yes, I do." or "No, I don't.")

  S: Yes, I do.

  Make the dialogue with some more students,and write it on the blackboard. Make sure they can read and understand the meaning. Next, ask a student if he has a ping-pong ball, then ask the others: "Does he have a ping-pong ball "Here, you must help them answer: "Yes, he does." Or "No, he doesn't." Write it on the blackboard. Teach the dialogue and make sure they can read it and understand the meaning.

  4. Practice: Read the dialogue by role play. But you must tell them how to do it clearly, make them to ask their partners what kind of balls they have. This time ,they must use the sentence "Do you have a "

  5. Groupworking and competition: Divide the students into groups of three.Give them an example first :

  A: Do you have a basketball

  B: Yes ,I do.

  A: Does he have a basketball

  C : Yes, he does.

  Ask them to make a similar dialogue and tell them that it' s also a competition, after they act it out you will choose a best group at the end.

  The reason of having a competition: I think it can encourage them to try their best and cooperate with their groupmembers well.

  6. Listening, listen to the tape and circle the words you hear. It's Activity 1a.

  Step3. Post-task. Starting a ball club.

  In this club, there are four teams: a basketball team, a soccer ball team, a ping-pong ball team and a tennis team. I will ask four students to be the captain of each team. They should ask their classmates to be their team members. If he has a basketball,he should join the basketball team.

  The reason I give this task: I think this activity is the consolidation of this lesson. It is helpful to revise and consolidate the contents we learned in this lesson.

  Blackboard design:

  Ping-pong ball /bat Do you have a ping-pong ball

  Soccer ball Yes, I do./No, I don't.


  Volleyball Does he have a soccer ball

  Tennis racket Yes, he does.

  Does she have a volleyball

  No, she doesn't.

  That's my speaking. Thanks for your listening.

《Do you have a soccer ball》说课稿2



  今天我说课的内容是七年级英语上册第五单元第一课时,这一课时可分为三部分,一是要求掌握一些球类运动的名词,英语单词是学好英语的基础,只有掌握大量的英语单词,在丰富知识的同时,才能提高应用语言的能力;第二部分是听力训练;第三部分是口语训练Do you have a ……句型。下面我将从以下几个方面阐述说课内容。




  1、知识目标帮助学生掌握三会、四会单词如have soccer ball tennis racket=bat ping-pong volleyball basketball does让学生掌握句型的灵活运用



  教学重点:本课的第一部分是一幅展示新功能在实际生活中运用的图画,图中引出了本课在操练新知识所需用到的重点单词,新的句型也呈现在人物头上的气泡中,本课的重点是让学生学会使用Do you have……的句型。

  教学难点:句型Do you have……的肯定回答及否定回答
















  1、出示几幅图来出现我们这节课将会学*的球类运动的名词以及相应的名星:在教学单词的过程中,用What is this in English和How do you spell it句型和学生进行双边活动,掌握本课所学*的新单词

  2、学*新句型,通过图,来学*I have a soccer ball……句型,并让学生多读、多理解I have……句型


  4、让学生以唱的形式复*新单词及I have……句型,如Soccer ball . Soccer ball.I have a Soccer ball.

  为活跃课堂气氛,请个别学生为下列句子谱曲并唱如basketball. basketball.I have a basketball.这一部分学生比较感兴趣,学生可随意发挥,也可根据自己所熟悉的歌曲的歌谱来唱出这些句子。

  5、新授I have……句型的否定句,一般疑问句、肯定回答和否定回答。




  Do you have a computer game?

  Do you have a baseball bat?

  Do you have a ping-pong bat?


  1、通过猜猜我有什么的活动。巩固句型Do you have……及回答



  运用下面的单词编写三组Do you have……问句并作答

  Volleyball football basketball


  DO you have a soccer ball

  New words:

  Soccer ball basketball volleyball baseball football tennis ping-pong bat=racket

  I have a soccer ball:

  Do you have a soccer ball?

  Yes I do. No I don’t





《Unit Four Do you like pears》优秀教案实用5篇(扩展8)

——The Four Seasons英语作文(10)份

  The Four Seasons英语作文 1

  A year has four seasons.Every season has three months.The weather of one season is different from that of any other.The life cycles of plants are controlled by the seasons.

  The first season is spring.The three months in it are March,April and May.During that time we have warm weather and fine days.All plants come to life.Animals wake up from hibernation.It is time for farmers to get ready for their fields.

  The second season is summer.The three months are June,July and August.The weather is very hot and it often rains.People can go swimming and sightseeing.It is time for all things to grow up.

  The third season is autumn.The three months are September,October and November.The weather becomes cooler and cooler.Leaves begin to fall to the ground.It is the harvest time for farmers.

  The fourth season is winter.December,January and February are the three months of that season.The weather is very cold,and most of the plants die at that time.Sometimes it snows.People can enjoy skating and skiing.But winter doesn' t stay with us for a long time,for spring comes again soon.






  The Four Seasons英语作文 2

  Spring reviving everything.Gently twist the spring a beautiful posture to wake up sleeping in the underground life.In the branches it is already bursting out with a beautiful life they are trying to grow with it seems that the only way to return the land nourished they grow with and happy to grow with and strive to make their own blooming the most beautiful colors.Qingqing lake Yang Liu Yiyi.Thin thick willow shoots open gently cage corner to bixi live semi-curved springs luring countless butterflies attracted countless bees confused the hundreds of thousands of hiding behind the fragile soul in the text.They enjoy the bloom for the sole reward that nourish their land and wake-up to their spring.Spring breeze woke up everything but also blow the return of their awake heart.That heart in the flower-decked in the bud gradually.Summer The heat of summer passion Bengjian the pond the lotus is also busy in the summer return of contributions.

  Pool filled with green lotus leaves lotus of course can not miss this good opportunity to gather in small groups quietly opened in the pool.Their posture so that the number of literati who are intoxicated Zhou's more that it wrote "Reminiscence":出淤泥而不染 Zhuo-Qing Lian without demon in the pass outside the straight non-vine are not sticks incense Yi-Qing Yuan can and can not Lex Xie Wan Yan.Finally it has become eternal Excellent phrases it became famous encouraged his numerous people with lofty ideals.Are poets know why it spit fragrance?! Their fragrance only to return the caress summer moisture and water.Summer brings the vitality of life but also brought a return of the heart's passions.That heart in the heat of summer in the increasingly growing and expanding.Autumn Golden autumn of the fruit.Orchard and every tree covered with fruit they are bright red glistening yellow.They know that their body is a crystallization of flowers and fruit trees.

  The body of their fruit juices flowing; their body inside exudes the fragrance of flowers.They are designed to return the whole body of fruit trees and flowers Yanyinqipan selfless dedication."Luo Hong is not a heartless objects rendering them visually more Huhua Enriching the soil." Dyed in the branches of autumn leaves when the sun penetrates its body it smiling:return of the day has arrived.It branches jump jump beating the steps drop and fall into mud.It is gratifying just because of the soil reported parenting but also for the continuation of life.春天,万物复苏.轻轻扭动春天一个美丽的姿态,唤醒沉睡在地下的生活.在树枝上,它早已绽放出美好的生命,它们正试图与之一起成长,似乎只有这样才能回报滋养的土地,它们成长与快乐一起成长,努力使自己绽放出最美丽的色彩.青庆湖,杨柳一一.薄膜厚柳树芽开放,轻轻笼里碧溪活,半弯曲弹簧,吸引无数的蝴蝶,吸引了无数的蜜蜂,困惑数千数百隐藏文字背后的脆弱的灵魂.他们享受花开,为唯一的报酬滋养他们的土地和唤醒他们的春天.春风唤醒了一切,也吹回了他们清醒的心.那颗心,在花朵渐渐地在花蕾中.夏日炎炎的夏日,激情琣建池塘,荷花在夏天返回忙也贡献.池充满绿色荷叶,荷花,当然不能错过这个很好的机会,聚集在小团体悄悄打开池.他们的姿势让人陶醉的文人,周更是写下了“怀旧”:出淤泥而不染,卓青连而不妖,中通外直,不蔓不枝,香远益清不能莱克斯谢万言.最后,它成了永恒的优秀短语,它成为著名的鼓舞了无数仁人志士.诗人知道为什么吐香水吗?他们的芬芳只会回报夏日的滋润和水分.夏天带来了生命的活力,也带来了心灵的激情的回归.那颗心,在炎热的夏天里越来越壮大.秋天金秋的果实.果园和每一棵树上都结满了果实,它们是鲜红色,闪闪发光的黄色.他们知道自己的身体是花朵和果树的结晶.他们果汁的身体流动;他们的身体里面散发着花香.他们的目的'是返回果树和花卉Yanyinqipan无私奉献全身.”罗红不是无情物,使它们在视觉上春泥更护花.”染成了秋天的叶子的树枝,当阳光穿过它的身体,它微笑:返回的一天已经到来.它跳转跳转,跳动的步骤,下降,落入泥.令人欣慰的是,因为土报的养育,也为生命的延续.

  The Four Seasons英语作文 3

  There are four seasons in a year.They are spring,summer,autumn and winter.Every season has three months and each month has about thirty days.

  The first season is spring.In spring time we have warm weather and sunny days.

  There are many beautiful flowers in the gardens and in the fields.The birds begin to sing their songs.Everything es to life again.

  The second season we call summer.In summer the weather is very hot and it rains a lot.All trees are beautiful with their green leaves.

  The sky is very clear and blue,and the sunshine is much stronger than that in other seasons,so many people go to the seaside or the mountains to avoid the heat.

  Autumn is the third season of the year.In autumn the weather bees cooler day by day.It is the best season we have.

  So many people like it very much,especially the farmers.They are very busy with their harvest.

  The last season is winter.It es with frost and snow.

  The weather grows colder and colder,and much snow falls.But winter is not very long with us,for spring es again soon.

  The Four Seasons英语作文 4


  In the tinkle of purple wind bells,a girl with her hands on her cheeks imagines me in four seasons.


  The sound of the murmuring stream opens up the whole picture.Blue sky,green lawn and red flowers constitute a picture of spring.A girl in a pink coat and a plaid skirt sat on a big stone by the stream.Staring at the small fish playing in the clear bottom of the stream,listening to the sweet sound of the water flowing down from the top,sitting still,quietly feeling the breath of spring,enjoying the good mood given by nature.What a nature loving,quiet me!


  Summer is a busy season.I like to see the flowing colors on the street:warm red,dark blue,fresh green I like to fold a small paper boat and let them fly in the river at dusk when the sky is full of sunset.I like wearing a green dress and standing under the weeping willow beside the lake to play a flute.The breeze blows,the long green skirt and black hair flutter with it,the melodious flute sound melts in the air.What a romantic and unrestrained me!


  Golden color and fruits make up the unique scenery of autumn.I ascend the skyscraper,overlooking the world full of life and harvest,and my mind is wide.Can not help but think of two poems:"the long wind and waves will sometimes,directly hang the clouds and sails to help the sea." Suddenly a passion came to my heart and shouted at the sky:my future is not a dream! What a magnificent and heroic me!


  Winter is coming,what a world of pure and clean,make-up! I put on a white suit,red scarf,and a group of friends rushed into the snow,snowman,snowball fight.Although I am covered with snow,I don't feel cold at all,young man! My silvery laughter splashed on the branch,shaking the snow.What a vigorous and lively me!


  Oh,I am like a dream,like a picture,like a poem!

  The Four Seasons英语作文 5

  I love spring,it is full of vitality.I love the summer,it is passionate.I love autumn,it is poetry.I love winter,it is extra beautiful.In winter,it seems that a hurried passer,the thick cotton jacket just worn in a few days,Xiao Yanzi rushed back to the hometown:Spring is coming!

  The grass has been sleeping for a winter.I just woke up and heard the news of the spring girl.It was happy to take a hard.Small flowers are the most important jewelry for the spring girl,how can I only join in the fun?It works hard to show off your own beauty.I sent a spring girl and ushered in the summer doll.Summer dolls let the hot sun,hanging on the sky,baked.The river will will will willow,and it is like a bit of water to drink with the small river.

  The fish in the small river don't know where to go to the cold.The asphalt floor on the shore has to be melted by the sun,walk on it,soft,like walking on cotton.Walk away the summer doll,the autumn is coming.I sat in the forest and sing,poems,the horses,the horses,and the "Shanxings ",Du Fu's "Mountain ",my high-spirited voice,the gentle autumn wind is far away.Look,the red day fell,it hung up in the treetops,and people felt the "Desert Lonely Direct,the Long River ".

  Hey,autumn go,winter is coming again.Snowing.The snow flourish flies.After a while,the whole hometown became a silver world.The ground became a "snowpell ",far away,Yushu Qiongzhi,powder makeup,full of poetry,good hometown! Children ran out of the yard and began to the field.The little figure is active,adding infinite joy to the hometown scenery.I love you,hometown.I love you,the fourth quarter of our hometown!

  The Four Seasons英语作文 6

  Although my hometown is in the country,my hometown is very beautiful,it is a mountain clear show,birds and flowers.Spring is coming,the grass explores the head,the flower smiles to me,the birds are screaming in the branches,it seems to be spring! The fish and frogs in the pond seem to be welcoming the arrival of spring.Spring is coming,people take off thick cotton coats,even peach blossoms,and apricot flowers are also laugh.

  Summer arrived,the girl wearing his beloved skirt,the birds in the shade are more like,and the boys swimming in the river,the girls' laughter,rang into a beautiful song.Autumn arrived,the peasant is started to pick up the fruit,my hometown is particularly good,and Apple hangs on the tree.

  It is like a red face,and the pear hangs on the tree,golden,grapes are also mature,a string saver Let others look at each other,you look carefully,you look at it,the corn golden golden,the leaves are also falling,and if the leaves fall in the air,it seems to be dancing.Autumn has passed,winter is coming,winter is snowing,we will pile the snowman,fight the snowball,skate,under the snow,the room seems to shop with a layer of cotton,other branches are bare,only Qingqing pine is in cold Winter is proud,plum blossoms,adding a little warm in the cold winter.! This is the four seasons of my hometown.

  The Four Seasons英语作文 7

  I like spring best.It’s warm an sunny.sometime it’s rainy.It’s green.I can see beautifal flowers here and there.I can see beautifal butterflies,too.I can plant threes.What a beautiful season.I like summer very much.It’s hot.I can go to the beach.I go swimming at the beach.

  I am good at swimming.It’s fun.I can eat ice cream,too.I have a long holidag.I don’t go to school.I can go on a vacation.My favorite season is fall.It’s cool.sometimes it’s windy.

  The leaves are red,yellow and orange.The are beautifall.I can fly a kite.I like flying a kite.It’s fun.I can eat mooncakes,too.I have a good time.Winter is my favorite season.It’s cold.I can see snow.It’s white.

  I can make a snowman.It’s fun.I can go ice skating,too.I have a winter holiday.

  The Four Seasons英语作文 8

  Have the four seasons one year,years has cold hot weather,do not pass normally again it seems that.Although now and then also meet of exclaim days elapse,never experience off-season changes seriously however.Experienced only spring exuberant,great achievements of again and again; If not experiences the bleak respectful of hibernate to kill,how is the passion of meeting yearning summer insurgent?The step of the four seasons comes hurriedly,go hurriedly again.The memory of childhood is like bright and beautiful if spend,colorful world life blossoms,be like sweetly March spring breeze,be like fierily in June filariasis,the four seasons in nature is certain nevertheless more if the poem is picturesque.

  Spring day,on boundless and indistinct prairie,lanneret is in low come back,look for just the life of come to; Small grass is in sway,suck the timely rain of the earth,it is released spring blaze,this blaze is not aureate,however green -- that is the youth that never fades symbolizes.That is pale green grow long ribbon like,although be hit after many frost,inexorable still,from last year new bud appears below blasted branches and leaves,if brook Chan Chan is poured out of.Spring the footstep is in green in spread.Summer,if note,rain cats and dogs,fierce wind sheds water shake is erratically,wet and windy,arbitrary trample lawn.Rainwater from housetop one have diarrhoea and below,free gave drainpipe,keep momently douse is on the window,on the door,let a person whats look not clear.Have water only at the moment,such blotting out the sky and cover up the earth,rainwater how not can hurried?So tremendous weight,can cloud layer bear how?So violent concussion,how is the earth endured again case?Between instantly,to bang of ping-pong of the ping on housetop,the silver on the meadow bead fly violently,low-lying place spray 4 splash.

  Then,the catharsis of the footstep classics harships of summer,clean ground moves toward the autumn.Autumn day,just like heaven,weather is gradually cool,the leaf becomes yellow slowly.Though autumn the prelude that is a winter,but somehow,people always thinks the autumn is the most beautiful.Autumn footstep and Chun Xia are different,it changes a faint scent,from the trail in firewood furnace or fireplace; It changes a Gan Tian,be in harmony eats fruit and vegetable; It still hides stealthily in the melon and fruit of cropland edge stack,more in the cider that brews mellow beauty already.Autumn the results that the footstep is witnessing field.Wintry day,snow is soft like cotton,thick thick bespread window lattice,climb on glass full glacial grain,dim and of divine Mi crepuscular show a window and show,make become sweet and comfortable in the home.Although be in common single-page calendar,always appear with the figure of the old person in the winter,but I think however,winter should be a happy axman,or the youth that is a warm blood,exultation caper ground appears from chimney,rise happily up,was full of whole universe.

  The footstep of the four seasons has gone so namely,spring green,summerly rain,autumn wind,wintry snow,it is the mark that the four seasons has taken to stay.

  The Four Seasons英语作文 9

  There are four seasons in a year:Spring Summer Autumn and Winter.Each season has its own features.In spring everything will come to life after months’ sleep.Summer is a season with exceedingly high temperature.Autumn is a beautiful season.

  Leaves turn to yellow and crops are ripening too.As for winter although the temperature is freezing but the snow and the game in snow days are always children’s favorite.


  The Four Seasons英语作文 10

  In the spring,everything become green,the grass come out,there are flowers everywhere.

  In the summer,it's very hot,you can hear birds chirping in the tree and frogs singing in the riverside.In the autumn,everything become yellow,the fruits are mature,and wheat is ripe,it's the harvest time.

  In the winter,it snows here.Everything is covered with whiteness.

  How beautifel my hometown is!But I like winter the best.I can make a snowman and play outdoor.It is so exciting.

《Unit Four Do you like pears》优秀教案实用5篇(扩展9)

——I Like Study英语作文实用10篇

  I Like Study英语作文 1

  My teachers and some elderly people often praise me. They always say that I must have a bright future, because I like study very much. I really like study. The knowledge from the book attracts me so much. Every time I search the knowledge there, I feel very satisfied, excited and powerful. I like exploiting all knowledge. I dont need anyone to push me to study. I just like it.

  I Like Study英语作文 2

  I am a sophomore now.In my memeries,my college English courses were not pretty good.I don't think the way we tought was suited for me.So ,my English level was far from perfect and even lower than the standards I had during my high shcool.

  There were many factors caused this situation.In one hand, my teacher didn' t explain much details about the language points of the lessons self.Instead, they tended to say more about the information of the context and the background.On the other hand ,as our college english class were very large ,there were no chances for everybody being noticed by the teacher.So, we must acquire a knowledge of language relay on self-study.

  I Like Study英语作文 3

  Why do municate, so English is very important. If listening to English song, to find the learning interest in English). 2, English class listen carefully, as far as possible to ansmunicate the English books and other more effective municate, so English is very important. If listening to English song, to find the learning interest in English). 2, English class listen carefully, as far as possible to ansmunicate the English books and other more effective way of learning english.

  I Like Study英语作文 4

  Alongside with the development of the society,lifelong learning is becoming more and more important.Lifelong learning is the concept that, "It's never too soon or too late for learning", a philosophy that has taken root in a whole host of different organisations.With so many forms of lifelong learning,different people have different views.Some prefer learning by the Internet,for it provides extensive resources for us.Others are good at learning from life,as they say ,life is the best teacher.As I see it,the informations from the Internet may be wrong.

  I Like Study英语作文 5

  I'm wangNan,a student of No.1 Middle School.I have a gooa friend,Jim.He' an USA girl.We are both in Class wo,Grade Eight.She is 15 years old,one year older than me.We both study hard.I'm good at physices,but she's good at math.We often help each other with lessons.Both of us like helping others.We both like sports very much.Jim enjoy playing basketball.but Ilike palying soccer.She likes green but Ilike red.Tough we are different in my ways,we are good friends

  I Like Study英语作文 6

  As a middle school student, my study burden is heavier than before. Therefore, I must make a good plan for my study to make the effort effective and set sometime aside for playing.

  Firstly, I will make a big plan for this term and set a goal for it. I want to be the top three of my class in the final exam, so that I must work hard for it. In addition, I will make plans for several short periods, such as monthly plan and weekly plan. By doing so, I can clearly know what my major task of different. Finally, daily plan is necessary, too. Write down my tasks for everyday and finish them strictly. Remember not put tasks until tomorrow.

  With these different plans, I can arrange my time reasonably and get sometime to play.

  I Like Study英语作文 7

  Today I learned about present progressive tense. It is a tense used to express action that is on-going at the time of utterance. It is not difficult for me, because I master its basic use. So I helped many classmates. In a short time, all students in my class master this grammar well. Classmates appreciate or admire me and our English teacher praises me. I become the hero of my class suddenly. It is a pleasant learning experience. It also encourages me to study hard, so that I can have the chance to be hero.

  I Like Study英语作文 8

  English is more important now. But it is difficult for many students to study it. Now I make some suggestion, maybe can help you. First, you should take notes and take them here and there. When you’re free, you can take them out and read it. Next, you should read English loudly. Many students know many grammars, but talking with others is hard. So reading is very important. It can make progress in your talking and listening, and it can also make you get excited, let you have a nice day. Then, talk with people in English; it’s interesting and very used. Finally, most importantly, try your best to learn English. No pains, no gains. I hope you can improve your English. Good luck!

  I Like Study英语作文 9

  English is more important now. But it is difficult for many students to study it. Now I make some suggestion, maybe can help you. First, you should take notes and take them here and there. When you’re free, you can take them out and read it. Next, you should read English loudly.

  Many students know many grammars, but talking with others is hard. So reading is very important. It can make progress in your talking and listening, and it can also make you get excited, let you have a nice day. Then, talk with people in English; it’s interesting and very used. Finally, most importantly, try your best to learn English. No pains, no gains. I hope you can improve your English. Good luck!

  I Like Study英语作文 10

  English is more and more important in our learning and very useful in our daily life. so it’s necessary for us to improve English. here are my ways.

  first, i take lots of notes in every class, and try my best to memorize them. in my essay i will use them. second, i always watch English movies and listen to English tapes to improve my pronunciation and listening. next, studying with a group is also a good way to learn. last, in daily life, i use English as often as possible.

  i think you will be a good English language learner.

《Unit Four Do you like pears》优秀教案实用5篇(扩展10)

——英语四级作文What I Choose to Do upon Gradu实用5份

  英语四级作文What I Choose to Do upon Gradu 1

  It's all I can't protect.What has gone away is what I have left in my mind for three years,and I want to say goodbye and I don't know where to start.

  The day after tomorrow,we will leave this building for three years and leave my junior high school life.

  The last day before the senior high school entrance examination,everyone's heart lost fall,who have no learning,some students early to put the books moved back home,we bequeath,lingering sentiments.Three years ago,I remember saying goodbye to each other for six years of primary school.Although we just write a few words sim***,no say "goodbye",so you really have not seen goodbye.Three years later,when everything is like what happened,we all conjecture that it will not be the same as the farewell three years ago.Since then,we really will not see each other anymore.

  First,stubborn and simple,everyday honestly do the teacher's good child,the teacher within sight of holding books pretending to work; second,crazy and confident,quietly began to love some stars,began to pay attention to those handsome little boys; third,stressed,and began to write a diary,always melancholy and moody,also began to really hard,secretly plan in the future what kind of University,and calmly said after go here and there.

  Such a full and wonderful three years,so stubborn and stubborn three years,such a warm and unforgettable three years,so come.

  Those precious innocence,we can't go back,those days lying on the grass looking at the sky about the ideal,those looking for the sunshine warmth of their own days,those cold trembling in bed days,those in the classroom and outside the heart can only be filled with helpless days,those who stay in together even if the heavens have to first say a crazy day,who looked to be the window frame outline square sky boundless fantasy birth day,never come back.

  It's all I can't protect.What's gone is what I have left in my mind for three years,and I want to say goodbye when I'm about to say goodbye,but I don't know where to start.

  Now,I have no longer is the extreme character,eccentric to be beneath the human character girl now; I'm not knowing that there is too rebellious but always refused to admit the fault of the little girl; I have already grown into a clear,is non ideal middle school students.In the past three years,all love,all hate,all wet diary,all tears and laughter,all the engraved years of heartburn,all disappeared on this prosperous and dispersed day.

  Goodbye,my junior high school career!

  英语四级作文What I Choose to Do upon Gradu 2

  In the last summer,we have to say goodbye and look back.These three years,there are happy,sad...

  Thank the teacher for three years of hard education and training of us,to teachers,a sincere voice: "teacher,you are hard!" At this moment,recall have gone through three years of junior high school life,we can't restrain inner excited,strong regret and feelings also arise spontaneously.

  Some people say that junior high school life is a hasty book.Three years ago,we walked into one of the most exciting and admired mood.In the past three years,we have felt her warmth and richness here.Three years of time,more than 1000 pages of anger and sorrow,this is so hurried,but it has left so many wonderful pieces to us.Among them,a young naughty and naive,a sentimental failure experience,mature feeling enlightened,also has a successful history of lead a person to endless aftertastes.

  In three years,we grew up with one middle school,and here is our warm home.In this joyous family,we create brilliance again and again with diligence and wisdom.We weave this warm and beautiful junior high school life with dreams and youth.Here,let's thank our alma mater with gratitude,thank all the leaders of the school,thank our beloved teacher,thank our dear classmates,and send them our best wishes.

  Our junior high school life is about to draw a full end,which will also be the horn we pursue at a higher level.

  There is a saying: "the idea that daily at the moment." Now,we are faced with a major challenge in our learning career - the middle school exam.This is an unusual moment,and a solemn and hopeful moment.It may be difficult,but know that when we are in the most difficult time,it is time for us to be close to success.At that time,we have to prove to the world that "there is a talent for the Jiangshan generation,each of them has been coquettish for hundreds of years!"

  There is no banquet in the world.After the exam,we may be different,but the parting is also beautiful,because it is the prelude to the gathering! At that time,we might cry,but don't care.This is the evidence of youth.It is it,let us have the memory,know how to cherish.In fact,parting is not terrible,the terrible thing is that we forget ourselves.Every moment,everyone needs to be the best.I believe that we will show by our actions that we are worthy of being the best graduates in the field.Let's continue to fight against storms and go forward and realize our dreams.

  We will always remember the slogan "today I am proud of one of the two,and I am proud of tomorrow."

  In the last summer,we're going to say goodbye.

  英语四级作文What I Choose to Do upon Gradu 3

  Graduation is a problem that every student will face.Now,my classmates and I are about to graduate.

  Once upon a time,when we talked about graduation,we always thought it was far away,but now when graduation comes to us,we all feel reluctant to give up.We are about to graduate,which means that we are about to leave this environment where we live and study,as well as our friends and partners who get along with each other day and night.Now,whenever I think of the fact that I'm about to graduate,I'm full of feelings.

  But as I was getting closer to graduation,I gradually became more and more relieved.Yes,everyone will be graduating,you know,there will be growth after graduation.Through a period of thinking,I am still reluctant to graduate,but there is more to look forward to.I am looking forward to my graduation and growing up.

  Every stage of our life will usher in a graduation,graduation is our final summary of this learning.Through this graduation,we will know how much we have learned and how much we have mastered.Every one of us will have a standard for graduation.Only when we meet this standard can we graduate.

  I remember some scholars said that life is long,we will never graduate,we should learn to live forever.This sentence is also applicable to us now,but what we are talking about now is just a summary of our current study.Of course,we have a long life in the future.The real graduation is always in front of us.We should study hard and understand life.Only in this way can we truly usher in a breakthrough and find a better ourselves.

  Now,I can face the fact that I am about to graduate,because I have been studying hard in the campus.Now graduation is coming,I also believe that I can get a good academic record.

  英语四级作文What I Choose to Do upon Gradu 4

  Three years will soon be over.In June,there is a test that can not be faced.It's a bit reluctant for me to be separated from my classmates.

  In June,I am not sure whether I will be admitted to an ideal high school.However,our parents are anxious for us and call our teachers every day.And we didn't know that the teacher told us that our parents were more urgent than we were.And we don't seem to care at all.In the 20 days,I began to read books,write assignments and review carefully.Now I know the importance of learning.I used to know how to play computer games,but now I regret not studying.

  I hope to see the relatives of this article study carefully.A young man does not work hard,and the old man is sad.

  It's really hard to be separated from our classmates in 3 years.At least we have worked hard together.We will separate.We will go to schools that we need,and there will be good and bad ones.Now I want to talk to the students and tell the difference.It has been said many times in three years,but it can never be separated.Now,when we talk about separation,it is really necessary to "break away from time to time.Not sad,strong smile is deceiving.Now,what is there to keep? Cry and cry,talk freely and gather together.What do you know about tomorrow?

  And we are going to go on our own way later.After graduation,I want to keep those warm days and yearn for an early flood of life.It's a bit reluctant to leave these students.After all,we spent three years in the ups and downs.

  英语四级作文What I Choose to Do upon Gradu 5

  Different people love collect different things.Some people love collecting coins.Some people love collecting calligraphies.But I dont like collecting coins or calligraphies.I like collecting postcards.I started the collection there years ago.

  Now I have more than 100 different postcards.Some show famous places of interest.Some show great words of art.But my favorite postcard is from the USA,because the Statue of Liberty on it.

  I think it is easy to get postcards.Because my friends always send many postcards to each other for holidays or birthday.

  I like collecting postcard,because they are beautiful.And postcards can teach me a lot of different places.Whats more,they can help me learn about the local conditions and customs of different countries.

  In the word,Collecting Postcard is interesting and meaningful.It gives me a lot of fun and knowledge.So let me collect postcards together.
